Sunday, Oct 06th

jawsoflifeIdentity theft: A Tisdale Road woman reported two fraudulent checks totaling $2,630 were cashed against her bank account Aug. 19.

On Aug. 20, a Cohawney Road man reported someone was paying off a credit card using over $15,000 in funds from the man’s TD Bank account, without his permission. So far, four fraudulent transactions have been identified.

On Aug. 25, a Heathcote Road man reported fraudulent checks amounting to $15,279.21were generated and cashed from his business checking account. The checks contained forged signatures.

Prescription drug fraud
On Aug. 23, a Valley Road woman reported someone was using her name and insurance information in an attempt to fill multiple fraudulent prescriptions for controlled substance narcotics at various local pharmacies without her permission – none of which were successful.

Parking meters
The parking enforcement officer alerted headquarters that two parking meters on East Parkway were broken and money canisters were vulnerable Aug. 23. Police secured the money canisters, pending repair.

On Aug. 19, a Brambach Road woman reported she had video proving her neighbors were on her property for an extended period of time while she was away on Aug. 3, without her consent. The neighbors said they entered the woman’s property to trim their bushes from a more accessible vantage point. Patrol advised them that the woman did not want them on her property and they should refrain from trimming that side of their bushes without permission in the future.

On Aug. 21, a Brite Avenue resident complained about his neighbor trimming hedges on his property. Police advised him it was a civil matter.

Police helped two truck drivers resolve a dispute over parking in a loading zone on Harwood Court Aug. 20.

Police helped a Colvin Road woman work out transportation arrangements with help from the woman’s two adult daughters Aug. 20.

Cars and Roadways
Police closed the intersection of Potter Road and Boulevard due to a fallen tree limb and arcing wires while waiting for Con Edison Aug. 19. They controlled traffic and set up flares for safety.

A tree fell on a Springdale Road house Aug. 19. No one was injured, and no structural damage occurred.

Police placed temporary stop signs in the intersection of Post Road and Huntington Avenue while the traffic light was out Aug. 19.

The highway department set up temporary lights at the intersection of Post Road and Boulevard during a power outage Aug. 19.

A male walking on Mamaroneck Road and Griffen Avenue at 1:30 a.m., Aug. 20, said he was out playing Pokémon. Police advised him to stay off the roadway for safety.

Police closed a section of Drake Road due to a fallen branch on wires Aug. 20.

Patrol stood by while a passerby changed a woman’s flat tire at Crossway and Heathcote Road Aug. 20.

Police notified the highway department about a loose manhole cover on Murray Hill Road Aug. 20.

Before police could tow a car with scofflaw status from the Christie Place garage to the impound lot, the owner arrived on scene and was instructed to immediately resolve his unpaid parking tickets with Village Hall Aug. 21.

Police safely escorted a woman across Weaver Street Aug. 21.

A manhole cover was out of place on Morris Lane Aug. 21. Police moved it back in place.

An electrical subcontractor was working to replace pipeline and electrical wires on Sycamore Road Aug. 21; however there was no permit on file with Village Hall. Therefore, police shut down the work site.

Con Edison was notified about low-hanging wires on Walworth Avenue Aug. 22 and 23.

A Meadow Road woman reported a car drove over her lawn and “ripped it up” Aug. 22. A witness confirmed it and stated the truck drove away.

The highway department was notified about a large, fallen tree limb on Secor Road Aug. 23.

Eight car accidents were reported in the village this week.

Village code
On Aug. 21, police issued a landscaper a summons for using a gas-powered leaf blower on Mamaroneck road in violation of village code. Additional code violations were issued to landscapers on Cohawney Road Aug. 22.

On Aug. 24, police took custody of a loose brown dog that was found on Meadow Road, and they reunited it with its owner. The owner was issued a summons.

Lost and found
A Ross Road man reported his license plate was missing Aug. 19. He recalled last seeing the plate attached to his car on Aug. 11.

FirefightersFirefighterBurnsFirefighter Robert Burns was sworn in on Wednesday August 14, 2019. Pictured with Village Manager Steve Pappalardo and Fire Chief James Seymour.
On Aug. 19, lightning struck a Ridgedale Road house. Firefighters confirmed there was no fire danger.

On Aug. 19, a tree fell onto a car on the southbound Hutchinson River Parkway, crushing the hood and penetrating through the windshield. The driver was pinned in the car with a tree branch pushing against his chest. Firefighters, with assistance of multiple police departments and Scarsdale Volunteer Ambulance Corps, cut tree limbs away from the car’s doors and used the Jaws of Life to gain access to the driver’s compartment. The driver was removed from the car and taken by ambulance to the hospital.

On Aug. 21, firefighters assisted at a rollover car accident at Heathcote and Post roads. All occupants were able to get out of the car themselves. Two occupants were taken to the hospital by ambulance.

On Aug. 23, firefighters assisted at a car accident at Heathcote and Kelwynne roads.

On Aug. 23, firefighters were called to a Brambach Road cooking fire caused by an oven manual being left inside a broiler and igniting. Firefighters extinguished the fire and ventilated the house.

JeepoverturnedA reader sent in the photo above of the turnover on Fenimore Road on the afternoon of August 24.On Aug. 24, firefighters assisted at a two-car rollover accident at Brite Avenue and Fenimore Road. According to the report, at 3:37 pm a 2019 Jeep, driven by two underage drivers was traveling north on Brite Avenue when it collided with a 2016 Jeep travelling west on Fenimore Road. As a result the2016 Jeep losst control and overturned. The 2019 Jeep then hit the curb and trees, causing damage. No injuries were reported. Police witheld the names of the driver of the 2019 Jeep as he/she was 17 years old.

This report covering police and fire department activity from Aug. 19-25 has been compiled from official information.

scarsdalesecuritylogo 1 1This police report is sponsored by Scarsdale Security who does more than just security. Contact them about remote video for your home or business. Call 914-722-2200 or visit their website.

vodka 1515544 1920Arrested: On Aug. 14, police picked up a defendant – Carlos H. Alvarez, 39, of Mamaroneck – from Westchester County Jail to execute two bench warrants previously issued out of the Village. Some of the warrants had been issued for bail jumping. He was remanded to jail following arrest processing.

Following notification from Greenburg Police Department, that a defendant in custody was wanted on an active bench warrant issued out of Scarsdale, police arrested Michael V. Olivier, 35, of White Plains. Following arrest processing, Olivier was released on $200 cash bail.

Following a rear-end car accident on Olmsted roads Aug. 18, police arrested Gerald Collins, Jr., 39, of New Rochelle, on charges of driving while intoxicated (first offense), aggravated DWI with a blood alcohol level of .18 or more with no priors and having an open container of alcohol in a motor vehicle on a highway. While interviewing Collins after the accident, police detected an odor of alcohol on his breath and saw multiple open vodka bottles and beer cans in the car. Collins was issued an appearance ticket for Scarsdale Village Justice Court, and police notified Pelham police about the arrest since there was an active bench warrant issued to Collins out of Pelham, for failure to appear on a prior aggravated DWI.

On Aug. 12, a package delivered to a Saxon Woods Road house on Aug. 6 was reported to have been stolen. It contained a $399 Roomba vacuum cleaner. It is also possible that the item was accidentally picked up by sanitation workers during recycling pickup on Aug. 7.

A Magnolia Road man reported seeing a man enter his unlocked car and take items, including a garage door opener and an iPhone charger, shortly after midnight Aug. 17. The console was tossed. Similar reports were received by residents in White Plains.

A man from Stamford said his iPhone was stolen in Connecticut, and the track my iPhone feature indicated the phone was in Christie Place Garage at 4 a.m., Aug. 17. Police advised the man to file a formal report with Stamford police for follow-up.

ID theft
A Hampton Road woman reported someone opened fraudulent cell phone accounts in her name Aug. 17.

Police helped a Madison Road homeowner open an interior door that slammed shut in the house and accidentally locked Aug. 13.

A woman’s purse got stuck in a bench on Spencer Place Aug. 15. Police helped the woman release it without damaging the purse.

Police mediated an argument between a man and his girlfriend in Edgewood until it was resolved by the girlfriend leaving the man’s house Aug. 16.

Police notified the highway department about a reported sewer leak in a Circle Road basement Aug. 17.

Bus accident
A bus carrying 11 students and two counselors was involved in an accident on Weaver Street Aug. 14.

Cars and roadways
Police contacted Verizon about fallen wires on Walworth Ave. and assisted a resident in tying up the wire in order not to interfere with traffic Aug. 12.

Police issued a parking summons to the owner of a trailer partially obstructing a driveway on Ridgecrest East Aug. 12.

Police encountered a car with scofflaw status parked in the Christie Place Garage Aug. 13. Before police could impound the car, the driver arrived on scene and said she would rectify the unpaid parking ticket balance that day.

Police issued a summons for an expired inspection sticker on a car parked on Herkimer Road Aug. 13.

A man sleeping in his car on Woodland Place at 6:44 a.m., Aug. 15, told police he had been visiting in children and was taking a nap before driving home.

A woman reported her car rolled into Weaver Street out of her driveway and struck a tree with its mirror Aug. 15. She refrained from having an accident report issued.

Police advised a man walking on Post Road that he must use the sidewalk Aug. 17.

Police asked drivers to move parked cars on Penn Boulevard and Haverford Avenue to make those roadways more passable Aug. 17. They did the same with parked cars on Reynal Crossing Aug. 18.

Police safely escorted a woman off Weaver Street and onto the sidewalk Aug. 18.

Police notified Verizon about a fallen branch on wires on Continental Road Aug. 18.

Patrol moved a fallen branch from Crossway and Weaver Street Aug. 18.

Ten car accidents were reported in the village this week.

Village code
Police issued summonses to landscapers using gas-powered leaf blowers on Church Lane Aug. 12, Weaver Street Aug. 13, Richbell Road Aug. 14 and Drake Road Aug. 15.

Police advised a solicitor on Mamaroneck Road to refrain from further activity until he obtained a proper permit from Village Hall Aug. 14.

Police advised solicitors on Stratton Road and Leatherstocking Lane to refrain from further activity until they obtained proper permits from Village Hall Aug. 15.

Lost and found
On Aug. 17, a man walked into headquarters to advised he lost his NY trailer license plate somewhere in New Jersey.

According to Scarsdale Fire Chief James Seymour, firefighters responded to 34 incidents last week. Seymour shared details of the following incidents below.

On Aug. 13, firefighters stood by for Con Edison at the site of a small gas leak at an old pipe coupling in a Mamaroneck Road house.

Firefighters helped open a Stratton Road house for homeowners who accidentally locked themselves outside, with their children inside the house Aug. 14.

An excavator struck a natural gas line on Olmsted Road Aug. 15. Firefighters called Con Edison to investigate. No leaks were observed.

Firefighters assisted at one car accident on Olmsted Road Aug. 18.

This report covering police and fire department activity from Aug. 12-18 has been compiled from official information.

scarsdalesecuritylogo 1 1This police report is sponsored by Scarsdale Security who does more than just security. Contact them about remote video for your home or business. Call 914-722-2200 or visit their website.

TurtleArrests: Police arrested the driver of a 2016 Ford Fiesta following an accident in which the driver’s car was rear-ended at Popham and Post roads July 30. The driver – Daniel Joseph, 37, of Larchmont – presented police with a non-driver ID and stated he did not have a driver’s license. A computer database check indicated Joseph’s NYS driver’s license had been suspended 12 times for failing to pay a driver’s responsibility assessment and failure to answer summonses in four jurisdictions, including Scarsdale in 2015, and failure to pay two fines in two jurisdictions. Additionally, and active bench warrant issued out of Scarsdale was discovered. As a result, Joseph was arrested in execution of the bench warrant and additionally charged with operation of a motor vehicle by an unlicensed driver and second-degree aggravated unlicensed operation of a motor vehicle with three or more suspensions. Joseph was released with an appearance ticket for Scarsdale Village Justice Court, returnable on July 31.

On Aug. 1, while conducting traffic patrol on Weaver Street, a 2017 Chevrolet Suburban caused the patrol car’s license plate reader to sound, indicating the car’s registration was “suspended or revoked” due to a lapse in insurance. Patrol attempted to conduct a traffic stop but the driver pulled into Balducci’s parking lot on Palmer Avenue and turned off the car’s lights in an attempt to conceal the car’s presence. When police pulled into the parking lot, the driver exited the parking lot at a high rate of speed. Patrol activated his car’s lights and sirens to signal the driver to stop. While fleeing and speeding, the driver lost control of the car and struck ornamental trees on Innes Road and drove onto a homeowner’s lawn. The car sustained heavy front-end damage and two flat tires. Police handcuffed the driver – Adil Akram, 23, of Brooklyn – and escorted him out of the car. Investigation showed his privileges to drive in New York State had been suspended 12 times on six different dates. A fraudulent NYS inspection sticker was also observed on the windshield. Inside the car, a THC vape pen and cartridge were discovered. Due to the car’s registration being revoked, the car’s license plates were removed, and the car was towed to the impound lot. Akram was charged with second-degree possession of a forged instrument, unlawfully fleeing a police officer in a vehicle, criminal possession of controlled substance, reckless driving, second-degree aggravated unlicensed operation of motor vehicle, operation of motor vehicle with a suspended registration, criminal mischief involving reckless property damage greater than $250, passing a red light, speeding and an equipment violation. Prior to Akram’s arraignment at Scarsdale Village Justice Court, the district attorney’s office recommended $20,000 cash bail or a $40,000 bail bond. Judge Alemany remanded Akram to Westchester County Jail on $10,000 cash bail or a $20,000 bail bond. The owner of the Innes Road property estimated Akram’s flight from police caused more than $2,500 worth of damage to landscaping.

ID theft
A fraudulent line of credit and associated savings account was opened with key Bank using a Fayette Road resident’s personal information. It was reported to police on July 29 for follow-up from the bank.

On July 29, police helped a Coralyn Road resident restore power to her house by flipping three tripped circuit breakers. The resident was advised to contact her electrician.

Police helped a 17-year-old girl get back inside her Heathcote Road house after she accidentally got locked out and her mother notified police July 29.

Police helped a woman cross Weaver Street and later drove her home due to an impending storm July 31.

On Aug. 1, police safely escorted a pedestrian walking on Weaver Street and then directed the pedestrian to walk on a sidewalk section of the street. When the pedestrian refused to walk on the sidewalk, police issued her a summons.

Residents of Lyons Road experienced a power outage and police helped restore power by resetting the main breaker at the panel Aug. 1.

A car parked in a Lincoln Road garage was accidentally left with its lights on Aug. 4. Police notified the owner, and the owner turned off the lights.

Flash flood
On July 31, a BMW got stuck in a flash flood area on Springdale Road during a storm. The driver said she drove into water on the roadway, and her car stalled. A tow was en route to pick up the car. The driver was not injured and was picked up by her husband.

Banging on window
A man was seen banging on a window in a Church Lane house July 31. A concerned passerby alerted police in case the man was trying to get someone’s attention. Police went to the house. Police investigated and learned the man was the landlord of the property. He said he had been banging on the window in an attempt to open it for cleaning.

Wrong address
A Stratton Road woman reported an unknown car was parked in her driveway Aug. 2. Police investigated and learned the car had been serviced by Mercedes-Benz and dropped off at the wrong address. It was supposed to have been returned to its owner at a Stratton Road address in New Rochelle – not Scarsdale. The Mercedes-Benz dealership rectified the situation.

Shopping bags
On Aug. 2, police picked up two shopping bags from Trader Joe’s from the Scarsdale Train station platform and took them to headquarters. The bags had been left on the platform by an unknown person and sat there for more than four hours. Nothing suspicious was found in the forgotten bags.

While on patrol, police encountered a man lying on a Black Hawk Road lawn at 4 a.m., Aug. 3. The man, who was heavily intoxicated, showed police a debit card with his name on it. A computer check revealed the man lived on Carriage House Lane. Police contacted the homeowner of the Black Hawk Road house. The homeowner said she knew the man. She said the man could sleep at her house for the night, and she brought the man inside her house.

Cars and roadways
On July 29, police called a tow truck for a disabled car at Post and Tompkins roads.
Another disabled car was towed from Mamaroneck Road to the driver’s house in Yonkers July 29.

A sanitation vehicle backed into a parked car on Lenox Place July 30.

Police closed a section of Saxon Woods Road due to flooding and cracks in the road July 30.

Caution cones around a water main break at Normandy Lane and Griffen Avenue were adjusted in order to improve the flow of traffic after drivers complained of an obstructed roadway July 31.

A car overheated at Ramsey Road and Palmer Avenue July 31. Police advised the driver she should not drive the car. She agreed to call for roadside assistance to have the car towed.

On July 31, police observed a brown Cadillac Escalade occupied by two young males drive into the Golden Horseshoe parking lot and drive into an alleyway behind the stores. Police conducted a traffic stop and the boys admitted to driving behind the stores. They said they had done it to pass the time. Police warned the boys to refrain from going into that area in the future.

A White Plains man sleeping in his car at Montrose and Farley roads said he was resting before going home after midnight Aug. 1.

Police asked drivers to park their cars only on one side of Morris Lane during an estate sale Aug. 2. Temporary “no parking” signs were placed on one side of the street to eliminate continuing parking disturbances.

Police called a tow truck for a car with a flat tire on Mamaroneck Road Aug. 2.
Numerous construction vehicles were parked on Brite Avenue and Butler Road with a roadway crew performing work Aug. 2. The congestion was causing a dangerous roadway condition because no flaggers were on scene. Police closed the work zone until traffic flaggers were available.

Workers had used a traffic cone to block off a portion of Edgewood Road at Roosevelt Place without permission Aug. 3. Police removed the cone and advised the workers to contact Village Hall if they wanted to apply for a permit to close the roadway.

Patrol helped direct a lost driver to the Hutchinson Rover Parkway from Mamaroneck Road Aug. 3.

Eight car accidents were reported in the village this week.

A turtle was reported at a Heathcote Road address July 30. Police provided the homeowner with a list of trappers’ contact information.

A large turtle was observed on Post Road Aug. 1. Police safely removed it from the roadway.

A Roosevelt Place woman reported an animal trapped in one of her trashcans Aug. 1. Patrol tipped over the trashcans, and an opossum ran out. It appeared to be healthy and did not pose a threat.

Police picked up a loose dog from Brookby Road and held it at headquarters until the owner’s sister-in-law picked it up Aug. 2. A summons was issued to the owner.
Police picked up a loose, small, brown dog from Stonehouse Road Aug. 4. Police held the dog at Headquarters pending possible contact from the owner. After some time passed without any contact from a resident looking for a lost dog, police called New Rochelle Humane Society for pickup. A summons was issued and given to NRHS, to pass onto the owner.

Police relocated a turtle from Scarsdale Avenue to a safe place off the roadway Aug.4.

Civil matter
A Cornell Street woman reported landscapers had parked on her property and risked damaging her lawn Aug. 1. Police advised her it was a civil matter, and the woman said she would rectify the matter on her own.

A Brambach Road man reported his security camera caught his neighbor walking up and down the man’s driveway without permission Aug. 3. The neighbor said he was trimming his hedges and stepped onto the neighbor’s driveway to trim the side of the hedges that was not accessible from his own property. Police explained to the neighbor that he would have to reach an agreement with the man in order to step onto his property since the man had forbidden it.

Village Code
Police issued summonses to landscapers using gas-powered leaf blowers on Kathy Lane July 30, Cushman Road Aug. 2.

After residents complained of noise, police advised an emergency crew working on Wilmot Road to lower the volume of music July 31.

Police issued Nelson Road workers, who were using power equipment outside of designated times, a summons on Aug. 3.

Lost and found
A Reimer Road man reported losing his passport, which contained a travel visa for India, Aug. 4.

On July 29, firefighters extinguished a fire inside an East Parkway trashcan. It had been caused by a cigarette thrown into the trashcan.

A fallen wire caused a fire on a Paddington Road lawn July 30. Police closed the road while firefighters controlled the fire from spreading and stood by for Con Edison. Power outages affecting nearby traffic lights resulted, and police set up temporary stops signs to control traffic.

Firefighters assisted with power outage related calls on Church Lane July 30. The power outages were due to fallen power lines in the area, which Con Edison was addressing.

On July 31, police placed barricades across Bypass to prevent traffic from driving over fallen wires. Firefighters stood by for on Edison.

A radon pump with a clogged filter was causing an odor in a Fox Meadow Road basement July 30. Firefighters cut power to the pump and the fan. They advised the homeowner to have the unit serviced.

On July 31, primary power lines fell and were burning or smoking in the Golden Horseshoe Shopping Plaza and across the Heathcote Bypass. Firefighters closed the affected area, notified Con Edison and stood by for Con Edison’s response.

A Sycamore Road homeowner reported a burning odor from his electrical panel July 31. Firefighters investigated and detected only a faint odor with no sign of wires burning or fire anywhere in the house. Firefighters advised the homeowner to call an electrician for service.

A resident accidentally got locked out of her house on Sprague Road Aug. 3. Firefighters succeeded in getting the resident safely inside her house.

Firefighters assisted with a car accident on Post Road Aug. 3.

Leaking water above a kitchen ceiling caused a portion of a kitchen ceiling to collapse in an Aspen Road house Aug. 3. Firefighters helped the resident clean up the debris and advised the resident to call a contractor for repair.

The battery backup for a sump pump malfunctioned in a Montgomery Road house and caused a carbon monoxide incident Aug. 3. Police disconnected the battery backup and ventilated the structure.

This report covering police and fire department activity from July 29 – Aug. 4 has been compiled from official information.

scarsdalesecuritylogo 1 1This police report is sponsored by Scarsdale Security who does more than just security. Contact them about remote video for your home or business. Call 914-722-2200 or visit their website.

diamondArrested: On Aug. 9, police arrested James F. McBrien, 39, of Stamford, on charges of driving while intoxicated (first offense), aggravated DWI with a blood alcohol content of .18 of more with no priors, operating a motor vehicle without a valid inspection certificate, driving to the left of pavement markings and an open container of alcohol in a motor vehicle on a highway. Police conducted a traffic stop of McBrien’s 2008 Lexus after the car was observed traveling at a slow rate of speed on Mamaroneck Road, crossing over pavement markings. Upon making contact with McBrien, police detected the smell of alcohol on his breath, glassy eyes and slurred speech. When police asked McBrien to step out of the car, police noticed four open beer cans in the driver’s side door panel. Each can was almost entirely consumed. Police administered field sobriety tests, which McBrien was unable to successfully perform. Following McBrien’s arrest, he was taken to headquarters, issued appropriate summonses and released on his own recognizance with an appearance ticket for Scarsdale Village Justice Court.

At 6:30 a.m., Aug. 10, after seeing a car stopped in the position of mid-turn onto Tompkins Road from Fenimore Road, police determined the driver – Rashida Jones, 28, of Yonkers – was asleep. The key was in the ignition, and the motor was running. Police woke up Jones and observed her to be very disoriented and incoherent. Furthermore, her eyes were glassy and bloodshot, and her breath smelled of alcohol. An alco-sensor test indicated the presence of alcohol on her breath. Jones was arrested on charges of operation of a motor vehicle while intoxicated (with a prior conviction), aggravated DWI with a blood alcohol level of .18 or more (with a prior conviction) and a stopping/standing/parking violation. She was released on $100 cash bail with an appearance ticket for Scarsdale Village Justice Court, returnable Aug. 14.

On Aug. 8, a Windsor Lane woman reported her $55,000 engagement ring and some other items were missing from her house. She said she last saw the missing jewelry in May. During the period that the items disappeared, a home health aide had been staying with the woman’s husband, the woman said.

On Aug. 8, a Lebanon Road woman reported her $42,543 engagement ring and her $5,680 wedding band were missing from her house. The woman said delivery people were recently in her house, installing a desk, when the jewelry went missing – sometime between Aug. 1 and 3.

ID theft
On Aug. 6, a Ferncliff Road resident reported that one of his personal checks, written for $3,200, was fraudulently cashed. The resident did not know the person who signed the check for payment. Additionally, earlier on the same day, the resident received a call from Chase Bank alerting him to the fact that someone attempted to use a debit card in his name at a Target store. The store declined the transaction. The man said he was still in possession of his actual debit card. Bank employees instructed the man to destroy the card because he would be issued a new one.

On Aug. 6, a Brite Avenue woman reported she was the victim of identity theft. She said someone fraudulently used her life insurance check in an attempt to open a savings account. However, the bank denied the deposit of the check due to name differences and suspected fraud. The woman also reported that on Aug. 5, someone attempted to change her address with the U.S. Postal Service. She did not recognize the requested forwarding address, but the address was in her hometown, she told police.

On Aug. 9, an Eton Road man reported an unknown person opened a fraudulent Verizon account in his name.

A Stratton Road man reported that his daughter said she saw a figure, possibly a man, come up to the rear window of his living room before running away Aug. 6. Patrol canvassed the area but did not find anyone.

Police received three prank 911 calls alleging problems at an Old Lyme Road house this week. The calls were determined to be prank calls.

Assistance rendered
Police threw away two empty toolboxes found on Birchall Drive Aug. 5.

A Cohawney Road resident reported that someone called her cell phone and asked if she was home Aug. 6. The resident got scared and hung up the phone. Police attempted to contact the caller and left a message. Police offered to perform extra ridebys of the resident’s house as a precaution.

Cars and roadways
Drivers and passersby expressed concern about a woman walking in the roadway on Weaver Street Aug. 5. Police spoke to the woman and reminded her of the importance of safely walking on the sidewalk or the side of the road. Later in the day, police assisted the same woman safely get from Weaver Street onto Palmer Avenue.

On Aug. 5 and 7, police closed Butler Road for repairs to the water main.
Police notified Verizon about fallen wires on Walworth Avenue Aug. 6.
Patrol helped a driver move her disabled car to a legal parking spot on Taunton Road after the car stalled in front of the driveway to Village Hall Aug. 6. The driver said her husband would come to the scene and deal with the car.

Police notified the highway department about a loose manhole cover at Brewster and Olmsted roads Aug. 7.
A concerned citizen saw a car on Mamaroneck Road, occupied by two people using their hands to hold a mattress balanced on the roof Aug. 7. Police searched the area for the car and mattress but did not find either.

Police helped a pedestrian cross Weaver Street and escorted her out of the roadway Aug. 7 and 10.

Police helped track down the driver of a parked car that needed to be moved so the highway department could continue with road repairs at Scarsdale Avenue and Popham Road Aug. 7.

Police notified Con Edison about a drooping wire on Post Road Aug. 8. Additionally a branch fell on a parked car on private property, and patrol advised a neighbor, who was house sitting, to contact the homeowner.

A person reported that a white van struck a beam in Freightway Garage and left the scene Aug. 8.

Police arranged to have a disabled Honda towed from Heathcote Road Aug. 9.

Police stood by until a disabled car was towed from the Hutchinson River Parkway Aug. 9.

On Aug. 10, police notified the highway department about a fallen branch on Whig Road. They also notified Con Edison about a snapped guide wire on a utility police in the same area.

Five car accidents were reported in the village this week.

Village code
Police issued landscapers summonses for using gas-powered leaf blowers in violation of village code on Rock Creek Lane and Heathcote Road Aug. 5, Wildwood Road Aug. 6 and Mamaroneck Road Aug. 10.

After a neighbor complained about noise, a Walworth Avenue resident lowered the volume of an outdoor movie Aug. 5.

A peddler was selling food without a permit on Sherbrooke Road Aug.9. Police issued him a summons.

A woman reported two men and one woman women attempted to sell her jewelry out of their truck on Griffen Avenue Aug. 9.

After neighbors complained of noise, police advised the host of a Garden Road pool party to lower the volume of outdoor music after 11 p.m., Aug. 11.

Police picked up a small black dog walking without a collar on Sherbrooke Road Aug. 9. The dog was not wearing any identifying information; so police contacted New Rochelle Human Society for pickup. Before NRHS workers could respond to pick up the dog, the dog’s owner contacted headquarters looking for the dog. Police returned the dog to its owner and issued the owner a summons.

Police notified the highway department about a dead raccoon on Mamaroneck Road, for removal, Aug. 9.

Lost and found
A Walworth Avenue man reported finding cash outside his house Aug. 5. Police vouchered it for safekeeping.

Police found a cell phone on East Parkway and returned it to its owner Aug. 7.
A passerby found a VW key near a bench at Hyatt Field and gave it to police Aug. 11.

According to Fire Captain James Seymour, firefighters responded to 24 incidents this week. He shared details of some of the incidents below.

On Aug. 5, a car struck a fire hydrant on Brookby Road, causing the cap to break off and a large amount of water to leak into the street. Police and the water department were on scene to address the problem Firefighters assisted as needed.

A light haze of smoke was detected inside a closed and unoccupied Palmer Avenue nail salon Aug. 7. Firefighters broke the lock, entered the establishment and traced the haze to an overheated electrical appliance. Firefighters disconnected the appliance and ventilated the structure. The property manager was notified.

While installing a new doorbell, a Brambach Road homeowner detected a burning odor in the vicinity of the doorbell Aug. 8. Firefighters investigated and determined the doorbell chime had shorted and was causing the odor. Firefighters advised the homeowner to contact a repairperson.

A worker using a gas-powered power washer inside a Butler Road basement caused elevated levels of carbon monoxide to accumulate. Firefighters shut down the equipment, evacuated the house, ventilated and instructed the worker and the homeowner to refrain from using gas-powered equipment in non-ventilated spaces and never indoors. While ventilating the structure, firefighters noticed two disconnected hot water heaters in the room. The building department was notified, and the homeowner was advised to have a licensed plumber reconnect both hot water heaters.

On Aug. 11, police assisted at a car accident in which a driver struck a tree on Mamaroneck Road. He said he was not injured. He told police he was dehydrated and that is what caused the accident.

This report covering police and fire department activity from Aug. 5-11 has been compiled from official information.

scarsdalesecuritylogo 1 1This police report is sponsored by Scarsdale Security who does more than just security. Contact them about remote video for your home or business. Call 914-722-2200 or visit their website.

Virginia Trespassing SignArrested
On July 26, an Ardmore Road woman reported a man was ringing her doorbell July 26. She said the same man had also come to her house and rang the doorbell the day before. Upon further investigation, the man – Oumarou Barry, 20, of Brooklyn – was arrested for trespassing. He was charged with trespassing, possession of a forged instrument, due to a forged New Jersey non-resident temporary plate, and an unregistered motor vehicle. His car was impounded at the time of his arrest.

A Brewster Road resident reported someone stole a package from a Madison property where the package had been delivered July 25. The package contained a gaming controller for an Apple TV.

A person reported his $400 unsecured Mongoose bicycle was stolen from the corner of Huntington Avenue and Montrose Road July 26.

A $600 bluestone necklace was stolen from the Holsten Jewelers sidewalk sale table July 27.wirefireAn electrical wire on fire at the Golden Horsehoe during a sudden storm on the afternoon of July 31. Photo credit Dawn Knief.

Identity theft
On July 22, a Farley Road man reported two credit cards and one debit card were stolen. ID theft occurred on June 25 when a MasterCard was fraudulently used at a White Plains location for $1,461.98, and two unauthorized charges were made to the man’s American Express card – for $10,000 and $6,000. The fraud was reported, and the credit card companies are investigating.

On July 25, a Parkfield Road woman reported a credit card had been fraudulently opened in her name, and it had been used to purchase almost $5,000 worth of merchandise from Bob’s Discount Furniture.

On July 27, a Lebanon Road resident reported the fraudulent use of her Bank of America account. She reported that since May 3, 2018, her account had been fraudulently used to purchase video game items and credits via Amazon and PayPal. The total amount of money lost was $2,375. She reported the matter to her financial institution, and the matter is being investigated.

Hacked phone
A Greenacres Avenue man reported someone hacked into his iPhone and left a threatening message in his phone’s “notes” section. The threat mentioned the man’s two daughters by name. The mater was reported to Apple’s security department for investigation.

Wrong address
A Stratton Road woman called police to report an unknown man was attempting to get inside her house at 4:15 a.m., July 27. The man alleged he was staying at the house with his aunt and uncle. The homeowner, on the other hand, stated she did not know the man and she was not his aunt. The man, according to police, appeared to be intoxicated. Further investigation revealed that the man was in fact staying with his aunt and uncle who were residents of a different house on the street. It had been a case of mistaken address.

Slip and fall
A woman fell while attempting to board a train at the Scarsdale train station July 23. She was complaining of lower back and left hip pain. She was transported to White Plains Hospital Center by ambulance.

Chimney work
A Rural Drive resident reported a possible scam involving two women in a Mercedes-Benz with a Connecticut license plate July 27. The resident said the woman parked in his driveway, knocked on his door and said they had come to provide an estimate for chimney work. The resident told police he had previously contacted a chimney repair company to request an estimate for some repair work. He further said he was expecting to see a man in a truck – not two women in a Mercedes – and that’s why he thought their story was not legitimate. Police followed up with the women. One of them was in fact the owner of the chimney company. She said she was performing estimates because some of her employees were on vacation.

Assistance rendered
On July 25, a Cornell Street resident told police her basketball net had been cut; a FedEx package had been stolen from her front door, and for several days, feces had been found right outside her door. She told police she wanted to document the incidents, but she was not ready to have them investigated.

Police called a taxi for a White Plains man who was in the process of walking home on Post Road because his cell phone died. It was after 11 p.m., July 26.

Police told a woman who parked her car in Christie Place garage July 25 that she owed $790 in unpaid parking tickets to the Village. The woman processed to rectify the matter at Village Hall.

Police received several calls about a car driving over lawns and erratically maneuvering streets in Fox Meadow July 27. Police conducted a traffic stop of the car at Paddington and Olmsted roads.

Cars and roadways
Police helped a woman cross Weaver Street July 22, 23 and 28.

Police cleared fallen tree limbs from Fox Meadow Road July 23.

The highway and water departments were notified about a storm sewer drain at Old Lyme and Meadow roads that appeared too large and possibly presented a hazard.

Police helped a driver move a disabled car into the Supply Field parking lot to await tow services July 23.

Police issued a parking summons to a commercial vehicle that was illegally parked on Nelson Road overnight July 24.

The highway department was notified about a loose manhole cover at Mamaroneck and Catherine roads July 28.

The highway department cleared a fallen tree from Brite Avenue July 26.

Police notified Verizon about a fallen wire on River Road July 26.

The highway department was notified about a possible hole in Normandy Lane July 28.

A large snapping turtle safely crossed Mamaroneck Road July 28.

Police removed branches from Lockwood and Popham roads July 28

At approximately 1 a.m., July 28, a 17-year-old Madison Road boy parked his 2019 Nissan on Sage Terrace and exited the car. He then noticed the car started rolling down and across the street onto a Sage Terrance lawn. He went around and got into the passenger side of the car. He attempted to put the car into park. In the meantime, the car struck bushes and a lamppost. Police issued the boy summonses for a licensing violation and leaving the scene of an accident without reporting it.

Six car accidents were reported in the village this week.

On July 23, a UPS driver requested police response after she was bitten by a Farley Road dog while delivering a package to the address. The dog was identified as a black lab mix. The dog, and another dog, reportedly saw the driver approaching the front door, pushed the door open and ran outside. That is when the driver was bitten. The dog’s vaccinations were up to date, but the dogs were required to be quarantined for 10 days as a precautionary measure. The driver’s injuries were evaluated at the hospital, and she was released.

On July 25, a dog owner reported a black poodle attacked her small dog and bit him on the neck while she was walking her dog on Vernon Road July 25. The dog did not sustain any serious injuries. The owner wanted to report the matter for documentation purposes only.
A raccoon was stuck inside a garbage can on Mamaroneck Road July 27. Police helped release the animal and made sure it made its way to a safe location away from the public.

Village code
Police issued summonses to landscapers using gas-powered leaf blowers on Circle Road July 24, Overhill Road July 25 and Tompkins Road July 27.

After neighbors complained about noise, police asked a Mamaroneck Road resident to lower the volume of music playing at his house around 11:30 p.m., July 25.

People were outside around a pool making noise in a Dickel Road backyard around 4:40 a.m., July 26. Patrol advised them of village noise ordinances, and the people went inside.

Garden Road kids were asked to lower the volume of outdoor music July 28.

Lost and found
A lost Ralph Lauren wallet was found at Popham and Overhill roads July 23. It did not contain any identifying information.

A wallet found on the train was brought to police July 25. Police attempted to locate the owner and vouchered the wallet for safekeeping.

A woman reported losing her smart phone somewhere in the village July 26. She last saw the phone in the vicinity of East Parkway and Spencer Place.

A person found a key and lanyard near the curb on Tunstall Road July 26. Police vouchered it for safekeeping.

On July 24, turned off a water spigot that had been accidentally left on, allowing water to infiltrate the basement. Firefighters opened a trap in the basement to allow the water to drain out.

On July 24, firefighters found a tripped breaker in the basement panel at an Edgewood Road house, with residents reporting a burning odor in the garage. The odor was traced to an overheated sump pump in the basement. The sump pump was unplugged, and the homeowner was advised to contact a plumber to replace the pump.

On July 24, firefighters helped drain water from a Hillview Drive basement due to a sump pump not working. The house trap was opened to allow approximately four inches of water to drain.

Firefighters assisted with a car accident at Post and Kingston roads July 26.

On July 26, an odor and clicking sound were reported to be coming from a Fox Meadow Road stove. Upon arrival, firefighters found the stove clicking but unable to be lit. Firefighters disconnected power and gas to the stove, and they advised homeowner to call for repair.

This report covering police and fire department activity from July 22-28 has been compiled from official information.

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