Sunday, Sep 29th

natbonyScarsdale School Board member Sunil Subbakrishna has informed the School Board Nominating Committee (SBNC) that, for professional reasons, he will not be a candidate this year for re­election to the Scarsdale Board of Education. Mr. Subbakrishna has served on the School Board since 2011 and, although eligible for re­nomination, has decided not to seek a second term.  Board colleague Jonathan Lewis, who was elected at the same time as Subbakrishna, also declined to run for a second term, leaving the SBNC with two vacancies to fill on the Scarsdale School Board. The announcement was sent to by John Clapp and Viveca Teuber who serve as Chair and Vice Chair of the Scarsdale School Board Nominating Committee.

John Clapp said, "On behalf of the SBNC, I would like to thank Sunil for his service to the school district and the community. While we would like to be considering him for re­nomination, we respect his decision to step down at the end of the current school year and wish him well in his future endeavors."

Mr. Subbakrishna said: "I would like to thank the community for giving me the opportunity to serve on the board for three years. I truly appreciate the time I have spent on issues related to the education of our children. It is fulfilling and rewarding work. I regret that I will not be able to continue for the next three years, but the professional demands of my career make it impossible for me to continue. I would also like to thank my board colleagues who have made this such an enjoyable experience for me, and who will remain my friends when my service is complete."

This year, Subbakrishna served as the Board's Vice President, and traditionally the Vice President becomes President of the Board in the subsequent term. During his term, Subbakirshna led an effort to create a five-year strategic plan for the Scarsdale School District, integrating the educational vision with financial planning. During the fall he held focus group and administered surveys to gather community views on the future of the schools.The plan was to use this data to develop a 5-year financial projection for the district.

The Scarsdale School Board's job has become increasingly difficult due to financial pressures posed by the NYS state tax cap, escalating unfunded mandates and challenges from community members who object to rising taxes. In May, 2013, for the first time in 43 years, the district's first school budget failed at the polls. The Board has agreed to reduce reserves or "undesignated funds" that in past years cushioned the community against big tax increases. Without those funds the Board has little wiggle room to maintain the current program or add any new initiatives without raising taxes. Scarsdale's longtime Superintendent Michael McGill also announced that he would retire at the end of the 2013-14 school year, following contentious meetings with residents

Though neither Subbakrishna nor Lewis cited these factors as causes for their decision, it is evident that circumstances have made these volunteer positions difficult. The absence of both Lewis and Subbakrishna will challenge the Board's succession plans. The terms of Board members Lew Leone and Mary Beth Gose expire in 2016 and neither have assumed leadership positions. Leila Shames Maude and William Natbony are serving their first terms this year but may need to step up to leadership positions early on to fill the void left by their more experienced colleagues.

For futher information contact the Scarsdale School Board Nominating Committee at or Sunil Subbakrishna

spapoolIf you're looking for something different to chase away the winter blues, how about a visit to a Korean Spa? There are two in the area and both offer a wonderful way to relax, get a variety of different treatments, and sample a Korean tradition without getting on an airplane! King Spa is in Palisades Park, New Jersey and Spa Castle's located in Queens; both an easy drive from Scarsdale. The Spas are co-ed and Korean families bring young and older children. I went with a group of girlfriends and recommend it as a group experience, though I'd also do it with a spouse or my daughters. The Spas are open late so you can make it a day or evening activity.

Each Spa has an entrance fee ($40-$50 though you can get a Groupon for the one in NJ) that entitles kingspayou to use the many saunas and whirlpools that are located throughout the facilities. Once you check-in, you get a locker and are issued your spa garb – shorts and a T shirt that everyone wears. Facilities in both locations are similar with multiple saunas that are great for relaxing. Each has a different temperature and its own particular benefit that is described in detail. For example, there is the Rock Salt Sauna that has minerals for the skin and the Gold Pyramid Sauna that transfers energy into the body (or so it promises!) There's also an ice sauna! The saunas are different sizes and hold from 5-25 people. You can sit, lie down, read a book, chat with a's really fun.

spacastlebBoth of these Spas are large and have multiple floors. There are rooms for relaxing with comfortable chairs or lounges. And since you want to spend at least 3 hours here, it's nice that they have a restaurant with good Korean food as well as salads, soup or something light. You can book appointments ahead or once you get there. It takes a while to figure things out and though the staff doesn't speak English well, people are friendly and will help out.

Best of all are the many spa services that are priced individually, but I think all quite reasonable. I suggest the body scrub and massage; it's given separately in the women's and men's bath areas. Here you have to throw inhibitions to the wind as everyone walks around in the buff. There are multiple baths at different temperatures and some have whirlpools. At the Queens facility, there are also co-ed whirlpools (so bring a bathing suit) on the roof and they are a lot of fun to jump into on a very cold day (particularly if it's nice and sunny). Back to the body scrub; first you warm up in the whirlpools and then you are called to come lie on a cot in an open area where they scrub every inch of you. Sound invigorating? It really is. They use some sort of loofah for exfoliating and it's an indescribable experience. You can do that by itself or combine it with a massage (which I recommend). If you aren't comfortable with the public areas you can also get a private massage and scrub in a different spot but I say when in Rome ... Other options are foot massage, reflexology, facial treatments and some other holistic experiences that I didn't try. There is also a gym at each of the spas but we came to relax! Spa Castle is a little easier to navigate and perhaps caters more to Westerners as well as Korean guests but I thought each facility had its charms. If you are interested, both Spas have websites and they give you an idea of what to expect. Take the plunge; it's a cultural experience as well as a nice indulgence!

Spa Castle
131-10 11th Avenue
College Point, NY
(718) 939-6300

King Spa Fitness
321 Commercial Avenue
Palisades Park, NJ


PicardYou never know who you'll meet at the Scarsdale Forum. On the agenda for the meeting on February 6 was a discussion of the Homestead Tax option, which would revise the way the Village assesses and taxes condominiums. As the Village is now undergoing a tax revaluation, they now have the option of adopting the "Homestead Tax Option " which would triple the real estate taxes for Christie Place homeowners. The extra revenues from the condo owners would be used to save the remaining Scarsdale homeowners an estimated $150 each.

A committee of Forum members studied the issue and recommended that the Scarsdale Board of Trustees and the Scarsdale Board of Education pass a resolution to adopt this tax option. Their report was approved by "expeditious treatment" by the committee. However, in order for it to be adopted by the Forum the report was put before the entire Forum at their meeting last week.

As Committee Chair Bob Berg was not present, Bob Harrison and Ed Morgan led the discussion. Morgan argued that condominiums now have an unfair tax property break and that passing the Homestead Tax option will "advance the goal of fairness of the property tax burden in Scarsdale." He called the current system "a loophole" and said that since all properties in Scarsdale were currently being revalued by the assessor, the condominiums should be as well. He conjectured that if the tax burden for the condos rose, the value of the properties would go down and lower assessments would yield lower real estate taxes for the condo owners.

Several condo owners from Christie Place were at the meeting to argue their case, including prominent attorney Irving Picard, who has achieved national fame as the trustee in charge of recovering funds from the Madoff scandal.

On Thursday, Picard took the mike to argue on behalf of himself and the other 41 Christie ChristiePlacePlace condominium owners. He said, "You talk about fairness. What's missing is background about the building. Ginsburg Development Corporation paid the Village $15 million for the (development, which included) underground parking, the sub-station, the elevator and the restrooms. We paid for that. The Village gets $325,000 a year from the parking spaces in Christie Place. The Village gets tax revenue from the commercial operations and gets money back from county sales tax. None of this has been incorporated into your report or considered when you talk about fairness."

He continued, "There is no loophole – it's the law and the Village has followed the law. When you look at the true facts, we are not subsidized. In fact, we have subsidized the Village of Scarsdale."

Sean Cohen from Chesterfield Road asked, "Is this just for Christie Place or for all homes? Christie Place has a restrictive covenant that limits sales to seniors without children in the school. Values on Christie Place are based on that deal."

Randy Guggenheimer said, "I was a member of the Forum's Revaluation Committee and I did not sign onto the report. The effect of the report from a practical perspective was to transfer a lot of money from a very few people onto a large group. Each condo owner would have to pay $25-$30,000 more per year to give a savings of $150 to everyone else."

Former School Board President Liz Guggenheimer added, "I have a few reactions. Is this really a report coming out of the Scarsdale Forum? It's a wonderfully written report presenting one perspective. Is it appropriate for the Scarsdale Forum to call this a report? She continued, "Fairness can be in the eyes of the beholder. I rely on the Village Board and Board of Education to look into this issue. Is this something we want to be the report of the Forum – or is it a document of the opinion of a few members?

Picard commented again, "If the Village had decided just to build a parking garage they would have had to float a bond and the taxpayer would have paid. We are paying for the garage, not the taxpayers."

Speaking in favor of the option, former Village Trustee David Buchen said," The community decided that there was inequitable tax distribution. We spent $1 million trying to rectify this. In pursuing equity among homeowner we are stumbling on the condo owners. The magnitude of the inequity demonstrates why it is not fair. Every homeowner needs to be treated the way we are treated."

Representatives from Christie Place distributed sheets of "Background and Facts" to support their case.

Among the facts were:

  • The Village took approximately 1.6 acres by eminent domain in 1999
  • The property brought no tax revenue to the Village for at least 7 years and was an eyesore.
  • GDC constructed and paid $15 million for the costs for garage facilities, a police substation, underground public parking, an elevator and two restrooms. In purchasing their units, the Christie Place Unit Owners repaid that amount to Ginsburg.
  • The owners of the 42 units on 1.6 acres paid $345,000 in real estate taxes in 2013
  • The Christie Place unit owners are carrying the remaining $2.75 million note from the construction of the garage, of which 80% is owned by the Village, and have been paying $137,500 in annual interest.
  • The owners of commercial properties at Christie Place paid $183,000 in real estate taxes in 2013.

Though there were only 19 members of the Forum at the meeting, the group took the measure to a vote and it was approved with 11 members voting yes, and 8 voting no. Given that the Forum's 2012-13 phone book listed over 400 members it is questionable whether a vote by 19 members is representative of the will of the membership. We asked Forum President David Irwin about the Forum's bylaws, and here is what he shared: "The Forum presently has something in the neighborhood of 450 members. The quorum requirement for membership votes is flexible. Although there is a set number for membership meetings in the by-laws, which I don't believe has been reached at any meeting in the recent past, the by-laws also go on to say that the determination of a quorum is up to the President. By necessity Presidents have been relying on this provision for some time."

The League of Women Voters of Scarsdale will hold an information meeting about the Homestead Tax Option on Thursday February 27 at the Scarsdale Library. The public is invited to attend the first portion of the meeting which will include a panel discussion and a question and answer session.

polierThe Grain of the Wood a play about the life of Justine Wise Polier, a visionary family court judge, dedicated to improving the lives of disadvantaged children and fighting social injustice will be performed at the Scarsdale Library at 3 pm on March 9. The first woman justice in New York State, Polier demonstrated her activist nature throughout her life, whether working undercover in a NJ textile mill or ruling against racial and religious discrimination in her courtroom. The daughter of prominent Rabbi Stephen S. Wise and child advocate Louise Waterman Wise, Polier worked with close friend Eleanor Roosevelt to open a school for delinquent boys in NY and mobilized to rescue 20,000 German refugee children desperate to escape Hitler, going up against fierce anti-Semitism in the US. She was also a vocal supporter of Israel and a leader in the American Jewish Congress.

The playwright is Ellen W. Kaplan, a professor of theatre at Smith College in Northampton, MA. She is collaborating with Debra Bradley Ruder, a Massachusetts-based journalist and granddaughter of Polier's. The script draws on Polier's vast collection of papers and the Schlesinger Library at Radcliffe, along with materials from other archives, books, Congressional records, newspapers and interviews with people who knew her personally and professionally. The three-person play celebrates Polier's life while exploring deeper questions of, "Did I make a difference? What more could I have done?"

A discussion with the cast and producer will follow the play.

RSVP to (914) 937-3151 or
$10 suggested donation. Refreshments will be served.

Sunday March 9 at 3 pm
Scott Room at the Scarsdale Library
54 Olmsted Road (at Post Rd.), Scarsdale, NY

tikkamasalaOnly someone who is intent on finding an Indian restaurant in Mamaroneck would be able to find Rani Mahal. An inconspicuous door near the movie theater leads to a flight of stairs that take you down to a low-key establishment with white-clothed tables, Indian décor and a maître d with a welcoming smile. Savvy locals also know that there is an entrance from the parking lot behind Mamaroneck Avenue – so keep that in mind if you're going to pick up a take-out order or can't find parking up top.

You'll know you're in the right place from the exotic aroma of curry, cumin and coriander that greets you at the entrance. Though Rani Mahal may not be the chicest of choices, it certainly hits a home run with their mouth-watering dinner menu. The restaurant has been in business for over seven years, undoubtedly due to the quality of the food that keeps customers coming back.

The restaurant offers both meat and vegetarian options and I wanted to try both to get a good idea of what's available. It was difficult to choose from the long list of salivating selections on the menu, but I decided to try Palak Paneer, Chicken Tikka Masala and Dal Tarka accompanied by an order of Naan. I asked my server what was in each of my selections and he explained the spices and preparation it took to create them.

Palak Paneer is a combination of spinach and cottage cheese with cinnamon, cardamom, cloves, ginger and garlic. This dish wasn't spicy but delivered a blend of flavors that were simmered to taste. The spinach and small chunks of cheese in a creamy sauce makes this dish a perennial favorite.

The Chicken Tikka Masala emerged from the kitchen in a deep orange sauce, which was a mix of tomato, cream boosted sagpaneerwith some food coloring. Knowing that the meat had been marinated with yogurt and sour cream, and then cooked in a clay oven, I anxiously awaited the dish. Although I liked the creaminess, I didn't like the idea of the food coloring. Given today's preference for organic and farm-to-table offerings, I wondered what benefit came from adding the coloring. Either way, it was mouth watering. Using the just baked Naan bread, I scooped up all the rich sauce.

Dal Tarka is a lentil recipe, which combines onion, tomatoes, ginger, garlic, turmeric, and red chili, more or less the base for many Indian dishes. If you like spice, you will dive into this dish! It was flavored perfectly and I gobbled it up.

On other visits we tried the samosas, which are triangular patties with potatoes, green peas and plenty of spice and also ordered the Dosa, a large paper-thin crepe that is folded around a mixture of potatoes, and peas and served with coconut chutney. For meateaters, the Keema Dosa includes ground lamb and coconut chutney. Also recommended are any of the selection of Biryani, which includes aromatic long grain basmati rice mixed with fruits, nuts and spice or saffron rice. This comes with your choice of lamb, beef, shrimp or vegetables.

Another staple is the Chicken Tandoori, spicy roast chicken on the bone, marinated and then baked in the clay oven.

Don't forget to order mango chutney and raita (cold yogurt with cucumber and onion) – both an excellent compliment to any dish on the menu.

Do yourself a favor; if you love Indian food and want fabulous service in Westchester, try Rani Mahal and enjoy the many options the restaurant has to offer. Takeout available too.

Rani Mahalrani4
327 Mamaroneck Avenue
(914) 835-0966

Lunch: 11:30 a.m. – 2:30 p.m.
Dinner: 5 p.m. – 10 p.m.
Sunday: 5 p.m. – 9:30 p.m.