Saturday, Sep 28th
wrestlersteamphotoThe Bronx River Cup, the last dual meet of the year for the Scarsdale and Edgemont wrestling teams, took place on Friday 1/27 with the Scarsdale Raiders securing a 46-30 win against the Edgemont Panthers. The rivalry between the two teams is fierce, and the tension between the two teams was palpable. Historically, the two have been well matched, with the Bronx River Cup exchanging hands for the last four years. The teams met recently at last week’s Edgemont Invitational, with Edgemont taking first place and Scarsdale taking second.

For the senior-heavy Raiders, this last meet carried with it a certain sentimental significance.

“It’s the last time I’m going to be able to represent my team” said captain John Tambunting before the match. “I want to be able to take home one more win for Scarsdale before I graduate.”

The Raiders got off to a rocky start, with Robert Keltz, Daniel Kestenbaum, Mike Hodges, and Daniel Kestenbaum falling to pins in tough matches. Senior bronxrivercup1Daniel Jureller answered back in the fourth match, scoring several takedowns, and slamming his opponent to the mat to earn a 12-3 victory, and 4 points for the Raiders. Captain John Tambunting, coming off a recent back injury, managed to take his match as well, bringing the team score to 18-7. The Panthers answered back with two 7-1 victories, widening the gap between the two teams to 24-7. Things were starting to look bleak for the Raiders.

It was at this point that Chen Shen stepped into the ring. After a hard fought three minutes, it looked as though senior might be beat. Panther wrestler Ross Kantor had Shen on his back, with his right shoulder blade no more than a half-inch off of the mat. With less than a minute to go, Shen performed a reversal, got his opponent in a half nelson, then pinned him for a Raider win.

“I always get tired when I wrestle, and I thought I might have been done for when he had me against the mat, but during this match, I kept hearing the shouts of my team and the fans. I kept telling myself I gotta stick this one out for all those people cheering for me.”

bronxrivercup2Captain Brian Hackel followed up Shen’s win with a pin of his own, defeating his opponent in three and a half minutes. Captains Jack Braun, and Jacob Berkowitz received forfeit wins in the 182 and 195 weight classes respectively, and sophomore George Bobalakis won by default in the 285 pound weight class as well, bringing the final match score to 46-30 for Scarsdale.

So what’s next for the Raiders? Divisionals and sectionals are in a few weeks, and everyone on the team is getting ready to ramp up their training schedules.

“At this point, it’s all about the individual”, said Coach Barney Foltman. “It’s time for our wrestlers to prove themselves at the sectional level and beyond”.

The Raiders are in a good position to do just that in the post season. Captains John Tambunting, Jack Braun and Jacob Berkowitz are favorites for the upcoming sectional tournament. Tambunting is projected to finish second at sectionals, Braun is projected to finish fourth, and Berkowitz is projected to finish first in their respective weight classes. bronxrivercup3

(Pictured at top: Scarsdale Wrestling Team: Photo Courtesy of Leslie Berkowitz )











HeffnerContributor Will Heffner is a senior at Scarsdale High School and has been a lifelong resident of Scarsdale. In his free time, he enjoys acting, and playing music. If you would like to contact Will for any questions or comments, he can be reached at



edgewrestle5Edgemont placed first and Scarsdale second in the 30th Annual Edgemont Wrestling Invitational that took place on Sunday January 22nd. The tournament, one of Section 1’s largest was originally planned for Saturday January 21, and was delayed one day due to the snow. Seventeen teams competed from public, private and Catholic schools, including Collegiate, Eastchester, Edgemont, Hackley, Horace Mann, Mamaroneck, Monticello, Mount Vernon, Pawling, Pearl River, Rye, Salesian, Scarsdale, Tuxedo, Westlake, Woodlands, and Yonkers.

Edgemont cam out on top with 228 points and had 10 of its 15 wrestlers place in the top 6 of their respective weight classes (9 in the top 4). They had 5 finalists and 4 individual champions. Here are their names and weight classes: Tyler Aslanian (sophomore, 99 lbs); Sky Korek (junior, 106 lbs); Trey Aslanian (junior, 113 lbs); Danny Kornberg (senior, 220 lbs). Kornberg won a thrilling sudden death overtime victory in his finals match.

The Most Outstanding Wrestlers of the tournament (as voted by all the coaches) were Jacob Berkowitz (Scarsdale, 182 lbs) and Trey Aslanian edgewrest2(Edgemont, 113 lbs).

According to Edgemont’s Head Coach Peter Jacobson, "This was a great tournament for our team. Our guys all wrestled hard and it shows in the results. To have 10 out of 15 wrestlers place at their respective weight classes says a lot about how much of a team effort this was. Our goal is to keep working hard and keep this momentum rolling into Sectionals and States."

Scarsdale coach Barney Foltman was also pleased with the team’s second place finish on Sunday when Scarsdale wrestler’s place in many events. Here is how they fared:

  • 1st Jacob Berkowitz 182 lbs
  • 1st Jack Braun 170 lbs
  • 2nd Daniel Jureller 126 lbs
  • 2nd Joe Koshakow138 lbs
  • 3rd Mike Hodges 113 lbsedgewrest3
  • 5th Chen Shen 145 lbs
  • 6th George Bobilakis lbs

According to Foltman, “it’s been a great season so far, the kids have worked hard and many of the boys are looking to place at sectionals.” The team is looking forward to the Divisional Tournament on February 4th at Horace Greeley and to the Sectionals on 2/11 and 2/12 at Pace University.

The final team standings and points were:

  • 1. Edgemont 228
  • 2. Scarsdale 179.5
  • 3. Horace Mann 178.5
  • 4. Pearl River 142
  • 5. Yonkers 121
  • 6. Mamaroneck 120.5Edgewrest4
  • 7. Pawling 97
  • 8. Monticello 78
  • 9. Collegiate 65
  • 10. Rye 59
  • T-11. Eastchester 53
  • T-11. Tuxedo 53
  • 13. Westlake 50.5
  • T-14. Hackley
  • T-14. Mount Vernon
  • 16. Salesian 45
  • 17. Woodlands 34

This Friday night, January 27th, see Scarsdale meet Edgemont when Edgemont hosts the Bronx River Cup at 6 pm.

All photos courtesy of Leslie Berkowitz.  See more at



15heathcoteRoadThe word is out! Beyonce and Jay-Z have left Lenox Hill Hospital and brought newborn Baby Blue Ivy Carter home to their manse on Heathcote Road. Unconfirmed rumors that the couple purchased a house here have circulated since their 2008 nuptials at Scarsdale Village Hall ... and now several sources have confirmed that the the Carters and their new baby have moved their official residence to their home in Scarsdale.  The house is reported to be 15,000 square feet on 2 acres on Heathcote Road and includes a tennis court, basketball court and guest house.

Will we soon see Beyonce at Gymboree and Tumblebugs? We certainly hope so and welcome the Carters and baby Blue to the 'dale.


beyonce2 It turns out that Beyonce and Jay-Z have not moved to Scarsdale. A story posted on both PopCrush and the Huffington Post claimed that Beyonce, Jay-Z and Baby Blue Ivy Carter were ensconced in a home on Heathcote Road.  However, several readers noted that the photos shown on of a large house under construction on Heathcote Road did not belong to the couple - and in fact, according to the Scarsdale tax assessement role, 10A Heathcote Road is owned by another Scarsdale family. News of the Carter's arrival in town spread like wildfire on the internet but turned out to be unfounded.

Possibly the celebrity couple has plans to relocate to a different location in Scarsdale. We certainly hope so -- but for now, there are no confirmed reports of where that might be.

bootcamp3_copyThough many make New Year’s resolutions to shape up, January is a rough time to start an exercise regime. It’s often too cold to walk or run outside, and with darkness descending at 5 pm, exercise options are limited.

Overstuffed from holiday indulgence and tired of lying on the couch, we made an appointment to attend boot camp at Vadim’s Fitness Studio on Central Park Avenue last week and were surprised at how much fun shaping up can be. Though the studio has been open for ten years, it was all new to us.

In just a one-hour session we sweated, stretched and toned and seemed to work every major muscle in a very efficient way. Accompanied by a sound track from Lady Gaga, exercise physiologist Michael Caceci lead us through a circuit training routine that was challenging yet entertaining. We rotated around the exercise studio doing 30-second stints using free weights, kettle balls, and elastic bands –and quickly learned to do the plank, jump through hoops, and squat and lunge while holding a heavy weight. The time sped by and the group groaned and giggled during a pre-dinner workout. The routine focuses on endurance, strength, balance, agility and coordination and Michael’s upbeat nature made hard work enjoyable.

This year Vadim Fitness Studio will move to larger quarters next door at 455 Central Park Avenue, where more customers can be accommodated and new training equipment including tire flips, battling ropes and power lift training will be added to the mix.

Boot camp is available in private sessions, or in groups, Monday through Saturday. The studio also offers one-on-one training, health and fitness assessments, full-body stretching, sports conditioning and performance enhancement, senior fitness and rehabilitation. Programs can be tailored to your individual needs.

Call for reservations first!

Vadim Fitness Studio
495 Central Park Avenue