Monday, Oct 07th

mathteamThe Scarsdale High School math team won first place in the Westchester County Math League. This league consists of teams from 27 school districts in Westchester County. The teams meet monthly to solve challenging and intriguing math problems. Individuals and teams earn points based on the number of problems they solve correctly.

The first place individual winner was also from Scarsdale: Eric Wei. Three students tied for second place. Two of them were from Scarsdale: Deyuan Li and Richard Xu.

Eleven students from the Scarsdale High School math team qualified to participate in the New York State Math League competition. To qualify for this competition, students must show a high level of achievement on monthly Westchester County math meets. The eleven Scarsdale students are:

Curtis Chang
Alan Chung
Charles Lau
Depei Li
Deyuan Li
Nianli Peng
Austin Tang
Eric Wei
Richard Xu
Tianyi Xu
Maxwell Zhao

The New York State Math League (NYSML) is a math competition for teams around New York State. It is held every spring at a different location. This year the contest will held at SUNY Geneseo on Saturday, March 17. The teams, consisting of 15 students each, gather to compete in individual, team, relay and power races.

See below for a problem posed to the team ... and the solution

 See below for a problem posed to the team ... and the solution.


canadiansWith the storm more than a week behind us, it looks like Scarsdale is finally on the road to recovery. Crews from as far away as Canada and Texas descended on the "Dale and are making a big impact. As of Saturday morning the Con Edison Outage Map shows 297 outages, down steeply from the 600+ reported on Friday.

In Greenacres, two large outages, one on Greenacres Avenue and an even larger one on Walworth were repaired on Friday, lighting up many homes that were dark for over a week. Though the power is on, on Walworth, large trees are still lying on the lines. Perhaps the crews strung new wire around the damage? We're not sure.

These crews are supposed to continue to work through the weekend and the new restoration deadline appears to be Sunday night at 11 pm.

Streets looks better too – though there is debris throughout, Village Crews have done an excellent job with the clean up and in some places you almost wouldn't know what happened last week.

Debris: The Village issued the following notice about free debris removal:

Storm-Related Debris on Private Property

To facilitate the removal of storm-related wood debris from private property, the Village is authorizing free disposal of such debris from Scarsdale residential properties, subject to certain conditions related below.

Importantly, no large logs or branches (those exceeding four feet in length), stumps, soil, metal, or other non-wood materials or objects will be accepted. Any load containing prohibited materials or objects may assessed a fee of $125/ton or rejected, solely at the Village's discretion.

The Scarsdale Recycling Center, located at 110 Secor Road, will accept authorized materials between the hours of 8:00 AM and 3:00 PM beginning on Thursday, March 09, 2018, and continuing thru Friday, March 30, 2018. No other dates or times will be permitted.

Contractors delivering storm-related wood debris to the Recycling Center must present a completed Wood Waste Disposal Ticket, as included with this press release, signed by the Scarsdale property owner where the debris was removed. A separate voucher must be completed for each separate trip. In addition, branches left curbside for pick-up must be tied and bundled, not to exceed four feet in length or 35 pounds in weight. Please contact the Sanitation Office at 914-722-1295 or the DPW Office at (914) 722- 1150 if you have any questions."

Con Edison:

If you're frustrated with the service you received, or should we say didn't receive, last week, lodge a complaint with the NYS Department of Public Service. You can access the form here: We did this after we were out of power for eleven days after Hurricane Sandy. Unfortunately we haven't seen much change with Con Edison, but it is a good way to vent.

To those still without power, we're with you! Hang in.

WarmingStationIt's Wednesday morning – and though Con Edison promised to restore power to everyone in Scarsdale by Tuesday at 11 am, they have failed again. The Village reports that 444 customers are without power, but the outage summary for Westchester County on the Con Edison website is not working. Some of us have been told that the new restoration date is Friday night at 11 pm. Many have received emails and texts from Con Edison saying their power is on, when it's not.

The Village update from Tuesday said, "Four Con Ed crews are working in Scarsdale today, two of which are de-energizing and clearing downed wires and another two that are also working on power restoration. It is noteworthy that some municipalities in Westchester County reported today that they still have not observed a ConEd crew in their community." We don't know if any crews are working during the storm.

In Greenacres, the downed trees on Walworth that have knocked out the power main remain atop the wires. The only sign of life is the Con Edison man asleep in his car across the street. On my street, Cablevision has installed a portable generator to power internet and phone. It ran out of gas for a while yesterday but it's working again now.

Winterstorm Quinn is here and predicted to bring eight to twelve inches of snow to Scarsdale. As of Wednesday am, it's only snowing lightly. School for Wednesday was called off on Tuesday night in anticipation of the snowfall.SVAC

For those who need a warm place to hang out, David Raizen, President of the Scarsdale Village Ambulance Corps invites you to come to SVAC headquarters at 5 Weaver Street where you'll find power to recharge, showers, heat, television and internet. The building is open to residents from 7 am to 10 pm. No pets please. Questions? Call 914-722-2288 or 914-723-3003. Thank you David!

Do you see any signs of life out there? Please share what you see in the comments section below.

GASnowAs of Thursday morning, Con Ed is reporting 1,660 customer outages in Scarsdale, which have resulted from 112 discrete events, representing a sharp increase over yesterday's remaining outage count of 444. This new outage count sets up back to even more outages then there were after the first nor'easter on Friday.

All Scarsdale Schools are closed today after outages occurred. We believe power to the high school and Fox Meadow is out.

From conversations with the restoration crews around town we learned that many of the workers are unprepared to fix the devastation. We spoke to a worker who was surveying the large outage on Walworth Avenue during the snowstorm on Wednesday. He looked surprised and said he was not capable of fixing the issue which was far larger than he had anticipated.

A reader in Edgewood had a similar experience. She wrote, "Still without power in Edgewood! One of my neighbors told me a Con Ed crew person was in Edgewood yesterday and said he did not have the right equipment to do any repairs and left. No crew in site today. A ConEd person in Heathcote on Tuesday night told me he was sorry, did not know the neighborhood at all and was getting information from customers!"

It appears that the Village has been frustrated in their attempts to coordinate work with Con Edison.

Meanwhile, the heavy snows and wind caused additional downed trees yesterday, resulting in new road closures, as follows:

1. Tunstall Road (Madison Road –Nelson Road)
2. Brewster Road (Huntington Ave –Kingston Road)
3. Claremont Road (Berkeley Road –Walworth Avenue)
4. Post Road (Burgess Road –Olmsted Road)
5. 77 Popham Road –Westbound lane closed
6. 9 Carman Road closed at Gaylor
7. Eton and Greendale Roads
8. Cambridge and Rugby (Mamaroneck –Rugby)
9. 55 Penn –Branch on house service across the road

The global restoration target for all power outages in Westchester County is now Friday at 11:00 PM, though the Village continues to pressure Con Ed for additional local restoration crews.

CarthageRoad(Updated Tuesday) As of Tuesday morning, Con Edison is reporting that 1,012 customers are without power - up from 859 last night. Though we were originally promised restoration by 11 am today, we noticed that Con Edison has changed that deadline to 11 pm tonight. One friend just received a text saying power would not be restored until Friday - let's hope that was a mistake.

Unfortunately, the power went out at Scarsdale Middle School at 7:25 am, but power was restored a few hours later.

Also without power are the Scarsdale Synagogue and the Scarsdale Medical Center, which are both closed for today.

On Monday night we heard from friends in Edgewood that in some parts of the neighborhood the lights are back on. However Drake and Nelson Roads are still out. We're hopeful that we'll be hearing more good news today.... from Greenacres, Heathcote and Quaker Ridge.

We stopped by to chat with the Con Edison man who is guarding the fallen wires on Walworth that are causing our outage. He says that there are crews in town from Canada and Texas and appeared hopeful that a tree crew would remove the large branches from the wires today.  However, the promised 11 am restoration time has now passed.

The weather forecast calls for rain and up to 12 inches of snow on Wednesday, so let's hope the out of state crews can get the job done before we're hit with another storm.

The Village Manager's update says "Con Ed has advised that over 290 out-of-state contractors have arrived to support the Westchester County recovery effort, with over 390 anticipated by tomorrow. ConEd continues to represent that they will have power restored to at least 90% of Westchester County customers by late Tuesday night, leading into early Wednesday morning."

So if you do have power and heat, invite friends to stay with you, because it's just too cold to hunker down in a house that has not been heated since Friday.

We received these photos today – please share yours by sending them to