Sunday, Oct 06th

policeblotterDWI: Around 2 a.m., Nov. 3, police arrested Amy Goncalves, 28, of Yonkers, on charges of driving while intoxicated (first offense), operation of a motor vehicle with a blood alcohol level of at least .08 of one percent and speeding in zone. Police first noticed Goncalves’s 2017 Honda speed by an unmarked patrol car on Weaver Street. Police conducted a traffic stop, and Goncalves showed signs of intoxication. Goncalves failed field sobriety tests and was subsequently placed under arrest. She was released on her own recognizance and was ordered to appear in Village Justice Court.

On Oct. 28, a Heathcote Road resident reported landscaping lights and electrical equipment were stolen from a work van parked on the property, which was undergoing construction.

On Nov. 1. A Roosevelt Place man reported that some items had been stolen from a property under construction on Birchall Drive. Stolen items included a $1,100 standing toolbox and a $400 electric wood splitter.

Identity theft
On Oct. 31, a Wayside Lane resident reported being the victim of identity theft. According to the police report, an attempt to open fraudulent accounts was made in the resident’s name.

On Nov. 2, a Carthage Road man reported being the victim of identity theft. He said that he received a letter on October 2 from Verizon stating a cell phone account had been set up in his name. He immediately called Verizon and reported the account as fraudulent. The account was closed, and all charges were reversed.

Domestic trouble
A Greenacres woman reported she was having trouble with her adult daughter who took her car without permission Oct. 28. Police provided the woman with numerous suggestions about how to resolve the ongoing matter, and the woman declined further assistance.

Phone trouble
A Palmer Avenue woman reported she was having problems with her cell phone and landline Oct. 28. She said that while the phone was disconnected from the wall, a phone display still stated “in use,” and she was afraid someone might be monitoring her calls. She also stated she once picked up the phone and heard a man’s voice on the line. Police advised her to call her phone provider to check that the phone was working properly.

A caller report a discarded knife stuck in a fence on Overhill Road Oct. 30. Police went to the location and found a broken sheetrock taping knife wedged in the wooden guardrail. Police removed the knife and disposed of it.

On Oct. 31, a custodian found toilet paper and eggs behind Heathcote School. The custodian disposed of the items and notified police.

A River Road resident’s water meter was leaking Nov. 3. Firefighters notified the on-call water department representative for repair.

Civil matter
A Bell Road woman reported his neighbor was parking over the centerline of their shared driveway, thus preventing the woman’s car from entering the driveway Oct. 28. Patrol advised both parties to consult with Village Hall over their property lines.

Police mediated a dispute between a customer and a gas station employee on Post Road Oct. 29. A language barrier apparently caused the dispute.

A postal worker reported being “bullied” by his supervisor Oct. 28. Police advised both parties to attempt to handle the matter through USPS. No police action was needed.

On Oct. 31, police noticed a parked 2006 Jeep with scofflaw status on Chase Road. Police towed the car, which was registered to a 20-year-old Yonkers woman, to the impound lot. Police informed the woman about the procedure to get her car back.

Cars and roadways
Police set up flares around a disabled car on Wilmot Road while the driver waited for a tow Oct. 28.

A Webster Road resident reported a neighbor’s car was parked on her lawn Oct. 28.

While investigating, the neighbor returned home from walking her dog and said she parked her car on the street and was unsure as to how the car ended up on the resident’s lawn.

Police stood by while a flat tire was changed on a disabled car at Post and Heathcote roads Oct. 28.

Con Edison workers stated they damaged a sewer line while digging with a shovel on Greenacres Avenue Oct. 28. Police notified the highway department.

Police helped a pedestrian safely cross Weaver Street Oct. 29, Oct. 31 and Nov. 1.
A driver said a parked car in Freightway Garage was preventing her from exiting her parking space Oct. 29. Police looked inside the car, found the car’s keys in the center console and safely moved the car to another parking space so the driver could safely exit her parking space.

Police contacted a tow truck driver to change a flat tire on a disabled car on Saxon Woods Road Oct. 29.

The highway department was notified about a pothole on Fenimore Road Oct. 30.
Police stood by while a motorist changed a flat tire at Post and Fenimore roads Oct. 30.

A branch fell from a tree on Heathcote Road and struck the windshield of a car, causing it to break Oct. 31. The driver was not injured.

Con Edison cut a fallen branch from primary wires on Harvest Drive Oct. 31.

A large tree fell on a Post Road house Oct. 31. Firefighters requested that the integrity of the structure be checked.

Police removed fallen branches from Palmer Avenue, Lee Road and Bypass Nov. 1.

Police moved a fallen wire to the side of Tunstall Road Nov. 1.

The highway department was notified about a skunk in the roadway on Fenimore Road Nov. 1.

Police erected a temporary stop sign at the intersection of Weaver Street and Griffen Avenue Nov. 1.

A contractor working on Southwoods Lane struck a water line with a backhoe while digging Nov. 1. The water department was notified.

A sick or injured squirrel was detected under a slide on the playground of Fox Meadow School Oct. 28. The squirrel was picked up by police, placed in a cardboard box and transported to the highway department grounds.

A dead dog was lying on Post Road Nov. 1. Patrol contacted the dog’s owner who arrived on scene to retrieve the animal’s body.

Lost and found
A Murray Hill Road resident reported losing a license plate somewhere in the village Oct. 29.

A cell phone was found near the intersection of Hamilton and Rodney roads Oct. 30.
On Nov. 1, a landscaper reported losing his iPhone at a Harvest Drive job site.

On Nov. 1, a driver reported losing a teacher’s parking pass near the intersection of Christie Place and East Parkway on or around Oct. 2.

According to Fire Captain James Seymour, firefighters responded to 42 incidents during the reporting period. Seymour shared details of the following incidents.

On Oct. 29, firefighters assisted at a three-car accident on the Bronx River Parkway.
An odor of gasoline was reported on the first floor a Heathcote Road house Oct. 29. Firefighters traced the odor to spilled gasoline from the engine of a portable leaf blower located inside a garage closet. Firefighters removed the item from the house, as well as a chain saw and two gas cans. The resident was advised to keep the windows open in order to air out the house.

On Oct. 31, a smoke haze was reported in a Gatehouse Road house. Firefighters identified the cause of the smoke as overheated electrical components housed in the basement. Firefighters advised the homeowner to contact an electrician and a central vacuum cleaner repair company.

On Oct. 31, severe wind knocked over a tree into a Post Road house. Its limbs were penetrating the roof into the attic and second-floor of structure. Firefighters confirmed there were no injuries. They shut impacted electrical circuits, and they advised the homeowner to contact her insurance company to begin remediation. Requested Scarsdale Building Department to assist with damage

This report covering police and fire department activity from Oct. 28 – Nov. 3 has been compiled from official information.

scarsdalesecuritylogo 1 1This police report is sponsored by Scarsdale Security who does more than just security. Contact them about remote video for your home or business. Call 914-722-2200 or visit their website.

roofArrests: Following a car accident on Autenreith Road at 1 a.m., Oct. 24, a Greenacres man was arrested on charges of driving while intoxicated (first offense), operation of a motor vehicle with a blood alcohol content of at least .08 of one percent and driving with unreasonable speed. When police arrived on scene following a neighbor’s call about the accident, they found the man's 2015 Jeep with severe front end damage in a resident’s front lawn hedges. He was standing outside the car. He told police he had been driving on Oakwood Place at approximately 45-50 mph. He said he attempted to turn right onto Autenreith Road but was unable to negotiate the turn due to his rate of speed. He said his car hit trees and hedges on the resident’s property. While talking together, police detected an odor of alcohol on his breath and noticed the driver had glassy, bloodshot eyes. He  told police he had consumed 3 to 4 beers about an hour ago. Police administered a field sobriety test and an alco-sensor breath test. The breath test indicated an alcohol level of .137. At that time, he was taken into custody and arrested. At headquarters, a Datamaster test was administered and measured the man's blood alcohol level at .12. Police impounded the car and released him with an appearance ticket for Scarsdale Village Justice Court.

While conducting traffic enforcement on Post Road at 4 a.m., Oct. 27, police noticed an Audi swerving and crossing the double yellow line. Patrol conducted a traffic stop and noticed signs of intoxication on the driver – William Bassi, 33, of Sleepy Hollow. Bassi was arrested on charges of driving while intoxicated (first offense), operation of a motor vehicle with a blood alcohol content of at least .08 of one percent and a violation involving improper changing of lanes. He was released with an appearance ticket for Scarsdale Village Justice Court.

An 87-year-old Lawrence Road resident passed away from natural causes at home Oct. 25.

On Oct. 25, at 7 p.m., a burglar alarm sounded in a Wheelock Road house. Police arrived at the house and noticed a rear broken window and a rear door ajar. Police set up a perimeter, called for backup and entered the house. The homeowner was notified by phone, and detectives are investigating.

ID theft
On Oct. 24, a Saxon Woods Road resident reported a fraudulent check for $2,000 was cashed against her account. Detectives are following up.

Theft of services
A Popham Road business owner reported a client left without paying for Cool-sculpting treatment services and is now ignoring the business owner’s phone calls Oct. 21. No contract was signed for the services. Detectives are following up.

Criminal mischief
On Oct. 27, a woman reported that her Lyons Road rental house might have been broken into because the rear door was damaged. Police are following up. The report noted that a civil eviction is underway with the county; so the damage might possibly be related to that situation.

Domestic matter
On Oct. 25, a Greenacres woman reported she was having a conflict with her adult daughter over the use of a shared car. Police advised the woman to use a taxi for her immediate needs and devise a schedule that works for both of them.

On Oct. 25, a woman requested help in cutting open her bicycle’s cable lock due to the fact that she lost the key to the lock.

A woman reported receiving an envelope in the mail addressed to her dead mother Oct. 24. It contained a card, coupons and gift cards. Police determined it was bulk junk mail.

Abandoned car
An abandoned car was found on Mamaroneck Road at 10:45 p.m., Oct. 25. Police contacted the registered owner and are following up.

Pedestrian struck
On Oct. 22, police were notified that a 49-year-old woman, from Astoria, Queens, was struck by a 2015 Fiat turning left from Greenacres Avenue onto Walworth avenues at approximately 9 a.m. The pedestrian was in the crosswalk at the time of the accident. Scarsdale Volunteer Ambulance Corps evaluated the pedestrian on scene. The pedestrian refused transport to the hospital or further medical attention.

Cars and roadways
Police stopped an Audi on Post Road after the driver failed to properly obey a traffic signal Oct. 21. The driver had an outstanding warrant for failing appear in court, in another jurisdiction, for a traffic ticket. Police notified officials in the other jurisdiction, and they said they did not want to pick up the defendant at that time. Police notified the driver about the outstanding warrant and advised him to take care of it.

The highway department was notified about a branch hanging over the roadway at East Parkway and Christie Place Oct. 22.

Police called a tow for a disabled car on Park Road Oct. 22.

Police removed fallen branches from Sycamore Road Oct. 23.

The water department was notified about a leaking fire hydrant on Tunstall Road Oct. 23.

A Franklin Road resident reported seeing someone throw a cup out the window of a car with New Jersey license plates parked on Franklin Road Oct. 23. The car was allegedly occupied by two teenage boys.

A neighbor’s guest accidentally parked in front of a Montrose Road driveway Oct. 24. Police alerted the car’s owner, and the owner moved the car.

A truck was parked in a handicapped spot on Harwood Court Oct. 24. Police issued a summons.

Police called a tow for a disabled car on Brookfield Lane Oct. 24.

Police put more caution tape around a roadwork site on Crossway Oct. 24.

A car was improperly parked in Freightway Garage, disrupting scheduled renovation work, Oct. 25. Police contacted the owner, who said he could not move the car, and followed up by towing it.

Police notified Con Edison about a branch in wires on Hampton Road Oct. 25.Police notified the highway department about a dead squirrel on Axtell Road Oct. 26.

Police notified Verizon about fallen wires on Cambridge and Brookby roads Oct. 26.
Greendale, Brookby and Sprague roads were flooded Oct. 27. Police taped off the roadways and notified the highway and water departments.

The highway department was notified about sewage backing into a Cambridge Road house Oct. 27.

Police stood by at the site of an open hole in the roadway at Weaver Street and Stratton Road Oct. 27.

Police notified Verizon about low wires on Walworth Avenue Oct. 27.

Thirteen car accidents were reported in the village last week.

Village code
Following two noise complaints, police asked the manager of Fenway Golf Club to lower the volume of event music Oct. 26.

Two dog walkers allegedly let approximately six dogs off leash at George Field Park Oct. 23. Patrol spoke with the owner of one of the dogs and advised that the dog walker should be reminded to keep all dogs on leash and out of the park.

A raccoon was stuck in an Oak Lane garbage can Oct. 25. Police tipped over the can, and the raccoon ran out.

Lost and found
A Ridgecrest North woman reported losing her diamond and platinum tennis bracelet while out walking her dog Oct. 21. It was valued at $12,000.

A School Lane resident reported losing his car’s license plate Oct. 24.

On Oct. 25, a Montrose Road woman reported a pendant and chain, worth approximately $2,300, went missing from her house sometime between June 8 and Oct. 10. She wanted the report for insurance purposes only.

According to Fire Chief James Seymour, firefighters responded to 39 incidents during the reporting period. He shared details of the following incidents.

Con Edison was notified to turn off gas at a Catherine Road demolition site Oct. 21.
Firefighters stood by for Con Edison at the site of a suspected gas leak at a Sheldrake Road house Oct. 21.

A man fell 30 feet from the roof of a home on Brewster Road on Oct. 22. He landed on a paved patio. He was conscious and alert, with lacerations to the head and left knee. Firefighters assisted paramedics before the man was taken to Westchester Medical Center for treatment.

On Oct. 23, firefighters ventilated a Catherine Road house because of elevated carbon monoxide levels. Con Edison was called, and a 4our-year-old resident was taken to the hospital for possible carbon monoxide symptoms.

On Oct. 24, two passengers got stuck in a malfunctioning elevator in Freightway Garage. Firefighters opened the elevator doors and released the passengers unharmed. The elevator was put out of service and the entrances were taped off, pending repair.

An odor in a Montrose Road house was coming from a sewer drain Oct. 25. Firefighters notified the highway department.

scarsdalesecuritylogo 1 1This police report is sponsored by Scarsdale Security who does more than just security. Contact them about remote video for your home or business. Call 914-722-2200 or visit their website.

On Oct. 27, firefighters pumped water out of a flooded Cornell Street house.

This report covering police and fire department activity from Oct. 21 - 27 has been compiled from official information.


On October 10, an Elmsford man was arraigned on vehicular manslaughter in the killing of a pedestrian in White Plains. Westchester County District Attorney Anthony A. Scarpino, Jr. announced that Glen Robinson of Elmsford has been arraigned on a charge of Vehicular Manslaughter in the Second Degree, a class D felony, in the death of 57-year-old Susan Benjamin-Bailey in August.

Robinson appeared in White Plains City Court Oct. 10, 2019. Following arraignment, he was released on bail and is scheduled to return to court Nov. 14, 2019.

Just after 6:30 in the morning Aug. 24, 2019, the felony complaint alleges, Glen Robinson was driving while intoxicated in White Plains. At the intersection of Tarrytown Road and Central Avenue, Robinson drove his Chevrolet Cruze into the brick meridian in front of the Westchester County Center plowing into a pedestrian and killing her. Susan Benjamin-Bailey was a Bronx resident on her way to work in White Plains when she was killed. Robinson’s vehicle also rammed into the raised planter which held a standing clock, damaging all of it.

The victim, Susan Benjamin-Bailey, was taken to White Plains Hospital where she died from her injuries.countycenterRobinson drove his Chevrolet Cruz into the meridian of the County Center and killed Susan Benjamin-Bailey. Photo by Emily Attar.

Assistant District Attorney Laura Murphy, Chief of the Career Criminal Bureau, is prosecuting the case.

Stolen bicycles
A Berwick Road resident reported his 10-speed bicycle was stolen from the bike rack near Merchant Lot on East Parkway Oct. 10. Also stolen were a gray and black helmet and a U-shaped bicycle lock. The bicycle was unlocked during the time it was stolen.

A Ferncliff Road resident reported two green and black Fuji youth mountain bicycles were stolen from his driveway Oct. 12. The bicycles are valued at $600. Police are investigating.

Car break-in
An unlocked 2019 Toyota, parked in a Church Lane driveway was entered overnight Oct. 9. The owner said he was unsure if his credit card might have been stolen. Video surveillance captured the incident, and police are investigating.

On the morning of Oct. 9, a Boulevard woman reported her Toyota had been entered overnight. The glove compartment and center console were tossed, and papers were missing.

ID theft
A Herkimer Road woman reported someone fraudulently applied for a credit card with Key Bank in her name Oct. 12. The application was denied, and Key Bank was informed.

A Secor Road resident’s bank informed her of fraudulent activity on her account Oct. 12. Apparently, the resident’s Social Security number and a fraudulent ID were presented at a Bank of America location, and a sum of money was withdrawn from a teller. Police are investigating.

A Dunham Road woman reported receiving texts and emails from a person alleging to be her boss Oct. 13. The messages instructed her to text an unknown number. Upon doing so, the woman was further instructed to wire $500 into an unknown account. The woman checked with her boss, who told her he did not send the messages. Police helped her block the unknown numbers from her phone.

On Oct. 7, the parking enforcement officer identified a white Mercedes-Benz with scofflaw status parked on Depot Place. The car, belonging to an Elmsford woman, was towed to the police impound lot.

Welfare check
Patrol checked the welfare of a Post Road woman at the request of her daughter who had been unable to reach her Oct. 7. The woman said she was having a problem with her phone. Patrol fixed the problem and restored the phone to working order.
Police checked the welfare of an Overhill Road woman and verified she was OK Oct. 8.

A Nelson Road resident reported someone rang his doorbell and left the scene shortly before 10 p.m., Oct. 6.

On Oct. 13, a Berwick Road resident reported someone rang the doorbell and left. Police found the person who had rung the doorbell. It was a family friend dropping off a Halloween treat.

A homeless man was seen lying down on a Fox Meadow Road lawn Oct. 12. Police spoke with the man, who was then walking on the road, and learned he “was allegedly on his way to a store” and then going to a shelter. He declined further assistance from police.

Cars and roadways
Police asked workers to move a truck parked at Rectory Lane and Carstensen Road Oct. 7, in order to alleviate traffic congestion.

A large truck drove over curbing and moved landscaping rocks from a Meadow Road property onto the roadway Oct. 8. Patrol pushed he rocks back into place.

Police notified Verizon about a low-hanging wire on Palmer Avenue Oct. 10.

Police asked workers to vehicles parked on Butler Road Oct. 11, in order to alleviate traffic congestion.

Police called a tow for a disabled car at Post and Popham roads Oct. 11.

Police moved a bag of leaves from Elm Road Oct. 12.

Police issued parking summonses to two drivers illegally parked on Potter Road Oct. 13.

A Brite Avenue resident reported her car got road paint on it, due to the Village’s repainting project, Oct. 14. Later, it was determined that a patrol car also got road paint on its wheel well due to painted roads not being blocked off to dry.
Four car accidents were reported in the village this week.

Civil matter
On Oct. 8, a Tory Lane resident reported a dispute with a contractor. Patrol advised both parties that their dispute was a civil matter.

A driver claimed a plastic barricade device set up at a Wilmot Road tent blew into her car and dented it Oct. 10. An employee responsible for the tent said he saw the barricade device blow over, but he claimed it did not strike the driver’s car. Police advised both parties it was a civil matter.

A Heathcote Road resident reported a neighbor’s landscaping crew placed a bundle of sticks on his property without his permission Oct. 11. The landscapers moved the sticks and told police they would be more careful in the future.

After neighbors complained, police reminded a Stratton Road dangerous dog’s owner that the dog must be muzzled while in public Oct. 10. The owner said he understood and would comply with the order.

Police reunited two loose Eastchester dogs with their Webster Road owner Oct. 12.

Village code
A man soliciting on Murray Hill Road without a permit was issued a village code violation summons Oct. 11.

Lost and found
On Oct. 10, a Sheldrake Road man reported finding a BMW key fob on his property. Police tried to identify the car associated with the fob by pressing the alarm button while driving through the neighborhood. While passing a neighbor’s house, police noticed a car alarm sounding on a BMW parked in a neighbor’s driveway. Police contacted the owner of the BMW, and the owner picked up his key fob from headquarters.

A Scarsdale resident found an iPhone on the train Oct. 10. Police gave it to Metro North Police for follow-up.

A Fairview Road resident reported losing the license plates from her leased Kia car Oct. 11. The last time she saw them was in August.

Debit cards were found outside near Sprague Road and Boulevard Oct. 14. Police located the owner of the cards and returned them.

Firefighters responded to 34 incidents during the reporting period. Captain James Seymour shared details of the following reports below.

On Oct. 8, firefighters assisted Hartsdale firefighters with a smoke alarm in a commercial building.

Firefighters assisted at a two-car accident at Post Road and Boulevard Oct. 8.

Firefighters helped extricate the driver of an SUV operator, by opening the door using hand tools. Firefighters also assisted EMS with placing the driver on a stretcher.

Firefighters shut down an overheated boiler on Chesterfield Road Oct. 9. They detected elevated carbon monoxide and used a fan to ventilate the basement. The homeowner was advised to call a heating plumber.

On Oct.12, an alarm indicated elevated levels of carbon monoxide in a Brewster Road house. Firefighters stood by for Con Edison and ventilated the house. Con-Ed shut down and red-tagged the boiler. The homeowner was advised to contact a heating plumber to service the boiler.

On Oct. 12, firefighters were dispatched to an Ardmore Road house on a report of an electrical burning odor. There, they found an overheated sump pump. Firefighters disconnected the sump pump and ventilated the basement.

On Oct. 12, a Carstensen Road homeowner had lit a fire in the fireplace but failed to keep the flue open. Light smoke accumulated in the first and second floors. Firefighters used an electric fan for ventilation to remove the smoke.

A Carstensen Road resident extinguished an oven fire Oct. 13. Firefighters removed the burnt food from the oven, took it outside and ventilated the kitchen.

scarsdalesecuritylogo 1 1This police report is sponsored by Scarsdale Security who does more than just security. Contact them about remote video for your home or business. Call 914-722-2200 or visit their website.

This report covering police and fire department activity from Oct. 7-14 has been compiled from official information.

lotteryticektsArrest: On Oct. 16, police arrested Joy J. McQuillar, 20, of Mount Vernon, on a fourth-degree grand larceny charge. McQuillar has been accused of stealing over $2,600 in lottery tickets from her employer, 7-Eleven.

On Oct. 17, a business owner advised that someone stole approximately $10,000 worth of equipment from her business address. Police are following up,

On Oct. 20, a Popham Road storeowner reported that two men wearing hats and carrying drawstring bags stole several items from the store and fled toward Depot Place.

Stolen package
On Oct. 18, a Morris Lane homeowner reported she never received a $1,995.78 computer that was supposedly delivered by FedEx on Oct. 15. Police advised her to review her doorbell camera for any footage of the delivery and the possible theft.

On Oct. 17, a Reynal Crossing man reported receiving insulting letters and phone calls from a person who was a former friend. The man said he ignored all previous contact until he recently received a letter stating that the former friend would start sending letters to the man’s son’s place of employment. The man said he did not want to pursue criminal charges, but he wanted the letters to stop. The man said he would consult with an attorney and would contact police again if needed. On Oct. 18, the man filed a formal harassment complaint with police.

On Oct. 18, police observed an intoxicated man acting disorderly on the train station platform. Police stood by and waited for MTA police to arrive. In the meantime, other passengers were escorted on and off the train.

A taxi driver reported a passenger exited his car on the Bronx River Parkway after having a fare dispute with the driver Oct. 15. The driver was concerned for the passenger’s safety. Police notified Westchester County police.

A Coralyn Road resident reporting receiving multiple calls from an unknown number in which the caller made kidding noises into the phone Oct. 15. The resident was advised to call the phone company to block the number.

On Oct. 15, a car with Florida plates drove into a Mamaroneck Road temple’s parking lot and the driver asked the security guard if he “was watching the game tonight.” When the security guard asked the driver if he had official business at the temple, no response was given. The security guard told the driver he was not allowed to remain on the property, and the driver said, “Why Not?” Then, the security guard called police, and the driver left.

On Oct. 16, a Harvest Drive resident reported a woman rang his doorbell looking for a donation, and then again returned to ring his doorbell again, requesting to use his phone for to arrange a ride. Police canvassed the neighborhood for the woman, but she was already gone.

An Oak Lane homeowner said she found a man sitting on her front steps, wearing a backpack and holding a cup of coffee when she went outside to collect her mail around 12:45 p.m., Oct. 18. She asked the man if he needed any help, and he failed to respond. Shortly thereafter, the man left the woman’s property. Police canvassed the neighborhood for the man, but he was already gone.

Road rage
According to a walk-in complainant, a motorist failed to yield the right of way and almost hit a pedestrian who was in the crosswalk on Fenimore Road near Brewster Road Oct. 18. The pedestrian then allegedly threw a plastic bottle at the motorist’s car. Police examined the motorist’s car and did not see any damage.

Police taped off access to a malfunctioning elevator at the Scarsdale train station and notified MTA police Oct. 19.

Welfare check
Police checked the welfare of a Brewster Road man at the request of the man’s doctor who had been unable to reach him Oct. 19. Patrol successfully contacted the man and asked him to check in with his doctor.

Cars and roadways
A person walked into headquarters Oct. 15 to report that road paint had gotten on his 2019 Jeep due to a roadway not being blocked off following overnight roadway painting. A police car and a 2017 Landrover were also affected.

On Oct. 15, police towed an abandoned 1999 Ford pickup trick with no license plates, registration or insurance to the impound lot.

Police blocked the roadway and put up flares at Heathcote and Morris roads due to a fallen branch and electrical problem with the traffic lights Oct. 17. Con Edison was notified.

On Oct. 17, police moved fallen branches to the side of Brambach Road.
A tree fell on Sage Terrace, knocking our power lines and affecting traffic lights Oct. 17. Police taped off the impacted roadway and notified Con Edison.

Verizon was notified about fallen wires on Secor Road Oct. 17.

The highway department moved a fallen tree from Weaver Street and Quaker Ridge Road Oct. 17.

Police cleared fallen branches from Bypass and Secor Road Oct. 17. Around the same time, a car got into a one-car accident on the Bypass due to fallen branches.

Police cleared fallen branches from Mamaroneck Road and Leatherstocking Lane Oct. 17.

Police notified Con Edison about a fallen tree on Drake Road, fallen branches on Saxon Woods Road, and fallen wires on Post Road Oct. 17.

Police moved a fallen cable wire to the side of Rock Creek Lane Oct. 17.

Police notified the highway department to address a fallen tree on Lee Road Oct. 17.
Police taped off low-hanging wires on Barry Road, pending repair, Oct. 17.

Police conducted traffic control at the sites of traffic lights that were out due to electrical outages on Post Road Oct. 17.

Police monitored traffic at Heathcote Road and Morris Lane while the electricity to the traffic light was being restored by Con Edison Oct. 17.

Patrol asked drivers to move legally but unsafely parked cars near the intersection of Mamaroneck and Sheldrake roads Oct. 17.

Patrol moved fallen phone wires out of a Sage Terrace driveway Oct. 18.

Police called a tow for a disabled truck on Wayside Lane Oct. 18.

The side mirrors of two passing cars struck each other on Post Road Oct. 18. The drivers said they would handle the matter among themselves.

Patrol spoke to staff at Alcott Montessori School and asked them to inform drivers, who were attending an event, to move illegally parked cars on Stonehouse Road Oct. 19. After drivers were contacted, only one illegally parked car remained on the street, and police issued a summons.

Police notified the water department about a broken water main at Catherine Road and Quaker Center Oct. 19.

Police notified Verizon about a low-hanging wire on Barry Road Oct. 19.
Police taped off Murray Hill Road while fallen electrical lines were burning Oct. 20. They remained on scene with firefighters until Con Edison arrived.

Patrol escorted a pedestrian to the sidewalk on Palmer Avenue after she crossed Weaver Street Oct. 20.

Twelve car accidents were reported in the village last week.

Civil matters
On Oct. 15, a Garth Road business owner reported receiving rude messages from a customer. Police reviewed the messages and did not determine them to be criminal in nature. The incident was determined to be a civil matter.

A caller reported that three delivery trucks were blocking the exit of the parking lot at Balducci’s market Oct. 18. Police told the general manager about the complaint and advised the caller that since the parking incident occurred on private property, it was a civil matter – not a police matter. The manager assured the caller that he would do his best to resolve parking lot congestion for customers.

Village code
Following a call from a Stratton Road homeowner Oct. 16, police notified an Optimum solicitor that he needed a permit to continue soliciting in the village.

On Oct. 16, a Taunton Road homeowner reported finding a small white poodle without a collar. No further information was provided.

According to Scarsdale Fire Chief James Seymour, firefighters responded to 48 incidents this week. He provided details of the following incidents.

On Oct. 14, firefighters provided mutual aid and assisted at a one-car car accident in White Plains.

On Oct. 16, firefighters assisted at a car accident with injuries on Post Road. Two occupants were trapped in the car. They were both conscious and alert. Firefighters extricated them from the car and helped Scarsdale Volunteer Ambulance Corps move them onto backboards to prepare for transport to the hospital. Speedy-Dri was applied to spilled automotive fluids.

A small amount of water was leaking through a light fixture in a River Road bathroom Oct. 16. Firefighters shut power at the circuit and advised the homeowner to call a roofer and an electrician for repair.

Firefighters provided a lift assist on Windward Lane Oct. 17.
On Oct. 20, firefighters were dispatched to Murray Hill Lane for wires down and burning on the pole. Con Edison was notified and corrected the problem while firefighters stood by to assist.

From left, Chief Andrew A. Matturro, Sgt. Eric LoGiudice, Det. Lt. Brendan Kellaher and Sgt. Patricia Arcesi.

2019 Police Promotion and Awards Ceremnony copyFrom left, Chief Andrew A. Matturro, Sgt. Eric LoGiudice, Det. Lt. Brendan Kellaher and Sgt. Patricia Arcesi.Police Department Promotion and Awards Ceremony

On October 22, 2019, the Scarsdale Police Department held a Promotional and Awards Ceremony.

Sergeant Brendon Kellaher was promoted to the rank of Detective Lieutenant, Det. Patricia Arcesi was promoted to the rank of sergeant and PO Eric LoGiudice was promoted to the rank of sergeant.

In addition, the following Police Personnel were recognized for exceptional police service:

Sergeant Craig Carroll -Exceptional Service Medal
Sergeant Eric LoGiudice -Meritorious Service Medal
Detective Joseph Serio (Retired) -Exceptional Service Medal & Honorable Service Medal
Detective Jason Bronstein -Administration Recognition
PO James Gannon -Command Recognition
PO Jessie Gold -Two Administrative Recognitions
PO Nicholas Kringas -Meritorious Service Medal
PO Brett Purpura -Administration Recognition
PO Anthony Santana -Administration Recognition
PO Victoria Wanderman -Meritorious Service Medal

Chief Andrew A. Matturro wishes to congratulate all those that were honored.

This report covering police and fire department activity from Oct. 15 - 20 has been compiled from official information.

scarsdalesecuritylogo 1 1This police report is sponsored by Scarsdale Security who does more than just security. Contact them about remote video for your home or business. Call 914-722-2200 or visit their website.


lotteryticektsStolen: On Oct. 2, a Scarsdale Avenue business owner reported he saw one of his employees stealing $2,680.36 worth of lottery tickets from his business. Police are following up.

On Oct. 6, an Overhill Road resident reported two Japanese credit cards and one Chase Bank debit card had been stolen from his wallet and fraudulently used to purchase $5,500 worth of gift cards from the Apple store in Ridge Hill Shopping Center in Yonkers On Oct. 5. Police are following up.

Identity theft
On Oct. 2, a Black Birch Lane resident reported fraudulent activity on her Lord and Taylor credit card amounting to $2,431.82.

Criminal mischief
A Rural Drive resident reported a broken window in her basement Oct. 6.

A neighbor reported that a Larch Lane dog often roams the neighborhood off leash and sometimes hunts rabbits Oct. 1. Patrol spoke with the dog’s owner who said his electric dog fence sometimes does not work. He also said he would try to keep the dog in his yard.

A loose dog belonging to a Boulevard resident darted into the street and was struck by a gray minivan Oct. 5. The dog was taken to the vet by its owner. The driver of the minivan called police to report the accident after she initially left the scene.

Village code
On Oct. 3, police issued summonses to two women who were going door-to-door on Fox Meadow Road, soliciting Internet services without a proper permit.

Two tickets were issued to the owner of a motorcycle without plates parked on Greenacres Avenue Oct. 4.

Lost and found
A Herkimer Road resident reported losing his license plates when he turned his car into a dealership following a lease Oct. 2.

A black briefcase containing a video camera tripod was found by a set of stairs outside Village Hall Oct. 4. Police vouchered it for safekeeping.

An equipment bag printed with the name of a Brite Avenue resident was found at Crossway Field Oct. 5. Police returned it to its owner.

A Metro Card was found in village center and given to police for safekeeping Oct. 6.

Cars and roadways
On Sept. 30, a Cornell Street resident reported her mailbox had been knocked over by a car overnight. Police took note of the mailbox on the ground and a car’s side mirror that had apparently fallen off in the accident.

Patrol moved a branch off of Brambach Road Oct. 1.

Police called a tow truck for a car with two flat tires on Heathcote Road Oct. 3.

Police removed branches from Lincoln Road Oct. 4.

Police notified the highway department about a broken tree branch dangling over Morris Lane Oct. 5.

Police notified Verizon about fallen wires on Penn Boulevard Oct. 5.

Police called Lime Bike rental company to request that three rental bicycles be picked up from in front of an Oak Lane house Oct. 5.

Three car accidents were reported in the village during the reporting period.

According to Scarsdale Fire Captain James Seymour, firefighters responded to 29 incidents this week. He shared the following.

On Sept. 30, firefighters removed a pot of food burning on a Crawford Road stove while no one was home. Next, they ventilated the space.

On Sept. 30, firefighters traced a gasoline odor in a Springdale Road house to a leaking gas generator. Firefighters shut off the generator and ventilated the house.

On Oct. 3, firefighters removed a pot of food burning on an Elm Road stove while no one was home. Next, they ventilated the space.

More Fire News:

firefairFire Fair 2019

A "Fire Fair" at Station 3 at 56 Crossway is planned for Saturday, October 19, 2019 to promote Fire Prevention Month. It will be held from 10 A.M. to 2 P.M., rain or shine. The fair will be a full Fire Department effort, with participation from all three volunteer companies, explorers, as well as the career staff.

The fair will include a "Smoke Trailer" – a simulated house with a smoke machine for kids to crawl through; apparatus demonstrations; Hourly FIRE DEMONSTRATIONS; extinguisher demos; fire prevention videos; fire safety checklist completion prizes; literature and food. Other "hands on" activities for children are also planned.

The school program will take place prior to the fair. On Friday, October 18, 2019, firefighters will visit the first grades in all of the elementary schools in the village. They will show a safety video and discuss fire prevention. They will also distribute flyers to children of all ages to bring back home reminding the families about the fair.

This year’s theme for Fire Prevention Week “Not Every Hero Wears a Cape. Plan and Practice Your Escape!” works to educate everyone about the small but important actions they can take to keep themselves and those around them safe.

Fire safety equipment such as fire extinguishers, smoke detectors, carbon monoxide detectors, and fire escape ladders will be on sale. New this year, you can bring your home fire extinguishers to the Fair and get a free inspection. Although the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) designates October as "Fire Prevention Month", we know that emergency preparedness has to be ongoing all year round. Stay safe!

DuffyScarsdale Firefighter to Present at Firehouse Expo

Scarsdale Career Firefighter Timothy Duffy has been selected to present his “Weighing in on Building Construction” course at this year’s Firehouse Expo on October 8th in Nashville, Tennessee. Duffy, well known around New York State, is a 6 year veteran of the Scarsdale Fire Department. He also teaches for the New York State Office of Fire Prevention & Control as well as the New York State Association of Fire Chiefs. His course is designed to help firefighters determine a building’s characteristics, construction type, and materials in the early stages of an incident, combined with a thorough understanding of how a building reacts to fire and heat. His program will include an in-depth review of the building “types” and the hazards associated with each as well as the methods and materials used during construction.

This report covering police and fire department activity from Sept. 30 – Oct. 6 has been compiled from official information.

scarsdalesecuritylogo 1 1This police report is sponsored by Scarsdale Security who does more than just security. Contact them about remote video for your home or business. Call 914-722-2200 or visit their website.