Sunday, Oct 06th

hermesbagDWI arrest: At approximately 3 a.m., April 7, Mykhailo Tserkovnyuk, 26, of Yonkers, was arrested on charges of driving while intoxicated (first offense), aggravated DWI with a blood alcohol content of .18 or more, criminal possession of a controlled substance, unsafe backing of a vehicle, failure to obey a traffic signal and failure to use the designated lane. A traffic stop was conducted on Post Road after police observed Tserkovnyuk’s 2000 Camry pass a traffic signal at the intersection with Fenimore Road, quickly reverse and back up to make a turn onto Fenimore Road. During the traffic stop, Tserkovnyuk said he did not understand why he had been pulled over. Police detected an odor of alcohol on his breath. An alco-sensor pre-screening test indicated a preliminary blood alcohol level at or above .16. Tserkovnyuk was arrested and taken to headquarters, where a Datamaster test confirmed his blood alcohol level to be .19. He was released on his own recognizance and ordered to appear in Scarsdale Village Court on April 10.

Car break-in
A Bethel Road woman reported her car window had been smashed open while her car was parked at Crossway Field April 6. Her $3,000 red Hermes handbag and its contents were stolen from the car.

Stolen and returned
On April 1, a Boniface Circle store employee reported a woman concealed a shirt beneath her jacket and removed it from the store without paying for it. She returned a short time thereafter to bring the shirt back to the store. The manger did not want to file a report since the shirt was returned.

On April 4, at 3:21 a.m., police noticed a man sleeping in the Metro North overpass at the Scarsdale train station. The man told police he had gotten off the train at the wrong stop on his way from White Plains to his home in New York City. He said he was waiting for the next train to get home to the city. Police told him he was not permitted to sleep at the station in the meantime.

Reported missing person
A 57-year-old Johnson Road person reported as possibly missing was found to be safe in White Plains later that day, on April 4.

On April 3, police noticed a parked car with scofflaw status on Spencer Place. The registered owner owed $4,195 in parking tickets. The owner made arrangements with Village Hall to pay the tickets.

Cars and roadways
A suspicious parked car was reported on Rock Creek Lane April 1. Police spoke with the driver, and she provided private investigator credentials.

A utility pole shattered at Heathcote Road and Palmer Avenue, causing wires to fall into the street April 1. Con Edison and Verizon were notified for response. Police surmised that a vehicle, possibly a commercial truck, either struck the pole or snagged the wires and pulled them down. Police closed the affected area to traffic for safety until necessary repairs could be done.

A driver locked himself out of his car on Mamaroneck Road April 1. A towing service arrived on scene to assist him.

A driver reported striking a deer with his car on Heathcote Road April 1.

On April 2, police notified Verizon about low-hanging wires on Black Birch Lane.

A driver reported losing a license plate from his car on Tompkins Road April 3.

A driver backed out of parking space and knocked over a Vespa moped April 3. Police took a report.

Police moved a small branch off Park Road April 4.

A utility pole was struck in an accident and fell down on Mamaroneck Road April 5. Verizon and Con Edison were notified.

A caller reported a stop sign and a “Do Not Enter” sign were down at Edgewood and Tunstall roads April 6. It appeared that the wind knocked them over. Highway workers were notified for reinstallation.

Wood chips were falling out of a tree-trimming truck on Fenimore and Post roads April 6. Workers leveled woods chips and pieces in their truck before they continued on their way to prevent wood chips from falling onto the road.

The highway department was notified about cracks in the sidewalk on Brewster and Fenimore roads April 6.

Verizon was contacted about a fallen wire on Hillview Drive April 6.

The water department shut off a broken water main that was leaking onto Mamaroneck Road April 6.

A resident’s truck was accused of hitting another car in Dutchess County and leaving the scene April 6. Dutchess County police asked Scarsdale police to make contact with the truck’s owner for follow-up.
Police helped a woman cross Weaver Street and Bypass where there was no sidewalk April 7.

Village code
Neighbors complained of noise from outdoor speakers at a White Birch Lane house April 1. Police went to the house and heard music coming from the rear of the house. Police spoke with the homeowner through the Ring doorbell device. She said her children were home with the nanny. She surmised they accidentally activated the speaker’s remote control to play music outside. The homeowner said she would correct the issue.

A resident reported that a small amount of construction dust was blowing onto his property from a Park Road neighbor’s construction site April 6. Police advised the neighbor of the complaint. The neighbor apologized and said she would have the contractor move the saw away from the neighbor’s property and install netting in an attempt to better contain the dust.

Five kids were observed on a Boulevard field after dusk, in violation of village code, April 7. Police advised them to leave the field.

On April 2, a Pinecrest Road resident told police she was concerned about her Drake Road neighbor’s large dogs. She thought the dogs might jump over the fence surrounding her yard and bite her own small dogs. Patrol told her there was nothing they could do at the moment except communicate the resident’s concerns to the owner of the large dogs.

A Lenox Place woman advised that a Mamaroneck Road man yelled at her and berated her as she was walking her dog in front of the man’s house April 6. The man accused the woman of allowing the dog to use the bathroom in front of his house. The woman said the dog was only sniffing the public sidewalk in front of his house. Police reminded both parties that the sidewalk area belongs to the Village and not individual homeowners. Police told both parties to refrain from negative contact with one another in the future.

Police shot a skunk that appeared to be sick on a Deerfield Road property April 2. It was left in a bag for sanitation pickup.

According to Scarsdale Fire Chief James Seymour, firefighter responded to 21 incidents during the reporting period. He shared the following details.
On April 1, firefighters reported a power outage on Parkfield Road to Con Edison. Two primary fuses tripped and caused the outage.
A burning odor was coming from a Con Edison “phase saver” product installed in a Tisdale Road house April 1. Con Edison was notified and arrived to disconnect the unit.

On April 4, a burning odor was coming from a microwave’s panel in a Brewster Road kitchen. Firefighters disconnected the microwave and recommended replacing it.
Gas was leaking from a pipe and making a hissing sound at a Con Edison excavation site on Herkimer Road April 6. Firefighters expedited response from Con Edison and stood by with a hand line hose as a precaution. Firefighters were released after Con Edison mitigated the leak.

This report covering police and fire department activity from April 1-7 has been compiled from official information.

scarsdalesecuritylogo 1 1This police report is sponsored by Scarsdale Security who does more than just security. Contact them about remote video for your home or business. Call 914-722-2200 or visit their website.

emptybottleDWI Arrest : Around 10 pm on March 29, a Fenimore Road resident reported an unknown vehicle pulled into his driveway, and the female driver was allegedly having difficulty backing out. The resident told police the driver seemed to be impaired. Police arrived on scene and saw the driver – Jennifer Andrade, 30, of White Plains – “unsteadily” walking around her 2012 Kia, which was disabled with a shredded tire in the resident’s driveway. The resident was also outside and said he did not know the driver. Andrade showed physical signs of intoxication and told police she had been drinking when police asked her. Eight open, empty and unopened bottles of alcohol were observed inside the car. Andrade said she had been driving home but did not explain why she entered the Fenimore Road driveway. She was arrested on charges of driving while intoxicated (first offense) and refusal to take a breath test. She was released on her own recognizance with an appearance ticket, returnable to Scarsdale Village Justice Court on April 3.

Stolen Wallet
On March 29, a Garth Road resident reported someone was using his debit card to make fraudulent purchases. He said the debit card had been stolen from his wallet after he dropped the wallet on Garth Road earlier that day. The fraudulent debits occurred at the CVS on Popham Road. A successful purchase in the amount of $18.12 was processed. An attempted purchase of two $500 gift cards was declined. Attempts to buy gasoline at two Scarsdale Avenue gas stations, with two different credit cards, were made. One attempt was declined. One attempt was successfully processed in the amount of $38. Surveillance video from the CVS store captured the subject on film. The suspect was described as a woman, approximately 30-35 years old and approximately 5’7” tall, with a dark complexion and stocky build. She was wearing a white sweatshirt, gray legging pants and white sneakers. Police are following up.

Arrest on Warrant
On March 29, a police license plate reader indicated a passing car had a suspended registration for the car’s insurance not being in effect. Police conducted a traffic stop and checked the driver’s information. The driver – John Adorno, 48, of the Bronx – was discovered to be driving with a suspended license. It had been suspended on four dates since 2017 – for failing to pay child support, failing to pay NYS taxes and insurance not being in effect. There was also an active arrest warrant for Adorno, issued out of Nassau County. Adorno was arrested for the active arrest warrant and transported to headquarters, pending pickup by Nassau County police. His car was placed in the police impound lot.

A Heathcote Road man reported his ex-girlfriend was allegedly stealing money and a money order belonging to the man’s business. These included $3,440 in cash and a money order for $1,075. The man succeeded in cancelling the money order.

Identity theft
On March 25, a Myrtledale Road resident reported someone attempted to open fraudulent credit cards in his name.

On March 27, a Paddington Road resident reported two fraudulent credit accounts had been opened online – with PNC Bank and Citibank. The accounts had been opened with the resident’s Social Security number and personal information. The resident closed the accounts before any losses occurred.

On March 28, a Wildwood Road man reported giving his Social security number to a telephone scammer.

A Graham Road woman reported she received calls about a free back brace to be paid by Medicaid March 30. The last call stated the woman was going to be billed for the brace. The woman became alarmed and called police. Patrol told her the calls were most likely a scam in which perpetrators were trying to get her personal information. They advised her to not answer the calls and to not provide any personal information callers.

On March 27, an unknown man was walking around inside a house under construction on Cushman Road. The incident was recorded on camera.

Police were notified about a verbal dispute between two residents of a Post Road group home March 27.

A Heathcote man twice called police in the early morning hours of March 31. The first time the man called, he reported hearing a noise that started him. After reporting the noise, the man began to talk about a female Uber driver, whom he had used about 10 times for rides. He said the driver might be “out to get him,” but he could not provide any evidence or specific information regarding his statement. The man then said he did not require any further assistance. About an hour later, the man called police again. This time he reported hearing noises like “someone using a hammer or building something in his backyard.” Police checked the yard, saw nothing suspicious and did not hear any construction noises. The man then asked police “if the noises could be just in his head.” Patrol answered by saying “possibly.” Patrol asked if the man wanted medical assistance, but the man declined.

Cars and Roadways
Police contacted the water department about a water leak on Brite Avenue March 25.
The highway department was contacted to repair an open sewer on Mamaroneck Road March 25.
Verizon was notified about fallen wires on Circle Road, Weaver Street and Greenacres Avenue March 25.
Police helped a driver change a flat tire on Fenimore Road March 25.
A loaner car was left idling in an Archer Lane driveway March 26. Police notified the resident.
A driver on Post Road was travelling at approximately 10mph due to leg pain March 26. Police stopped the driver and offered to help her. She decided to park the car and take a taxi to her destination in White Plains.
Police informed Cablevision of a low-hanging wire on Church Lane March 26.
Police removed a piece of broken curbing lying in the roadway on Heathcote Road March 26.
Police assisted with the removal of boot from a car on Wayside Lane March 28.
On March 28, police temporarily closed a section of Ogden Road near an oak tree with a large crack in its trunk, pending removal by an arborist the next day. The road closure was due to safety concerns in case the tree fell down.
According to a witness, a Saab driver jumped curbing, struck stop sign, drove onto a lawn at Post and Dickel roads, struck a fence and got stuck in mud March 28. The driver eventually freed the car and left the scene with the car’s bumper and muffler hanging from the car.
A police car was towed to the highway department’s repair garage due its gear shifter not being able to be moved from “park” to “drive” March 29.
Police assisted a pedestrian safely cross Weaver Street and get on the sidewalk where she could continue her walk without obstructing traffic and endangering herself March 29.
A U-Haul truck got partially stuck in a Post Road driveway and was blocking the roadway March 30. Police helped the driver dislodge the truck.
One car was repossessed in the village this week.
Six car accidents were reported in the village this week.

Police tried to catch a loose dog on Overhill Road but it ran away when approached March 28. Neighbors said they thought the dog lived in the area.

A loose dog was reported on Drake Road March 29. Police reunited the dog with its owner.

Two loose dogs ran away out of sight on Ferncliff Road March 30.

A dog got stuck under a Clarence Road deck while chasing an animal March 30. Before police arrived, the dog managed to maneuver itself free.

A loose Pit Bull was running on Pinecrest and Dunham roads March 30. Police contacted New Rochelle Human Society for pickup.

Village code
On March 26, police told a truck driver on Old Lyme Road he could not make deliveries there between 8:30 a.m. and 9 a.m. because of a village code.

Neighbors complained about loud music from a party on Kent Road March 30. When police arrived, the residents had already turned off the music, and the party was breaking up. Police advised the residents of the noise complaint.

Lost and found
A Rock Creek Lane resident reported losing a phone while going to the airport March 25.
On March 31, a man found a wallet on Jefferson Road and gave it to police. The wallet contained four credit cards and an ID card from the Pace University English Language Institute. Police vouchered the wallet for safekeeping.

According to Fire Chief James Seymour, firefighters responded to 34 incidents this week. He shared details of the following incidents below.

On March 25, an electric Tesla car charging in a Herkimer Road garage was emitting an odor similar to sewer gas. Firefighters checked the garage and detected hydrogen sulfide and carbon monoxide in the air. The car was moved outside the garage, and the odor dissipated. Readings returned to zero. Firefighters advised the owner to have the car serviced.

On March 26, police assisted Con Edison by checking houses for possible natural gas migration related to a natural gas leak into nearby sanitary sewers. At least fifteen houses were checked. A leaking gas meter was detected at one house on Spier Road, and Con Edison repaired it.

On March 26, a burning odor and a smoke haze were reported inside an East Parkway apartment building. Firefighters traced the source to a refrigerator in one of the apartments, stabilized it and recommended service.

Firefighters assisted at an accident on the Hutchinson River Parkway March 28.

Firefighters helped a domesticated cat get down from a roof on Murray Hill Road March 29. The car was returned to its owner.

This report covering police and fire department activity from March 25-31 has been compiled from official information.

scarsdalesecuritylogo 1 1This police report is sponsored by Scarsdale Security who does more than just security. Contact them about remote video for your home or business. Call 914-722-2200 or visit their website.

RobinScams: A Coralyn Road man received a text message alleging to be from Bank of America March 12. The message instructed the man to call a number, allegedly Bank of America, and follow prompts to enter his personal information. After being disconnected, the man called Bank of America and learned the call had been a scam. The man contacted the credit reporting agencies to report the incident.

A Carthage Road couple reported, on March 16, that they had been receiving calls from an unknown person claiming to have access to the couple’s online accounts. While patrol was taking the report, the suspect called again. Police answered the phone and instructed the suspect to cease calling. Police advised the couple to block the caller’s number.

On March 12, a Birchall Drive resident alleged that her iPad and its leather case were stolen from an Uber she had used on March 12.

Identity Theft
On March 13, a Graham Road resident reported an incident of identity theft. No further details were released.

A Fayette Road resident reported someone opened a credit card in his name and charged over $10,000 of purchases on the card.

Aggravated Harassment
An Edgewood business owner reported receiving harassing text messages and calls from a former employee March 12. The calls and messages occurred between January and March and contained insults and threats. The report was made for documentation purposes only.

Criminal Mischief
On March 15, a school district school employee reported someone had made “donuts” on the high school practice field and a traffic island with a car. Damage from the tire marks was estimated to be $2,500.

Two tires were slashed on a car parked on in the rear parking lot of a Popham Road lot sometime between 5:30 p.m., March 16 and 12 p.m., March 17. Patrol requested video surveillance footage of the parking lot to assist in investigation.

A Paddington Road babysitter reported that a car pulled up in front of her boss’s house and the driver took several pictures of the garage March 11. The car was already gone when police were notified. The homeowner said she would review video surveillance and get in touch with police if she could provide more specific information.

On March 14, an intoxicated man entered a Christie Place establishment asking fro alcohol. The manager refused to serve the man alcohol due to his condition, and the man allegedly became unruly. Police were called, and the man was asked to leave the premises.

Locked in
A person using a Palmer Avenue bank got stuck inside the ATM lobby when the doors failed to open at 4:15 p.m., March 16. Police spoke with the branch manager who said he was aware of the problem with the doors and had ordered a new part for repair. He said he would return to the bank to temporarily correct the issue.

Cars and roadways
Police helped a female pedestrian cross the street and get on the sidewalk safely near Bypass and Weaver Street March 11 and March 17.

Con Edison was notified about a large tree branch on wires on School Lane March 11.

An unoccupied car was smoking on Fenimore Road and the Bronx River Parkway March 11. Firefighters broke the driver’s side window to open the hood. Shortly thereafter the driver arrived. She reported that the car “died” while driving on the parkway. A tow truck responded to the scene and removed the car.

Patrol helped a homeowner reattach a phone or cable wire to his house March 12.

Police helped a woman find her parked car on East Parkway March 13.

Police notified Verizon about a low-hanging wire on Mamaroneck Road March 13.

A “Do Not Enter” sign leading to a one-way street on Gaylor Road and Boulevard was missing March 15. Police notified the highway department for replacement.

Police placed three large traffic cones in a large pothole on Popham Road March 15. The highway department was notified.

Police stood by while a woman and her friend changed a flat tire on her car March 15.

Police notified Verizon about a fallen wire on Sprague Road March 16.

A loose dog was reported on Autenreith Road March 11. Police caught up with the dog on Woodland Place, but it was aggressive and police were not able to gain control of it.

An Ardmore Road woman put a loose dog in her backyard area and called police March 16. In the meantime, the dog’s owner called headquarters to report her dog was missing. Police reunited the dog with its owner and issued the owner a verbal warning.

Village code
A Brewster Road resident complained that a neighbor was playing audible bird sounds outside on a daily base March 13. Police spoke with the neighbor who said she was playing the noises in order to deter robins from nesting in her yard because the previous year’s robins were aggressive and would not allow the woman to walk in her yard. Police informed her the noise was in violation of village code and issued a warning. She agreed to stop playing the bird noises.

Police advised two solicitors on East Parkway that a permit was required for them to be soliciting in the village March 14.

Lost and found
A passerby found a small purse at a bus stop and gave it to police March 14. Patrol tried to contact the owner of the purse but was unsuccessful. The purse’s contents were documented, and the purse was vouchered at headquarters for safekeeping.

According to Scarsdale Fire Chief James Seymour, firefighters responded to 36 incidents in the village this week. He shared details of the following narratives.

On March 11, firefighters removed a pot of burned food from the stove in a Donellan Road house while the homeowner was not at home. Firefighters ventilated the house with fans.

Firefighters assisted at a car accident on the Bronx River Parkway March 11. The car was smoking heavily, and firefighters determined oil had spilled on the engine block, thus causing the smoke.

Firefighters assisted Yonkers fire department in fighting a structure fire in an apartment building in Yonkers March 11.

On March 13, a Sage Terrace resident reported approximately two feet of water in the basement. The water was caused by a leak from an overfilled steam boiler. Firefighters drained the boiler to an appropriate level and pumped the water from the basement. They advised the resident to contact the boiler company for service.

A Hillandale Close resident reported an oven fire March 15. Firefighters responded to the house and found the oven locked and smoking without any active flames. Firefighters checked the area around the oven for possible extension. No extension was found. The resident was advised to let the oven cool down and call for service.
On March 16, a White Birch Lane resident reported a gas odor near a gas boiler. Firefighters stood by for Con Edison. A leak was located after the shut off valve. Firefighters and Con Edison personnel shut down the boiler and advised the resident to call for service.

An Innes Road resident reported an interior gas odor in the house March 16. Firefighters stood by for Con Edison. Con Edison found a broken gas line to a dryer and took measures to shut that gas connection. Con Edison released firefighters from the scene.

On March 17, an oil burner malfunctioned in a Chateaux Circle building. Heavy smoke and carbon monoxide were detected. Firefighters evacuated the building, shut down the boiler and used fans to ventilate. The building superintendent was advised to contact a technician for service.

scarsdalesecuritylogo 1 1This report covering police and fire department activity from March 11-17 has been compiled from official information.

This police report is sponsored by Scarsdale Security who does more than just security. Contact them about remote video for your home or business. Call 914-722-2200 or visit their website.

16ChurchLaneSExteriorAn automatic alarm alerted residents and firefighters to a fire in a South Church Lane house at 4:43 a.m., March 24. Upon waking up, the residents – a man, a woman and a two-year-old granddaughter – saw wispy clouds of light smoke in the air. Firefighters arrived and assisted residents as they evacuated. Firefighters found a living room under construction and sealed off with plastic. It was charged with heavy smoke. Hose lines were stretched into the house to combat the fire at its source and fire traveling through the walls to the second floor. A burned hole was already apparent in the master bedroom16ChurchInterior floor, and some furnishings had started to burn. Crews opened walls and quickly knocked down the fire. They continued working to extinguish the fire. In addition to career firefighters, volunteer firefighters and mutual aid partners provided assistance. Con Edison shut off and secured utilities.

The first and second floors were overhauled, and foam was applied to charred areas to prevent rekindling. Fans were brought in for ventilation. The residents told firefighters a gas fireplace had been installed the previous day, and residents were told to turn it on and run it. The fireplace was turned off around 5:45 p.m., when the residents went out for dinner. Prior to going out, one of the residents smelled burning wood, but she thought a neighbor might be using a wood-burning fireplace. Scarsdale Volunteer Ambulance Corps evaluated the residents for possible injuries as a precaution. One resident complained of a sore throat.

DWI arrest
While conducting routine patrol on Post Road in the early morning hours of March 24, police observed a 1999 Mercedes travelling at a low rate of speed, swerving and repeatedly crossing the pavement markings. The turned processed onto Burgess Road, Richbell Road, Lakin Road and Birch Lane, where it came to a stop. Police conducted a traffic stop to speak with the driver – Steven Edney, 44, of White Plains. He was sitting in the car, with the keys in the ignition and the motor running. His breath smelled of alcohol, and his eyes were glassy and bloodshot. With slurred speech, he told police he was on his way to his girlfriend’s house, and he thought he was in Eastchester. When asked how many alcoholic drinks he had consumed, he answered, “I have nothing in the car.” He failed field sobriety tests, and an alco-sensor test indicated the presence of alcohol on Edney’s breath, with a reading of .25. He was arrested and taken to headquarters at that time. During the process of arrest, Edney became agitated and told police he was a citizen of the UK. He said police “would be sorry for arresting him.” At headquarters he refused to allow handcuffs to be removed while in the holding cell and he refused to answer questions. He agreed to submit to a Datamaster test, which registered a blood alcohol reading of .22. After the test had been completed, Edney asked police to remove the handcuffs, and the handcuffs were removed. Edney was charged with driving while intoxicated (first offense), aggravated DWI with a blood alcohol level of .18 or more with no priors and moving from a lane unsafely. Due to Edney being a foreign national, the UK Embassy was notified. Edney was released on his own recognizance with an appearance ticket to appear at Scarsdale Village Justice Court on March 27. His car was left parked on Birch Lane, and his girlfriend picked him up.

Staff at DeCicco’s Marketplace reported they were holding a shoplifter and waiting for police March 21. The suspect – a 73-year-old white man – had been observed placing items in his pockets while shopping in the store. He also was seen placing items in a shopping basket. He went to the checkout counter and paid for items in the basket but attempted to leave the store with items in his pockets. The items the man attempted to steal amounted to $39.62 of grocery items. In the presence of police, the man returned the items to the store and apologized to store management. Store management advised they did not want to press charges at that time. The man was advised he was no longer welcome in the store.

Identity theft
On March 19, a Carthage Road woman reported someone opened a fraudulent Verizon account in her name in December. A flip phone was purchased at the time the account was opened. The account accumulated an unpaid balance in the amount of $265.57. The woman notified Verizon that the account was fraudulent, and the account was closed.

Criminal mischief
On March 20, a Stratton Road woman reported someone spray-painted the front bumper of her car blue sometime between March 13 and 15. She believes the vandalism occurred while the car was parked in her driveway. Damage was estimated at $500.

A Post Road resident reported an attempted scam took place March 20. The scam involved someone contacting the resident to say she should pay restitution due to the allegation that she shared the same name as a person involved in a high profile criminal case.

Welfare check
At the request of an out-of-state son, police checked the welfare of the son’s Edgewood parents March 18. They were OK. They had just unplugged their phone for the night to prevent being disturbed.

An Eastchester man walked into headquarters and reported that two guns, worth $100 each, had gotten lost in the mail while the parts were being shipped to Arizona for engraving March 21. They had been mailed from the Scarsdale Post Office to an incorrect address, due to the face that the engraver had switched addresses without the man’s knowledge. According to the U.S. Postal Service, the package had been scheduled for rerouting but apparently never left the post office in Arizona. Postal police and the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives were notified. The owner was advised to get a local police report number, so officials could start an investigation due to the nature of the package.

On March 24, a Greenacres man came to headquarters to request documentation regarding the destruction of his legally owned LRB Arms Model M15SA weapon, due to the fact that he was relocating to Washington, D.C., where he was not allowed to possess the assault rifle. After explaining the reason for requiring documentation, the man gave the gun receiver – a part of the gun – to police for destruction. Police cut the receiver into two pieces to destroy it and conducted a search to verify that the gun had been legally registered, was not reported as stolen and had not been involved in a crime. The police report noted that the man did not turn over any other parts of the gun, besides the receiver.

A School Lane resident reported seeing dry footprints on her deck, as well as a window screen that had fallen out of it window March 19. Police walked the perimeter of the house and found nothing suspicious. They examined the footprints, which seemed to lead to an electrical outlet and off the deck. Police called a contractor who had recently performed work at the house, and he said his crew had walked on the deck to plug in a microwave for use in heating up their lunch.

A package was delivered to a Berwick Road address, but the name on the package did not match anyone’s name who resided at the house March 21. Police and the resident contacted the shipper who said to discard the package.

An Overlook Road resident reported a squirrel in her basement March 20. Police provided the resident with trappers’ contact info.

A woman who owed fines for unpaid parking tickets, in the amount of $390, was advised to pay the fines in Village Justice Court March 19.

Cars and roadways
Police notified Verizon about low-hanging wires on Lenox Place and marked the wires with police tape March 18.

A car’s paint got damaged, ostensibly from an opening door, while the car was parked in an Overhill Road parking garage March 19.

On March 21, police issued a summons to the registered owner of a car parked in violation of the three-hour parking limitation on Brayton Road.

On March 21, a New York City driver sustained two flat tires from a pothole located at Garden and Cushman roads. The driver’s 2013 Ford was towed from the scene and the highway department was dispatched to assess the roadway.

Seven car accidents were reported in the village during the reporting period.

A Walworth Avenue resident complained that a woman walking a dog “off leash” allowed the dog to relieve itself on her driveway March 19. When the resident advised the woman that she did not want the dog urinating on her driveway, the woman allegedly said, “Get a sign.” Police advised the resident to contact police again if the situation continues to happen or appears intentional.

Police reunited a loose dog found on Mamaroneck Road with its owner March 20.

According to Scarsdale Fire Chief James Seymour, firefighters responded to 40 incidents during the reporting period. He shared the following details.

On March 18, firefighters provided mutual aid to Hartsdale Fire Department.
Firefighters removed a burning pot of food from a stove in a Ross Road house March 18. No one was home at the time. Firefighters took the pot outside, turned off the stove and ventilated the house by opening the windows.

Firefighters stood by for Con Edison at the site of a gas odor near the front door of a Heathcote Road structure March 19. Con Edison found no evidence of a gas leak.
Elevated gas readings were detected by gas meters at a Montrose Road house March 19. Firefighters stood by for Con Edison.

Firefighters checked the Bronx River for a reported “spill in the river” March 20. There, firefighters found a fuel tank cleaning company cleaning up approximately 200 gallons of fuel oil that was accidentally spilled when a tank malfunctioned during a fill-up. The fuel made its way into storm drains and ended up in the river. Firefighters assisted cleanup personnel by placing additional spill booms in the river to absorb the spilled fuel. The county’s Department of Environmental Conservation and Health Department, as well as public safety members and firefighters from other affected jurisdictions, were involved in the effort.

On March 21, a generator and power washer, with gasoline in their tanks, were being stored in a Heathcote Road parish basement and emitting a gas odor. Firefighters advised parish staff to remove the items and store them in a better-ventilated place.

A basement dimmer switch in a Fairview Road house was emitting a burning odor March 21. Firefighters de-energized the switch at the breaker box, checked the walls and confirmed nothing was burning inside and advised the resident to call an electrician for repair.

A burning odor inside a Penn Road house was caused by an internal problem with the panel March 21. After firefighters checked the house, the homeowner called an electrician to make repairs.

This report covering police and fire department activity from March 18-24 has been compiled from official information.

This police report is sponsored by Scarsdale Security who does more than just security. Contact them about remote video for your home or business. Call 914-722-2200 or visit their website.scarsdalesecuritylogo 1 1

snow1DWI Arrest: On March 9, at 4 a.m., police arrested Jose David Felix Orozco, 34, of Torrington, Connecticut, on charges of operation of a motor vehicle while intoxicated (with a prior conviction), aggravated driving while intoxicated with a blood alcohol content of .18 or more (with a prior conviction), moving from lane unsafely and having an open container of alcohol in a motor vehicle on a highway. The arrest came after Orozco’s 2002 Jeep was observed swerving and repeatedly crossing the pavement markings on Post Road, and police made a traffic stop. Orozco told police he had consumed “a couple of shots” a few hours ago at a bar in White Plains. Police noted signs of intoxication including bloodshot and glassy eyes and an odor of alcohol on Orozco’s breath. Orozco failed field sobriety tests, and an alco-sensor test measured his blood alcohol level at .16. Orozco was arrested, and his car was searched. Police found several empty beer cans in the cars – some open and empty, and one full and closed. At headquarters, Orozco agreed to a Datamaster test, which subsequently measured his blood alcohol content at .19. A database check revealed Orozco had been previously convicted on DWI charges in 2017 in White Plains. Orozco was released with an appearance ticket and ordered to appear at Scarsdale Village Justice Court on March 13. His car was secured on Rugby Road, and he went home in a taxi.

A 91-year-old Tisdale Road resident died of natural causes at home March 5.

Stolen package
On March 6, a Farley Road woman reported a package had been stolen from her property on Feb. 20. According to tracking information, the package had been delivered on Feb. 20, at approximately 10:36 a.m. However, the woman never received it. It had been sent by her mother and contained “used items and clothing.” It was valued at approximately $250.

Identity theft
On March 3, a Murray Hill Road woman reported someone made fraudulent charges in the amount of $1,189.44, to her Bloomingdale’s account. She is following up with Bloomingdale’s fraud department.

On March 6, a Woodland Place man reported someone fraudulently changed the address and phone number on his eBay account. The man subsequently changed his password and credit card information.

On March 7, a caller reported that his elderly Saxon Woods Road aunt was the victim of fraud. A marketing company had contacted the woman about medical back braces, which were shipped to her residence and billed to Medicare. The man said his aunt never authorized the purchase of the back braces. He contacted the company, and the company offered to send return shipping labels for the braces and issue an insurance refund.

Snow Shoveling
An intoxicated man was shoveling snow from a Parkfield Road driveway onto the street March 4. He said he was shoveling the snow because he had seen a “young boy” there struggling to shovel the driveway. When the boy’s father attempted to pay the man, the man allegedly got upset. At that time, the father called police. Patrol spoke with the intoxicated man and made sure he got home to his family.

Unattended Bags
On March 5, MTA police took possession of an unattended bag left on the Scarsdale train station platform.

A woman described as an Indian woman in her 20s, wearing jeans and a black denim jacket, went into a diner on Scarsdale Avenue and allegedly left to use the cash machine at a local bank. She left her belongings in the diner. She did not return for her belongings and management called police to inventory and collect the woman’s belongings. The manager of the diner said the woman might have been under the influence of drugs based on her behavior.

A Haverford Road resident reported someone came to the door, rang the doorbell and ran away March 6. Patrol canvassed the area but did not see anyone on foot.

On March 7, a Cayuga Road resident reported footprints in the snow around her house. The footprints led to a side window and came to an end near a staircase leading to the basement. No signs of forced entry or tampering were detected. The resident said she would reach out to service workers to see if the footprints were made by one of them.

A Harcourt Road woman noticed her backyard gate was open when she let her dog outside March 9. The gate is normally kept closed and locked, she said. She also saw footprints in the snow near the gate, which she believed had not been there before.

Pedestrian Hit
A white BMW rolled over the foot of a girl, born in 2007, while the girl was crossing Heathcote Road at 3:10 p.m., March 5. According to the girl, the BMW driver stopped to let her cross the street, but then rolled over her left foot before she finished crossing. The BMW driver did not stop to report the accident. The accident caused minor pain in the girl’s foot but no visible injury.

Cars and Roadways
Police picked up a loose fiber optic cable on Madison Road and placed it by the curb March 4.
Patrol moved fallen branches or fallen trees from Woods. Wayside and Eastwoods lanes, Huntington, Palmer and Greenacres avenues and Fox Meadow, Wheelock, Post, Pinecrest and Mamaroneck roads March 4.

Large branches from a privately owned tree fell on a parked car in a Sage Terrace driveway March 4. Police advised the car’s owner to contact her insurance company.

Electrical wires fell or got tangled in tree limbs on Fox Meadow, Olmsted, Mamaroneck, Burgess, Brookby, Franklin, Sherbrooke, Johnson, Hampton, Post, Murray Hill and Meadow roads March 4. Police taped off dangerous areas and notified Con Edison.

Snow covered bamboo stalks were leaning into the roadway March 4. Police shook snow from the bamboo so the stalks were able to stand upright and no longer obstruct the roadway.

Verizon was notified about low-hanging or fallen wires on Barry, Mamaroneck and Rochambeau roads March 4.

Police directed traffic at the intersection of Palmer Avenue and Secor Road while the traffic light was out, pending the installation of temporary stop signs March 4.

Police asked a driver to move his car to another parking spot in the Christie Place garage in order to allow the highway department to repair a broken light fixture March 6.

Patrol notified Verizon about fallen wires on Kingston, Canterbury and Brown roads March 7 and on Nelson Road March 8.

Police issued a parking summons to the driver of a car parked in front of a driveway March 7.

Police issued two summonses to double-parked trucks on Christie Place March 8.
Police issued summonses to two drivers driving the wrong way on Boniface Circle, a one-way street, March 8.

Ten car accidents were reported in the village during this reporting period.

Dogs and wildlife
On March 4, a caller reported a dog went into a pond by Hitchcock Church at Greenacres and Walworth avenues. The dog was removed from the pond and went home with its owner.

A Cooper Road dog was barking intermittently March 8. Police spoke to the owner who brought the dog inside. No summonses were issued.
A Spencer Place business owner called police to ask for assistance with a “dying bat” located in front of the business March 9. Police used a shovel to remove the bat from the sidewalk and place it in a wooded area on East Parkway.

A caller complained about incessant barking from a Ridgecrest East dog March 10. Patrol contacted the dog’s owner, who asked a key holder to pick up the dog and take care of it, so it would stop barking March 10. Police issued the owner a summons.

Lost and found
On March 9, a person found a Toyota car key on Wayside Lane and gave it to an officer at the police substation. Police notified the owner who responded to headquarters to pick up the key.

According to Scarsdale Fire Chief James Seymour, firefighters responded to 22 incidents during this reporting period.

On March 4, firefighters responded to a report of an indoor gas odor inside an Aspen Road house. Upon firefighters’ arrival, the homeowner said her house had partially lost power and the stovetop was leaking gas. Firefighters confirmed partial power loss in the house, including power to the stovetop igniter. As long as the burners were in the “off” position, there was no leaking gas. Con Edison arrived to investigate further.

On March 3, a Rock Creek Lane resident reported an inside odor of gas during a power loss. The resident further said she was unable to ignite her gas burners due to the fact that they were controlled by electric igniters. Firefighters turned the incident over to Con Edison.

Firefighters assisted with a rollover car accident on Post Road March 7. The driver was able to self extricate from the car and was treated by Scarsdale Volunteer Ambulance Corps and transported to White Plains Hospital Center. Firefighters stood by for a tow.

On March 10, firefighters assisted Greenville Fire Department with an apartment fire on Central Avenue March 10.

This report covering police and fire department activity from March 4-10 has been compiled from official information.

scarsdalesecuritylogo 1 1This police report is sponsored by Scarsdale Security who does more than just security. Contact them about remote video for your home or business. Call 914-722-2200 or visit their website.