Wednesday, Jul 03rd

The Hoff-Barthelson Preschool features a daily program for three and four year-olds with a curriculum that includes a special emphasis on music and art. This winter the children had a delightful time “studying” the artwork of three famous painters – Matisse, Pollack and Van Gogh! The accompanying pictures illustrate the artistic reflections of the students who went on to create their own artwork in the image of the three artists. The Jackson Pollack is a collaborative effort; dribbling paint to create their large canvas was a highlight of the HBMS Preschool year.

Know that calmness and humility are partners.Rabbeinu Avraham ben haRambam.
Over one hundred women gathered at Congregation Kol Ami on Sunday March 7 for the first Spa for the Soul, a day to examine spirituality, to learn, to relax and to reflect. The event featured a keynote address from writer, poet and Jewish feminist Blu Greenberg who did a reading of her work and lead the group through a discussion of finding the divine in their lives.

Her poetry touched on a host of Jewish themes, including the legacy of the Holocaust , the observance of Shabbat and living as an Orthodox Jew in modern day America. She shared her touch points with the divine with the group in an effort to help the audience to ponder their own spirituality. Family, community, Shabbat, the recitation of blessings, the study of Torah, interfaith dialogue, the appreciation of nature and the act of thanking God were some of the ways she experiences the spiritual.

The day progressed with a spa hour featuring wonderful healers for the body, mind, and spirit. There were mini-facials, manicures, messages, skin analyses, and even a chiropractor on hand to examine posture. Vendors of jewelry, scarves and cosmetics were also invited.

Three break-out sessions with Rabbi Shira Milgrom, Rabbi Pamela Wax and Blu Greenberg followed. In a session on attaining equanimity called “Balancing on the Teeter-Totter: Spiritual Strategies for Living,” conducted by Rabbi Pamela Wax, she lead the group through an examination of the meaning of equanimity, what triggers stress and how we can rise above inconsequential events. Her methodology was reminiscent of yoga, Jewish-style, combining deep breathing with Talmudic wisdom.

She distributed some quotes on the topic including this one from Proverbs 16:32, “the calm one is greater than the warrior, and the self-controlled is greater than a conqueror.”

In the other two sessions, Blu Greenberg led a group titled, “What Does the Word Spirituality Mean to You?” focusing on the spiritual in each of us. In “Spirituality for the Mind and Soul”, Rabbi Shira Milgrom discussed constructing a personal spiritual practice that harmonizes contemporary liberal views with traditional wisdom.

As promised, the day was thought provoking, enriching and restful. Thanks to Jill Abraham and Lauri Carey for organizing this wonderful event and to Ruffled Feathers for catering a delicious spa luncheon.

Westchester Reform Temple and Friends of the Israel Defense Force (FIDF) will present Heart to Heart: A Night to Connect to Israel’s Combat Soldiers on Wednesday, March 10 from 7 to 8:30 p.m.

Ten Israel Defense Force soldiers, representing the combat brigades and branches including Golani, Givati, the Air Force, Navy and Paratroopers, will participate in the program. These soldiers will also be part of the 2010 National New York Gala taking place at the Waldorf-Astoria on March 9, an event which will show support for Israel’s soldiers and for Israel. For more information on the IDF or FIDF, see

This program is co-sponsored by WRT’s Men’s Club and Israel Committee, and is free and open to the public. Westchester Reform Temple is located at 255 Mamaroneck Road in Scarsdale. For directions or information, call WRT at 914-723-7727, email to, or visit the web at

All citizens are encouraged to vote on March 16 and attend a reception for the Trustees and Mayor at the Scarsdale Womens Club that evening.

Here are the details: The Citizens Non Partisan Party is running three unopposed candidates for Village Trustee this year.

Nominated for a first term are 30 year resident Katherine Eisenman and 34 year resident Jonathan Mark. Katherine has worked in the
environmental section of the Westchester County Planning Department and in Scarsdale is chair of the Board of Architectural Review and waschair of the Conservation Advisory Council. Jonathan is a partnerwith Cahill Gordon and Reindel LLP. Jonathan grew up in Scarsdale andhas been active with various community organizations including the Scarsdale Forum (TVCCEF) and the Heathcote Five Corners Coalition.

Nominated to serve a second term on the Village Board is Richard Toder who is a lawyer with Morgan, Lewis and Bockius LLP and is a chair of the Board’s Legal Committee and is on the Land Use, and Personnel Committees. He has been an active volunteer since moving to Scarsdale 34 years ago.

All registered voters can vote at Scarsdale Village Hall on March 16th. The polls will be open from 6 am to 9 am, and then from noon till 9 pm. Registered voters may vote instead by absentee ballot if needed. If you are not a registered voter but want to vote in the Village Election, the last day to register with the Westchester County Board of Elections is Friday, March 5th.

You can pick up a mail-in registration form at Village Hall, or you may go directly to the Westchester County Board of Election, 25 Quarropas Street, White Plains.

In order to register to vote, you must:

* Be a U.S. Citizen
* Be 18 years of age by the date of the election in which you want to vote
* Live at your present address at least 30 days before an election
* Not be in jail or on parole for a felony conviction
* Not claim the right to vote elsewhere.

For registered voters who will be out of Westchester County on Village Election Day, an absentee ballot can be obtained by filling out an
application form at Village Hall or by requesting one by phone or mail. March 9th is the last day for the Village Clerk to receive an
application for an absentee ballot which is to be mailed to a qualified voter; however, personal applications can be accepted until March 15, 2010.

The Scarsdale Citizens' Non-Partisan Party will be holding a reception for the winners of the Scarsdale Village election on March 16th at the Scarsdale Woman's Club, 37 Drake Road from 8:30 to 10 pm. All Scarsdale residents are invited to come and meet the newly elected Trustees, as well as the continuing Trustees and Mayor.

The reception has been a Citizens' Non-Partisan Party tradition for many years, with a ceremonial cake cutting after the polls close, the
votes counted and announced at the Scarsdale Woman's Club about 9:20 pm. This year the cake has been graciously donated by Seth Greenberg, the owner of East End Cookie Company, 646-290-9204. In addition to the cake, there will be coffee, tea and refreshments available for all that attend.

Questions? Contact: Bruce Wells, Campaign Chair, 472-2696

While some struggled with broken branches, downed power lines and snow drifts, one industrious Saxon Woods Road man built a massive snow sculpture with symbolic meeting in his front yard. I found Sahit Muja atop his monumental work called Ilirianman on Sunday morning 2/28/10 and asked him why he had created this most unusual snowman. He explained that he built Ilirianman to illustrate an Albanian legend, spread its message and honor his own Albanian heritage. In Muja’s own words, here is the story of Ilirianman.

From the beginning of time when people have seen the snow it has caused wonder and amazement. Snowmen have been built countless times throughout history. According to legend, five thousand years ago in Tropoje, Albania when a tribe who were among the first to settle in Europe saw snow for the very first time they built a snowman. Doing this they decided to use the snowman as a way to symbolize the best goals of humanity--to be innocent and pure-hearted. Then they saw eagles flying freely through the cloudless sky and decided to call themselves ilir--which means free men. This was the basis of a promise that they made and it defined them. This snowman didn't melt for a long time until one member of the tribe broke the promise and the ilirians agreed that God, who at the time was considered to be the sun-- was angry and melted the snowman as punishment.

As I traveled around the world I have seen countless snowmen. Wherever I went, if there was snow, I saw people building snowmen. I was struck by the amazing connection between people of all backgrounds and their will to sculpt snow into a human form. Inspired by this theme, I hand built a massive snowman--the biggest I have ever seen and called him "Ilirianman" in honor of my heritage. I have been amazed by how many people have stopped to ask me about the snowman. "Why did you build it?" and "What does it mean?" have been asked most frequently. So I decided to build a website, in order for people to connect, express their thoughts and share their ideas about humanity. The snowman is the symbol of the website because it a symbol of the expression which guides all human creativity and brings people together. offers all people who visit the chance to build it, shape it and make it like the snowman.

Stop by to see this "golem of Scarsdale" on Saxon Woods Road before the temperatures warm up!

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