Sunday, Oct 06th

diamondnecklaceStolen: A Church Lane man reported someone removed his briefcase, computer and a suitcase containing clothing from his side porch July 24.

On July 24, while shopping, a woman lost her wallet in Deciccio's Marketplace on East Parkway. Later, the wallet was found in a shopping cart by an employee, but the cash – $1,000 – was missing.

The owner of Wilson and Son Jewelers on Chase Road reported that a necklace, formerly housed in a showcase, has been missing since November 12, 2014. The necklace was described as an 18-karat white gold and diamond opera necklace, containing 224 diamonds totaling 38.27 carats. It was valued at $58,400. The owner said he was not sure if the necklace had been misplaced or if it had been stolen.

Car break-ins:
Several unlocked cars were entered and rummaged through on Madison Road overnight July 26. One resident reported a few dollars in loose change had been stolen from his car. Another resident reported his red wallet had been stolen out of his car. The wallet was found on the street in front of a driveway, but $110 cash was missing from it.

Wrong house:
On July 20, a dog walker from Pets-a Go-Go accidentally went inside the wrong Foxhall Road house looking for a dog to walk. The homeowner said the dog walker must be mistaken and asked her to leave. The dog walker left through the same side door through which she entered. The homeowner and police followed up with the dog walking company. A company representative apologized and said the dog walker was a substitute and made a mistake. The representative said the company changed their policies to avoid future similar incidents. Going forward, if a client's key does not work, the dog walker is required to call the company for the purpose of contacting the dog owner. Dog walkers are no longer authorized to try to open a door if the key does not work.

Locked in at the Scarsdale Pool:
At 8:15 p.m., July 23, police received a call about a person locked inside the Scarsdale Pool Complex. On scene, police were greeted by several lifeguards outside the pool gates. A woman, from Rectory Lane, was inside the pool complex and could not get out. She said she had been drying her hair in the lock room and had not heard the announcement that the pool complex was closing. Police unlocked the gate door, and the woman was able to safely leave the pool complex.

Identity theft:
On July 21, an Aspen Road woman reported someone used her Social Security number and an old email address to open an online account with the Social Security administration. The woman notified the Social Security administration that the account was fraudulent.

On July 22, a Circle Road man reported someone filed a fraudulent tax return in his name. He learned about it after receiving a letter from the IRS. Additionally, the man learned that someone called Chase Bank attempting to get information about the balances in his accounts, the man said.

Street signs:
A 3-hour parking sign was pulled out of the ground on Stonehouse Road near the pathway to the Wayside Lane tennis courts. A passerby found the sign on July 20 and notified police. Patrol gave the sign to the highway department for replacement.

On July 21, a driver complained about a bent street sign sticking out into the road, causing a hazard. Patrol straightened the pole of the sign so it was no longer protruding into the roadway. Patrol left a notification for the highway department.

On July 25, a passerby reported a stop sign had been turned to face the wrong direction at the intersection of Greenacres Avenue and Kingston Road. Police turned the stop sign around to face the proper direction.

While on routine street patrol, police noticed an illuminated tactical style flashlight in front of a Ferncliff Road house around 2 a.m., July 21. Due to the hour ad the rash of recent larcenies in the village, police found the flashlight's presence to be disturbing. They vouchered the flashlight as possible evidence

Wood chips:
A Bell Road resident asked highway workers to remove their wood chipping machinery from in front of her house July 21. Before police arrived to mediate the discussion, the problem had been rectified.

A man locked his bicycle to a bike rack at Depot Place, took a train into the city and returned with the key to the bicycle lock July 21. He showed police his driver's license and a receipt of purchase for the bike. He asked police to cut off the lock so he could remove his bike and ride it home. Police were helpful.

Wrong way driver:
Westchester County police asked patrol to help them find and stop a driver who was reportedly driving the wrong way on the Bronx River Parkway near the Fenimore Road exit July 24. After looking for the driver for approximately 10 minutes, the driver was not found. It is possible the driver exited the parkway or turned his or her car around to drive in the correct direction.

Bless you:
A Boulevard woman was awake in her bedroom at 3 a.m., July 24, and thought she heard a person sneeze outside her window. She called police, and patrol canvassed the perimeter of her house and the surrounding area. Patrol did not find any suspicious individuals or any signs of criminality.

Man in the trees:
A concerned citizen reported a man standing in the tree line at Greenacres playground while children were playing July 24. Police questioned the man who was dressed in a security guard's uniform. He provided a license and stated he was hired by the board of education to monitor the playground for safety.

Welfare check:
Police checked the welfare of a 12-year-old Heathcote girl after the girl's father was found intoxicated in New Rochelle and taken to White Plains Hospital Center at 5:30 p.m., July 24. The girl said she was fine and did not need any assistance. She said her mother had been informed of the incident with her father, and her mother was on her way home.

Missing person:
At 7:15 p.m., July 24, Ross Road son called police to report his mother had been missing since 6 p.m. the previous day. While police were on scene collecting pertinent information, the mother called her husband. He went to pick her up and notified police. The mother was safe, and no one in the family requested further assistance.

A customer and a Scarsdale Avenue gas station employee were arguing over whether the customer's credit card had been charged $40 even though customer did not received any gas shortly after midnight, July 25. The gas station employee said the gas pumps were turned off, and therefore it was impossible for the customer to be charged. Patrol advised the customer to follow up in civil court if a charge appears on his credit card statement.

Broken glass:
A Rural Drive resident reported a shattered sliding glass door July 26. Upon investigation, police determined only the interior pane of a double paned glass door had been shattered. This indicated that the damage occurred from inside the house.

An Evon Court resident reported someone was "persistently ringing" his doorbell around 2 a.m., July 27. Police canvassed the area but did not find any signs of the ringer or of related mischief or criminality.

While patrolling the central village business district on July 20, the parking enforcement officer discovered a 2010 Toyota associated with a parking ticket scofflaw on East Parkway. Police confirmed the owner of the car – Jacqueline Leone – owed a balance of $380 in unpaid parking tickets. The car was towed and impounded by police.

Cars and roadways:
After a Brambach Road resident complained about a gray Honda Accord parked on the street "for three weeks, in violation of the 3-hour parking sign," patrol attempted to contact the owner on July 21. The owner was a resident of Brambach Road but was unable to be reached.

Police issued a parking summons to the driver of a car parked in front of a Drake Road resident's driveway July 21.

Police moved a large branch off of Hampton Road July 22. They left a note for the highway department to pick it up.

Police marked tires and issued two parking summonses to drivers of cars who parked in violation of a three hour parking restriction on Brambach Road July 22.

Police issued a summons to the driver of a car parked in front of a fire hydrant on Fairview Road July 23.

Police notified the highway department about a dangling tree branch on Oakwood Place and a loose wire on Huntington Avenue July 24.

Police removed fallen branches from Post Road July 25.

Seven car accidents were reported in the village this week.

Village code:
At 7:30 p.m., July 22, neighbors complained of loud music coming from a Bradford Road house. Police informed the homeowner and asked him to lower the volume of the music.

Patrol saw approximately a dozen kids talking loudly and making noise in a Lincoln Road backyard at 11 p.m., July 22. The kids stopped and disappeared into a house when they saw patrol.

Police saw landscapers working in a Tompkins Road yard, with gas-powered leaf blowers on the ground near their truck July 22. Police spoke with the landscapers to educate them about village code regarding the proper use of blowers.

On July 23, police issued a summons to a window salesman soliciting without a permit on Fox Meadow Road.

Police advised a Sycamore Road resident of a noise compliant and advised the resident to lower the volume of his music July 25.

Police advised a Fox Meadow Road resident of a noise compliant and advised the resident to lower the volume of his music July 26.

On July 23, while attempting to take custody of a loose dog on Spier Road, a passerby told patrol that the dog possibly belonged to an Aspen Road resident. Patrol went to the possible owner's house, and the homeowner said she was, in fact, the owner of the dog. She claimed her dog and apologized that it had gotten out. Patrol cautioned the owner on village code regarding a dog at large.

On July 24, workers at a Carstensen Road job site reported a raccoon came out of a storm drain and tried to bite one of the workers. The raccoon ran away before police could investigate. No injuries were reported.

A Normandy Road resident reported a dead rabbit in the road July 25. Police arrived and observed a small rabbit carcass. At that time, the resident said she would prefer to bury the rabbit.

Lost and found:
A mother asked police to help find her son's car, which might have been stolen while the son was playing Frisbee on Edgewood School grounds July 20. While patrol was on scene, the young man checked Edgewood School parking lot again and found the car.

On July 20, a Cohawney Road woman reported losing two license plates last February.

A woman left a pink cosmetic bag at the Scarsdale pool complex July 24. The bag contained her pool pass, $36 cash and keys. She requested extra ridebys of her house because her keys were in the missing bag.

A man reported losing his wallet on Constitution Circle July 25. It contained credit cards, business cards and $100 cash.

Civil matter:
Police referred a Woods Lane homeowner to the building department to help sort out a property line disagreement that the woman was having with a neighbor July 24.

Firefighters helped a driver get car keys out of a storm drain on Spencer Place July 20.

Firefighters traced the source of sewer odor in a Spier Road house to a slop sink with a clogged trap July 21.

Firefighters shut off the water supply to a broken water heater in a Horseguard Lane house and advised the homeowner to call for service July 22.

Firefighters shut gas and electricity to an oven that sparked in a Ridgecrest East house July 22. They advised the homeowner to call for service.

Firefighters determined the cause of an unusual odor in a Walworth Avenue house was a moth repellant cake in the basement July 23. Firefighter4s removed the moth repellant and gave it to the homeowner for disposal.

An odor in Chase Bank on East Parkway was found to be caused by fumes from a roof primer July 24.

This week, firefighters assisted at two car accidents in the village. They responded to one false carbon monoxide alarm and 20 false fire alarms caused by device malfunction, cooking smoke, construction dust, a plumber sweating pipes and heat from a hair dryer.

This report covering police and fire department information from July 20-28 was complied from official information.

scarsdalesecuritylogoThis police report is sponsored by Scarsdale Security who does more than just security. Contact them about remote video for your home or business. Call 914-722-2200 or visit their website.

bikeAt 1:19 a.m., July 14, a Walworth Avenue resident reported seeing a dark colored 2003 GMC Yukon SUV strike a Lexus on Walworth Avenue and flee northbound into White Plains. The driver of the SUV was found in White Plains, at the intersection of Walworth Terrace and Colden Avenue. The SUV had heavy front end and side damage. The driver – an 18-year-old boy from Rye – was found to have red, glassy eyes. The police report noted he could not maintain his balance, and he smelled of alcohol and marijuana. Police administered field sobriety tests, which the boy was unable to complete successfully. He admitted he had been smoking marijuana earlier that day. Police then arrested him for driving while under the influence of drugs, and they impounded his car. Police searched the car and uncovered 9.5 grams of hallucinogenic mushrooms. The boy was arraigned at Scarsdale Village Justice Court and released on $500 cash bail. Police released the boy to his mother, and he was ordered to appear again in court on July 15.

Stolen car
A car was stolen from a Walworth Avenue open garage overnight July 13. The car was unlocked, and the keys were inside. The owner said personal property, including a wallet containing credit cards, was stolen from the car's interior. Later the car was found in another jurisdiction and recovered.

Cyclist hit
A 58-year-old bicyclist was struck by a car in the intersection of Fenimore Road and Brite Avenue July 16. A witness saw the driver of a 2003 Toyota strike the cyclist and leave the scene of the accident. The bicyclist was taken to Westchester Medical Center, and police tracked down the driver. The driver, an 83-year-old Hartsdale woman, was issued a summons for leaving the scene of an accident.

Motorbiker at Scarsdale High School
After receiving a complaint about a loud motorbike speeding on the grounds of Scarsdale High School at 7:15 p.m., July 18, police encountered a young man sitting on the bleachers next to a motorbike. He refused to provide his name to patrol; however, patrol was already aware of his name. Patrol advised the young man that vehicle and traffic law prohibits riding an unregistered motorbike on a public road. Patrol also advised the young man that motor vehicles are prohibited on the school tracks and fields. The young man was ordered to leave the area and push the bike back to his house.

On July 15, the custodian at Quaker Ridge School reported a small Honda generator had been stolen from the school overnight. The generator had been chained to a trailer inside the school's garage. Police found evidence that the chain had been cut.
On July 15, a Rodney Road resident reported someone stole a bush from her property sometime between July 10 and July 13.
A Brewster Road homeowner reported two bicycles were stolen from her property July 16. One bike was behind her house, out of sight. The other bike was inside a backyard shed. The bikes had a combined value of $725.
On July 17, a Gorham Road resident reported a package containing prescription medication had been stolen from her front porch after it was delivered by UPS on July 15. The medication was not a controlled substance.

Car break-ins
On July 13, a Carman Road man reported an unlocked car parked in his driveway had been entered, and approximately 3 dollars in coins were stolen. Nothing was damaged. Police advised the man to lock his car doors to deter similar incidents in the future.
On July 13, a Tunstall Road woman reported two cars parked in her driveway were broken into overnight and approximately ten dollars in coins and an old iPod were stolen. Police advised the woman to keep her parked cars locked as a safety precaution.
On July 14, a Highland Way man reported his unlocked car had been ransacked overnight while the car was parked in his driveway. The man said items had been tossed out of the glove box, but nothing was stolen, and the car did not sustain any damage.
On July 15, a Tunstall Road resident reported her car had been broken into, and money was stolen overnight.

Identity theft
On July 13, a Walworth Avenue woman reported someone attempted to open numerous credit cards in her name using her Social Security number.
On July 13, a resident of Saxon Woods Road told police someone stole a check from her checkbook and used it to write a fraudulent check with a forged signature of her husband.
On July 19, a Montrose Road man reported someone used his personal information to open a Paypal account. He contacted Paypal and told them the account was fraudulent.

On July 13, a Boulder Brook Road woman reported someone alleging to be from the "Federal Grant Administration" called her and said she was eligible for a $9,000 grant. The person asked for the woman's bank account number or credit card number. The woman thought it was a scam and hung up the call. Police attempted to reach the caller, but the caller's number was disconnected.

Begging for money
A heavyset white woman who was approximately in her 40s rang a Stratton Road doorbell and asked the homeowner for money around 3:15 p.m., July 19. The homeowner said the woman began telling him an incomprehensible, rambling story about her "situation." She asked him to help her by giving her money. The homeowner abruptly stopped her, said he was not interested and closed the door. She knocked on the door again, and the homeowner said he was calling the police. The woman then got into a car driven by a man with a long beard, and they left the area.

Criminal mischief
A contractor noticed a broken window and an empty bottle of vodka at a Birchall Drive construction site July 13. The window had been broken by a rock. The contractor said he would inform the homeowner.
On July 15, a money canister was removed from a Woodland Place parking meter and left on the ground in the nearby woods.

On July 16, the manager of Fenway Gold Club reported a former employee was sending unwanted emails to management and club members. The former employee had been fired for allegedly taking food from the kitchen without approval. He told the chef he needed yogurt to take required prescription medication; however, he had not discussed his medical needs with his supervisor before taking the yogurt without permission. The unwanted emails started as attempts by the employee to be reinstated in his job. However, subsequent emails became accusatory toward managers and other employees. Police attempted to contact the former employee but received an error message stating the number could not be reached.

Unusual call
An unknown man called a woman's cell phone and house phone July 17. He left a message on her cell phone stating he could not get into her apartment to fix her stove because the top lock had been changed. The woman was confused because she does not live in an apartment, her stove was not broken, and she did not call anyone to fix anything. Police attempted to call the caller's number, but it came back as an invalid number. Police increased ridebys of her house as a precaution.

A concerned citizen called police about a possible domestic dispute on Madison Road in Eastchester July 14. On scene, a woman said she had had an argument with her husband, and her husband went in the house. Police stood by until patrol units from Eastchester arrived.
Police investigated an old and worn backpack found near the front entrance of 7-Eleven on Garth Road July 17. They bag was empty and appeared to have been discarded. The store clerk said he would dispose of the backpack.
Police helped mediate a dispute between a mother and her adult daughter in Quaker Ridge July 17.

Cars and roadways
After two oncoming cars almost had a head-on collision, police issued a summons to Con Edison for failing to have flaggers at a work site at Fox Meadow and Butler roads July 13.
Police removed a fallen tree branch from Crossway July 13.
On July 15, police stopped work at a Con Edison job site because the contractors did not have proper traffic control in place. The permit held by Con Edison stated Con Edison must have proper traffic controls in place while crews are working in the road.
A driver of a Honda Civic collided with a deer that ran across Post Road at 2:30 a.m., July 16.
Two people with a flashlight were reported to be in a Honda CRV parked on Beechwood Lane around 10 p.m., July 16. Police questioned the people and learned they were residents of the neighborhood. They said they were "just hanging out."
A car became disabled on Post Road July 17. Patrol helped the driver move the car into the parking lot of Village Hall, where she waited for a tow.
Police advised the water and highway departments about a possible water main break at Brite Avenue and Chesterfield Road July 18.
Eight car accidents were reported in the village this week.

Police shot sick and dying raccoons on Black Birch Lane and Lincoln Road and notified the sanitation department for removal July 14. Police described the raccoon on Lincoln Road as "shaking, unable to walk" and with "white residue around the mouth" – all signs of rabies.
On July 15, an Old Lyme Road resident reported seeing a coyote in her backyard. It ran off before police arrived.

Village code
Police issued summonses to landscapers using gas-powered leaf blowers on Horseguard Lane and Sycamore Road July 15, and on Lincoln and Spier roads July 17.
On July 15, police issued a summons to the owner of a locked car left idling on Greenacres Avenue for several hours.

Car seat
A Mamaroneck Road woman reported a casually dressed Hispanic man driving a white van stopped in front her house, removed a car seat from his van and placed it in her bushes in a "slightly concealed" manner. According to the woman, there were no visible children in the van, nor were there any visible children's belongings in the van. The woman was concerned because she thought the man's actions were unusual. Patrol examined the car seat and noted its condition as "used.' Patrol attempted to run the van's license plate, as provided by the caller, but it came back as an invalid plate number.

Lost and foundpin
A Fox Meadow woman found a gold pin on Olmsted Road on the morning of Sunday, July 19. Please contact, to claim it.

An anonymous person found a wallet in the village and brought it to headquarters July 13. It contained a driver's license and approximately 13 dollars cash. Police attempted to contact the owner, using information found on the driver's license, but the attempt was unsuccessful.

On July 14, a Dickel Road mother reported her daughter lost her wallet somewhere in the village. It contained a driver's license, credit cards, gift cards and 40 dollars cash.
A loud party was reported on Woods Lane around 11 p.m., July 15.


  • A HVAC technician pushed the test button on a carbon monoxide monitor because he found a faulty flue pipe in a Mamaroneck Road house July 13. Firefighters shut down the hot water heater and heating system that were tied into the flue pipe. They called Con Edison and technicians red tagged the faulty systems.
  • A Broadmoor Road resident called firefighters about rainwater leaking through the basement foundation wall July 14. The water was contained within buckets near the foundation wall. Firefighters advised the homeowner to contact a drainage contractor to repair the condition.
  • A backhoe ruptured a gas line at a Penn Boulevard house July 16. The contractor secured the broken line and turned off the gas. Firefighters stood by for Con Edison.
  • A hot water heater was leaking water, which kept extinguishing the heater's pilot light in a Meadow Road house July 16. Firefighters shut gas and water to the unit and advised the homeowner to call for service.
  • Firefighters stood by for Con Edison at the site of a burning electrical wire on Post Road July 17.
  • Firefighters stood by for Con Edison at the site of a possible gas leak in a Weaver Street house July 17.
  • Firefighters stood by for Con Edison at the site of a possible gas leak in a Garden Road house July 18.
  • This week, firefighters assisted at one car accident in which a driver had to be extricated from a car after the car rolled over on Palmer Avenue June 19. They responded to 11 false fire and carbon monoxide alarms caused by device malfunction, cooking smoke, dust, a burnt pizza bagel, leaking water and candle smoke.

This report covering police and fire department activity from July 13-19 was complied from official information.

scarsdalesecuritylogoThis police report is sponsored by Scarsdale Security who does more than just security. Contact them about remote video for your home or business. Call 914-722-2200 or visit their website.

chaironfireOn July 3, police arrested an 18-year-old boy, from Brewster, on felony charges of fourth-degree grand larceny and second-degree possession of a forged instrument, related to a June incident involving a Post Road resident. The boy was arraigned at Scarsdale Village Justice Court, and $500 cash bail was posted by his father. The boy was ordered to appear in court again July 8.

On July 2, an employee of 7-Eleven reported a man stole four cans of Rolling Rock beer from the store. The suspect was described as a dark-skinned Hispanic who appeared to be in his early twenties. Police canvassed the area but did not locate the man.

Vandals burn chair at Greenaces playground
A chair was lit on fire and destroyed on the rear exterior playground of Greenacres School June 30. Firefighters first responded to the scene and extinguished the fire. Near the chair, they found a bottle of rubbing alcohol and two lit matches. The chair was made of plastic and metal, and due to the fire, the plastic had melted and was sticking on the asphalt ground. The asphalt was damaged. Firefighters called police for further investigation.

Golf course fire
On June 30, the superintendent of Quaker Ridge Golf Club reported evidence of a fire in one of the sand pits. On scene, police noted charred wood in the pit. The superintendent said similar incidents have recently been occurring on the golf course, particularly in areas near the Hutchinson River Parkway and Colonial and Herkimer roads. Police said they would increase ridebys of the area.

Criminal mischief
At 3:30 a.m., July 1, a Brite Avenue resident reported hearing two gunshots outside her house. Police canvassed the area for property damage, witnesses and suspects. They found a parked car with its front driver's side window shot out, apparently by a pellet gun. The owner of the car was travelling abroad and not due back until July 7.

A 2015 Jeep parked on River Road was vandalized July 1, according to the Jeep's owner.

A Nelson Road woman advised that someone placed two large bags of garbage on her front porch July 5. She said similar incidents have happened in the past. Police put the bags of garbage out for sanitation pickup and advised the woman they would increase ridebys.

Identity theft
On July 4, a Huntington Road man reported his Internet American Airlines Mileage Money Market account, managed by, was fraudulently taken over by an unknown person. The man said his account data and balance had disappeared from the online site, and his debit card no longer worked. The man told police he had received an email about changing his contact information April 2, but he never contacted the bank to dispute it.

Unwanted calls
On June 30, a young woman living with a host family reported receiving several explicit calls on the host family's house phone. The woman said the calls might have been a wrong number or a prank, but they made her feel uncomfortable and fear for her safety. She asked police to increase ridebys of her host family's house.

Broken window
A Brambach Road woman reported a broken window in her sunroom June 30. She was afraid one of her relatives might have broken the window, and she wanted to document the incident.

Cars and roadways
On June 29, police helped the driver of a disabled car move the car to the side of Huntington Avenue.

On June 30, police asked drivers to move illegally parked cars on Fox Meadow Road.

Police placed flares and caution tape around a fallen trees at Post and Crane roads, Post and Popham roads, Heathcote and Sherbrooke roads and Post and Ferncliff roads July 1. The highway department was notified for cleanup.

Police notified utility providers about a low hanging wires on Mamaroneck Road July 1.

Police closed Brook Lane while waiting for Con Edison to address a fallen tree limb entangled in wires July 1.

A deer crossing Heathcote Bypass hit two cars travelling in opposite directions July 5.
Four car accidents were reported in the village this week.

Lost and found
A woman found a wallet near Scarsdale train station and brought the wallet to headquarters July 1. Police attempted to contact the owner of the wallet but instead reached his mother. She thanked police and advised her son would pick it up soon. The wallet contained a driver's license, a credit card, 20 dollars cash and various other credit cards.
On July 2, police were called to investigate a Trek bicycle handcuffed to a yield sign at Greenacres Avenue and Farley Road. A resident said the bike had been there for three days. Police managed to free the bike from the yield sign. They vouchered it at headquarters for safekeeping.
A resident reported losing a license plate somewhere in the village July 2.

Village code
Shortly before 11 p.m., June 29, police were called to a Saxon Woods Road house because of a reported "loud youth party." There, police spoke with a teenage girl who said she was entertaining some friends. Police advised her of the noise complaint, and she promised to keep the noise down. Police also called her father and advise him of why police were at his house. The father said he would be home within one hour.

On July 1, police issued a summons to a landscaper using a gas-powered leaf blower on Fox Meadow Road.

A man walked into headquarters to report he lost his sunglasses somewhere in the village July 1.

A light fixture was smoking in a Chase Road office July 2. Firefighters determined the ballast in the fixture had burnt. The burning was confined to the fixture. Firefighters advised the manager to contact an electrician for repair.

A resident of a Lincoln Rad house was feeling ill, with a headache and a burning sensation in her eyes July 2. Firefighters found evidence of natural gas in the kitchen and called Con Edison for follow-up. Scarsdale Volunteer Ambulance Corps treated the woman on the scene, and she refused further medical attention.

Con Edison was notified about a slight natural gas odor in a Wheelock Road house July 2.
Firefighters notified Verizon about low hanging wires on Secor Road July 2.

A burning odor was coming from clothes dryer in a Highland Way house July 3. There was no evidence of fire. Police advised the resident to replace the dryer because the motor seemed to be overheating.

Firefighters responded to a recurring gas-like odor in a Mamaroneck Road basement July 3. A slight odor was present, but its source could not be identified. Firefighters instructed the resident to remove containers of paint and driveway sealing products from the basement, as well as containers of gasoline from the garage to rule of these substances as possible odor sources. Firefighters gave the resident numbers for the department of health for further investigation.

Food ignited in a Wakefield Road oven July 3. Firefighters extinguished the fire and checked for extension. The fire was confined to the contents of the oven. Firefighters advised to have the oven serviced before using it again.

Firefighters helped a Meadow Road woman get into her house after she accidentally locked herself outside July 4.

Leaves were smoking in an outdoor fire pit on Post Road July 4. The resident of the house was baking potatoes there. Firefighters told the resident he was not allowed to burn leaves in a fire pit.

Firefighters stood by a burning electrical service line on Dobbs Terrace while Con Edison workers were getting ready to replace it July 5.

This week, firefighters assisted at two car accidents in the village and on parkways. They responded to 17 false alarms caused by device malfunction, burnt bread, sanding, shower steam, painting, cooking smoke and burnt popcorn.

scarsdalesecuritylogoThis police report is sponsored by Scarsdale Security who does more than just security. Contact them about remote video for your home or business. Call 914-722-2200 or visit their website.

dunkindonutsStolen travel coffee mug? On July 7, the manager of Dunkin' Donuts on Depot Place told police a man and woman stole two refillable travel coffee mugs from a shelf display inside the store. The mugs were valued at $9.99 each. According to a witness, the couple placed two mugs inside the woman's Coach bag and left the store without paying for the merchandise. Based on a description of the couple's car, police tracked down the vehicle on Post Road and initiated a traffic stop. Police explained that the couple was accused of stealing two mugs from Dunkin' Donuts. The woman stated she had taken one mug and assumed the man had paid for it. The couple consented to a search of their car, and only one mug was found. The couple advised there must have been a misunderstanding, and they voluntarily returned to the store to pay for the mug. There, the manger advised them they were no longer welcome in the store.

A Spier Road woman said she was in her garage when a man stopped his white four-door sedan in front of her house and asked for directions to Fenimore Road and Scarsdale High School. As she approached the car to give the man directions, she saw he was exposed and masturbating. She immediately walked away from the man's car and called police. He was described as a clean-shaven Hispanic man with a short haircut, approximately 30 years old. She also told police she had "unfortunately observed his penis to be uncircumcised." Police canvassed the area but could not find the man.

Criminal mischief:
On July 6, police found a parking meter that had been pried open on Scarsdale Avenue. The coin canister had been removed and was lying on the ground about four feet from the meter. It was intact, and there were no coins inside. The locking mechanism on the meter was damaged. The parking enforcement officer advised patrol the canister had been emptied on July 2; so police deduced there was probably not much money, if any, in the canister. Later, on July 8, a parking enforcement officer discovered two damaged parking meters on Woodland Place. Someone had tampered with the locking mechanisms of both meters.

While driving on Huntington Avenue toward the intersection of Post Road on July 9, a woman saw a Hispanic man, 18–25 years old and approximately six feet tall, writing graffiti on a traffic signal box. The graffiti, spelling out "Skippy," was written in red paint. When the man noticed the woman looking at him, he concealed the paint in his maroon-colored shirt and got into a white, four-door sedan parked on Huntington Avenue. The sedan, driven by a Hispanic man with a chubby face, headed west toward Sage Terrace.

On July 11, a Fairview Road woman reported someone smashed the windows of her 2015 Mini Cooper with a BB-gun. There was also damage sustained to the hood, apparently from a fist that struck the hood and made dents.

Vandalized light fixtures:
A Morris Lane resident reported two individuals broke the resident's driveway lamp July 12. These individuals also placed a strip of wood, with nails sticking out of it, across the driveway. The fixture was valued at approximately $2,000. While canvassing the neighborhood for other acts of criminal mischief, police discovered two other damaged driveway light fixtures on Morris Lane. At one house, the fixture had been smashed , and a garden hoe was hanging from it. At the other house, the glass pane of the light fixture was broken, and a real estate sign was knocked over.

Identity theft:
On July 6, a Meadow Road woman reported someone filed a fraudulent tax return in her name, using her Social Security number.

On July 6, a Kensington Road resident reported someone applied for a credit card in his name, and he received a denial letter about it June 20. Following the letter, the man informed the three credit reporting agencies and placed a fraud alert on his name. The man also said someone attempted to change personal information on his Verizon telephone account and instructed for all calls to be routed to an unknown number. The man placed a new pin number on his account for future telephone support. Later, on July 10, the man's wife reported receiving a credit card welcome packet for a card for which she never applied. The cards were cancelled before the woman experienced financial loss.

On July 7, a Corell Road man reported someone filed a fraudulent tax return in his name, using his Social Security number.

On July 9, a Mamaroneck Road woman reported someone opened three fraudulent credit cards in her name. She did not incur any financial loss. She notified the three credit reporting agencies and the Federal Trade Commission about the incident.

Fraudulent check:
On July 11, a Nelson Road man reported someone stole a check that he had mailed to his landlord and altered it to state a different pay amount and payee. The check was cashed at a Bronx bank or lending establishment, according to police.

On July 9, police removed the license plates of a truck and issued the driver summonses for driving with a suspended registration and a suspended inspection. The suspension was issued on June 20 for failure to pay a truck mileage tax.

Twelve car accidents were reported in the village this week.

Taxi fare:
A taxi driver dropped two men off on Herkimer Road and reported they did not pay for their fare of $76. Police arrived and took the men back to the taxi. There, they realized the credit card they swiped had been declined, and therefore the driver had not received proper payment. They promptly paid with a different credit card.

Suspicious person:
The director of a camp at Greenacres School reported a man hanging out around the playground while children were playing July 10. She asked the man to leave, but he later returned. He was describes as a Hispanic man in his 50s, wearing a suit jacket, tee shirt, baseball cap and glasses. Police have increased ridebys of the area.

Cars and roadways:
Police notified the highway department about a loose manhole cover on Chesterfield Road July 7.
A fallen tree branch took down wires on Brook Lane July 7. Firefighters and Con Edison responded.
A four-year-old Mamaroneck Road girl accidentally locked herself in her mother's car while playing with the keys July 7. The mother called Heathcote Exxon for assistance, and a service person arrived and unlocked the car. The girl was sweating but unharmed. According to the mother, the girl was in the locked car for about 10 minutes.
A parking enforcement officer discovered a car with scofflaw violations for unpaid parking tickets parked on Harwood Court July 8. The unpaid tickets amounted to $370. The car's owner arrived and drove the car away before a tow truck arrived to impound the car. Patrol advised the owner to pay the parking tickets as soon as possible.
Police called a tow for a driver whose car broke down on Mamaroneck Road July 8.
A falling tree struck a passing car on Weaver Street and Griffen Avenue July 9. The roof and windshield were damaged. An off-duty EMT was attending to the injured driver, while Scarsdale Volunteer Ambulance Corps was en route to offer additional care. The highway department and firefighters responded.

Late Rent:
A Lyons Road landlord would not let a tenant into the house because the tenant was behind with the rent July 12. Police advised them it was a civil matter and must be rectified in court. They landlord and tenant reached a mutual agreement before police left the scene.

Police picked up a loose dog from Graham Road and called New Rochelle Humane Society to pick it up July 7.

Village code:
Police issued summonses for using a gas-powered blowers in violation of village code to landscapers on Putnam Road July 8 and Cooper Road July 10.
A caller complained about a man "yelling" in his car at the high school July 8. Upon speaking with the man, police learned he was a tennis instructor who was praying out loud during a break.
Police dispersed teenagers from Freightway Garage around 10 p.m., July 9. The kids were skateboarding, and left the garage when police instructed them to do so.
Police issued a summons to a contractor on Axtell Road because he was using gas-powered equipment before designated hours July 11.
After neighbors complained of noise, police asked a Brite Avenue party host to lower the volume of music. She complied.

Firefighters shut water to a broken pipe in a Crest Lane house and advised the homeowner to call a plumber July 6.
Firefighters stood by for Con Edison at the site of a gas main rupture on Penn Boulevard July 6.
Firefighters shut down a malfunctioning boiler in a Greenacres Avenue house and advised the homeowner to call for service July 7.
Firefighters stood by for Con Edison at the site of a possible gas leak on Lawrence Road July 9.
An East Parkway business was performing plumbing work that caused a fire alarm to activate July 9. Firefighters instructed the contractor to cease work until the work could be evaluated by the fire inspector and building department.
This week, firefighters assisted at two car accidents in the village. They responded to 14 false fire alarm caused by malfunction, cooking smoke, dead batteries, construction work.

This report covering police and fire department activity from July 6-12 was compiled from official information.

scarsdalesecuritylogoThis police report is sponsored by Scarsdale Security who does more than just security. Contact them about remote video for your home or business. Call 914-722-2200 or visit their website.

chefshatOn June 23, police charge Decicco Marketplace chef with petit larceny for stealing money from purse left in shopping cart by a customer June 20. John Corso, Jr., 45, of the Bronx, was captured on video surveillance, and confessed his actions to police. According to the victim – a 63-year-old woman -- she left the store with her purse inside a shopping cart and walked to her car in the parking lot on June 20. The video surveillance shows the woman returning the shopping cart to the entrance of the store, with the purse still inside the cart. Shortly thereafter, the video shows Corso, who is dressed in his white chef's coat, walk over to the coat, look around and push the cart containing the purse into another cart. He then walks off camera toward Christie Place with both carts. During a follow-up interview with Corso, police obtained a full confession. According to the police report, Corso was apologetic and said he was "going through tough financial times." He told police the total amount of money he stole from the customer's purse was $160. Corso was arrested on charges of petit larceny. He wrote a voluntary statement for police. He was released on his own recognizance and ordered to appear at Scarsdale Village Justice Court to answer charges on July 1.


A family member called Greenburgh police on the morning of Friday June 26, when they discovered Christina Ruth Buckley Silverman, age 46, deceased in an upstairs bathroom of their home at 1110 Dobbs Ferry Road in White Plains. There was no sigs of trauma or foul play and the death is under investigation by the Westchester County Medical Examiner. Buckley-Silver is survived by her husband Albert Silverman, two sons, Jack and Ben, her mother, Madeline and her sister, Jennifer (Carlos) O'Connell. She was born in New York City on December 9, 1968 and raised and educated in Ardsley. She graduated cum laude from NYU. Christina worked in advertising before retiring from NBC Universal to raise her two sons. Memorials should be sent to St. Jude Children's Research Hospital , P.O, Box 1000, Memphis, TN 3810.

A Mercedes Benz driver parked his car in Freightway Garage at 6:45 a.m., June 23, and returned to the car at around 6:40 a.m., June 25. Later that day, he noticed his car's hood ornament was missing.
The manager of the Popham Road CVS reported $809 worth of ScanDisk memory cards were stolen from a store display. A customer witnessed the theft in progress and alerted store employees. The suspect fled the store when confronted by the customer. Video surveillance showed the suspect acting suspiciously near the display and the witness told store management the suspect was putting numerous ScanDisk items "down his pants." The suspect was described as a white man wearing a white tee shift, red shorts and a black Yankees hat.
A Lincoln Road homeowner reported a $700 Trek bicycle was stolen from her open garage between 3 and 6 p.m., June 26.

Fraudulent tax return
On June 22, a Corell Road resident reported someone filed a fraudulent tax return in her name.

Fraudulent checks
On June 25, a Madison Road man reported a check he previously wrote on June 17 had been stolen and forged. The original check was written to Blue Cross Blue Shield for $69. The checks was dropped off for mailing at the Heathcote Branch Post Office in the inside mail pickup slot. However, the check never arrived at its destination but its information was instead used to form a counterfeit check. The fraudulent check was made payable to an unknown person in the amount of $4,920.29. The fraudulent check was of a different style than the man's original check, but all the information was the same. The signature was a copy.
On June 25, a Walworth Avenue man reported two fraudulent checks posted to his account. The checks were written to an unknown person and were cashed on June 10. The combined value of the checks was $2,700.

Identity theft
A Johnson Road woman reported someone stole approximately $2,000 from her business account with Chase Bank June 23. The theft occurred after the woman inadvertently clicked links in fraudulent emails and changed passwords for her online accounts with Chase Bank and Optimum. The money was removed from the woman's account through a QuickPay transaction.
On June 23, a Sheldrake Road couple reported receiving letters related to credit cards they never opened. Some letters contained new, fraudulent credit cards, and other letters were letters of credit card application denials. The couple was in the process of working with their banks' fraud departments and establishing security alerts.
On June 27, a Burgess Road woman discovered twelve fraudulent transactions on her MasterCard account. The charges, totaling approximately $20,000 – were made between May 23 and June 17, 2015. Police advised the woman to notify the credit card company, close the account and notify the credit reporting agencies.
On June 28, a Boulevard woman reported four fraudulent cell phone accounts were opened in her name. A bill from Verizon was generated in the amount of $518.68. She attempted to report the incident to Verizon's fraud department, but the department was closed when she called.

Broken windows
On June 22, a Myrtledale Road woman reported someone shot out her front window with a BB gun overnight. Police examined the window and noticed five small holes in the window's screen, a large hole in the window and several cracks. The window was double paned, and only the exterior pane was damaged.
On June 22, a Brookby Road woman reported someone broke her 2007 Honda Odyssey's side window while the van was parked in her driveway overnight. There were no apparent attempts to steal the van.
On June 27, two River Road residents reported the rear windows of their 2012 Kia van and 2014 Audi TT were broken while respectively parked in the resident's driveway and on the street. The van and Audi were locked, and no items were removed from either vehicle. A nearby resident reported hearing a "loud bam noise" followed by loud male voices sometime between 12:30 a.m. and 3 a.m. early that morning. A window of a third car on River Road was also broken; however the police report did not contain specific details about that car.

Graffiti was discovered on a street sign and parking meter on Garth Road June 24. The tag on the sign read "JHP or something similar," according to the police report.

On June 28, a Franklin Road woman advised police she wanted to file a harassment report against her mother-in-law, who allegedly called the woman's house numerous times against the woman's wishes. The mother-in-law allegedly left voicemails that made the woman fear her safety.

Hit and run
A 22-year old Tunstall Road man was reported to have been in an hit-and-run accident in the Town of Mamaroneck around 10:30 p.m., June 27. Town of Mamaroneck Police asked Scarsdale police to help them contact the alleged driver of the car that fled the accident. At the house where the alleged driver lived, police found an open door and went inside. There they found a driver's license and cell phone belonging to the homeowner's 22-year-old son. While police were at the house, the homeowners returned. They contacted their son at a friend's house and advised him to return home immediately. The young man came home and appeared to be intoxicated. The young man said he had been hanging out with friends earlier that evening and went on a "beer run" when the accident occurred. He said the road had been wet, and he lost control of his car. He said he was unsure about what to do about the accident and got a ride to a friend's house. He said he had not yet consumed any alcohol at the time of the accident, but instead started drinking after the accident. Police advised him to go to Mamaroneck police department for follow-up. Police advised the young man and his parents about resources that might assist them.

Cars and roadways
Police alerted the highway department about an animal carcass on Heathcote Road June 26. The carcass was scheduled to be removed.
Police removed a fallen branch from Brookby Road June 28.
Five car accidents were reported in the village this week.

Lost dog
A Carstensen Road dog accidentally got loose and started following a jogger in the area June 28. Police picked up the dog, and shortly thereafter the owner reported her dog was missing. Police reunited dog and owner.

Village code
Police issued a summons to a landscaper using a gas-powered leaf blower on Fayette Road in violation of village code June 23.
Police issued a summons to a landscaper using a gas-powered leaf blower on Oak Lane in violation of village code June 24.
Police issued a summons to a landscaper using a gas-powered leaf blower on Oxford Road in violation of village code June 26.
A person was riding a bicycle shouting at people through a megaphone on Aspen Road June 26. Police advised the person to stop because it was causing a noise disturbance.
After neighbors complained of noise, police asked a Walworth Avenue party host to lower the volume of noise June 27.

Lost and found
A person gave police a wallet found on the basketball courts at Heathcote Elementary School June 23. It contained two dollars in cash, two identification cards and three gift cards. Police were unable to locate the owner's contact information. The wallet was vouchered at headquarters.
A woman reported losing her wallet somewhere in the village June 24.
A Ross Road man reported losing the license plates of his car June 27.

scarsdalesecuritylogoThis police report is sponsored by Scarsdale Security who does more than just security. Contact them about remote video for your home or business. Call 914-722-2200 or visit their website.