Saturday, Sep 28th

christmastree1The holidays are upon us! Hannukah starts on December 20th with Christmas just five days later. To get you into the holiday spirit, the Scarsdale Chamber of Commerce is sponsoring their annual Holiday Tree Lighting at 5:00 pm on Friday night December 2nd. Bring your children to see the tree, meet Santa and enjoy hot chocolate and s’mores, courtesy of Lange’s of Scarsdale.

This year, local retailers in the Village Center will stay open late for holiday shopping on Thursday nights December 8, 15 and 22, from 5:00 – 8:30 pm.

Here are a few novel gift ideas from local businesses for your consideration:

backgammon1Backgammmon set from A&M Table in Colonial Village : Beautiful faux backgammon2snakeskin or crocodile backgammon set with velvet interior that comes in its own travel case. Includes: chips, dice, and dice cups. Measures: 18 1/2 inches x 11 inches: Price: $150

AMlogoA&M Table, 1495 Weaver Street, Scarsdale, 914-723-2462 Check them out on facebook :

Extra Virgin Olive Oil from Fig and Olive: Fig and Olive carries over 30 different types of extra virgin olive oliveoiloil ranging from a fruity and delicate varietal from Chateau Leoube in Provence to a buttery Arbequina from Melgarejo in Andalucía, Spain, a green fruit olive oil from Marquez de Grinon, Spain, and a peppery Tuscan olive oil from Villa Lucia. The restaurant also sells a variety of infused olive oils , with truffle, basil, and lemon. Other products sold include aged vinegars and specialty olives and spreads. Prices range from $12-32. Click here to order online or stop by Fig and Olive in the Vernon Hills Shopping Center to pick up your holiday gifts.

Fig and Olive, 696 White Plains Road, Scarsdale (914)725-2900

personaltrainingThis holiday season, give yourself the gift of fitness. Let Vadim Vilensky and his team of professional personal trainers finally help you achieve your fitness goals. At Vadim Fitness Studio, your personal trainer will create a workout program designed especially for you to optimize your results. Using innovative and cutting edge workout techniques, you and your trainer will work together to help you achieve a healthier, new and improved you. Start the New Year off right and click here to purchase a gift certificate from Vadim now!

Vadim Fitness Studio, 495 Central Park Avenue, Scarsdale, 914-725-9553

Add your products, services or business to the Scarsdale10583 Holiday Wish List – running now through Christmas. Ask about our FREE e-gift certificate program. Email us at or call 914-980-4803.


thanks6Thanksgiving meant more than turkey to Greenacres residents where players old and young gathered on the Greenacres field for the 12th Annual Turkey Bowl. At least five games of touch football were played on Thanksgiving morning and the field was full. Everyone enjoyed the fun, including the three Schutzman boys of Huntington Avenue.

Thanks to Dad Keith Schutzman for the photos.thanksfootball2thanksfootball3thanksfootball4Thanksfootball5



kennanGeorge F. Kennan, the author of the “X” Article, an architect of the Marshall Plan, and the principal originator of the policy of containment, was perhaps America’s most influential diplomat. John Lewis Gaddis, one of the leading scholars of the Cold War, with access to Kennan’s diaries and personal papers, discusses his new book, George F. Kennan: An American Life, as well as Kennan’s role as an architect--and subsequent doubter and critic--of American foreign policy in the 20th century. The talk will be held on Thursday December 1, 2011 in the Scott Room of the Scarsdale Library at 7:30 PM

Professor Gaddis, Robert A. Lovett Professor of History at Yale, is a recipient of the National Humanities Medal and author of a number of works dealing with the Cold War, including The Cold War: A New History, and Strategies of Containment.

For further information go to or call Rich Fabbro at 914 391 3707. This event is sponsored by the Yale Westchester Alumni Association.

John Lewis Gaddis





shsgrad11classAttention members of the Scarsdale High School Class of 2006:  The fifth reunion will be held this Saturday, November 26 from 10PM-12AM at SLATE  at 54 West 21st Street between Fifth and Sixth Avenues in NYC.

The class has rented out a space with two private cash bars, waitresses, and tables from 10pm-12am. At 12am, our private area of the bar will be open to the public; until then, it's all for SHS Class of '06! There will be no cover, but people will have to give their name at the door (there will be a class list on hand) so that Slate knows you're part of our party!

For more information, contact Audrey Arbeeney at or by phone at 914-629-7368


weaverwallAt a meeting of the Law and Land Use Committees of the Village Board on Wednesday night November 9, 2011, members of the Scarsdale Forum’s Zoning and Planning Committee went head to head with village trustees about the village’s management of construction projects.

Unhappy about the clear cutting of trees and the construction of a high retention wall at the Heathcote Manor project on Weaver Street, the Forum Committee, represented at the meeting by David Buchen, Lena Crandall, Dan Hochvert, Martin Kaufman and Bea Underweiser asked the Village to look into a revision of the building code and called for a moratorium on all development until this could be done.

However, given the unusual nature of this project, and its 20-year timeline, Trustees Brodsky and Mark defended the actions of the village's boards and staff and concluded that the sequence of events was unique and should not be the basis for a revision of Village building code.

In a November 3, 2011 letter to the trustees, the Forum committee cites “the clear cutting of the trees and the construction of an offensive wall along Weavertrees Street” and calls for the Village to “to limit or restrain such offensive blights upon our sense of the well forested, green nature of this largely single family residential community. A broad inquiry into our codes or our processes would be useful ex-ante new multiple unit development, instead of ex-post.” Given that the landscaping plan for Heathcote Manor was approved in 2004, the Forum Committee questioned why the plan did not have an expiration date so that new thinking about landscaping and flooding could be considered almost eight years later. They discussed the need for regulation on the maximum height of front-yard retaining walls and also wanted to know why the B.A.R. had not seen elevation drawings of the Heathcote Manor retention wall to help them better understand what it would look like when built.

The Forum Committee called for a moratorium on large-scale development while the Village considered zoning amendments.

Brodsky and Mark reviewed the history of the project in order to answer the Forum’s concerns. They found that the project had been on the agenda for 25 meetings of the Planning Board, BAR and Village Board since 1986. In their words, the project was “thoroughly reviewed and debated,” and in response to comments, “the Planning Board considered more than 70 different plans relating to the property.”

Though Brodsky and Mark agreed that the Village should look into assigning expiration dates for site plans, and asked the Village staff to investigate, expiration dates would not have changed the course of action for this project … “for reasons highly beneficial to the community and discussed below, this development proceeded as an approved cluster subdivision with a subdivision plan filed with the County Department of Land Records.” And after it was filed, only the property owner could change the terms of the subdivision.

Brodsky and Mark also noted that an early site plan called for nine homes and nine curb cuts along Weaver Street. This was later changed to one curb cut to mitigate traffic concerns, reduce lot coverage and preserve open space. On the matter of the retention wall, the trustees found that the Planning Board had acted “within its statutory mandate, (and) retained aesthetic control over the appearance of the wall. The height, length, and style of the wall were all considered. Various veneers and stone colors were discussed. The wall was redesigned to minimize its visual impact, and a detailed landscaping plan was developed to integrate the wall into the overall property design.” In addition, tree removal to facilitate the building of the project was approved by the Planning Board who also called for 250 replacement trees to be planted on the property.

The trustees noted that in the 25 years since this project has been in the works, large development projects have been built at Windmiill and Fairview Roads, at Christie Place and at Westchester Reform Temple. These followed the same approval processes, and therefore, the trustees concluded, “the Forum Report appears to arise from dissatisfaction with the results of one particular project at an interim stage of development and does not, in our view, support an overhaul of the entire approval system, which has worked and continues to work in numerous other cases.”

Their response concludes by saying, “Dissatisfaction by some with a particular result – and specifically an unfinished result --does not support the argument that the process in the Village is broken.”

Meanwhile, construction appears to be stalled at Heathcote Manor. Village Planner Liz Marrinan has asked the developer to plant some trees in front of the wall to mask it, but has received no response. Thought building permits have been issued for a few of the homes, little progress has been made.