Sunday, Oct 06th

irenesteinbergA family of five Scarsdale residents died in a plane crash in Costa Rica on New Year's Eve day at 12:16 pm local time. Bruce and Irene Steinberg and their three sons Matthew, William and Zach, all of Greendale Road, were among 12 people who died when their plane crashed en route from Punta Islita to San Jose Costa Rica. The other victims were a family of four from Florida, a Backroads travel guide, the pilot and co-pilot.

The Nature Air Cessna 208 Caravan crashed shhortly after takeoff in a mountainous area near the Pacific coastal beach town of Punta Islita in the Guanacaste peninsula. It burst into flames. The cause of the crash is remains under investigation.

Stephen Beaudreau, a retired Spanish teacher living in Costa Rica contacted ireneandwillScarsdale10583 and said the following about the cause of the crash:

"They aren´t saying anything at the moment. Reporters did ask the authorities if they thought it was due to mechanical failure or the plane being overweight, but they just replied that they couldn´t say anything at this time. They did, however, report strong wind gusts in the area, but that is pretty normal for this time of year, and pilots are used to flying in those conditions. It was also sunny and clear. It seems that the plane was able to take off, but shortly after take off crashed into a hillside near the airport, and burst into flames."

Liz Einbinder, a spokesperson for Backroads sent her comments to Scarsdale10583.

Zachary, (SHS '16) was a student at Johns Hopkins University, Will, (SHS '17) attended the University of Pennsylvania and Matthew was a student at Fieldston. The Steinbergs were members of Westchester Reform Temple and Sunningdale Country Club. Bruce Steinberg was a senior investor at Bridgewater in Connecticutt. The community is in shock and all are mourning this tragic loss.

Family friend Karen Asher Metviner said, "We loved their family. Zach was my son Joseph's best friend and will miss him every day. The world is a sadder, more lonely place without them. Our hearts are aching. No one should have to bury their children, but grandchildren as well - and a whole family - it's an unimaginable nightmare."

Scarsdale Schools Superintendent Thomas Hagerman sent out the following message to the community on Monday January 1:

Dear Scarsdale Schools Community:

By now you have likely heard the very sad news that all five members of the Steinberg family died in a plane crash yesterday. This tragedy is hard to process for a variety of reasons, not least among them the loss of an entire family in one instant.

Zachary graduated in 2016 and William in 2017; third son Matthew was at Fieldston. Irene Steinberg was actively involved in giving her time to the District, chairing the High School's College and Career Center. The Steinbergs' recent graduation dates and rich involvement in the District created a variety of connections which intensify the grief we feel.

School counselors will be available for any students who need support when we return to school tomorrow, and we will add resources if the need arises. In addition, District alumni who are home for the holiday break are invited to visit with our counseling staff. If you are aware of someone who is struggling with grief, please alert a member of the counseling staff or the administrative team so that we may reach out.

May we transform the sense of loss we feel as we welcome the new year into a deep gratitude for the life and love we enjoy every day.

Dr. Thomas Hagerman
Superintendent of Schools

State Assemblywoman Amy Paulin, who lives in Scarsdale, sent her condolences:

I would like to offer condolences to the Steinberg family today following the tragic deaths of Bruce and Irene Steinberg, who were killed along with their sons Matthew, William and Zachary in a plane crash in Costa Rica on Sunday.

I can't imagine the overwhelming grief the Steinberg family is feeling today. While I didn't know the Steinbergs personally, they were Scarsdale residents. I know my community – I have lived in Scarsdale for decades – and I know that it is at times like this that we will pull together to help this family in any way possible.

The Steinberg family will be in our hearts and prayers today. While we celebrate the possibilities that come along with the New Year, let us not forget this family and the lives that were cut short.

The UJA Federation of New York issued this statement:

UJA-Federation of New York mourns the loss of our dear friend, Irene Steinberg, and her family, who tragically died this weekend. Irene and her family have been long-time UJA supporters and Irene most recently served as an area chair of the Scarsdale women's campaign. The family was generous, kind, and loved being part of the Scarsdale and Jewish communities. Irene worked tirelessly on behalf of UJA, helping us support vulnerable New Yorkers and was an extraordinary person -- devoted mother and wife and loyal friend. She and her family will be sorely missed.

Bereavement Support will be offered at Westchester Reform Temple at 255 Mamaroneck Road in Scarsdale this week from 1:30 and 3:30 pm on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday. A memorial service will be held for the family at Westchester Reform Temple on Sunday January 7 at 2 pm.

Please share your memories of the Steinberg's in the comments section below:

shsberke1Despite the best efforts of Scarsdale School and Village officials, it does not appear that Scarsdale taxpayers will be able to prepay their county and school taxes for 2018. Though the Village did collect 2018 tax payments from some residents early this week, we have now learned that the school and county portions cannot be prepaid. The Scarsdale Village Board will meet in executive session on Thursday morning December 28 to determine whether or not the Village can issue their warrant for taxes. If so, residents will have a few days to pre-pay the 2018 Village portion of their taxes which represents about 18% of the property tax bill.

However it remains to be seen whether or not the IRS will allow deductions of these prepayments from resident's 2018 tax returns.

Village Hall is staffed to handle the payments. Scarsdale Village Treasurer Mary Lou McClure and two Village employees are on hand to accepts checks and explain the changing scenario to those who come by. Anyone who paid their total 2018 taxes with one check earlier this week, can go back, retrieve that check and write a smaller check for the Village portion of their tax bill.

Governor Cuomo's order to allow prepayment sent municipal officials into a blitz of activity in a normally quiet vacation week between Christmas and New Years. Officials on all levels struggled to find out if they could legally issue early tax warrants to accept pre-payments. It now appears that Governor Cuomo's actions, while politically expedient, may have caused lots of unnecessary work.

Here are the latest press releases from the Scarsdale Schools, The Village of Scarsdale and the Scarsdale Forum.

(From the Scarsdale School District – 12/27/17)

Greetings from the Scarsdale School District:

We recognize that recent correspondence from the Village of Scarsdale suggests the Village may accept prepayment of 2018-2019 school taxes, but that the School District must issue a warrant to allow such prepayment. We have looked into this matter carefully, including consulting with our attorneys, and have determined that the District cannot issue a warrant at this time.

Governor Cuomo's Executive Order does not specifically authorize the pre-payment of such school taxes, nor suspend the operation of State Law governing the school budgetary process. Pursuant to the New York State Education Law, school districts must develop and adopt a school budget, which then is submitted to the voters of the district for approval. Only then can the tax warrant be finalized or a tax levy set. The Executive Order did not modify or suspend any of these Education Law requirements for the adoption of the 2018-2019 school budget.

To be clear, our best information is that we are not in a position to issue a warrant at this time and thus prepayment of school taxes is not an available option

Happy New Year to each of you and your families.


William J. Natbony
Scarsdale Board of Education

Dr. Thomas Hagerman
Superintendent of Schools

(From Scarsdale Village Hall – 12/27/17)

A Special Meeting of the Village of Scarsdale Village Board of Trustees is scheduled for Thursday, December 28, 2017, at 9:30 AM. The meeting will be held in the Trustees Room located on the 2nd Floor in Village Hall. Agenda 1. Prepayment of Village Property Taxes (It is anticipated that a motion will be offered to move into Executive Session to seek opinion of Counsel) 2. Resolution re: Partial Levy and Warrant for 2018/19 Village Taxes

(From the Scarsdale Forum – 12/27-17) Please note that this was written before the School District sent out the note above announcing that they could not issue a warrant for school taxes.

No Prepayment of Westchester County 2018 Property Taxes
This is an update of the press release sent last week with respect to the prepayment of 2018 property taxes. Based upon recent developments, the present options are:

1. The Village of Scarsdale is accepting prepayment of 2018 Village and School property taxes as follows:

Those wishing to make a prepayment should prepare two checks using the amounts paid for Village and School taxes in 2017: one for Village taxes and one for School taxes. Both checks to made payable to the Village of Scarsdale.

However, if the necessary tax warrant cannot be prepared and issued by the Scarsdale School District before the end of 2017, prepayments of School taxes will be returned.

Payments may be made in person at Village Hall from 9:00 am to 5:00 pm through December 29, 2017. The Drop Box at Village Hall will be closed at the end of business December 29, 2017. Payments may also be mailed and will be accepted with a United States postmark, Federal Express or UPS shipment dated on or before December 31, 2017. Postage meter marks are not acceptable.

At this date, prepayments cannot be made using the Village's on-line payment system.

Note: Neither the Village nor the Scarsdale Forum make any representation regarding the deductibility of prepaid taxes which will ultimately be decided by the United States Treasury. Property owners are urged to consult their own tax advisors on such matter.

2. The Village will not be accepting prepayment of Westchester County Taxes:
This updated information is prompted by yesterday's announcement by the County that due to the variety of legal and administrative requirements the County must meet to issue a tax warrant, it is not able to do so prior to the end of 2017. A lohud news report of this development can be accessed here.

The Village has noted that the prepayment of some or all or none of 2018 property taxes is optional. If property owners avail themselves of this option, the necessary adjustments to the payment amounts will be made during the usual property tax billing cycles in 2018.

If you have additional questions, please contact the Village Treasurer's Office at 914.722.1170. The Village Hall tax office will close for the year at 5:00 pm on December 29, 2017.

NewspaperNote to Readers: We received many inquiries and comments about an incident involving a 28 year-old Church Lane man that occurred in the Bronx on November 29. Readers wanted to know why we did not report on it or reveal the identity of the man who was involved. The original report, from other news sources, said the man was charged with luring a child, taking off after a hit and run and fleeing the scene of an accident. The suspect was tracked to his Scarsdale home by the NYPD police and taken into custody in Scarsdale. A follow-up by a Scarsdale resident with the NYPD later revealed that the man was not charged with luring.

So why didn't we report on this? Here's why: We did not have the police report and could not give a firsthand report of what happened. We could only repeat what other news sources reported and we were unable to verify that their accounts were correct.

We did ask the Scarsdale Police for information on the incident and what extra measures they might be taking to safeguard Scarsdale children, and here is what we received from Captain Thomas Altizio of the Scarsdale Police:

"The person that you inquired about is not the subject of any criminal charges or investigation within Scarsdale. The incident you inquired about occurred with the jurisdiction of the NYPD, and our involvement was limited to assisting the NYPD in locating the person in Scarsdale, which we did. We have no other information to provide on the incident.

Your question about what the Scarsdale Police are doing to keep people's children safe is extremely broad. We obviously provide 24 by 7 uniformed Police Patrols Village wide, with rapid response times to all emergency calls. The Village of Scarsdale continues to be one of the safest communities within Westchester County. To protect against these types of incidents seems to be something that would be more appropriately handled by parents having conversations with their children to prepare them about what to do if they are ever approached by a stranger. That type of preparation with children, along with a vigilant community that watches for and reports any suspicious activity all contributes to maintaining a safe Scarsdale."

Here is this week's Police report:

DWI arrest

On Dec. 4, police responded to a one-car accident at the intersection of Weaver and Cornell streets, where a 2006 Toyota hit the curb and came to rest on a lawn. While investigating the accident, police discovered the driver – Kelly Christine Wicker, 21, of Mamaroneck – showed signs of intoxication. Her breath smelled of alcohol; she had glassy eyes; and she was acting nervous. Her appearance was described as disheveled, and her pants appeared wet. Open beer cans were visible in the center console of the car, in cup holders. An Alco-sensor test revealed Wicker's blood alcohol level to be .235. Wicker was arrested and charged with driving while intoxicated (first offense), aggravated DWI with a blood alcohol level of .18 or more and having an open container of alcohol in a car on the highway. Wicker was released to her parents on her own recognizance. She was scheduled to return to court on Dec. 6.

Stolen car
On Dec. 5, a 2017 Honda Accord was stolen from the Scarsdale Shell gas station on Scarsdale Avenue. The car was dropped off at the gas station for service the previous day. It was left in the parking lot after the service appointment, with keys in the car. Video surveillance shows three men in their late teens or early twenties enter the parking lot around 4:17 a.m. They entered the Toyota and took off northbound on Scarsdale Avenue. Police are investigating.

Armed Robbery at Shell Station:
Greenburgh Police responded to a 911 call from the Shell Station located at 1000 South Central Avenue in Edgemont on Wednesday December 13 at 9:10 pm. section. The lone attendant reported that a male Hispanic wearing a ski mask entered the station, produced a handgun and robbed him of the night's receipts while a second male, also wearing a mask, waited outside acting as a lookout. Both suspects fled towards Clifton Road. The attendant was not injured. Greenburgh Detectives are currently investigating this robbery and are asking anyone with information to contact them at 914-989-1726.

Car break-ins
On the morning of Dec. 11, a Church Lane resident reported loose change had been stolen out of his car overnight Dec. 10. The unlocked car was parked in the man's driveway when the incident occurred. Police were processing a fingerprint found on the car's door handle.

Identity theft
On Dec. 5, a Canterbury Road woman reported someone altered at least three checks written against her account. Three of the checks had been cashed. One check was denied after Chase bank called the woman and asked her to verify the check's authenticity. The four checks were part of a group of nine checks mailed at a USPS mailbox at Maple and Summit avenues in White Plains Nov. 30. None of the nine checks reached their destinations, the woman said. Police are following up.

On Dec. 10, a Broadmoor Road resident reported someone opened a fraudulent credit card in his name in August and attempted to open additional accounts. He informed each of the creditors that the attempts were fraudulent.

A Lockwood Road woman received a fraudulent email that appeared to have been sent by Apple, alleging fraudulent charges on her account Dec. 5. In response to the email, the woman clicked on an Internet link and entered her pedigree and credit card information. Subsequent follow-up with Apple revealed the email was fraudulent. She reported the incident to her credit card company and the major credit reporting agencies.

A Parkfield Road resident reported receiving an unwanted phone call Dec. 5.

A Deerfield Lane resident reported receiving a disturbing email mentioning his name, his children's names and a vague threat Dec. 5.

On Dec. 6, a Heathcote Road resident reported receiving an unwanted call from a temporary worker at her house. She advised that the worker would be dismissed later that day. She requested extra ridebys of her house.

Suspicious people
On Dec. 6, a Highland Way resident reported a white man with a blue jacket was seen at a vacant house on the street. Police went to the house and spoke with the man. The man said he was the current homeowner, and he had moved in the previous weekend.

A Nelson Road woman told police she came home from dinner and found a man standing on her deck Dec. 5. The man was described as approximately 5'9" tall, wearing a black and white shirt and an outer vest. The man fled as soon as the woman and her husband saw him. Patrol canvassed the area for the man but could not find him.

A Franklin Road resident reported suspicious people with flashlights in her backyard Dec. 8. Police investigation showed that the people with flashlights were two neighborhood children—ages nine and 10. They were playing with flashlights and not causing any trouble.

A toilet was leaking and water was dripping through walls and ceilings in a Circle Road house Dec. 7. Police helped the homeowner shut off the water supply to the toilet, and they remained on scene until the leaking subsided.

A two-year-old boy accidentally got locked inside his mother's car on Kensington Road Dec. 8. The car was off at the time. Police called Heathcote Gulf to open the car's door and release the boy. He was unharmed.

Broken glass
A Sprague Road resident reported broken glass on a side door of a neighbor's vacant house Dec. 7. The glass appeared to have been broken by wind or possibly by a realtor showing the house, police said.

A parking enforcement officer detected a parked car, with outstanding parking violations totaling $780, parked on Garth Road. The car's owner returned to her car before a tow truck arrived to remove the car. The owner said she would go to village hall to resolve the parking tickets as soon as possible.

Missing person
A fourth-grade girl was reported missing after she did not show up at a designated location at Brewster and Fenimore roads to meet her babysitter after school Dec. 8. Police investigation tracked the girl to a friend's house, where she was on a pre-arranged play-date. According to the police report, the girl's parents did not properly communicate the play-date arrangements with school or the babysitter.

Cars and roadways
On Dec. 4, police informed the NYS Department of Transportation that the "walk/don't walk" signals were not working properly.

On Dec. 4, police issued a summons to a driver who did not stop at a crosswalk at Fenimore and Brewster roads.

A Heathcote Road resident reported a fallen wire in front of her house Dec. 4. Police advised her to contact her telephone service provider for repair.

The highway department was called to remove a raccoon carcass from Carthage Road Dec. 7.

A Mercedes-Benz ran out of gas on Tompkins Road Dec. 7. Patrol waited with the driver until a towing service arrived with gasoline.

Telephone wires fell in front of a Herkimer Road house Dec. 8. Police wrapped up the wires and advised the homeowner to call Verizon.

Eight car accidents were reported in the village this week.

Civil matter
On Dec. 8, a Cornell Street resident reported a disagreement with his contractor over money and work. The contractor's son mediated the disagreement, and the contractor left the scene before police arrived. As per the resident's instructions, police called the contractor and told him he was no longer welcome at the job site.

A Garth Road resident reported her daughter heard someone inside her apartment taking pictures, while the daughter was locked inside the bathroom, Dec. 8. When patrol arrived at the resident's building, two men were observed exiting the building. Police stopped them for questioning. The men identified themselves as the owner's son and a building maintenance worker. They said they were there to check the building in anticipation of the Dec. 9 snowstorm. At that time, they noticed a tenant's kitchen window was open. They knocked on the tenant's door and called, but no one answered. Thinking the apartment was empty, they went inside and closed the window. They told police they have not been able to reach the tenant for months and thought the apartment had been abandoned. Police then spoke with the daughter who said she was home at the time. She admitted to seeing the two men outside her door, while looking through the door's peephole, but she did not answer the door or speak with the men. When she heard them entering the apartment with a key, she locked herself in the bathroom.

pba photo

A caller reported seeing two ducks on a Palmer Avenue lawn Dec. 4. Police arrived, and the ducks left the scene with no apparent signs of injury.

An Eton Road resident reported hearing someone screaming near his house at 12:45 a.m., Dec. 9. Police determined the sounds were coming from a "wildlife creature."

Police checked the welfare of a dog locked inside a parked car on East Parkway Dec. 10. The dog was in good condition, and the owner had left it alone for only a few minutes.

Police reunited a dog, found on Brewster Road, and its owner Dec. 10.

Lost and found
A passerby found a United States passport near Scarsdale High School and gave it to police Dec. 5.

On Dec. 8, a Palmer Avenue man reported his car's old license plates were never turned in to the DMV for destruction. Police issued him the appropriate form.

A Brook Lane man reported losing his wallet in the village Dec. 10.

According to Scarsdale Fire Chief James Seymour, the fire department responded to 21 incidents this week, including at least three car accidents and one carbon monoxide incident related to a boiler malfunction.

This report covering police and fire department activity from Dec. 4-10 has been compiled from official information.

scarsdalesecuritylogo-1-1This police report is sponsored by Scarsdale Security who does more than just security. Contact them about remote video for your home or business. Call 914-722-2200 or visit their website.

changecarsThe village was riddled by thefts from unlocked cars this past week. Police urge residents to take precautions by securing cars and removing valuables from plain sight, in order to prevent crimes of opportunity.

Approximately $10 in change were stolen from an unlocked Honda parked in a Church Lane driveway overnight Dec. 10 to 11. Police are following up by investigating a fingerprint found on the driver's side door.

Two recently purchased video games were stolen from an unlocked Lexus parked in a Rodney Road driveway overnight Dec. 10 to 11.

Two unlocked cars were entered overnight, Dec. 10 to 11, in a Windsor Lane driveway. A phone charger, five one-dollar bills, a driver's license and breakfast bars were stolen from one car. Designer sunglasses and approximately $20 in change were stolen from the second car.

On Dec. 11, a Rochambeau Road woman reported her parked and unlocked Land Rover was entered and tossed overnight. A roll of quarters was stolen.

On Dec. 11, an Edgewood Road man reported his unlocked BMW was entered the previous night, but nothing was stolen. A Christmas card on the passenger seat had been ripped open and remained lying on the passenger seat. An iPod, money order and loose charge were in the car, but curiously, they were not stolen.

While conducting patrol on Windsor Lane Dec. 11, police discovered the contents of a Buick Enclave, parked in a driveway, were disturbed. Patrol notified the owner, who said he had not left the car that way. Approximately four dollars in change and an iPhone charger were stolen.

On Dec. 11, a Nelson Road resident reported her unlocked car had been entered overnight. The center console and glove box were tossed, but nothing was stolen.
Approximately eight dollars in loose quarters were stolen out of a parked, unlocked car on Madison Road Dec. 11.

Approximately $15 in change was reported stolen out of an unlocked, parked car on Nelson Road Dec. 11.

A Carstensen Road resident reported her car was entered sometime between 11 p.m., Dec. 10 and 7 a.m., Dec. 11. Nothing was reported stolen.

On Dec. 12, a Barry Road resident reported her unlocked Volvo was entered overnight. The glove box was tossed, and loose change and bills, valued at $10, were stolen from the car.
On Dec. 12, a Hamilton Road woman reported her Honda Pilot was broken into the previous night. Her glove box was "detached," but nothing was stolen. She said the glove box door was already broken, before the incident occurred.

On Dec.12, a Tunstall Road woman reported quarters were stolen from her unlocked car overnight. The glove box was also tossed.

Nothing was reported stolen from an unlocked car that was entered on Crane Road sometime between Dec. 10 and 12.

Criminal mischief
A Walworth Avenue man reported his front door and siding had been egged overnight Dec. 15 to 16. Later, he realized his 2016 GMC Arcadia's tires had been slashed and his car's back windshield and taillight had been broken. Damage was estimated at approximately $2,000. An expensive handbag was left untouched in the trunk of the car so police do not think the crime was motivated by an intent to commit a larceny.

On Dec. 14, a caller reported seeing two men take a small package from a Brambach Road porch and drive off in a car when approached. The caller described the men as two black males. The caller provided police with a photograph of the men's car. Police are following up.

On Dec. 15, a Walworth Avenue woman reported three packages were delivered to her house, addressed to an unknown person who does not reside at her address. Police are following up.

Stolen purse
On Dec. 11, a Tennessee woman visiting her daughter in Scarsdale reported that her purse was missing. She last saw it in an Uber car in New York City. She contacted the Uber driver, but he said he did not find anything inside his car.

A shoplifter was caught putting merchandise into her purse and attempting to leave an East Parkway store Dec. 13. The store manager stopped the shoplifter and called police. The manger declined to press charges and told the shoplifter she was no longer welcome in the store. Police escorted the shoplifter out of the store.

Threatening email
A Chase Road man reported his business partner, who is a Connecticut resident, received a threatening email at his work email address Dec. 11. The email demanded that the partner send a quantity of .8 Bitcoin, a virtual currency, to the email's sender. Otherwise, it was stated that the email's sender would send a hit man out for the Chase Road man. The Bitcoin payment was supposed to be in exchange for "information about the person who ordered the killing."

A Post Road man reported receiving a scam call from an unknown person Dec. 12. The person claimed to be a drug dealer who had the man's wife in custody. The person demanded money in order to release the wife. The man called his wife and confirmed she was ok. The call was a scam.

Domestic matters
Police served two orders of protection to a Fox Meadow man Dec. 15. The man then gathered some personal belongings from his house and left. Patrol notified the man's wife that the orders had been served.

On Dec. 17, police helped a Fox Meadow couple work out an arrangement to stay in contact with each other while the wife is away on a business trip. The couple said they have been experiencing marital problems, and the stress level between them is high.

Police encountered a homeless man walking on Post Road, near Oxford Road, at 12:52 a.m., Dec. 12. The man declined assistance in reaching a shelter and said he wanted to walk to a gas station. A warrant check revealed the man was wanted in South Carolina for aggravated assault, but he was not wanted in New York. Several hours later, the man called 911 and was picked up by Eastchester police. He was taken to White Plains Hospital Center for an unknown mental disorder.

Doorbells and suspicious men
An Eastwoods Lane caller reported a white, bald man, approximately 30-40 years old and wearing a colorful jacket and backpack, rang his doorbell around 3:15 p.m., Dec. 12. When the caller got to the door, the man was seen leaving the porch. The man approached the caller's car, parked on the street, and attempted to open the door. Before he did, the man allegedly "looked side to side." The car door was locked, and a neighbor came outside; so the man left the area. The caller attempted to follow the man but quickly lost sight of him and called police.

A Greenacres Avenue woman reported observing a "husky" male, wearing a heavy winter coat and winter hat, ring her doorbell at 7:30 p.m., Dec. 15. After she did not answer the door, the man got into a late model Volvo and left.

A suspicious man was seen looking into a car before running into the woods on River Road at 11:30 p.m., Dec. 12. The man was described as white, approximately 5'6" tall, in his 20s, with a beard, black pants and a puffy jacket.

A man diagnosed with a delusional disorder went to headquarters and claimed he was abducted and brainwashed in 1996. He claimed the company that brainwashed him was extorting money from him as well. The man declined to file a report after police advised him to contact a lawyer about possible financial loss. Police contacted one of the man's family members, who lives in Scarsdale. Police helped the man make arrangements for a taxi to take him to his relative's house and later to the train station.

Too late
In the early morning hours of Dec. 15, an East Parkway caller said she was trying to locate her husband, who was expected to arrive at the Scarsdale train station at about 10:30 p.m., Dec. 14. Patrol responded to the scene and began gathering information. During patrol's interview, a taxi drove by with a person who appeared to be the "missing" husband in the back seat. The taxi dropped off the husband at home. The husband was in good health, but stated that he had fallen asleep on the train. He woke up in White Plains and took a taxi home. All was in good order upon patrol's departure.

A Palmer Avenue resident complained about "a lot of lights" on Rock Creek Lane at 2:30 a.m., Dec. 16. Patrol canvassed the area and noticed exterior lights on multiple houses. However, patrol deemed the lights were not causing a hazardous or offensive condition.

A caller reported a little boy was walking on ice on the library pond on Olmsted Road Dec. 16. The boy was allegedly being supervised by an adult. Due to the dangers of walking on a frozen surface of a pond, police responded to the scene. No one was there when patrol arrived, but footprints indicated the ice had been walked upon.

Cars and roadways
Police issued a parking summons to the registered owner of a car parked in a handicapped spot on Olmsted Road Dec. 11.

On Dec.11, a Brook Lane man found miscellaneous car parts in his yard. According to a neighbor's account, a car slid down the road in the Dec. 9 snowstorm and struck the man's bushes and a tree. Police vouchered the car parts as evidence and searched the area for a damaged car. However, no damaged cars were found.

Police helped an elderly man find his way back to his New Rochelle house after getting lost on Weaver Street after visiting his sick brother in the hospital Dec. 11. Since it was snowing, police helped the man get into his house safely.

A Broadmoor Road woman reported concerns about getting in and out of her driveway due to construction vehicles digging up a sewer line in front of her house Dec. 13. Police and Village Hall advised contractors they must always move their vehicles to allow the woman and her guests to enter or exit the driveway.

On Dec. 13, a Post Road driver advised patrol her car had turned off and would not start. Patrol advised the driver that her fuel gauge needle was pointing at "E," thus suggesting the car might have run out of gas. The driver said she thought "E" meant "enough gas," and believed she had enough fuel to get home. The driver called AAA and was advised a tow truck was en route with an estimated time of arrival in one hour. Due to extreme cold weather, patrol allowed the driver to wait in the rear passenger area of the patrol car.

A pedestrian crossing sign fell down at Chase Road and Christie Place Dec. 15. Patrol notified the highway department for repair.

Patrol called a tow for disabled cars on Wilmot and Mamaroneck roads Dec. 15.

Police removed a broken piece of asphalt from Popham and Overhill roads Dec. 16.

Village code
Landscapers were seen dumping branches and woodcuttings in a wooded area at Sycamore and Secor roads Dec. 16. The branches had been removed from a Sycamore Road house. Police issued a summons for "littering in public places" to the owner of the landscaping company.

After a neighbor complained, police told a Ferncliff Road man to lower the volume of music playing at an adult gathering Dec. 16. The man complied.

On Dec. 11, police reunited a lost Sprague Road dog with its owner. Police reminded the owner of Scarsdale Village code regarding dogs at large.

Lost and found
A Putnam Road man reported losing his car's license plates somewhere in the village Dec.14.

On Dec. 17, a caller found a Liebeskind brand wallet containing cash, credit cards and a Deutschland ID card, from Germany. The wallet was found on East Parkway. The caller brought it to the police substation on East Parkway, and police vouchered it for safekeeping at headquarters.

On Dec. 12, A Ridgedale Road resident reported symptoms of possible carbon monoxide exposure. Firefighters and Con Edison checked the house and found no evidence of carbon monoxide or explosive gas. Scarsdale Volunteer Ambulance Corps checked the woman and determined her symptoms were the result of a previous medical condition.

While responding to a false alarm in a Tunstall Road house, firefighters noted wood and shoes stacked next to the boiler in a the basement Dec. 13, Firefighters advised the residents to move items away from the boiler because it was a fire hazard.

Firefighters assisted at a car accident on the Hutchinson River Parkway Dec. 13.

Firefighters stood by for Con Edison at the site of a possible gas leak at a Secor Road range Dec. 17. Con Edison determined there was a delayed ignition on the oven, causing the release of unburned gas. Con Edison placed the range out of service and advised the resident to call for repair.

This report covering police and fire department activity from Dec. 11-17 has been compiled from official information.

scarsdalesecuritylogo-1-1This police report is sponsored by Scarsdale Security who does more than just security. Contact them about remote video for your home or business. Call 914-722-2200 or visit their website.

pitbullOn Nov. 28, police arrested Jennifer Densen, 66, of the Bronx, on charges of driving while intoxicated (first offense), aggravated DWI with a blood alcohol content of .18 or more with no priors and operating a motor vehicle without insurance. She was stopped at the intersection of Chase and Popham roads following a rear-end collision with another car. After the accident, Densen failed field sobriety tests. She told police she had a hip injury that would impact her performance on the tests, and this was taken into consideration. However, she displayed other signs of intoxication, such as bloodshot and glassy eyes and a strong odor of alcohol on her breath. Patrol attempted to administer a breath test, but Densen only inhaled instead of exhaled. She then told police she was a singing instructor and would not be able to provide a proper sample because she was not feeling well. Following her arrest, booking and processing at headquarters, Densen was released on $100 cash bail.

Hit and Run
On Nov. 29, patrol assisted New York City Police investigate a hit and run accident that occurred in New York City. Police found the car in question parked at Church Lane and Rochambeau Road. While investigating the car for signs of damage, the car owner came out to the car. He was the person sought by NYPD. NYPD was notified. Two NYPD officers arrived and took the car owner into custody and towed the car to an NYPD impound lot.

Car break-in
On Dec. 27, a Farley Road man reported someone entered his unlocked car and tossed items around from the glove compartment and trunk overnight. Nothing was reported stolen.

A Garth Road man reported a scammer called him, alleging his electricity would be cut off if he did not purchase and provide access numbers for $600 worth of Green Dot money cards purchased by CVS Nov. 27. The man purchased the cards but soon thereafter realized the call was a scam. He contacted Con Edison and confirmed that his account was in good standing. Police helped the man negotiate with CVS to obtain a full refund for the cards, which were intact and whose scratch-off access codes had not yet been revealed.

On Dec. 2, a Penn Boulevard resident reported receiving a package addressed to an unknown person. The package arrived at the resident's address via UPS. Police checked village records for the resident's house and found no history for the package addressee's name. The resident reviewed his credit history and found nothing unusual. The resident said he would arrange for UPS to pick up the package and return it to the sender.

Cars and roadways
On Nov. 27, police issued a summons to a driver, from Whitestone, NY, who was driving with a suspended registration without insurance.

Police issued summonses to illegally parked cars on Sherbrooke and Overhill roads Nov. 27.

Police notified the water department about water bubbling up through a street valve on Herkimer Road Nov. 29.

A man walking on Fenimore Road at 1:30 a.m., Dec. 1, was a Yonkers resident walking home. Police offered to call a taxi for him, but he refused.

A car stalled on Mamaroneck Road Dec. 1. Police followed it home after the driver got it to start again, as a courtesy.

A fire hydrant was reported to be leaking on Tunstall Road Dec. 1. Police notified the water department.

A man sitting in a parked car on Hazleton Road told police he was waiting to go to an appointment in White Plains Dec. 1.

A Fresh Direct driver called 911 to report he was not feeling well and could no longer drive his truck Dec. 1. He was stopped on Scarsdale Road in Greenburgh. Police and Scarsdale Volunteer Ambulance Corps assisted Greeburgh police. Fresh Direct was notified, and another driver was sent to take over the truck. The man was transported to White Plains Hospital Center.

Police observed a car with open doors parked in Freightway Garage Dec. 1. The owner said his car is used for Chinese food deliveries. He opened the doors intentionally to allow the car to air out.

Eight cars accidents were reported in the village this week.

On Nov. 28, a Corell Road woman advised she was bitten by a neighbor's dog while out walking her own dog with her husband on Nov. 26. According to the woman, she encountered her neighbor and her neighbor's two dogs, and she walked over to say hello. When she did, one of her neighbor's dogs bit her left hand and caused her to fall to the ground, injuring her nose and forehead. Later that day, her husband took her to White Plains Hospital Center for treatment. An animal bite form was completed, and police are following up.

A Broadmoor Road woman reported a Griffen Avenue pit bull "strained and snarled" to get at her and dog, while both dogs and their owners were out for a walk Dec. 1. The dog, registered in Mamaroneck, does not have a history of complaints.

Police informed a Brite Avenue parry host that neighbors complained about noise Dec. 1. The party was ending, and the music had already been turned down.

Kids were walking home on Whig and Hampton roads at 11 p.m., Dec. 1. Police advised them to lower their voices.

Civil matter
On Nov. 28, A Drake Road resident reported a man entered his house without permission. The resident said he "exchanged words with the man" and escorted him out of the house. The man identified himself with a business card before he left the house. He said he had been hired by the resident's mortgage company to take photos and change locks on the house, which the bank was putting into foreclosure. The resident did not report the matter until six hours after it occurred. He explained the delay to police by saying he was a tutor and did not want to miss a session with a client. Patrol contacted the man allegedly hired by the mortgage company and verified the story. The man said he knocked before entering the house. He said the house was in "rough" condition with tarps covering a portion of the roof and the rear of the property "falling down." He thought the resident was not home, and he told police he often encounters squatters or other homeless people living inside structures that are up for foreclosure. After knocking the man said he opened the door and found papers piled "chest high" and other "hoarder-like" conditions. Once inside the house, the man heard music coming from upstairs. He announced his presence and went to the second floor. There, he encountered the resident, who confirmed he had not paid his mortgage for 18 months and had not had contact with his mortgage company in over a year. Police determined no crime had been committed. A report was generated for documentation purposes only.

Lost and found
An LG cell phone was found in Freightway Garage and given to police Nov. 29.
A woman reported losing her U.S. Army ID card somewhere near Scarsdale Avenue Nov. 29.

On Nov. 29, contractors broke a gas service line from a Fox Meadow Road house. They plugged the broken pipe with rags to reduce the discharge of gas. The gas valve was turned off, and firefighters stood by for Con Edison.

An Ardmore Road homeowner reported an odor in the house Nov. 30. Firefighters determined a furniture spray used by the homeowner caused the odor. While checking the rest of the house, firefighters detected a slight gas leak in the basement. They called Con Edison and stood by until the scene was turned over to them.

Firefighters opened windows in a Fox Meadow Road basement to ventilate paint and varnish odors caused by recent painters' work Nov. 30. Further investigation showed paintbrushes left in a drywell behind the house that was connected to a basement stair drain. A gas meter detected readings, and Con Edison gas was called. Con Edison detected a leak at a gas valve. They isolated the boiler and began repairs.

On Dec. 1, a Weaver Street resident reported a burning odor in the house. Investigation revealed the odor was coming from a basement dehumidifier. Firefighters removed the dehumidifier and used a fan to ventilate the space.

This report covering police and fire department activity from Nov. 27 through Dec. 3 has been compiled from official information.

scarsdalesecuritylogo-1-1This police report is sponsored by Scarsdale Security who does more than just security. Contact them about remote video for your home or business. Call 914-722-2200 or visit their website.