Sunday, Oct 06th

playgroundDomestic matter: A woman called police crying from Depot Place at 2:30 a.m., March 20. She told the dispatcher she had just left her house and had nowhere to go. When police arrived on scene, the woman said she had been involved in argument with her spouse and had left her house to avoid further confrontation. She said she needed assistance acquiring transportation to a family member’s house in the Bronx. Police stood by while the woman waited for a Lyft driver to arrive.

Social media

A Bradford Road woman reported someone fraudulently used her image on a social media site without her permission March 20. Police advised her it was a civil matter and recommended that she contact the social media site administrator and file a report.

Road rage

On March 16, a Cornell Street driver and another driver each reported an altercation incident that police categorized as road rage. The Cornell driver claimed that the other driver flashed his lights and honked his horn multiple times as she stopped in the road, without using a turn signal, in order to turn into her driveway. The other driver complained that the Cornell Street driver stopped suddenly in the road without signaling or moving. As a result, the Cornell Street driver got out of her car and had a verbal altercation with the other driver. She said she was tired of people using Cornell Street as a “cut through.” Police advised her that Cornell Street is a public connector road between Weaver Street in Scarsdale and Fenimore Road in Mamaroneck. Patrol advised her how she could direct her concerns to the traffic safety committee of Village Hall.

Cars and roadways

Police informed the highway department about a large branch hanging over the intersection of Heathcote and Sherbrooke roads March 16.

On March 17, 18 and 20, police helped a pedestrian cross Weaver Street.

Parked cars were crowding a dead-end area of Lenox Place March 18. Police spoke with the drivers of the cars and advised them to park them in more suitable locations.

Police rolled up a loose wire on Garden Road and placed it by the curb for sanitation pickup March 18.

A fallen streetlight on Tisdale Road was determined to be a common occurrence due to poor structural integrity of the pole March 18. The highway department was consulted.

The water department was notified about a dislodged water cap in the street near the intersection of Claremont and Berkeley roads March 19.

Patrol asked the drivers of construction vehicles parked on Lenox Place to relocate their trucks to more suitable locations March 19.

Police moved a large rock from Saxon Woods Road and notified the highway department March 20.

A driver reported sustaining a flat tire after driving over a storm drain at Griffen Avenue and Mamaroneck Road March 20. Police called duty tow to change the tire and stood by until the tire was successfully changed.

Police notified the highway department about sewage backing up in a Richbell Road basement March 22.

On March 22, police notified the water department about water overflowing a catch basin on Secor Road.

Two car accidents were reported in the village during this reporting period.

Broken glass at school

A window appeared to have been broken on the Brewster Road side of Fox Meadow School, facing the playground, March 16. The small crack in the glass appeared to have been caused by impact from a ball. Police classified it as a non-crime incident. A school district employee was notified and made arrangements to board up the window until it could be repaired.

Village code

On March 20, police dispersed numerous people from a basketball courts and playground equipment at a village-owned playground on Boulevard.

On March 21 and 22, police dispersed people from the track and fields of Scarsdale High School.

After a neighbor complained, police advised Paddington Road landscapers to clean up any debris that might have blown into the neighbor’s yard March 22.

Police dispersed six lacrosse players from a Brewster Road field March 22.

On March 22, police dispersed people from the playground, basketball court and baseball field of Edgewood School.

Dog bite

On March 18, a Kingston Road woman reported that a dog bit her 15-year-old daughter on March 16 while her daughter was out alone walking in the area of Brewster and Huntington roads. The dog that bit the girl was a leashed black German Shepherd that was out for a walk with its owner. According to the daughter, the dog first grabbed her jacket with its mouth; then it bit her left thigh. The girl’s mother followed up with medical treatment for her daughter. Police contacted the owner of the dog and informed him that the dog must be quarantined, as per NYS Public Health Law. Additionally, the owner was required to submit vaccination records.

Lost and found

On March 16, a Boulevard woman reported losing her phone in the vicinity of the Popham Road CVS on March 14.


According to Fire Chief James Seymour, firefighters responded to 21 incidents this week. He shared the following details.

On March 16, firefighters disconnected a faulty light ballast in the basement of a Barry Road house. The ballast was emitting a smoke odor, and firefighters recommended consulting an electrician to replace it.

On March 19, firefighters found that a non-working sump pump in a Copper Beech basement was causing approximately 2 inches of water to collect in a 600 square foot basement. Firefighters discovered a tripped breaker was causing the sump pump to fail. After the breaker was turned back on, further investigation revealed that one pump in the sump pit was working, but the other was burnt out. Firefighters unplugged the burnt-out pump and allowed the operational pump to begin clearing water from the basement.

On March 22, firefighters shut power to a leaking boiler in an Old Orchard Lane house and advised the homeowner to call a plumber for service.

This report covering police and fire department activity from March 16-22 has been compiled from official information.

scarsdalesecuritylogo 1 1This police report is sponsored by Scarsdale Security who does more than just security. Contact them about remote video for your home or business. Call 914-722-2200 or visit their website.

Here is the list of park closures from Scarsdale Village:

In order to help slow the spread of COVID-19 and to promote social distancing, the following Scarsdale Parks, Recreation and Conservation facilities are either closed or have modified use regulations, as follows:

All Parks and Public Spaces – No public gatherings. Passive and solitary recreational use of open facilities and spaces is authorized, but social distancing (6’between non-family members) is necessary.

Aspen Park – Playground closed; passive use area open with mandatory social distancing.

Boulder Brook Field – Sporting field is closed.

Brite Avenue Tennis – Tennis and Paddle Courts are closed.

Chase Park – Passive use authorized with mandatory social distancing.

Colonial Acres Park – Playground closed; passive area open with social distancing.

Corell Park – Playground closed; passive use area open with mandatory social distancing.

Crossway Complex – Fields 1,2,3,4,5, Tennis Courts, and Playground are all closed.

Davis Park – Playground closed; passive use area open with mandatory social distancing.

De Lima Park – Passive use authorized with mandatory social distancing.

George Field Park – Passive use authorized with mandatory social distancing.

Greenacres Playground – Playground closed.

Harwood Park & Library Pond – Passive use authorized with mandatory social distancing.

Hyatt Park – Athletic Fields, Playground, and Basketball Courts are all closed.

Memorial Garden – Passive use authorized with mandatory social distancing.

Red Maple Swamp – Passive use authorized with mandatory social distancing.

High School Tennis and Paddle Courts – Closed.

Middle School – Tennis courts are closed.

Municipal Pool Complex – Closed.

Scout Field/Willow Playground – Sporting field and playground are both closed.

Supply Field – Sporting fields are closed.

Weinberg Nature Center – Center is closed and programs are canceled; trails are open with mandatory distancing.

Winston Field – Sporting field is closed.

Wynmor Park – Tennis Court and Playground are both closed.

surveillancecameraArrested: Following a car accident at Fenimore Road and Walworth Avenue March 14, police determined one of the drivers showed signs of intoxication and administered field sobriety tests, which the driver failed. As a result, the driver – Brisey E. Burgos Osorio, 29, of the Bronx, was arrested. She was charged with driving while intoxicated (first offense) and aggravated DWI with a blood alcohol level of .18 or more with no priors. She was released on her own recognizance and issued an appearance ticket for Scarsdale Village Justice Court.

A Griffen Avenue resident reported seeing two individuals attempting to break into his house via video surveillance at 6:30 p.m., March 11. Security cameras captured images of the individuals inside the house. Upon patrol’s arrival to the house, the individuals were no longer there. They were observed fleeing through a rear patio door, via video captured by security cameras. It was determined that nothing was missing.

A person alleging to be a law enforcement official showed up at a Carthage Road woman’s house and scammed the woman out of $9,000 cash to supposedly bail her grandson out of jail following an alleged “accident” March 11. A caller who alleged to be a lawyer representing the grandson initially set up the scam.

ID theft
On March 12, a golf pro said someone hacked into his account and shipped eight sets of golf clubs to an unknown person without his permission. The combined cost of all the clubs was $7,761.61.

On March 15, a Secor Road resident reported her Sprint account had been fraudulently used for an unauthorized purchase of three tablets and two cell phones. The devices had reportedly been delivered to her address, but she never received them. She is following up with Sprint’s fraud department.

A Barry Road parent reported his son’s blue Metro mountain bicycle was stolen from outside Edgewood School March 11. It was valued at approximately $500. It was taken while the boy was playing with friends at the playground.

Campaign signs
A Fox Meadow Road resident reported a local campaign sign was stolen from her property March 9.

On March 13, a Tisdale Road resident reported 20 campaign signs were removed from her property and around the Village. Each sign was valued at $5, representing a theft of $100 in signs. The signs were allegedly stolen between March 7 and March 13.

Around 7 p.m., March 14, police received a call from a Mamaroneck Road man who had been cornered by a coyote while out walking his dog. Upon arrival, patrol scared the coyote away with his emergency lights and siren. Patrol further chased the coyote into the woods with the police car and the man and his dog were able to safely leave the scene. Patrol stayed in the area to make sure the coyote did not emerge again from the woods, which it did not.

Background check
On March 10, a Montrose Road woman reported a man came to her door and left a piece of paper requesting a callback regarding an alleged FBI background check for a federal government job. The paper appeared to be official and a review of video footage indicated nothing suspicious.nationalguard65 men and women from the National Guard cleaned and sanitized the JCCMW on Wilmot Road on March 16-17. Though nobody at the JCC tested positive for Covid19, the guard was brought in as a precaution.

On March 10, a Mamaroneck Road homeowner reported someone left a “bag with used tissues” in his yard, and he found it to be suspicious. Police examined the small bag of garbage and notified the sanitation department to retrieve and discard the bag.

A caller reported black garbage bags being thrown from the window of a Meadow Road house March 12. He felt this was suspicious because he thought no one was living in the house. Police investigated, and the new homeowner said he was in the process of working on the house and wanted to be efficient in getting bags of debris down to the driveway for disposal.

A Depot Place business manager called police to as for help in getting a woman to leave the place of business at 6 p.m., March 13. Police asked if the woman needed medical attention. She declined and left the place of business.

Cars and roadways
On March 9 and 12, police escorted a pedestrian to her destination by helping her cross Weaver Street.

A car was observed to be idling in an Olmsted Road driveway March 9. Police spoke with the owner who said he must have forgotten to turn off the car’s ignition. He thanked patrol and tended to the car.

On March 13, police stood by while the driver of a disabled car waited for a tow on Heathcote Road.

Sewage was backing up in a Wynmor Road house March 15. Police notified the highway department and firefighters.

Two car accidents were reported in the village this week.

On March 9, a Brite Avenue woman reported her neighbor was yelling at her children and telling them that they were “shaking” her house by playing outside. Police observed the children playing and found their noise level to be reasonable. Police advised the neighbor that the children could freely play outside and to refrain from yelling at them.

A caller reported a loud party on Axtell Drive March 9. Patrol spoke with the homeowner and advised him to lower the volume of the party music.

Neighbors complained of loud music coming from a Madison Road get-together March 10. Police advised the homeowner to lower the volume of the music.

On March 15, a Boulevard woman found a loose beagle outside her house. It had a collar with a number on it. She called the number, but there was no answer. Patrol arrived to assist, and the dog’s owner arrived on scene to retrieve the dog.

On March 15, a Colonial Road woman called for help in removing a dead rabbit from beneath her backyard deck. Police were unable to move the dead animal and could not reach it due to low clearance beneath the deck. The woman thanked police and said she would ask her gardener to device a way to access the space and remove the dead rabbit.

A Ridgedale Road woman asked for help with a sick squirrel on her deck March 15. The squirrel was moving around the deck but did not look well. It was not in a safe area for police to safely dispatch it. Patrol offered local trappers’ contact information to the woman.

Lost and found
On March 9, a crossing guard found a set of keys on East Parkway and gave them to police for safekeeping.

On March 11, a woman and her child found cash on the street near an Olmsted Road intersection. They brought it to headquarters and gave it to police.

A woman in a Palmer Avenue store said she believed someone stole her wallet while she was in the store March 13. The store manager and other customers helped her look for it, in case she dropped it. Before police arrived, the woman went to her car and left.

According to Fire Captain James Seymour, firefighters responded to 26 incidents during the reporting period.

On March 10, firefighters assisted at a car accident on the Bronx River Parkway.

On March 13, firefighters were called to extinguish a grease fire that ignited on the drip tray of an outdoor grill on a Dickel Road deck.

On March 13, firefighters responded to an inside gas odor in a Walworth Avenue house. A small gas leak in piping was detected. Con Edison was dispatched.

On March 14, firefighters assisted in extricating the driver of a car at an accident site at Fenimore Road and Walworth Avenue.

This report covering police and fire department activity from March 9-15 has been compiled from official information.

scarsdalesecuritylogo 1 1This police report is sponsored by Scarsdale Security who does more than just security. Contact them about remote video for your home or business. Call 914-722-2200 or visit their website.

HS Car Fire copyA car went up in flames at Scarsdale High School on the afternoon of March 6.A car caught fire at Scarsdale High School around 3:30 p.m., March 6. The driver and two passengers noticed smoke and flames coming from the hood and ran out of the car before it fully ignited. Police directed traffic and pedestrians away from the car while firefighters worked to extinguish the fire. According to the fire report, the engine compartment was fully involved when firefighters arrived on scene. The car was parked in the school roadway in front of gym entrance on the Brewster Road side of the school. Firefighters applied approximately 300 gallons of water to the engine compartment to extinguish the fire. The hood was burned though, along with a portion of the front fenders and front grill. Engine bay plastics and wires were all melted. Another 200 gallons of water were used to cool down the engine compartment. Burn patterns indicated that the fire originated in the front passenger side of the engine compartment. The passenger area and trunk were untouched with the exception of the windshield failing on the passenger side. The car owner stated that they have been having issues with rodents chewing electrical lines in other vehicles at the residence. The fire was determined to not be suspicious in nature. Scarsdale Volunteer Ambulance Corps examined and released the driver and passengers on scene, clearing them from any possible smoke inhalation. A towing company removed the car.

Responding to a report of one worker “having an issue” with another worker on a Southwoods Lane job site March 2, police arrived and spoke with the workers. One worker, Adolfo Castillo, 49, of Mount Vernon, stated he arrived at the job site and was sitting inside his car. He alleged that another worker came up to his car window and started to insult and bully him. The other worker claimed that Castillo was insulting him and making “odd” comments about his appearance. At that time, Adolfo allegedly got out of his car and punched the other worker on the side of his head. Castillo then left the scene. Castillo was arrested and charged with second-degree harassment. He was released on his own recognizance with an appearance ticket for Scarsdale Village Justice Court, returnable March 18.

On March 6, Ralph Haas, 59, of Yonkers, surrendered himself to detectives at headquarters and was arrested on a charge of third-degree unauthorized use of a vehicle. The victim, a car rental agency on Scarsdale Avenue, alleged that Hass rented a 2019 Jeep and failed to return it or respond to multiple attempts to communicate about the incident. During questioning, Haas refused to answer any questions without an attorney. He was release on his own recognizance with an appearance ticket for Scarsdale Village Justice Court, returnable March 25.

A Dobbs Ferry woman reported her wallet containing $50 cash and credit cards was stolen from her desk at her Boulevard place of work March 2.

ID theft
On March 2, a Penn Boulevard man reported his family had been impacted by several incidents of identity theft. These included his daughter’s Verizon cell phone number being ported to a different carrier and two attempts to open fraudulent credit card accounts with Macy’s and Best Buy.

On March 7, a Post Road resident reported a fraudulent cell phone account had been opened in his name with Sprint. He learned of it when a debit collector contacted his for payment of charges that had accumulated on the account.

Suspicious man
An East Parkway business manager reported a man entered the store and started arguing with staff March 8. Police arrived and the manager advised that the man had left. He was located at the Scarsdale train station. MTA police was informed. MTA police reported that the man requested medical assistance. Scarsdale Volunteer Ambulance Corps transported the man to White Plains Hospital Center for evaluation, with MTA police.

On March 3, police called a tow for a car with scofflaw status parked in a Wayside Lane parking lot. The driver arrived on scene, spoke with police, and paid the tow truck driver a fee to remove the tow hook apparatus from the car. The driver went to Village Hall to resolve her unpaid parking tickets.

Cars and roadways
A woman sitting in her car in DeCicco’s Marketplace parking lot reported feeling a “jolt” as a car pulled into the space next to hers. The driver of that car said he did not think he struck the woman’s car. Police helped the parties exchange information.

Police directed traffic around a disabled car on Greenacres Avenue while the driver awaited a tow March 2.

Police assisted with traffic flow on Boulevard in order for buses to maneuver around parked cars during school dismissal hours March 3.

Police issued a summons to the owner of a double-parked truck on Christie Place March 5.

A Brown Road resident reported seeing the same unknown car on the block for several days in a row and asked police to increase patrols of the street March 5.

Police stood by to provide traffic assistance while the driver of a disabled car awaited a tow at Drake and Heathcote roads March 6.

Police helped a driver find her parked car in East Parkway March 6.

A driver reported another car’s door hit her car while her car was parked on Palmer Avenue, causing minor damage to her car’s mirror, March 7.

Police helped a pedestrian cross Weaver Street March 8.

Responding to a report of an unknown, occupied Honda Civic parked on Sheldrake Road March 6, police encountered the car, which was parked and running. The 22-year-old Ossining driver said he pulled over because he was very tired. Police noticed numerous “Angry Orchard” bottles in the car and asked the driver to perform field sobriety tests. Those tests indicated no signs of intoxication. A license check revealed that the driver’s license had been suspended by the town of Cortlandville for failure to pay a fine.

Police instructed the driver to refrain from driving the car and make alternate arrangements for transportation. He was instructed on how to resolve the violation and pay the fine.

Seven car accidents were reported in the village this week.

An alarm was sounding on Popham Road March 3. Police investigated and found an alarm in the bushes, near a dumpster, making the noise and removed the alarm’s batteries. It was determined that the alarm was debris from a construction site.
Police issued a summons to the driver of a gas delivery truck for a noise violation due to delivering gasoline to a Scarsdale Avenue gas station after 11 p.m., March 5.

A Bradley Road woman reported her dog had an altercation with another dog while out for a walk at Madison and Carman roads March 3. The other dog, which was muzzled, allegedly ran at her dog, knocking both the woman and her dog down. The other dog’s owner was allegedly on her cellphone during the incident and not properly handling her dog. No scratches or bites occurred.

A Drake Road resident’s dog collapsed in his driveway March 6. The resident requested help. When police arrived, the dog was already in the resident’s car, to be taken to an animal hospital.

Lost and found
On March 6, a man found a set of keys at Palmer Avenue and Secor Road and turned them over to police for safekeeping.

An anonymous party brought found a key fob on Crane Road and brought it to headquarters for safekeeping March 6.

An ATM card was left behind in a bank vestibule on Christie Place March 7. Police identified the owner and returned the card to her.

On March 2, firefighters detected a gas leak inside a Butler Road house. The stood by for Con Edison.

On March 5, firefighters assisted Fairview Fire District and Hartsdale firefighters who were battling a working fire of a wood-frame house on Edgepark Road.

On March 7, firefighters closed an open stove valve that had been leaking gas into a White Road house. They ventilated the house to restore air quality.

On March 7, firefighters assisted Hartsdale firefighters with an electrical fire in a Ridge Road building.

This report, covering police and fire department activity from March 2-8, has been compiled from official information.

scarsdalesecuritylogo 1 1This police report is sponsored by Scarsdale Security who does more than just security. Contact them about remote video for your home or business. Call 914-722-2200 or visit their website.

coronavThe Westchester County Department of Health  is currently investigating the cause of death of an 89 year-old woman who passed away on Sunday morning March 15. According to police, she was tested for the virus on Saturday and officials expect that test to be positive. The woman shared her home with her daughter who is currently quarantined. It is unknown if the deceased had any underlying medical conditions. The woman lived in a multi-family building and the Scarsdale Police and the Westchester County Department of Health are providing guidance to the other building residents on how to protect themselves.

We wrote to the both the Village Manager and the Chief of Police to ask for the woman’s address but was told it could not be shared at this time.

As of Sunday March 15 the New York State Department of Health reports 196 positive cases in Westchester County and 329 in New York City. The total for NYS rose from 729 cases on Sunday March 15 to 950 on Monday March 16.

On Sunday Governor Cuomo announced that all casinos, gyms and movie theaters will close as of 8 pm on Monday. Starting Tuesday morning all restaurants, bars and cafes in New York City will close except for food take-out and delivery.

Scarsdale Village Election

In other news, the Village election will be held as planned on Wednesday March 18 from 6 am – 9 pm at the Scarsdale Congregational Church at 1 Heathcote Road. Anyone who prefers to vote by absentee ballot must do so by 5 pm today. You can download the absentee ballot application here, go to the window at Village Hall (it’s open!), receive your ballot immediately and vote there. Here is more information.

Village Hall to Close

Last, Scarsdale Village announced that other than the Village Clerk, Village Hall will be closed effective today, Monday, March 15 through Friday, March 20. However, the Village Clerk’s Office will remain open for election-related inquiries and for voting via absentee ballots. Police, fire, and sanitation services are not being interrupted and will be functioning as normal. The Public Safety Building, firehouses, and Recycling Center will operate as usual. The library and school are now closed. Schools are scheduled to re-open Thursday March 19, 2020.

lotteryticketA staff member’s $100 Michael Kors wallet was stolen from her purse placed inside a closet at Immaculate Heart of Mary School while working Feb. 28. The wallet contained the staff member’s driver’s license, insurance card, $200 cash and at least two credit cards. Investigation has linked this theft with an unknown male suspect that reportedly entered the school on two separate occasions – Feb. 21 and Feb. 28. According to the police report, the suspect was inside the school for only a short period of time and then left without incident when he was discovered. The suspect reportedly has had no contact with students in the school. Police notified other Scarsdale schools as a precaution. According to detectives, the suspect may have possibly been the same man who entered a school in the jurisdiction of Eastchester without permission. The matter is currently under active investigation.

On Feb. 28, the manager of 7-Eleven on Scarsdale Avenue reported that 15 scratch-off lottery tickets, valued at $500 combined, were stolen from his store during the previous overnight period. Surveillance video further recorded a man entering the store, talking to the employee and then reaching over the counter to steal the 15 tickets while the employee was away from the counter. The video also captured the suspect place the tickets into his pocket. The suspect was in the store for approximately 40 minutes. Police are investigating.

Identity theft, fraud
On Feb. 24, a Secor Road man reported two fraudulent Bank of America accounts were opened in his name earlier in February. The man informed employees at the local Bank Of America branch and closed the accounts.

On Feb. 25, a Drake Road man reported his TD Bank card had been lost in the recent past. Upon realizing the card had been lost, the man went to the local TD Bank branch to report the lost card. At that time, the man realized there were numerous fraudulent withdrawals from the card’s account, amounting to approximately $1,958.

An employee at the Chase Road U.S. Post Office reported a person presented a fraudulent money order and attempted to cash it using a fraudulent New Jersey driver’s license Feb. 27. When the suspect fled the scene, he left behind the fraudulent money order and driver’s license. A postal inspector is investigating the incident.

On Feb. 29, a Lincoln Road resident reported receiving six Priority Mail envelopes containing thousands of dollars worth of possibly fraudulent checks. One envelope had an unknown person listed as the addressee, and the other five envelopes listed the unknown person as the return address sender. The postal inspector was notified and will be investigating, according to the police incident report.

On Feb. 24, a caller reported a verbal dispute between a man in a dark-colored SUV and a woman on foot near the Metro Diner on Scarsdale Avenue. They were both gone by the time police arrived.

A Colonial Road caller complained about a neighbor’s motion sensor lights shining into her windows at 1:30 a.m., Feb. 25.

Police and MTA police stood by while a possibly homeless man boarded a Metro North train at Scarsdale train station Feb. 25.

A Scarsdale Avenue employee received calls from an unknown person who stated he was “the brother” of the employee or another employee March 1. The unknown person said he was going to come to the location. Police stood by for several minutes, but no one came to the location. Police left the location but continued to monitor the location with ridebys.

On Feb. 26, police spoke with the driver of a car with scofflaw status, parked on Chase Road. Police informed the driver that he owed $360 in unpaid parking tickets. The driver advised police he intended to promptly address the matter with Scarsdale Village Justice Court.

Cars and roadways
On Feb. 24, police removed a cable line from Crossway.
High winds blew a dumpster from the intersection of Popham and Overhill roads into the roadway Feb. 27. Police replaced it.

Police provided traffic control while Town of Mamaroneck police responded to a call about a fallen electrical wire on Griffen Avenue Feb. 27.
On Feb. 28, police notified the highway department about a dangling tree limb over Huntington Avenue.

A woman sitting inside a parked car near Potter Field told police she was “just hanging out” Feb. 28. She left when asked to leave.

Patrol moved a dead rabbit to the side of Drake Road and informed the highway department for pick up and disposal.

Civil matters
On Feb. 24, a Birchall Drive woman reported “unusual title activity” surrounding her property and her ex-husband. She was advised by her lawyer to report the matter.

On Feb. 25, a Springdale Road woman reported having a verbal dispute with her children’s nanny, prompting her to ask the nanny to leave her house on Feb. 13. After the nanny left, she texted the woman to say that she left the house keys in the mudroom and requested two weeks severance pay. The woman said she gave one week’s severance pay to her neighbor’s nanny, who is friend of the woman’s former nanny. The former nanny requested an additional week of severance pay, so the woman gave an additional $1,000, along with some clothing that former nanny had left in the house, to the neighbor’s nanny, to give to the woman’s former nanny. At that time, the woman texted her former nanny and asked for all communication to be stopped. The woman reported the incident to police as a precaution.

Responding to a noise complaint on Drake Road, police encountered a large group of noisy kids Feb. 29. Most members of the group dispersed when police arrived. The rest picked up trash left behind on the road and waited to be picked up by their parents while police stood by.

A coyote was reported on Sheldrake Road Feb. 25.

On Feb. 25, a Fairfield Road resident reported an unknown neighbor’s dog repeatedly defecates on her property.

After a neighbor complained about a barking dog on Palmer Avenue, police spoke with the owner’s visiting father and he brought the dog inside March 1.

Lost and found
On Feb. 25, a Drake Road man reported losing his UK resident permit card somewhere in the village.

A resident accidentally left a laptop in Village Hall and police assisted in returning the laptop to its owner Feb. 27.

A debit card was found on Depot Place Feb. 28. Police unsuccessfully attempted to notify the owner of the card. The card was vouchered as lost property at headquarters.

A paper Village of Scarsdale taxicab driver’s license and official photo ID card were found in the lobby of police headquarters and vouchered for safekeeping Feb. 28.

According to Fire Chief James Seymour, firefighters responded to 20 incidents during the reporting period. Seymour shared the following details.

On Feb. 24, firefighters found a ruptured gas line to the motor of a car that was found to be leaking gasoline in a Cohawney Road driveway. The advised the car’s owner to contact a mechanic and tow company.

On Feb. 24, while investigating an electrical burning odor in a Farragut Road house, firefighters found a defective light bulb had been placed in a light fixture socket.
On Feb. 26, firefighters extinguished a small rubbish fire at the corner of Cushman Road and Milford Drive.

Firefighters ventilated a Mamaroneck Road house after a cooking fire, contained to the oven, had been extinguished Feb. 26.

On Feb. 28, firefighters assisted Con Edison employees ventilate a Stonehouse Road house of natural gas accumulation following a leak.

This report covering police and fire department activity from Feb. 24 – March 1 has been compiled from official information.

scarsdalesecuritylogo 1 1This police report is sponsored by Scarsdale Security who does more than just security. Contact them about remote video for your home or business. Call 914-722-2200 or visit their website.