Saturday, Sep 28th
lakeAs Camp Experts we are often asked how parents can help their child with homesickness, before camp begins and when their child is away. Here are some tips that may help: We recommend that you visit the camp ahead of time and we can help to set up an orientation visit the summer before you intend to send your child to camp.

Help your child get mentally prepared for camp. In the weeks before your child leaves for camp, discuss what camp may be like and don’t offer to bring him or her home if it is not what was expected. You may be setting yourself and your child up for failure if you do so.

Four to six days before departure, send your child a letter at camp so that there is something waiting when your camper arrives.

Write a letter to the child’s counselor to provide them with information that may not have been requested on camp forms. The letter will serve as a “thank you in advance” for the special care they will be giving your child.

If your child is homesick, allow the camp staff to work it out without your intervention. Often, by the time you receive a letter indicating your child is homesick, the problem has been resolved.

And if your child is homesick, don’t insist on immediate communication with him or her as sometimes speaking on the phone does more harm than help. Remember that you had the confidence to send your child to camp, so permit the camp professionals to help.

Satisfied parents have relied on the expertise of The Camp Experts and Teen Summers for over 25 years. Call Shari Levine at 914-315-1077 or Joanne Paltrowitz at 914-472-4747 today for a personal consultation on selecting the right camp for your child.




teentourIf you need some ideas for summer plans for your children, The Summer Activities Fair is the perfect opportunity to meet representatives from a wide variety of summer programs. Precollege enrichment, sports, music, theater, travel, community service, language immersion, outdoor adventure, environmental studies, travel in the U.S. and abroad, leadership skills and more. You'll find programs from as far away as Ireland, Montana and Wyoming offering kids the opportunity to explore their passions, whether it be living on a farm, European travel, delving into computer programming or scuba diving in the Caribbean.

Both parents and students are invited to attend the fair to speak with program representatives and students who have participated. See videos, pick up brochures and get great information about the breadth of possibilities available for this coming summer. The Summer Activities Fair is sponsored by the Scarsdale High School PTA and admission is FREE.
Where: Scarsdale High School Cafeteria
When: Wednesday December 1, 2010
What Time: 7:30 – 9:30 PM



This year the Fox Meadow Elementary School will have it's annual fall benefit at 42, located at the top of the Ritz Carlton in White Plains.

According to event chairperson Julie Rosenblatt, the space at 42 is second to none and is perfect for this type of event, So, after minimal we are... gearing up to make this more than just a fundraiser, but also an evening to remember.”

Slated for November 13th, all Fox Meadow Elementary School PTA Members are encouraged to attend. Please respond to the invitation you received in the mail no later than November 5th.

All monies raised at the benefit will go toward funding Fox Meadow Elementary School's wonderful enrichment programs such as: Learning to Look, Abilities Awareness, author visits, the fourth grade colonial fair, fifth grade activities, Wiz Kids and more.



fandangotick.jpgYou! You there! Bathing in gold bullions and wearing an "I'm with stupid" t-shirt that points to us, the movie-going public. I have a few choice words for you. You insidious, evil-doers whip our children into a frenzy with your endless movie advertisements until their clambering to see it is so unrelenting that we acquiesce.

In fact, we acquiesce so much we even bring another kid.

So there I am online selecting an afternoon showing a Megamind--the 3D version, naturally.

Wait!  $15.75 per ticket? Regardless of how old you are? Plus a $1 service fee for buying it in advance and printing my own ticket at home--how is that service? I'm blooding doing everything myself!

I wince as I press "purchase." Yup, $50 to see a cartoon.

I packed up snacks to smuggle in--hey, screw you movie theater fake police, did you see how much you charged for tickets? I'll bring a full Chinese buffet in if I want. Once we got situated I sent my son to get he and his friend some drinks. I gave him a $20. Imagine my surprise when he returned with an Icee and a bottle of water, and handed me a $10.

Read more here :



radical_familyThe Junior Leagues of Westchester are excited to host Vanessa Van Petten, nationally acclaimed author and parent-teen advisor, at the Scott Room of the Scarsdale Public Library on October 28, 2010, from 7:30-9:00 p.m. There is no cost to attend this event.

Ms. Van Petten's mission is to improve parent-teen relationship by providing parents and their children with new perspectives, stories and neutral places to communicate. She hopes that this will help families institute values and build strong relationships that promote healthy attitudes and lifestyle behaviors in this generation of young adults.

Ms. Van Petten is the author of "You're Grounded!," a book that presents the teen perspective on parent-child interactions in today's complicated world and offers suggestions as to how both teens and parents can work to improve these important relationships. Ms. Van Petten wrote this book when she was a teenager. She also recently published "Radical Family Workbook and Activity Journal." She is the founder of the website, a site aimed at parents and teens, that contains instructive videos, blogs, articles and other advice on improving the relationship between parents and teenagers. Ms. Van Petten has been featured on numerous television shows and tours nationally to share her advice and ideas. Additional information can be found on her website.