Sunday, Oct 06th

RangeRoverStolen: On June 10, a Spencer Place business owner reported money had been stolen from his business by a former employee who processed 41 fraudulent return transactions amounting to $2,885.93. The return amounts were credited to the former employee’s credit and debit cards. Police contacted the former employee, and she agreed to pay back the money to the storeowner in lieu of him pressing charges. An electronic payment plan was allegedly worked out.

On June 12, a Sherbrooke Road resident reported her 2017 Range Rover “Supercharged” valued at $90,000 had been stolen from her driveway overnight. A Maserati convertible parked in the driveway was not tampered with. Police are following up.

ID theft
On June 10, a Stonewall Lane woman reported a Verizon account was opened in her name without her permission.

Check fraud
A Popham Road woman reported someone altered a check in her name, resulting in a loss of $5,000 June 14. Police are following up.

On June 12, an Elm Road woman reported receiving numerous annoyance calls between 2 a.m., and 4 a.m. every morning between June 5 and 12. The woman said the caller does not say anything, but she can hear breathing on the line. Verizon advised the woman to file a police report in an attempt to have the calls traced and stopped.

Police helped an elderly man who was disoriented on Weaver Street June 11. There was a language barrier because the man did not speak English. The man showed police his cell phone that had a note on the screen stating that the man might be lost and provided his address in Heathcote. Police called the man’s daughter, and she picked him up.

A Brown Road woman reported she had been growing a “chocolate vine” in her yard, and when she returned from work on June 11, she realized it had been cut without her permission. After some investigation, police determined the highway department had probably trimmed it as the vine was growing up a utility pole and blocking a stop sign and a dead end sign on the road.

A Church Lane resident reported a person threw garbage in his dumpster without permission June 14. Police investigated the garbage and saw that it contained household trash containing address information identifying a person with an Edgemont address. Police are attempting to follow up.

Front door
A Tisdale Road resident reported his doorbell camera indicated an unknown woman was dropped off at his house at 4:15 a.m., June 16. According to doorbell camera footage, a man and woman were observed embracing on the front stoop. The woman then opened the screen door and appeared to wait for the man to leave. The man could be seen leaving the stoop and walking down the stairs. After a few moments, the woman then leaves the stoop and walks toward the street. She did not attempt to open the main door to the house at any time. It appeared as though she was dropped off at the house and pretended she lived there.

Cars and roadways
A broken parking meter was removed from Garth Road for repair and replacement June 10.

A caller advised a driver of an Audi on Old Lyme Road, and a passenger, might need assistance at 1:15 a.m., June 11. Police arrived and learned the driver was too tired to continue his drive home and decided to stop. He said he was still one hour from home. Police told him he could leave his car legally parked on Old Lyme Road and take a cab to the train station to get home. Police stood by while a cab was called, and the driver and passenger left in it.

Police assisted with traffic control on Post and Old Lyme roads while an electrical traffic light was out June 11.

Police issued a parking ticket to ta car parked on Brook Lane, partially blocking a resident’s driveway June 11.

A woman reported driving on Mamaroneck Road behind a red pickup truck carrying landscaping equipment when a lawn mower fell out of the truck June 12. It struck her car and got lodged underneath the front of the car. The landscaper helped the woman get the lawn mower out from underneath her car and then left the scene. She said he did not speak English.

Police notified a driver about a low-hanging wire on Black Birch Lane June 12.
Con Edison notified police about a sinkhole on Tyler Road June 12. Police placed barriers around the area and notified the highway department for repair.

A woman locked her keys inside her car on Overhill Road June 14. Police stayed on scene until a tow truck company arrived to help open the car June 14.

A caller reported a “sizzling wire” on Woods Lane June 14. Con Edison was informed.

Police helped a woman cross Weaver Street June 14 and 16.

A driver said she blew her horn at another car during school dismissal on Post Road, and a person got out of the other car and yelled at the driver, making her “fear for her safety” June 14. Both drivers and cars were gone when police arrived.
Police placed a dead squirrel by the side of the road at Popham Road and Church Lane for sanitation pickup June 15.

Police helped a driver disarm her car alarm on Christie Place June 15.

Police notified the cable company about a fallen wire on Woods Lane June 16.
Eleven car accidents were reported in the village this week.

Civil matter
A Black Birch Lane woman requested police assistance with a tenant matter June 12. The woman said she had provided shelter in her house to a homeless man who was now refusing to leave and was being belligerent with the woman. The woman explained she needed the person’s room for a family member who was recovering from surgery. She told police she was starting the eviction process. Police spoke with the tenant, and he said he understood. He said he would investigate other options for housing.

Two dogs got into a scrabble, causing one dog to bite another dog at the Greenacres Neighborhood Association Paw Party on June 15. The dog owners said they would handle the matter privately.

Village code
On June 10, police issued a summons to a pool company draining water into the street on Mamaroneck Road.

Police issued landscapers summonses for using a leaf violation of village code on Harvest Drive June 10, McDonald Place June 11, Lincoln Road and Weaver Street June 12 and Nelson Road June 15.

Police advised a pest control solicitor how to get back to White Plains City limits from Boulder Brook Road since the solicitor did not have a permit to solicit in Scarsdale June 13.

A group of kids was instructed to keep noise down and clean up after themselves near the brook waterway adjacent to the Golden Horseshoe Shopping Center June 14.

Police dispersed kids from Boulevard after dark June 14.

A Swarthmore Road party host was advised to lower the volume of music coming from his backyard party because guests complained June 15.

Lost and found
A Fenimore Road woman reported losing her license somewhere in the village June 12.

A key fob was found on the second level of Freightway Garage June 12.

Police found a credit card on East Parkway June 14. Police held the card for safekeeping and contacted the owner for pickup.

According to Fire Chief James Seymour, firefighters responded to 29 incidents
during the reporting period. Seymour shared details of the following incidents.

On June 11, a fallen electrical line was burning on the ground at Post and Murray Hill roads. Firefighters stood by for Con Edison.

On June 12, wires were arcing due to a fallen tree limb, and a transformer exploded at Ross and Post roads. Police and firefighters shut down the road and stood by for Con Edison.

On June 14, firefighters contacted Con Edison about a fallen power line on Woods Lane.

This report covering police and fire department activity from June 10-16 has been compiled from official information.

scarsdalesecuritylogo 1 1This police report is sponsored by Scarsdale Security who does more than just security. Contact them about remote video for your home or business. Call 914-722-2200 or visit their website.



metronorth(Updated at 1:52 pm on June 13, 2019) The MTA reported that the 8:26 am southbound train from Southeast struck and killed a trespasser on the tracks at Scarsdale Station at 9:20 am on Wednesday June 12. The accident caused the suspension of train service between Crestwood and White Plains stations for hours. Service was resumed around 12:30 pm.

According to the MTA, "The decedent is a 64 year old male; identification pending notification of next kin. The MTA Police Department is investigating the incident, which appears to be non-criminal and non-accidental in nature."

Burning wire
Officials were notified about a “hole burned in the roadway” on Stratton Road due to a fallen live wire June 3. The wire also MTAtracksdamaged a parked car by cracking its windshield shield. Police stood by to assist firefighters until Con Edison arrived to de-energize the wire. Once the power was cut, firefighters worked to extinguish the burning car and roadway. Highway workers began roadway repair. No injuries were reported.

On June 4, a Secor Road man reported a platinum engagement ring, appraised in 1993 for $11,500, and a platinum wedding band, appraised in 1994 for $4,800, were missing from his house. He said he last saw the rings at the end of February or the beginning of March. His wife noticed the rings were missing at the end of April or the beginning of May.

Identity theft
On June 4, a Nelson Road woman reported fraudulent activity on her Macy’s card, in the amount of approximately $400, occurred on May 31 at the Herald Square store in New York City. She closed the account and notified Macy’s fraud department.

On June 7, a Brewster Road resident reported he received a notice from the U.S. Postal Service stating his address was being changed to a Texas address. He did not authorize the change, and it was determined to be fraudulent due to an online account being set up using his personal information.

On June 3, Fenimore Road woman received an email demanding her to send $1,400 in Bitcoin to an unknown person in order to prevent that person from releasing pornographic videos from her Facebook and Messenger accounts. The person displayed a password as “proof” that her account had been hacked. The woman was advised this was an Internet scam and she should change her passwords.

A Post Road woman reported she might have entered her Social Security number into a bogus website June 7. Police advised her to monitor her accounts and inform the credit reporting bureaus.

A Madison Road woman reported a fraudulent email was sent to members of her PTA group requesting using her name and requesting Amazon gift cards June 7. Police advised her this was a common scam. She was further advised to alert members of her group and to ask everyone to block the email sender’s address.

Homeless man
A homeless man was observed sleeping on a bench on Boulevard June 4. Police woke him up, and the man refused to provide an ID. He said he was going for a walk and insisted he did not need any assistance. He was last observed waling east on Boulevard toward Post Road.

Power outage
On June 3, a Penn Blvd woman called police to say she was locked out of her house due to a power outage. Patrol suggested she go to a neighbor’s house and wait there for about an hour until power could be restored.

Foul language
A caller reported a group of kids playing basketball at Greenacres School playground was using foul language June 6. Police advised the kids to refrain from using foul language.

A Hampton Road woman reported feeling alarmed by a package she received June 7. It contained a Ziploc bag containing grass and animal feces. Police researched the return address for the package and it came back as an Internet gag gift company. The woman is following up with the company for further information.

Civil matter
A Stratton Road man reported Con Edison had entered his property, cut branches and “made a mess” June 7. Police informed the man it was a civil matter – not a police matter.

Police discovered a 2013 Honda Civic with scofflaw status parked in the Christie Place garage June 3. The registered owner of the car, from the Bronx, owed $415 in parking tickets. Police had the car towed to the impound lot.

Police discovered a 2019 Mercedes-Benz with scofflaw status parked in the Christie Place garage June 4. The registered owner of the car, from Florida, owed $1,220 in parking tickets. Police had the car towed to the impound lot.

Police discovered a 2018 Audi Q7 with scofflaw status parked on Chase Road June 5. The registered owner of the car, from Scarsdale, owed $640 in parking tickets. Police had the car towed to the impound lot.

Cars and roadways
Police advised Verizon about fallen wires on Sprague Road June 3. Verizon advised police to mark them with caution tape, pending repair by Verizon.

Police went to Weaver Street and Hutchinson Avenue to investigate a report of a non-working traffic light during a power outage June 3. While there, the patrol car was involved in an accident when a passing truck sideswiped it. Police notified the department of transportation about the non-working traffic light and learned nothing could be done until power was restored to the area. Temporary stop signs were erected in the meantime.

Cablevision was notified about a dangling wire on Ogden Road June 3.

Police helped a woman cross Weaver Street June 4, 5, 6 and 7.

Police called AAA for a driver with a flat tire on Post Road and stood by until the tire was changed June 4.

A teacher was locked out of her car in a Mamaroneck Road parking lot June 5. Police contacted a tow company to assist and waited on scene until the matter was rectified.

Police marked a hanging branch with caution tape and informed the highway department for removal June 5.

Low-hanging wires on Walworth Avenue were causing a traffic hazard June 6. Police notified Cablevision and temporarily tied the wires to a tree.

A teacher was locked out of her car at the middle school June 6. She said she was already running late to a meeting at the high school. Police provided her with a courtesy ride to the high school. The teacher said she would contact her own roadside assistance provider to open her car door.

Sprinkler heads and a bucket apparently fell out of a passing work truck on Mamaroneck Road, causing debris to obstruct the roadway, June 9. Police cleaned up the debris.

Eleven car accidents were reported in the village this week.

A severely injured deer was observed on a lawn near the intersection of Graham and Lincoln roads June 4. Patrol got permission to shoot the deer to put it out of its misery. Highway workers were notified for removal.

Village code
Police issued a noise violation summons to a construction crew that was using power equipment on a Circle Road job site before designed hours June 6.

A dog was observed tied to a bench in a Boulevard park June 6. Police found the owner and notified the owner that no dogs were allowed in the park, as per a posted sign. A warning was issued.

In unrelated incidents, a Walworth Avenue resident and a Brambach Road resident complained of noise from neighbors talking in their backyards June 7. Police did not think the level of noise, min each incident, was disturbing but nevertheless informed the neighbors of the complaints. The neighbors each said they would keep the level of noise down.

A caller complained of loud rap music coming from a Fox Meadow Road party June 8. Police advised the party host to turn down the music, and the host turned it off.

A caller complained of loud music coming from a Heathcote Road party June 8. Police advised the party host to turn down the music.

A Barker Lane resident was streaming videos and the sound was accidentally being broadcast over outdoor speaker June 9. Neighbors complained of noise, and the resident turned off the speakers immediately after police informed him of the complaint.

Lost and found
On June 3, a Claremont Road man reported he lost the license plate to his moped.

A cell phone was found on Scarsdale Avenue June 4. Police received a call from the owner, and she said she would pick up the phone from headquarters.

A man walked into headquarters and reported the registration sticker for his motorcycle went missing, and he received a ticket for an unregistered motorcycle in the meantime, June 6.

According to Fire Chief James Seymour, firefighters responded to 28 incidents this week. Seymour shared details of the following incidents.

Firefighters assisted at a car accident at Fenimore Road and Brite Avenue June 3.

Firefighters assisted at a car accident on the Bronx River Parkway June 6

Firefighters found elevated levels of carbon monoxide in a Claremont Road house June 6. They shut the boiler system and ventilated the house. Con Edison determined the boiler was short-cycling and causing small burst of CO to enter the HVAC system. Service to the boiler and HVAC system was recommended.

Firefighters assisted at a rollover accident following a perpendicular collision of two cars at the intersection of Catherine and Mamaroneck roads June 7. The driver and passenger of the flipped car were able to self-extricate from the car.

This report covering police and fire department activity from June 3-7 has been compiled from official information.

scarsdalesecuritylogo 1 1This police report is sponsored by Scarsdale Security who does more than just security. Contact them about remote video for your home or business. Call 914-722-2200 or visit their website.

mailman dogCar break-ins
On May 23, a Cooper Road resident reported her car was broken into overnight, and her wallet, credit cards, cash and a key were stolen.

On May 26, a Walworth Avenue woman reported her car was entered into overnight, and a power station for a jump starter device was stolen.

Dog bite
On May 21, a mail carrier reported being bitten by a dog on Webster Road while on delivering mail to a house on his mail route. The dog, and another dog were pressed against a screen door while the mail carrier was delivering mail. Then, the door’s lock “popped open” and the dogs ran out. The mail carrier was bitten on the leg, but he was not sure which dog bit him. One dog’s vaccination records were up to date, but one dog was overdue for its rabies vaccine. The dog owner was told to quarantine the dogs. Appropriate health department paperwork was submitted.

Stolen bike
A Mercer Court man’s bicycle was stolen from the bike rack on East Parkway May 27.

Criminal mischief
On May 24, a Valhalla woman reported the hood of her 2008 Nissan was intentionally and “recklessly” scratched while parked at Edgewood School on May 23. Police photographed the damage as evidence.

Identity theft
On May 20, a Tompkins Road man reported an unknown person fraudulently created three fraudulent accounts in his name and ordered $683.96 worth of merchandise. He said he received a bill for these items that he did not order. He said he did not want to file a formal report, but rather have police document the incident.

A Westview Lane man reported someone opened an Old Navy credit card in his name and charged $900 worth of fraudulent goods May 27.

A Secor Road man reported being scammed out of $150 that he allegedly spent for World Cup tickets in England advertised online from a scammer posing as a New Jersey woman.

At the homeowner’s request, police checked the credentials of a Con Edison subcontractor who needed access to a Penn Boulevard house May 20.

A relator was inadvertently sent to the wrong address on Birchall Drive May 21. She opened the unlocked front door and triggered an alarm. Police arrived on scene, and she explained the mistake. Police checked the house, and found nothing out of order.

Time to leave
A Heathcote Road man asked police to help him with a guest who was no longer welcome at his house May 25. On scene, police leaned the man had invited his girlfriend over but now wanted her to leave. She told police she thought her boyfriend was not serious about her leaving, and that’s why she decided to stay. An Uber was called for the girlfriend while police were on scene.

Unfounded call
Police received a prank call from someone stating a person was trying to break into an Old Lyme Road house May 21. Police went to the house, and the homeowner said he did not place the call.

Civil matter
A Post Road resident reported a civil disagreement with a tree contractor regarding unreturned checks for work that was never performed May 21. Police spoke with both parties and an agreement was reached to meet up for the checks to be returned.

Cars and roadways
Police moved an animal carcass to the side of Post and Murray Hill roads May 20. The highway department was informed for removal.

Police called a tow truck for a disabled truck that would not start and had leaked oil on Weaver Street and Griffen Avenue May 21.

Three drivers passed a stopped school bus with its flights flashing on Popham Road May 21. Police issued summonses to the drivers.

Police moved a tire to the side of Weaver Street and Hutchinson Boulevard May 22. Police notified highway workers for removal.

Police notified Con Edison about a branch on wires on Circle Road May 22.

A person reported an “erratic” driver on Heathcote Road May 22. The driver said he was just trying to avoid potholes and driving slowly for safety.

Police assisted a gasoline delivery truck driver open a jammed side door on his truck in order to complete his delivery to a gas station on Scarsdale Avenue May 23.

Police notified Con Edison and White Plains authorities about a “popping wire” on Hartsdale Avenue, north of Garden Road, May 23.

Police removed fallen branches from Mamaroneck Road May 23.

Police assisted a woman cross Weaver Street May 23, May 25 and May 26.

Police removed two broken hubcaps from Post Road May 24.

Police impounded an abandoned car left in the parking lot of Saxon Woods Golf Course May 26.

Four car accidents were reported in the village this week.

Police reunited a lost dog with its Overhill Road owner after the owner called headquarters looking for the dog May 20. The dog had a microchip that was not registered. Police advised the owner how to register the chip.

A person, who works as a vet, checked on a friend’s Lebanon Road house and found the friend’s dog dead on the front porch May 21. She notified police and removed the dog to her animal clinic to evaluate what kind of injuries might have caused its death. The friend was advised.

A coyote was reported to be roaming on Lebanon Road May 22. It allegedly knocked over a garbage can.

Police called New Rochelle Humane Society to pick up a loose black dog on Cooper Road May 23.

Village code
After neighbors complained, police asked people to lower the volume of music at a Garth Road location May 20.

A man was issued a summons for soliciting for a pest control company without a permit May 21. Other pest control solicitors were issued warnings on Sage Terrace and Tory Lane.

Volunteers for a nature conservancy were soliciting on East Parkway May 23. Police advised them they needed a permit.

At 7:40 a.m., police ordered landscapers working on Claremont Road to shut off their equipment until 8 am. The landscapers complied.

Police advised a landscapers on Madison Road and throughout the village of the allowed times to start work in the village May 22 and May 24.

A man soliciting for work on Colvin Road was advised he needs a permit to do so May 26.

Lost and found
A red wallet was found in Christie Place garage May 21. Police returned it to its owner.

A person found a gold piece of jewelry on Scarsdale Avenue and gave it to police who vouchered it at headquarters May 23.

A fire hydrant on Brittany Close was leaking May 20. The water department was notified.

A custodian shut down an elevator system in a Mamaroneck Road building due to an overheated motor May 20. Firefighters made sure everything was safe.

A pot of eggs left boiling on the stove started to smoke in a Normandy Lane kitchen May 20. Firefighters shut off the stove, removed the pot and ventilated the house.

On May 20, Claremont Road residents evacuated their house due to elevated carbon monoxide levels. Con Edison was called and found that when the hot water heater boiler at the same time that the air conditioning unit was it, it was creating incomplete combustion due to the A/C pulling draft from the hot water heater. The air handler then circulated the CO gas from the saturated basement throughout the house. CO was collecting in voids in walls and behind outlets. The house was ventilated and a service technician was recommended to reconfigure the system.

Firefighters cleaned up spilled automotive fluids and oil from Sherbrooke Road May 20.

Con Edison was notified about burning wires on Brewster Road May 21. Firefighters stood by and assisted. Police helped navigate people safely through the area.

Con Edison was notified about a gas leak at a Leatherstocking Lane house May 22 and insulation burned off of wires on Post Road May 24.

Firefighters removed an overheated light fixture from a Donellan Road basement May 25.

Firefighters investigated a wire hanging in a Fox Meadow Road garage May 26. It was from an old garage door system.

A door lock got jammed in a Popham Road building and a resident got locked inside her apartment May 27. Firefighters forced the door open and notified the building superintendent for repair.

This report covering police and fire department activity from May 20-27 has been compiled from official information.

scarsdalesecuritylogo 1 1This police report is sponsored by Scarsdale Security who does more than just security. Contact them about remote video for your home or business. Call 914-722-2200 or visit their website.

HaircutHair salon
A Christie Place salon owner called police because of a customer issue June 1. The customer allegedly took a pair of scissors out of the stylist’s hands while getting a haircut and started cutting her own hair. The customer claimed the stylist had cut her, and the stylist said this was not true. That is when the customer got upset and grabbed the scissors. Salon employees told the customer to put the scissors down, or police would be called. Police arrived and saw the customer holding the scissors. At that time, the customer released the scissors and then picked them up again. Police removed the scissors from the customer’s hands and asked her to get out of the chair. She refused and started blow-drying her hair. Police unplugged the dryer and told the customer she was not welcome in the salon, as per the owner. Police escorted her outside. She refused to provide her ID or name when asked by police. She said she lived in the city and took the train there. Police obtained her name and phone number from an employee. When she left the scene, she got her car from Christie Place garage and drove away.

On May 27, a Mercer Court resident reported his blue and silver Trek bicycle had been stolen from the bike rack on East Parkway May 26. A piece of the bicycle lock was found on the ground where the bike had been.

On May 28, a Walworth Ave. woman reported someone entered her parked car overnight on May 25/26 and stole a “Dash Cam.”

Identity theft
On May 29, a Penn Boulevard woman reported an unknown person had obtained information about her bank account with HSBC through a scam call.

Criminal mischief
A Tunstall Road resident reported her 2018 Acura was damaged while parked in front of her house June 2. No other information was provided.

While cleaning out a Brookline Road house, a woman found an old shotgun that had belonged to her father. She brought it to police for safe disposal since she had no use for it May 30.

A man was reported to be lying motionless in grass at Chase and Crane roads June 1. Police recognized the man as a Central Taxi driver, who apparently fell asleep while resting on a break. The man woke up when police said his name. He refused medical attention.

Prank call
Police received a false report by a prank caller stating to be the nephew of an Old Lyme Road resident May 29. The caller said people were on his uncle’s property and police should check it out. The Old Lyme Road homeowner said he does not have a nephew and no one had been at his house that day.

A Fox Meadow Road resident reported a small hole was drilled into a side door of his house June 2. Police examined the hole and determined it had been made by carpenter bees.

Cars and roadways
Police helped a woman cross Weaver Street May 28 and May 30.

The highway department was notified about overgrown tree foliage obstructing a speed measuring sign and its solar panel on Fenimore Road May 28.

A caller complained of congestion on Burgess Road due to parked cars May 28. Police asked drivers to relocate their cars to better support traffic flow.

Police placed a traffic cone over a broken water cap on Weaver Street May 29. The highway department was notified for repair.

Police taped and notified Verizon about a low-hanging wire on Mamaroneck Road and Lenox Place May 29.

Police notified highway workers about a large tree branch on Heathcote Road, for purposes of removal, May 30.

Police removed a branch from Saxon Woods Road May 31.

Police called a tow for a disabled car on Fenimore Road and Brite Avenue May 31.

A driver locked his keys inside his car on Bradford Road June 1. Police called a roadside assistance vehicle to resolve the matter and open the car’s door.

Civil matter
A Bell Road resident called police and raised the issue of an ongoing dispute with a neighbor over street parking June 1. The resident stated the neighbor placed a note on his girlfriend’s legally parked car, asking her to move it. The neighbor said the resident often parks a truck in front of her walkway, making it difficult for her to get in and out of her house. Police advised both parties to be considerate of each other’s needs and attempt to get along or ignore each other.

A dead white-colored cat was found near Post and Farley roads May 31. Police placed it in a box and notified the sanitation department for removal.

A woman left her small dog in her parked car, with the window cracked open, at the Scarsdale pool June 2. Police called her, using her car’s license plate number, over the pool’s public address system. Police advised her of the dangers of leaving a dog in a parked car during summer weather, even for short period of time. She said she understood. The dog did not appear to be in distress. The woman collected her children from the pool and left.

Village code
Police dispersed a group of kids from Greenacres School grounds, on Huntington Avenue, after dark on May 31.

On June 1, around 10 p.m., a group of people entered a Whig Road backyard to distribute flyers about a missing rescue dog to a group of adults socializing outdoors at the Whig Road house. The Whig Road homeowner called police. Patrol called the contact number on the flyer and met up with the rescue dog group on Berwick Road. They said they were looking for a dog that went missing on Berwick Road about three hours ago. Patrol admonished them for soliciting at a late hour and walking into a resident’s backyard without permission. The group of people apologized.

Police advised residents at Richbell and Lakin roads, as well as Benedict and Spier roads, about “loud music” complaints June 1. Each resident turned down the music. The incidents were not related.

An Ogden Road man was running his snow blower to burn off excess fuel, and neighbor complained of noise at 9 a.m., June 2. Police advised the man about village code prohibiting the use of power equipment on the weekend mornings.

Lost and found
A passerby found a driver’s license on Garth Road and gave it to police May 29. It belonged to an Ardsley person. Attempts to reach the owner were unsuccessful. Police vouchered it for safekeeping.

On May 30, a passerby brought a wallet, found on Fox Meadow Road, to headquarters May 31. Police reached out to the owner, and the owner picked up the wallet from headquarters. She said nothing was missing.

According to Fire Chief James Seymour, firefighters responded to 28 incidents during the reporting period. He shared details of the following incidents.

On May 28, Con Edison was called to investigate a gas leak at a house on Morris Lane.

On May 29, firefighters assisted with a car accident at Crane Road and Church Lane.

A child got stuck on top of a playground structure at a Wayside Lane playground May 30. Firefighters used the Little Giant ladder to help the child get down.

On June 1, firefighters assisted with a car accident on the Bronx River Parkway.

This report covering police and fire department activity from May 28-June 2 has been compiled from official information.

Police Issue 155 Summonses to Drivers

The Scarsdale Police Department recently participated in a two week initiative aimed at getting drivers to buckle up. The department joined a statewide effort targeting drivers who operate their vehicles without wearing seatbelts and who fail to buckle in child passengers.

Scarsdale Police Traffic Safety Campaign results: 155 summonses issued.

During the enforcement wave officers were looking for and ticketing adult operators who put themselves and children at risk by not buckling up everyone in the vehicle.

The Scarsdale Police Department issued 155 summonses to motorists in the traffic safety campaign that occurred between May 20, 2019 and June 2, 2019 as part of the Governor’s Traffic Safety Committee, Buckle Up New York program.

22 motorists were cited for not wearing seatbelts and an additional 1 was cited for not having their child properly secured by a seatbelt.
Among other violations, 5 were issued for using a cell phone while driving, 25 were issued for disobeying traffic controls, and 30 speeding violations were issued.

scarsdalesecuritylogo 1 1This police report is sponsored by Scarsdale Security who does more than just security. Contact them about remote video for your home or business. Call 914-722-2200 or visit their website.



UberLogoStolen and returned
On May 14, a Mamaroneck woman reported her $425 Apple watch was stolen after she left it in an Uber that took her to a Crossway house on May 8. On May 8, as soon as she realized the watch was missing, she immediately contacted the driver. The driver said the watch was in his car, and he promised to return it to the woman. However, he never brought the watch back to her, and he stopped answering her calls and messages. When she was able to reach him, she told police he “made numerous excuses” for not returning the watch. On May 14, police called the driver and advised him to return the watch. He said he was waiting for Uber to pay him to drive from the Bronx to Scarsdale to return the watch. Police then told him he would be charged with petit larceny if he did not return the watch. The watch was subsequently returned to the woman.

A backpack was stolen out of a car parked on School Lane May 15. The driver said she accidentally left the car’s window open.

Attempted burglary
A Church Lane resident returned home from a trip and noticed someone had tampered with her front door lock May 18. There were no other signs of forced entry. A plastic lawn chair was also found tipped over near the basement stairs, and the resident thought someone might have used it in an additional attempt to enter the house. Police photographed the damaged lock and classified the incident as an attempted burglary.

ID theft
A Sprague Road woman reported someone attempted to fraudulently open a credit card account in her name May 17.

A Garth Road bakery owner asked for police assistance with an employee who was just fired from the bakery for his behavior on the job May 16. The employee was allegedly being aggressive with other workers following his termination. Police escorted the ex-employee from the bakery and told him he was no longer welcome in the bakery, as per the management.

A home health aide asked for assistance getting inside her employer’s Sheldrake Road house May 16. The employer was OK but bedridden. Patrol stood by until the aide safely got inside the house with assistance from firefighters.

A Wheelock Road woman heard the garage door open and an alarm activate while she was in the shower May 18. She became alarmed and called police. Police arrived at the house and announced their presence upon opening the door. At that time, the woman’s father appeared from a room inside the house. He said he came home earlier than expected and accidentally activated the alarm. Everything was in good order.

One car with scofflaw status was parked in the village May 14. The car allegedly owed $630 for unpaid parking tickets.

Cars and roadways
Police assisted a woman walk on Weaver Street to her final destination May 13, 14, 15, 18 and 19.

A car was parked on Forest Lane in a manner that impeded traffic flow May 13. Police spoke with the registered owner who said she would move the car.

A driver got a flat tire on Drake Road May 13. Police helped the driver relocate her car to a nearby parking lot where the tire was changed.

Police notified Con Edison about a broken tension wire between two utility poles May 14.

Police removed a dead animal carcass from Crossway and placed it by the side of the road for sanitation pickup May 14.

Police stood by while a driver’s father helped changed a flat tire on the driver’s car on Heathcote Road May 15.

A Con Edison emergency response truck was parked on Tyler Road while workers surveyed damaged related to a sinkhole in the road May 15.

A truck was double parked on Christie Place May 16. Police issued a parking summons.

A car’s wheel fell off on Fenimore Road, and only one lug nut could be installed to reattach the wheel May 16. Patrol and the driver felt the car was not safe enough to be roadworthy, and patrol called a tow truck. Patrol stood by until the car was safely removed from the road.

Verizon was notified about fallen wires on Weaver Street May 16.

Police asked the owner of a parked car on Huntington Avenue to slightly move the car in order to avoid repeated complaints by a neighbor May 16. The owner complied and relocated the car.

Verizon was notified about a fallen wire on Wildwood Road May 16. The wire allegedly fell when a man was cutting a tree, and a branch fell on it.

Verizon was notified about a fallen wire on Drake Road May 17.

Temporary stop signs were erected on Weaver Street during a power outage May 17.

Police taped a low-hanging phone wire to a tree on Post Road, pending repair by Verizon, May 17.

Police issued a summons to an illegally parked U-Haul truck on Overhill Road May 18.

A large branch fell on Brite Avenue and Olmsted Road May 19. Police taped off the area and notified the highway department for removal.

Police issued summonses to illegally parked cars on Potter Road May 19.

A tree fell on wires at Secor and Wildwood roads May 19. Police notified Con Edison and highway workers for wire repair and tree removal.

Seven car accidents were reported in the village this week.

Civil matter
A Brown Road resident reported a moving company delivered boxes, with several expensive items missing, to her new house May 15. The resident said the alleged theft occurred while the boxes were in storage at the mover’s warehouse, following being picked up in Illinois and stored while the resident was temporarily living in New York City. Missing items included several men’s suits and a baby stroller.

A woman reported her elderly Yellow Labrador Retriever partially fell into a storm drain and got struck May 14. Police and firefighters arrived to help get the dog out of the drain, but the dog had already been removed from the drain, with the help of a UPS driver.

Lost and found
An Evon Court woman reported losing her driver’s license somewhere in the village May 14.

A woman found a Prada wallet containing $4.10 and ID and credit cards at Tuckahoe train station and brought it to Scarsdale police May 16. Police contacted the owner and left a message for her to pick up her lost wallet.

A Wheelock Road woman reported losing a money belt bag containing documents belonging to her and her children, including passports, Social security cards and birth certificates, May 18. She believes she lost the bag somewhere between her house and the Golden Horseshoe Shopping Plaza while running errands.

A Tompkins Road man walked into headquarters and reported losing a watch sometime in the past May 19. The watch was a Cartier Tank model watch valued at $23,900. The last time the man saw the watch was two years ago, he said.

Village code
Police spoke with a Post Road homeowner regarding noise complaints related to a neighbor’s speaker system May 14.

Police issued a warning to a pest control solicitor going door-to-door on Carstensen Road without a permit May 17. Police issued a summons to another pest control solicitor from the came company on Bradley Road later that day.

Police dispersed a noisy group of people from Fox Meadow Road May 17.

A Sheldrake Road resident complained about early morning construction noises on the street May 19. A construction site was empty and secured by a locked fence. The only noises police heard on scene were caused by birds chirping, which they noted, “in no way sounded like construction noises.”

According to Fire Chief James Seymour, firefighters responded to 17 incidents this week. He shared details of the following incidents.

Firefighters assisted at a car accident on Weaver Street and Crossway May 13.

On May 15, firefighters responded to a report of a kitchen fire at a single family, private house on Old Lyme Road. Upon arrival, firefighters found an unoccupied house, with no fire. There was no cause for alarm, and firefighters determined the call was a “malicious” false report.

A boiler malfunctioned and released steam in a Mamaroneck Road house May 15. Firefighters shut down the gas and water supplies to the boiler and advised the resident to call for service.

On May 17, firefighters assisted at a car accident on the Hutchinson River Parkway.

This report covering police and fire department activity from May 13-19 has been compiled from official information.

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