Sunday, Oct 06th

pinkpostitBomb scare: A student found a small pink Post-it note inside a toilet stall in the girl's second-floor bathroom in Scarsdale Middle School's Popham House around 10 a.m., Oct. 25. The note stated, "I bomb school at 12:00 p.m." Approximately 20 minutes after police were notified, school officials made the decision to evacuate the school. Students and staff were evacuated to school fields, as per protocol. The Westchester County police department bomb squad was brought in to search the school. They completed their search and found no evidence of a bomb. Students and staff were allowed to return to the building, and police stayed on to investigate further. The threatening note was photographed and vouchered as evidence.

Car break-ins
Two pairs of designer sunglasses and $3 in change were stolen from a parked car on Roosevelt Place overnight Oct. 23. The owner said the car had been locked at the time. Police found no evidence of force or damage to the vehicle.

A parked car was left with its window open overnight in a Tisdale Road driveway Oct. 23. The owner found approximately $5-$10 worth of change missing from the car in the morning of Oct. 24.

Ray Ban sunglasses were stolen from a parked car in a Lockwood Road driveway overnight Oct. 23. There was no sign of force or damage to the vehicle.

Someone entered a 2015 Nissan parked on Rodney Road, tossed the glove compartment and apparently smoked a cigarette inside the car overnight Oct. 23. The owner said the car smelled of cigarette smoke in the morning. Nothing was reported stolen.

Loose change was stolen from a parked car in a Post Road driveway overnight Oct. 23.

An Edgewood Road resident reported an attempted car larceny, from the previous night, on Oct. 24. His parked car had been entered, but nothing had been stolen.

On the morning of Oct. 24, a Roosevelt Place woman noticed someone had entered her unlocked 1998 Toyota Camry, tossed items into a state of disarray inside the car and stolen five rolls of quarters, insurance documents and car registration papers.

On Oct. 26, a School Lane resident reported that someone had stolen a Verizon "hot spot" device and approximately $3 in coins from his parked and unlocked car. He last saw the items in the car, in his driveway, on the evening of Oct. 23.

Arrest on warrant
A Copper Beech Lane resident reported a man and woman were on her property in a white U-Haul van Oct. 26. They said there from a maintenance service and were there to change locks, as per a Houlihan Lawrence real estate agent. After checking paperwork and contacting the real estate agent, police determined they were sent to the wrong address. When checking the man and woman's IDs, police learned that the man – Frank Eugene Sharps, 48, of Garrison – was wanted by Peekskill police for second-degree criminal impersonation and various vehicle and traffic offenses. Sharps was arrested and held in custody, pending pickup by Peekskill police.

Identity theft
On Oct. 25, a Franklin Road woman reported someone attempted to open credit card accounts in her name. Creditors denied the attempts.

As part of an ongoing issue with a Stratton Road homeowner and her basement tenant, the tenant reported that the homeowner's adult son told him, "I'm going to kill you," as the tenant walked past the son on his way out of the house Oct. 26. The previous day the tenant and the son argued about the location of where the tenant parked his car in the homeowner's driveway. The tenant said he was concerned and wanted to pursue the matter. Police advised all parties to follow up on the civil portions of this matter in civil court.

Fallen limbs
A tree fell across two cars parked in the parking lot of Alcott School on Fox Meadow Road Oct. 24. No injuries were reported. A white Nissan was damaged and had to be towed from the scene. A black Jeep was able to be driven away from the fallen tree to a safe location. The highway department sent personnel to remove the tree.

A large limb of a village-owned tree in Chase Park broke and fell on an unoccupied, parked car on Woodland Place Oct. 24. The highway department removed the limb, and the car was towed from the scene due to considerable damage.

A Fairview Road resident reported seeing a man with a ladder and an unknown car parked at a nearby house under construction Oct. 23. Police spoke to the man on the ladder. He was the homeowner removing leaves from the gutters.

A Cornell Road resident reported an ongoing issue with people dumping heavy trash items on his property. He showed police a surveillance video from Oct. 23 that showed a suspect drive up and leave a sofa on the resident's lawn at the curb. Police are investigating.

A Walworth Avenue homeowner told police she was having a civil dispute with her contractor and had just terminated his contract Oct. 24. She said her house was still under construction and she was concerned the contractor might return to her house without her permission. Police called the contractor and he agreed to stay away from the house.

An Evon Court woman reported receiving a strange email from an unknown person named "Tim" Oct. 24. Police advised her to not respond to the email, since it was probably a scam.

A Rural Drive woman reported someone kicked her mailbox pole and damaged it Oct. 24. She did not want to make a formal report.

A Walworth Avenue resident reported seeing someone possibly walking through her backyard after midnight Oct. 25. Police canvassed the area for the suspect but did not find anyone.

On Oct. 27, a Murray Hill Road homeowner complained about a neighbor's landscaper who allegedly left a lawnmower on the neighbor's yard. Police went to the house and saw a lawnmower on the village right-of-way between the two houses. Police spoke to the landscaper, and the landscaper moved the lawnmower away from the homeowner's property.

On Oct. 27, a Brewster Road woman reported a man was taking pictures of her house. When she questioned him, he said he was an electrician working on Dobbs Terrace and wanted to show his customer a comparison of wiring. Police canvassed the area for the alleged electrician but could not find him.

On Oct. 27, patrol arrived at Brite Avenue and Huntington Avenue and spoke with four 12-year-old girls who called for assistance. They reported that while walking to a friend's house on Walworth Avenue, a group of teenagers called out to them saying "Yo," and they called back "Yo." The girls said the teenagers then began walking in their direction, and this scared the girls. The girls further stated that after this incident, they walked passed a car occupied by a white man. The girls stated that the male said, "Hello," but they felt it was in a "creepy" voice. The girls said the man's car did not move or follow them as they continued to walk to their destination. The girls said that due to both incidents, they were scared and called the police. Police called one of the girl's fathers, who picked up the group of girls and drove them to their destination.

A Leatherstocking Lane man reported an intruder might be in his house after he saw papers disturbed from a dresser Oct. 28. After an investigation and review of video surveillance, police determined a large framed picture fell from the wall behind the dresser, made a noise and disturbed the papers.

Cars and roadways
A contractor moved parked work vehicles on Cambridge Road to improve traffic flow of traffic Oct. 23.

A driver reported she sustained two flat tires as the result of a detour caused by an orange traffic cone located at the intersection of Kingston Road and Greenacres Avenue Oct. 23. Police determined that neither the traffic cone nor the recessed pavement near the cone could have caused the driver's tires to go flat.

A Springdale Road woman reported she thought a blue sedan might have been following her while she and her children were biking around the neighborhood Oct. 23. Police canvassed the area but did not find a blue sedan.

A broken sprinkler head was causing some water to leak onto Brite Avenue Oct. 24. Police left a message for the homeowner.

Police cleared debris from Mamaroneck Road Oct. 24.

Police cleared a fallen tree limb from Oxford Road Oct. 24.

A diseased maple tree fell across Saxon Woods Road Oct. 24. The highway department removed the tree.

On Oct. 24, the highway department removed fallen trees from Griffen Avenue and Weaver Street.

Con Edison repaired fallen wires brought down by fallen branches on Fox Meadow Road Oct. 24.

A driver claimed a construction site on Post Road caused her to get a flat tire Oct. 25. Police examined the site and did not find any debris on the roadway. Roadside assistance changed the woman's tire.

The water department was called about a broken fire hydrant on Palmer Avenue and pooling water from an unknown source on Brewster Road Oct. 25.

Police directed traffic around a disabled car on Griffen Avenue while the car was being loaded onto a flatbed tow truck Oct. 26.

Police removed a fallen phone wire from Alida Road and notified Verizon Oct. 28.

A driver attempted to make a U-turn at Harcourt and Brewster roads during a storm Oct. 29. The driver could not see the edge of a ravine and ended up with her car in the ravine partially submerged in water. No one was injured. The car was removed the next day, when post-storm conditions made its removal safe.

The highway department removed fallen tress from Bypass and Heathcote and Ogden roads Oct. 29.

Ten car accidents were reported in the village this week. Two involved utility poles.

On Oct. 25, a woman reported a dog ran out and bit her jacket while she was out walking on Black Birch Lane Oct. 25. The bit did not penetrate her skin or puncture her jacket. She identified a possible address for the dog. Police knocked on the door, but no one answered.

A small brown dog was running on Highland Way Oct. 26. The owner said the dog's electric fence collar failed due to a dead battery. So, the battery was changed.

Police reunited loose dogs found on Palmer Avenue with their owner Oct. 28. A summons was issued.

On Oct. 28, a Heathcote Road woman reported two loose dogs came onto her property and bit the woman's dog in the ear.

Village code
Police dispersed noisy kids from a youth party on Crest Lane, where numerous uninvited guests showed up Oct. 27.

Police stood by while kids were being picked up from a party on Penn Boulevard Oct. 27.

Police dispersed kids from Hyatt Park, as well as Fairview Hampton and Olmsted roads, after dark Oct. 28.

Kids were roasting marshmallows in a Ferncliff Road yard at 11 p.m., Oct. 28. Police advised them to keep the noise level low.

Lost and found
A passerby found a driver's license in the village and gave it to police Oct. 23. It belonged to a person with a listed Eastchester address. Patrol attempted to return the license to the person, but the listed phone number was out of service, and there was no answer at the door. Police vouchered the license for safekeeping.

An iPhone was found at the back of Edgewood School Oct. 28. Police vouchered it for safekeeping.

Firefighters stood by for Con Edison at the site of fallen electrical wires on Fox Meadow Road Oct. 23 and arcing wires on Heathcote Road Oct. 29.

Firefighters ventilated a Greenacres Avenue garage from elevated levels carbon monoxide Oct. 24.

A Lenox Place homeowner reported an odor of gasoline or paint thinner coming into her house from a storm drain connection Oct. 25. Firefighters flushed the drain with water, and the odor dissipated.

A car caught on fire on East Parkway Oct. 26. It was extinguished by a dry powder extinguisher. Investigation found a belt on the motor had burned, and the fire extended to the motor's plastic housing. Firefighters disconnected the car's battery and awaited a tow.

On Oct. 27, an electrical transformer exploded on Palmer Avenue and ignited a tree and extended to a residential gutter. Firefighters extinguished the small fire in the gutter and stood by for Con Edison.

Baseboard heating in an Aspen Road house caused an odor in the house Oct. 27. The heater was turned off.

The elevator in the Christie Place parking garage malfunctioned and accidentally trapped a passenger Oct. 28. Firefighters released the passenger and put the elevator out of service.

This week, firefighters assisted at six car accidents in the village and on parkways. They responded to 16 false fire alarms caused by device malfunction, cooking smoke, leaking water, steam, incense and fog from a Halloween prop.

This report covering police and fire department activity from Oct. 23-29 has been compiled from official information.

scarsdalesecuritylogo-1-1This police report is sponsored by Scarsdale Security who does more than just security. Contact them about remote video for your home or business. Call 914-722-2200 or visit their website.

skeletontreeOn Oct. 22, police arrested Larry Dante Brand, 24, of Brooklyn, on a charge of second-degree possession of a forged instrument, after Brand attempted to pay for items with a fraudulent credit card at the CVS store on Popham Road. According to the store manager, Brand and another man had entered the store and "attempted to shoplift items." One man left the store while Brand was at the register paying for items with the fraudulent card. After Brand left the store, officers located him on Popham Road and he was arrested for using the fraudulent card. He was arraigned at Scarsdale Village Justice Court and remanded to Westchester County Jail in lieu of $7,500 bail. Brand is scheduled to return to court on Oct. 25.

Jessica Artilles, 29, of Yonkers, was arrested on charges of driving while intoxicated (first offense), refusal to take a breath test and having an open container of alcohol in a vehicle on a highway. Police were alerted to the defendant's state after receiving a report of an altercation in the parking lot of Hitchcock Presbyterian Church, on Greenacres Avenue, at approximately 12:45 a.m., Oct. 23. There, police observed two women fighting on the ground. Artilles was holding another woman in a headlock according to the police report. Police officers physically separated the two women. The woman who had been in the headlock told police that Artilles had been driving while intoxicated, and she and another passenger urged Artilles to pull over and stop driving. Artilles pulled into the church parking lot, and an argument and physical altercation allegedly ensued. Artilles admitted to police that she had been driving and pulled into the parking lot because of an argument with her passengers. Artilles eyes were glassy and bloodshot, and her speech was slurred. She was also having difficulty maintaining balance while walking. During the course of the investigation, police noticed a black bag on the floor of the passenger seat containing an open beer can and an open bottle of wine. There was also a water bottle, which appeared to contain an alcoholic beverage, in the driver's door compartment. Police asked Artilles to take an alco-sensor pre-screening test, which Artilles "could not complete," according to the police report. At headquarters, Artilles agreed to take a Datamaster test, but she was "unable to complete" this test as well. Artilles was released on $100 cash bail and ordered to appear at Scarsdale Village Justice Court on Oct. 25.

Identity theft
On Oct. 17, a Post Road woman reported someone opened a Sprint telephone account in her name and purchased ten cell phones on the account in July 2016. She learned of the incident after she received a collection notice from Sprint for unpaid charges.

On Oct. 21, a Quentin Road man discovered an unknown check was cashed against his Chase bank account. The signature did not match the man's actual signature, and he believed he might still be in possession of the original check. He did not know the person to whom the check had been written. Chase Bank is following up with an investigation.

Broken window
Someone broke a side window on a Rock Creek Lane man's 2005 Toyota parked in his driveway overnight Oct. 19 to 20. Nothing was taken from the car. The man said the car door has been having problems opening, so a perpetrator might have been foiled in an attempt open the door and gained entry to the car after breaking the window.

A Catherine Road resident brought a Mossberg shotgun to headquarters for proper disposal Oct. Oct. 21. The resident said he did not want the gun in his house any longer.

Starter pistol
A caller reported hearing a noise like three gunshots in the area of Fenway Golf Club Oct. 16. Patrol investigated, and a golf club employee said he used a starter pistol to scare geese away from the golf course.

A Morris Lane woman reported someone might have tried to gain access to her computer Oct. 17. She received a text message with a Google verification code, but she was not sure why she received it. Police advised her to follow up with Google.

Responding to a reported odor of marijuana coming from a River Road wooded area Oct. 18, police encountered three people walking out of the woods. They told police they were going for a walk. Police did not detect any obvious signs of marijuana use.

Welfare check
Police checked the welfare of a Gaylor Road resident. The resident was OK.

A loud bang reported in the area of Walworth Avenue and Colvin and Brayton roads was suspected to be a metal garbage can hitting the ground Oct. 19.

Around 2 a.m., Oct. 20, a Weaver Street resident thought he heard a rear sliding screen door opening in the house. The resident's mother looked outside and saw a dark colored sedan leaving the resident's circular driveway. Police examined the house and found no signs of criminal activity.

Cars and roadways
Police called a tow for a disabled car on Post Road and roadside assistance for a car with a dead battery at Scarsdale Middle School Oct. 16.

Police notified Verizon about a low-hanging wire on Morris Lane Oct. 16.

A deer struck by a car was lying injured on Mamaroneck Road, bleeding from its mouth, Oct. 16. Patrol relocated the deer to the sanitation yard and shot it.

A construction foreman agreed to have workers move vehicles to one side of Innes Road to support traffic flow Oct. 17.

On Oct. 17, a Mamaroneck Road man reported an unknown object struck his windshield and caused it to crack.

On Oct. 19, bicycles chained to signs on Scarsdale Avenue were issued warnings to be moved, as the Department of Public Works needed to replace signs.

Police issued summonses to illegally parked cars on North Chase Road Oct. 19 and 20 and Overhill Road Oct. 21.

A caller reported a hazardous pile of leaves on Crane Road Oct. 19. Police removed enough leaves from the roadway to ensure safe vehicle passage.

A Morris Lane resident reported a "suspicious" car stopping in front of houses on the street Oct. 20. Police spoke with the driver who said he grew up on Rock Creek Lane and was showing his new girlfriend some of the "large houses" on Morris Lane.

A "suspicious" car parked on Walworth Avenue, with an occupant's "feet on the dashboard," belonged to a worker at a nearby house Oct. 21. Police asked the worker to park in the driveway to avoid reports of a suspicious car parked in the street.

A car was parked in a private parking lot on Heathcote Road at around 10 p.m., Oct. 22. The driver and passenger said they were talking. Police told them to relocate to a public parking lot to continue their conversation.

Seven car accidents were reported in the village this week. Police responded to three additional accidents, but involved parties did not want to make formal reports. One car was repossessed in the village this week.

Village code
A white man was heard yelling, "F*** you," while walking on Mamaroneck Road at 1 a.m., Oct. 17. Police gave the man several warnings, but he continued to yell the expletives. He was issued a village code violation summons for making unnecessary noise. Later in the week, on Oct. 20, the man was arrested in White Plains for crimes that occurred in White Plains. Specifically, the man was accused of attempting to enter a person's house in the Cushman Road area of White Plains.

A Murray Hill Road party host lowered the volume of music after neighbors complained of noise Oct. 21.

Police dispersed youths from a park on Boulevard after dark Oct. 21.

Police reunited a Larch Lane dog, found by a Post Road resident, with its owner Oct. 18.

A dog walker reported that a Valley Road dog started barking at her and the dog that she was walking Oct. 18. The dog walker yelled at the offending dog, and it stopped barking. No contact was made.

A barking dog was brought inside its Carstensen Drive house after neighbors complained of noise.

A White Birch Lane woman caught a dog and took pictures of its tags after it wandered into her yard Oct. 21. Police contacted the dog's owner who was unaware that the dog had left its protected electric fence area. The owner said he would promptly address the issue.

Police removed a dead raccoon from a Haverford Avenue yard Oct. 21.

Police reunited a loose white dog found on Aspen Road with its Aspen Road owner Oct. 21. A summons, for having a dog at large, was issued to the owner.

New Rochelle Humane Society picked up a loose white dog found on Quaker Center Oct. 21.

Civil matter
A Stratton Road tenant accused his landlord of taking his mail. The landlord said she had not taken her tenant's mail. The landlord is in the process of evicting her tenant. She was advised to leave his mail in the mailbox and not place it on an inside table. There was no evidence of mail theft.

The manager of a Garth Road restaurant reported a worker was on his roof without permission Oct. 21. The worker said the owner had hired him to do repair work on the roof. The manager climbed the worker's ladder to look at the roof, and the worker told him to get off the ladder due to safety and liability concerns. The worker then removed the ladder, thus leaving the manager stranded on the roof. Police made sure the manager was able to safely get off the roof by climbing down a ladder. The business owner arrived on scene and reiterated permission for the worker to access the roof and perform repair work there.

On Oct. 16, the motor for an instant hot water heater under a Fairview Road kitchen sink burnt out and was smoking. Firefighters removed the defective heater and ventilated the house.

People got stuck in the Christie Place parking garage elevator Oct. 17. Firefighters opened the door to free the people, and they put the elevator out of service.

On Oct. 18, a car leaked antifreeze in Freightway Garage. Firefighters cleaned it up.

On Oct. 20, firefighters and police advised a Huntington Avenue resident that burning leaves and branches in an open fire in the backyard was prohibited. The resident was advised to bundle leaves and sticks for pickup instead.

On Oct. 20, firefighters assisted Con Edison with checking a house to address a gas leak on Griffen Avenue.

On Oct. 20, children were playing with a dry chemical fire extinguisher in a Murray Hill Road house, and the extinguisher discharged, causing an accidental activation of the fire alarm system. Firefighters helped with cleanup and advised the children about the serious nature of playing with fire prevention equipment.

On Oct. 21, firefighters stood by while a construction bonfire was extinguished in the back of a Boulevard property. They checked for safety and overhauled the area.

This week, firefighters assisted at five car accidents in the village and on parkways. They responded to 21 false fire alarms caused by device malfunction, cooking smoke, construction dust, steam, a tripped head and water leaking into a smoke detector.

This report covering police and fire department activity from Oct. 16-22 has been compiled from official information.

scarsdalesecuritylogo-1-1This police report is sponsored by Scarsdale Security who does more than just security. Contact them about remote video for your home or business. Call 914-722-2200 or visit their website.

Menacing arrest: On Oct. 2, police arrested a 64 year-old Quaker Ridge woman on a charge of steakknifesecond-degree menacing with a weapon. The woman was accused of threatening her mother's health aide with a knife. When police arrived at the scene, they observed the woman yelling at the aide and threatening her. The aide was moving around the house trying to avoid her, and the aide appeared fearful. The woman was in an "excited state," according to the police report. Investigation determined that she  had threatened and menaced the aide with a kitchen steak knife before police arrived. The woman allegedly told the aide, "I will kill you." The aide then allegedly said, "No;" and the woman put the knife down. The woman told police that although the aide has worked for her mother for many years, she does "not like" the aide. The woman was arrested by police. She screamed and was uncooperative during her transport to headquarters and arrest processing. She was arraigned at Scarsdale Village Justice Court and, according to the police report, was "loud, disruptive and uncooperative" during that time. She was scheduled to return to court Oct. 4.

Harassment arrest
On Oct. 5, a 20 year-old Scarsdale resident was charged with second-degree harassment. The young man was accused of harassing the owners and employees of a Garth Road bakery at which he was employed, on a probationary basis, for three days in September. At the end of the probationary period, his employment was terminated due to allegations that he made female managers and employees uncomfortable by flirting with them and made comments that allegedly referenced date rape and sexual innuendos. Upon being fired on Oct. 4, he allegedly became enraged and belligerent. A few hours later, he returned to the bakery and called employees and owners "fat pigs," "faggots" and "homos." He was asked to leave the bakery, which he reluctantly did. On Oct. 5, he allegedly posted two online reviews of the bakery that were derogatory and, according to the owners, served no legitimate purpose other than to harass the owners and damage the bakery. He also allegedly walked past the bakery and put a newspaper on the ground. The newspaper contained black writing that slandered and insulted bakery employees and criticized the taste of the cakes. According to the police report, the repeated incidents showed "a course of conduct aimed to seriously annoy and alarm [bakery owners and staff] which has no legitimate purpose." He was charged with second-degree harassment. He was released on his own recognizance and ordered to appear in court on Oct. 11. The case was later dismissed in court.

Disorderly conduct arrest
At 3 a.m., Oct. 6, police noticed a man – William R. Jones, 34, of White Plains – walking quickly across Post Road. He was observed looking at driveways and streets as he passed and walking up and down streets without seeming to have a legitimate purpose. Due to his suspicious behavior and the hour of day, police stopped Jones and made contact with him. Jones was hostile with police and would not answer questions about where he was coming from or where he was going. He attempted to retreat from officers when told he was going to be patted down to be checked for weapons, for officer safety. No weapons were found. A check of ID information revealed Jones was wanted by New York City police on an active arrest warrant. During the course of investigation, Jones became increasingly belligerent and hostile, reaching into his pockets repeatedly and not following police instructions. Due to the hostility, officers attempted to place Jones in handcuffs. Jones resisted by pulling away and locking his arms. It took four officers to place Jones in handcuffs, and one officer sustained a minor injury in the process.

Jones was arrested on charges of disorderly conduct, resisting arrest and obstruction of government administration. At headquarters, Jones refused to answer any questions. During the fingerprinting process, Jones made numerous quick movements in an apparent attempt to "scare" officers, and he told officers he knew mixed martial arts. New York City police were contacted with regard to their active arrest warrant, but they declined to respond and pick up Jones. After arrest processing, Jones was informed he was being released on $100 cash bail. Jones refused to be released on $100 cash bail and told officers to keep him locked up. He was placed in a holding cell until he could be transported to Scarsdale Village Justice Court. He was arraigned and remanded to Westchester County Jail on $500 cash bail. An unopened can of beer was removed from Jones and vouchered at headquarters.

Marijuana package
A Stonehouse Road resident reported a suspicious package had been delivered to his house Oct. 5. It was a solid brown cardboard box with no exterior labels. Inside was a child's toy chest, designed with letters of the alphabet. Inside the toy chest were five bags of a green, leafy substance determined to be marijuana. The marijuana was packaged in two layers of vacuum-sealed bags, with dryer sheets between the double layers of the bags. Each bag contained approximately one pound of marijuana. Three bags were labeled "berries." The other two bags were labeled either "black diamond" or "indoor black diamond." Police confiscated the marijuana, toy chest and box as evidence. The resident was advised to lock his doors, activate his alarm and notify police of any future suspicious activity.

Stolen bicycle
A Hampton Road student's bicycle was stolen from Scarsdale High School sometime between 2:50 p.m. and 3:30 p.m., Oct. 4. It was a 2013 Trek Skye bicycle, and it was last seen, unlocked, at the SHS bicycle rack.

Identity theft
On Oct. 2, a Stonehouse Road resident asked to file a police report about an incident in which his identity was compromised. He said he needed the report to avoid a fee associated with "freezing his credit report." No actual identity theft or financial loss occurred.
On Oct. 2, a Webster Road man reported someone fraudulently opened a "Big Lots" card in his name in September. Before the fraudulent card was even mailed to the man's Webster Road address, someone reported the card as stolen and had a replacement card sent to an address in Florida. The card was used to make purchases in Arizona. The man realized the incident had occurred after he received the first fraudulent card in the mail. Further investigation revealed a declined attempt to open a Citi-Shell card and numerous recent credit inquiries of his credit report.

On Oct. 4, a Brite Avenue woman reported her PayPal account had been hacked and money in her account had been transferred to six various unknown credit card accounts without her permission. The PayPal account is associated with an eBay business that the woman runs out of her house, she said.

On Oct. 8, and East Taunton Road man reported that he recently learned about fraudulent accounts and unpaid charges set up in his name in 2007. The charges were incurred, under the man's name, at Walmart, Edgewater Casino, Pioneer Casino and Golden Nugget Casino. There was also a fraudulent check debit from a BB&T checking account fraudulently opened in the man's name.

On Oct. 4, a Fox Meadow Road woman and her father reported that they were victims of a scam. The woman was trying to sublease an apartment in Cambridge, Massachusetts, and found a listing on She corresponded by email with the alleged tenant of the apartment being advertised for sublet. He sent her fake documents, including a fake master lease and sublease. The woman's father sent money to the alleged tenant, covering a deposit and security fee. The money was sent via Chase QuickPay to a Wells Fargo bank account Oct. 2. Later, the woman and her father realized the floorplan of the apartment appeared different from photos illustrated on the website. They also found another listing for the apartment on that contained photos that matched the floorplan. They informed Chase bank and Wells Fargo, but they did not receive their money back. On Oct. 3, the alleged tenant asked the woman and her father to send more money. They did not send more money, suspecting the transaction was a scam.

Dog bite
On Oct. 7, a female jogger reported being bitten by a dog near the intersection of Hampton and Harcourt roads. The dog was leashed and being walked by a young girl. The dog bit the woman's leg as she ran by. The girl called her mother, and the mother was asked to provide current vaccination records for the dog, an Australian Labradooodle. The mother was advised to quarantine her dog, as per public health protocol. The animal control officer is following up.

Too high?
A custodian at Quaker Ridge School reported someone had placed a broken chair on top of a garbage pail, possibly as an attempt to gain access to the roof Oct. 2. Police determined the roof was too high for someone to access it from the chair-topped pail.

An elevator at the Christie Place parking garage was out of order and placed out of service Oct. 2.

A caller reported hearing a woman screaming and a baby crying inside a Popham Road apartment building Oct. 3. Patrol canvassed the building and did not hear any screaming or crying. The doorman said he had not heard anything unusual either.

Police checked a Dickel Road house after the resident's dogs became alarmed and started barking in a manner that made the resident feel that someone was either inside the house or near it at 10:30 p.m., Oct. 8. Patrol's investigation found no signs of criminality.

Bathroom break
Administrative staff at Scarsdale High School asked police to help identify an older man who urinated on school property Oct. 5. School staff had photographs and witnesses. According to school personnel, several students saw the man urinating in the bushes near the Brewster Road side of the school, near the picnic tables and stream around 4 p.m. The man did not expose himself to the students, nor did he make contact with them. After urinating, the man left school grounds. Police canvassed the area for the man but did not find him.

Road rage
A female driver reported a man hit the windshield of her car with closed fists in the intersection of Popham Road and Depot Place Oct. 5. The man was apparently angry because the driver did not see the man start to cross the road, the driver said.

On Oct. 7, a Cornell Street resident asked police to conduct extra ridebys of his house because an unknown person was dumping garbage and debris on his property.

A Hampton Road family asked police to check their house after returning home and finding an attic light on Oct. 8. Patrol checked the exterior and interior of the house and did not find any signs of criminality. The attic light was successfully turned off.

Cars and roadways
On Oct. 3, the passenger side mirror of a Lexus parked on Walworth Avenue was damaged by an unknown passing car.

Motorists complained of traffic backing up at Heathcote and Brookby roads and Wynmor and Mamaroneck roads Oct. 3. No detours, signs or flaggers were observed. Patrol advised the paving foreman about measures that should be taken to alert motorists, maintain safety and keep traffic flowing.

A caller complained about a "large hole" on Mamaroneck Road Oct. 3. Police determined the "hole" was the result of roadway construction, and spoke with the highway department about placing "bump" signs in both directions.

A man parked his car at a Post Road gas station, left it unattended for 15 minutes and walked to an unknown location in the direction of Popham Road Oct. 3. The car has Texas license plates. The car and man were gone when police arrived to investigate.

Summonses were issued to the owners of illegally parked cars on Potter Road Oct. 4, Brookby and Rochambeau roads Oct. 5 and Heathcote Road and Crossway Oct. 6,.

On Oct. 8, patrol noticed a car was parking on the sidewalk of Walworth Avenue. A woman and toddler were sitting in the back of the car. The woman said her husband is the general contractor of a construction project on the street. He was looking at the job site. Patrol cautioned her about parking on the sidewalk, and the car was quickly moved.

A car with Florida license plates was parked at Edgewood School after school hours Oct. 8. Patrol canvassed the area for the driver but could not find the driver. Using registration information, police contacted the Florida owner. The owner said his family was visiting relatives on Quentin Road and his daughter parked the car at Edgewood School while visiting someone on Drake Road.

Patrol notified the highway department and Con Edison about fallen branches on wires above Fox Meadow and Heathcote roads, Greenacres and Walworth avenues and Morris Lane Oct. 9.

Thirteen car accidents were reported in the village this week.

Village code
Police removed political signs illegally posted on Ramsey Road and Palmer Avenue Oct. 4, Secor Road and Hazleton Drive Oct. 5 and Depot Place Oct. 9.

Illegally posted signs advertising a rug sale were removed from Bypass and Weaver Street Oct. 5.

Illegally posted political signs were removed from Bypass and Weaver Street Oct. 5.

Patrol advised two males to leave Corell Park after dark Oct. 6.

On Oct. 7, a Griffen Avenue resident complained about motor noises coming from Quaker Ridge Golf Club at 4 a.m. every morning. Patrol deduced the noise was coming from several leaf blowers and lawn mowers throughout the property. Patrol made a note to follow up with the general manager the next day.

Police advised landscapers on Sherbrooke Road and Beechwood Lane to abide by village code with regard to noise restrictions and designated weekend working hours.

Patrol advised a Brookby Road children's party hostess that a Quentin Road neighbor had complained about noise Oct. 7. The hostess apologized and said the party would be concluding soon.

After 11 p.m., Oct. 7, police dispersed kids from a Boulevard park. It was after dark.
After neighbors complained, police asked teens to keep their noise levels down as they continued to play baseball in the backyard.

Civil matter
Police stood by while a Stratton Road landlord and her tenant attempted to resolve a disagreement Oct. 4. The tenant was asked to remove a mattress from the landlord's living space, and he complied. The landlord said she would speak with her attorney regarding the eviction process. The tenant said he was actively looking for a new place to live. Both parties were advised to be civil with each other. On Oct. 5, the landlord called police stating she was being harassed by her tenant. She told police she received texts from her tenant after her son used the washing machine. The texts stated the landlord had failed to inform the tenant she was going to use the laundry facilities. Notice of the laundry facilities' use was required, as per an agreement between the tenant and the landlord. The landlord told patrol she didn't realize she had to inform the tenant since he was at work. Patrol reminded the landlord to abide by her agreement with the tenant.

Lost and found
A person found a New York City ID card on Harwood Court and gave it to police Oct. 3.

On Oct. 6, a man reported losing two cell phones on Sept. 7. The cell phones were most likely left in the backyard of a Fairview Road house, the man said. However, the Fairview Road homeowner said no property was found in the backyard.

On Oct. 2, firefighters traced a gas odor on Birchall Drive to an lit gas grill. Firefighters turned off the gas valve to stop the flow of gas. Con Edison red tagged the gas grill and other appliances on the same gas line. Con Edison found additional problems with gas connections and piping in the house. A detailed report was presented to the homeowner.

Smoke in a Graham Road house was caused by a French fry falling onto a heating element Oct. 2.

Carbon monoxide was released into a Greenacres Avenue house while a HVAC technician was replacing a boiler Oct. 5. Firefighters ventilated the house and called Con Edison. Con Edison placed the boiler out of service and recommended that the homeowner contact a different HVAC company for replacement.

A passerby reported a fire hydrant "spewing water into the air" at Brite Avenue and Whig Road Oct. 5. Firefighters went to the scene and did not see any leaking fire hydrants. The report was unfounded.

Firefighters stood by for Con Edison at the site of a possible gas leak in a Weaver Street basement Oct. 6.

Firefighters disconnected a sparking microwave in a Crane Road house and removed it from the house Oct. 9.

This week, firefighters assisted at seven car accidents in the village. They responded to 15 false fire alarms caused by device malfunction, cooking smoke, shower steam, spray paint and accidental manual activation.

This report covering police and fire department activity from Oct. 2-9 has been compiled from official information.

scarsdalesecuritylogo-1-1This police report is sponsored by Scarsdale Security who does more than just security. Contact them about remote video for your home or business. Call 914-722-2200 or visit their website.

garbage bagStolen merchandise: On Oct. 12, three men entered the CVS store on Popham Road and stole a large amount of merchandise. The men placed two large garbage bags in different areas of the store and went around the store placing selective objects in shopping baskets. They took their baskets to the garbage bags and emptied the items into the bags. At the end of the escapade, the men rushed out of the store with the garbage bags full of merchandise and a shopping basket full of merchandise. Employees were busy with other customers at the time. The men's activities were captured by video surveillance. Police are investigating.

Stolen bike
A Hampton Road woman's black and white Schwinn bicycle was stolen from the bike rack at East Parkway and Spencer Place. The woman said she locked her bike to the rack on the morning of Oct. 13. When she returned to retrieve her bike that afternoon, she found another lock had been placed on it. She went home and left the bike locked to the rack overnight. The next afternoon, on Oct. 14, she returned to the bike rack and discovered her bicycle and lock were missing. The bicycle was valued at $160.

Identity theft
On Oct. 15, a Westview Lane man reported his wife's Citibank credit card was used without her knowledge or permission during the month of September. In both cases, items were purchased from retail locations and returned the same day, causing money to be credited back to the card. No monetary loss was incurred.

Domestic matter
An Edgewood daughter called police to report her father was yelling at her and scaring her Oct. 15.

Damaged pipe
Someone damaged a drainpipe in the Christie Place parking garage, possibly with an unknown vehicle, Oct. 12.

A Sheldrake Road resident complained that someone dumped grass clippings on her property Oct. 10. She was not sure who might have dumped the clippings on her yard, but she said she "has had issues" with a neighbor in the past. She was advised to contact police if it happens again. On Oct. 13, it happened again, and the resident reported it to police.

Gardeners were reportedly dumping grass clippings from a Sycamore Road property onto the ground at Corell Park Oct. 11. Patrol went to the scene and spoke with a gardener who advised he did not dump the grass clippings there. He showed police his truck, which was full of clippings and yard debris. Patrol also observed his workers collecting debris on a tap and carrying it to the truck.

A rifle was turned over to police for destruction and disposal Oct. 10.

Welfare check
Police checked the welfare of a Herkimer Road man after his wife called police, worried, because she could not reach him. The man told police he had been sleeping and was OK.

An Uber driver found a cell phone in his car after dropping off an allegedly intoxicated passenger at a Broadmoor Road house at 3 a.m., Oct. 14. The driver gave the phone to police. Patrol went to the house and had a male resident call the cell phone from his home phone to confirm ownership. Once ownership was confirmed, police returned the cell phone to the man.

Trip and fall
A woman fell on Scarsdale Avenue while crossing the street Oct. 13. She said she was not in the crosswalk. She said a pothole caused her to fall. Patrol found cracks in the road but not a pothole. The highway department was advised for follow-up.

Westchester County Jail called police to notify them that a man, who was wanted in Scarsdale on an active arrest warrant, was being held at Westchester County Jail by both White Plains and Westchester County police Oct. 12. Scarsdale police confirmed that the man – Jose Ortiz – was wanted in Scarsdale. They faxed over Ortiz's arrest warrant, which would prevent Ortiz from being released until Scarsdale police could pick him up. The pickup date is pending the resolution of Ortiz's other court cases.

A 71-year-old driver who sustained two flat tires after striking the curb on Walworth Avenue Oct. 10 told police she felt nauseous and therefore accidentally hit the curb. There was no damage to village property, and the driver arranged for her own roadside assistance. Approximately an hour later, a 41-year-old Yonkers driver reported the same 71-year-old driver, from Scarsdale, hit a barricade on Post Road. The impact caused the barricade to enter the roadway and strike the Yonkers driver's car, which was approaching from the opposite direction. The Scarsdale woman told police she felt nauseous, which made me lose control of her car and strike the barricade.skeleton

Cars and roadways
Police notified Verizon about a noisy compressor on a utility pole at Heathcote and Wilmot roads Oct. 10.

A man was sleeping in a parked Toyota Camry, with Connecticut license plates, on Gatehouse Road at 8 a.m., Oct. 11. Police questioned him, and he said he was tired and pulled over to rest while driving home from a family member's New Jersey house. Police did not detect any signs of alcohol intoxication or criminal activity.

Police issued parking summonses to illegally parked cars on Hampton, Whig and Ogden roads Oct. 11 and Elm Road Oct. 12.

Lights were left on in a parked car in the Christie Place garage Oct. 11. Patrol contacted a family member who promised to notify the owner.

Patrol removed a fallen wire from Walworth Avenue Oct. 12.

A white van parked on Walworth Avenue with its lights on, Oct. 15, was determined to belong to a Con Edison employee. The employee had been assigned to check a gas main every night until the main could be successfully replaced.

Twelve car accidents were reported in the village this week.

A teen party on Crest Lane resulted in a large gathering with many uninvited guests Oct. 14. Neighbors complained of noise, and police went to the house. The party hostess's mother told police she was having a hard time getting the uninvited guests to leave. Patrol assisted in dispersing the teenage guests.

A Morris Lane resident called police after a man got out of a white pickup truck and rang her doorbell at 2:30 a.m., Oct. 15. The man was allegedly hanging around outside the house until the woman's husband told him to leave. Patrol canvassed the area for the man and found him in his truck on Post Road. The man said he went to the house looking for a woman named Natalia, whom he had met online and told him to meet her at an address on Morris or Morrison Lane.- He showed patrol the text message exchange with the woman, and he apologized for causing alarm. Patrol updated the Morris Lane resident.

Police reunited a lost white dog with its Lee Road owner Oct. 13. The owner was issued a village code violation summons for having at dog at large.

Village code
Patrol helped a Mamaroneck Road homeowner remove illegally posted tag sale signs from the street Oct. 12.

Police dispersed a group of kids from a Walworth Avenue lawn after a neighbor complained at 11 p.m., Oct. 13.

After a neighbor complained about noise at 3:45 a.m., Oct. 15, patrol advised a Bell Road resident, who was on his deck with friends, to go inside and keep the noise down. As a result, the resident went back inside, and the resident's friends left.

Lost and found
On Oct. 13, a resident came to headquarters to report she had lost the license plates of her Mercedes-Benz, after turning the car back over to the dealership. Patrol provided her with the necessary paperwork to document the plates' loss with the department of motor vehicles.

A wallet found at a Yonkers church was given to police by a Village Hall employee Oct. 13. Patrol attempted to locate the owner's contact information, but the attempt was not successful.

A village center business owner found a wallet and gave it to police Oct. 14. Police returned the wallet to its owner. The owner confirmed nothing was missing.

Two children accidentally locked themselves inside a Brite Avenue bedroom Oct. 10. Firefighters confirmed the children were safe and forced open the door to release the children. No damage was caused to the door.

Firefighters stood by for Con Edison at the site of a reported gas odors at houses on Sprague and Stonehouse roads house Oct. 10.

Reports of smoke on Gaylor Road were traced to an extinguished fire in a Post Road fire pit Oct. 10.

An unattended pot with burnt food generated smoke in a Brookby Road house Oct. 11. Firefighters used an electric fan to ventilate smoke from the house. The family pet, inside the house at the time, was found to be unaffected.

Firefighters helped a Barry Road resident get back in her house after accidentally being locked outside Oct. 14.

Firefighters could not determine the source of a light smoke odor on Cayuga Road Oct. 14. Everything was found to be safe on the street and the surrounding area.

This week, firefighters assisted at three car accidents in the village. They responded to 15 false alarms caused by device malfunction, cooking smoke, burnt food and workers servicing a boiler.

This report covering police and fire department activity from Oct. 10-15 has been compiled from official information.

scarsdalesecuritylogo-1-1This police report is sponsored by Scarsdale Security who does more than just security. Contact them about remote video for your home or business. Call 914-722-2200 or visit their website.

jewelryboxArrest: Tao Zhao, 44, of Scarsdale, was arrested on charges of third-degree assault and endangering the welfare of a child, two class-A misdemeanors. Zhao is accused of slapping his son and pinning him down during a physical altercation. The altercation was the result of alleged ongoing incidents of inappropriate conduct in the house involving other family members. Zhao was arraigned and released on $5,000 cash bail and a temporary stay away order of protection was issued. He is due to appear again in court Oct. 4.

On Sept. 27, a Rodney Road woman reported jewelry had been stolen from her house. She said she and other family members had been in and out of the house all day. In the afternoon, she noticed her bedroom trinket and jewelry boxes were not as she left them. The lid on her trinket box was askew, and she replaced it. The lid on her jewelry box was open, and she usually leaves it closed. She opened it and noticed missing items. They also noticed the kitchen door was ajar.

A Hampton Road house was burglarized sometime between 5 p.m. and 9:15 p.m., Sept. 30. The homeowner said she first noticed the door unlocked and slightly ajar. The master bedroom and mater bedroom closet were tossed. The homeowner said she would compile a list of stolen items and provide it to police.

Car break-ins
On Sept. 26, a Fenimore Road resident reported three cars were entered in his driveway, and items were stolen in the past. The break-ins occurred sometime between 1:30 a.m. and 7 a.m., Sept. 24. Approximately $200 cash and a metal PBA badge were stolen from a 2017 Jeep Wrangler, which was also rifled through. A 2017 Mercedes-Benz and a 2009 Toyota were also entered and tossed. The resident said the cars were locked, but police found no sign of forced entry. Police are following up and attempting to review surveillance footage.

Identity theft
On Sept. 28, a Garden Road woman reported funds were fraudulently removed from her Chase business account. The account was opened on Sept. 8. At that time, the woman received starter checks as part of her initial bank paperwork. She did not remember seeing those checks but the bank assured her the checks were in her the new account welcome folder. The woman left the folder in her car for a few days before putting it on her desk at home. On Sept. 28, Chase Bank contacted the woman and informed her of a fraud alert placed on the account, due to three checks being issued, in large amounts, on Sept. 15. The memo portions of the checks stated the checks were for a deposit, a pet deposit and October rent for a Pinebrook Boulevard house.

On Oct. 1, a Morris Lane resident reported three checks had been fraudulently cashed against her Citibank account. The checks were cashed on Sept. 8, Sept. 14 and Sept. 22. She notified Citibank and froze her account.

In Sept. 25, an Edgewood man reported being harassed by a woman he met online. He said he is receiving unwanted voicemails and emails. Patrol observed the communication and did not find any evidence of criminal activity. Patrol advised the man to tell the woman he did not want any further contact with her. On Sept. 28, the man returned to headquarters. He reported he had received over 20 calls from a blocked number on various times and dates. The calls were meant to "harass and threaten him and had no purpose of legitimate communication," he said. Additionally, a fake Twitter account was opened in his name, calling him a "rapist." Additionally, the man said his friend and son have been messaged by an anonymous person, alleging criminal behavior against the man. Police are investigating.

An 88-year-old Christie Place woman passed away at home, from natural causes, Sept. 25.
An 81-year-old Graham Road woman passed away at home Sept. 26. No suspicious circumstances were observed.

Domestic matters
On Sept. 25, a Quaker Ridge elderly woman and her adult daughter were arguing over a home health aide, of 7 years, that the daughter said she did not like. The mother called police when the daughter allegedly became rude with her. Police mediated the dispute and confirmed it did not involve physical violence.

Police stood by while a Quaker Ridge ex-husband retrieved personal items from his ex-wife's house Sept. 26.

Police stood by while a Heathcote man retrieved belongings from his former house, while his wife (or ex-wife) was present.

Trip and fall
A man tripped on the Popham Road sidewalk Sept. 27. He refused medical attention. Patrol called Central Taxi to take him home.

A Griffen Avenue woman reported problems closing her front door Sept. 28. She thought someone might have tried to enter her house. Police examined the door and discovered a loose piece of weather stripping, which was preventing proper door closure. Patrol helped rectify the situation.

Parked car
A Jeep was parking in the rear parking lot of Edgewood School at 2:40 a.m., Sept 27. A man inside said he was hanging out, waiting for his girlfriend to meet him. His girlfriend lives on Montgomery Road, and the man showed police text messages regarding their planned meeting. Police did not observe any signs of criminal activity.

Police received a muffled 911 call Sept. 28. Upon callback, after numerous attempts, a woman answered. She said there was an illness in the family and she did not need any assistance. She sounded as if she was in emotional distress and provided an Ardsley address. Patrol notified Ardsley police for follow-up.

A Sheldrake Road woman complained that a neighbor's hockey net was in the street Sept. 29. It appeared to be awaiting curbside rubbish pickup. Patrol made sure the road was passable.

A resident reported that her surveillance cameras were hacked into Sept. 29. She said the screen went black and the word "Hacked" appeared. Her service provider immediately "wiped and reset" the system. The service provider stated the hacking incident was widespread, affected a multitude of customers and did not specifically target this particular resident.

On Sept. 29, a man reported that his 72-year-old mother, a Carthage Road woman, was refusing to open the door for him and the mother's home health aide. The son was concerned about his parents' wellbeing. Patrol entered the house and spoke with the man's parents, who lived at the house. They were coherent and alert. They said they were not opening the door because they had fired the home health aide.

Too loud
A caller reported a Garth Road business owner was screaming at an elderly customer "for no apparent reason" Sept. 30. Police spoke with the business owner and learned he was speaking loudly to a gentleman who had hearing problems.

Welfare check
Police conducted a welfare check of a Black Birch Lane resident, at the request of a concerned neighbor Oct. 1. The resident was OK.

Police encountered a man sleeping in an Audi on Meadow Road at 8:30 a.m., Oct. 1. The man said he had been out all night and stopped to sleep a little before driving home.

Muddy feet
A caller reported a "dangerous condition" in the area behind the swings at Hyatt Field Oct. 1. The caller further stated her children were "stuck in the muck" and unable to get free. Upon arrival, patrol observed a muddy area behind the north end of Hyatt Field. Patrol did not observe any children in need of assistance. Although the muddy area is not in the park itself, there is no barrier preventing a child from straying off into the area. Patrol placed caution tape around the area in question. Highway and recreation department staff was notified.

Near miss
On Sept. 30, a man reported that a car almost struck his wife and him while he was helping her cross Heathcote Road. The man said he pulled back his wife to avoid the car, and this caused her to fall to the ground. The driver stopped and asked if the man's wife was OK. She declined medical assistance.

Cars and roadways
Police directed traffic around a fallen tree limb on Mamaroneck Road, until the highway department was able to clear it, Sept. 25.

A driver reported a motorist passed him on Mamaroneck Road and then began braking in front of the driver for no apparent reason Sept. 25. Police stopped the motorist near the intersection of Fenimore and Tompkins roads and advised the motorist to drive safely and appropriately within the village.

Police removed a fallen branch from Post Road Sept. 26.

Police called a tow for a disabled car on Heathcote Road Sept. 26.

Patrol notified Verizon about a loose wire on Eastwoods Lane Sept. 26.

A parked car was left running inside Christie Place Garage Sept. 28. Police notified the owner, who turned off the ignition.

Police marked a dangling wire with caution tape on Murray Hill Road Sept. 28. Verizon was notified.

Police placed flares around a disabled car on Post Road, while the driver waited for roadside assistance, Sept. 28.

Patrol stood by for roadside assistance, with a driver who locked herself out of her car on Depot Place Sept. 28.

A truck struck and damaged a metal fence at the intersection of Autenreith and Popham Roads Sept. 28. Security cameras captured images of the accident. Police are following up.

Patrol issued a parking summons to an improperly parked car on Swarthmore Road Sept. 29.

Police asked the owner of a parked car on Tompkins Road to move the car since it was blocking traffic Sept. 29.

A parked Mercedes Benz was left running outside a Park Road house Sept. 30. Patrol entered the car and turned off the ignition. No key was found inside. Patrol left a message for the owner.

Civil matters
A Drake Road resident reported a neighbor was using a rototiller near an oak tree at the property line Sept. 28. The resident claimed the tree was his and he was afraid the work might have damaged the tree's roots. Patrol advised it was a civil matter. The resident was told he could obtain more information about the property line from Village Hall.

On Sept. 29, a Ferncliff Road woman reported a truck damaged her driveway walkway. It was caused by a truck using her driveway to turn around due to related construction at a neighbor's house. The neighbor's contractor agreed to repair the damage.

Village code
Patrol issued summonses to landscapers using gas-powered leaf blowers on Boulevard Sept. 26.

Police dispersed kids from a large youth party on Carstensen Road Sept. 29.

Police advised a Fox Meadow Road resident to lower the volume of his music after neighbors complained Sept. 30.

Lost and found
A passerby found a Target credit card on Post Road and gave it to patrol. Patrol contacted the owner, a Burgess Road resident, and returned the card to her.
A Good Samaritan found an envelope containing cash in the village center and gave it to police Sept. 29.

On Sept. 25, stood by for Con Edison at the site of a faint gas odor on Popham Road.
Firefighters advised Con Edison about a power outage in the area of Old Lyme Road Sept. 26.

Firefighters shut the breaker to a malfunctioning stove in a Ridgecrest West house Sept. 26.

A wall-hung condensing boiler's exhaust pipe came detached from the unit and caused carbon monoxide to enter a Greenacres Avenue house Sept. 28. Firefighters shut down the boiler and stood by for Con Edison. Con Edison red-tagged the boiler for repair.

This week, firefighters assisted at three accidents in the village and on parkways. They responded to 13 false fire alarms, caused by device malfunction, cooking smoke, shower steam and accidental manual activation.

This report covering police and fire department activity from Sept. 24 to Oct. 1 has been compiled from official information.

scarsdalesecuritylogo-1-1This police report is sponsored by Scarsdale Security who does more than just security. Contact them about remote video for your home or business. Call 914-722-2200 or visit their website.