Sunday, Oct 06th

shssealOn Sept. 26, bias-related graffiti was found on a restroom stall door in a boy’s restroom on the forth floor of Scarsdale High School. It consisted of a swastika and offensive hate speech targeting different groups of people. Immediately, school officials reported it to police. The incident is being handled as a felony – a bias-related hate crime and fourth-degree criminal mischief – and police are actively investigating the matter.

This is what we know so far: Three students discovered the graffiti in the afternoon and reported it. According to a statement issued by the school, “The words and images were not easily visible, though upon closer scrutiny they became apparent.” Police said it difficult to determine exactly when the graffiti appeared or if it was made in sections over time, possibly using or modifying old graffiti markings that had been sanded-over and painted-over to create a new offensive message.
The incident follows the discovery of similar offensive graffiti discovered in another high school restroom approximately two weeks ago.

Later that same day, Principal Kenneth Bonamo issued the following in an email to parents and students: “We have asked our custodial staff to remove the graffiti and to continue to inspect bathrooms for graffiti during their nightly work. This work may take some time, and the responsibility to keep all areas of our school free of graffiti falls to each of us in not creating it in the first place and in reporting it if it’s seen to a school administrator or counselor. I wish to commend the three students who came forward today.” Deans and youth outreach workers were made available to talk with any students or families seeking conversation on the matter.

Police routinely patrol all schools and houses of worship. However, to address the seriousness of this incident, police noted there will an increased police presence around all Scarsdale schools and houses of worship. Anyone with information regarding this incident is asked to call Scarsdale police at 914-722-1200.

Arrests on warrant
On Sept. 23, Peter Pennyfeather, 31, of Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, surrendered himself to police on an active warrant issued out of Scarsdale for failure to appear in court to resolve vehicle and traffic charges. Pennyfeather was released on his own recognizance and issued an appearance ticket for Scarsdale Village Justice Court.

On Sept. 25, Greenburgh police reported they were holding Jessica G. Vallejos, 47, of White Plains, at their headquarters because there was an active arrest warrant previously issued out of Scarsdale for failure to appear in court to resolve vehicle and traffic charges. She told police there was a language barrier, and she did not realize she was supposed to appear in court. Vallejos was released on his own recognizance and issued an appearance ticket for Scarsdale Village Justice Court.

Attempted burglary
An alarm sounded at a Broadmoor Road house, indicating an attempted burglary Sept. 24. Police arrived at the house and noticed a broken side window. The house was not entered. Police are investigating.

A White Birch Lane woman reported three fraudulent transactions on her bank account totaling $2,000 Sept. 23. They appeared on her account after she responded to an unsecure fake email and entered financial information while attempting to book tickets. Her credit card company was informed and reversed the charges.

A Tunstall Road resident reported her outdoor side lights went on at 9 p.m., Sept. 25, but she thought it was because of an animal. In the morning, she noticed her deck furniture had been rearranged and one of her doorbell cameras had been disconnected and was not charged. Nothing was damaged or missing. Police scheduled extra ridebys of her house as a precaution.

A Stonehouse Road resident reported a white man in his 40s came to her door and rang the doorbell Sept. 26. He allegedly became irate when the homeowner would not answer the door. He was said to have lingered on the doorstep before leaving the property.

Civil matter
On Sept. 23, a Foxhall Road woman reported she had hired movers to help her with a move, but they showed up to her house unprepared. She asked the movers to leave and said she no longer wanted them to do the job. At that point, the movers were begging her to let them start the job. She called police when the movers hesitated to leave. The movers left before patrol arrived.

Cars and roadways
Police stood by a motorist with a disabled car and directed traffic around it, while the motorist waited for a tow, Sept. 23.

The driver of a BMW parked at Garth and Popham roads was sleeping at midnight, Sept. 25. He said he had worked all day and was feeling well. A family member came to pick him up. He refused medical attention.

Patrol removed a branch from Fenimore Road Sept. 24.

A car was left running in Freightway Garage Sept. 24. Police contacted the owner, who returned to the car and turned off the ignition.

A bus was standing in a no standing zone on Post Road, blocking sight lines for other motorists Sept. 256. Police asked the driver to move the bus, and he complied with instructions.
Police helped a pedestrian walk on Weaver Street in an area where there is no sidewalk Sept. 25.

Police called a tow for an overheating car at Greenacres and Walworth avenues Sept. 25.

Police stood by while a motorist changed a flat tire on Walworth Avenue Sept. 25.

Police noticed a car with an open door parked in a Gatehouse Road driveway at 1 a.m., Sept. 26. The car did not appear tossed. Police closed the door.

Police contacted the driver of a car parked partially across a Carthage Road driveway and asked the driver to move the car Sept. 27. The driver complied.

A man could not exit a parking space on Brewster Road because another driver parked too close to him Sept. 27. Police contacted the high school, where an announcement was made for the driver to move his car. Police stood by while the car was moved and issued the driver a summons.

The highway department removed a fallen tree from Palmer Avenue Sept. 29.

Five car accidents were reported in the Village this week.

A Barry Road man reported a skunk had been struck by a car and was injured and hiding under her bushes Sept. 25. The skunk’s location made it unsafe for police to check it, although it appeared to not be moving. Police provided the man with contact information for local animal trappers. The man said he would probably wait to see if the skunk would die there and then remove it himself. Later that day, another Barry Road homeowner reported an injured skunk walking on her yard. Police provided her with animal trappers’ contact information. The animal was most likely the same skunk reported in the first call. An hour later, the skunk was reported dead. Police disposed of it and notified sanitation workers for pickup.

Police picked up a loose, large, light brown Cockapoo at Post Road and Boulevard Sept. 25. While waiting for New Rochelle Humane Society to pick up the dog, a woman called to report her lost dog. Police reunited the dog with its family and issued the owner a summons for having a dog at large.

Police reunited a loose French bulldog and its owner after the dog was found loose on Post Road Sept. 28.

Village code
Police issued landscapers summonses for using gas-powered leaf blowers in violation of village code on Secor Road Sept. 24, Circle Road Sept. 26 and Rock Creek Lane Sept. 27.
After neighbors complained of noise, police asked a Richbell Road homeowner to lower the volume of music Sept. 27.

Lost and found
A Walworth Avenue caller reported she lost her phone while walking a neighbor’s dog Sept. 24.

A Paddington Road resident reported losing her passport from Thailand somewhere between CVS on Popham Road and her house during a walk Sept. 26.

According to Fire Chief James Seymour, firefighters responded to 27 incidents during the reporting period. He shared details of the following incidents.

On Sept. 23, firefighters responded to a reported gas leak in a Fayette Road house.

Con Edison was notified and detected a leak inside the boiler. The boiler was red tagged.

On Sept. 23, firefighters assisted with evacuation and helped extinguish a cooking fire confined to a container in a Central Avenue apartment.

Firefighter assisted with a car accident with injuries on the Hutchinson River Parkway Sept. 23.

On Sept. 26, firefighters were alerted to a problem on Highland Way by an automatic fire alarm. Upon arrival, firefighters smelled an odor of a pot being left on the stove through the mail slot. They made entry and removed the pot from stovetop. The homeowner was home but did not hear firefighters ringing the doorbell. The house was ventilated with a portable fan.

This report covering police and fire department activity from Sept. 23-29 has been compiled from official information.

scarsdalesecuritylogo 1 1This police report is sponsored by Scarsdale Security who does more than just security. Contact them about remote video for your home or business. Call 914-722-2200 or visit their website.

ParkRoadDWI arrest: While conducting burglary patrol on Old Lyme Road, police encountered a parked 2007 Toyota Land Cruiser with its engine running and a man sleeping inside at the steering wheel 3 a.m., Sept. 19. Police attempted to wake the man by tapping on the window, but it was unsuccessful. Police then opened the driver’s door, and the man woke up and began to speak incoherently. A strong odor of alcohol was detected in his breath. Police reached into the car and turned off the ignition but were not able to remove the keys. The man – Felix Davey, 30, of New York City – was incoherent with his speech and unable to answer questions; so police asked him to step out of the car. In response to being asked to step out of the car, Davey allegedly responded insensibly several times with his eyes closed: “I don’t want to f*** you.” Davey stepped out of the car, then re-entered it and put on his seat belt, indicating an intention to drive away in a dangerous state. Police called for backup and put hands on Davey, while giving clear verbal commands, in an attempt to separate him from his car for safety. Davey became combative and non-compliant. Davey grabbed the officer with both hands and partially pulled him into the car. Backup officers arrived, opened the passenger door and successfully pushed Davey out of the car. Three officers then struggled with Davey to get him to the ground and put handcuffs on him. One officer fell and was injured in the process. An alco-sensor test confirmed the presence of alcohol in Davey’s body. Davey was arrested on charges of driving while intoxicated (first offense), operation of a motor vehicle with a blood alcohol level of at least .08 of one percent, resisting arrest, obstruction of government administration and second-degree assault. Following arrest processing, Davey was transported to Scarsdale Village Justice Court for arraignment by Judge Alemany. Alemany set bail at $2,500 cash / $5,000 bond. Unable to post bail, Davey was then transported to Westchester County Jail, and his car was impounded.

A burglar entered an unoccupied Palmer Avenue house through an unlocked door at 7:12 p.m., Sept. 17. An alarm activated, and police were dispatched to the scene. There, investigation determined that someone had entered the house illegally with intent to commit a crime, and two bags of dog food were stolen.

A burglar alarm sounded at an Archer Lane house Sept. 21, and police determined a burglary had taken place. Stolen items included a safe and its contents. Police are investigating.

Stolen equipment
On Sept. 20, a Board of Education employee told police that 42 Dell Chromebooks valued at $8,000 went missing from Quaker Ridge School over the summer. Additionally, five iPads went missing from Greenacres School over the summer.

Stolen credit cards, bicycle
On Sept. 16, a Kent Road woman reported that credit cards were recently stolen from her car, and they were used to make unauthorized purchases on Sept. 13. The purchases amounted to approximately $500.00.

A Country Ridge Road girl reported her $100 bike had been stolen from the bicycle rack located in front of the train station on East Parkway.

Car break-ins
On Sept. 21, a Murray Hill Road resident reported someone entered two of their cars parked in their driveway overnight. Both cars were unlocked. Nothing was determined to have been stolen.

On Sept. 21, a Brookby Road resident reported his unlocked car had been entered overnight, and the perpetrator stole a change container from the center console.

On Sept. 21, a Sheldrake Road resident reported her unlocked car had been entered overnight and items were stolen, including two rolls of quarters at $10 each and a police surgeon badge.

Identity theft
On Sept. 16, a Post Road resident reported someone opened and closed a fraudulent bank account in his name in June. He learned about it after receiving mail from Key Bank regarding the account.

On Sept. 17, a Saxon Woods Road resident reported she was the victim of a phone scam in which she provided personal and banking information before realizing it was a scam.

A Brewster Road woman told police she lost numerous emails from her AOL account and could not recover them Sept. 17. She suspected that her account had been hacked.

On Sept. 16, police stood by a suitcase with a raised handle left on Depot Place, waiting for MTA police to arrive.

A Herkimer Road resident reported seeing people looking through mailboxes on the street Sept. 20. The people were said to have come out of a blue Honda with gold rims. Police canvassed the area but did not find the people.

On Sept. 19, an Aspen Road man asked police to help him with two of his mother’s legally owned firearms before her permit expired the next day. The son said his elderly mother no longer wanted the revolvers.

Civil matter
On Sept. 16, a Wynmor Road man reported he is doing landscaping work and his neighbor left him a note regarding the cutting of shrubs and plants near the property line. Police advised the man to consult with a surveyor to determine the property line and settle the civil matter.

Pedestrians hit
On Sept. 17, a 60-year-old pedestrian was stuck by a car at the corner of Mamaroneck and Park roads while she was crossing the street. Firefighters and police assessed the patient and rendered first aid. Scarsdale Volunteer Ambulance Corps loaded the pedestrian onto a stretcher and transported her to the White Plains Hospital Center for treatment of injuries and pain to her head, neck and left side. The driver was a 92-year-old Scarsdale resident who was making a left turn through the T-intersection.

On Sept. 19, a man was struck by a car near the Scarsdale Shell station on Scarsdale Avenue. It was approximately 7:30 a.m. when the accident occurred.

Police received a call of a man with his leg pinned between two cars on Kent Road at 7:45 a.m., Sept. 19. The man had been standing behind his car changing clothes for work when a car behind him rolled forward and pinned him before the driver could reach inside to turn off the car. The man was lying on the ground when police arrived. He explained one of the cars had already been moved following the accident that allowed him to release his legs.

Cars and roadways
On Sept. 16, police notified the highway department about tree branches blocking a stop sign on Bradley Road.
Police removed a fallen cable wire from Post and Chase roads Sept. 16.
A water main cover was missing on Lincoln Ave. Sept. 17. Police put caution tape around it and notified the water department.
Police advised roadway workers on Butler Road to set up traffic cones in a way that did not disrupt traffic flow Sept. 18.
Patrol helped a pedestrian cross the five-corners intersection Sept. 18.
Patrol called a tow for a disabled car on Claremont Road Sept. 19.
On Sept. 20, police stood by a driver with a defective alternator in his car while the driver waited for a tow on Hutchinson Ave.
Con Edison was notified about a leaning utility pole on Leatherstocking Lane Sept. 21.
A large tree branch fell onto a parked car on Walworth Avenue, causing the windshield to shatter, Sept. 21.
Police placed a traffic cone over a loose manhole cover on Olmsted Road Sept. 22.
Eleven car accidents were reported in the village this week.

Police provided contact information for animal trappers to a Wildwood Road woman who reported seeing a raccoon that “looked odd” Sept. 17.

Police provided contact information for animal trappers to a Berwick Road resident who reported a small animal had been interfering with traffic Sept. 18.

A sick raccoon was observed in a Leatherstocking Lane backyard Sept. 21. It died while police were on scene, and the sanitation department was informed for pickup.

On Sept. 21, a Brewster Road resident reported his dog was attacked and bitten by a loose Sage Terrace dog in the neighborhood. The bite did not break the dog’s skin. Police spoke with the Sage Terrace dog’s owner and issued the owner a summons for having a dog at large.

Village code
Police issued landscapers summonses for using gas-powered blowers on Kingston Road Sept. 16, Brewster and Kingston roads Sept. 17 and Heathcote Road Sept. 19.

Police rounded up a group of kids out walking after dark on Secor Road and drove them back to the house of an adult in charge of them Sept. 20.

A bulldozer was being used on Colonial Road before 10 a.m., Saturday, Sept. 21. Police issued the operator a village code violation summons.

Lost and found
A Con Edison worker left his iPad on the roof of his car after performing an inspection on Greenacres Ave. Sept. 17. He drove away and lost the iPad, which resulted in a report of the iPad as missing.

A passerby found a set of keys, consisting of a lanyard and three keys, on Colvin Road Sept. 18. Police vouchered them for safekeeping.


newfirestationThe renovated Popham Road FirehouseFollowing extensive renovations, the firehouse on Post Road at Village Hall is open for business. "The Popham Road Firehouse, also known as Station 1, was originally constructed in 1923. A ribbon cutting was held on September 25 to mark completion of an extensive renovation that targeted critical structural deficiencies and modernization of key elements of the structure's design that had become obsolete over time. Among others, Mayor Marc Samwick and Volunteer Company 1 President, Oliver Goldstein, delivered public comments to mark the occasion. The Popham Road Firehouse is now a 21st century asset."

A Tesla parked inside a Lincoln Road garage was emitting battery fumes Sept. 17. Firefighters traced the odor to an overcharged Tesla battery. Firefighters contacted the homeowner and explained the situation. Police secured the interior garage door and left the exterior door open to ventilate.

On Sept. 18, firefighters assisted Con Edison and ensured residents’ safety at the site of a gas leak due to workers accidentally striking the line.
Firefighters assisted at a head-on, rollover collision with airbag deployment, involving a wrong-way driver on the Hutchinson River Parkway near the Weaver Street exit Sept. 19. One young man was taken by SVAC to Jacobi Medical Center for injuries. Three additional people were also taken to the hospital for injuries.

On Sept. 21, firefighters assisted at a car accident on Post Road, at Wayside Lane.

This report covering police and fire department activity from Sept. 16-22 has been complied from official information.

scarsdalesecuritylogo 1 1This police report is sponsored by Scarsdale Security who does more than just security. Contact them about remote video for your home or business. Call 914-722-2200 or visit their website.

beeArrest: After a caller reported an erratic driver with front-end car damage on Mamaroneck Road at 10 p.m., Sept. 8., police canvassed the area and conducted a traffic stop on Post Road which resulted in the arrest of the driver – Ulises W. Godinez, 30, of Mamaroneck. He was charged with driving while intoxicated (first offense), failure to use designated lane, operation of a motor vehicle by an unlicensed driver, third-degree aggravated unlicensed operation of a motor vehicle, refusal to take a breath test and driving without wearing a front seat belt. Godinez’s car was impounded, and Godinez was released to his wife on his own recognizance. He was ordered to appear at Scarsdale Village Justice Court on Sept. 11.

A Hutchinson Avenue resident reported someone stole his garbage can Sept. 7.

ID theft and fraud
A Griffen Avenue resident reported fraudulent charges on his credit card Sept. 3. His bank cancelled the card and issued a new one.
A Fairview Road woman reported she was the victim of a phone scam and suffered financial loss as a result Sept. 3. She provided this information to police but said she did not want to file a formal report.

On Sept. 5, a Franklin Road woman reported a store credit card was fraudulently opened in her name.

On Sept. 5, a Christie Place resident reported a $25,000 check that he did not issue was fraudulently cashed against his bank account. The bank will restore the funds and is following up with an investigation.
On Sept. 7, a Harvest Drive man reported money was transferred out of a man’s bank savings account through a linked joint account that was opened by an unknown person using the man’s identifying information. The money was then placed into a personal account belonging to the suspect without the man’s permission. The unauthorized transfers occurred over a period of three days at the end of August and resulted in $190,000 being withdrawn from his bank account. Chase Bank has not yet restored the money and is following up with an investigation.

Assistance rendered
A Birchall Drive resident reported hearing her garage door opening and closing Sept. 2. Police investigated and determined it was due to an electrical malfunction.

Police helped a woman maneuver her car out of a Popham Road parking lot Sept. 5.

A parked car at Popham and Lockwood roads was observed with a rear door ajar Sept. 6. Police closed the door. Nothing seemed suspicious or out of place.

Civil matters
An Overhill Road resident reported a neighbor was erecting a fence without proper permits Sept. 3. Police spoke to the workers about the complaint. No permits had been filed, and the building department was contacted for follow-up. Workers left the scene.
Fraydun Place and a Griffen Avenue residents were arguing over who had rights to a driveway that appeared to be in a shared space between the properties Sept. 4. One homeowner placed a piece of wood over the driveway to prevent the other homeowner from using the driveway. Patrol advised the homeowners to follow up on the matter in civil court.

A Heathcote Road resident reported a Sherbrooke Road neighbor’s landscaper dumped trees on her property Sept. 6. Police spoke with the neighbor who said the incident was accidental and had already been corrected. Police advised the parties to follow up with Village Hall regarding the location of their property line.

On Sept. 7, a former Chateaux Circle tenant reported items had been stolen from her unit. With the help of police, it was determined that a misunderstanding occurred between the former tenant and a porter of the complex. The tenant had asked the porter to remove some items from the unit while she was near the end of her move out of the unit. The porter took those instructions to mean that the former tenant wanted all items removed. As a result, he took all items out of the unit. A leather couch was placed at the curb and subsequently picked up by someone and taken away. No criminal activity was determined to have occurred.

Mutual aid
Scarsdale Volunteer Ambulance Corps was dispatched to a White Plains Road location in Eastchester because an adult and two children were stung by bees. SVAC transported them to White Plains Hospital Center for treatment.

A 17-year-old Garth Road bicyclist was struck by a car backing out of the driver’s Overhill Road driveway at 3:15 p.m., Sept. 4. Bushes were overgrown at the end of the driveway, creating blind spots. Scarsdale Volunteer Ambulance Corps took the bicyclist to White Plains Hospital Center for bruises, cuts and injury evaluation.

Firefighters and police assisted with a car accident on Palmer Avenue involving an SUV, driven by a 27-year-old Mamaroneck woman, that crashed through a garbage can and into a building Sept. 5. Damage to the building was non-structural. According to the accident report, the woman accidentally stepped on the gas instead of the brake while parking in a Palmer Avenue parking spot.

Cars and roadways
Police notified the highway department about a tree leaning near electrical wires on Richbell Road Sept. 2.
Three cars were issued parking summonses for parking in front of Brewster Road fire hydrants Sept. 3.
Police advised the highway department about a large pothole on Jefferson Road Sept. 3.

A traffic sign tilted and fell into the intersection of Walworth Avenue and Brook Lane, striking and scratching a Locust Avenue resident’s car, Sept. 3. Police took an accident report, and the highway department removed the fallen sign.

Patrol stood by a disabled car on Post Road while the owner awaited a tow Sept. 3.

A pedestrian on Post Road was advised to walk on the sidewalk at 10 p.m., Sept. 4.

Papers were blowing in the air and littering Heathcote Road Sept. 5. Police notified sanitation workers for cleanup.

Police called a tow for a disabled car at Weaver Street and Bypass Sept. 7.

A rental bicycle was left on Crane Road Sept. 8. Police moved it from roadway and onto the sidewalk.

A Cambridge Road woman was concerned about the wellbeing of an owl in her yard Sept. 5. Police advised her to contact the Humane Society.

Village code
Police issued landscapers on Montrose, Madison and Lincoln roads individual summonses for using gas-powered leaf blowers on violation of village code Sept. 5.

After neighbors complained of noise, police advised a Fenimore Road party host to lower the volume of music playing at a gathering among colleagues Sept. 6.

After neighbors complained of noise, police advised a Popham Road party host to lower the volume of music Sept. 7.

Lost and found
A Ford key fob was found on Garth Road Sept. 4. Police vouchered it for safekeeping.

A photo ID was found at Scarsdale train station Sept. 5. Police contacted the owner, and she picked up her ID from headquarters.

On Sept. 6, a Sycamore Road resident reported losing an ID card from India approximately three weeks ago somewhere in the village or during traveling.

A man walked into headquarters and reported his driver’s license had been stolen Sept. 7.

A Carmen Road woman reported losing her cell phone during a bike ride on Crane Road Sept. 7. The GPS tracking of the lost phone was indicating a location near White Plains Hospital in White Plains.

On Sept. 4, a smoke detector in a first-floor women’s restroom at Scarsdale High School was activated at 7:50 a.m., Sept. 4, due to a person smoking in the restroom. Firefighters reset the alarm an allowed the building to be reoccupied.

On Sept. 4, a Morris Lane homeowner reported an indoor odor of gas. Firefighters discovered that the stove’s pilot lights were not lit, and Con Edison was unable to light them. The stove connections were shut down, and the appliance was red-tagged.

Firefighters assisted at a car accident on the Hutchinson River Parkway Sept. 5.

This report covering police and fire department activity from Sept. 2-8 has been compiled from official information.

scarsdalesecuritylogo 1 1This police report is sponsored by Scarsdale Security who does more than just security. Contact them about remote video for your home or business. Call 914-722-2200 or visit their website.

brickMissing child: A Dickel Road parent called police after her 11-year-old son did not return home after school. Police searched the house, bus depot and middle school playground, but the child was not found. While police were gathering more information on scene, the child was brought home by a friend’s mother. The child had apparently gone home with a Mamaroneck friend after school, and there had been a miscommunication about that play date.

A Mamaroneck woman reported a man was threatening to hit her and possibly throw a brick though her car window after they got into an argument over an Overhill Road parking spot that he was allegedly attempting to hold for someone Sept. 13. The woman said the man made the threats as she honked her horn and asked the man to move out of the way. When she said she was calling police, the man fled on foot. He was gone by the time police arrived.

Identity theft
On Sept. 10, a Brewster Road resident reported that someone fraudulently made purchases using the resident’s credit card account.

On Sept.11, a Popham Lane woman reported someone hacked her son’s Venmo account and fraudulently withdrew money in three separate transactions.

Civil matters
Police mediated an interaction between arguing Brambach Road neighbors Sep. 11.

On Sept. 11, a worker called police stating he was having a problem picking up his wages from a Spencer Place establishment. Police spoke with the owner of the establishment. The owner said there was never an agreed-upon contract with the worker. Police advised both parties that their disagreement was a civil matter.

Police mediated a dispute on Kathy Lane Sept. 12.

Cars and roadways
Police helped a pedestrian cross Weaver Street Sept. 9 and 13.

On Sept. 10, police notified the highway department about signs placed on Post Road that were leaning into the roadway. The highway department removed them for replacement.

Police removed a dead animal from Heathcote Road and alerted the highway department for removal Sept. 10.

Patrol called a tow for a driver whose car had a flat tire on Mamaroneck Road Sept. 11.
A driver ran out of gas on Weaver Street Sept. 12. Police stood by the car until someone arrived with gasoline.

Police issued a summons to the owner of a car parked across a driveway of an Old Lyme Road house, completely blocking the entrance Sept. 12.

A parked car was blocking a Garth Road driveway Sept. 12. Police asked the owner to move the car, and a warning was issued.

Police issued a summons to the owner of a car parked across a driveway on Fox Meadow Road Sept. 14.

Police asked drivers to move illegally parked cars on Potter Road Sept. 15.

Nine car accidents were reported in the village this week.

Village code
Police issued Drake Road and Hampton Road landscapers summonses for using gas-powered leaf blowers in violation of village code Sept. 12.

After neighbors complained of noise, police notified Greenacres Avenue and Taunton Road party hosts to lower the volume of talking or music at their gatherings Sept. 13. Each host complied.

Following up on noise, police asked a Nelson Road homeowner to bring barking dogs inside Sept. 13.

Police dispersed noisy kids from Garth Road Sept. 14.

According to Scarsdale fire chief James Seymour, firefighters responded to 26 incidents during the reporting period. He shared details of the following incidents.

On Sept. 10, firefighters measured an accumulation of natural gas inside a Butler Road house. The natural gas was coming from a gas fireplace. Firefighters shut down the fireplace and notified Con Edison. The homeowner was advised to contact a service technician for the fireplaces.

On Sept. 11, an overcharging battery backup for a sump pump in a Secor Road house was causing a false-positive signal by a carbon monoxide alarm. Firefighters shut down the charger and ventilated the basement until the odor and readings were clear. The resident was advised to call for repair.

On Sept. 12, workers were using gas-powered equipment inside a closed Park Road basement space, creating an accumulation of carbon monoxide. Firefighters ventilated the basement and advised workers of hazards associated with operating gas-powered equipment indoors.

On Sept. 14, firefighters assisted at a Mamaroneck Road car accident involving three cars.

This report covering police and fire department information from Sept. 9-15 has been compiled from official information.

scarsdalesecuritylogo 1 1This police report is sponsored by Scarsdale Security who does more than just security. Contact them about remote video for your home or business. Call 914-722-2200 or visit their website.

crashDWI Arrest: While traveling north on Post Road at 2:40 a.m., September 1, police observed speeding a 2018 Jeep and attempted to make a traffic stop. The driver did not stop and police began a traffic pursuit. The driver – later identified as Nithin Ninanmathew, 26, Yonkers – accelerated westbound onto Ardsley Road. Police terminated the pursuit as the car left the jurisdiction, but police saw the car slide down Ardsley Road, across Central Avenue, crash into several utility poles and catch fire. Police called for backup and immediately responded to the crash site. Police saw a man – Ninanmathew – walking away from the car and instructed him to stop and sit down. Police asked if any other passengers were in the car, and Ninanmathew said, “No.” As a precaution, police opened doors of the burning car to confirm no one else was inside. Ninanmathew was arrested on charges of driving while intoxicated (first offense), operation of a motor vehicle with a blood alcohol of at least .08 of one percent of alcohol, unlawful fleeing of an officer, reckless driving and multiple traffic violations. At headquarters, a Datamaster test was conducted to confirm Ninanmathew’s blood alcohol level. Following his arrest, Ninanmathew was released on an appearance ticket and ordered to appear at Scarsdale Village Justice Court Sept. 4.

Arrest on warrant
On Aug. 29, Pelham Manor police notified Scarsdale police that they had arrested a defendant – Mary Staines, 27, of the Bronx – who had an active arrest warrant issued out of Scarsdale in 2018, for petit larceny and drug offenses. Scarsdale police picked up Staines from Pelham Manor and transported her to Scarsdale for arrest processing and arraignment at Scarsdale Village Justice Court. A vial containing one milliliter of an unknown drug was seized and held by police during an inventory of property belonging to Staines. Following her arraignment, Staines was released on her own recognizance, returned to Pelham Manor police and scheduled to appear again at Scarsdale Village Justice Court Sept. 4.

Domestic incident
An engaged couple was fighting in Eastchester, and police mediated the dispute August 29. The couple agreed it would be better for them to spend the night in separate places.

Around 4 a.m., August 27, a Colonial Road woman called police to report noise from a “possible drone stalker hitting her house.” Police arrived on scene and determined the noise was coming from traffic driving over a bump in the road. There was no evidence of a drone anywhere the house.

On Aug. 29, an Overhill Road woman reported a truck, belonging to a Mamaroneck business, drove onto her lawn and caused damage. The driver said he would repair the damage to the lawn and curbing.

A passerby reported a quantity of white and pink pills spilled on the road at Heathcote and Wilmot roads September 1. An officer examined the suspected pills and determined they were Good-n-Plenty candies. The officer cleaned up the spilled candies and discarded them.

Cars and roadways
The NYS Department of Transportation was notified about a defective traffic light at Post and Ross roads August 26.

Police notified Cablevision about fallen wires on Herkimer Road August 26.

Police notified Verizon about fallen wires on Greenacres Avenue Aug. 27.

Police called a tow for a disabled car on Mamaroneck Road and Crossway and directed traffic around the car in the meantime August 27.

Police helped a large moving truck safely back into a Heathcote Road driveway August 28.

Police called a tow for a disabled car on Fenimore and Brewster roads August 28.

On August 29, police notified Verizon about low-hanging wires on Mamaroneck Road.

Police removed a fallen branch from Crane Road August 29.

Police called a tow for a disabled car on Popham and Church roads August 30.

Patrol moved a loose manhole cover back into place on Olmsted Road and set up orange caution cones to prevent cars from driving on top of it August 30. The highway department was notified for repair.

On August 31, police notified Verizon about low-hanging wires on Walworth Avenue.

On August 31, leaking water was observed to be oozing through the roadway on Forest Lane.

On September 2, police notified the highway department about a tree leaning into wires on Richbell Road.

Ten car accidents were reported in the village during the reporting period.

Village code
Police issued landscapers summonses for using a gas-powered leaf blower on Lincoln Road August 26; Rochambeau, Franklin and Olmsted roads August 27; Kelwynne Road August 28; and Heathcote Road August 29.

On August 28, a solicitor on Cooper Road was advised that he would need a permit to continue soliciting in the village. The solicitor said he would stop and inform his boss.

After a neighbor complained of noise, police advised a Taunton Road resident to turn down the volume of music September 1. The resident complied.

Two loose dogs were found at the corner of Oxford and Garden roads August 31.Police followed the dogs back to their house and facilitated their reunion with their owner.

Lost and found
A Chesterfield Road man reported losing his wallet somewhere in Long Island City August 27.

On August 31, a woman came to headquarters to report leaving a blue pouch containing her cellphone, coupons and glasses in a nearby supermarket. She reported the incident in case anyone turned in the lost items to police.

According to Fire Chief James Seymour, firefighters responded to 26 incidents during the reporting period. Seymour shared details of the following incidents below.

On August 27, firefighters traced an outdoor gas odor on Tory Lane to a gas grill that had accidentally been left in the “on” position. Firefighters turned off the grill and advised the resident.

On August 27, firefighters assisted Con Edison check a Secor Road house for a possible gas leak.

On August 28, firefighters helped Con Edison check a Walworth Avenue house and discovered a gas leak near the gas meter.

Firefighters assisted Greenville Fire Department with a structure fire on Edgemont Road August 29.

On August 29, firefighters placed a sumo pump in a Church Lane basement to help eliminate approximately 14 inches of water in a basement. The flooding was caused by a broken garden hose attached to a water source, adjacent to the house, while the homeowner was away.

This report covering police and fire department activity from Aug. 26 – Sept. 1 has been compiled from official information.

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