Sunday, Oct 06th

streetlightDrunk Driving Arrest: Following a car accident with an airbag deployment at Popham Road and Scarsdale Avenue around 8 p.m., Oct. 16, in which a 1995 Toyota crossed over the roadway lane and struck a street light pole, police arrested the driver -- Sunil P. Dhuri, 52, of Scarsdale -- for operating a motor vehicle while intoxicated (with a prior conviction) and refusal to take a breath test. Dhuri advised he missed the traffic light and struck the street lamp. But police detected obvious signs that alcohol played a factor, including Dhuri’s glassy and bloodshot eyes, incoherent and slurred speech, lethargic movements and a strong odor of alcohol on his breath. Dhuri performed field sobriety tests and failed them. He refused to submit to a breath test. At that point he was arrested on the charges, previously listed, and taken to headquarters. He was then released on his own recognizance, with an appearance ticket for Scarsdale Village Justice Court, returnable on Oct. 24.

Stolen items

A woman reported her 100-year-old father’s wallet, a gold belt buckle and a gold heart was stolen from his Saxon Woods Road room in an assisted living facility while he was in the hospital sometime between Oct. 16-29. The wallet had been on top of her father’s dresser when he left for the hospital, and it was missing upon his return. While looking for the wallet, the woman also realized the two gold accessories were also missing. The total value of all three items, combined, was $3,000.

Attempted bicycle theft

On Sept. 17, a bicyclist approached patrol and reported someone had attempted to cut off his bicycle lock while the bike was chained to a bike rack on East Parkway Oct. 17. Police observed scratched and cut mark on the lock.

Identity theft

On Oct. 16, a Claremont Road resident reported someone fraudulently cashed a forged check for almost $2,000 against her account.

On Oct. 16, a Normandy Lane woman reported her bank had advised her of fraud on her account. The fraud involved a forged check for $46,700.

On Oct. 17, a Lenox Place resident advised police he was a victim of identity theft involving a fraudulently opened Sprint telephone account. The account had accumulated approximately $3,500 in charges.

On Oct. 19, a Popham Road resident reported $3,000 in funds was fraudulently withdrawn from her bank account, and new debit cards were requested and intercepted without her permission.

Prescription fraud

On Oct. 20, an Overhill Road doctor reported a former employee had used her credentials and her electronic signature to call in prescriptions for narcotics on separate occasions.

Suspicious activity

Police saw a construction gate open on Bradford Road and closed it at 2 a.m., Oct. 18. Around 4 a.m., they gate was again open. It did not appear as if the gate had been pushed open by wind. It appeared as if the lock had been broken or cut. Police are following up.

Youth party

Police called the parents of a Myrtledale Road boy who was having a party without his parents’ knowledge Oct. 20. Police waited on scene while guests dispersed and the boy’s parents returned from Manhattan.


A boyfriend and girlfriend were arguing inside a stopped car on Old Lyme Road Oct. 20. They said they were both comfortable going home with one another, and at no time did the argument become physical.

Cars and roadways

Police removed a fallen tree from Post Road and Boulevard, and they notified utility companies about fallen wires on Harvest Drive and Nelson Road Oct. 15.

Police notified Con Edison about a low-hanging wire on Montrose Road Oct. 17.

A caller reported a woman walking in the middle of Weaver Street Oct. 17. Police escorted her to the side of the road for her safety.

Police removed a fallen wire from Nelson Road Oct. 18.

A chain link construction fence blew open on Harvest Drive and damaged a passing car Oct. 18. Police notified the site foreman who called the safety inspector for follow-up. When the driver returned to the car, police initiated a traffic stop. The driver was told he could not drive his car with a suspended registration. The driver was issued a summons, and the car was towed to the driver’s address in White Plains.

On Oct. 19, police observed a car parked in a Chase Road parking space reserved for official vehicles only. Police checked the car’s status and learned its registration had been suspended for an insurance lapse.

A caller complained about a car beeping its horn on Edgewood Road Oct. 19. The teenage driver said she was celebrating a sport team’s victory. She denied she had been driving recklessly. Police admonished her for making unnecessary noise.

Patrol moved a loose sewer cap back into place on Post Road Oct. 20. The highway department and State department of transportation were also informed.

Two motorists were arguing over a Palmer Avenue parking space Oct. 21. At no time did the altercation become physical.

Nine car accidents were reported in the village this week.

One car was repossessed in the village this week.

Civil matters

On Oct. 19, police advised two Cornell Street residents that their argument over use of a private driveway with an easement was a civil matter to be worked out by their lawyers.

On Oct. 20, two Horseguard Lane residents were arguing over whether or not one resident’s tree cutters were trespassing on the other resident’s property while conducting their work.


A loose black poodle was found on Chase Road and Christie Place Oct. 18. It had a collar but no tags. Police took it to headquarters, and in the meantime, the dog’s owner called to report it missing. Police reunited the owner and dog and issued the owner a summons for having a dog at large.

A Claremont Road resident reported an opossum in her bushes Oct. 18. Police provided the resident with trappers’ numbers.

Lost and found

An abandoned Gary Fisher bicycle was found in Merchant Lot on East Parkway Oct. 17. Police vouchered it for safekeeping.

A woman found a wallet by Scarsdale train station and gave it to police Oct. 17. It belonged to a Mount Vernon man who uses the train to commute to work. He said he would pick up the wallet at a later date.

On Oct. 21, a Tunstall Road resident reported losing a license plate to his car.


According to Scarsdale Fire Chief James Seymour, firefighters responded to 54 incidents this pas week. Seymour shared the following narratives below.

On Oct. 15, firefighters assisted Eastchester fire department cover its headquarters while they were fighting an active structure fire.

On Oct. 15, a basement fire was reported in a Kent Road house. Firefighters went to the house and found scorched wires in the ceiling, burnt insulation and baseboards and a compromised hot water heater. No active fire or extension was found. Firefighters ventilated the space and cut power to compromised wiring. The building department and Con Edison were called. They determined a flash fire had occurred while a contractor was using acetone to strip glue from the basement floor. The pilot light of the water heater was believed to have ignited the acetone fumes.

Firefighters assisted at a car accident on the Hutchinson River Parkway Oct. 15.

On Oct. 17, a Rural Drive resident reported smoke in the basement. Police helped evacuate the house while firefighters determined a fire was burning in a contained crawl space. Firefighters extinguished the fire and confirmed there was no extension. Con Edison disconnected electricity to the structure.

Firefighters removed charred lint from a Brewster Road clothing dryer Oct. 17. The homeowner was advised to have the dryer serviced.

Firefighters assisted with a car accident involving a teenage driver striking a school bus at Brewster and Ogden roads Oct. 18.

A parent walked into headquarters to ask for help in detangling a detached seat belt that had gotten wrapped around and stuck on a child’s waist Oct. 18. Unable to release the belt, firefighters eventually cut it. The child was released unharmed.

They advised the driver to seek repair at a service center before attempting to use the seat belt again.

This report covering police and fire department activity has been complied from official information.

scarsdalesecuritylogo 1 1This police report is sponsored by Scarsdale Security who does more than just security. Contact them about remote video for your home or business. Call 914-722-2200 or visit their website.

greenacrestreeA large tree fell on Greenacres Avenue on Friday afternoon and took down the power lines.High winds took down a large pine tree on Greenacres Avenue on Friday afternoon October 12. The tree fell onto the power lines and knocked out power to residents on Greenacres Avenue and Brayton until 7 pm that night.

At approximately 1:30 PM a tree fell on Greenacres Avenue that resulted in downed power lines. The Scarsdale Police and Fire Departments responded, notified Con Edison of the downed wires and notified Public Works of the pending need to remove a downed tree once the lines are de-energized.The tree also hit and damaged a car in a neighboring driveway. According to Con Edison’s outage map, approximately 38 customers lost power on Greenacres Avenue (Between Kingston Road and Huntington Avenue) and on Brayton Road. Con Edison responded quickly and power was restored that evening.

On Oct. 12, police arrested Cesar E. Suclufe, 33, of White Plains on the strength of an active bench warrant issued on July 18, 2018, for unresolved vehicle and traffic charges. Suclufe was in custody of Ardsley police for an unrelated matter, and Ardsley police contacted Scarsdale police for pickup and transfer. Scarsdale police officers picked up Suclufe and arrested him. Suclufe was taken to headquarters for arrest processing. At the recommendation of the district attorney’s office, Suclufe was released on $200 cash bail with an appearance ticket for Oct. 17, to settle the outstanding charges.

Missing checks
On Oct. 9, a Catherine Road man reported that about 10 to 15 bank checks written to him went missing from the center console of his car. The man said the checks added up to around $11,000. The man said he last saw the checks inside his car around the time he went to the UPS store in New Rochelle. Later when he wanted to deposit the checks into his account, he noticed the checks were missing. The man said his car was unlocked while he was conducting business at the UPS store.

Check fraud
On Oct. 8, a Walworth Avenue man reported someone cashed a fraudulent check against his account. The check, written for $2,750, was made out to a mentorship company, of which the man knows nothing. It was a computer-generated check without a signature. Nor did it fall in line with the man’s other checks, numerically.

A Harwood Court business owner called police because he wanted to document an incident he found suspicious Oct. 10. A man allegedly walked into the store and gave the business owner a clock that had been in his father’s jewelry store in the Bronx in the late 1970s. The man also asked the business owner to appraise numerous pieces of jewelry. The business owner asked the man where he got the clock and the jewelry. The man said he worked for a lawyer who had asked him to get a value on the items. The business owner provided a rough value of the jewelry pieces, and the man gave the business owner the clock. Although no crime was committed, the business owner wanted police to document the incident in case future similar incidents occurred.

Six car accidents were reported in the village this week.

According to Scarsdale Fire Chief James Seymour, firefighters responded to 34 incidents this week, including the incidents listed below.

On Oct. 11, firefighters responded to a report of a natural gas odor in a Richbell Road house and detected positive readings for explosive gas near the gas regulator. Firefighters called Con Edison and stood by.

On Oct. 11, a Brookline Road resident reported a carbon monoxide alarm sounding in the house. Firefighters discovered elevated CO levels in the basement. Residents evacuated the house. Con Edison determined the CO was coming from a malfunctioning oil-fired boiler. The boiler was shut down, and firefighters ventilated the house. Boiler service was recommended.

On Oct. 11, an East Parkway apartment resident accidentally left a stove burner in the “on” position while the resident was out of the apartment. An odor of natural gas developed. Firefighters shut off the stove and ventilated the apartment.

On Oct. 12, firefighters helped Con Edison gain entry to a Boulder Brook Road house to evaluate possible interior infiltration of gas from gas leak at the resident’s outside meter. No gas readings were found inside the house.

On Oct. 13, water was leaking from beneath a cabinet holding a coffee station in a convenience store on Scarsdale Avenue. The water was accumulating on the floor near electrical outlets. Firefighters shut circuit breakers to the outlets, unplugged appliances and advised staff to call an electrician and a plumber.

On Oct. 13, a metal street lamp on Garth Road was reported to be smoking, possibly due to an electrical short in the wiring. Firefighters did not see the fixture smoking, but checked it anyway. A check with an electricity sensor determined the pole was not energized and was safe. The highway department was notified to check the fixture the following day.

An outdoor barbecue grill on White Birch Lane was leaking natural gas Oct. 13. Firefighters determined the gas line had been severed due to movement of the grill. They shut the gas supply to the grill and stood by for Con Edison.

This report covering police and fire department activity from Oct. 8-14 has been compiled from official information.

scarsdalesecuritylogo 1 1This police report is sponsored by Scarsdale Security who does more than just security. Contact them about remote video for your home or business. Call 914-722-2200 or visit their website.

walletA Woods Lane woman reported her wallet was stolen from her house Sept. 28. She told police she heard footsteps inside the house around 5 a.m., and her husband noticed the door unlocked when he left the house at 7:30 a.m. She last saw her wallet at approximately 8:45 p.m. the previous night when she took out some money and gave it to her son. Her wallet was inside her purse, which was in the mudroom of the house. The purse would have been visible in the mudroom through a rear glass door as well as a rear sliding glass door.

On Sept. 28, a 1999 Nissan was reported to be zigzagging and driving in the middle of the road on Post Road near the high school at 9:30 p.m. Police conducted a traffic stop and noticed that the driver – Niels Lauritzen, 56, of the Bronx – was showing signs of intoxication, including a strong odor of alcohol on his breath and an inability to stay upright in the driver’s seat. Lauritzen told police he had consumed “a few glasses of wine” in White Plains. Lauritzen failed field sobriety tests and required assistance to keep from falling over. An alco-sensor pre-screening test indicated a blood alcohol content of .196, and a Datamaster test at headquarters measured Lauritzen’s BAC at .21. Lauritzen was arrested on charges of driving while intoxicated (first offense), aggravated DWI with a blood alcohol content greater than .18 with no priors and failure to use designated lanes. Lauritzen was released on $30 cash bail, and a friend drove him to his home. Lauritzen’s car was parked as the high school in the meantime.

While conducting a seat belt and motor vehicle safety checkpoint at the Heathcote Bypass on Sept. 30, police stopped a 2005 Ford Explorer to ask the driver if he was wearing a seatbelt. Patrol noticed signs of intoxication in the driver’s speech and behavior, as well as several empty beer cans in the back of the car. The driver – Carlos H. Alvarez, 38, of Mamaroneck, was asked to perform field sobriety tests and failed those tests. An alco-sensor pre-screening test indicated a blood alcohol content of .17, and a Datamaster test at headquarters measured Alvarez’s BAC at .16. Alvarez was arrested and charged with driving while intoxicated (first offense), operation of a motor vehicle with a BAC of at least .08 and aggravated unlicensed operation of a motor vehicle.

Stolen scooter
A caller reported his battery-powered $600 scooter was stolen from the Scarsdale train station Sept. 27. His $60 lock was cut by the perpetrator as well.

Check fraud
A woman at Village Hall reported two fraudulent checks written against the Village’s payroll account were submitted to a bank for payment Sept. 24. The bank flagged the checks as possibly fraudulent and followed up with Village Hall. The Village did not incur a loss.

On Sept. 24, a Hampton Road homeowner reported kids allegedly entered his vacant house for sale and possibly had a party. The homeowner learned about the incident from his former tenant, who received a text message about the alleged party form a neighbor. There was no reported damage to the house. However, some clothing and garbage had been left behind. According to the homeowner, a relator may have accidentally left a rear door unlocked at the time.

Criminal mischief
A woman walked into headquarters to report she had been in an “unusual situation” Sept. 29. While shopping at Balducci’s, two men approached her window and said, “Do you know you have a dent with yellow on it on your bumper?” They then offered to fix it for $250. The woman agreed to pay the men $200 to fix her bumper, and she drove her car to the rear of Balducci’s for them to conduct the job. While the woman was in Balducci’s retrieving the $200, the two men left without payment. After she got home, she noticed the damage the men had caused to her car. The bumper had gotten worse, and the men had used commercial spray paint to try to cover up the damage. The paint had been splashed over the car’s exhaust pipe, rear brake lights and rear collision sensors. An auto body shop estimated the damage at $1,100.

A caller reported seeing a boy, approximately 9 years old, playing soccer outside Greenacres School, in the pouring rain Sept. 25. Police went to the scene and saw two boys playing ball on the outdoor basketball court. They were waiting for school to start. It was 7:55 a.m.

After a teen did not show up for school and the teen’s father could not make contact with him, police checked the welfare of the teen Sept. 27. The teen was found to be at home. He was reported to be “well and going to school.” Patrol remained on scene at 8:49 a.m. and observed the teen leave for school by foot.

A Brewster Road Alzheimer’s patient was reported missing from a restaurant in Greenburgh Sept. 29. Police found the man at home and reunited him with his concerned caretaker.

A Wildwood Road caller reported an SUV pulled into his driveway around midnight, people got out of the car, went onto a neighbor’s yard after the caller’s wife “screamed” and left a dark colored bag outside Sept. 30. The bag contained trash, and police threw it away.

Cars and roadways
Police issued a summons to a car parked by a Brite Avenue fire hydrant Sept. 24.
Patrol helped a Fenimore Road driver tie down his trunk because the trunk latch was broken Sept. 25.

A truck stuck a White Birch Lane mailbox, ran over it and destroyed it, and then left the scene Sept. 25. A neighbor captured the incident on video surveillance.

A man reported an incident of road rage on Post Road Sept. 25. The man said another driver cut him off, then got out of his car and came over to his car to engage in a verbal argument. Police advised the man to stay in his car, roll up the windows and call police if something like that ever happens again.

The highway department was notified about a pothole on Weaver Street Sept. 26.

The highway department was notified about a dead groundhog on Innes Road Sept. 26.

An open house on Garden Road was causing traffic congestion Sept. 26. Police advised drivers to move their cars in order to facilitate traffic flow.

On Sept. 28, police issued summonses to two drivers who passed a school bus stopped on Popham Road with its light flashing and its stop sign displayed.

A parked, blue minivan was left with its ignition running on Chateaux Circle Sept. 28. Police informed the owner, who shut off the ignition.

Patrol helped a driver change his flat tire on Heathcote Road Sept. 30.

Eight car accidents were reported in the village this week.

Patrol notified the highway department about flooded locations and taped off affected areas throughout the village Sept. 25. Cars got stuck in floodwater at Sprague and Clarence roads, on Boulevard and on Sprague Road Sept. 25. Department of public works vehicles and staff helped the occupants get out of their cars safely. Other cars got stuck in water on Tompkins and Brookby roads.

Residents reported basements had flooded on Nelson, Madison, Coralyn, Tunstall, Park and Foxhall roads Sept. 25.

A water main break caused water to bubble up through the pavement and cause flooding on Wildwood Road Sept. 25.

Two Circle Road residents agreed to handle the matter of a fallen tree affecting both of their properties themselves Sept. 26.

A Jefferson Road woman reported a family driving a Ford Flex stopped in front of her house, got out of their car and took pictures of her front yard Sept. 26. The woman asked the family if they needed any help, and they responded that they were taking photos of a sign in her front yard. The sign was a large Scarsdale High School decal sign posted in the yard, according to police.

An Old Orchard Lane woman reported a person followed her home and was now ringing her doorbell Sept. 26. Police deduced the person ringing the doorbell was a pizza deliveryman who accidentally went to the wrong address. He had a pizza with him.

Civil matter
A tall, white man knocked on the door of a Greendale Road house and asked to speak with the homeowner’s husband, because he allegedly “fired” the man’s wife and owed her money, Sept. 26. He asked for the husband’s phone number, which the homeowner refused to provide, and then left the scene in a black sedan. Police spoke with the husband who acknowledged that his company had done business with the man’s alleged wife and she had requested additional money for a job that had been completed. The husband said he referred the woman to his financial department to inquire about whether all invoices had been paid. He asked police to call the woman to get her side of the story. Police advised the man it was a civil matter, and police do not get involved in disputes involving money exchange and payments between private individuals.

A Tunstall Road resident reported a dispute with a contractor over the quality of work performed at the resident’s house Sept. 27. Police advised the resident it was a civil matter.

Village code
Police dispersed youth gathering on Black Hawk Road after 11 p.m., Sept. 29.
Police issued summonses to landscapers using gas-powered blowers on Palmer Avenue and Mamaroneck Road Sept. 26 and Sept. 27, Olmsted Road Sept. 27, Whig Road Sept. 28 and Post Road Sept. 29.

Fox sightings were reported throughout the village this week. When police encountered an animal, each time it ran away, showing signs of healthy and normal animal behavior.
A coyote was reported on Garden Road Sept. 29.

Lost and found
On Sept. 28, a Secor Road resident reported losing his license plate somewhere in the village.

A Massachusetts license plate was found on Mamaroneck Road, as the result of an auto accident. Sept. 28. Police called the owner of the car involved in the accident, and the owner said her husband would pick it up later.

According to Fire Chief James Seymour, the fire department responded to 114 incidents over the last week, including 80 incidents in less than a 24-hour period from Sept. 25 to 26, due to the rainstorm. He shared a few of last week’s incidents below:

On Sept. 24, firefighters received a report of outside odor of natural gas on Post Road. They found an odor similar to epoxy coming from an outdoor gas meter at Village Hall. As a precaution, Village Hall was evacuated. Con Edison responded. There were no readings of explosive gas inside or outside the building. It was determined that the heating unit for Village Hall was operating improperly and was emitting the odor. The boiler was shut down, and Village Hall staff called for service.

On Sept. 25, firefighters received a report of inside natural gas leak on Stratton Road. Instead, firefighters found a broken and leaking water heater. They shut the gas and water supply and advised the resident to call a plumber. Con Edison had already been notified and responded to check the integrity of the gas supply.

On Sept. 30, firefighters were dispatched to a carbon monoxide alarm on Fairview Road. Upon arrival, firefighters were met by the homeowner who stated the CO detector was defective. A check of house found CO readings of 60‑125 ppm. Con-Ed gas was requested to the scene. The house was ventilated using fans. The homeowner stated the vent cover was off the hot water heater at the time of the alarm. Con-Ed gas found that the hot water heater was not working properly and red tagged it and the furnace. Firefighters advised the homeowner to contact a plumber or HVAC contractor.

On Sept. 28, firefighters responded to a call for smoke in a Sage Terrace basement and found light smoke coming from an overheated sump pump. Firefighters disconnected the pump and advised the homeowner to replace it.

On Sept. 30, firefighters were dispatched to a Paddington Road CO alarm. Upon arrival, firefighters checked the house’s garage and boiler room, where they found up to 60 ppm of CO. Minor readings were also detected in an adjacent basement area. The house was ventilated with a portable fan. Con-Ed responded and found no problems with the boiler. An interview with the homeowner discerned that he left the house in an old car that was burning oil and producing exhaust. That was determined to be the probable cause of the CO accumulation.

On Sept. 30, firefighters were dispatched to a Chesterfield Road CO alarm, where contractors had been cutting concrete in the basement with a gas-powered saw. Firefighters found up to 65 ppm of CO in the basement and minor readings on the first floor. They ventilated the house with a portable fan, and the homeowner was able to reset the alarm.

This report covering police and fire department activity from Sept. 24-30 has been compiled from official information.

scarsdalesecuritylogo 1 1This police report is sponsored by Scarsdale Security who does more than just security. Contact them about remote video for your home or business. Call 914-722-2200 or visit their website.

prescription bottlesArrests: Following up on a noise complaint about two people yelling in a white sedan at Nelson Road and Boulevard at 1:30 a.m., Oct. 3, police encountered a girlfriend and boyfriend arguing in the car. While speaking with the couple, police noticed a strong odor of marijuana and saw a bag of pill bottles in the backseat, as well as an open container of beer in the passenger side door compartment. Police asked the couple to exit the car and noticed a handbag containing a jar of marijuana, a codeine pill and various drug paraphernalia. Burnt aluminum foil and a hollowed out pen containing burn marks were also discovered in the car. Both the driver and her passenger denied ownership of the drugs and drug paraphernalia. At that time, the driver – Michelle Zicca, 23, of Hartsdale – and her passenger –Ari J. Krapin, 25, of Scarsdale – were arrested on charges of unlawful possession of marijuana and criminal possession of a controlled substance. Krapin was also charged with possession of an open container of alcohol with intent. Following their arrests, each defendant was released on her/his own recognizance and ordered, with an appearance ticket, to appear in court on Oct. 3.

On Oct. 7, police arrested Zhijun Li, 50, of Flushing, on charges of third-degree assault with the intent to cause physical harm and endangering the welfare of a child. The arrest occurred outside a Brite Avenue house, where Li was accused of physically assaulting the homeowner’s sister-in-law, while Li’s 4-year-old child was in the room. At the time of his arrest, Li was wearing a white T-shirt stained with blood. He told police he had just had an argument with his wife over their son taking a bath. The homeowner allegedly separated Li and Li’s wife during the altercation and called police. Li’s wife sustained a bloody nose, a bloody lip and swelling to the left portion of her face. Following his arrest, Li was transported to Village Justice Court, where he was arraigned. He was released on $250 cash bail. A temporary order of protection was issued in favor of the wife and son. Li was ordered to appear again in court Oct. 10.

Identity theft
On Oct. 1, a Sheldrake Road man reported several fraudulent PayPal transactions were processed through his Chase Bank account. The transactions amounted to more than $36,000.00.

On Oct. 1, a Sheldrake Road resident reported someone attempted to open a fraudulent Amazon credit card account in his name without his permission.
A Fox Meadow Road woman reported money was stolen out of her business account Oct. 2.

On Oct. 3, a Southwoods Lane resident reported she was the victim of credit card fraud. Two fraudulent purchases, totaling $226, had been made on her Macy’s credit card. Her Victoria’s Secret card also had fraudulent charges on it, totaling approximately $1,000.

Someone attempted to use a Brite Avenue woman’s credit card to charge a purchase from Oct. 3. Wayfair canceled the order when the purchaser attempted to change the delivery address on the fraudulent purchase to an address in Florida.
A Mamaroneck Road woman reported fraudulent information on her credit report Oct. 4.

On Oct. 8, a Walworth Avenue resident reported an incident of identity theft.

Domestic matters
On Oct. 7, an Edgewood wife called police because her husband allegedly came home drunk and she “did not want to speak with him in that condition,” she said. Police advised the woman about resources available to her. The husband volunteered to go to a friend’s house for the night.

Police mediated a dispute between an Edgewood man and his girlfriend Oct. 8. The man asked police to request that his girlfriend leave his house, and the girlfriend wanted the man to return clothing items to her. The clothing was properly returned, and the girlfriend left the house while patrol stood by.

Unknown caller
On Oct. 5, a Crossway man reported he has been receiving unwanted calls from an unknown caller. The male caller asks for “Grandpa” in the calls. However, the man has no grandchildren. He believes the voice of the caller sounded like the voice of an estranged relative. The man wanted police to document the calls in case they became more frequent.

A woman reported tripping on a pothole on East Parkway and falling to the street Oct. 6. She said she hurt her ankles and knees from the fall. She declined medical attention and said she would follow up with her personal physician.

Cars and roadways
Police controlled traffic around a disabled car at Post and Burgess Road while the car’s tire was being changed Oct. 1.

A parked car on Montrose Road was interfering with roadway paving Oct. 2. However, since the stated dates on the “no parking” sign were incorrect, police informed the village engineer’s office that the car could not be towed.

A parked car with a flat tire was interfering with village paving on Claremont Road Oct. 2. Posted “no parking” signs prevented cars from parking on the street at the time of the incident. Police had the car towed away.

Police directed traffic around a stalled car on Post Road at 8:30 a.m., Oct. 3.

Police stood by while a disabled car was towed from Christie Place Oct. 3.

Police notified the proper utility companies about fallen utility wires on Walworth Avenue Oct. 5.

Police closed an open trunk of a car parked on Tunstall Road at 2:30 a.m., Oct. 6.

Police placed a traffic cone inside a Mamaroneck Road pothole Oct. 7.

A driver hit a raised manhole cover on Mamaroneck Road and got a flat tire Oct. 7. On Oct. 7, police helped the driver park his car in the middle school parking lot overnight where it would remain until the driver could return to change the tire. Police drove the driver to the village line, from where he could walk home.

Police notified the water department about a broken pipe on Murray Hill Road Oct. 8.

Police dispersed people sitting and talking inside parked cars on Potter Road Oct. 8.

Police moved a tire to the side of Walworth Avenue for removal by sanitation Oct. 8.

On Oct. 3, police chased a healthy fox away from a Highland Way lawn.

A coyote was reported on Penn Boulevard Oct. 6.

Village code
Police dispersed kids hanging out in Hyatt Park after 2 a.m., Oct. 2.

A caller complained of noise from a generator at a Cushman Road construction site Oct. 5. Police notified the contractor in charge of the site, and the contractor said he would go to the site and turn off the generator.

Police dispersed kids playing music on the playground of Greenacres School after dark Oct. 5.

Police dispersed kids from Mayflower and Colonial roads after dark Oct. 6.

Police gave a landscaper cutting grass on Post Road before 10 a.m. a village code violation warning Oct. 7.

Police dispersed uninvited guests from a supervised youth party on Greendale Road Oct. 7.

Lost and found
A Colonial Road woman reported losing a purse in an Uber from JFK to her house Oct. 2. The Uber driver allegedly said he did not find a purse in his car; nor did he recall seeing it. It contained cash, foreign currency, U.S. passports, a Gucci card holder, a driver’s license and credit cards.

A wallet containing a Chase credit card was found on East Parkway and Chateaux Circle Oct. 3. Police notified Chase Bank in order for a bank employee to notify the cardholder.

A passerby found a driver’s license and Green card on East Parkway and gave them to police for safekeeping Oct. 5.

Firefighters responded to 45 incidents during this reporting period. The following notable incidents were shared:

A Post Road false fire alarm was possibly set off by someone vaping in a public restroom Oct. 1.

Firefighters called Con Edison to address a gas leak in the sewer system on Oxford Road Oct. 1.
An overheated on-demand hot water heater in a Stratton Road kitchen was smoking Oct. 2. Firefighters removed the appliance and advised the resident to replace it.

Firefighters helped Con Edison check surrounding houses for possible gas infiltration from a gas leak on Ridgecrest North Oct. 4.

At a Cushman Road homeowner’s request, firefighters checked a boiler room for possible carbon monoxide due to work being completed Oct. 5. No readings were detected.

Firefighters helped Con Edison check surrounding houses for possible gas infiltration from a gas leak on Spier Road Oct. 5.

Firefighters helped locked-out Palmer Avenue resident get back inside his house Oct. 6.

On Oct. 7, firefighters stood by for Con Edison at the site of a Bradley Road interior gas odor.
Firefighters were called to wash down a bloodstain on the sidewalk at East Parkway and Christie Place following an EMS call Oct. 7.

This report covering police and fire department activity from Oct. 1-8 has been compiled from official information.

scarsdalesecuritylogo 1 1This police report is sponsored by Scarsdale Security who does more than just security. Contact them about remote video for your home or business. Call 914-722-2200 or visit their website.

PublicSafetyDWI Arrest: On Sept. 23, police arrested Robinson Rueda, 39, of Bridgeport, CT, on charges of driving while intoxicated (first offense), aggravated DWI with a blood alcohol content of at least .18, speeding in zone, moving from a lane unsafely, a seat belt violation and an equipment violation of inadequate lights. The arrest occurred following a traffic stop on Post Road after midnight, Police observed Rueda’s 2009 Hyundai Elantra traveling at a high rate of speed, swerving across pavement markings and lacking lit headlights. Upon encountering Rueda in his car, police noticed visible signs of intoxication and a strong odor of alcohol on his breath. He told police he had consumed “two” alcoholic beverages. During the traffic stop, while police were checking Rueda’s license and registration, Rueda vomited outside the window of his car. Police administered field sobriety tests, which Rueda failed. An alco-sensor test indicated a blood alcohol reading of .169. Rueda was arrested and taken to headquarters. There a Datamaster test measured his blood alcohol content at .19. He was released on his own recognizance with an appearance ticket for Scarsdale Justice Court, returnable on Sept. 26.

An Ardmore Road man reported $2,000 was missing from one of his daughter’s storage drawers Sept. 17. The last time she saw the money was July 7, and she discovered it missing Sept. 15.

A Chateaux Circle resident reported a bicycle was stolen from her basement storage unit Sept. 17. The storage unit’s door door had been pried open to get to the bicycle. The bike was valued at approximately $1,000 and was last seen approximately one week prior to the theft. Detectives are reviewing surveillance footage in order to follow up.

Identity theft
On Sept. 19, an Olmsted Road woman reported her credit card company had advised her that $12,000 in possible fraudulent charges had been charged to her credit card. Her account was frozen as a precaution, and the creditor is following up.

Welfare check
On Sept. 17, police checked the welfare of an elderly Colvin Road woman.

A daughter called 911 to report she was in the shower and heard her mother scream Sept. 18. Police deduced the mother had dropped a glass bottle and was screaming for her daughter to help.

A man was reported lying on the roadway at Griffen and Grand Park Avenues after midnight Sept. 20. Patrol provided him with a courtesy ride to the Scarsdale train station, to assist him in getting home to the Bronx.

A LimeBike was left on Kingston Road Sept. 21. Police called LimeBike, and a representative said someone would be sent over to pick up the bike.

Former employee
A former employee showed up at the Scarsdale Ambassador living community Sept. 23. Police communicated the message that the former employee was no longer welcome there.

Cars and roadways
Police put a malfunctioning traffic light at Popham and Post roads on flash and erected temporary stop signs, pending repair, Sept. 17.
Police assisted with a traffic accident on Saxon Woods Road in White Plains Sept. 17.
Police marked tires and issued three summonses to the owners of cars parked on Wayside Lane for longer than the parking restriction.
Police put cones around a loose manhole cover on Popham Road Sept. 17. The highway department was notified.
Police directed traffic around roadside assistance technicians changing flat tires on Post and Saxon Woods roads Sept. 21.
Police issued summonses to illegally parked cars on Potter Road Sept. 22.
According to visual evidence including skid marks onto a Franklin Road yard and an impacted utility pole, a car had an accident and left the scene Sept. 23. Damaged car parts were left at the scene. Police notified Con Edison regarding the condition of the pole.
Six car accidents were reported in the village this week.

Village code
Police issued summonses to landscapers using gas-powered leaf blowers on Cohawney, Post and Jefferson Roads Sept. 18; Heathcote, Saxon Woods, Fox Meadow and Wynmor Roads Sept. 19; Brite Avenue and Fenimore and Heathcote roads Sept. 20; and Murray Hill, Fox Meadow and Boulder Brook roads Sept. 21.

Neighbors complained of noise from kids singing along to a musical movie in the back yard of a Fox Meadow Road house Sept. 21. The kids promised to keep the noise level low.

Lost and found
On Sept. 19, a police aide found a Chrysler car key on East Parkway. Police vouchered it at headquarters for safekeeping.

On Sept. 21, a woman found a cell phone while out walking on Scarsdale Avenue. She gave it to police who attempted to contact the owner. Eastchester police were notified and were able to contact the owner, who had reported the phone as missing. The owner picked up the phone from police.

Police found a handbag containing personal items on Post Road Sept. 23. Inside was a passport belonging to a Black Hawk Road resident. Police returned the bag to its proper owner.

On Sept. 23, the manger of 7-Eleven, on Garth Road, gave police a Washington, D.C., driver’s license that had been left in the store the previous week. The customer had not returned to the store for his license. Police vouchered it at headquarters.

According to Fire Chief James Seymour, firefighters responded to 36 incidents during the reporting period. He shared the following notable incidents below:

On Sept. 17, a gas leak, due to damage to an unmarked copper gas line caused by an excavator, was discovered at Post Road and Evon Court. Firefighters stood by for safety, checked houses and notified Con Edison. Police assisted and Scarsdale Volunteer Ambulance Corps was also standing by at the scene. Con Edison measured readings of up to 40 percent methane in the atmosphere and requested at least additional houses to be checked for safety. Con Edison stayed on scene until gas leak was repaired.

Firefighters assisted at a smoke scare on Central Avenue in Hartsdale Sept. 18.

A cooking fire was reported in a Highland Way kitchen Sept. 18. Firefighters determined a potholder left in the oven burned up and created light smoke. The potholder was removed and extinguished in the sink. Firefighters used a fan to ventilate the kitchen. No carbon monoxide readings were detected.

A car hit the side of a Kent Road house, causing only superficial damage to the structure Sept. 21. Firefighters helped move the car away from the house to await a tow.

The knob of an outdoor gas grill was left in the “on” position, causing a gas leak at a Lockwood Road house Sept. 22. Firefighters shut down the grill. No gas readings were found inside the house.

This report covering police and fire department activity from Sept. 17-23 has been compiled from official information.

scarsdalesecuritylogo 1 1This police report is sponsored by Scarsdale Security who does more than just security. Contact them about remote video for your home or business. Call 914-722-2200 or visit their website.