Sunday, Oct 06th

9GorhamCourtOn July 14, police responded to a report of a large tree falling and striking a Gorham Court house. The tree, which fell from the backyard, struck the house, cut through the roof and came to rest between the first and second floors. An exterior wall, the roof and an interior stairwell were compromised. Windows were broken. Police, firefighters, Con Edison, the water department and the building department responded to evaluate the scene. Since the house was vacant and for sale, police contacted the real estate agent who notified the owner. All utilities were shut off for safety. Firefighters sealed the exposed areas of the house with tarps, staples and caution tape. The building department determined the tree was located on private property and did not belong to the village.

Stolen money
On July 12, an Immaculate Heart of Mary church official reported that four lock boxes and a candle stand were damaged. Approximately $200 was stolen from the lock boxes. Investigation showed that a parishioner unlocked the lock boxes at approximately 6 a.m. and left them in good order, with nothing missing, at 7:15 a.m. when mass ended. At 8:30 a.m., it was determined that money had been stolen from the lock boxes. Polices estimated that the theft occurred sometime between 7:15 a.m. and 8:30 a.m.

Stolen box
A caller reported seeing two men get out of green four-door Acura parked on Bradley Road and approach a Bradley Road house around 8:15 p.m., July 14. They proceeded to take a small brown box from the front porch, get back in the car and drive away. The caller said the occupants of the house had passed away, and the house was empty and for sale.

An employee of LF Stores on Boniface Circle reported a pair of jeans was stolen from the store July 13. Police are following up.

Car break-in
A Colonial Road woman reported approximately five dollars in charge was missing from her Lincoln Navigator July 15. She told police her husband was out of town, and she wanted to discuss the matter with him before filing an official report.

Domestic matters
A father called police to report he was having a heated argument with his son, and he asked his son to leave July 14. When police got to the house, the father said his son had already left the house. While police were still on scene, the son returned and apologized for his behavior.

A woman walked into headquarters and asked to do a custody exchange at headquarters July 15. She refused to provide any pedigree information. She then asked for the address of the Greenburgh Police Department and left.

Welfare check
A caller reported her daughter is a friend of a person who recently posted on Facebook that he wanted to commit suicide July 15. The caller asked police to check the person's welfare. Police are following up. The matter is confidential.

On July 17, police responded to a group home on Post Road because of a physical altercation between two residents. Police learned that while one woman was in the kitchen cooking dinner, another woman entered the kitchen, confronted the "cook" and began to scratch the cook's arms because she was allegedly upset over a change in the kitchen's cleaning schedule. Staff separated both women. The aggressor was unable to clearly communicate with police because she was "in an altered mental state." To address the altered mental state, Scarsdale Volunteer Ambulance Corps took the woman to White Plains Hospital Center. A NY State Mental Hygiene Emergency Admission form was filled out by police, and the woman was monitored by two security guards at the hospital. The cook, who sustained scratches to her arm, refused medical attention.

On July 10, a Greenaces Avenue resident reported someone was "attempting to enter her home" and continuously ringing the doorbell. The person was described as driving a gray Toyota Prius. Police found the person and the car. The person was a pizza deliveryman and had mistakenly gone to the wrong house.

Fire hydrant
A Lincoln Road fire hydrant was found to be leaking water July 15. A nearby resident reported hearing a loud bang, possibly from an auto strike, near the hydrant shortly before it was found leaking. Firefighters were called to evaluate the integrity of the fire hydrant, and the water department shut off the hydrant's water supply.

Car horn
An Overhill Road resident called police at 3:40 a.m., July 11, reporting that his car alarm was sounding outside, but he did not know why. Upon arrival at the scene, police saw a young man standing outside a car in a driveway. He said he had been knocking on his parents' door, but they did not hear him. He said he then started using the car horn, in an attempt to wake them and get them to come to the door. Dispatch contacted the caller and explained the situation. The caller came to the door and let his son into the house.

An Overhill Road woman reported a large, basketball-sized rock suddenly appeared in her yard July 11. Police determined the rock had most likely gotten loose and rolled down from a stone retaining wall at the back of the woman's property.

A Richbell Road resident reported someone put orange traffic cones in front of his driveway, thus preventing his landscaper from entering his property July 12. Upon arrival, police spoke with a Con Edison foreman subcontracted to repair a gas leak in the street. He said he moved the cones as soon as he realized the landscaper needed to get access to the property. Patrol contacted the resident and updated her about the misunderstanding.

A library employee reported an individual was fishing turtles out of the Audrey Hochberg pond to take them home and eat them July 12. Police went to the pond and spoke with the library employee to get more information. The library employee said he saw a man with white hair and two young girls with blonde hair, approximately seven years old, fishing turtles out of the pond with a fishing net. When the employee approached the family and inquired about their activities, the man allegedly said they were going to eat the turtles. By the time the employee entered the library to report the incident, the family had already left the pond.

A man accused of giving tennis lessons on the Scarsdale Middle School tennis courts without a permit told police he was "only practicing and playing the game." There was no one with him when police investigated the accusations, reported by a caller.

Suspicious men
A Murray Hill Road woman reported a suspicious conversation with two tall, skinny, white men, with dark bushy hair, in their twenties July 16. According to the woman, the family dog ran out of the house and toward the road where the men were walking. The woman's daughter ran after the dog and called to the men to help her with the dog. One man was wearing black pants and a red shirt. The other man was wearing black pants and a black shirt. The woman said they were possibly identical twins. As the dog approached the men, one of them pulled out a pocketknife and told the daughter, "You're lucky. I almost stabbed your dog." The daughter then apologized, and the men left the area. Police canvassed the area but could not find the men

Road rage
On July 12, a female driver reported a male driver interacted with her by aggressively honking his horn while the female driver was waiting for the green arrow before making a left turn from Popham Road onto Scarsdale Avenue. The woman said there is a lack of visibility at the Popham Road Bridge, and she felt more comfortable waiting for the green arrow. After she made the left turn and parked her car on Scarsdale Avenue, the male driver pulled his car next to her, yelled at her and drove away. Patrol advised the woman that Village Code prevents excessive and unnecessary noise, including horn honking. However, since patrol did not observe the horn honking, patrol stated there was no requirement for police action. The woman insisted that the incident be documented for two reasons. First, she said she wanted to discuss the safety of the traffic light and the left turn at that intersection with Village Hall. Second, she said she wanted to make sure police were aware of the situation that she experienced because it could occur with other motorists in the future. She suggested police could be proactive in preventing similar incidents in the future. Patrol advised that Scarsdale police heavily patrol that area of the village; however, there are sometimes traffic infractions that occur without patrol seeing them.

Cars and roadways
Patrol moved a large tree limb from Bell and Sprague roads July 10.

Patrol was unable to push a very heavy fallen tree limb from White Road, due to its weight, July 10. Patrol snapped off numerous smaller branches to make the road passable. The highway department was notified for removal.

Police removed a tire from Fox Meadow Road July 10.

A caller reported a white BMW parked "by the overpass on Bypass, near someone's backyard" with two men standing near the car July 10. Patrol spoke with the men and they said they were doing a photo shoot for online sales in the area. No criminal activity was observed, and the men left the area.

Parking summonses were issued to illegally parked cars on Ferncliff, Drake and Sunset roads July 11.

Police removed wooden scaffolding boards from the roadway at Weaver Street and Palmer Avenue July 11. The manager of the construction site was advised.

Police advised a skateboarder on Post Road to use the sidewalk for safety July 12.

Patrol issued a parking summons to an illegally parked landscaping truck on Heathcote Road July 12.

Patrol advised Verizon about a low-hanging utility wire on Weaver Street July 12.

A tree branch fell on Brite Avenue and brought down wires July 14. Con Edison was notified.
Nine car accidents were reported in the village this week.

Village code

Police issued summonses to landscapers for using gas-powered leaf blowers on Fenimore and Drake roads July 10, Church Lane and Heathcote Road July 11 and Crane Road July 15.

A noise complaint about activity on Saxon Woods Golf Course was referred to Westchester County Police at 11:45 p.m., July 15.
A Honda CRV's car alarm was sounding in a Madison Road driveway at 4 a.m., July 16, and a neighbor called police to complain about the noise. All doors were locked, and there was no sign of criminal activity. Police knocked on the house door numerous times, but no one answered. While police were on scene, the car's battery died, thus silencing the alarm.

Lost and found
A village resident reported his car's license plate fell off his car and got lost somewhere in the village July 12.

On July 11, a Brook Lane resident reported he donated his car to the Make-a-Wish Foundation and later realized the license plates had been left on the car. The plates have now been deemed lost.

Police found a driver's license on Weaver Street, contacted the owner and returned the license July 16.

Firefighters extinguished a small bag of rubbish on fire at the end of a Boulevard driveway July 10. They overhauled the area and confirmed there was no extension of the fire.

Firefighters responded to a report of smoldering mulch on Carthage Road July 10. Firefighters determined the mulch was naturally off-gassing.

An electrician working in a Continental Road house asked the fire department to check an alarm system that was not working July 10. Firefighters observed a hardwired system that had been damaged and would not turn off. Firefighters helped the resident call the alarm company and arrange for replacement of the system. In the meantime, the system was disconnected to silence the alarm.

Firefighters stood by for Con Edison and checked apartments for possible gas after a gas odor was detected in an apartment building on Chateaux Circle July 10.

Firefighters responded to an automatic alarm in a Garden Road house July 11. There, firefighters found a light smoke condition due to a pot being left on the stove. They removed the pot, searched the house for occupants and ventilated the house.

Firefighters assisted Con Edison with safety precautions related to the repair of an underground gas leak in a house service line on Secor Road July 11.

A worker's hand got stuck in a fence on Tunstall Road July 11. Before firefighters arrived, the worker's hand was safely released by police.

A contractor working on Sherbrooke Road called Con Edison because he felt the gas line was not properly marked July 12.

A Kent Road resident asked firefighters to help a small rabbit get out of a deep window well on her property July 12. The rabbit was attempting to jump out of the window well, but it could not jump high enough. Firefighters went into the window well and removed the rabbit to a grassy area of the yard. The rabbit appeared uninjured and quickly hopped away.

After a Secor Road resident complained of a possible natural gas odor in her house, firefighters checked the house and confirmed there were no natural gas readings there July 12. There was ongoing excavation and work on natural gas mains nearby in the street; so firefighters deduced this Con Edison work was the source of the odor.

A car was leaking oil on Brewster Road July 13. Firefighters applied Speedy Dri to the spill. The car was awaiting a tow.

A Richbell Road resident accidentally got locked out of her house July 13. Firefighters verified the resident's identity and helped her get back in the house.

Police asked firefighters to helped silence an audible exterior alarm at a Stonewall Lane house July 13.

A Mamaroneck Road resident reported an electrical problem with the air conditioning unit in her house July 14. She said the unit was not working and the circuit breakers for the unit were tripped at the electrical panel. When the resident turned the breakers back to the "on" position, an electrical short with a small flame shot from a metal box mounted on the wall next to the main electrical panel. Firefighters turned the breakers back to the "off" position and used a thermal imaging camera to check for any abnormal heat extending from the metal box. None was detected. The resident was advised to keep the breaker in the "off" position and contact an electrician to check the system.

Firefighters helped police silence a malfunctioning car alarm on Harvest Drive by disconnecting the car's battery July 14.

Elevated levels of carbon monoxide were detected in a Cushman Road house July 16. Firefighters evacuated the house and searched for the source of the carbon monoxide. Readings were found to be highest in the basement, at the bottom of the stairwell. Firefighters shut down appliances and utilities in the basement, ventilated the house and stood by for Con Edison.

This week, firefighters assisted at four car accidents in the village and on parkways. They responded to 19 false alarms caused by device malfunction, construction dust, cooking smoke and accidental activation.

This report covering police and fire department activity from July 10-16 was compiled from official information.

scarsdalesecuritylogo-1-1This police report is sponsored by Scarsdale Security who does more than just security. Contact them about remote video for your home or business. Call 914-722-2200 or visit their website.


carspeedingDWI arrest
At 4: 26 a.m., July 9, police arrested Jayron M. Whitted, 30, of Mount Vernon, on charges of operation of a motor vehicle while intoxicated (with a prior conviction), use of a leased vehicle without an ignition interlock device, first-degree aggravated unlicensed operation of a motor vehicle, driving with speed not reasonable and prudent, unlawful fleeing a police officer in a motor vehicle and failure to obey a police officer. Whitted's 2009 Acura was observed traveling at a high rate of speed and crossing pavement markings on Post Road by a police officer conducting DWI enforcement there. The officer activated lights and sirens in an attempt to conduct a traffic stop. Whitted's car began to slow down, hit the curb, then accelerated at a high rate of speed. Three police cars pursued the car along Post Road until Boulevard, when a sergeant instructed the officers to cease following the car. Approximately two minutes later, Eastchester police reported a vehicle rollover accident at Post Road and Hilldale Place. Police confirmed it was the same car that had been fleeing Scarsdale officers. Eastchester police reported the driver – later identified as Whitted – crawled out of the car and ran down Club Way. Police canvassed the area and eventually found Whitted running in the vicinity of Park and Leewood drives. He was covered in sweat and had several visible cuts on his arms. His breath smelled of alcohol; his speech was slurred; and his eyes were bloodshot and watery. Eastchester EMS transported Whitted to Westchester Medical Center, accompanied by police officers. While at the hospital, Scarsdale police read Whitted his DWI Warning, and Whitted refused to submit to a blood rest to determine his blood alcohol level. Judge Joachim Alemany, from Scarsdale Village Justice Court, responded to the hospital and arraigned Whitted at bedside. Whitted was subsequently remanded to Westchester County Jail. A check of Whitted's records indicated an active bench warrant issued out of New York City for "failure to make a payment" as part of a conditional discharge for a DWI conviction. Whitted's personal property was removed from the car, and the car was towed to the police impound lot. Whitted was placed under constant police supervision while at the hospital and later handed over to Westchester County Correction officers.

Arrest on warrant
New York State Police contacted Scarsdale police on July 9 to advise they were in custody of Jonathan Hirsch, 44, of Pleasantville, whom they learned had an active bench warrant issued out of Scarsdale. The warrant was issued for failure to appear in court. Patrol picked up Hirsch from a traffic stop by New York State Police troopers in Greenburgh. Judge Alemany was consulted, and bail was issued for $1,000, with an appearance ticket for July 12. Bail was posted by Hirsch's wife, and he was released.

Missing property
A resident of the Ambassador, on Saxon woods Road, told a staff member she could not find her handbag and an unspecified amount of jewelry in her room July 5. The staff member called police to investigate; however, the resident became agitated by patrol's presence and said she wanted to speak with her family first.

Identity theft
On July 5, a Claremont Road resident reported someone ordered a computer from Staples and had it delivered to her house using her identity credentials. The resident made arrangements with Staples to return the computer. Police are investigating.

On July 7, a Chateaux Circle resident reported someone opened fraudulent credit cards at Best Buy and P.C. Richards in her name. The person used the cards to make two fraudulent purchases at a Best Buy store and three fraudulent purchases at a P.C. Richards store. Both store were in Elmhurst. Both accounts were closed, and the woman is monitoring her credit report.

Welfare check
On July 3, police checked the welfare of a Gilmore Court man after the man's father called police stating he had concerns because he had not been able to reach his son. The son was in good condition and did not require police assistance.

A caller asked police to check the welfare of a former health care aide on Larch Lane July 9. The aide was fine. She told police she was attempting to limit contact with the man who requested the welfare check. She said the man's concerns were "somewhat intrusive," and she "does not wish future contact." Police advised the man.

A man dressed in black was walking on Murray Hill Road at 2:30 a.m., July 3. He told police he was "just out of for a walk." Patrol advised him to walk on the opposite side of the road, against the flow of traffic, for his safety.
Police checked the welfare of a man wearing pajamas and socks lying in his Heathcote lawn July 3. He was OK.

Gas pump
A driver accidentally drove away from the Gulf gas station on Scarsdale Avenue with the fuel pump still attached to her car July 4. The driver said she was un aware of the pump's attachment because she drove away only after filling her tank, paying and saying goodbye to the gas station attendant. The incident caused damage to the gas pump but did not damage the woman's car. The gas attendant said he did not know why he failed to removed the gas pump after filling the driver's car with gas. He did not know how to reattach the hose and said he would call his manager.

A Popham Road caller reported her husband had been drinking and was out driving on the road in a black Durango July 5. Police notified Eastchester police. Multiple units checked the area but could not find the car or the allegedly intoxicated man.

An elderly Wakefield Road woman called police, sating her stove knob fell off and she needed help putting it back on July 6. An officer helped replace he stove knob and verified that all knobs were in the "off" position.

Numerous callers reported a white man with long dark hair buying gas from Heathcote Gulf and walking north on Palmer Avenue July 7. Police spoke with the man, who said he was purchasing the gasoline to run a generator at his house.

A caller reported two boys going into the woods, "possibly engaged in illegal activities" July 7. Patrol talked to the boys, who said they had gone into the woods but were not in possession of anything illegal. Patrol cautioned them about the penalties for smoking marijuana. They boys left the area without incident.

Police observed a man sitting in a parked car with the car's light off on Farley Road at 3:20 a.m., July 8. The driver said he was waiting for a phone call from a girl he knows. He could not provide patrol with the girl's last name. Patrol saw a large amount of cash in the car's center console. The man said the cash was from his job as a valet. There were no obvious signs of criminality.

Cars, roadways, trees
A caller reported a tree fell in the parking lot of Scarsdale Baptist Church but did not cause any damage cars July 3. The tree was on private property, so no further police action was required.

A car belonging to a Central Taxi driver was parked on top of a Con Edison manhole on Ferncliff Road July 3. Police contacted the owner who moved the car.

A caller reported a bicyclist almost hit his car on Post Road July 3. The caller was concerned about the cyclist's safety. Police canvassed the area for the cyclist but could not find him.

A traffic light at Walworth Avenue and Fenimore Road was stuck on "flash" July 4 and July 5. Police contacted an electrician for repair.

Police found a car door ajar on Carman Road at 1:49 a.m., July 5. The owner examined the car, said nothing was out of place and closed the door.

A car was found parked on Brookby Road with its lights on at 2:30 a.m., July 6. Patrol turned off the lights and secured the car.

A grandfather accidentally locked his car keys in a parked car with his two-year-old grandson inside on East Parkway July 6. Police, firefighters, Heathcote Gulf and Scarsdale Volunteer Ambulance Corps arrived on scene. The car door was opened and the child was reunited with his grandfather unharmed.

A tree leaning on wires on River Road was removed by Con Edison July 7.

Seven car accidents were reported in the village this week.

A caller reported a sick squirrel on Roosevelt Place July 4. Police went to the scene and observed the squirrel lying still and having shortness of breath. It was not showing classic symptoms of rabies. While police were there, the squirrel died at the scene. Exercising caution, police placed the dead animal inside a garbage bag for sanitation pickup.

A Johnson Road resident reported a squirrel loose in her house July 6. Police could not find it.

A Taunton Road woman reported a dead blue heron on her front lawn near the bushes July 6. Police noticed the bird's body had a torn wing. Police deduced the bird was struck and died there as a result of its in injuries.

Using microchip information, patrol found the owner of a lost dog in the village July 7. Dog and owner were reunited.

A neighbor complained of a barking dog on Palmer Avenue July 8. Patrol contacted the dog's owner who said she would contact the dog walker to address the situation in her absence.

Village code
Police issued summonses to landscapers using gas-powered leaf blowers on Harvest Drive July 3, Cushman Road July 4 and Greenacres Avenue July 6.

Teens were setting off fireworks on Fox Meadow field July 3 and July 4. Police advised each group of teens that fireworks were illegal and no one was allowed on school grounds after dark. In both cases, the teens cleaned up the fireworks' residue and left.

Solicitors on Windmill Lane only had a permit to solicit in White Plains July 5. Patrol advised them they were in Scarsdale, and the solicitors left.

At 7:30 a.m., a worker on Huntington Avenue was told village code prohibited the use of power tools before 8 a.m. on weekdays.

Police told a magazine salesman he needed a permit to solicit in the village July 6.

Police issued a summons to the company that placed handbills on cars' windshields in Freightway Garage July 7.

After neighbors complained of noise, police asked a Brite Avenue party host to lower the sound the party at 11 p.m., July 8. The party host agreed to lower the noise, and she said the party was ending.

After neighbors complained of noise, a Tisdale Road homeowner said he would lower the volume of music he and his friends were listening to on the back deck at 2 a.m., July 9.

A man was issued a summons for using power tools to install drywall in his garage on Carstensen Road at 8:40 a.m., July 9.

Lost and found
A Weaver Street woman reported losing her wallet somewhere in the village July 3. It contained a driver's license and credit card.
On July 6, a woman reported losing her Volkswagen car key on East Parkway sometime around June 21.

Firefighters helped a Tisdale Road resident get back in her house after she accidently locked herself outside July 3.

A gasoline can caught fire in the backyard of a Heathcote Road construction site while a worker was using a gasoline power washer July 6. Firefighters extinguished it with a dry powder extinguisher and a garden hose. Workers said one of them tried to refuel the power washer while it was still running and the can and device caught fire. The burst of flames caused one worker to get burned on his face. The worker was taken to the hospital with injuries.

On July 10, a bag of trash caught fire in a Boulevard driveway. Firefighters extinguished the fire and overhauled the area.

This week, firefighters assisted at two car accidents in the village. They responded to 17 false fire alarms caused by device malfunction, cooking smoke and construction dust.

This report covering police and fire department activity from July 3 – 9 was compiled from official information.

scarsdalesecuritylogo-1-1This police report is sponsored by Scarsdale Security who does more than just security. Contact them about remote video for your home or business. Call 914-722-2200 or visit their website.


18BerwickAThe Scarsdale Police have arrested two men in connection with a burglary of an occupied home in Fox Meadow in the middle of the night on Wednesday April 19. At 2 am, the residents awoke to find two masked men in the house on Berwick Road. The husband grabbed one of the suspects while the wife chased the other one out of the house. Both fled through the front door and police have been investigating ever since.

On Tuesday June 27, police issued a press release reporting the arrest of Alexander Crooks, age 25 of Mt. Vernon and Antwan Hall, age 25 of the Bronx. Both were charged with Burglary 2nd degree, a class "C" felony.

They were arraigned in Scarsdale Justice Court and remanded to the Westchester County Jail for a future court appearance in Scarsdale Justice Court.

The arrests were the result of an ongoing investigation into the burglary on Berwick Road. Additional arrests are anticipated.

Faulty wiring causes two structure fires last week
On June 19, the rear of a Colonial Road house caught on fire. The fire was reported by a passerby who saw smoke coming from the house at 6:30 p.m. Approximately 30 feet of vinyl siding outside the house was burning. No one was home. Firefighters knocked down the door and stretched a hose line into the house. The main electrical panel was opened up and the power was cut. Inside and outside walls were opened to fight the fire and check for extension. Thermal imaging cameras were also used. No extension was found. Con Edison shut utilities to the house and firefighters covered up the building with plastic to protect it from rain. The cause was determined to be a faulty outdoor electrical outlet.

On June 25, firefighters were dispatched to Berwick Road because of an electrical fire in the basement ceiling. When firefighters arrived, the occupants of the house were outside on the front lawn. Black smoke was seen coming from the floorboards and molding in the front foyer. A check of the basement identified a developing smoke condition. Thermal imaging cameras revealed fire burning inside concealed ceiling space in a basement family room. Gas and power supplies were cut to the house. The ceiling was opened up, and the fire was extinguished. The house was ventilated and firefighters confirmed there was no extension of the fire. Faulty wiring was cited as the cause of the accidental fire. The residents of the house went to a hotel for the night due to the damage caused by the fire.

On June 23, a Franklin Road resident reported she noticed several miscellaneous items missing from her house over the past few months. Among the items was a silver pitcher valued at $1,000. Police are following up.

A Richbell Road resident reported someone was coming on his property and stealing stones June 23 and June 25. The stones were dismantled from a decorative stone wall on the property. The man had placed a temporary fence on his property to deter the thefts, but his efforts were unsuccessful.

Bicycle theft
A home security system camera captured a person entering a Harvest Drive garage, leaving a blue Diamondback bicycle behind and stealing one of the resident's 10-speeed bicycles at 3:45 p.m., June 20.

A Boulevard resident reported his purple Cannondale bicycle was stolen from his garage June 22. It occurred between the hours of 8:25 a.m. and 8:45 p.m. In the morning the garage door was approximately three inches ajar. By the time the bike was discovered stolen, the door was halfway open.

Domestic matter
Police stood by while agents from Children's Protective Services investigated a Quaker Ridge house on an undisclosed matter and followed up on a school attendance issue June 20.

Identity theft
On June 19, a Brambach Road man reported an unauthorized charge made to his Verizon Wireless account on June 16. It was for an Apple iPhone 7 for $743.73. The phone was scheduled to be shipped to an address in Arizona. The man called Verizon, stated the transaction was fraudulent and cancelled it.

Drain cover
A Chesterfield Road woman reported on June 20 that someone tampered with her plastic water drain cover situated in her front walkway. Patrol removed the cover and checked the drain to make sure no one had placed anything inside the drain. Nothing unusual was observed. The drain cover was not damaged. The woman said she thought it was odd that the cover had been moved, and she wanted to report it to police.

Bats and balls
A bag of Little League equipment was left in a Colby Road driveway, and the homeowner did not know why it was there June 21. Patrol investigated and discovered seven other bags of equipment placed in another Colby Road driveway. Patrol deduced one bag was dropped off at the wrong house. Patrol reunited the errant bag with the other equipment.

Taxi fare
A Greenburgh taxi driver reported a passenger was attempting to leave the taxi on Post Road without paying the proper fare June 21. The fare was $16, and the passenger only had $11. The passenger was able to get the proper fare after a short meeting with her lawyer at Village Justice Court.

A caller reported standing on the bridge under Bypass and feeling it sway June 21. She felt it was unsafe and communicated her concerns to police. Police relayed the information to the Village engineering department for follow-up.

A man called 911 stating he just delivered goods to a Claremont Road construction site and did not receive payment June 21. Police went to the scene, but no one was there.

A Mamaroneck Road woman reported a suspicious box in her driveway June 22. Police determined it contained old twine and rope. The woman said she would dispose of it.

Fallen tree
A large limb from a falling tree hit a Fox Meadow Road house June 24. The homeowner told police the tree fell from Butler Woods.

On call
A Dell Road doctor was supposed to be on call over the weekend June 24; however, members of the doctor's practice were unable to reach him. The doctor's partner asked police to conduct a welfare check. The doctor was OK and contacted his partner.

Welfare check
On June 25, police checked the welfare of a woman slumped over the steering wheel of a minivan parked on Palmer Avenue. She was coherent and able to answer all of patrol's questions. Patrol contacted the woman's brother who said such behavior was not unusual for his sister. Her brother said he would tend to his sister for the evening.

An elderly woman who only spoke Mandarin was found wandering in the area of Cohawney Road and Oak Lane at 8:45 p.m., June 25. The woman was unable to communicate with patrol due to the language barrier. A nearby resident, who was a Mandarin speaker, helped by translating for patrol. The resident learned that the woman was new to the area and had gotten lost while out for a walk. Shortly thereafter, a man in a car pulled up. He was the woman's son, who confirmed the family had just moved to the village approximately four days ago. Patrol asked if the woman needed medical services. The son declined and took his mother home.

A parking enforcement officer identified a car with scofflaw status parked on East Parkway June 19. The owner of the car returned to it before the car could be impounded. The owner assured the officer she was on her way to Village Hall to address the issue of numerous unpaid parking tickets.

Pedestrian hit
An Old Lyme Road driver grazed a 74-year-old pedestrian's right wrist while the pedestrian was crossing Foxhall Place in a designated crosswalk June 24, at 11:18 a.m. The driver was going around a barricaded construction zone when the accident occurred. The pedestrian did not request to be transported to the hospital or treated by Scarsdale Volunteer Ambulance Corps.

Cars and roadways                                                                                                                         Police moved a fallen telephone wire from the intersection of Chase and Crane roads June 19. Verizon was notified.

A Weaver Street resident allegedly parked his car on Old Lyme Road for "approximately three weeks," according to an Old Lyme Road resident. On June 19, police spoke with the car owner, and the owner moved his car.

A tree fell on Post Road June 19. Patrol set up flares around the trees and diverted traffic around it. The highway department responded and removed the tree.

As per police recommendation, three large buses were moved to a different location on Morris Lane to better support the flow of traffic June 19.

A driver parked in the fire line in front of Scarsdale train station did not want to comply with a police aide's instructions to move his car and asked to speak with patrol June 19. The driver stated that parking by the train station is inadequate and he has observed many motorists using the fire lane to pick up and drop off passengers on a daily basis. Patrol explained the safety concerns related to motorists parked in the fire lane. Patrol explained the reasons that motorists must comply with parking directives issued by the police aide.

A large tree fell on Palmer Avenue June 19. Police directed traffic around the tree and stood by for the highway department to remove the tree.

Police spoke to the driver of a car, with tinted windows, parked on Nelson Road and Boulevard June 20. The driver was a private investigator acting within the scope of the law.

Patrol removed fallen branches from Butler Road June 20.

Police advised Verizon about low hanging phone wires on Butler Road June 21.

An electrician was called to repair a flashing traffic light at Fenimore and Fox Meadow roads June 22.

Police ticketed two cars illegally parked in a crosswalk between the Scarsdale pool and Kids Base June 22. They also ticketed an illegally parked car on Fox Meadow Road June 22.

Eleven car accidents were reported in the village this week.

Lost and found
On June 19, a passerby found keys on Scarsdale Avenue and gave them to police.

A woman found an iPhone in the village and gave it to police June 19.
Patrol was unable to identify the owner of the phone. 

On June 19, a Brite Avenue man reported losing his wallet at Scarsdale High School the previous day. It contained approximately $10-$20 cash, credit cards, a driver's license and a volunteer firefighter badge ID. The man cancelled his credit cards.

Prescription glasses were found on a Carthage Road front porch and reported to police at 6:45 a.m., June 20. Police vouchered the glasses at headquarters for safekeeping. 

A woman lost her wallet in Balducci's June 20. She reported it to police the next day.

A wallet was lost in a Central Taxi cab June 21. The owner contacted headquarters looking for her wallet, and it was returned to her.

Car keys were found in Davis Park June 21.

On June 23, a Lee Road resident reported losing his New York City Department of Building Agency ID card somewhere in the village.

ipadA caller reported finding an iPad that was thrown from a passing black Cherokee on Canterbury Road June 23. The iPad was thrown from the driver's window and almost hit the caller's, who was driving in an oncoming direction.

A Carman Road man lost his wallet in Tarrytown June 25. Tarrytown police notified Scarsdale police, who notified the owner.

Village code
On June 20, police dispersed kids from Edgewood School basketball courts at 7:40 p.m.

Kids were dispersed from Hyatt Field after dark June 21. They apologized and left without incident. 

Patrol issued summonses to landscapers using gas-powered leaf blowers, in violation of village code, on Wayside Lane and Heathcote Road June 23.

Firefighters were called to investigate a possible outdoor gas odor on Walworth Avenue June 21. Con Edison was actively working on a gas leak in the area. The matter was under control, and firefighters helped Con Edison check nearby houses for possible gas migration.

Firefighters stood by for Con Edison at the sites of reported gas odors on Tunstall Road and Walworth Avenue June 22. 

Water was leaking from a Rock Creek Lane sprinkler head, and firefighters shut the water supply June 22.

Firefighters addressed a malfunctioning elevator at Village Hall June 24.

Firefighters stood by for Con Edison at the site of natural gas odor in a Chateaux Circle apartment June 25. No readings of explosive gas were detected.

A Fenimore Road smoke odor was caused by an outdoor fire pit June 25.

This week, firefighters assisted at three car accidents in the village and on parkways. They responded to 20 false fire alarms caused by device malfunction, cooking smoke, smoke from a barbecue grill, high humidity in a locker room, steam from a broken hot water heater holding tank and leaking water.  

This report covering police and fire department activity from June 19-25 was compiled from official information.

scarsdalesecuritylogo-1-1This police report is sponsored by Scarsdale Security who does more than just security. Contact them about remote video for your home or business. Call 914-722-2200 or visit their website.


On June 26, police arrested Anthony Mrijaj, 20, of Scarsdale. He was charged with criminal obstruction of breathing or blood circulation, third-degree assault, and endangering the welfare of a child. The alleged victim was identified as Mrijaj's 19-year-old girlfriend. As per police department policy regarding domestic incidents, no further details were released.

Stolen wallet
On June 29, a woman reported her wallet was stolen out of her purse at Immaculate Heart of Mary Church on Carman Road. It contained $15 cash and various credit cards. She said she went to the church to drop off flowers, placed her purse in a pew and left it unattended while she got water for the flowers. About an hour later, she noticed her wallet was missing when she attempted to pay a Central Taxi fare. The cab driver took her back to IHM Church, where she looked for the wallet but did not find it. Then, when the woman went to Chase Bank in an attempt to obtain money, she learned charges had already been made on the four credit cards that had been in her wallet. All cards were subsequently cancelled. Police are following up.

Stolen checks
On July 3, a Mahopac woman who works in the village reported someone fraudulently altered and cashed two checks that she had written to Exxon Mobil and Comcast to pay bills in mid June. The checks were dropped in a mailbox located at Nelson Road and Boulevard. By July 2, either company had received the checks, and the woman followed up with her bank. Investigation showed both checks had been altered to reflect a different payee. Her bank is following up.

Criminal mischief
Sometime between June 30 and July 3, criminal mischief occurred at a Fairview Road house under construction. A contractor advised that someone placed a running hose through a basement window, causing approximately one foot of water to flood the basement. Further inspection showed one of the basement windows had been broken. Also, a fire extinguished was sprayed into the cabin of an unlocked 1996 dump truck parked on the property. Police are investigating.

Domestic matter
A man called police because he got into an argument with a man, whom he alleged was a neighbor, who was out at Chat restaurant with his wife June 26. The man and his wife are in the early stages of divorce and starting to see other people, the man said. He claimed his wife's dinner companion threatened him during the argument. The man said he would follow up with White Plains police "because the man is his neighbor."

Police were called about an altercation involving adult men on the Quaker Ridge soccer field on Weaver Street June 28. One soccer player allegedly struck another player in the face with a closed fist during the game. The blow caused a small laceration and swelling to the victim's face. Prior to the altercation, both men were attempting to gain possession of the ball. There was also allegedly an exchange of comments made about the "teams being unfair" and players "talking too much." Police are following up.

A Windmill Circle resident reported her home security cameras recorded two boys, approximately 13 years old each, standing near her front door at approximately 7 p.m., June 30. The camera recorded one of the boys saying: "I want to see inside. Let's go around the back." Patrol checked the exterior of the resident's house and found all to be in good order.

A caller reported a man got out of a white van and entered a chapel on Carman Road at 11 p.m., June 26. The man told police he had stopped by for the adoration, which is held every day and every night.

An Edgewood Road woman reported a screen was missing from one of the windows on her house June 26. Police examined the window and determined the screen had been missing for an extended period of time. The woman could not remember when she last saw the screen intact on the window, but he believed it had been several weeks earlier.

A woman's hand got closed in an elevator door in an Overhill Road building June 29. She placed her hand on the closing door in an attempt to hold the door open for another passenger; however, the door failed to spring open and closed on her hand. A friend helped force open the door to release her hand. She refused medical attention since she was already in the building to see a doctor for another matter. The building's superintendent was informed.

A Sycamore Road woman reported her garage door opened on its own, and she asked police to check her property June 29. When police arrived at the woman's house, she opened the front door, and the house alarm went off. The woman was frightened by patrol, and the woman would not open the front door. This, and a possible hearing impairment, made communication difficult. Patrol offered to check the interior and exterior of the woman's house. She declined an interior check. Patrol checked the exterior of the house and found the perimeter to be secure. Patrol rang the doorbell to advise the woman of the exterior check, but she did not answer the door. Patrol saw the woman inside the house, through a window, and she did not appear to be in distress. So, patrol left.

Alleged abuse
MTA police asked Scarsdale police to investigate a report of a woman abusing her child on a train. Police stayed on scene on Depot Place, with MTA police, until Scarsdale Volunteer Ambulance Corps arrived on scene to evaluate the child. No further information was released.

A motorist advised that three kids on bicycles threw debris on his car on the Bronx River Parkway June 30. The debris caused damage to the car. Westchester County Police were notified for investigation.

Cars and roadways
Patrol removed a fallen branch from Madison Road at 2:15 a.m., June 26.

The driver of a car parked in the lot of Scarsdale Synagogue for an extended period of time told police she had gotten permission from the synagogue to park the car there.

A caller reported "suspicious" cars parked on Reimer Road June 27. They belonged to catering staff hired by a resident of the street.

A Sprague Road man reported that a car damaged stones composing his front walkway June 28. The man said he heard noises of a car crash and a tire exploding at approximately 1 a.m., but he did not notice the damage until the morning.

Police removed a fallen cable wire from Ogden Road June 28.

Two men standing near a black Lexus on Depot Place were waiting for their mother to bring a key fob for their car June 30.

Police removed a fallen tree from Bypass June 30.

A caller reported a branch almost fell on her car while the caller was driving on Heathcote Road July 1. Patrol removed the branch from the roadway.

Patrol removed another branch from Walworth Avenue July 1.

A tree fell on a 2015 Honda Civic parked on Depot Place after midnight July 2. The car sustained a cracked windshield and front-end damage. The car was towed to a garage. Police could not find contact information for the owner.

A wheel fell off a trailer transporting a boat on Heathcote Road July 2. Patrol called a tow for assistance.

Ten car accidents were reported in the village this week.

A hen was reported in a Greendale Road garage June 28. When officers arrived, the chicken was already contained inside a fenced area in the resident's back yard. Police gave the resident trappers' telephone numbers for follow-up.

Neighbors complained about a barking dog on Larch Lane June 29. Police spoke to the dog's owner who apologized and agreed to bring the noisy dog in the house.

Village code

On June 26, police issued a summons to a house cleaner for illegally posting an advertising sign on Post Road.

Police issued summonses to landscapers using gas-powered leaf blowers on Secor and Mamaroneck roads June 26, Elm Road June 28 and Fox Meadow Road June 29 and June 30.

Police dispersed kids from Greenacres School grounds after dark June 27, Brite Avenue June 30.

A Taunton Road caller complained about noise from an engine "running all day and night for no reason" July 2. Police determined the noise was caused by a large generator brought in by Con Edison for a power issue in Village Hall.

A Christie Place resident complained of noise coming from a graduation party at Chat restaurant July 2. Police intervened, and the music volume was lowered.

Lost and found
Police found a debit card on Palmer Avenue June 27. It belonged to a local girl. Patrol called the girl's house and spoke with her father. He retrieved the debit card from headquarters.

A Citibank credit card was found on Scarsdale Avenue June 29. Patrol notified Citibank, and the card was cancelled.

A Fox Meadow Road woman lost her wallet somewhere on Weaver Street July 2. She cancelled the credit cards that were inside the wallet.

Water vapor rising from a wet roof in sunlight was mistaken for smoke on Mamaroneck Road June 27.

A smoke odor on Herkimer Road was coming from a fire pit being used by a resident July 27.

A Hazelton Drive resident reported a glue odor, due to fiberglass pipe lining, in the basement June 29. Firefighters advised the resident to keep the windows open for ventilation.

A door knob fell off a door in a Broadmoor Road house, and a mother was unable to get to her baby sleeping inside the room June 29. Firefighters opened the door. The baby was safe and unharmed.

Floors were refinished in a Tunstall Road house June 29. Firefighters advised the homeowner to open windows to ventilate the house.

Firefighters called Con Edison about a smoking electrical transformer box on Post Road June 30.

On July 1, an unoccupied bedroom door was locked. The resident asked firefighters to open the door. Firefighters removed molding to open the door.

Con Edison was called to investigate a reported natural gas odor on Heathcote Road July 1.

On July 2, firefighters called Con Edison about a fallen power line on Mamaroneck Road.

This week, firefighters assisted at four car accidents in the village. They responded to 13 false fire alarms caused by device malfunction, cooking smoke, construction dust, vapors, a power washer and accidental manual activation.

This report covering police and fire department activity from June 26 to July 2 was compiled from official information.

scarsdalesecuritylogo-1-1This police report is sponsored by Scarsdale Security who does more than just security. Contact them about remote video for your home or business. Call 914-722-2200 or visit their website.

walletMount Vernon registered sex offender arrested on warrant: At 1 a.m., June 15, police arrested Khauhi E. Tobias, 20, of Mount Vernon, on the strength of a bench warrant issued out of Mount Vernon "for failed multiple sex offender conditions." Police encountered Tobias riding a skateboard against traffic on Post Road at 1 a.m. Due to the time of night and inadequate lighting, patrol had difficulty seeing Tobias's approach. Based on the hazardous nature of the circumstances, patrol initiated the police car's lights and ordered Tobias to stop. Tobias told patrol he was coming from his girlfriend's house in White Plains and was on his way home to Mount Vernon. While checking Tobias's ID card, police realized Tobias was wanted by Mount Vernon police on an outstanding bench warrant. Tobias was arrested and detained at headquarters until Mount Vernon police picked him up.

DWI arrests
At 3:21 a.m., June 16, police arrested Jose Zhingri, 44, of Ossining, on charges of driving while intoxicated (first offense), refusal to take a breath test and an equipment violation. While conducting traffic enforcement at Post and Huntington roads, police observed a gray 2006 Acura MDX drive by with its headlights off, and police initiated a traffic stop. At that time, a taxi pulled up next to the patrol car. The taxi driver said he had been following the Acura since White Plains, where the Acura allegedly almost struck the taxi. The taxi driver said the Acura driver appeared drunk when he spoke with him. As patrol spoke with the taxi driver, patrol observed the driver of the Acura slide into the passenger seat. This action was also captured on the police car's mobile camera. Police approached the Acura and saw two people sitting in the passenger seat – a man and a woman. The man was trying to shove the woman into the driver's seat, and she was resisting. The man managed to push the woman into the driver's seat and he told police, "She was driving." Police asked the woman if she spoke English, and she shook her head. Police asked if she was driving, and she refused to look at patrol or answer the question. The man, later identified as Zhingri, again said, "She was driving. I wasn't driving." Patrol asked the woman to get out of the car to interview her away from the man. She appeared intoxicated and unsteady on her feet. Police asked her to sit back down in the backseat of the car, but she was not able to do so. Patrol then spoke to Zhingri. He said he did not speak English; so a Spanish-speaking officer was called to the scene. He showed signs of intoxication and smelled of alcohol, but he told police he had not been drinking. Patrol then asked him where they had been drinking, and he named a bar in White Plains. Patrol asked again if Zhingri had been driving, and he said the woman had been driving. Then, patrol informed him a witness had seen Zhingri driving he car. At that point, Zhingri stopped speaking with patrol. Field sobriety tests, administered in both English and Spanish, were given, and Zhingri failed them. At one point, Zhingri responded to the English instructions of the test before they were translated into Spanish. Zhingri refused to perform an alco-sensor breath test. He was handcuffed and arrested. He was later released on $250 cash bail. The female passenger refused to provide patrol with any form of identification, and she would not answer any questions. It was determined she was too intoxicated to care for herself, and she was voluntarily transported to White Plains Hospital Center for treatment.

At 2:30 a.m., June 17, police arrested Jessica Sotomayor, 39, of Bronxville, on charges od DWI (first offense), operation of a motor vehicle with a blood alcohol level of .08 of one percent, and moving from a lane unsafely. Police pulled over Sotomayor's 2002 black Ford Explorer swerving on Post Road. Police pulled over the car, and Sotomayor said she had consumed one beer and two Cosmos hours earlier at a White Plains bar. She failed field sobriety tests, and she blew a reading of .12 on an alco-sensor breath test. She was arrested and given a Datamaster test at headquarters. The Datamaster test indicated a blood alcohol level of .14. She was released on an appearance ticket, returnable to Scarsdale Village Justice Court on June 21.

Car break-ins
On June 16, a New Rochelle woman reported that someone broke the front passenger window of her 2015 Lexus parked at Crossway field while the woman was playing tennis between 5 p.m. and 6 p.m. A black tote bag, containing miscellaneous papers and hospital ID cards, was stolen. The woman said she took her handbag, containing her wallet, onto the tennis court with her. Later that day, between 6 p.m. and 7 p.m. on June 16, a Carthage Lane woman's designer purse, valued at $1,200, was removed from her unlocked Mercedes-Benz parked at Supply Field on Heathcote Road during a girls' softball game. Inside the purse was a $300 Louis Vuitton wallet containing $100 cash, prescription glasses and sunglasses valued at $1,000, a $750 work-issued iPad Pro, as well as miscellaneous personal items including a driver's license and an extra car key fob. While police were speaking with the woman, she received an alert that a transaction of $1,011.90 had been processed through her credit card at a Walgreens in the Bronx. She advised the credit card company the transaction was fraudulent and proceeded to cancel other credit cards. She informed her employer of the incident so the iPad could be wiped free of any sensitive or confidential information. She was advised to keep her car inside a locked garage until the car's ignition code could be reprogrammed. Police offered to perform extra ride-bys of her house. Since car break-ins are typically crimes of opportunity, police urge drivers to refrain from leaving valuables in cars parked at public events, school tracks and fields, on public streets or at home.

Criminal mischief
A Carthage Road front door was damaged while the family was celebrating a child's birthday party June 17. During that time, the front glass storm door was shattered. No one at the party saw it happen or knew any information about the incident. A postal employee told the family he saw three adolescent boys running from house to house at the time. Patrol was unable to get in touch with the postal employee for follow-up.

A man went to headquarters stating he had deposited 28 $50 bills into a Webster Bank ATM machine on East Parkway June 14. The ATM was unable to process the transaction, and the machine did not return the man's money. The ATM machines issued a receipt stating it was unable to process the transaction and to notify the bank. The man went to the bank branch located on Popham Road and reported the issue. A bank employee stated that Webster Bank does not maintain the ATM on East Parkway and instead referred the man to the company that maintains the machines. The employee issued the man a receipt regarding the incident. Police told the man it was a civil matter, not a police matter.

An 87-year-old resident of the Ambassador assisted living community, on Saxon Woods Road, called 911 requesting help reaching the front desk at 12:35 a.m., June 13. She said she was having a panic attack. She declined medical assistance and only wanted police to help her reach someone on staff. Patrol called the front desk and a nurse was instructed to go to the resident's room to help her.

Police stood by while a Rock Creek Lane man retrieved personal belongings and two large children's toys from his wife's house June 18.

On June 12, a caller reported concern that a "compost heap" in the wooded area behind Fox Meadow School might be toxic and damaging to the environment. Patrol spoke with the principal of the school, who advised that the heap was only a pile of woodchips. The principal said he would speak with school personnel to follow up and make sure no one was dumping refuse in the area.

A man, described as black and wearing jeans and a white T-shirt, allegedly rang a Carthage Road doorbell and banged on the door "as if he was supposed to enter the residence" at 8:40 p.m., June 13. The resident said she was not expecting anyone, and the man left in a silver-colored Ford. Police canvassed the area but did not find the man or his car.

A Sycamore Road woman called police stating she believed someone was attempting to enter her house at 10:30 p.m., June 13. Prior to dispatching officers to the scene, the woman said she recognized the person and it was her brother. No police response was necessary.

An Edgewood Road caller stated someone "placed a flyer on her windshield, causing it to crack" June 14. Police investigated the incident an observed a flyer for a magic show that had been placed under the woman's windshield. When she removed the flyer, she noticed a crack in the windshield. According to police, "the crack did in fact seem to have been caused by the windshield wiper being snapped back after the flyer was placed on the windshield." The damage did not seem to be intentional or criminal in nature. The caller said she did not want to pursue the matter further. She only wanted it documented.

Welfare check
A caller requested a welfare check of an "older, Asian woman" who allegedly removed dog feces from a garbage can at Aspen Park and left the area with the dog feces in a bag June 16. Patrol looked for the woman but did not find her.

Train station
Police assisted MTA police address a group of kids playing near the train tracks June 17.

A caller reported a white man, dressed in black, was walking up and down Hampton and Butler roads singing at 9:45 p.m., June 18. The caller thought the behavior was suspicious because the man was "retracing his steps." Police canvassed the area for the singer but could neither find him nor hear his song.

A parking enforcement officer identified a parked car on Spencer Place that had scofflaw violations June 13. The 2014 Honda had accumulated $540 in unpaid parking tickets. It was towed to an impound lot in Tuckahoe.

A parking enforcement officer identified a 2011 Jeep, parked on Spencer Place, with scofflaw violations June 13. The car, registered to a Nelson Road man, had accumulated five unpaid parking tickets amounting to $450. It was towed to an impound lot in Tuckahoe.

Hit and run accident
A person walked into headquarters on June 15, reporting he had witnessed a hit and run accident at Post and Fenimore Roads June 1. He said he was able to take a picture of the car involved in the accident.

Cars, roadways, wires
Police issued two parking citations to car parked in front of both a fire hydrant and driveway on Bell Road at 2 a.m., June 12. Patrol notified the registered owner, and she moved her car.

A truck with a trailer was parked in a way that it obstructed a stop sign on Innes Road June 12. Patrol asked the driver to move the truck to a more suitable location.

Patrol removed a cable wire from Post Road and notified the utility provider for repair June 12.

Police and highway workers removed a fallen tree from Murray Hill Road at 4:15 a.m., June 13.

A Cornell Street woman reported construction vehicles blocking access to her driveway June 13. The vehicles were moved as soon as patrol spoke with the drivers.

In response to police direction, drivers moved their car to a safe location on Ogden Road June 16. Previously, the cars were parked too close to the entrance of the Bronx River Parkway.

Drivers attending a tag sale on Cooper Road were instructed to park their cars on one side of the street June 16.

Patrol issued parking summonses to two illegally parked cars on Freightway Road June 16.

A parked car was idling on Huntington Avenue for at least two hours, neighbors told police, June 16. It was parked, locked and unoccupied. It was an Avis rental car. Patrol monitored the car throughout the tour.

Two parked cars were blocking a Montgomery Road driveway June 17. Police issued summonses.

On June 18, police stood by for Con Edison at the site of a fallen electrical wire on Potter Road.

Nine car accidents were reported in the village this week.

A large snapping turtle was moving from yard to yard and crossing the street on Willow Lane June 12. A resident was concerned, and patrol provided contact numbers for local trappers.

A Montgomery Road resident reported an injured squirrel on his front porch June 15. The squirrel was no longer there when patrol arrived. Police provided the resident with contact numbers for local trappers.

Village code
Police issued a village code violation summons to a people using gas-powered blowers on Lincoln Road June 12, Carman and Mamaroneck roads June 13, Church Lane and Popham Road June 14 and Normandy Lane and Hamilton Road June 16.

A caller reported construction work on Paddington Road before the allotted start time of 8 a.m., June 16. Police went to the scene and a worker said he only turned on a machine to warm up the engine. Patrol reminded him about village code regarding the use of heavy machinery.
Illegally posted tag sales signs were removed in the village and returned to the person who posted them June 16. The person was issued a village code violation summons.

After neighbors complained about noise, party music at Fenway Golf Club was lowered June 16.

After neighbors complained about noise, party music on Saxon Woods Road was lowered June 17.

Police dispersed loud kids from Hyatt Field at 10:20 p.m., June 17.

Kids outside in a Dickel Road driveway shortly before midnight, June 17, were asked to keep their voices down.

A Penn Boulevard resident was advised to turn off outdoor speakers blasting music at 12:06 a.m., June 18.

Lost and found
A caller reported losing his wallet in Starbucks on East Parkway June 12. Starbucks was already closed when the caller realized his loss. Police advised him to cancel all of his credit cards.

On June 12, a Walworth Avenue woman reported losing her driver's license somewhere in the village over the weekend.

A caller reported finding a wallet in the Freightway open lot June 15. The caller took the wallet to his Garth Road apartment and called police about it. Patrol made contact with the wallet's owner and returned the wallet.

A reported outdoor gas odor at a Morris Lane construction site was determined to be unfounded June 12. Instead, firefighters thought the reported smell might be related to a portable toilet that had just been cleaned out.

Food in a toaster was burning and causing smoke in a Brite Avenue house June 12. Firefighters removed the toaster from the house and used a fan to ventilate the space.

Electrical service wires were burning against a Hampton Road house June 12.

Firefighters notified Con Edison and stood by for the utility provider's arrival. The burning wires scorched the siding on the house but did not penetrate the walls and affect the envelope of the house. Con Edison disconnected the electrical service and made repairs.

A skunk was the cause of odors reported by a Richelieu Road resident June 13.

A broken damper on a water heater flue was causing elevated carbon monoxide levels in a Catherine Road house June 13. A plumber arrived to address the issue, and Con Edison was notified for follow-up.

As a courtesy, firefighters helped a Lyons Road resident replaced three hard-wired carbon monoxide detectors June 14.

A Meadow Road electrical service line was reportedly burning intermittently. On June 15, a resident called firefighters about it. Firefighters called Con Edison to address the matter.

A Lincoln Road oven fire was already extinguished when firefighters arrived on scene June 18. Firefighters confirmed there was no extension of the fire.

This week, firefighters assisted at two car accidents in the village. They responded to 17 false firm alarms caused by device malfunction, steam from an iron, cooking smoke, construction dust and accidental contact.

This report covering police and fire department activity from June 12-18 was compiled from official information.

scarsdalesecuritylogo-1-1This police report is sponsored by Scarsdale Security who does more than just security. Contact them about remote video for your home or business. Call 914-722-2200 or visit their website.