Sunday, Oct 06th

Baseball cropIdentity theft
On May 29, a Saxon Woods Road woman reported her name was forged on a check for $2,900 cashed against her account. Chase Bank fraud department is following up. On June 1, a Hillandale Close resident a fraudulent Walmart store card was opened in her name in 2017. Several thousand dollars were charged on the card, and the woman only learned about it after receiving a collection notice. The name and address on the card were slightly different from the woman’s actual name and address. A Brewster Road woman reported her China Merchants Bank credit card was fraudulently charged at a Mount Vernon business June 1. She informed the creditor, and the creditor is reversing the charge and cancelling the card.

A female member of a surveillance team stationed at Wildwood and Vernon roads reported a male resident was intentional hitting baseballs into her car June 2. The man first approached her and asked her to move. She said she was legally parked and refused to move. Then man then returned to his yard and began hitting baseballs into a net with a lacrosse stick. Within a brief period of time, four balls hit her car. The woman then began recording the man with her phone. Video footage shows him intentionally aiming a ball at the woman’s car, and propelling it with enough force to cause a quarter-sized dent in the car. Police determined the damage was intentional, particularly since the car was not parked directly behind the net. The woman said she did not want to immediately pursue charges. Police advised the man of their findings, and he went back inside his house.

Police advised a man walking on Post Road at 11 p.m., May 29, that it would be safer for him to walk on the sidewalk. The man complied. The father of a Tunstall Road girl alleged that a neighbor harassed his daughter while his daughter was out walking her pet dog May 30. The daughter said the neighbor’s car was travelling slowly, but she felt it was “too close” to her and her dog. Patrol spoke with the neighbor who said she always drives slowly and carefully through the neighborhood. She said she has no problems with any of her neighbors.

On May 30, a Hampton Road man reported he was walking his dog while his kids were home alone. His kids then called him stating they heard knocking at the door. The man ran home and did not see anything out of order but possibly heard a strange noise coming from the Fox Meadow School area. Police canvassed the area but did not find anything suspicious.

On May 31, a Fenimore Road couple reported a neighbor sent the husband a Facebook message at 3:50 a.m. The message did not appear to be threatening or harassing in nature, but the couple wanted police to document it.

Garbage bags
Kent Road neighbors were disputing the placement of garbage bags in regard to the property line between their houses June 2. Patrol advised them it was a civil matter and recommended they consult with Village Hall in regard to their property line.

Park bench
Police observed a man lying down on a park bench in the rain at Post and Edgewood roads at 1:40 a.m., June 3. The man presented identification that showed he was a village resident. He said he was waiting for an Uber to pick him up and take him to White Plains.

Cars and roadways
Patrol notified Verizon about a fallen wire at Drake Road and Woods Lane May 30.
A car stalled on Post Road because of a faulty transmission May 31. Police helped move the car to Village Hall parking lot while the driver waited for a tow.
Police contacted an employee of Village Hall to address an unsecured parking meter on Depot Place June 1. A gardener cleared a small amount of mulch from Heathcote Road while police stood by June 2. A neighbor complained about parents parking on Fayette Road during a T-ball game June 2. The parents moved their cars at police request. On June 2, on Post Road, police removed the license plates of a car with a suspended registration. The suspension was the result of unresolved parking violations incurred by the car’s White Plains owner. The car was towed to the owner’s house. Around 2 a.m., June 3, a driver of a disabled truck asked police if he could sleep in his truck in the parking lot of Heathcote Gulf, with the intention of getting his truck repaired in the morning. Appropriate arrangements were made, and the driver requested no further assistance. Nine car accidents were reported in the village this week.

Dog bite
A Walworth Avenue man reported being bitten by a Brewster Road dog while he was out walking in the neighborhood June 2. As the man passed the dog owner’s house, the dog allegedly ran from its yard, circled the man, started biting his hands, jumped on his back and ripped his shirt. Kids in the yard were able to get the dog off the man and back into its yard. The dog owner came outside and gave the man a check for $25 to compensate him for his damaged shirt. After the man got home, his wife examined his back and noticed broken skin. She called the doctor and the police. Patrol spoke with the dog owner, who said her kids accidentally let the dog out of the house. She showed police vaccination records. Patrol advised her that the dog must remain confined for 10 days.

A Larch Lane dog got loose because its owner forgot to change the battery in the dog’s electric fence collar May 31. Police issued the owner a summons for having a dog at large. On June 1, a Paddington Road man reported an injured rabbit on his property. Police gave the man contact numbers for local trappers. A Mamaroneck Road woman reported seeing three deer on her property June 1. The woman thought the deer were “behaving oddly and possibly injured.” She asked police to check their condition. Police arrived and determined the deer were acting normally. The deer moved along without incident.

Village code
Patrol issued a Drake Road landscaper, who was riding on a lawnmower, a summons for using power equipment prior to 10 a.m. on June 2. On June 2, police issued a Post Road landscaper for summons for using a gas-powered leaf blower in violation of village code. Patrol also advised the landscaper to park his truck in a manner that would not impact traffic flow. Neighbors complained of noise from a party at Fox Meadow Tennis Club June 2. Patrol advised the host to reduce the volume of the music, and the host said the band was playing its last song. Police stood by while the band broke down its equipment.

Lost and found
On May 30, a man found a woman’s purse on Spencer Place and gave it to police. Patrol contacted the owner, from Ardsley, and returned the purse to her. On May 31, a woman reported losing her wallet at DeCicco’s Marketplace or somewhere in the village May 31. A Bank of America debit card was found near the intersection of Brite Avenue and Butler Road June 1. Police vouchered it for safekeeping. A passerby found keys on Kingston Road and brought them to headquarters June 2. Police are holding them for safekeeping.

This week, firefighters responded to 22 incidents according to Scarsdale Fire Chief James Seymour. He shared details about the following incidents:
On May 29, firefighters responded to a call of a defective train station elevator on Depot Place. No occupants were inside the elevator. Firefighters reset the elevator operation and checked to make sure it was functioning properly. An outlet inside a Sunset Drive house was sparking May 29. Firefighters found the resident had accidently dropped a metallic chain onto the light fixture’s electrical cord striking the prongs connected to the wall outlet. This shorted out the light fixture. A check with a thermal imaging camera found no abnormal heat behind the outlet or anywhere in the wall surrounding the outlet. The circuit breaker did not trip. On May 30, a contractor struck a natural gas line on a Murray Hill Road property. Firefighters found the contractor had severed a gas line going from the meter to a generator behind the pool house. The contractor had shut down the gas line at the basement meter prior to firefighters’ arrival. Firefighters found no leak or readings in the basement or at the damaged line. Con Edison trucks arrived to address the matter and released firefighters. On June 2, firefighters received an automatic fire alarm from a Continental Road house. They conducted an interior check and found water from an attic air handler had overflowed the catch tray and leaked into a second floor bedroom smoke detector. Water continued through the first floor ceiling light fixture. Firefighters disconnected the smoke detector, shut down the attic air handler and shut the circuit breaker to the affected light fixture. Firefighters advised the resident to call for service. On June 3, a Woods Lane resident reported an indoor odor of natural gas while changing gas connections between an old and a new dryer. Firefighters found a faulty gas valve and a second valve behind a sheet-rocked wall. Firefighters shut off the gas supply and stood by for Con Edison.

This report covering police and fire department activity from May 29-June 4 has been compiled from official information.

Scarsdale PBA Community Day, held at Chase Park on June 3, was a beautiful time for the community and Scarsdale police to come together for an afternoon of old-fashioned, outdoor fun. Food, games, music, photo-ops for kids, and even a dunk-a-cop-tank drew lots of smiles and joy. Sergeant Ronnie Arefieg, one of the event organizers, commented "We really felt the love, and we were delighted to share this very special event with a very special community. We're already looking forward to continuing the tradition next year."

PBA community day 1PBA community day 2

SCarsdale SecurityThis police report is sponsored by Scarsdale Security who does more than just security. Contact them about remote video for your home or business. Call 914-722-2200 or visit their website.

hoarding disorder1A Brooklyn man reported being robbed by two men at the intersection of Post Road and Boulevard at 7:30 p.m., May 22. The perpetrators of the alleged robbery were said to have displayed guns of unknown type. The robbers were described as white men in their twenties. They were described as wearing green hoodies and brandishing silver revolver style firearms. They were said to have escaped the area on foot, headed in the direction of New Rochelle. Police from Eastchester and New Rochelle joined Scarsdale police in canvassing the area. The perpetrators were not found. Police are actively investigating.

Identity theft
On May 22, a Montrose Road woman reported two of her checks were missing from her checkbook. These checks had been fraudulently written with forged signatures and cashed. The woman informed Chase Bank’s fraud department.

On May 24, a Kent Road woman reported she gave out her personal information online to a scam website purporting to be related to Apple, and her identity was stolen as a result. So far, no financial loss has occurred.

On May 25, a Mamaroneck Road resident reported three fraudulent charges on a Home Depot credit card dating back to May 1. The resident closed her account.

On May 26, a Webster Road man reported a TD Bank card was fraudulently requested in his name and sent to a laundromat business in Mount Vernon. So far, no financial loss has occurred.

On May 22, a sales manager reported receiving a call from an unknown person threatening a sales agent. The person said the agent was being watched and the police and an ambulance would be needed. The sales agent said he met the caller, from New York City, over the weekend and has been receiving harassing calls since the meeting. Police are following up.

A woman walking on Post Road called police asking for a ride home May 22. The woman, a Tuckahoe resident, said she had just been released from White Plains Hospital and was planning on walking home along Post Road. After reaching Scarsdale, the woman felt faint and thought she would be better off going home by car. Police checked on her wellbeing and called Central Taxi for her.

A Popham Road resident complained about a strange odor in the hallway of her building May 22. Police spoke with building management and learned the odor was related to refinishing work on a wooden elevator panel.

Who’s that?
A Brambach Road woman called police to report an unknown man on her property May 22. Police went to the scene and questioned the man. He identified himself as a process server from the Inter County Judicial System. He said he needed to serve the woman with an order to appear in court.

On May 22, a person complained that private investigators parked in a Secor Road parking lot were leaving rubbish behind in the vicinity of their cars. Patrol spoke with the investigators and they said they would pick up their litter and refrain from leaving it behind.

Bicycle accident
An Eastwoods Lane mother reported a car struck her son’s bicycle’s rear tire, causing the boy to be thrown from the bike, at Madison and Rodney roads around 3:20 p.m., May 24. The car did not stop. The boy was not injured, and the bicycle did not sustain damage.

Too much stuff
Firefighters and Con Edison workers reported a possible hoarding condition inside a house on Church Lane May 25. Con Edison workers could not gain access to the gas valve because too many items were piled up in the house, particularly near the stove. The homeowner refused to speak to police about the condition of her house. Con Edison left the gas turned off and advised the homeowner to correct the problem before the gas could be turned on again. The building department is following up.

Welfare check
On May 26, police checked the welfare of a Lee Road man at the request of his daughter. While police were on scene, the man returned to his house. He said he had been in the hospital for two days and was unable to call his daughter. He called her and advised her of his condition before police left the house.

A Crawford Lane man found a child’s toy bow in his backyard while doing yard work May 26. Patrol disposed of the bow.

Public exposure
A woman who walked into headquarters reported she saw a man urinating outdoors while she was walking on Mamaroneck Road May 26. The man then allegedly approached her, used vulgar language and asked her if she had seen him urinating. He left the area in a tan or gray, older model vehicle.

On May 26, a caller reported a teen was vomiting in the roadway on Penn Boulevard. The teen then got back into a Jeep that headed in the direction of Franklin Road. Police stopped the car and observed a junior license driver with numerous youths in the car. Patrol asked the youths to exit the car and call their parents for rides home. The boy who vomited said he was coming from a rough football workout and felt sick. He declined medical attention.

Police helped an elderly Olmsted Road woman call Verizon to report she had no phone service May 27.

Cars and roadways
A stop sign was missing from the intersection of School Lane and Overhill Road May 21. Police erected a temporary stop sign until a permanent replacement can be installed.
Dispatch notified the NYS department of transportation about three potholes near the intersection of Post and Fenimore roads May 21.
On May 21, patrol rolled a large stone out of the roadway and onto the side of the road at Secor and Corell roads.
Police notified Cablevision about fallen proprietary equipment on Fox Meadow Road May 22. The equipment was moved to the side of the road.
Patrol stood by and directed traffic at the intersection of a malfunctioning traffic light at Popham and Post Roads May 22.
A mailbox was damaged in an accident on Heathcote Road May 22. The driver who caused the accident left a note for the homeowner.
Cars parked legally on Brite Avenue were nevertheless creating a narrow passageway for cars to pass May 22. At the advice of patrol, the drivers moved their cars to support traffic flow.
A caller reported a Nissan was travelling erratically on Post Road May 23. Police spoke with the driver who said she was simply avoiding potholes and was not swerving within the lane.
A driver whose car was smoking on Weaver Street stated she was going to attempt to drive home May 23.
Police notified utility providers about low hanging wires on Weaver Street May 24.
On May 24, Police notified the highway department about a pothole on Boulevard.
On May 24, the parking control officer reported a driver attempted to hit him with his car while allegedly attempting to drive away before a summons was issued. The driver said he was trying to leave before the summons was issued and apologized for any misunderstanding.
On May 24, police issued a Popham Road driver a summons for driving with a suspended license. The suspension was issued for failing to answer a summons. Additionally, police noticed the car’s inspection sticker expired in February. Appropriate summons were issued. The driver parked the car and arranged for a properly licensed driver to pick it up.
Police asked movers to relocate their truck to a different position on Old Lyme Road so as not to impede access to Quaker Ridge School May 25.
A car was repossessed on Bell Road May 25.
The water department replaced a missing valve cover on Weaver Street May 25.
Patrol notified Cablevision about a low hanging wire on Murray Hill Road May 28.

Village code
Patrol advised the driver of a car idling on Wildwood Road that he needed to turn off his engine, as per village code May 25. The driver complied.

On May 26, patrol advised two sets of workers – on Tunstall and Berwick roads – that noisy work could not be performed prior to 10 a.m. on Saturdays.

Neighbors complained of noise at a Rochambeau Road party after midnight May 27. The homeowner lowered the volume of the music.

Civil matters
On May 24, a man reported that an air compressor belonging to him was no longer at his aunt’s Post Road house. He told police that his aunt had previously called him to remove the compressor from her house. Patrol advised the man that it was a civil matter.

Police mediated a dispute between a Ridgedale Road homeowner and a delivery driver who was delivering a patio set May 28. The two parties agreed on a price, and petrol advised them it was a civil matter that could be further pursued in civil court.

According to Fire Chief James Seymour, firefighters responded to 32 incidents this week. He shared the following narratives.
Firefighters and police temporarily corrected a leaking water pipe in a Chesterfield Road house to prevent flooding and advised the homeowner to contact a plumber May 21.
On May 21, firefighters assisted at two car accidents on the Hutchinson River Parkway.
On May 22, they assisted at a car accident on the Bronx River Parkway.
On May 24, a Clarence Road resident reported his microwave oven was “humming.” Firefighters shut down the circuit breaker for the microwave and advised the resident to call an electrician.
On May 245, firefighters discovered elevated carbon monoxide levels in a Catherine Road house. Firefighters ventilated the house and stood by for Con Edison.
A child accidentally got locked inside a Ridgecrest East bedroom when loose doorknobs fell out of the door May 28. Firefighters used hand tools to open the door and release the child. The child was unharmed. Firefighters recommended getting the knob mechanism replaced.

This report covering police and fire department activity from May 21-28 has been compiled from official information.

scarsdalesecuritylogo 1 1This police report is sponsored by Scarsdale Security who does more than just security. Contact them about remote video for your home or business. Call 914-722-2200 or visit their website.

golf ball

Arrests: On May 12, 2018, a 16 year-old Chappaqua boy was arrested for making threats to initiate a school shooting at the Westfield Day School in Armonk. NYS Police from Somers  in conjunction with the North Castle Police Department and the Westchester County DA's office arrested the boy for making a terroristic threat and for aggravated harassment in the 2nd degree. Investigators at the New York State Intelligence Center received information, via hotline, that he had made threats to initiate a school shooting at the Westfield Day School in Armonk, NY. A subsequent investigation revealed that he had made several threats via texts to another student, including sending a photograph of himself holding what appeared to be a rifle. He was found at his home in Chappaqua and admitted to making the threats. He was subsequently arrested by the NYS Police. Four legally owned rifles were found at the house and they were subsequently removed by the State Police. Police. 

Westchester County District Attorney Anthony A. Scarpino, Jr. said, “We take school threats very seriously and will continue working closely with New York State Police and other law enforcement agencies to keep our children safe. In this case, we commend the New York State Police Intelligence Center and North Castle Police Department for their swift action.” He was arraigned in the Town of North Salem Court and remanded to the Westchester County Jail in lieu of $15,000 cash bail or $30,000 bond.

DWI Arrests
While conducting traffic enforcement on Post Road after midnight May 12, police observed a 2018 Honda travelling without its lights on. Police conducted a traffic stop and noticing the driver and front seat passenger were making excessive movements as petrol approached the car. Upon making contact with the car’s occupants, police noticed the front seat passenger – Jose I. Vidal, 34, of White Plains – had his hands between his legs, as if he was attempting to conceal a weapon or contraband. Patrol also noticed the driver – Edwin Roberto Tonato, 33, of White Plains – holding his groin area as if he was also attempting to conceal something. Patrol called for backup to assist with the investigation and asked the occupants of the car to step outside. Patrol conducted field sobriety tests, which Tonato failed. Tonato was placed under arrest for driving while intoxicated. An alco-sensor test indicated a preliminary blood alcohol level of .16 percent. At headquarters, a Datamaster confirmed Tonato’s blood alcohol content was .18 percent. An inventory search of the car found a small bag containing cocaine beneath the front passenger seat, as well as two empty beer bottles in the back seat. Tonato was charged with driving while intoxicated (first offense), aggravated DWI with a blood alcohol content of .18 or more with no priors, seventh-degree criminal possession of a controlled substance, having an open container of alcohol on a highway and an equipment violation. The car was impounded and Tonato was released on his own recognizance to his wife, with an appearance ticket for Scarsdale Village Justice Court, returnable May 16. Vidal was questioned about the bag of cocaine under his seat, but he denied any knowledge of the cocaine. Vidal was arrested and charged with seventh-degree criminal possession of a controlled substance. He was released on his own recognizance with an appearance ticket for Scarsdale Village Justice Court, returnable May 16.

On May 12, at 1:45 a.m., police arrested Darwin E. Maldonado Jerez, 21, of White Plains, on charges of driving while intoxicated (first offense) operation of a motor vehicle with a blood alcohol level of at least .08 of one percent and driving left of pavement. The arrest occurred after police stopped Jerez’s car on Mamaroneck Road and detected a strong odor of alcohol coming from Jerez’s breath. Jerez told police he had been at a friend’s house in Mamaroneck and had consumed four beers. Police asked Jerez to perform field sobriety tests, and Jerez failed these tests. A preliminary alco-sensor test measured Jerez’s blood alcohol level at .17 percent. At headquarters, a Datamaster test confirmed Jerez’s blood alcohol level at .17 percent. Following Jerez’s arrest at headquarters, he was released on his own recognizance with an appearance ticket for Scarsdale Village Justice Court, returnable May 16.

Suspended registration arrest
On May 13, police arrested Shaquan M. Taylor, 44, of White Plains, on charges of operating a motor vehicle with a suspended registration and second-degree aggravated unlicensed operation of a motor vehicle with three or more suspensions on three or more dates. Patrol learned of Taylor’s numerous suspensions after a license plate reader sounded in a patrol car when Taylor’s car passed on Post Road. A department of motor vehicles database check indicated Taylor’s registration had been suspended nine times. The suspensions included eight scoffs on four different dates. Taylor was arrested and released on $250 cash bail, with an appearance ticket for Scarsdale Village Justice Court, returnable June 13. The license plates were removed from Taylor’s car, and it was towed to his residence at his request.

Stolen bicycles
A caller reported her $250 pink and purple Diamondback mountain bicycle was stolen from Scarsdale Avenue May 7. The caller said she chained the bike to a wooden fence that lines the walkway to the train station in the morning, and when she returned in the evening, the bike was missing. On May 9, while walking home from the Hartsdale train station, a woman found a pink and purple bicycle in the bushes on Fountain Terrace. The woman thought it was an odd place for a bike and, given the rash of recent bicycle thefts in the village, she brought it home with her and called police. Patrol picked up the bike and discovered it was the same bike reported stolen from the fence area on Scarsdale Avenue May 7. Patrol returned the bike to its owner. On May 9, a purple and gray Schwinn bicycle with two helmets was reported stolen from a Walworth Avenue garage. The bicycle was valued at $350.

Identity theft
On May 9, a Brambach Road woman reported a fraudulent check was written against her Chase Bank business account. A Chase employee thought the check was suspicious and alerted the woman ‘s attention to the fraudulent check. A stop payment was put on the check, and the account was closed. A real estate agent in the village reported that someone fraudulently assumed her identity and entered into a fraudulent real estate transaction with a person who was allegedly selling a timeshare property in Mexico. As part of the fraudulent sale, a victim paid $3875 to the person who had assumed the real estate agent’s identity. The victim asked for her money back when she realized the transaction was fraudulent, and after she did not received her money back, she filed a complaint with the NYS department of licensing against the actual real estate agent in Scarsdale. The real estate agent reported the matter to police in order to start the process of disputing the complaint. On May 10, a White Road resident reported someone fraudulently used his Social Security number to open an account with a life insurance company. He learned of the account when he received a letter from the IRS claiming the resident owed taxes on a gain made on the account in 2016. The resident contacted the life insurance company to report the account as fraudulent and to close the account. The resident said he reported the fraudulent matter to the IRS but he had not yet heard anything back, Patrol advised the resident to the report the matter to the IRS in writing.

Check fraud
On May 11, an 18-year-old Quaker Ridge girl reported a man who attempted to hire her for a tutoring job over Craigslist had possibly scammed her. The girl told police she put up an ad on Craigslist, offering to tutor general school subjects. She received a response from a man stating he was interested in hiring a tutor for his 14-year-old daughter. The man contacted the girl via text message to her cell phone, as the girl had posted her name and cell phone number on the Craigslist ad. The two texted back and forth about the alleged tutoring job for about a week. The man said he would send a check to the girl’s house. She then received a check for $3,950. The man told her the check was to cover several months of tutoring. The girl took the check to a Citibank branch in Larchmont to inquire if the check was legitimate. There, a bank employee examined the check and said there was no record of the routing number. The girl told police she was more concerned about the man knowing her address, rather than the check being fake or not. While at headquarters, the girl texted the man and told him she was no longer interested in tutoring his daughter, and she requested that he no communicate with her.

Attempted break-in
A Walworth Avenue resident reported someone broke one of the windows at his house in a possible attempt to enter the house May 9. The resident reported he and his wife were upstairs and heard a loud crash of glass in their downstairs living room. The resident went downstairs and noticed their glass patio door had been shattered and pushed in. At that time, the resident called 911.

On May 13, at 1 a.m., patrol was conducting traffic enforcement on Post Road and noticed a car speed by at approximately 66 miles per hour. Patrol turned on the patrol car’s flashing lights and siren and attempted to conduct a traffic stop. The driver sped away from police, pulled into a U-shaped driveway on Windmill Circle and then pulled across Post Road into another driveway. There, the driver opened the door, placed one foot outside the car and turned toward patrol. Patrol instructed the driver to stay inside his car. The driver said “OK” and immediately ran up the Post Road driveway and ran to the back of the house. Patrol called out the foot pursuit on the police radio but quickly lost visual contact with the driver. The driver was described as a black man with short hair, a short beard and wearing a black jacket. Police conducted an extensive canvas of the area. They retrieved a cell phone from the ground near a fence that separates Post and Montrose roads. Later, the driver was seen running through backyards on Fairview Road in the direction of White Plains. White Plains police were notified and assisted with the canvas. White Plains police said the registered owner of the car, who matched the description of the driver, was known to their department. White Plains police saw the registered owner /driver run into a building near Post Road and New York Avenue in their jurisdiction. At that time, the search for the driver was called off. Scarsdale police impounded the car and vouchered the car keys, $228 cash found inside the car and a wallet containing debit cards.

Police checked the welfare of a 51-year-old Fox Meadow woman at the request of her mother May 7. The woman was fine and declined assistance. An elderly woman left her house on Elmdorf Road, and her worried family called police because they did not know her whereabouts May 7. Police located the woman walking on Chase Road and drove her home. A daughter asked police to check the welfare of her Quaker Ridge parents May 11. The parents were OK and contacted their daughter.

Golf ball
An errant golf ball from Quaker Ridge Golf Club struck a car window and broke it while the car was traveling on Griffen Avenue May 8. The club superintendent was on scene when police arrived. He made arrangements with the driver to cover the cost of damages to the car. Police documented the incident.

Taxi dispute
A taxi driver called police alleging that an Overhill Road passenger was refusing to pay a $25 fare around 4 a.m., May 13. Police arrived at the scene, and the passenger said he thought he could pay by credit card, but this was not the case. Police suggested the passenger go inside and get cash to pay the fare. Patrol stood by while the transaction was completed.

A Stonehouse Road woman passed away at home May 9. While patrol was assisting the deceased woman’s daughter, the daughter asked patrol to remove a gun from the house. The gun had belonged to the daughter’s father who had already died in the past. Patrol took custody of the gun – an Iver Johnson Third revolver – for safekeeping.

grand centralThousands were stranded in Grand Central Tuesday night due to thunder storms
Cars and roadways

On May 7, police stood by while AAA changed the tire of a disabled car on Mamaroneck Road. A fallen cable wire was reported on Thornwood Place May 8. The cable provider was notified. Police notified highway workers about potholes on Olmsted Road May 9. Patrol directed traffic on Murray Hill Road while mourners were attending a shiva May 9. A car’s engine stalled at Murray Hill and Post roads May 10. Patrol called a tow to remove the car from the roadway. Three bicycles were chained to parking meters or signs on Scarsdale Avenue – a red Raleigh, a black Bianchi and a gray Univega – May 10. Police left removal notices on all three bicycles. Patrol stood by while a motorist with a disabled car waited for roadside assistance on Mamaroneck Road May 10. Patrol notified the highway department for removal of a large branch on Greenacres Avenue May 11. A car’s engine abruptly shut off at Normandy Lane and Old Lyme Road May 11. Patrol helped the driver push the car into a safe location while the driver awaited a tow. Construction vehicles were obstructing traffic at Weaver Street and Heathcote Road without valid work permits May 12. Police shut down the construction activity for the day and cleared the congestion, pending the obtainment of proper permits. On May 13, a caller advised a car pulled to the side of Bypass and several people got out at 11:57 p.m., May 13. One person was possibly naked, the caller said. Patrol arrived at the scene and observed several people standing outside a car with a flat tire. They were changing the tire, and all of them were fully dressed. A newspaper delivery person’s car sustained a flat tire and was left at the corner of Tompkins and Cohawney roads for several hours without the driver notifying police May 13. Patrol issued a summons for parking 12 inches away from the curb. A caller reported she could not find her car after parking it in the village May 13. She last saw it in the DeCicco’s Marketplace parking lot. After further inquiry, the caller discovered her car had been towed to a lot in White Plains. No police action was necessary. Police removed a fallen wire from Brookby Road May 13. A portable pizza oven trailer unhinged from a vendor’s truck on Mamaroneck Road May 13. The driver stopped the truck and was waiting for help from his boss. Police stood by to direct traffic around the disabled vehicle and equipment until the driver’s boss arrived and reattached the equipment to the vehicle. Eight car accidents were reported in the village this week.

A woman reported a possibly sick raccoon beneath a car parked in a Tunstall Road driveway May 9. Patrol notified the owner of the house that there was a raccoon under her car. Patrol offered to provide contact numbers for trappers, but the homeowner declined. Later that day, police received a second call about a sick-looking raccoon on Tunstall Road. When police arrived, they found a dead raccoon that had apparently been hit by a car. Sanitation workers were informed and removed the carcass for disposal. A Brewster Road woman reported a possible ill raccoon in her shed May 10. When police arrived, the homeowner informed them that the raccoon had moved under her deck. Patrol was unable to locate the raccoon and provided the homeowner with trappers’ contact information. The highway department removed a dead opossum from the intersection of Popham Road and School Lane May 12.

Village code
Police advised a pest control solicitor on Weaver Street that she needed a proper permit to solicit in the village May 8. She told police she would make sure her company obtained proper paperwork from the Village.

Lost and found
A village employee found a handbag on Woodland Place May 7. While police were collecting the handbag for safekeeping, the owner of the handbag contacted headquarters looking for her lost property. She retrieved it from headquarters.

A man renting a house on Benedict Road accidentally locked himself out May 11. Police and firefighters checked his identity and opened a second-floor window to gain access to the house. This week, firefighters assisted at six car accidents in the village and on parkways. They responded to 14 false fire alarms caused by device malfunction, shower steam, cooking smoke, dust and batteries being changed.

This report covering police and fire department activity from May 7-13 has been compiled from official information.
SCarsdale SecurityThis police report is sponsored by Scarsdale Security who does more than just security. Contact them about remote video for your home or business. Call 914-722-2200 or visit their website.

JulesReichJulius ReichWestchester County District Attorney Anthony A. Scarpino, Jr. announced today that Julius Reich of Scarsdale pleaded guilty to Manslaughter in the First Degree, a class B violent felony, in the stabbing death of his wife, Robin Goldman, M.D., in January 2016. Reich will face a sentence of up to 25 years in state prison. His sentencing is scheduled for Aug. 15, 2018.

The adult children of Dr. Goldman advised the District Attorney and the Court it was their strong desire to avoid the trauma of a trial. The children are in complete agreement with the plea of Manslaughter in the First Degree, as such a disposition would make their 64-year-old father accountable for his actions. They are relieved theireichmugshotr father finally accepted responsibility for his actions and his plea will help them move forward and bring finality to a horrific situation.

Reich and his wife were in the process of divorcing but remained living in the same house on Lincoln Road in Scarsdale. On the morning of Jan. 20, 2016, Reich entered the upstairs bathroom where he stabbed his wife multiple times resulting in wounds to the chest, abdomen and back. Dr. Goldman died at the scene.

At the conclusion of the attack, Reich went downstairs. Sometime later, he called 911. Scarsdale Police officers responded and discovered her body in the bathroom. Reich was arrested at the scene.

Assistant District Attorneys Christine O'Connor and John O'Rourke of the Superior Court Trial Division are prosecuting the case.

Identity theft
On May 17, a Cushman Road resident reported three fraudulent checks were cashed against her husband’s business account without her knowledge. She learned of the incidents after receiving a call from PNC bank alerting her to the checks, whose signatures did not match the bank’s signature record. All three checks were made out to a person from Yonkers. PNC bank closed the account and placed a hold on the checks. On May 19, a Magnolia Road woman reported ten fraudulent charges had been made on her Citibank debit card between May 17-19. She informed Citibank, closed the account and was advised to file a police report.

On May 15, a project manager reported being harassed by a subcontractor at a Heathcote Road job site. The two men allegedly got into a confrontation over work being performed in the house, and one man allegedly yelled and “got into the face” of the other man. The construction company pulled all employees from the job site in reaction to the incident.

Missing items
On May 15, a Carman Road woman reported handwritten notes were missing from her diary. She said she searched her house multiple times but could not find the notes. She told police she believed the police department had been compromised and she wished to make a report elsewhere.

Street sign
While conducting a welfare check on a village woman, police found a street sign inside her house May 15. After determining the woman was OK, police removed the street sign from house and took it to headquarters. She told patrol her son had found the sign discarded in the street. Patrol advised her to speak with her son about the inappropriateness of acquiring property in such a manner.

Peeled paint
On May 18, a Walworth Avenue resident reported a cleaning company taped a flier to his mailbox. When removing the flier, the adhesive pulled off some of the old black paint from his mailbox. The resident said he had paint and could remedy the mailbox, but he did not want the company to post more fliers. Patrol spoke with the company’s owner and issued a verbal warning for posting fliers without a permit. The owner apologized for inadvertently damaging the resident’s mailbox.

Locked doors
Patrol climbed into an open window of a Church Lane South house and unlocked the door from inside after the homeowner accidentally locked herself outside with her baby May 18. A nine-year-old boy locked himself in a bedroom at his grandmother’s Tompkins Road house and could not get the door unlocked May 19. Patrol used a skeleton key and a screwdriver to unlock the door. Patrol gave the key to the boy’s grandmother and advised her to keep it away from children. Patrol mediated a discussion between a Garth Road building manager and a commercial tenant whose lease was terminated May 19. The business was currently secured with new locks, and arrangements had to be made in order for both parties to agree on a time when the former tenant could pick up his stuff.

Cars and roadways
Police notified Verizon about a fallen wire at Weaver Street and Griffen Avenue May 15. The highway department and Verizon were notified about fallen wires and tree branches on Meadow Road May 16. Patrol notified the highway department about a fallen tree branch on Jefferson Road May 16. Patrol notified Con Edison about a leaning utility pole on Saxon Woods and Boulder Brook roads May 16. Patrol safely removed a low hanging branch on the Bypass May 16. A fallen branch was hanging in wires on Brambach Road May 16. Patrol notified Con Edison. A branch from a tree on private property was hanging over the corner of Richelieu and Jefferson roads May 16. Patrol and firefighters spoke with the owner of the tree. The owner made arrangements to have the tree cut down the next day. Patrol assisted in removing a fallen tree branch from Kelwynne Road May 16. A parked car was blocking a Fayette Road driveway May 17. Patrol asked the owner of the car to move it to a legal parking spot. While conducting traffic enforcement on Weaver Street May 17, a passing car caused patrol’s license plate reader to sound. Patrol pulled the car over and confirmed the registration and license had been suspended for the driver’s insurance not being in effect. Patrol removed the car’s license plates, and the car was towed to the driver’s house in Yonkers. She was issued appropriate summonses. A resident discovered a no parking sign with an incorrectly stated date on Dobbs Terrace May 18. Police corrected the date on the sign. Con Edison was notified about an arcing wire at Mamaroneck and Stratton roads May 19. Fallen branches in a Greenacres Avenue yard were determined to have come from a privately owned tree on Greenacres Avenue May 20. Seven car accidents were reported in the village this week.

At 11:30 p.m., May 18, police advised a small gathering of adults sitting around a fire pit and talking on Wayside Lane that they were being too loud for neighbors. The adults agreed to bring their party indoors. Police advised a group of teens to keep their voices to a minimum in order to not disturb residents in the area of Garth Road and Freightway at 12:30 a.m., May 20.

Lost and found
On May 17, a person reported losing his US passport and permanent resident card somewhere in the vicinity of Popham Road May 13. A police officer found a wallet on East Parkway May 18. Patrol called the owner, identified via his driver’s license as a Massachusetts man, and left a voicemail. Later, a person claiming to be a friend of the owner called patrol inquiring about the lost wallet. Patrol told the friend that the wallet could only be released to its rightful owner.

According to Scarsdale Fire Chief James Seymour, firefighters responded to 32 incidents this week. He shared details about the following incidents. On May 14, firefighters were dispatched to a Fenimore Road to check houses for possible gas after a gas leak was found in a nearby manhole. On May 14, firefighters assisted at a car accident on Secor Road. They cleaned up a transmission fluid spill and stood by for a tow. On May 14, firefighters helped a Sycamore Road resident with an accidental lockout. The resident additionally was afraid that a pot had been left cooking on the stove. Firefighters unlocked the house without causing damage and confirmed nothing had been left cooking on the stove. On May 15, a reported burning odor inside a Hutchinson Avenue house summoned firefighters to the house. There, firefighters discovered a fallen tree had pulled wires off a utility pole. No burning odor was detected. Firefighters advised the resident to contact Con Edison. On May 17, a carbon monoxide alarm sounded in a Huntington Avenue structure. Firefighters investigated and found elevated CO readings in the boiler room. Further examination determined an exhaust fan intended for continuous operation had been accidentally turned off overnight. However, it easily restarted upon discovery. Con Edison was called for further examination, since elevated CO readings were still present. Con Edison found an acetylene tank being stored in the boiler room overnight. The tank was immediately removed, since it can result in “false positive” test results. Con Edison is following up. An air purifier was causing an odor in a Heathcote Road house May 20. Firefighters ventilated the space.

Note to Residents
The Village wishes to advise residents that there is a ban on the use of gasoline powered leaf blowers from June 1 through September 30. They also ask you to trim back any plants or trees that may create a safety hazard on paths, sidewalks or streets.

This report covering police and fire department activity from May 14-20 has been compiled from official information.

SCarsdale SecurityThis police report is sponsored by Scarsdale Security who does more than just security. Contact them about remote video for your home or business. Call 914-722-2200 or visit their website.

BicycleBicycle parts stolen from East Parkway rack
On May 3, the front wheels were stolen from two bicycles locked to the rack at East Parkway and Spencer Place. The victims were a Fox Meadow Road man and a Madison Road man. In one case, the bicycle lock had been cut. A third victim, a Beechwood Lane man, later reported the rear wheel and his bicycle frame had been stolen. In each case, the bicycle owner had chained the bicycle to the rack that morning and discovered the vandalism and theft upon return to Scarsdale, via train, that evening.

Identity theft
On May 1, an Oak Lane resident reported fraudulent charges were made on his Brooks Brothers credit card. He was alerted to possible fraudulent charges by the bank which issued the Brooks Brothers credit card. The account was closed by Brooks Brothers’s fraud department.

Check fraud
On May 4, a Stonehouse Road man reported someone other than the intended recipient cashed a check written against a joint account held by the man and his daughter. The check was written in January and mailed to the IRS. The man was able to see that the check had been cashed. However, in May, the man received a letter from the IRS, asking for the payment. At that point, the man checked his bank records and realized the check had been fraudulently manipulated and cashed by someone else.

An employee from a Chase Road business reported a physical confrontation with a coworker May 5. Patrol spoke with both women involved and learned they had a history of disagreements and disputes over sales commissions. Following a heated verbal exchange which allegedly involved name calling, the store manager asked to speak with one of the arguing women in the back hallway. At that time, the other involved woman passed by and the two started fighting with each other physically. They both sustained scratches. Other employees allegedly separated the women, but none would come forward and speak with police. An Uber driver walked into headquarters to report a racist incident involving passengers transported from Fenimore Road to Greenacres Avenue at 2:30 a.m., May 6. The female driver said that after her passengers – a man and a woman – exited her car, they called her a racist name. The driver wanted to document the incident.

A caller reported a dispute over an Uber fare near the intersection of Old Lyme and Meadow roads fare May 5. Patrol mediated the discussion and determined that the passenger entered the wrong destination in the Uber app. This caused the driver to drive to a place the passenger had not intended to go. Because of a language barrier, the driver was not aware that the passenger was telling him they were going in the wrong direction. This caused her to become frightened and call 911. After the misunderstanding was mediated, the passenger paid for the trip and gave the driver a tip via the Uber app. The passenger made other arrangements for transportation, and police stood by until the passenger’s daughter picked her up.

Password Changed
On May 1, a Chase Road business owner reported a former financial advisor to her business deactivated the owner’s account and changed her password for her business QuickBooks account. A computer technician was able to help the owner reactivate her account and change her password again. The technician discovered the former financial advisor had logged into the account on April 28, changed passwords and disabled the owner’s account access as well as the access of another former employee. Furthermore, the financial advisor also deleted two custom reports from the system. The business owner reported that no money had been taken from the account.

On May 2, a Bradley Road resident found a Springfield 12-guage shotgun in her attic and called police to remove and dispose of it. The gun was discovered by flooring contractors working on the woman’s third floor. She said she bought the house in September 2016 and had no idea the gun was in the house. Police went to the house and removed the gun. It was taken to headquarters.

A man was asleep in the backseat of his car parked at Fountain Terrace and Greenacres Avenue at 3:30 a.m., May 1. Police woke the man and questioned him. He said he was taking a Jiu Jitsu class in Hartsdale for a week and had no place to stay. Patrol told him he could not sleep in his car at that location, and the man left.

A Boulder Brook Road resident reported members of the press were parked in his driveway asking questions about his family May 1. Patrol spoke with the reporters in a car parked on the street. They provided proper IDs and press credentials from CNN. Patrol advised them that the resident did not want reporters at his property. One of the reporters said he understood and would comply with the resident’s request. Later that day, police received another call that a reporter was ringing the resident’s doorbell and banging on the door. Patrol told the reporter that she was not welcome on the resident’s property.

Trees and flowers
A Hamilton Road tree uprooted because of recent wind and rain May 3. It fell and was leaning over a Jefferson Road garage. Patrol advised the tree owner and the garage owner to call a private tree company to correct the issue since the tree was on private property. On May 5, a Boulevard man reported someone damaged flowers in front of his house. He said the flowers were last seen intact on April 28. Patrol noted the damaged flowers but could not determine if the damage had been caused by a person, an animal or a recent severe storm on May 3.

An exchange student from Brazil called police to report she could not get in contact with her mother after midnight May 4. The student said her mother had supposedly flown to New York City that day. The last time the student spoke with her mother was earlier that day, at which time she was told her mother’s phone battery was running low. Police advised the student to contact NYPD for assistance.

Police notified the on-call highway department that a Forest Lane woman reported sewage was backing up into her house May 4.

Pedestrian hit
On May 4, a driver reported a 33-year-old woman talking on her cell phone walked in front of his car on Depot Place and was struck. No injuries were reported.

Cars and roadways
A car stalled and would not start again on Popham Road May 1. Patrol called a tow truck to remove the car for repair. A caller reported an unoccupied parked car, with its engine running and radio on for more than six hours, at Johnson Road and Boulevard May 1. Police contacted the owner, who was unaware of the running engine. She said her husband would respond as soon as possible to turn off the car. Police notified Verizon about a fallen phone wire on Walworth Avenue May 2. Police directed traffic around a disabled car at Post and Fenimore roads May 2. A tow truck removed a disabled car from the intersection of Fenimore Road and Walworth Avenue May 2. A car with a flat tire was blocking a traffic on Post Road May 2. The driver, a woman from Franklin Station, in Nassau County, Long Island, was observed to be lying down on the backseat of the car. Patrol spoke with her, and she said she was waiting for a friend to pick her up. She said she was on her way to Bayside Queens where she works. Patrol advised her that Scarsdale is nowhere near her home or destination. The woman said she got lost by mistake. Patrol remained on scene and instructed the woman to call for roadside assistance to change her flat tire. Patrol issued her a summons for no stopping or standing on a public highway as the woman had made no attempt to move her car out of the lane of traffic, had not called roadside assistance on her own, nor called police for help with her disabled car. Patrol placed flares in the roadway until roadside assistance arrived. A tree fell on power lines on Weaver Street May 3. It knocked out power to the area. Patrol taped off the area, notified Con Edison and asked the department of public works to remove the tree. Firefighters stood by to maintain safety at the scene. A fallen branch pulled down a cable wire on Tunstall Road May 3. The affected homeowner was advised to contact her cable provider for repair. A tow truck removed a disabled car from the intersection of Post and Fenimore roads May 3. A car alarm was sounding around Sycamore Road May 4. Police tracked down the owner, and she was able to silence the alarm. Patrol issued a parking summons to the owner of an illegally parked car on Forest Lane May 5. Pooling and flowing water was observed in a Brewster Road front yard May 5. Patrol notified the water department after attempts at reaching the homeowner were unsuccessful. Nine car accidents were reported in the village this week.

Partygoers were told to lower the volume of music at a party on Sprague Road at 11:15 p.m., May 5. They complied. Later, around 2 a.m., May 6, another noise complaint about the same party was received. Patrol then issued the host a village code violation summons.

On April 30, a woman reported a Kensington Road dog bit her dog on its right hind leg. The attack occurred while the woman was out walking her dog. Police spoke to the offending dog’s owner, who said a painter had arrived at her house and accidentally left the gate open. The dog then ran out. The owner said an electric fence usually contains the dog, but a landscaper recently cut one of the wires by mistake. Patrol advised the owner dog-related village code. The injured dog’s owner was following up with a vet. A Brite Avenue resident reported an injured duck in his driveway April 30. He told police it had been attacked by a wild cat. Patrol provided the resident with contact numbers for trappers and wildlife rescue personnel. A woman reported accidentally locking her dogs inside her car on Post Road May 1. She said the dogs had been in the car for more than one hour, and she needed help getting them out. Patrol called Heathcote Exxon at the woman’s request, and a mechanic was able to open the car door and release the dogs. A dead opossum was observed on Fox Meadow Road May 6. The animal had apparently been hit by a car. Police arranged for highway workers to remove the animal carcass from the road.

Lost and found
The owner of a Garth Road bakery gave police a wallet that a customer had left inside the store May 2. Police tracked down the owner and returned her wallet. On May 4, a Central Taxi dispatcher reported finding an abandoned Raleigh bicycle in the taxi lot. It was allegedly there for more than a week, so police picked it up and took it back to headquarters. An attempt is being made to identify the bicycle’s owner.

According to Scarsdale Fire Chief James Seymour, firefighters responded to 17 incidents this week. Seymour shared some of the more notable incidents. On May 2, firefighters assisted at a one-car accident on the Bronx River Parkway. On May 3, a reported indoor gas odor called firefighters to a Madison Road house. Investigation showed no signs of gas on all levels of the house. However, low levels of combustible gas were detected near the water heater and boiler. Con Edison responded and discovered natural gas spillage from the water heater. They shut down the unit and red-tagged it. The homeowner was advised to service the appliance. Firefighters assisted at a car accident on the Hutchinson River Parkway May 3. Smoke was detected in a Colvin Road attic May 5. Upon arrival, firefighters found problems with the air handler located in the attic. They shut power to the unit and found a burnt computer board and wires. Firefighters opened windows to ventilate the house and dissipate odors. They advised the homeowner to contact a HVAC repair company. On May 5, firefighters were dispatched to Fenimore Road for an outdoor odor of gas. There, they detected levels of gas in the sewer and in a telephone manhole. Con Edison was called to the scene. Firefighters assisted Con Edison in checking nearby houses for possible gas readings.

This report covering police and fire department activity from April 30 – May 6 has been compiled from official information.

SCarsdale SecurityThis police report is sponsored by Scarsdale Security who does more than just security. Contact them about remote video for your home or business. Call 914-722-2200 or visit their website.