Sunday, Oct 06th

stolencheckOn Dec. 19, police arrested Sheaquana Mowatt, 31, of Bridgeport, Connecticut, on charges of fifth-degree criminal possession of stolen property and petit larceny. Mowatt is a home health aide who is accused of stealing a check, for $1,800, from her Brite Avenue employer’s house and depositing the check into her bank account in November. Another check, also written for $1,800, was stolen and recovered in the course of investigation.

On Dec. 19, a Hutchinson Avenue woman reported finding empty beer cans and disturbed boxes inside her parents’ house, which is on the market and in the course of being packed. The woman noticed dark smudge marks on the house’s newly painted walls, emptied drawers, missing paintings and chandeliers and items unpacked from boxes. A dining room set, a power washer and a gas-powered blower were also found missing from the garage. Police did not find any signs of forced entry to the house.

On Dec. 18, a Sunset Drive man reported that someone might have entered his house and stolen $12,000 from his jacket. Upon investigation, it appeared unlikely that someone entered the man’s house. Rather, the man clarified his opinion around the belief that the money was stolen at a restaurant in White Plains. Police advised the man to report the incident to White Plains police.

A Franklin Road resident reported a $200 six-foot ladder was missing from her garage Dec. 22.

Car break-in
Someone broke into a parked car in the parking lot of the Boulder Brook Equestrian Center on Mamaroneck Road Dec. 20. The passenger window was smashed, and the woman’s purse was stolen. Credit cards stolen with the purse were used at a Wal-Mart store before the theft was reported. Police are following up.

A Carthage Road woman reported being stalked by her ex-boyfriend Dec. 17.

On Dec. 23, a Greenacres Avenue man reported his daughter had received several texts from an unknown person. The person’s number was blocked.

Missing person
A Fox Meadow woman reported her husband who suffers from Alzheimer’s was missing Dec. 22. He had been missing for over two hours when she contacted police. While police were gathering information and alerting other jurisdictions, the man returned home.

On Dec. 17, police spoke with Johnson Road neighbors in order to mediate a disagreement. One neighbor who was undertaking a construction project on his property complained that his neighbor was coming onto his property without permission. The accused neighbor said he had come over a couple times “as a friendly neighbor” while workers were on the scene. Nevertheless, police advised him that his neighbor preferred that he stay off the property.

An adult protective services agent went to a Quaker Ridge resident’s address with police because the resident’s bank was concerned he might be being taken advantage of due to the high frequency of withdrawals. The man said he was not giving money to anyone, and he refused adult protective services.

Water was observed to be gushing from an outdoor pipe used to connect a garden hose at a Sycamore Road house Dec. 23. Water department personnel was called to help turn off the water.

Civil matter
A Garth Road business owner reported a “hostile” encounter in the store. Police mediated the dispute. Both parties agreed that unsold items would be returned to the owner. Additionally, a check for $548.44 was issued to the owner for the sold items.

Trip hazard
On Dec. 19, police placed an orange traffic cone on a defective sidewalk on Chase Road.

On Dec. 17, a sanitation worker got caught between a Cushman and a garbage truck while a co-worker was backing up the Cushman to deposit garbage into the truck on Lyons Road. The Cushman driver drove the Cushman forward and the trapped worker was able to free himself. No injuries were reported.

A woman was driving on Popham Road when her car was struck by a shovel that slid off a parked construction vehicle Dec. 17. The shovel damaged the roof and side of the woman’s Honda CRV. Police issued an accident report, and the parties agreed to handle the matter personally.

Ten car accidents were reported in the village this week.

Cars and roadways
On Dec. 17, highway workers and Con Edison removed a fallen tree from Saxon Woods Road.
Police removed fallen branches from Post and Nelson roads Dec. 17.
A homeowner was advised to contact an electrician to reattach a fallen wire to a Dell Road house Dec. 17.

Police warned the driver of a fuel delivery truck that he was not permitted to make noisy deliveries on Scarsdale Avenue after midnight, Dec. 21.

Highway workers cleared a fallen tree from Heathcote Road and Weaver Street Dec. 21.

Highway workers cleared a fallen tree from Secor Road and Bypass Dec. 21.
Police notified Verizon about a fallen wire on Chesterfield Road Dec. 23.

Police notified Westchester County police about a report of a dog running on the Hutchinson River Parkway Dec. 21.

Lost and found
On Dec. 17, a Rochambeau Road woman reported losing her driver’s license somewhere in the village or New York City.

A wallet was found in the village and brought to headquarters Dec. 19. Police tracked down the Yonkers owner and contacted her. She said she would pick up the wallet from headquarters.

On Dec. 21, a person found a wallet on Scarsdale Avenue and gave it to police. Police found two Scarsdale High School ID cards in the wallet. Police contacted the student to arrange for pickup of the wallet.

A wallet was found on the Popham Road staircase leading to the train station Dec. 22. Police contacted the owner who picked up the wallet from headquarters.

A Rock Meadow Lane resident reported a missing license plate Dec. 22.

A Black Birch Lane man reported losing his wallet, possibly in a taxi from Scarsdale Dec. 22. A “tile” locator was inside the wallet and indicated the wallet’s location was in Mount Vernon sometime during the preceding 24 hours. The man cancelled his credit cards that were inside the wallet.

A Chase bank debit card was found in an automated teller machine Dec. 22. Police identified the address of the person named on the card and returned the card to its owner.

According to Fire Chief James Seymour, firefighters responded to 25 incidents during the reporting period.
Firefighters assisted Con Edison workers check sanitary sewers on Meadow Road for possible infiltration of natural gas Dec. 19. No gas was found, and firefighters were released.

An Autenreith Road resident reported a leaking hot water heater Dec. 21.

Firefighters shut down the system and advised the resident to have it serviced.

On Dec. 22, a Drake Road utility vault was collecting water due to a crack in the foundation wall. Firefighters attempted to pump water from the vault, but it quickly refilled.

This report covering police and fire department activity from Dec. 17-23 has been compiled from official information.

scarsdalesecuritylogo 1 1This police report is sponsored by Scarsdale Security who does more than just security. Contact them about remote video for your home or business. Call 914-722-2200 or visit their website.

bombStolen: A Ferncliff Road resident reported three $500 gift cards were taken from her house Dec. 10. The resident said she received the gift cards in August and could not find them when she looked for them in November.

A contractor reported that 24 copper pipes were cut and removed from a Brookby Road job site sometime between Dec. 6 and 11.

On Dec. 14, a Sherbrooke Road resident reported three items were stolen from her house: a pair of $39,571 pair of diamond earrings, an 18K white gold Rolex watch valued at $47,247 and Franck Muller watch worth $36,540.

Car break-in
A parked car’s window was smashed in the parking lot of Quaker Ridge School, and a bag containing a hat, gloves and sunglasses was stolen from the car Dec. 15. The car was parked at the school while its owner was attending an event there.

Identity theft
On Dec. 13, a Colonial Road business owner reported someone attempted to cash a fraudulent check, in the amount of $5,000, against her business account. This resulted in the bank freezing the business account.

On Dec.15, a Harvest Drive resident reported receiving a scam phone call from a person alleging to be a Con Edison representative and claiming the resident owed Con Edison money. When the alleged representative called the resident a second time, the resident said he had reported the matter to police and the alleged representative ended the call.

Bomb threat
On Dec. 13, a Fox Meadow Road business owner reported receiving a bomb threat to her business. The threat came by email and stated there was a bomb inside the business and it would go off at a certain time if the business owner did not send money to an address provided in the email. It was determined to not be a credible threat. Following this incident, police advised village business owners of a nationwide email scam involving bomb threats.

Phone charge
A man walked into headquarters at 3 a.m., Dec. 11, asking to charge his cell phone in order to call his girlfriend to pick him up and give him a ride home.

On Dec. 12, a car struck a motorcycle at Post and Olmsted roads. Scarsdale Volunteer Ambulance Corps cared for the cyclist while police and firefighters stabilized the scene.

On Dec. 13, a car struck a 21-year-old pedestrian and fled the scene at Hutchinson Avenue and Meadow Road. Scarsdale Volunteer Ambulance Corps cared for the pedestrian while police and firefighters stabilized the scene. The pedestrian said he had been out jogging at the time of the accident, which was around 12:40 p.m. It was snowing at the time. The driver left the scene and entered the Hutchinson River Parkway. The driver was described as a woman driving a blue Lexus SUV with a male passenger.

On Dec. 14, a car struck a pedestrian at Fenimore Road and Oak Lane.GeeseGeese provide "organic fertilizer" to Crossway Field. Photo Credit: Robert Berg

Cars and roadways
A driver lost control of his car and jumped the curb while making a left turn from Ogden Road onto Whig Road Dec. 10. He offered to pay for damages caused to an Ogden Road resident’s yard.

Police woke up a man sleeping in his BMW X5 in the Christie Place parking garage at 6 a.m., Dec. 11. He was a resident of Christie Place apartments.

On Dec. 11, police issued summonses to two drivers who passed a stopped school bus on Popham Road.
A car struck a deer at Heathcote and Sherbrooke roads Dec. 11. The deer ran away, and no significant damage was caused to the car.

Police stood by a disabled car while the driver waited for a tow Dec. 12.

On Dec. 13, police called a duty tow for a disabled car on Palmer Avenue.

Police advised drivers to move their work vehicles from Post and Murray Hill roads so that pedestrians would not have to walk in the road Dec. 14.

On Dec. 16, a caller reported a large pothole on Popham Road. The highway department placed a cone in it to alert motorists. Later, another caller reported getting a flat tire from a Popham Road pothole.

Six car accidents were reported in the village this week.

On Dec. 10, police shot a sick or injured raccoon on Boulevard and called sanitation for disposal.

Police reunited a lost, micro-chipped dog with its owner after the dog was found at Mamaroneck and Black Walnut roads Dec. 13.

Lost and found
On Dec. 11, a wallet belonging to a Sage Terrace man was found in the village. Police contacted him, and he picked it up from headquarters.

On Dec. 12, a postal agent found keys on Bell Road. Police returned the keys to the keys’ owner who reported the keys missing.
A Rock Creek Lane woman reported losing her cell phone, either in New York City or the village, Dec. 16.

According to Fire Chief James Seymour, firefighters responded to 28 incidents during this reporting period. He shared details of the following incidents below.

On Dec. 14, firefighters assisted at a car accident on the Hutchinson River Parkway.

On Dec. 15, firefighters assisted Con Edison check houses possibly affected by a gas leak on Church Lane.

A Paddington Road resident reported a burning rubber odor in the house Dec. 15. Firefighters shut power to the furnace and advised the resident to service the unit.

Firefighters stood by for Con Edison at an Overlook Road house with a gas leak Dec. 16.

This report covering police and fire department activity from Dec. 17-23 has been compiled from official information.

scarsdalesecuritylogo 1 1This police report is sponsored by Scarsdale Security who does more than just security. Contact them about remote video for your home or business. Call 914-722-2200 or visit their website.

electromagnetic fieldArrests: On Nov. 29, police arrested Jonathan Villegas, 27, of White Plains, on a charge of unlawful possession of marijuana. A drug and alcohol task force noticed an odor of marijuana coming from Villegas’s 2011 BMW, as officers were driving behind the car in an unmarked car on Post Road. A large amount of smoke could also be seen coming out of the car’s window. Officers conducted a traffic stop on Post Road. Upon questioning Villegas, who was driving the car, officers asked if there was any marijuana in the car. Villegas then handed a plastic bag of marijuana to the officers. Villegas was arrested and taken to headquarters. He was released on an appearance ticket, returnable to Scarsdale Village Justice Court.

On Dec. 1, police arrested Fernando Pinto, 46, of Mount Vernon, on charges of driving while intoxicated (first offense), operation of a motor vehicle with a blood alcohol level of at least .08 of one percent, operation of a motor vehicle by an unlicensed driver, moving from a lane unsafely and failure to use the designated lane. Patrol first saw Pinto’s 2009 Nissan swerving and repeatedly crossing pavement markings on Post Road, as well as sideswiping the curb several times. Police conducted a traffic stop and interviewed the driver. He said he had consumed one Corona beer at a bar in White Plains several hours in the past. His eyes were glassy and bloodshot, and there was a strong odor of alcohol on his breath. Patrol administered field sobriety tests, and Pinto failed them. An alco-sensor test indicated the presence of alcohol on Pinto’s breath, with a reading of .14. He was arrested and taken to headquarters. There, a Datamaster test was administered, and Villegas’s blood alcohol level was confirmed to be .16. He was released on his own recognizance with an appearance ticket, returnable at Scarsdale Village Justice Court on Dec. 5. His car was secured on Ferncliff Road, and he went home by taxi.

On Nov. 27, a Carman Road woman called police at 4:12 a.m. She reported she was the victim of “electromagnetic radiation.” She presented patrol with a list of symptoms which included “burnings sensations on skin, pain in chest targeted for hours, pain pricks to head and back, back pain, head pain, burning eyes, light in the corners of eyes all night long, sunburn feeling on left side of face, dry throat, coughing, stinging eyes and bunion pain for several hours.” The woman declined medical attention. She gave patrol a handout titled “Emergency – Satellite Technology Being Used to Track, Monitor, Torture and Kill.” Police determined the allegations were unsubstantiated.

Car repair
A woman called police to report some men offered to fix cosmetic damages on her car in a parking lot Nov. 27. They followed her to Citibank on Post Road in Eastchester for payment, and she felt uncomfortable and called police. Scarsdale police dispatched Eastchester police to investigate the matter and provide assistance.

Parking meter
An unsecured parking meter was found on East Parkway Dec. 1. Police removed the money canister for safekeeping and put the meter out f service, pending repair.

A brother was worried about his sister because he had been unable to reach her for several days, and he asked police to perform a welfare check Dec. 2. She was OK and said she would charge her cell phone and call her brother.

Police notified the highway department about a large pile of leaves obstructing traffic on Burgess Road Nov. 26. When the leaf pile was being checked out, another pile of leaves was observed blocking a fire hydrant on the same street. Police issued village code summonses to the residents who were responsible for the oversized and improperly placed leaf piles.

Pedestrian, bicyclist hit
At 8:30 a.m., on Nov. 11, a 51-year-old man on a bicycle was struck by a 2007 Mercedes-Benz at the intersection of Popham and Chase roads. The injured man was taken to Westchester Medical Center for treatment of injuries. The man is a resident of Lee Road, and the driver is resident of Gaylor Road.

Cars and roadways
A driver got a flat tire on Fenimore Road and police guided her to a safe location on Ridgecrest West to wait for a tow Nov. 26.
A deep pothole filled with water on Mamaroneck Road caused a car to get a flat tire Nov. 27.
Police issued a summons to a man who parked a work truck in a no parking zone on Roosevelt Place Nov. 28.
Patrol moved a fallen tree from Palmer Avenue Nov. 28.
Police issued parking summons to the registered owners of illegally parked cars on Freightway Nov. 28.
Police called a tow truck for a disabled car on Drake Road Nov. 28.
On Nov. 29, police issued summonses to the drivers of two cars that were idling in a “no standing zone” on Overhill Road Nov. 29.
Police notified the water department about a water main break on Olmsted Road Nov. 29.
Seven car accidents were reported in the village this week.

On Nov. 30, a caller expressed concern about dogs left outside for an extended period of time on Aspen Road and asked police to check the dogs’ welfare. Police went to the house and saw two dogs in a large outdoor yard, with plenty of food and toys. The dogs greeted patrol “excitedly” and seemed to be in good health and positive spirit.

Village code
On Dec. 1, police advised a Sheldrake Road contractor of noise restrictions regarding construction work.

According to Scarsdale Fire Chief James Seymour, firefighters responded to 35 car accidents in the village. He shared details about the following incidents.

On Nov. 26, firefighters detected a boiler malfunction in a Lenox Place house. Firefighters shut down the boiler and ventilated the house. No carbon monoxide readings were detected. The homeowner was advised to have the boiler serviced.

On Nov. 26, firefighters detected elevated levels of carbon monoxide in a Claremont Road basement. The boiler was shut down, and Con Edison red-tagged it. Firefighters ventilated the house to restore safe air quality.

On Nov. 28, a heavy odor of burning fuel near Axtell Drive was traced to a malfunctioning oil burner in a Winslow Place house. Firefighters shut off the boiler and advised the resident to call for service.

On Nov. 29, firefighters assisted at a car accident at Brite Avenue and Fenimore Road. Scarsdale Volunteer Ambulance Corps took two people to the hospital.

On Nov. 30, firefighters were called to a Harvest Drive house because of a cooking fire in an oven. It was contained to its container, and it self extinguished. Firefighters checked the oven and determined it was still in working order.

scarsdalesecuritylogo 1 1This police report is sponsored by Scarsdale Security who does more than just security. Contact them about remote video for your home or business. Call 914-722-2200 or visit their website.

thermalimagecameraOn Dec. 3, firefighters were called to Cayuga Road on the report of a missing 5-year-old child, who had last been seen more than 30 minutes ago. Firefighters used thermal imaging cameras to search the area on foot. They found the boy in a shallow waterway in the village, wet up to his knees. They warmed the boy as much as possible until Scarsdale Volunteer Ambulance Corps arrived. SVAC returned the boy to his house.

Arrest on warrant
Edwin C. Gonzalez, 32, of the Bronx, was arrested on warrant after being detained in Bronxville for an unrelated offense Dec. 5. The warrant, issued out of Scarsdale on Oct. 24, 2018, was for unresolved vehicle and traffic offenses. Following his arrest, Gonzalez was released on $50 cash bail. He was ordered to appear in court on Dec. 12.

Hate Crime
Purchase College student Gunnar Hassard was arraigned in Harrison Town Court for Aggravated Harassment in the First Degree, a class E felony, for hanging posters with Nazi symbolism in areas of the campus. On Sunday evening Dec. 8, 2018, during the Jewish celebration of Hanukkah, the felony complaint alleges that 18-year-old Gunnar Hassard of Oneonta, NY, and a student at SUNY Purchase, hung multiple posters, which incorporated a swastika and symbols of Nazi Germany, on and near the Humanities Building.

The complaint states that the defendant posted multiple flyers on the campus “frequented and utilized by members of the Jewish community…causing alarm, fear and annoyance to the members of the campus community during the Jewish holiday of Hanukkah.” New York State University Police arrested Hassard and charged him with Aggravated Harassment, a hate crime which specifically states a person is guilty of this crime when one “Etches, paints, draws upon or otherwise places a swastika, commonly exhibited as the emblem of Nazi Germany, on any building or other real property…”

Identity theft
On Dec. 6, a Fox Meadow Road resident reported unauthorized charges on his credit card.

Criminal mischief
A Jeep was reportedly damaged at Scarsdale High School Dec. 4. According to police, it appears that someone used a blunt object to make scratches on the car’s hood. Police are following up.

Domestic matter
A 21-year-old Fox Meadow young man reported that his mother took his prescription medication away from him without his permission Dec. 8. The mother said she took the medication because she was concerned about it and the unknown physician who prescribed it. The young man said it was a new doctor. The young man’s parents requested that he leave their house. The medication was returned to the young man, and he left. Police advised the young man he could only return to his parents’ house with their permission.

A resident of a Post Road group home reported a verbal argument with another resident Dec. 4. Police went to the scene and found everything to be under control.

Police helped a Lenox Road homeowner bring a large ladder into the house after being called to check the house’s exterior due to concern over an alarm activation reported by the homeowner Dec. 3.
Police helped lift a person who had fallen out of a wheelchair in a Rural Drive house, in order to assist the person in getting back into the wheelchair Dec. 9. The person was uninjured.

A caller on Scarsdale Avenue complained that a fuel delivery truck was delivering gasoline to the Gulf gas station on Scarsdale Avenue and “causing a disturbance to her” Dec. 6. Police went the scene and found both the delivery truck and the caller had already left.
At 1:37 a.m., Dec. 9, a Scarsdale Road resident that a fuel delivery truck was delivering gasoline to the Gulf gas station on Scarsdale Avenue. Patrol advised the truck driver of the designated hours during which deliveries can be made, as per village code.

A Brown Road resident reported Axtell Road landscapers were blowing leaves onto her property Dec. 4. Police spoke with the landscapers who said they would try to control the leaves, but they acknowledged it could be difficult to fully prevent any leaves from entering the resident’s property, especially during periods of strong wind.
Callers complained about large leaf piles obstructing traffic on Birchall Drive Dec. 8. Police issued a summons to the homeowner who was responsible for the leaf pile.

Civil matterPBAThe Scarsdale PBA donated $53,000 to the Paulie Strong Foundation and Juvenile Diabetes Research Fund. Pictured here awarding the check in front of Zachys on December 11. Photo by Jon Thaler
A Bradford Road resident reported a New Rochelle florist has called her over 100 times about payment for flowers used in a bar mitzvah. The resident said she would pay the bill only after receiving proper paperwork about it. The florist said he was calling in an effort to obtain payment but would send his bill by email instead. Police advised both parties that their dispute was a civil matter.

Cars and roadways
On Dec. 3, police issued a summons to the owner of car parking in a no standing zone on Overhill Road.
As a courtesy, a driver moved her legally-parked car away from a resident’s walkway on Olmsted Road Dec. 3.
After drivers complained Dec. 4, police notified the highway department about a large pothole on Popham Road.
Police asked landscapers to move their parked vehicles from Mamaroneck Road because they were causing a traffic obstruction Dec. 5.

A truck driver reported hitting low-hanging phone wires on Sheldrake Road Dec. 6. Verizon was notified.
On Dec. 6, a license plate reader alerted police to a car traveling on Mamaroneck Road with a suspended registration, due to its insurance not being in effect. Police conducted a traffic stop, removed the car’s license plates and issued the driver a summons.

A Taunton Road resident reported tire marks in his yard, with a light pole knocked down, ostensibly from a hit-and-run accident Dec. 7.

Verizon was notified about a fallen wire at Griffen and Grand Park avenues Dec. 7.

Police removed a broken wire from Olmsted Road Dec. 8.

Police directed traffic around a disabled car on Post Road while the driver waited for a tow Dec. 9.

A bus driver reported hitting a lamp pole on high school grounds Dec. 9. The highway department was notified about the fallen pole and exposed wires.

Six car accidents were reported in the village this week.

Lost and found
A Heathcote Road man reported losing a driver’s license somewhere in the village Dec. 4.

A woman reported losing her phone and ID in the Wilgrin parking lot on Palmer Avenue Dec. 7.

According to Fire Chief James Seymour, firefighters responded to 29 incidents during the reporting period. He shared the following narratives below.

On Dec. 3, firefighters assisted with a rollover car accident on the Hutchinson River Parkway.

On Dec. 3, firefighters responded to as fire alarm in a Tunstall Road house. There, they found painters who had been working with a heat gun in the dining room. The painters left the heat gun unattended on a stepladder. The heat gun then fell onto a quilted drop cloth and ignited it. The fire burned the dining room doorway and a door leading into the kitchen. The painters removed the burning drop cloth and heat gun to the rear yard. Firefighters removed the molding and checked for fire extension within the wall. They confirmed there was no extension. Firefighters contacted the homeowner about the incident.

A gas odor inside s Bradford Road house was traced to an all terrain vehicle leaking gasoline in the garage Dec. 5. Firefighters placed an absorbent material on the spilled gasoline and ventilated the space.

A Popham Road resident reported an electrical outlet fire Dec. 5. During investigation, firefighters found an overheated electrical switch. They shut power to the breaker and advised the homeowner to contact an electrician to replace the switch.

On Dec. 7, firefighters investigated a reported natural gas odor inside a Dickel Road house. The housekeeper said when she attempted to light a burner with a handheld lighter, “a flash and small explosion” occurred. She was not injured. Firefighters did not detect any gas leaks or gas odors. Firefighters stood by for Con Edison.

On Dec. 9, an electric dryer vent became detached in a Leatherstocking Lane house. Firefighters advised the resident to have the vent repaired.

This report covering police and fire department activity from Dec. 3-9 has been compiled from official information.

scarsdalesecuritylogo 1 1This police report is sponsored by Scarsdale Security who does more than just security. Contact them about remote video for your home or business. Call 914-722-2200 or visit their website.

warninglightOn Nov. 22, a woman reported being accosted by two armed black men in their twenties while she was out walking on Autenreith Road at approximately 7:30 p.m. According to the woman, one of the men displayed what appeared to be gun and demanded, “Give me all your money.” At that time, the woman started screaming loudly and yelled for someone to call the police. This apparently startled the robbers, and they ran off in the direction of Popham Road. Police canvassed the area and continue to follow up.

On Nov. 24, the Scarsdale High School community was alerted to an online threat received by one of the school’s students via social media. The student’s parents reported the post to Scarsdale police and school staff. Investigation also showed that the person who posted the online threat made an additional threat about bombing the school. As a precaution, the school building was checked for any possible threats, and police were present during student arrival at school the following day, Nov. 25. Police continued to monitor the school throughout the day, and no negative events were reported. It was later shared in an email by school administration that some of the threatening posts were later retracted “as antics.” Nevertheless, police continued to investigate the incident. Police determined that the individuals who posted the threats were three young people located in Chicago, Illinois and Cleveland, Ohio, and that the threats did not pose a danger to the school or the student who had been targeted. Nevertheless, school administration indicated that counseling would be made available to anyone who felt unsettled about the incident. As per protocol, police notified the FBI of their findings with regard to this investigation.

DWI arrests
A report of an erratic driver in a 2008 BMW on Olmsted Road, at 4:20 a.m., on Nov. 25, resulted in the arrest of Giovanni Salgado-Prado, 22, of White Plains, on charges of driving while intoxicated (first offense), moving from a lane unsafely, driving left of pavement markings and an improper right turn at an intersection. Patrol went to the reported area and noticed the car swerving all over Post Road, unable to maintain steady control in the appropriate lane. Police initiated a traffic stop. Salgado-Prado first said he had not been drinking. Then, when police pointed out signs of intoxication such as slurred speech and a smell of alcohol on his breath, Salgado-Prado told officers he had consumed one Long Island iced tea at a bar in White Plains. Field sobriety tests were administered, which Salgado-Prado failed. An alco-sensor test indicated a blood alcohol level of .21. Police then arrested Salgado-Prado and took him to headquarters. During questioning here, Salgado-Prado answered “yes” or “no” questions by saying “not without my lawyer.” He also said he would not submit to a Datamaster test to confirm his blood alcohol level without the presence of a lawyer. During the arrest process, Salgado-Prado was very uncooperative. He yelled at officers, calling them “f---ing rookies,” “f---ing bums,” and “faggots.” Several times, he said, “I’ll see you in court, pussy;” and he gave officers the middle finger. Following his arrest processing, Salgado-Prado was released to an undisclosed person, with an appearance ticket. He was ordered to appear in court on Nov. 28. His car was secured on Brewster Road.

On Nov. 25, a 2017 Hyundai struck a stop sign at the intersection of Brite Avenue and Olmstead Road. Investigation led to the arrest of Jair C. DeOliveira, 25, of White Plains. He was charged with driving while intoxicated (first offense) and having an open container of alcohol in a vehicle on a highway. Following his arrest processing, DeOliveira was released on $100 cash bail with an appearance ticket for Scarsdale Village Justice Court.

On Nov. 21, the manager of CVS on Popham Road hearing the store’s alarm go off as an older couple was leaving the store. At that time, the woman, who was black, in her 60s and wearing a hat with a pom-pom, threw a package of cold medicine onto the counter. A review of video surveillance, however, showed the woman’s partner – a black man in his 60s with gray hair – stuffing approximately $200 worth of over-the-counter medication into his pants before leaving the store. Police are following up.

Arrest on warrant
On Nov. 21, Yonkers advised Scarsdale police that they had picked up a man – Andy Jimenez, 25, of Yonkers – for whom there was an active warrant issued out of Scarsdale in January 2018. Jimenez was being held by Yonkers police on unrelated charges. Scarsdale police picked up Jimenez and transported him to headquarters for arrest processing. He was released on $100 cash bail with an appearance ticket for Scarsdale Village Justice Court, returnable Nov. 28.

Identity theft
On Nov. 25, a Franklin Road woman reported her Lord & Taylor credit card had been fraudulently used, and unauthorized charges appeared on her statement.

Customer trouble
On Nov. 19, a Garth Road business owner reported she was having problems with a customer in the store. Police advised the customer she was no longer welcome in the store.

Au pair
A two-year-old child accidentally locked an au pair in a Post Road garage, and the child’s mother called police for help Nov. 20. When police arrived on scene, the au pair had already succeeded in getting back in the house through the front door.

A loud noise heard on Ridgedale Avenue appeared to be the result of soda cans that exploded after being left out in freezing weather Nov. 23.

Cars and roadways
On Nov. 19, police asked a contractor to move parked vehicles from a restricted portion of Putnam Road.
Verizon was notified about a fallen wire on Garden Road Nov. 19.

Police issued a parking summons to an illegally parked car on Sage Terrace Nov. 19.

On Nov. 19, police notified the highway department about a pile of leaves on Edgewood Road.

A woman accidentally locked her young children and keys in her car on Oak Lane Nov.19. Police stood by while the woman’s husband arrived with a spare key. The children were released from the car unharmed.

Police waited with an unoccupied disabled car on Mamaroneck Road, until a tow truck arrived, Nov. 20.

On Nov. 20, police notified the highway department about a pile of leaves on Dolma Road.

A sewage pipe was leaking into a yard on Post Road Nov. 23. Police notified the water department.

A resident complained about a missing restricted parking sign on Fox Meadow Road Nov. 25. Police took note of it and informed the highway department in order to have the sign replaced.

Six car accidents were reported in the village this week.

A loose dog was found on Heathcote Road Nov. 21. New Rochelle Humane Society took custody of the animal, and a summons was written for the dog’s potential owner.

Village code
On Nov. 20, police advised a Cooper Road resident with an old television that bulk refuse must only be left on the curb no earlier than the night before trash pickup.

Police dispersed kids from Hyatt Field after midnight Nov. 24.

Lost and found
A wallet was found in the Harwood Building Nov. 24. Police contacted its owner for its return.

According to Fire Chief James Seymour, firefighters responded to 31 incidents this reporting period. He shared the following narratives.

On Nov. 20, firefighters extinguished a brush fire on Church Lane caused by a primary electrical wire arcing against a tree limb and causing sparks to drop down into a pile of dry leaves. Con Edison was notified.

On Nov. 24, a backup battery pack for emergency lighting overheated at Scarsdale High School and emitted a slight haze. Firefighters shut power to the unit and removed its fuse. A custodian was advised to repair or replace the unit.

A malfunctioning boiler in a Secor Road house resulted in elevated carbon monoxide readings in a Secor Road house Nov. 25. Firefighters shut down the boiler, ventilated the building and advised to have the system serviced. Scarsdale Volunteer Ambulance Corps evaluated the resident.

Firefighters assisted at a car accident on the Bronx River Parkway in the area of River Road Nov. 25.

Scarsdale Volunteer Ambulance Corps tended to a person with injuries Nov. 25.

Scarsdale firefighters provided mutual aide for a reported dryer fire in Greenville apartment building Nov. 25. Upon arrival, firefighters found a candle burning in a bathroom. The flame had extended into a wooden window frame. Firefighters knocked down the fire with a 2.5-gallon water extinguisher. It was determined that a resident had gone to sleep with the candle burning.

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