Sunday, Oct 06th

fireOn March 23, at 5:22 a.m., a caller reported a car on fire in the parking lot of the Scarsdale pool, near the Boulder Brook stables. Firefighters arrived and found a BMW sedan fully engulfed in flames. They extinguished the fire using foam and water from a hose line. A red gasoline can was found near the car, and the fire captain declared the fire suspicious. It was determined to be a case of arson, and patrol declared the site a crime scene. The car was taken to the police impound lot. According to patrol reports, no cars or people were seen in the pool parking lot when police patrolled the area at 4:30 a.m.

DWI arrest
On March 24, at 12:30 a.m., police arrested Nagazaki Iturriaga, 34, of Deerhurst Road, Scarsdale, on charges of speeding, having an open container of alcohol in a car on a highway, operation of a motor vehicle while intoxicated (with prior convictions), operation of a motor vehicle without insurance and possession of marijuana. While conducting traffic enforcement on Post Road, police saw Iturriaga’s 2004 Jeep drive by at approximately 60 miles per hour. When signaled to stop, the Jeep swerved between lanes, hit the curb and stopped with its tires on the Post Road sidewalk. Iturriaga’s eyes were glassy and bloodshot and his speech was slow and slurred when talking with police. He said the strong odor of alcohol coming from his car and his person was due to some Bacardi he had spilled in the car the day before. He denied consuming alcohol that day. He was asked to perform field sobriety tests and told police, “If you want to arrest me, just arrest me.” A foot injury prevented some tests from being administered. An intoximeter test indicated the presence of alcohol on Iturriaga’s breath. He was arrested and taken to headquarters. There, he refused to submit to a Datamaster test and asked to call his lawyer. He attempted to reach his lawyer but was unable to reach him. Given a second and third attempt to take the Datamaster test, Iturriaga was not blowing properly into the tube for the test to be completed. Inside Iturriaga’s car, police found an open bottle of vodka behind the driver’s seat, two glassine envelopes of marijuana and a marijuana bong. A friend paid bail of $100, and Iturriaga was released with a future court date at Scarsdale Village Justice Court.

On March 23, a Penn Boulevard woman reported numerous antiques and valuable items, worth approximately $100,000, were stolen from her house sometime while she was in Florida from Dec. 23, 2017, through March 17, 2018. Upon her return, she allegedly noticed items out of place and missing. Three sets of sterling silver flatware were among the missing items. The woman told police she had a bathroom remodeled in October and November, and during this time, unknown people were in the house.

On March 23, a woman reported more than $3,000 cash was stolen from a work bag at Scarsdale High School last week. She said she had brought the cash to work for future deposit at her bank. The cash had been inside an envelope, along with some checks, inside her bag. After noticing the envelope missing from her bag, she looked for it inside her office. She found the envelope on her desk, but it was missing the cash.

Identity theft
On March 23, a Morris Lane woman reported fraudulent AT&T accounts had been opened and cell phones were purchased in her name in February. She cancelled the accounts and reported the incident to the credit reporting bureaus.

Dead on arrival
On March 22, a 92-year-old Mamaroneck Road man died at home in his sleep. His son reported the matter to police.

Missing person
On March 20, a 91-year-old Elmdorf Road woman was reported missing by her husband. After reporting the incident, a family friend located the woman in Grand Central train station in New York City. The family friend was assisting the woman in getting home. The missing person report was cancelled.

On March 20, a Claremont Road resident received an unexpected package that had someone else’s name on the address label. She thought it was suspicious and asked police to look at it. Police examined the package and noticed it was addressed to the woman’s next-door neighbor. Patrol delivered the package to the proper recipient.

On March 19, police notified Village Hall about a non-working elevator on Christie Place.

A Morris Lane resident advised a white man, in his fifties, with a beard and glasses and wearing a reflective vest, sweatpants and sweatshirt, was removing political signs from her property March 19. Patrol canvassed the area and found the man. He told patrol he had not removed the signs. He only lifted them out of the ground and placed them flat on the ground. He said he did this because he had previously tripped over the signs while walking the night before and did not want to experience the same thing while out walking or be forced to step out into traffic on March 19. Patrol informed the resident who reported the incident.

Utility Pole
A Walworth Avenue resident reported her neighbor was involved in a verbal dispute with a Con Edison crew from Quebec that was installing a new utility pole March 20. The neighbor allegedly wanted the pole moved to a different location since it blocked her sightline. When police arrived, the pole had already been installed, and there was no longer a dispute.

Lock out, lock in
A Benedict Road woman reported being locked outside her house March 21. Police made contact with the homeowner who was able to let his wife back inside the house.

A Nelson Road woman accidentally locked her eight-month-old baby inside her car with the family dog March 25. The dog allegedly pushed the door lock button by mistake. Heathcote Gulf responded and unlocked the car. The baby and dog were unharmed.

A man brought his unloaded pistol to headquarters for safekeeping March 23. He said he was going out of town for two weeks, and there would be people in his house. Police verified the man had a valid permit for the pistol.

Civil matter
On March 23, a Bradley Road woman reported her ex-husband was inside her house without her permission, while she was on vacation in Florida. The ex-husband told police he was allowed, as per a court decree, to complete work inside the house to prepare it for sale. He said his ex-wife gave him a key to the house for this purpose. The ex-wife denied giving him a key and alleged he broke in. Police saw no signs of forced entry or tampering. Patrol reminded the couple that it was a civil incident that should be handled by their lawyers.

Police identified a parked 2009 Toyota with scofflaw status, due to unpaid parking tickets, in Christie Place Garage March 19. The car was towed to the police impound lot. The registered owner is a Harrison man.

Suspended license
While conducting traffic enforcement on Fenimore Road, police identified a car with a suspended registration, due to a violation of toll collection regulations in January. Patrol conducted a traffic stop. The driver – James McDonald, 38, of Mount Vernon – was determined to be driving with a suspended license. The license was suspended on three separate dates for three scoffs. Police charged him with operating a motor vehicle with a suspended registration and second-degree aggravated unlicensed operation of a motor vehicle. He was arrested, and the car was impounded. McDonald was released on his own recognizance with an appearance ticket for April 11.

Cars and roadways
On March 19, police notified Verizon about fallen wires on Popham and Whig roads.
Police placed temporary stop signs at the intersection of Greenacres and Walworth avenues due to a malfunctioning traffic light March 19. An electrician was contacted for repair.
A plate on Brewster Road was shifted by a snowplow March 19. The highway department was advised.
On March 20, a van reported as suspicious on Mamaroneck road was determined to belong to a person hired by the Village to keep geese out of the Scarsdale pool.
Patrol notified the NYS department of transportation about a traffic light cycling too fast on Boulevard March 20.
Patrol notified Verizon about fallen wires on Haverford Road March 20.
Water was observed leaking from an outdoor spigot valve on Brewster Road March 20. Patrol attempted to notify the homeowner but was unsuccessful. The water department is following up.
Patrol notified Verizon about fallen wires on Harvest Drive March 22.
Patrol notified the water department of a loose valve cap on Mamaroneck Road March 23.
Patrol notified Verizon about fallen wires on Cornell Road March 24.
Patrol removed debris from Heathcote Road March 24.
Patrol asked the drivers of illegally parked cars on Potter Road to move their cars March 24.
Patrol notified Verizon about fallen wires on Greenacres Avenue March 26.

Village code
Neighbors complained about a barking dog inside a Popham Road apartment March 21. Patrol spoke with the dog’s owner, who said the dog is friendly but barks when people are in the hallway. In order to quiet the dog, the owner put the dog in her bedroom. On March 23, a similar complaint was made against the dog again.

At 6:15 a.m., March 22, patrol advised a Fox Meadow Road snowplow operator of noise restrictions, as per village code.

Firefighters shut the water supply to a leaking water service line on Murray Hill Road March 19. While on scene, firefighters also detected a gas odor and stood by for Con Edison.
Firefighters stood by for Con Edison at the site of an outdoor gas odor on Leatherstocking Lane March 19.
Contractors were using a chemical sealant to seal kitchen counters in a Chesterfield Road house March 22. Fumes caused a gas alarm to accidentally activate. Firefighters ventilated the space and advised contactors to open windows while applying the sealant.
This week, firefighters assisted at three car accidents in the village and on parkways. They responded to 12 false fire and carbon monoxide alarms, caused by device malfunction, cooking smoke, shower steam, fumes from new carpet installation and wood-sanding dust.

This report covering police and fire department activity from March 19-25 has been compiled from official information.

Tscarsdalesecuritylogo 1 1his police report is sponsored by Scarsdale Security who does more than just security. Contact them about remote video for your home or business. Call 914-722-2200 or visit their website.

shopliftingDead on arrival: On March 14, Samuel G. Friedman, 94, died at home on Saxon Woods Road.

On March 17, police arrested Geuris Polanco, 35, of New York City, on charges of driving while intoxicated (first offense) and aggravated driving while intoxicated with a blood alcohol content of .18 of more. Polanco’s 2006 Town and Country van was pulled over for a traffic stop on Post Road near Mamaroneck Road. He told police he had consumed one vodka shot at his house earlier that day. He eyes were glassy, and his breath smelled of alcohol. He failed to successfully perform field sobriety tests. An alco-sensor test measured the presence of alcohol on Polanco’s breath at a level of .225 of one percent. He was arrested and taken to headquarters. A Datamaster test at headquarters indicated a blood alcohol content of .25. He was released on $200 cash bail, with an appearance ticket and scheduled to appear in Village Justice Court on March 21. Polanco’s brother-in-law posted the bail, and police released the car keys to him.

On March 15, police were dispatched to DeCicco’s Marketplace on East Parkway on the report of a person shoplifting. The assistant manager said while he was bagging groceries, he noticed a few grocery store items concealed in a woman’s handbag. These items included deli salmon and ham worth approximately $25. He confronted the woman about the items and she denied she was attempting to steal them. The woman said it was a misunderstanding. She claimed her mother was extremely ill, and she forgot she had placed the items in her personal handbag before reaching the cashier. She apologized to grocery store staff and paid for the items. The store manager and assistant manager each said that the woman and her husband were no longer allowed in the store. Patrol advised the couple of this directive, and said it could be considered trespassing if the couple returned again.

Identity theft
On March 13, and Aspen Road woman reported someone called her about an alleged problem with her computer. The caller asked her for her personal and credit card information, and she provided the caller with two credit card numbers. One was allegedly declined, and the other one went through, thus incurring fraudulent charges.

On March 15, a Lawrence Road man reported someone used his Verizon account to fraudulently order three iPhone-8 Plus phones on his account on Feb. 15. On Feb. 16, the account holder reported the fraud to Verizon and cancelled the order.

On March 15, a Mamaroneck Road woman reported someone opened a fraudulent account with the New York State department of taxation in her husband’s name on March 7, and 38 fraudulent withdrawals were also made from their Chase bank account starting in January. Chase closed the affected account and is following up. This was not the first time the couple has experienced identity theft, the woman said.

On March 15, a Lee Road woman reported her Chase bank account had been hacked. Apparently, someone created a fraudulent online profile for the account and transferred funds out of the account on four separate occasions in February. Chase’s fraud department is following up.

On March 16, a White Plains woman reported a possible real estate scam concerning her property on White Road. She said someone created a fraudulent Facebook post claiming the house was for sale. The post included photos of the house used in a previous legitimate real estate listing. Patrol scheduled extra ridebys of the house.

A business owner said his company shipped two online orders of computer parts to an address in California. Both orders cost approximately $2,360. The first order was redirected to a different address. The second order was at the original address, but an attempt had been made to redirect that order as well. The credit card used to place the orders was determined to be fraudulent. The business owner needed a police report to retrieve the second package from California.

Missing inspection stickers
On March 15, the manager of the Gulf gas station on Scarsdale Avenue reported three NYS inspection stickers were missing from the location. The missing stickers were discovered during a NYS DMV audit. The manager said he did not wish to have the matter investigated, since he believed clerical errors were the cause of the alleged missing stickers.

A man sitting on the steps of Hitchcock Presbyterian Church for approximately two hours March 12 told police he was homeless and had nowhere to stay for the night. Police advised the man it was going to snow that night and asked him if he wanted to go to a shelter. He said he did, and patrol provided him with transportation to a shelter.

A taxi driver called police after a Carthage Road passenger refused to pay her fare from the airport March 13. The passenger told police she was upset with the taxi company because she had been picked up late and had been first driven to the wrong location. Patrol advised her she had accepted the ride and used it to get home. She was told she still had an obligation to pay the fare, and she could file a dispute with the taxi company and request a refund if desired. The passenger agreed and paid the fare.

On March 15, A Morris Lane woman told police someone stole political signs from her front yard. Since the signs had no monetary value and since she could easily replace them, she did not ask to file a formal report.

A sanitation worker advised two men were arguing over a political sign displayed in a Secor Road yard March 17. The men left the scene before police arrived.

Political signs were reported stolen from the intersection of Morris Lane and Heathcote Road March 18. The man who had placed the signs there was running for Village Trustee and had the homeowner’s permission to place the signs. The signs were valued at $8. They were replaced that afternoon.

A restaurant owner on Spencer Place reported a former employee came to the restaurant to say she was quitting and to pick up her final check March 16. The owner said she could have the check ready on March 20. Patrol spoke with the former employee, who agreed to pick up the check then.

A caller reported an ex-employee was harassing a manager at a Garth Road restaurant March 18. The ex-employee had been terminated for financial reasons, and the termination was amicable, according to the store manager. However, when the ex-employee noticed an employee he did not recognize, he assumed the employee was newly hired. The ex-employee then sent aggressive text messages to the store manager. The owner wanted to report the incident to police in case a future related incident occurs. Police advised the owner to tell the ex-employee he is not welcome in the store and to not harass the manager through text message.

Domestic matter
On March 16, a father and son were having a disagreement over the whereabouts of a house key. Before police arrived, the father found the missing house key on his son’s person. No police assistance was needed.

Two men were reported to be stealing “dead” scrap wire from the ground on Greenacres Avenue March 15. They were described as white men in their 50s and 60s, wearing beanies and driving a Cadillac and a white Chevy Blazer. Verizon employees in the area said the men are not their colleagues.

On March 12, police spoke with the owner of a parked car with scofflaw status on Chase Road. The owner advised she was scheduled to pay the $350 fine in court on March 14.

Cars and roadways
On March 12, police wrapped up a fallen wire and placed it at the bottom of a utility pole on Cushman Road. Patrol attempted to notify Verizon but could not get through, after being put on hold for more than 10 minutes.

Police issued a parking summons to the owner of a white Chevy van parked in front of a fire hydrant on Walworth Avenue March 12.

Police removed fallen cable wires from a Kelwynne Road driveway March 14.

A reckless driver reported on Mamaroneck Road was cautioned to drive more carefully March 15.

On March 16, patrol issued a summons to the driver of a tractor-trailer who entered the Bronx River Parkway by mistake.

Police notified Con Edison about fallen wires on Broadmoor Road March 16.

Construction site trash from a dumpster blew into the middle of Innes Road March 16. Patrol spoke to the contractor, and the trash was cleaned up and placed in a receptacle.

Temporary stop signs were placed at the intersection of Greenacres and Walworth avenues due to a defective traffic light, pending repair, March 17.

Police notified the Department of Public Works about a cracked tree branch hanging over a Donellan Road driveway March 18. The area was marked with caution tape.
Three car accidents were reported in the village this week.

Several callers complained about noise from a youth party on Springdale Road March 17. Patrol observed a supervised party, spoke with the hosting parents and did not observe any violations. Kids were advised to keep noise at a minimum.

Patrol reunited a lost dog and its owner March 16. The owner said a wireless fence typically restrains the dog; however, a fallen tree recently disabled the wireless fence.

Lost and found
On March 13, a Meadow Road woman reported she lost her parking permit somewhere in the village.

On March 13, a passerby found a debit card on Lyons Road. She gave it to police, and patrol tracked down the owner who said she had already cancelled the lost card.

On March 14, a Harvest Drive woman reported losing her driving license while traveling from Fort Lauderdale to New York March 12.

A Clarence Road man reported losing a license plate from his trailer March 16.

A Stratton Road man reported losing his driver’s license somewhere in the village March 18.

According to Scarsdale Fire Chief James Seymour, the fire department responded to 21 incidents this week. Seymour shared a few of the more notable incidents below.

Electrical wires were arcing on Walworth Avenue March 12. Firefighters closed the road and stood by for Con Edison.

Firefighters responded to an extinguished toaster fire in a Brown Road kitchen March 14. They removed the toaster and ventilated the room to clear the smoke.

A car left idling in a Fox Meadow Road garage caused a carbon monoxide condition in the house. Firefighters ventilated the house and made sure the air was safe again.

A contractor at a Heathcote Road house reported a gas leak at an exterior generator March 15. Power and gas were shut to the generator. Con Edison was called.

A possible boiler puff back caused smoke to come out of a Chase Road chimney March 17. Firefighters confirmed everything was in good order.

This report covering police and fire department activity from March 12-18 has been compiled from official information.

scarsdalesecuritylogo 1 1This police report is sponsored by Scarsdale Security who does more than just security. Contact them about remote video for your home or business. Call 914-722-2200 or visit their website.

Storm Riley FLipped CarBringing persistent rain and damaging winds, a powerful nor'easter put the village's first responders and resources to the test March 2. The storm took out a considerable number of trees and utility poles, many of which also brought down electrical wires. The Village declared a state of emergency due to risks associated with the overwhelming number of closed roadways and live wires on the ground. Village public works' crews, firefighters, police and Con Edison teams assigned to the village worked tirelessly to restore safe conditions to the Village. In response to continuing power outages in some areas, the Scarsdale library extended its hours and became a makeshift warming station, with electricity, WiFi and free coffee. The Scarsdale Volunteer Ambulance Corps headquarters also opened its door to residents seeking warmth and electricity during the days following the storm. SVAC president David Raizen invited residents to use SVAC's facility, on Weaver Street, for "warmth, phone charging, warming a meal, showers, TV and Internet" from 7 a.m. until 10 p.m. However, no pets were allowed at SVAC or the library. In addition, residents with power or generators opened their doors to neighbors or Facebook friends whose homes remained without electricity into the week.

Identity Theft
On Feb. 28, Scarsdale police were contacted by a police detective in Derry, New Hampshire, in reference to an unauthorized withdrawal that occurred on Dec. 5 from the Bank of America branch located on Christie Place. Scarsdale police went to the branch and interviewed the manager and a teller who was working on the day of the incident. Upon review of a photo of the person who made the withdrawal, the bank manager and teller said they did not recognize the person as a regular customer. Scarsdale police passed along this information to the New Hampshire detective.

On March 3, a Harvest Drive woman reported a package arrived at her house addressed to an unknown person. She did not order the package. Later that day, a man rang her doorbell and requested the package. The woman's housekeeper gave the package to the man. The man was last seen leaving the scene in a white, four-door sedan, driven by a woman.

Trash Cans
A Woods Lane woman reported a neighbor placed trash on her property Feb. 26. Patrol spoke with the alleged owner of the trash, who said she had temporarily moved trash off her property so her house could be photographed for a real estate listing. Patrol reviewed village code regarding trash and sanitation pickup, and all trash was moved back on the appropriate property.

An Authenreith Road resident reported his neighbor's door had been open for at least an hour Feb. 28. Patrol checked the house and confirmed nothing was out of place before they closed and secured the door.

An Uber driver walked into headquarters to report he saw a woman walking on Post and Kingston roads after midnight Feb. 28. The driver thought the woman might be in distress. Patrol went to the area and found the woman. She said she had a dispute with "a taxi driver dropping her off at the wrong location" and then allegedly "kicking her out." She said she was now walking to her final destination. After patrol spoke with the woman and expressed concern, the woman called a friend to pick her up.

On March 3, police called a taxi for a woman who wanted to go to a hotel. A language barrier existed, but the woman had a hotel key card that facilitated communication.

A Brite Avenue resident reported receiving calls and texts from various numbers, seemingly with the purpose of obtaining personal information Feb. 28. Patrol advised him to block the calls or change his phone number if the calls and texts became too annoying.

A 90-year-old Olmsted Road woman reported she had lost phone service and was afraid she might lose power and not be able to charge her phone and contact emergency services if needed March 2. Patrol confirmed the woman's house had power and that the woman's cell phone was charging before patrol left the house. Patrol notified Verizon about the disruption in the woman's landline service.

Family Function
A man walked into headquarters on March 2, and he reported he was hosting a family function the next day. He told police an individual known to him would not be welcome at his house. He told police he would advise the individual. Patrol told the man he could call them if the individual showed up at his house.

Parking Ticket
A Hathaway Road woman reported she attempted to pay an Eastchester parking ticket online and was concerned that the website she used might not have been legitimate March 3. She said she canceled the credit card associated with the transaction. Patrol advised her to monitor her credit history for any unusual activity.

Damaged Cars, Houses
A large tree branch, from a village-owned tree, fell on a 1998 Toyota parked on Ogden Road March 2. The owner of the car and the highway department was notified.

A falling tree damaged a 2015 Ford on Saxon Woods Road during the windstorm March 2. The owner of the car was a resident of Saxon Woods Road. No injuries were reported.

A tree fell on a 2017 Honda Civic in a Popham Road parking lot March 2.

Two village-owned trees fell onto a Harvest Drive property March 2. The trees damaged the resident's retaining wall, pool, patio and patio roof. Police notified the highway department.

A tree uprooted and fell on Fenimore Road March 2. It took down phone and cable wires, caused a hole to break in the sidewalk and damaged a homeowner's rock wall. The highway department was notified.

A village-owned tree fell on a Rock Creek Lane house March 2. The building department responded to evaluate the safety and integrity of the house.

A falling tree on Walworth Avenue heavily damaged A 2015 Honda CVR March 2. The owner of the car called police for assistance. The car was towed to an auto body shop since it was no longer roadworthy.

A private tree fell on a Weaver Street house, causing significant damage, March 2.

A private tree fell on a 2010 Ford on Cooper Road, on private property, March 2.

A Woods Lane woman said a tree fell on her house and car March 2. She did not request a police report.

A falling tree severely damaged a Lorraine Place house, prompting firefighters to shut all utilities to the house, March 2. The residents were evacuated, and police provided rides for security purposes.

Trees fell on houses, all on private property, on Mamaroneck, Taunton and Ferncliff roads March 2. Firefighters and the building department were notified to check the integrity of the structures.

Cars and Roadways
Police picked up a fallen street sign at Butler and Hampton roads and gave it to the highwayStorm Riley Jeep department for replacement Feb. 26.

An electrical transformer exploded on Olmsted Road and residents on Olmsted Road and Tory Lane lost power Feb. 26. Con Edison was notified.

Patrol stood by while a driver changed a flat tire on Post Road Feb. 27.

Two legally parked cars were making the roadway a bit tight on Tompkins Road Feb. 27. Police located the car owners and asked them to slightly move their cars to open up space and ease traffic flow.

A Richbell Road resident parked his car in a neighbor's driveway while construction vehicles were using his driveway Feb. 28. The neighbor did not recognize the car and called police. Patrol sorted out the confusion and the resident moved his car.

On Feb. 28, police advised the highway department of a pothole in the crosswalk between East Parkway and Christie Place. A pedestrian reportedly tripped in the pothole but was not injured.

A sign for the Bronx River Parkway had fallen into Butler Road Feb. 28. Police removed the sign from the ground, propped it up against a rock and notified Westchester County police.

A hand truck fell onto the road at Post and Crane roads Feb. 28. Shortly thereafter, a truck driver returned to the scene to retrieve the fallen hand truck.

Six car accidents were reported in the village this week.

Storm Incidents
A street sign blew over on East Parkway March 2. Patrol removed the loose sign from the roadway and notified the highway department.

A car sustained a flat tire after driving into a pothole on Post Road while trying to avoid a fallen branch March 2. Patrol helped the driver move her car into the parking lot of Village Hall where she waited for a tow truck to arrive.

On March 2, police and the highway department responded to reports of fallen trees, branches or utility poles on Mohican Trail, Oak Way, Boulevard, Crossway, Sage Terrace, Brittany Close, Lorraine Place, Gilmore Court, Harvest, Birchall and Rural drives, Weaver and Cornell streets, Woods, Morris, Normandy, Forest, Deerfield, Oak, Wayside and Church lanes, Palmer, Brite, Griffen, Greenacres, Walworth and Grand Park avenues and Barry, Post, Secor, Corell, Oxford, Mamaroneck, Garden, Heathcote, Crane, Sherbrooke, Cushman, Donellan, Fox Meadow, Fenimore, Brewster, Aspen, Claremont, Boulder Brook, Saxon Woods, Rodney, Stratton, Jefferson, Richelieu, Hamilton, Paddington, Tompkins, Shawnee, Duck Pond, Wildwood, Brookby, Lincoln, Brambach, Lakin, Oxford, Cambridge, Mayflower, White, Richbell, Bradford, Kelwynne, Olmsted, Whig, Overlook, Dolma, Popham, Park, Lockwood, Putnam, Spier, Dunham, Eton and Lee roads. In some cases, trees and poles took down phone and/or electrical wires. Some fallen electrical lines resulted in burning wires and power outages. Patrol closed roads, taped off dangerous areas and notified Con Edison, firefighters and the highway department as needed. Temporary stop signs or generators for traffic lights were erected at intersections affected by power outages. Roads with dangerous live wires were monitored for safety.

A Cambridge Road woman reported a hawk picked up a squirrel and dropped it after the woman yelled at the hawk March 1. The squirrel was injured but alive, the woman said. She was concerned it might be suffering. Patrol observed a motionless squirrel lying in the woman's backyard. Patrol offered to provide contact information for local trappers, but the woman declined further assistance.

On March 1, a woman walked into headquarters and reported she was knocked over by a large yellow Labrador being walked on a leash on Rodney Road Feb. 22. At the time, she allegedly fell to the ground and had muscular pain. However, after symptoms did not improve, the woman consulted a doctor and discovered she actually sustained a fractured tibia. She said she did not know the dog's owner, but she would attempt to obtain that information from a possible witness.

Village Code
On Feb. 28, police issued a summons for a noise violation to a Cushman Road property owner after a loud generator was found to be running on the property at 9 p.m.

On March 3, police observed a generator running at a Cushman Road construction site with no workers present. Patrol notified the builder, who is a Scarsdale resident, of the condition. On March 4, a caller complained the generator was still running. The builder said the generator was necessary to keep the site from flooding during the power outage in the area. Patrol said that after the village's state of emergency was over, the builder would have to comply with village code and obtain a permit to operate the generator. The building department was scheduled for follow up. However, in the meantime, the caller complained again – immediately after the state of emergency was rescinded around 8 p.m., March 4. The caller urged police to take enforcement action. Police then contacted the builder and requested that he shut down the generator. The builder said he could not comply due to the risk of potential flooding during the ongoing power outage. Patrol issued the builder a village code violation.

Lost and Found
Keys were found near the intersection of Huntington Avenue and Sage Terrace March 3. They contained a Mount Vernon library ID card. Police called the library and obtained the name of the library cardholder. Police called and left a message for the person.

On March 4, a Morris Lane woman reported losing a flash drive from her purse sometime between Feb. 22 and 28. The drive contained a summary of a movie, written by the woman, she said. She told police she was in Colorado until Feb. 26, but her purse was secure at all times. Patrol advised her to reach out to police agencies in Colorado.

A person reported losing a license plate somewhere in the village March 4.

According to Scarsdale Fire Chief James Seymour, the fire department responded to 118 documented incidents this week, including two small fires and a car accident involving a rollover.

From Friday afternoon, March 2, to Saturday evening, March 3, 89 documented incidents were related to the rain and windstorm.

Additionally, Seymour estimated that firefighters responded to an additional 75-100 storm related incidents that did not go through the normal reporting and dispatch channels. The majority of all storm related calls were for fallen and/or burning wires and transformers, fallen trees, trees striking houses or cars, flooding and alarm activations due to power outages.

Seymour shared the following narratives related to fire department activity this week.

On Feb. 26, firefighters were dispatched to an Oak Lane house for an odor of gas in the basement. Upon arrival, Con Edison was already on scene. Firefighters found high levels of carbon monoxide throughout the house and an odor of something burning. They checked an exterior storage area beneath a patio and discovered recyclable materials were smoldering with fire and heavy smoke. Firefighters extinguished the fire, overhauled the area and ventilated the house. The Westchester County cause and origin team was called to the scene. The house was ventilated of all carbon monoxide. The homeowner reported that an appliance repair person had been at the house earlier to fix the stove and dishwasher. The repair person returned to the scene and said he turned some electrical breakers on and off while trying to isolate power to the dishwasher. The repair person showed firefighters an electrical breaker that he said had been tripped. When he turned it on, a fan noise could be heard and then the breaker tripped again. That electrical breaker was labeled patio storage. The cause and origin team determined the fire was accidental and the result of an electrical failure.

On Feb. 26, a hot tub on a Meadow Road patio, located approximately two feet from the house, caught fire. Firefighters extinguished the fire with a hose line. A nanny and children smelled smoke, noticed the fire and evacuated the house before calling 911. The hot tub was destroyed by the fire. There was no fire extension to house, and no apparent heat damage to house. An interior check found no readings of carbon monoxide inside house. The homeowner last used the hot tub approximately one month ago. Electrical service and circuit breakers to the hot tub were "on," but the tub itself was "off." The cause of the fire was determined to be an apparent electrical malfunction.

Firefighters responded to a car accident with injuries on the Hutchinson River Parkway March 2. The car accident resulted in a vehicle rollover into a stream. Upon arrival, firefighters found a car resting on its roof in approximately 12 inches of water. Two occupants had gotten out of the car themselves and were in care of Scarsdale Volunteer Ambulance Corps. Firefighters used equipment to block the scene until patients were loaded into the ambulance. An expedited response was requested due to possible hypothermia. Westchester County police released firefighters from the scene and were standing by for vehicle removal.

This report covering police and fire department activity from Feb. 26 – March 4 has been compiled from official information.

SCarsdale SecurityThis police report is sponsored by Scarsdale Security who does more than just security. Contact them about remote video for your home or business. Call 914-722-2200 or visit their website.

Olmsted FireFurnace Fire
On March 11, firefighters received reports of smoke coming from an Olmsted Road house. Upon arrival, firefighters saw smoke billowing from the front door, garage, chimney and second floor windows. A HVAC technician working in the house said the natural gas fired heating system caught fire in the basement during his work. He attempted to extinguish the fire with a garden hose attached to the hot water heater. The technician was treated for smoke inhalation by Scarsdale Volunteer Ambulance Corps and taken to White Plains Hospital Center. Firefighters stretched a hose line into the house. They determined the fire in the ductwork had self-extinguished. They checked the house for fire extension and found none. Smoke damage was found throughout the house. Fire damage occurred in the furnace, basement ductwork and boiler room ceiling. Water damage occurred in the basement due to the HVAC tech using a garden hose and leaving it on when he evacuated the room. Con Edison arrived shut gas service to house.
DWI arrests

On March 10, at 4 a.m., police arrested Ramiro E. Escobar-Vega, 21, of Stamford, on charges of driving while intoxicated (first offense), operation of a motor vehicle with a blood alcohol content of at least .08 of one percent, third-degree unauthorized use of a vehicle and fourth-degree criminal possession of stolen property. While conducting DWI traffic enforcement on Post Road in the early morning hours, police observed Escobar-Vega's 2013 Honda CRV pass by, turn left onto Mamaroneck Road, and stop at Cooper Road. At that time, a passenger exited the car and began running down Cooper Road. Police asked the passenger to stop and return to the car, which he did. When questioned, Escobar-Vega told police he had consumed one beer at a White Plains bar about an hour ago. Patrol asked Escobar-Vega to perform field sobriety tests, which Escobar-Vega. An alco-sensor screening test registered a reading of .107. At this time, Escobar-Vega was arrested and taken to headquarters for processing. There, a Datamaster test confirmed a blood alcohol content reading of .10 percent. Open bottles of beer and an empty Hennessy bottle were observed in the car. The car was impounded. As Escobar-Vega was being released on DWI charges, Stamford police called to report that the car being driven by Escobar-Vega was just reported stolen. At that time, Escobar-Vega was placed back in the holding cell. Additional charges related to the stolen car were added to Escobar-Vega's arrest. Escobar-Vega was arraigned at Scarsdale Village Justice court, and bail was set at $1,000. Unable to post bail, Escobar-Vega was taken to Westchester County Jail. He is scheduled to return to court March 14.

At 5:15, a.m., March 11, Gerardo H. Robles, 35, of the Bronx, was arrested on charges of driving while intoxicated (first offense), operation of a motor vehicle with a blood alcohol content of at least .08 of one percent, an equipment violation and moving from a lane unsafely. Shortly before 5 a.m., police observed Robles' 2017 Toyota travelling on Post Road without lights. Patrol followed the car and observed it failing to maintain its lane and make an evasive maneuver to avoid a pedestrian street sign. Patrol conducted a traffic stop on Fenimore Road. Patrol saw and smelled physical signs of intoxication when speaking with Robles. He told police he had consumed four beers at a White Plains bar earlier that night. He speech was slurred, and he was unsteady on his feet. He told police he did not see the pedestrian street sign while driving. Robles failed field sobriety tests. An alco-sensor screening test registered a reading of .147. Robles was then arrested and taken to headquarters. A Datamaster test confirmed a blood alcohol content reading of .14 percent. Robles' car was parked and secured at Brite and Fenimore roads, as per Robles' request. He was released on his own recognizance with an appearance ticket for Scarsdale Village Justice Court on March 14.

Identity Theft
On March 5, a Madison Road man reported someone used his personal information and a previous address to fraudulently open a T-Mobile account in his name. The man realized the fraudulent account and closed the account in January. However, T-Mobile sent the account to a collection agency for a $279.53 balance due.

On March 7, a Walworth Avenue woman reported someone used her personal information to open a fraudulent checking account at Citibank. The person then transferred money out of the woman's legitimate account and into the fraudulent account. Police advised her to report the matter to her bank and close the compromised account.

Order of Protection
On March 8, police arrested David Liebowitz, 54, of White Plains. He was charged with the misdemeanor of disobeying a court-ordered mandate, when he allegedly showed up at his ex-wife's house and asked where his children were. According to the arrest report, this contact was in violation of an order of protection. Liebowitz said he had been having difficulty communicating with his ex-wife and children, and he was concerned because he had not spoken with his children for a week. Police advised him about other ways he could attempt to facilitate communication without violating the current order of protection. Liebowitz was arraigned at Scarsdale Village Justice Court and released on his own recognizance.

On March 8, polices received a report of two men fist fighting on Scarsdale Avenue. The fight was allegedly the result of a road rage incident. When police arrived, the men had already left the scene. Two witnesses said the men were throwing punches, cursing and spitting at each other. The men allegedly got back into their cars and left the scene following the altercation. Police canvassed the area and did not find the men. In follow-up, police obtained address information for both registered cars and checked to make sure that neither man followed the other home in order to continue the fight.

Suspicious Activity
On March 5, a Forest Lane woman said she saw a tall man wearing a hoodie and blue jeans walk down her driveway, possibly carrying a box or bag in his hands. Patrol canvassed the area but did not find the man. A Con Edison employee working on the street also said he saw a tall man wearing a hoodie run down the street.

A caller from Walworth Avenue in White Plains reported seeing three males on BMX bikes looking through his windows around 9 p.m., March 6. Patrol canvassed the area but did not find any boys on bikes.

A Huntington Avenue resident reported seeing unknown footprints in snow outside his house March 7. Patrol investigated and determined the footprints belonged to a sanitation worker who had just picked up garbage in the area.

A Fox Meadow Road woman saw a man with jeans and a winter coat walk through her property March 7. Police did not see the man but traced his footprints, which led to a construction site and then back to the road, thus passing through the woman's yard. Patrol deduced the man had most likely been a worker, checking the job site.

Cold Houses
An older Brite Avenue woman called police because she had no power and her house had no heat March 6. The woman declined medical assistance, and police advised her she could seek warmth at the Scarsdale Library or at any of the open businesses in the village. However, the woman said she preferred to stay in her bed in the meantime. The woman asked for an estimated time that power would return. Due to that being a Con Edison issue, patrol was unable to provide that information. The woman said her daughter lived in Manhattan and her son lived in Putnam County, but she did not want to call them about staying at their houses at this time. Patrol called the woman's son and advised him of his mother's situation. He said he would follow up with her. Patrol also provided the woman with a telephone number of a White Plains hotel in case she felt she needed to leave her house in the interim. Patrol confirmed the woman's cell phone was charged, in case she needed to contact police again.

Police helped an elderly Colvin Road woman contact her daughter in New York City during an extended power outage at the woman's house March 7. The woman was concerned about adequate living needs including food and heat. The woman advised patrol she had a friend in the village that might be able to house her during the power outage and impending storm. Patrol helped the woman call her friend, who agreed to house the woman for as long as she needed. The friend arranged to have her son pick up the woman later that day, after the woman had a chance to pack some belongings.

A young child was observed walking alone outside on Lockwood Road and School Lane, and a concerned caller notified police March 7. Police stopped the child and questioned her. She said she did not need any help and was 11 years old. She said she was out looking for her younger brother. Patrol asked her to call her mother, and patrol made the mother aware of the situation. The mother located the younger brother at a friend's house.

Copper Wire
A highway worker reported a man gathered a couple pieces of copper wire from a downed line on Fox Meadow Road March 5. The man left in a landscaping truck before police arrived.

On March 6, a Cornell Street woman said a blue delivery truck was trespassing on her property while making a delivery to a Griffen Avenue house. Patrol noted that the driveway serves as a shared roadway with attached driveway to a few houses, including the Griffen Avenue house. Patrol advised the woman to bring the issue to the attention of the village for clarification on ownership of the various property sections.

Barricades were placed on Garth Road as a precaution against possibly falling roof tiles from a building March 6.

Fallen Trees
On March 5, a falling tree made a hole in a Carthage Road roof. Firefighters determined the structure of the house was secure. The homeowner was out of town, and police informed her about the status of her house.

Patrol observed a fallen tree across a Dunham Road driveway March 5. Patrol notified the highway department.

A Richbell Road resident complained that a tree on the property line fell on her property March 5. The woman alleged that she has had numerous issues with the neighbor regarding the fence line. She said she believed the tree fell because her neighbor removed a second tree that the woman claimed had been supporting the tree that fell. Police advised the woman her concerns were not criminal in nature and should be addressed by the village or in civil court.

Police closed Oak Lane due to a fallen tree March 5.

The highway department removed a fallen tree from a car on Saxon Woods Road March 5. The owner of the car called for a tow.

A tree fell into wires on Richbell Road March 6. Patrol notified Con Edison.

A broken tree limb was in danger of falling into wires March 7. Patrol notified Con Edison and the highway department.

The highway department removed a fallen tree from Post and Evon roads March 7.
Police closed Heathcote Road because of a fallen tree March 7.

On March 7, a tree fell on Claremont Road, taking down wires. Con Edison and the highway department were notified.

The highway department removed a fallen tree on Farley Road March 7.

The highway department was notified about four leaning trees on Barker Lane March 8.

A cracked tree branch was hanging over Montrose Road, creating a hazard March 8. Patrol notified the highway department and stood by.

A falling tree took down wires and cracked a utility pole on Secor Road March 8.
Patrol notified Con Edison about a leaning utility pole caused by a fallen tree on Dunham Road March 11.

A Ford Excursion was involved in a one-car accident on Crossway, and the driver left the scene around 1:44 a.m., March 8. The accident damaged two utility poles and a guy wire. Both front seat airbags deployed. According to accident investigation, the car struck the first utility pole, veered off the road and struck the second pole. The keys were left in the ignition; however, the motor was not running. Patrol attempted to contact the registered owner of the car, but there was no reply and no voicemail. The car was impounded, and the keys were vouchered.

Shortly before 3 p.m., March 9, a 2007 Toyota sideswiped a school bus transporting nine passengers on Post Road. The bus was attempting a left turn onto Fairview Road when the Toyota grazed the passenger side mirror. No injuries were reported.
Eight additional car accidents were reported in the village this week.

Cars and Roadways
Police called a tow truck to assist a motorist change at tire on Heathcote Road at 3:51 a.m., March 5.

Con Edison was notified about live wires on the ground on Mamaroneck Road and Kelwynne Road March 5. Firefighters taped off the area and stood by.

Police informed the highway department about a traffic sign in need of repair on Meadow Road March 5.

Police notified Con Edison about a fallen utility pole and downed wired completely blocking a Heathcote Road driveway March 5.

A live low-hanging wire over Overlook Road was identified as a concern because a truck could possibly hit it March 5. Police flagged down a Con Edison employee who advised she would remain on the scene to monitor the wire until a crew could repair it.

After a driver reported getting a flat tire on Heathcote Road, police reported placed a traffic cone in a pothole on the road and notified the highway department for repair March 5.

Police issued summonses to the owners of two cars parked in handicapped spaces in a Wayside Lane lot March 6.

Con Edison was notified about a sparking wire on Griffen Avenue March 7.

Police placed barricades around fallen wires on Brewster Road and notified Con Edison March 7.

They closed Penn Boulevard for a fallen tree and wires March 7.

A transformer exploded, causing power lines to fall on Post Road March 7.

A section of Post Road was closed, and police notified Con Edison. Firefighters stood by.

Part of Brite Avenue was taped off because of fallen wires March 7. Con Edison was notified.

A plow dislodged a gas line cap on Post Road. Patrol replaced the cap and notified the utility provider for repair March 8.

Patrol directed traffic around a disabled car on Weaver Street, while the driver waited for a tow truck March 8.

Patrol notified Con Edison emergency services about a fallen electrical line near a Mamaroneck Road crosswalk near the middle school March 8.

Patrol advised the highway department and the NYS Department of Transportation about potholes on Brite Avenue and Weaver Street in need of repair March 9.

Patrol notified Con Edison about fallen secondary power lines on Old Lyme Road and taped off the area March 9.

Patrol directed traffic around a disabled car on Chase Road while another motorist attempted to help jump the car's engine March 9.

Patrol notified Con Edison about a low-hanging wire on Oak Way, and they also placed caution tape on a wires on Brewster Road March 9.

Police asked car owners to move their cars from a fire lane on Weaver Street March 10.

Two cars sustained flat tires from a Weaver Street pothole March 10. Police notified the NYS DOT for repair and assisted the drivers in calling for tows. Cones and flares were placed in front of the pothole in order to alert motorists.

A plumber working in a Church Lane house said water was backing up into the house due to a blockage in the main sewer lane. Police notified the highway department March 10.

A Brookline Road resident complained that a truck driver drove over his lawn, dislodging cobblestones and leaving tire marks March 11. The driver of a car transporter admitted to causing the damage and said it was accidental. Patrol issued an accident report.

Patrol notified Con Edison about fluid leaking from a transformer on Sherbrooke Road March 11.The affected area was roped off.

Police placed temporary stop signs at the intersection of Walworth and Greenacres avenues due to a malfunctioning traffic light March 11. Notification was made to repair personnel.

Utility wires were on fire at Tunstall and Madison roads March 11. Firefighters and police stood by until Con Edison arrived.

Patrol initiated a traffic stop of a car operating with a suspended registration on Weaver Street March 5. Patrol removed the license plates from the car, and the driver arranged for the car to be towed to her place of work, where the car could be left in a private parking lot.

Patrol notified Verizon about fallen wires on White Road March 5, Carman, Carthage and Popham roads and Crest Lane March 7, Hillview Drive and Secor, Mamaroneck and Broadmoor roads March 8, and Heathcote Road and Hillview Drive March 9.

Village Code
A resident complained of noise from a generator being run overnight at a construction site on Cushman Road March 5. A summons had already been issued March 5, and an officer was scheduled to follow up with the building department.

Resident complained about private companies using power equipment to remove trees on Rural Drive at 8:30 a.m. and Colonial Road at 8:50 a.m., March 10. Police verbally warned the contractors, and work was stopped until 10 a.m.

According to Scarsdale Fire Chief James Seymour, firefighters responded to 81 incidents in the village this week. He shared the narratives of some notable events, including a structure fire on Olmsted Road on March 11.

On March 5, firefighters responded to a report of a fallen electrical wire and a brush fire on Saxon Woods Road. They notified Con Edison and stood by to monitor the fire and avoid risks. Con Edison arrived and shut power to the affected line. Only then could firefighters work to extinguish the brush fire. They used a hose line and established a fire hydrant connection. After the blaze was extinguished, firefighters used hand tools to overhaul the scene. Con Edison remained to address issues with the fallen power line.

On March 6, a carbon monoxide monitor went off in a Sunset Drive house. On scene, firefighters found an improperly placed generator. The generator was venting its exhaust in the direction of an open basement window, which was causing carbon monoxide to enter the house. Firefighters used fans to ventilate the house and remove carbon monoxide. Firefighters instructed the resident on the proper way to operate generators. They assisted the residents in moving the generator to a patio where its exhaust was directed away from the house. Residents did not show any signs of carbon monoxide poisoning.

On March 7, a Brookby Road house was affected by carbon monoxide due to a generator operating in close proximity to a built-in garage door. Carbon monoxide alarms went off, and firefighters addressed the situation by using positive pressure ventilation. They assisted the homeowner in moving the generator a safe distance from the house.

This report covering police and fire department activity from March 5-11 has been compiled from official information.

SCarsdale SecurityThis police report is sponsored by Scarsdale Security who does more than just security. Contact them about remote video for your home or business. Call 914-722-2200 or visit their website.

Kelwynne1Good Morning Monday! Though as much of a third of Scarsdale remains without power, schools are open today, Village Hall will reopen, the library is open and it's business as usual (almost).

The State of Emergency, which barred cars and pedestrians from using Village roadways was officially lifted on Sunday night, but the Village Manager reports thay many Village roads are still hazardous and traffic lights are out. There are trees and power lines down in many locations. The Village warns that "a non-functioning traffic light serves as a mandatory stop sign, whether a stop sign is posted or not."

treesonwiresOver the weekend it appears that Village crews removed many of the trees blocking major roads, which eased traffic. Many smaller roadways are still blocked by downed trees and wires. However, the public works crews are unable to touch the power lines --so power has not been restored to those who were knocked out on Friday afternoon.

Village Manage Steve Pappalardo reports that 200 Con Edison crews are headed for Westchester on Monday morning, and that Con Edison's goal is to bring power back to 57,000 customers in Westchester by Tuesday night. Let's hope! The Village has also promised a complete list of outages on their website. So far it does not appear to be up and we don't have a count of how many homes are without power.

Here's what else has been reported:

The Scarsdale Library will have extended hours and welcomes anyone who wants to get warm and charge their devices.

School are fully operational and will resume their normal schedule including after school activities and the Board of Education meeting on Monday night March 5.

For those whose child's bus stop is blocked by trees or fall wires, the school asks you to call the Bus Transportation Office at 721-2433 and 721-2434 to coordinate pick up.

We received many great photos from all over town this weekend.

WalworthClearedGuy Gurden was happy to see Walworth Avenue cleared by Village Crews. However, the trees are still suspended on the wires.

KelwynneBlockedKelwynne Road, behind the middle school is also blocked – check out this photo. Traffic into the school will undoubtedly need to be re-routed.


Greeenacres Avenue was also still blocked on Sunday night:

Bradford2Melanie Spivak shared her story of a large tree that fell in front of her house on Bradford Road, taking down the utility pole and live wires with it. The wires fell on her driveway and blocked the roadway. She called 911 and the police to tell them the wires were on fire but no one came. According to Spivak, "I spent Friday and Saturday trying to contact Con Ed. I finally got through by social media- Facebook messenger and tweeting. They gave me an Emergency Ticket and then sent a man out to assess the situation. He told me my situation was " really bad"! So now he is instructed to watch the tree. He's been there more than 9 hours so far."

Late Sunday she reached the command center in Scarsdale who told her the street was "clear," though the wires remain on the ground. There are now two Con Ed employees stationed on Bradford Road to monitor the wires.

BradfordWiresIf you see Con Edison trucks making repairs, let us know in the comments section below or send us a photo at