Sunday, Oct 06th


(Updated at 10:30 am) As of 10:30 am, the State of Emergency remains in force in Scarsdale to allow time for Con Edison to cut power to the downed lines that may still be energized.

According to Village Manager Steve Pappalardo, "Public Works crews continue to work clearing trees, removing wood and opening roadways not impacted with downed power lines. Con Edison has assigned a line cutting crew to the Village who are working to safely cut electrified power lines, utilizing the Village's inventory of street closures, so Village crews can remove the trees and begin opening these roads. In addition, a Village Building Inspector is currently inspecting the safety of certain homes damaged by felled trees.They have not provided an estimated time when the work will be completed."

In addition, he warns residents to stay away from power lines: ..."Please be reminded that if you must go outside, to stay away from any power lines or wires, and do not remove any barricades or Police tape. Please call the Police Department at 722-1200 if barricades and tape need to be restored at any location.

(Saturday morning 3/3) The March 2 storm has crippled Scarsdale and Westchester County. Con Ed reports that one sixth of their Westchester customers are without power and in Scarsdale, 1,533 separate outages have been reported. As of Friday night, 33 Village roads were closed. The State of Emergency that prohibits driving or parking or walking on Village streets remains in force.

All Scarsdale Recreation programs for today are cancelled. Scarsdale Public Library is closed for today.

RivertownsFive Westchester School Districts went into "lockout" mode on Tuesday morning February 27, following a murder at the Sleepy Hollow Gardens apartments on Route 119 in Tarrytown around 7:15 am. While police pursued the gunman, five districts in the area were locked out, meaning only students and staff could enter the buildings. The five districts are Tarrytown, Irvington, Hastings-on Hudson, Elmsford and Dobbs Ferry. There were not threats to safety inside the schools.

Burglars caught
On Feb. 21, police arrested Vincent Cuccurulio, 31, of White Plains and Christian Rosa, 26, of Valhalla, after they were caught burglarizing a Mamaroneck Road house. They were each charged with second-degree burglary, a Class-C felony. The suspects were arrested after officers in the area observed suspicious activity and began surveillance of the suspects. Cuccurulio and Rosa were observed on the property of a Mamaroneck Road house, east of Palmer Avenue. Officers checked the house and found it had just been burglarized. Drawers and cabinets were open and tossed; rooms were in disarray; and frozen food had been removed from the freezer and left on the kitchen table. The homeowner confirmed jewelry and a jewelry box were missing. The two suspects were taken into custody a short time later at a different location. Property stolen from the burglarized was recovered at the time of the defendants' arrest. The investigation is active and ongoing and additional charges are possible. Both Defendants were arraigned on Feb. 22, at Village Justice Court. They were remanded to Westchester County Jail. Scarsdale police were assisted by police from New Rochelle, Greenburgh, White Plains and Mount Pleasant.

Suspect caught
Scarsdale police assisted Eastchester police in apprehending one of two suspects allegedly involved with a larceny at the CVS store at Post Road and Brook Street, in Eastchester, Feb. 25. Scarsdale police were called to assist near the intersection of Bell Road and Boulevard around 6:15 p.m., Sunday evening. They set up a perimeter at Montgomery and Post Roads. Around that time, a resident called Scarsdale police to report seeing one of the suspects walking in the area of Boulevard and Clarence Road. Police went to the area and saw the suspect, approached him and "asked him to stop, turn away and put his hands behind his back." The suspect allegedly kept asking the officer why he was being stopped, and the officer was thus prompted to un-holster his Taser, order the suspect to his knees and call for backup. The suspect allegedly responded to this command and cooperatively waited until backup arrived. At that point, he was handcuffed, and soon thereafter, taken custody by Eastchester police. A witness positively identified the suspect, a 22-year-old Brooklyn man. Eastchester police are following up.CuccurulioandRosa

Reported car theft
Responding to a report of a 2015 Jeep Cherokee stuck in the middle of a field, on Heathcote School grounds, on Palmer Avenue, Feb. 21, police found a gray Jeep Cherokee there. The car was registered to a Taunton Road resident. Patrol observed a floor mat and a spare tire beneath the Jeep's wheel and a jack beneath the driver's side door, which indicated an attempt to remove the car from the muddy field. A can containing an alcoholic drink, "Four Loko," was also found near the Jeep. The desk officer contacted the Jeep's owner. The owner said his son used the Jeep the previous night to go to Chop't and 7-Eleven in the village. However, the owner alleged that his son returned home with the car. The owner further said he believed his son left the keys in the car, and the car must have been stolen. Police had the Jeep towed to the impound lot for further investigation. Upon questioning the owner's son to gather additional information, the 20-year-old son said he left work at Chop't at 11:30 p.m., Feb. 20, went to 7-Eleven and immediately continued on his way home. He said he arrived at home at 11:45 p.m. and parked the car in the driveway, most likely with the keys left inside the car. He told police he had nothing to do with the car being driven over Heathcote Field and left there. A custodian at Heathcote School documented damage to the field.

Identity theft
On Feb. 20, a Jefferson Road caller reported a PayPal Credit account and an Ally Bank account were fraudulently opened in her name. She closed the accounts, and police advised her to notify the three credit reporting bureaus.

On Feb. 21, a 23-year-old Brooklyn man walked into headquarters and reported his cousin fraudulently used his identity during a traffic stop conducted by Scarsdale police on Aug. 10, 2017. At the time of the traffic stop, three summonses for traffic violations were issued to the cousin, but falsely under the name of the Brooklyn man. The cousin is allegedly 30-year-old and also from Brooklyn.

On Feb. 24, a Julia B. Fee realtor reported that prospective tenants were using false identity information in an attempt to rent a Post Road house. Upon running the prospective couple's credit reports, fraud was detected in the credit reports. When police further attempted to check information in the driver's licenses supplied by the couple, the police database stated that the drivers' licenses "were not on file."

Copper theft
A Greenacres Avenue resident reported approximately 1,000 square feet of scrap copper was stolen from his driveway Feb. 20. The roll of copper was left over from a roofing job.

A contractor reported a black Suburban stopped in front of his job site on Fox Meadow Road, and the driver took several photographs, outside and inside the two houses being built, before leaving the area Feb. 20. A Verizon worker was present at the scene while the unknown person was taking photos.

A Rochambeau Road homeowner reported sewage was backing up into her house Feb. 20. The highway department was notified.

On Feb. 20, police found an unlocked door at a Garth Road business. They contacted the owner and secured the door with a padlock found in the business.

On Feb. 21, a Highland Way woman reported a large truck might have accidentally mounted the curb and damaged some shrubbery on her lawn. Police looked at the damaged shrubbery, and the damaged did not appear intentional or criminal.

A person reported getting stuck in the elevator in the Freightway Garage but was able to get herself out of the elevator Feb. 23.

Car service
A caller reported a dispute with an Uber driver Feb. 22. The caller said he was in an Uber and the driver was taking him in the wrong direction from his desired destination. The caller phoned police and asked to get out of the car at Walworth Avenue and Colvin Road. The Uber driver was no longer there when police arrived. Patrol called Central Taxi for the caller.

Cars and roadways
On Feb. 19, a Penn Boulevard resident asked police if they could help him register a car, titled in Indiana, in Florida. Police told the resident they cannot act as an agent of the State of Florida.

Police placed traffic cones in a large pothole at Heathcote and Brookby roads Feb. 20.

On Feb. 20, a mother accidentally locked her keys inside her car with her 14-month-old child on Olmstead Road. Heathcote Gulf was contacted and promptly unlocked the car. The child was unharmed.

Police informed the water department of a dislodged water cap on Nelson Road Feb. 20.

The highway department removed a fallen branch from Chase Road Feb. 20.
A man was found to be asleep in a parked car on Windsor Lane at 5:30 a.m., Feb. 21.

The car was partially obstructing a driveway. Police called the mother of the sleeping man, and she came to the scene to move the vehicle and take her son home.
The highway department was informed about a possible sinkhole near a catch basin on Carthage Road Feb. 21.probationaryfirefighters

A bicycle chained to a parking meter on Chase Road was obstructing a parking space Feb. 23. Patrol left a note for the bicycle's owner to remove it from the parking meter and use the bike rack in the future.

Police saw a man attempting to push a disabled vehicle on Palmer Avenue Feb. 24. Police attempted to speak with the man, but a language barrier prevented communication. Police called the registered owner of the car, and the owner moved it.

The driver of a parked car on Valley Road told police he had stopped his car in order to text someone Feb. 25. Nothing criminal or suspicious was occurring.
Four car accidents were reported in the village this week.

Civil matter
A cleaning woman called police to report a Greenacres Avenue resident was refusing to pay her for cleaning services performed at the resident's house Feb. 23. She told police the resident said she was not satisfied with the work, and that's why the resident was not paying her. Patrol spoke with the resident who stated portions of the house were damaged during the cleaning process, and these damages needed to be repaired. The resident then agreed to pay the cleaning woman a reduced rate due to the damages. Payment was made while police were on the scene.

A woman found a loose pit bull on Stratton Road and confined the dog in a dog cage that she owned Feb. 25. Police notified New Rochelle Humane Society to pick up the dog.

Lost and found
A bicycle was found at the corner of Palmer Avenue and Mamaroneck Road Feb. 22. Police took it to headquarters for safekeeping.

A Brown Road man found an iPhone watch while taking a walk on Tisdale and Taunton roads, and he gave it to police for safekeeping Feb. 23.

On Feb. 21, a Gorham Court housekeeper reported a chemical odor in the house. She told firefighters she had been using the stove and a dryer when she smelled the odor. Firefighters thought the odor smelled like "new carpeting," but the housekeeper doubted that was the cause of the odor. The carpeting company confirmed the new carpet could release an odor after installation. Con Edison was also called, and a small gas leak was discovered in a pipe near the meter. Con Edison shut gas to the house and advised the homeowner to call a plumber. Firefighters ventilated the house.

Exhaust steam from a heating system at a Lockwood Road house was mistaken for smoke by a neighbor Feb. 23. Firefighters confirmed there was no fire or danger.

A Tompkins Road resident was concerned because she spilled water on a power cord for a water dispenser while trying to change the water bottle Feb. 25.

Firefighters checked the integrity of the cord and found it to be in good condition.

The circuit breaker for the outlet did not trip, and the water dispenser was operating normally. Firefighters advised the resident to clean up the water spill.
Firefighters shut power to a hot electrical light switch and capped its wires in a Harvest Drive house Feb. 25. They advised the resident to call an electrician for replacement.

On Feb. 25, a Mamaroneck Road homeowner accidentally left a stove burner in the "on" position without an active flame. A natural gas odor was detected in the house, and the homeowner ventilated the space. Firefighters checked the house for natural gas, and meters confirmed there were no readings of explosive gas in the house.

This week, firefighters assisted at three car accidents in the village and on parkways. They responded to one false carbon monoxide alarm and 14 false fire alarms, caused by device malfunction, cooking smoke, shower steam, dust, plumbers' work, a water leak and a battery change.

This report covering police and fire department activity from Feb. 19-25, 2018 has been compiled from official information.

Stealing JewelryOn Feb. 7, a Bradley Road couple reported their house had been burglarized sometime while they were on vacation from Jan. 24 through Feb. 7. Upon returning home, they discovered three open windows on the ground floor. The master bedroom and guest bedroom had been ransacked. A jewelry box containing miscellaneous pieces of jewelry, assorted coins and approximately 15 bottles of wine were stolen. Police spoke with a neighbor who had been inside the house to raise the thermostat temperature prior to the couple's return. The neighbor said she did not recall seeing open windows or experiencing a dramatically cold temperature in the house.

Car Break-In
A Brookline Road man received an alert from an exterior motion camera at 4 a.m., Feb. 7. The camera recorded what appeared to be a man wearing a hooded sweatshirt and a backpack attempting to gain entry to three cars parked in the driveway. Since the cars were locked, the suspect was not successful. While examining the scene, police found a backpack in bushes near the driveway. It contained a check belonging to another Brookline Road resident. Police went to the check owner's house and determined, with the homeowner/check owner, that his cars had been entered overnight. In addition to the check and backpack being stolen, approximately $60 in coins and bills was stolen. Police are following up.

During the overnight period from Feb. 6-7, a roll of quarters was stolen from an unlocked 2018 Chevrolet Suburban parked in a Pinecrest Road driveway. The roll of quarters was worth approximately $12, the owner said. Police are following up with a neighbor who has a security camera near the vicinity of the car break-in.

A Forest Lane woman reported her parked 2016 GMC Acadia had been entered overnight Feb. 6-7. Approximately $20 in loose change and bills, two gold-rimmed Ray Ban sunglasses and a $20 Starbucks gift card were stolen. The car had been unlocked overnight.

On the morning of Feb. 7, a Forest Lane woman received a call about possible fraudulent used of her debit card in New York City. Several hours later, she realized the card had been stolen out of her unlocked, parked car overnight.

Identity Theft
On Feb. 2, someone used a Kent Road man's Bloomingdales credit card to purchase a coat worth over $1,000. The man canceled the card after learning about the transaction, but on Feb. 8, the $1,000 coat arrived at the man's house. He reported it to police and said he would return the coat to Bloomingdales.

A Herkimer Road teen listed a pair of Adidas Yeezy sneakers on eBay. A person contacted the teen about the listing and offered $600 for the shoes, which was well above the shoes' average selling price of $500. The person allegedly sent payment of $600 and then accidentally sent a "double payment" of $400. The teen then received two emails which appeared to be from "PayPal," but which were actually fraudulent. The first email appeared to be a "payment received" acknowledgment. The second email advised that a "double payment" had been received. The buyer of the shoes then advised the teen to cancel the transaction by following the instructions in the email and send $400 to an address in Nigeria via Western Union.

A taxi driver dropped an intoxicated passenger off at a Leatherstocking Lane address after 2 a.m., Feb. 5. Shortly thereafter, the passenger called the driver back and asked him to pick her up again. Upon his arrival, the passenger was lying in the grass. The driver called police because he was concerned about the passenger's welfare. The passenger told police she lived in Harrison and got dropped off at the wrong address. She said she needed help getting a ride home. Police called Bluebird Taxi to pick her up and drive her home.

On Feb. 10, a Meadow Road mailbox was found ripped from its wooden post and lying on the ground approximately 10 feet from its normal location. The wooden support pole was also found lying on the ground.

On May 5, a Jefferson Road man reported he did not receive his pay stub and W-2 form as expected, Police advised him to contact the post office to determine if the mail had been lost or misdelivered.

A caller reported a person skating on the pond on Duck Pond Road Feb. 6. Patrol warned the person he was on private property and needed to cease his skating. The person complied and left.

Sidewalk Hatch
On Feb. 6, numerous people complained about an open sidewalk hatch on Garth Road. Patrol spoke to the business owner and advised him to close the hatch or mark the area with a green safety fence, rather than just an orange safety cone, Feb. 6. The owner said he would speak with his employees.

Police observed a bicycle locked to a street sign on Woodland Place Feb. 9. It had been there for several days. Police placed a note on the bicycle, advising the owner to move it by Feb. 12. Otherwise, it would be impounded.

A caller from Cornell University was attempting to reach the Edgewood parents of a girl who was taken to the hospital Feb. 10. She was unable to reach the girl's parents and asked for police to help. Police attempted to notify the girl's parents but no one was home.

Two female residents at a Post Road group home got into a verbal dispute during a counseling meeting regarding ongoing issues in the house Feb. 10. Police advised the women to stay away from each other to avoid further arguments.

An elderly Aspen Road man was unhappy that a caretaker, hired by his daughter, was in his house Feb. 11. Patrol spoke with the daughter and she arrived at the house to resolve the matter.

Overflow from a storm drain was causing a Chase Road storage basement to flood Feb. 11. The store owner contacted his landlord, and police notified the highway department and firefighters, in order to address the inch of water already in the basement.

On Feb. 5, a Crane Road woman reported two suspicious incidents that happened in the past. The woman reported a man wearing dark clothing repeatedly knocked on her door on Jan. 24. When she did not answer the door, he walked to her recycling bin, looked at her recyclables and left her property. She also reported that a man knocked on her door soliciting dog food, which she declined, Feb. 2.

A Rock Creek Lane woman reported a man rang her doorbell and walked around the perimeter of her house while her 16-year-old daughter was home at 3:25 p.m., Feb. 7.

A Mamaroneck Road caller reported an unknown car parked in his driveway Feb. 9. When approached, the driver allegedly sped off. Around the same time, patrol noticed the same car turn around in the parking lot of Weinberg Nature Center and then drive down Barker Lane, which is a dead end. Patrol thought the driver's behavior was strange but did not conduct a traffic stop. Patrol ran the license plate of the car and it came back clean.

A man was reported to be standing in the woods near the sanitation department at Secor Road and Palmer Avenue at 9 a.m., Feb. 11. Police questioned the man. He said he was on surveillance detail of a subject in the area. Police confirmed the man's identity and verified his story. Additional concerned callers reported seeing the man there at 5:30 p.m. later that day.

Cars and Roadways
A passing truck pulled down phone wires on Walworth Avenue Feb. 5. Police notified Verizon for repair. The driver apologized for the inconvenience.

A caller reported a person sitting in a running car with tinted windows at Sycamore Road and Secor Lane Feb. 5. The driver identified himself to police as a member of law enforcement working on a case.

A man sitting in a dark sedan at the bottom of a Rock Creek Lane driveway alarmed a boy who came home from school at 3 p.m., Feb. 5. The man was identified as a private investigator working on a case. A similar complaint was made against the investigator at 8:22 p.m., Feb. 6.

Police issued a summons to the owner of a car parked in a "no parking" zone on Edgewood Road Feb. 5.

Police advised the highway department to repair a broken manhole cover on Freightway Road Feb. 6.

Multiple legally parked construction vehicles were making the roadway narrow on Ferncliff Road Feb. 6. Patrol asked one of the drivers to move his vehicle to the opposite side of the road to facilitate traffic flow.

A locked BMW was found idling in Freightway Garage Feb. 7. Police contact the registered owner's wife who came to the garage and turned off the car's ignition.

Drooping bamboo branches over Post Road were cut back to facilitate traffic flow Feb. 7.

Con Edison was notified about a fallen wire on Sprague Road Feb. 7. Police secured the area with police tape.

Patrol removed fallen branches from Ridgedale, Springdale and Paddington roads and Harvest Drive Feb. 7.

Mount Pleasant police asked Scarsdale police to contact the owner of a 2014 Subaru involved in a hit-and-run accident in their jurisdiction Feb. 7. Patrol contacted the owner, a Popham Road resident, and stayed on scene while she contacted Mount Pleasant police.

A Garth Road restaurant's dumpster was placed in front of parking meters Feb. 8. Patrol asked the manager to move the dumpster.

Police taped off the area around a fallen tree and wires on Leatherstocking Lane Feb. 8. Con Edison was notified.

Verizon was notified about low-hanging wires on Popham Road Feb. 8, Herkimer Road Feb. 9 and Heathcote Road Feb. 10.

Police issued a parking summons to the owner of a Jeep parked with both passenger side tires on the lawn of a Dolma Road resident Feb. 8.

A caller reported a "large ditch" on Saxon Woods Road Feb. 8. Patrol placed traffic cones in the broken roadway and notified the highway department.

Patrol helped a driver push a disabled car from Popham Road onto Scarsdale Avenue where the car was able to roll to the Gulf gas station there Feb. 9.

A River Road woman reported her driveway was covered with ice and she was afraid of sliding onto the Bronx River Parkway while attempting to pull out Feb. 9.

Patrol blocked one lane of the parkway and assisted the woman in exiting her driveway.

A caller reported a person sitting in a Jeep with tinted windows on Palmer Avenue Feb. 10. The driver identified himself to police as a private investigator working on a case. Police advised the investigator to move his car since it was not legally parked.

Police placed a traffic cone in a large pothole on Heathcote Road and notified the department of transportation. Police also marked and addressed potholes on Post Road later that day.

Five car accidents were reported in the village this week.

Village Code
Police advised a Walworth Avenue resident to move a school bond campaign sign out of village property and into the resident's yard Feb. 5.

Patrol notified an electrician about a loose traffic light at Palmer Avenue and Wynmor Road Feb. 5.

Police advised a Mohican Trail solicitor that he needed a permit to legally solicit in the village Feb. 5.

A Tisdale Road contractor was issued a summons for performing loud work with motor-driven equipment before 10 a.m., Feb. 10.

A caller complained about a barking dog on Meadow Road Feb. 11. Patrol made the dog's owner aware of the complaint. The dog was quiet when patrol was at the house.

Lost and Found
A woman found in ring in front of CVS on Popham Road Feb. 10. She gave to lost ring to police at headquarters, where it was vouchered as lost property.

According to Scarsdale Fire Chief James Seymour, the fire department responded to 32 incidents last week, which included at least one car accident and the following notable events.

Firefighters assisted a Con Edison mechanic check for a possible natural gas leak in a Carman Road house Feb. 6.

A furnace malfunctioned and released carbon monoxide in a Sprague Road house Feb. 10. Firefighters notified Con Edison, and Con Edison shut down the furnace.

Approximately three to four inches of water accumulated in a Farragut Road basement, putting the hot water heater's pilot light underwater. Firefighters shut gas to the water heater and furnace and turned off appliances at the circuit breaker. Firefighters set up pumps to pump water out of the basement and release the water at the street. Firefighters advised the homeowner to call a plumber, an electrician and his insurance company.

This report covering police and fire department activity from Feb. 5-11 was compiled from official information.

SCarsdale SecurityThis police report is sponsored by Scarsdale Security who does more than just security. Contact them about remote video for your home or business. Call 914-722-2200 or visit their website.

On Feb. 15, police arrested Nefalif Valverde, 22, of the Bronx, on a charge of petit larceny. She is accused of stealing bank checks, valued at $2,300.50, from a Corell Road homeowner. She allegedly stole the checks while providing a cleaning service for the homeowner.

On Feb. 17, police were called to a Tisdale Road house on the report of a burglary. The homeowner said she came home with her daughter and found the house's front and side doors open. They went through the house and found drawers and cabinets open throughout the house. Jewelry, an antique coin collection and other personal property were missing. According to the police report, some of the jewelry had been in a box located behind a living room curtain, which was now determined missing. Among the stolen pieces of jewelry were a $12,000 gold Hermes watch, a $20,000 two-carat diamond engagement ring, a $10,000 Ebel gold watch and a $1,000 gold wedding band. Police are following up. Later that day, while investigating the burglary, police found a credit card belonging to the homeowner's daughter outside the house. Patrol returned the credit card to the daughter.

On Feb. 16, the manager of Decicco's Marketplace, on East Parkway, reported a customer was shoplifting from the store. The manager followed the customer to her car in the Christie Place garage, where he said he observed her placing unknown items underneath her front seat. The manager told police he has reason to believe the woman, from Yonkers, has been shoplifting from the store for an extended period of time. Patrol asked him if he saw the woman steal items from the store that day, and he said "no." Patrol advised the manager he could call back and file a report if he observed items missing from the store or if surveillance video captured images of the shoplifting. Patrol asked the woman if she would consent to a search of her car, and she said "no."

On Feb. 17, a Cooper Road resident reported his credit card, Social Security card and $40 cash were stolen from his wallet sometime during the past two days. After realizing the credit card was missing, the man discovered four fraudulent charges, totaling approximately $600, had been made on the card.

Computer scam
On Feb. 14, a Wakefield Road woman reported $200 had been stolen from her bank account. She said that on Jan. 25, she contacted what she believed was by phone. She wanted to inquire about a return and asked to speak with a representative. While speaking with representative, the rep said there was a "problem" and he referred her to a person at another telephone number. The person at the other number told the woman he had to access her computer remotely. After an hour on the phone with the person who had remote access to her computer, the woman was told that she would have to pay $200 to "fix the problem." At that point, the woman felt something was not right, and she shut down her computer and informed police. Now, several weeks later, she observed two unauthorized $100 charges against her bank account.

Electric bill scam
The owner of a Christie Place salon reported receiving a call from someone purporting to be from Con Edison Feb. 16. The person told her that her electricity would be turned off if she did not pay "her bill" that day. The person instructed her to purchase a $500 MoneyPak card, which she did. The person then instructed her to provide him with the identification and pin numbers on the back of the MoneyPak card in order to pay the bill. At that time, the owner realized this incident was probably a scam, and she did not provide the person with any further information. Thus, she did not incur any financial loss.

A Johnson Road business owner reported that his company's mobile communications app was hacked, and a total of $5,911.57 in calls were fraudulently made using customers' accounts, without their permission, on his service. The business owner refunded his customers. He needed a police report to proceed with a fraud investigation with IDT Domestic Telecom, the vendor that connected the fraudulent international calls.

Identity theft
On Feb. 19, a Chateaux Circle woman reported her identifying informed had been used to make multiple unauthorized purchases on her Macy's credit card. The seven transactions totaled $2,205.10 and were made at the Roosevelt Field Macy's location. She closed the account and reported the fraud to Macy's. Police advised her to notify the credit reporting agencies and monitor her accounts.

EZ Pass
On Feb. 18, an Ardmore Road woman reported her parked and unlocked car had been entered on Feb. 17. Her windshield-mounted EZ Pass was found on the front seat, and her rear passenger dome light was on. Nothing appeared to have been taken from the car. Officers examined the car, and determined that no larceny attempt had occurred. Cash and sunglasses were in plain sight inside the car, and these items were left undisturbed.

A 36-year-old homeless man entered the post office lobby because he was cold during the early morning hours of Feb. 12. When post office employees arrived, they told the man he must leave before the post office opened at 8:30 a.m. Police asked the man where he was going to go, and the man said he would not go to a shelter. He said he had already been to 10 shelters and the people there "hurt his feelings." He said he had money to take the train, and he planned to go to either New York City or White Plains.

Police taped off an area around a hole near the sidewalk and grassy area at Post and Huntington roads Feb. 12. The highway department was notified for repair. On Feb. 16, due to further damp conditions, a "no turn on red" sign near the hole was starting to lean. Highway workers removed the sign and placed it on the ground, pending repair. They barricaded the area until maintenance can be completed.

A caller reported a suspicious blue bag left outside on Popham Road business for over an hour Feb. 13. Patrol spoke with an employee who said the bag contained laundry and had been placed outdoors for pickup. Patrol advised the employee to keep the bag inside the office to avoid further concerns.

Food trucks
Patrol was called to mediate a dispute between two food truck vendors who arrived to sell food at the same construction site on Morris Lane Feb. 14. Police confirmed that both vendors had valid permits to sell food in the village. Patrol recommended that the vendors agree on an arrangement between themselves in order to both work successfully in the village and avoid future incidents.

The principal of Greenacres School reported a man was seen outside the school taking pictures, allegedly of students during morning drop off Feb. 15. A school aide asked him to stop taking pictures and leave. The man did not respond due to a purported language barrier. The aide was able to photograph the man and his car. Patrol checked the license plate of the car, and it came back to a local resident. Patrol went to the resident's house, and the man photographed by the aide answered the door. Due to a language barrier, the man requested that his son-in-law come to the door. Patrol spoke with the son-in-law, who reported that his father-in-law was visiting from China. That morning, the father-in-law took his grandchildren to school and took pictures of them going into the school. Police reported this information back to the principal of Greenacres School. Everything was determined to be in good order.

A caller informed police about a girls' purple bicycle on the ground near the entrance to the park on Potter Road Feb. 13. The bike was unchained and dirty. It appeared to have been there for an extended period of time. Patrol removed the bike and took it back to headquarters, where it was vouchered as found property.

Police took note of a bicycle locked to a street sign for several days on Woodland Place Feb. 16. Notes had been left on the bicycle Feb. 9, but they were unanswered. Patrol cut the bike's lock and unchained it from its location against a street sign. The bicycle was taken to headquarters and vouchered as lost property.

Police encountered a parked car with scofflaw status on Scarsdale Avenue Feb. 14. The owner of the car returned before the impound tow truck arrived. Police advised the owner he owed $490 in parking fines to the Village. The owner said he would go to Village Justice Court to address the issue.

Cars and roadways
The highway department was notified about a pothole on Mamaroneck and Secor roads Feb. 12.
Police stood by while a motorist with a flat tire waited for a tow on Post Road Feb. 12.
Three drivers sustained flat tires from a pothole on Heathcote Road Feb. 12. Patrol was informed and placed traffic cones around the hole. The highway department was dispatched to repair the pothole. However, in the meantime, a fourth driver sustained a flat tire from it.
Police stood by while a motorist with a disabled car waited for a tow on Post Road Feb. 13.
A driver ran out of gas on Post Road Feb. 14. Police stood by until the driver's wife returned to the car with gasoline.
On Feb. 16, police called a tow for a disabled car on Post Road.
Police temporarily closed a lane on Post Road while a car's tire was being changed Feb. 17.
A caller advised of a teenage boy in a car acting out against an older female driver on Heathcote Road Feb. 17. The car was heading in the direction of Weaver Street. Police canvassed the area for the car but did not locate it. New Rochelle police were also informed.
A Con Edison wire fell at Kensington and Chesterfield roads Feb. 18. Police notified Con Edison and taped off the area.
Patrol informed the highway department about a broken street light on Heathcote Road Feb. 18.
Patrol informed the water department about a damaged water main cover on Myrtledale Road Feb. 18.
Patrol removed branches from Heathcote and Duck Pond roads and placed caution tape on low-hanging wires Feb. 18. Verizon was notified.
Three car accidents were reported in the village this week, one involving a police car with activated lights and sirens and a 2014 Nissan on Heathcote Road Feb. 13.

Civil matter
On Feb. 16, a Madison Road resident reported he had done business with someone and was having trouble getting paid. That customer allegedly bounced a check and was refusing to pay him. Police advised him it was a civil matter. As a courtesy, patrol attempted to contact the customer, but the attempt was not successful.

Police reunited a lost dog, found near the high school, and its owner Feb. 12. The owner was issued a verbal warning.

Police reunited two dogs with their Secor Road owner and issued a verbal warning for having dogs at large Feb. 18.

Village code
Police gave a verbal warning to a contractor working with a power saw at a construction site on Sheldrake Road at 7:45 a.m. Police explained village code regarding noise and designated hours of work.

Lost and found
Police identified and located the owner of a wallet found on Depot Place Feb. 12. The owner, from Greenburgh, picked up his wallet from police.
On Feb. 16, a Palmer Avenue resident reported $5,000 missing from her house. The resident later found the cash.
On Feb. 19, a Carthage Road woman brought a watch to headquarters. She said she found it outside in a grassy area at Wayside Lane and Paddington Road while walking her dog Feb. 16. Police vouchered it as lost property at headquarters.

According to Scarsdale Fire Chief James Seymour, firefighters responded to 34 incidents, including car accidents and EMS assists, last week. Seymour shared details about the following events, below.

On Feb. 14, a burning odor in a Fox Meadow Road house was determined to be caused by a burnt light ballast. Firefighters removed the bulb and advised the resident to replace it.

While in the area after the light ballast call, on Feb. 14, firefighters detected an outdoor natural gas odor coming from a curb box on Fox Meadow Road. Firefighters notified Con Edison and stood by.

Firefighters were dispatched to Heathcote Road for a report of a child locked in a bedroom Feb. 17. The child was talking to his caregiver through the door and was calm. Firefighters were able to open the door's lock without causing damage.

This report covering police and fire department activity from Feb. 12-18 has been compiled from official information.

scarsdalesecuritylogo-1-1This police report is sponsored by Scarsdale Security who does more than just security. Contact them about remote video for your home or business. Call 914-722-2200 or visit their website.

groceriesOn Jan. 31, police arrested Orgen Hoxha, 22, of New York City, on two counts of a second-degree burglary charge, a class-C felony. According to Scarsdale Police Captain Thomas Altizio, this arrest was the result of the combined investigative efforts of a Multi-Jurisdictional Law Enforcement Task Force that included the Scarsdale PD, New Rochelle PD and the Westchester District Attorney's Office. Hoxha is accused of burglarizing and stealing money from two houses in Scarsdale in 2016 – a Walworth Avenue house on Nov. 30 and a Wildwood Road house on Oct. 26. According to the arrest report, Hoxha allegedly broke and pried open a window with a crow bar to enter the Walworth Ave. house. He allegedly entered the Wildwood Road house through an unlocked door while the homeowner was on vacation. These incidents continue a history of burglary charges against Hoxha. Scarsdale police first arrested Hoxha in Feb. 2017, following the burglary of a Drake Road house, after which Hoxha was stopped by police on the scene. Additionally, Hoxha was arrested and charged with three burglaries in Greenwich, Connecticut, last year. Following this most recent arrest in Scarsdale, Hoxha was arraigned at Scarsdale Village Court and remanded to Westchester County Jail without bail. The case will further be handled by White Plains Court.

Signs Removed:
Police removed 13 "Vote Yes" school bond signs, posted in violation of village code, from streets near Fox Meadow School and village center Jan. 29 and 30, and they removed 20 signs from Mamaroneck Road and Weaver Street Jan. 30. Additional signs, posted in violation of village code, were removed from Brite and Huntington Avenue, Brewster, Montrose, Kingston, Valley and Putnam roads, and Sage and Dobbs terraces Feb. 1. On Feb. 2 and 3, patrol advised homeowners to move illegally posted signs from village property to private property, at least 13 feet from the curbside.

On Feb. 3, police removed two knitted "Vote Yes" signs that were wrapped around trees at Chase Road and Christie Place and at Mamaroneck Road across from the middle school. Police found a tag on the sign that identified the owner as a Montrose Road woman, and they contacted her. Police explained village code regarding the placement of signs, and the woman voluntarily responded to headquarters to pick up her signs.

Construction advertising signs posted on construction fencing on Tisdale Road were removed Feb. 3. The contractor was given a verbal warning.

A 90-year-old Christie Place woman died at home in her sleep Feb. 4.

A Tompkins Road resident reported a bag of groceries was stolen from the front walkway of her house Jan. 31. She told police she brought home several bags of groceries in a taxi and left the bags on the walkway in order to carry them into the house one-by-one. After she unloaded all the bags inside the house, she realized a brown cloth bag was missing. It contained instant oatmeal, salad greens and frozen fish.

On Feb. 1, a Church Lane resident reported the contents of a package from Amazon were stolen on Jan. 31. The Amazon package was delivered to the resident's doorstep with partially ripped tape and cardboard. Upon opening the box, the resident realized the Mahjong mat she ordered was not inside. It was worth approximately $54.

Identity theft
On Feb. 1, a Canterbury Road woman reported finding a fraudulent transaction from on her credit card. The woman contacted and cancelled the order. She did not lose any money.

An unknown man rang an Old Lyme Road doorbell Jan. 29. He told the homeowner he was there to do repair work; then he suddenly left, claiming he might be at the wrong house. The man was described as a six-foot-tall black man, approximately 35-40 years old. No work was scheduled or needed, according to the homeowner. Patrol canvassed the area for the man but did not find anyone matching his description.

A Walworth Avenue woman reported someone knocked on her door at 9:40 p.m., Feb. 3. It caused the dog to bark. When the woman went to the door to answer it, no one was there. Police canvassed the area but did not find anyone.

A woman said she lost her balance and fell on the stairs coming up from the Scarsdale train station platform on East Parkway Feb. 1. She hit her head and was bleeding. Scarsdale Volunteer Ambulance Corps transported her to White Plains Hospital Center. MTA police were notified and said they would send officers to the hospital to make a report.

On Feb. 2, a caller reported several cars parked at Valley and Gorham roads blocking traffic. Patrol arrived and spoke with three young men on the scene. The young men told police they were playing "Pokemon Go." They advised that they frequent that particular intersection because it was a game "stop" that enabled them to get extra points. No criminal activity was observed.

Missing person
On Feb. 3, a Carstensen Road man reported his elderly wife was missing. Police located her outside in the area and escorted her back to her house. She said she had left to take a walk. The couple's adult daughter in California was notified.

On Feb. 4, a Rochambeau Road mother reported her two-year-old child opened a rear patio door and wandered away from home. When police arrived at the scene, the mother had already been reunited with her child, who was found on a path in the backyard.

Open door
On Feb. 3, a Chateaux Circle woman told police she thought someone possibly entered her apartment. She said she left the apartment with her daughter at 1 p.m. to go shopping. When they returned, the side door to the apartment was unlocked and a front door key and hide-a-key device were placed on a bookshelf in the entryway. The woman checked her apartment and did not find anything missing or out of order. The woman said the only other person who knew about the spare key was her boyfriend, but she was unable to contact him in regard to the incident. She will follow up and inform police.

Cars and roadways
A man locked his keys in his car at Popham and Chase roads Jan. 30. Police and firefighters assisted and were able to unlock the car using a tool.

A Madison Road resident complained about the location of fiber optic wires that Verizon technicians attached to a pole near his driveway Jan. 31. The wires were secure and legal. Patrol advised the resident to contact Verizon's customer service department if the resident wanted to have them moved.

A parking citation was issued to the owner of a car parked within 20 feet of a stop sign at Walworth Avenue and Brayton Road Jan. 31.

The highway department was notified about plastic cans and other debris in the roadway at Post and Murray Hill roads Jan. 31.

A traffic light at Post Road and Huntington Avenue was not cycling properly Feb. 2. The department of transportation was notified, and police monitored traffic at the intersection, pending repair.

On Feb. 2, a caller reported a trashcan in the road at Church Lane and Crane road.

On Feb. 2, police issued summonses to two drivers that passed a school bus with its lights flashing while discharging passengers on Popham Road.

On Feb. 2, an unknown car backed into a Harvest Drive driveway and parked there with its headlights on. Patrol canvassed the area but did not find the car.

A driver was observed having difficulty maintaining his lane, driving 20 mph and almost hitting other cars on Post Road Feb. 4. Police completed a DMV driver review request and issued the driver appropriate summonses for observed violations.

Three car accidents were reported in the village this week.

Civil matter
On Jan. 29, a Stratton Road landlord reported her former tenant might have scratched and destroyed her children's high school diplomas in late December while the tenant was still residing at her house. The landlord said she was involved in a civil dispute with her former tenant. Patrol advised her to inform her attorney.

On Feb. 2, a Dolma Road businessman reported an ongoing dispute with a former business partner.

According to Scarsdale Fire Chief James Seymour, firefighters responded to 24 incidents, including at least on car accident on the Hutchinson River Parkway, between Jan. 29 and Feb. 4. Of these incidents, Seymour provided information about the following events, listed below.

On Feb. 1, firefighters responded to fallen and burning electrical wires at a utility pole on Rodney Road. Firefighters shut down the road and stabilized the scene. Con Edison was dispatched to de-energize the wires. Firefighters were then able to extinguish the fire.

Police contacted firefighters about an indoor odor of natural gas on Carstensen Road Feb. 3.Con Edison was also dispatched. Firefighters workers located the source of the gas odor: a leaking pipe in a basement kitchen closet. They shut off the gas supply and stood by for Con Edison.

A Ridgecrest East oven started smoking Feb. 3. The resident reported the oven turned on by itself and started burning items she had stored there. No fire was detected. Firefighters shut power to the oven and ventilated the house. Firefighters advised the resident to repair or replace the appliance.

This report covering police and fire department activity from Jan. 29 to Feb. 4 has been compiled from official information.

scarsdalesecuritylogo-1-1This police report is sponsored by Scarsdale Security who does more than just security. Contact them about remote video for your home or business. Call 914-722-2200 or visit their website.