Sunday, Oct 06th

footprintsA 37-year-old man from Georgia, came into Scarsdale Police Headquarters at 9:10 a.m., Friday Jan. 6, to report he had been involved in a crime in Roswell, Georgia. The man was interviewed by Scarsdale police and confessed to committing a shooting homicide. The homicide occurred in Roswell, Georgia, in January 2012. The Scarsdale Police Department Investigations Section contacted the Roswell, Georgia Police Department to confirm details of the man's statements. The Roswell, Georgia Police Department obtained an arrest warrant, and the subject was arrested by the Scarsdale Police Department on a "fugitive from justice" charge under New York State criminal procedure law 570.34. The defendant was arraigned in Scarsdale Village Justice Court and was remanded to Westchester County Jail, where he is being held pending a Superior Court hearing.

Investigators from the Roswell, Georgia Police Department traveled to Scarsdale to meet with police, interview the defendant and continue their investigation of the murder case. Because the defendant is the subject of active ongoing investigations in other jurisdictions, his identity is not being released at this time. Roswell police are not yet releasing details about the case.

Scarsdale Police Captain Thomas Altizio was able to clarify questions regarding the suspect's relationship with Scarsdale: "The suspect had no ties to Scarsdale at all, did not live or work here, and we have never had prior contact with him. He just happened to be walking by our headquarters and came in stating there was something he wanted to talk about. He initiated the contact with us. He did have an extensive arrest history from several states."

According to the Atlanta Journal-Constitution the suspect is known as Kwayne Dozier or Kwame Dozier and he confessed to a drug and gang-related shooting in January 2012 at the Concepts 21 Apartment Complex on Old Holcolmb Bridge Road in Roswell. The victim is believed to be Ladell Deon Crumpton, age 31.

Identity theft
On Jan. 3, a 20-year-old Brewster Road man reported fraudulent charges occurred on one of his credit cards. The charges were made on Dec. 26, while the man was out of the country on a cruise. The first charge was for $3 at Flushing Commons, and the rest of the charges – of undisclosed amounts – were made at a Macy's store.

On Jan. 3, a Richbell Road man reported someone attempted to open several credit cards in his name. On Dec. 23, the person attempted to open store charge cards at Target and TJ Maxx, but the cards were denied. Both attempts occurred in the same mall at 117 Street and the FDR Drive in New York City. The cards were denied because the person submitted incorrect driver's license information and income information. Police are following up with possible video footage of the suspect recorded by the stores.

On Jan. 5, a Greenacres Avenue man reported someone fraudulently withdrew funds from his Chase bank account by assuming his identity at a Chase Bank branch in Brooklyn. The incident occurred Jan. 4 and resulted in the suspect withdrawing $6,480.13. Police are following up.

On Jan. 7, a Bradley Road man was contacted by Apple Bank about a suspicious $9 charge on his debit card account. The man confirmed the charge was fraudulent and found another fraudulent debit charge, of $115.97 on the same account. He informed the bank and police.

Electronic hackinghacker
Scarsdale Middle School PTA members reported their PTA email account had been hacked by someone attempting to defraud the PTA of $7,500 Jan. 6. An email was sent out to the PTA members from someone posing as a PTA representative, requesting that the PTA send the $7,500 to a Chase Bank account. The PTA members who were involved in the incident warned other PTA members about the scam and advised them to not open any suspicious-looking emails. PTA members were advised to change their account passwords.

On Jan. 6, a resident of an assisted living facility reported she thought her husband might be having relations with other female residents at the facility and he might harm her. After speaking with the woman's husband, facility staff and the couple's granddaughter, police learned the woman suffers from dementia. There was no evidence to cause police to question the safety of anyone involved.

On Jan. 7, a dementia patient called 911 and asked for the correct time. Police spoke with the woman's home health aide, and she said the woman was okay and not in need of assistance. On scene, patrol noticed a strong smell of exhaust and notified firefighters. Firefighters discovered the oil burner was malfunctioning, and they shut off the oil burner.

On Jan. 8, a Brite Avenue homeowner reported suspicious footprints in the snow. The footprints started at Brite Avenue, progressed up the driveway to an exterior side door, where the door seemed to have been pulled open and closed, and then the footprints led to a rear screen door. The unknown suspect then walked back down the driveway to Brite Avenue. No damage was found on the property, and the house did not appear to have been entered. The homeowner said he did not see the footprints at 11:30 p.m., Jan. 7, when he turned on his rear exterior light. Patrol canvassed the neighborhood looking for other similar footprints. Patrol found footprints leading from Brite Avenue to the front door of a neighbor's house across the street. These footprints were made across the lawn. Patrol knocked on the neighbor's door. He said the prints were made sometime between 10 p.m., Jan. 7 and 8 a.m., Jan. 8. He did not know who made the prints. Patrol photographed the prints and got ready to leave. However, while walking back to the police car, patrol saw a man shoveling snow on his property. Patrol asked the man if he had noticed any suspicious activity in the area overnight or if anyone had come to his house late at night. The man said a tall Hispanic man wearing a silver jacket had come to his house around 10 p.m., offering to shovel his driveway and walkway. No further information was available.

Welfare check
A caller asked police to check the welfare of her Greenacres Avenue parents who were not answering their house phone Jan. 7. The parents were fine. They said their landline was having some problems, but they could be reached by cell phone. Police provided the caller with an update.

Cars in the driveway
A Penn Boulevard woman reported a suspicious man knocked on her door and was then sitting in her driveway in a dark red sedan at 12:30 p.m., Jan. 3. The man was described as in his 30s and missing "a lot" of front teeth. He said he was conducting research. The woman said she was not interested and closed the door. The woman gave police a license plate number. However, when police researched the plate, it came back as belonging to a tan colored Nissan sedan, instead of a red sedan. Police canvassed the area for the man and his car, but neither was located.

A Griffen Avenue woman reported an unknown car was parked in her driveway at 5 p.m., Jan. 4. Police went to the house and spoke with the car's driver. He said he was attempting to deliver flowers to the woman, but he was afraid to get out of his car because several dogs were barking in the driveway. Police went to the door, got the woman and escorted her to the man's car to pick up her flower delivery.

A Black Birch Lane resident reported a suspicious van parked in his driveway Jan. 8. Police contacted the registered owner of the van, who was the resident's neighbor. The neighbor said the resident told him he could park in the resident's driveway during periods of snow. Patrol called the resident, and the resident's wife answered the phone. She said the neighbor was allowed to park in the driveway and surmised that her husband did not recognize the neighbor's van before calling police. Nevertheless, the neighbor moved his car.

Cars and roadways
On Jan. 3, a caller complained about a Bee-Line bus parked in a no standing zone on Palmer Avenue. The bus had broken down, and the driver was waiting for the arrival of a service mechanic.

A parking enforcement officer identified a parked car on East Parkway associated with a confirmed scofflaw Jan. 3. The officer contacted the owner and told her to settle the matter of unpaid parking tickets at Village Hall immediately.

Police issued a summons to the registered owner of a car parked the wrong way on Huntington Avenue Jan. 3.

Police issued a summons to the registered owner of cars parked on Cooper Road in violation of overnight parking restrictions Jan. 4 and 5.

Police saw a car with an open trunk parked in a Greenacres Avenue driveway at 3 a.m., Jan. 4. Police were unable to determine if the car had been broken into or if the trunk had accidentally been left open. Police closed the trunk and attempted to contact the owner.

Police notified Optimum about a fallen cable wire on Mamaroneck Road Jan. 5.

A parking enforcement officer identified a parked car in the Christie Place garage associated with a confirmed scofflaw Jan. 5. The officer contacted the owner and told her to settle the matter of $570 in unpaid parking tickets at Village Hall immediately.

On Jan. 6, a caller reported a green colored landscaper's truck driving down Griffen Avenue, with metal objects dropping from the truck. Police did not find the truck when they searched for it.

On Jan. 6, a Ridgedale Road resident reported a Kia was parked in front of his house for the second night in a row. The resident thought the driver was a white man with gray hair. The car was not there when police arrived to investigate.

Police helped direct traffic around a disabled car on Weaver Street while the driver waited for a tow Jan. 7.

Police helped a driver move his disabled car into a safe parking area on Tompkins Road Jan. 7.

Police called a tow for a disabled car parked on Post Road at 5 a.m., Jan. 8.

On Jan. 8, police removed a piece of loose plywood from Griffen Avenue.

The water department was called to address a ruptured pipe under a fire hydrant on Richbell Road Jan. 8.

Eight car accidents were reported in the village this week.

Village code
On Jan. 7, police verbally warned the foreman of a Weaver Street job site not to use power tools before 10 a.m. on weekends.

A man dressed in black, pulling a suitcase down Brewster Road, was given a verbal warning to not solicit snow shoveling business in the village without a permit Jan. 7.

On Jan. 7, at least five men who solicited to shovel snow on Brite Avenue and Stonehouse, Carthage and Heathcote roads were told they needed a permit to conduct business that way.

Three men were letting their dogs play in the snow on Boulevard Jan. 8. A caller said he was concerned for his kids' safety. Police told the men to leash their dogs, as per village code. They complied and left the area.

Lost and found
A firefighter found an iPhone with a cracked screen on Christie Place Jan. 2. Using the Siri function, police were able to get in touch with the owner's mother, who forwarded the information to her son. He came to headquarters to pick up the phone.

A resident reported losing a license plate somewhere in the village Jan. 5.

A Chase Bank debit card was found on East Parkway by a member of Scarsdale Volunteer Ambulance Corps, who gave it to police Jan. 8. Police notified a Chase Bank employee who said, as per bank policy, the account would be frozen and a new debit card would be issued. The employee confirmed that the bank would notify the cardholder.

A burning odor in a Heathcote Road house was caused by a pot's plastic handle melting from flame contact Jan. 2.
A forced-air heating unit overheated and caused a burning odor in a Rodney Road house Jan. 4. Firefighters disconnected the unit and advised the homeowner to replace the motor.

A Hutchinson Avenue homeowner was having trouble opening the house door with her key Jan. 6. Firefighters helped the homeowner gain entry with the key.

Firefighters helped Con Edison employees check a Bansom Road house for possible gas migration due to a nearby gas leak Jan. 6. The house was found to be free of gas.

A Madison Road homeowner reported the stovetop gas valve was accidentally left on Jan. 6. Firefighters checked the house and detected a strong odor but no gas readings. They called Con Edison for follow up.

On Jan. 7, firefighters turned off a malfunctioning heating system in a Mamaroneck Road house. They ventilated the basement to address a minor accumulation of carbon monoxide in the basement, near the system. They advised a live-in health aide to call a service technician to repair the system before turning it on again.

This week, firefighters assisted at one car accident in the village. They responded to one false carbon monoxide alarm and eight false fire alarms caused by device malfunction, shower steam, cooking smoke, smoke from an electronic cigarette, accidental keypad activation and a plumber sweating pipes.

This report covering police and fire department activity from Jan. 3 – 8 has been compiled from official information. A few reports from Jan. 2, which were not included in last week's report, have been included here.

scarsdalesecuritylogo-1-1This police report is sponsored by Scarsdale Security who does more than just security. Contact them about remote video for your home or business. Call 914-722-2200 or visit their website.

911Officer saves man's life: On Dec. 26, at approximately 11:37 a.m., the police and Scarsdale Volunteer Ambulance were dispatched to Starbucks on East Parkway for a man who had passed out and was not breathing. Scarsdale Police Officer Nicholas Kringas was the first on the scene, arriving in less than 2 minutes. Officer Kringas found a 51-year-old man unresponsive on the sidewalk and turning blue. Kringas observed signs of drug use and recognized that the male was displaying the symptoms of an opiate narcotic overdose. Based on these observations, Kringas administered a dose of Naloxone (Narcan) to the victim. Shortly after receiving the Naloxone, the man regained consciousness and began breathing normally. The victim received additional first aid from Scarsdale Volunteer Ambulance Corps while being transported to the hospital. The man stated he was taking the train from the Bronx and had used one bag of heroin prior to passing out.

According to Scarsdale Police Captain Thomas Altizio, "In this case, the officer's specialized training to recognize the symptoms of an opiate overdose and to administer Naloxone directly contributed to saving the life of this 51-year-old victim." All Scarsdale police officers were trained in the use of Naloxone and began carrying it in the summer of 2015.

On Dec. 26, a Church Lane house was burglarized. Police responded to a burglar alarm at approximately 8:30 p.m. and noticed the front door ajar. It appeared to have been forcibly pushed open, and wet footprints were observed on the front steps. Police immediately created a perimeter and searched the inside of the house. No one was found inside. Investigation determined that an unknown perpetrator entered through the front door and went through the master bedroom, opening drawers and dumping contents on the bed. Police notified the homeowners, who were away. The homeowners said they would make a list of stolen property after they got home. A canine K-9 unit responded to the scene. On Dec. 27, the homeowner returned and requested that police escort her back into her house. An officer thus accompanied her and advised her of security measures that could be taken in the future. Patrol stood by until the homeowner's contractor arrived to properly secure the front door.

A colleague of a Harvest Drive resident found damage to the rear basement door while checking the resident's house Dec. 28. He called police and waited in his car outside the house. Police investigated the door and found it to be ajar, with a broken deadbolt and doorjamb. The exterior seal on the door itself was bent, and the inner wood core was cracked and splintered. According to police, the door appeared to have been damaged by blunt force, possibly a shoulder push-in. Inside the house, it appeared that several bedrooms had been entered and were tossed. Police observed few furnishings in the house and not many personal belongings in the drawers. The homeowner's colleague said the resident had just moved into the house approximately one month ago. He was unsure of what had been taken, if anything. On Dec. 30, the colleague who discovered the burglary called headquarters to ask for a report number. He said he had spoken with the homeowner, who said there was nothing of value in the house. He was advised to have the resident contact police once she returned home.

On Jan. 2, an Old Lyme Road resident returned home and found drawers opened and tossed inside his master bedroom. He had been gone between 1:30 p.m. and 6:30 p.m. Patrol checked the house and determined there was no one hiding inside. Side French doors, in the dining room, appeared to be the point of entry. Door molding, the lock mechanism, latticework, and the doorframe were broken. Police believe that only the master bedroom was targeted by the perpetrator. The homeowner was unsure if anything was stolen but said he would investigate and provide police with a list. The resident had security cameras inside the house, which revealed one person entering the dining room from the kitchen camera at approximately 5:25 p.m. From the family room camera, one could see the person walk into the family room, then exit through the same door through which he entered. A perimeter check of the house revealed the broken doorframe and latticework discarded in the backyard. A bag of garbage from the master bedroom was also found nearby. The resident said his home security system was not on at the time of the burglary. The police report noted that the house backs up to Quaker Ridge School, and the perpetrator probably used school grounds to exit the scene.

Attempted burglaries
On Dec. 22, a Hampton Road resident said he noticed a rear window screen in his prayer room had been broken by force and the window was pushed all the way open. He said the window was completely closed at 8:15 p.m., Dec. 21. A thorough search of the house yielded no sign of the suspects. The resident checked his house and determined nothing was missing. Further investigation suggested the suspects did not enter the house, but only attempted to do so. This conclusion was, in part, based on the messy snow and mud conditions outside the house in juxtaposition to the clean interior.

At 8:30 p.m., Dec. 24, a Haverford Road man discovered a broken basement window and a damaged master bathroom window screen. Glove prints were on the master bathroom window, which appeared to be evidence that someone attempted to open the window. The man's home security system was activated during the time frame in question, so it does not appear that anyone entered the house illegally. Furthermore, the man inspected his house and did not find anything missing or out of place.

Stolen car
A Richelieu Road woman reported her 2015 Audi A3 convertible was not in her driveway at 8 a.m., Dec. 31. She said she parked her car and last saw it around 2 a.m., Dec. 31. The keys were left inside the car. In addition, the woman's wallet was stolen along with the car. It contained a driver's license, AAA card and various credit cards. When the woman called her credit card companies to cancel her cards, she learned of two fraudulent transactions – $11.50 at 6:32 a.m., and $0.59 at 7 a.m. A signal emitted from the car revealed its location to be Vernon Drive in Eastchester. Eastchester police canvassed the area but did not find the car. Scarsdale detectives are following up.

Stolen bike
A Wynmor Road girl's $200 red and yellow mountain bike, helmet and bike lock were stolen from a bike rack at Scarsdale Middle School Dec. 22. The girl said the lock had not been in use when the bike was stolen.

Car break-ins
An unlocked 2012 Audi was unlawfully entered while parked in a Brewster Road driveway overnight Dec. 20 into Dec. 21. Forty dollars in coins were stolen from the center console. The owner told police this was the third time in two years that the car had been broken into. The owner requested extra police ride-bys.

Items were stolen from unlocked cars on Carman, Madison, Edgewood and Nelson roads overnight Dec 30 into Dec. 31. On Carman Road, a 2008 Acura and a 2004 Nissan were entered while parked in a resident's driveway. Women's sunglasses and loose coins valued at approximately $2 were stolen from the Acura. Nothing was stolen from the Nissan. A wallet had been stolen out of a car parked on Madison Road. It contained a driver's license, credit cards, store cards, $20 cash and approximately $15 in coins. The owner did not realize the wallet had been stolen from her car until a police officer found it lying on Madison Road and returned it to the owner. At that time, the owner realized it had been stolen from her unlocked car. The wallet was missing the $20 cash when the officer found it. On Edgewood Road, a 2016 BMW was entered and approximately $10 in coins and a pair of prescription glasses, valued at $100, were stolen. On Nelson Road, a $300 pair of prescription sunglasses was removed from the center console of a resident's car.

While investigating the car break-ins, police found two pairs of sunglasses on a Carman Road lawn Dec. 31. One pair was from RayBan. The other pair was from Beone. The sunglasses were vouchered for safekeeping and for possible evidence.
On Dec. 31, a Gaylor Road man reported his unlocked car was entered overnight. All of the car's interior storage compartments had been opened, but nothing was reported missing. The man said he does not store valuable items in his car.
On Dec. 31, a Boulevard man reported his driver's side door was ajar when he went to get into his car. He noticed signs that someone had rummaged through his car, but he did not detect anything missing. According to police, in an unrelated matter, the man also gave police a wallet he found on his front lawn that morning. Patrol attempted to drop off the wallet at the owner's house, but the owner was not home. The wallet was vouchered for safekeeping at headquarters.

Middle school theft
A Wildwood Road woman reported her daughter's $300 silver Sam winter jacket, $20 cash and a $650 iPhone were stolen from a hallway in Cooper House at Scarsdale Middle School Dec. 21. Since the school does not allow jackets and bags inside the classrooms, the items were left in the hallway. When class ended at 2:30 p.m., the girl realized her coat and its pocket contents were gone. A Find My iPhone app suggested the iPhone was still on school grounds, but neither the woman nor police were able to find it. Police drove around the middle school and surrounding streets, but did not see the jacket, which was reported to look like "tin foil."

Identity theft
On Dec. 19, a Roosevelt Place woman reported someone unlawfully transferred a total of $6,450.43 out of her account, via a fraudulent check and electronic transfers over the past nine months. The money was paid to a person named Eric S. Addae, whom the woman does not know. The bank put a security hold on the woman's account to prevent future fraudulent transactions.

While jogging on Post Road around 7 p.m., Dec. 20, a man was struck on the side of his face by a disposable cup thrown from a passing light-colored sedan. An unknown individual inside the car yelled "Jew f**k," and other people inside the car were heard laughing. The car left the area via Fenimore Road. The impact of the cup caused a great deal of pain, because the cup possibly contained ice. The impact also damaged the man's $1,000 Oliver Peoples prescription glasses. According to the police report, it should be noted that the victim was not of Jewish faith.

On December 21 a Port Chester woman who works on Dell Road reported her ex-boyfriend had been harassing her. The day before he was allegedly sitting in a parked car outside her job site and following her as she drove home on the Hutchinson River Parkway. She reported this to Rye police, and they initiated a traffic stop of the ex-boyfriend's car. She asked police to call her ex-boyfriend and advise him to cease all communication with her and to refrain from going to her place of work.

Criminal mischief
While on patrol Dec. 27, police noticed several street signs missing: at Crossway and Lebanon Road, at Carthage and Lebanon roads and Carthage and Wakefield roads, for which the pole was also damaged. An additional sign, at McDonald and Wakefield roads, was damaged. The highway department was notified.

Electrical tampering
A Con Edison supervisor reported that Con Edison property was intentionally damaged at a Cambridge Road house Dec. 30. Pry marks were observed around the lock of an electric meter. A sensor wire to a remote water meter hook-up had been cut, and the box had been pulled off the wall, causing an interruption in power. In addition to the damaged meter, an outdoor gate, which had been closed, was found open.
A Greendale Road resident reported an electric meter and a motion sensor light appeared to have been intentionally damaged at his house Dec. 30. While investigating, officers also uncovered a second-floor window with a dislodged window screen. This window would only have been accessible from the ground floor with the use of a ladder. Patrol spoke with Con Edison, who reported they had been called to the house on the report of a power outage. There, they discovered a meter with a broken seal and ring. The Con Edison employee who replaced the meter said he has never seen this kind of damage done to an outdoor meter in his 27 years of service to Con Edison. He said a person would have to have some knowledge or experience with electricity to know how to shut power to a house without getting electrocuted. Police are following up on the two incidents, which they believe are related.

A caller reported people arguing at Scarsdale train station Dec. 28. Patrol arrived and saw three people – a mother and two adult children – standing outside a white sedan on East Parkway. They told police they had been verbally arguing. They said there was no need for police intervention.

A Taunton Road homeowner reported finding a basement door open Dec. 26. The homeowner had been home all day and did not see anyone attempt to enter the house. Police deduced the door might not have been properly closed and blew open because of wind.

On Dec. 28, a Church Lane resident reported the lights on her front lawn were knocked over the previous night. Police determined it was a result of wind, not criminal activity.

Due to wind or faulty equipment installation, a Con Edison meter fell off a Greendale Road house Dec. 29. Police advised the homeowner to contact Con Edison.

A Bradford Road resident reported a "suspicious item" at the end of his driveway Dec. 27. Patrol examined the item and determined it was a broken piece of wood from a garden tool, with black electrical tape wrapped around it. Patrol hypothesized that it possibly fell from a passing truck. The object was discarded.

A plastic Christmas themed statue mysteriously appeared on a rock wall in the center island of Broadmoor and Bradford roads Jan. 1. It depicted either a king or a wise man figure, from the nativity story. Because the owner could not be identified, police vouchered the statue for safekeeping.

A caller reported finding four bicycles in the middle of Barry Road at 7:25 a.m., Dec. 30. They were described as a pink and white Rallye Descent bike, a teal and tan Huffy Nel Lusso bike, a red Schwinn Ranger bike and a white and blue Shimano Next bike. The caller said the bikes could be placed on his lawn, to get them out of the roadway, in the hope that the owners would come back for them. On Dec. 31, police picked up the bicycles because no one had claimed them.

Around 11 a.m., Dec. 31, a caller reported seeing a bicycle lying in the middle of Jefferson Road for approximately three hours. Police investigated the bicycle and noticed a sticker from "Danny's Cycles." Patrol called the cycle store and was able to track down the bicycle's owner through the bike's serial number. The owner was a Madison Road resident, who bought the bike for $597 in 2015. Patrol contacted the owner and returned the bike to him. He said he stores the bicycle unsecured in his back yard. The last time he saw the bicycle was approximately one week ago, as he does not check it daily.

While on patrol, police noticed four males sleeping in a white van parked on Rugby Lane at 12:44 a.m., Jan. 2. They men told police they were from Germany and produced German IDs. They said they had traveled to New York for New Years Eve in a church-owned vehicle. They said they were traveling with a friend who was staying at a Post Road house. Since there was allegedly not enough space in the house for everyone to sleep inside, the four men were sleeping in the car. Patrol checked the status of the men's IDs and confirmed they were clean. Patrol advised the men they were not allowed to sleep in a parked car overnight; so the men moved the car into the driveway of where their friend was staying.

Cars and roadways
While on patrol, police noticed a Volkswagen with a large amount of white smoke and an odor of unburned gasoline coming from the tailpipe Dec. 26. Police asked the driver to pull over and assisted him by calling a tow for the car.
Police called a tow to remove an abandoned car with a dead battery that was left unattended and illegally parked at Meadow and Hutchinson roads Dec. 26. Police notified the registered owner's sister, who said she was in Connecticut and could not immediately resolve the situation.

On Dec. 27, a driver complained that a large Fox Meadow Road pothole damaged his BMW's tire. The driver waited for a tow while police investigated the pothole. Police determined it was caused by Con Edison work on the street and advised the driver to report the damage to Con Edison. Police placed a traffic cone in the pothole in the meantime.

A caller reported a car parked in the wooded area between the dead end of Potter and Taunton roads at 5:15 p.m., Dec. 27. Police arrived and spoke with the driver. She said she got disoriented and mistakenly entered the wooded area. Police guided the driver back onto the roadway, and she left.
The driver of a Chevrolet accidently left his car key in the door handle after parking the car Dec. 28. A passerby noticed it and called police. Patrol contacted the driver, and the situation was rectified.

Police put flares around a fallen tree on Eton Road Dec. 29. The highway department was notified.

Police helped a driver move a disabled car off Fenimore Road while waiting for a tow Dec. 31.

Two people sitting in a parked car on Greendale Road said they were having a conversation at 12:18 a.m., Jan. 2. They left the area after patrol questioned them about their activity.

Police drove by a parked Hyundai hatchback on Paddington Road at 1:30 a.m., Jan. 2. At 3:15, a.m., the rear hatch was open. Police were unable to determine if anything had been stolen from the car. Attempts to reach the registered owner were unsuccessful. Police closed the hatch and secured the car before leaving.
A woman could not find her car in village center Jan. 2. She called police and said the might be stolen or lost. Police helped the woman find her car – parked at the intersection of Spencer Place and Boniface Circle.

Twenty car accidents were reported in the village during this two-week period.

Civil matter
On Dec. 28, a vehicle drove over a Stonehouse Road front lawn, and the homeowner reported it to police. The vehicle left tire tracks in the yard, and these tracks led to a dumpster that had been installed for a neighbor's construction job. The homeowner was afraid the vehicle would cross his lawn a second time, when the dumpster needed to be removed. He feared it would cause more damage and might possibly damage his sprinkler system because the dumpster would be heavier. Police advised the homeowner it was a civil matter and recommended direct follow-up with the homeowner.

At 3:30 a.m., Dec. 26, a Taunton Road resident reported kids "hanging out and drinking" near a pond near his house. The resident said the kids were there until 4 a.m., allegedly "throwing beer bottles onto the ice of the lake." Upon arrival, patrol saw three males standing on the side of Tisdale Road. They said they were walking home from Garth Road Inn and stopped at the park to smoke cigarettes. All of the males were village residents. They said they were walking home because Central Taxi was closed. They left the scene without causing any problems.

A caller complained about a group of kids walking down Meadow Road at 8:30 p.m., Dec. 31. The kids said they were waiting for a cab to pick them up. Patrol stood by until they departed by taxi.

A Boulevard resident reported a neighbor playing loud drums at 11:15 p.m., Dec. 30. When police arrived on scene, the drumming had stopped. The resident said the loud drumming occurs frequently and usually stops around 11 p.m. each night. She said she sometimes goes outside and bangs pots and pans until the drumming stops. She said she never addressed the issue with the neighbor. Police advised her to discuss the issue with the neighbor during the day in a friendly manner. Because there was no drumming when police were at the house, they were not able to issue a summons for a noise violation.

Village code
A father and son were playing basketball on the basketball courts at Greenacres School at 7 p.m., Jan. 1. Patrol told them that school property closes at 5 p.m. during winter. The father and son apologized and left.

Police issued a warning to a tree cutting company making noise on Myrtledale Road at 9:15 a.m., Jan. 2.

Found property
A man found an iPhone on the corner of Freightway and Garth Road. He brought it to headquarters where police vouchered it for safekeeping Dec. 23.

Firefighters found an iPhone on Christie Place and brought it to headquarters Jan. 2.

A Rugby Lane homeowner mistook a low battery signal for a carbon monoxide alarm Dec. 26. Firefighters advised the homeowner replace the batteries.
Firefighters assisted Con Edison with a leaking gas service line at a Ross Road house Dec. 27. They also checked nearby houses for possible gas migration.
Firefighters stood by for Con Edison at the site of a natural gas odor at an Elm Road garage Dec. 28. A leak in a pipe near the gas meter was found.
A back-up battery for a basement sump pump was overheating and causing an odor in a Graham Road house Dec. 28. Firefighters disconnected the battery and removed the charging device from the house.
A stove would only shut off after all burners had been cycled through ignition in a Black Birch Lane house Dec. 31. Firefighters offered to disconnect the stove, but the homeowner declined.
A fireplace was determined to be drafting poorly in a Cayuga Road house Jan. 1. The resident was advised to have the fireplace professionally serviced.
Smoke in a Dunham Road house was caused by a dirty oven Jan. 1. The resident was advised to clean the oven.
An improperly connected fan in a boiler room was discovered while firefighters were checked a Meadow Road house for a possible gas odor Jan. 1. The homeowner was advised to replace the fan. Firefighters found no gas odor or gas readings in the house.

A neutral electrical line was found broken at a Greenacres Avenue house, causing the house to have no power Jan. 2. The homeowner was away, but firefighters responded to the scene due to a gas alarm activation. Con Edison was summoned to the house for investigation and repairs.

A fire was lit in a Quentin Road fireplace, but the flue was accidentally left closed Jan. 2. The house filled with smoke, activating the fire alarm system. The homeowner extinguished the fire before firefighters arrived. Firefighters assisted in opening doors and windows for ventilation. They discussed proper fireplace use with the homeowner.

From Dec. 26, 2016 to Jan. 2, 2017 firefighters assisted at two car accidents on parkways and in the village responded to three false carbon monoxide alarms and 19 false fire alarms, caused by device malfunction, cooking smoke, shower steam, burnt bacon, keypad malfunction and a wire getting accidentally stapled by a contractor installing insulation.

This report covering police and fire department activity from Dec. 26, 2016 through Jan. 2, 2017 – as well as police incident reports from Dec. 19-25, 2016 – has been compiled from official information.

scarsdalesecuritylogo-1-1This police report is sponsored by Scarsdale Security who does more than just security. Contact them about remote video for your home or business. Call 914-722-2200 or visit their website.

phonecallOn December 6 a family member for a Lincoln Road homeowner, who lives on Long Island, discovered a broken basement window at the house. A rock was then discovered on the basement floor, and the house was checked. Items inside the house were in the process of being organized for transport; so it was difficult for the homeowner to know if anything was missing. According to the family member, she was in the house on Dec. 4 and everything was in good order. An alarm for the basement window was received at approximately 9:38 p.m. that same evening. The family member, who has power of attorney for the house, refused police response for the alarm because she felt it must have been a false alarm. An alarm technician was sent to the house to service the system because of the suspected false alarm on Dec. 6. He observed the broken basement window and notified the family member. Police are following up.

A roofing contractor working at a Fox Meadow Road house said he went to the hardware store and, upon his return, he discovered the house had been unlawfully entered and burglarized Dec. 9. It appeared to the contractors that the rear sunroom door and an interior living room door had been kicked open. Rooms, particularly second-floor bedrooms, were ransacked. The homeowner was notified. She said she would return home to compile a list of stolen items.

Car Break-in
A Fox Meadow Road man reported items were removed from his parked car Dec. 8. The items were not disclosed.

On Dec. 6, a Heathcote resident reported being harassed and threatened by phone. Starting at approximately midnight, Dec. 6, the man received calls and voicemails from an unknown number. The caller left voicemails, which the man said he deleted. Then, at approximately 1:30 p.m., Dec. 6, the man received a message threatening his life. The message stated, "Stay away from [...]. It'll get you killed. If I see you and I put the name with the face, I'm gonna get you." Police are performing extra ridebys of the man's house.

Graffiti was found spray-painted on an electrical box at Mamaroneck and Secor Roads Dec. 7. Police were unable to discern what the graffiti was intended to depict.

Identity Theft
On Dec. 5, a Norma Place man reported unauthorized charges totaling $2,781.91 on his Citibank credit card. The charges were made online at Stuart Weitzman and other stores. Citibank's fraud department reversed the charges and is following up.

On Dec. 5, a Murray Hill Road woman reported credit card accounts were fraudulently opened in her name, and unauthorized charges occurred.

On Dec. 6, a Secor Road resident reported she recently received several letters in the mail informing her of denied credit card applications that she never filled out. She also received a Brookstone card in the mail. It was fraudulent, but it already contained charges of $4,447. She closed the account. Later, the woman discovered fraudulent charges on of $250 on her Gap card and $500 on her Express card. Investigation revealed the Brookstone purchase occurred in person in a store in Uncasville, Connecticut. Police are following up.

On Dec. 6, a Secor Road resident noticed fraudulent charges on her Citibank credit card. One charge occurred at Nordstrom – for a $966.38 men's coat – on Dec. 1. Other charges were with a restaurant supply company and a restaurant. A pending charge was for a fraudulent UPS My Choice account. This account would enable a person to redirect packages once the packages shipped. The card, transactions and the shipping account were cancelled. Citibank's fraud department is following up.

On Dec. 6, a Burgess Road man reported someone attempted to open a fraudulent Nordstorm's credit card account in his name at the White Plains store. The man informed Nordstorm's fraud department that the account was not legitimate. The fraud department said they would try to detain the suspect if he attempted to use a fraudulent card, in the man's name, in the store.

A Palmer Avenue resident became alarmed when she heard someone rang her doorbell at 5 p.m., Dec. 9, and then saw three people standing by the side of her house. It was determined teenagers from a nearby house were attempting to play a prank on their friend, who lived in the resident's house. Patrol spoke with the pranksters' parents. The teens apologized for the prank.

Police stood by while a man removed personal items from his Edgewood house Dec. 5.

A Lockwood Road man alleged his neighbor was harassing him by calling him names while the man was in his second floor bedroom Dec. 5. The man was home with his mother and said he just wanted police to know.

The door of a Ridgecrest North house blew open Dec. 9. Police checked the house and found it to be in good order.

Welfare Check
A Heathcote woman who suffers from dementia went to Stop and Shop in Eastchester with her caretaker Dec. 6. The woman abruptly left by car while the caretaker was shopping in the store. Eastchester and Scarsdale police worked together to check the welfare of the woman, who was found safe at home, and to provide the caretaker with a courtesy ride back to the woman's house. The woman told police she had been running errands with her caretaker and drove home because she felt upset that the caretaker did not "promptly return."

On Dec. 7, police checked the welfare of a Mamaroneck Road mother, whose daughter was concerned about not being able to reach her. The mother was ok and called her daughter. Police noticed the mother's phone was not receiving power because of a flipped switch on a surge protector into which the phone was connected. The power strip issue was corrected.

A white man, aged 40 to 50 years old, with slicked back hair and wearing a black hoodie rang a Kingston Road doorbell asking for directions at 8 p.m., Dec. 6. The man left by foot, toward Valley Road. Patrol checked the resident's house and found everything to be secure. Patrol canvased the area for the man but did not find him.

A caller saw a white man, approximately 5'9" tall, with dark hair and a blue jacket looking at bicycles in the rack on East Parkway. The man walked away from the rack as the caller walked by; yet he returned to the rack after the caller passed. Police checked the area for a man but did not find anyone matching the description. The bikes did not appear to have been disturbed.

A Cohawney Road resident reported a Hispanic woman, approximately 5'2" tall and wearing a black, puffy jacket "attempted to enter her house" at 10:50 a.m., Dec. 10. The woman was last seen "going door to door" on Kensington Road. Police looked for, but could not find, the woman.

Cars and Roadways
Police placed flares around a car with a flat tire on Ogden Road while the driver changed the tire Dec. 7.

The driver of a silver Toyota Avalon reported he was being followed by a black BMW with New Jersey license plates on Heathcote Road. The driver said the action was the result of a road rage incident on the Hutchinson River Parkway. Patrol canvassed the area for the BMW involved in the alleged incident but was unable to find it.

Patrol allowed a disabled car to remain in the Scarsdale library parking lot overnight Dec. 7 after the driver unsuccessfully attempted to repair it at 10:30 p.m.
Police put flares around a car with a broken axle on Fenimore Road Dec. 9. The driver was awaiting a tow.

Police asked a tree-trimming company, on Post Road, to place traffic cones near their work area and on the centerline in order to keep traffic in check and prevent motorists from unnecessarily crossing the centerline Dec. 9.

A car broke down on Mamaroneck Road Dec. 9. Police stood by until a tow company removed the car.

Parked cars were hindering traffic flow on Brewster Road Dec. 11. Police asked drivers to move the cars.

Four car accidents were reported in the village this week.

Unpaid Parking Tickets
On Dec. 8, police discovered a car parked on Scarsdale Avenue connected with a scofflaw. The registered owner of the car had accumulated four unpaid parking tickets totaling $575. The owner returned to the car while police were on the scene. They advised her to immediately pay the parking tickets at Village Hall; otherwise the car would be towed.

On Dec. 8, police discovered a car parked on Freightway Road connected with a scofflaw. The registered owner of the car had accumulated four unpaid parking tickets totaling $865. The owner returned to the car while police were on the scene. They advised her to immediately pay the parking tickets at Village Hall; otherwise the car would be towed.

A disoriented raccoon on Ramsey Road was determined to be sick. It was shot in the interest of public safety, and police disposed of it Dec. 5.

Village Code
Patrol informed Sage Terrace landscapers about village code regarding leaf blowers so the landscapers would be more aware and compliant in the future Dec. 8.

Lost and Found
On Dec. 5, an Edgewood Road woman reported losing her purse while attending a soccer game at Crossway Fields. It was described as a black leather purse with a purple wallet inside. She cancelled her credit cards.

On Dec. 7, a Fox Meadow Road employee reported her boss gave a sanitation worker a 2005 Audi with two New York State license plates. The sanitation worker said he left the two license plates near the boss's garbage cans. According to the employee, the plates went missing.

A range Rover key fob was found at Mamaroneck Road and Palmer Avenue Dec. 8.
A woman found tools on her property and brought them to headquarters Dec. 11.

Water entered a Boulevard basement due to firefighting efforts at a neighbor's house Dec. 5. Firefighters vacuumed water from the resident's wet basement rug.
Con Edison workers and firefighters checked Boulevard and Potter Road houses for possible gas migration after a leak was detected in the sewer system. Gas was not found in any of the houses.
A small hole in gas tubing running to a generator was causing a minor leak and a odor of gas outside a Richbell Road house Dec. 6. Firefighters shut the gas supply at the valve and advised replacing the tubing.
A Broadmoor Road house was checked for possible gas after a report of a possible interior gas odor Dec. 7. No gas readings were found.
A report of a smoking car on the Hutchinson River Parkway turned out to be a car with an overheated, steaming radiator Dec. 7.
A bedroom door got locked from the inside in a Nelson Road house Dec. 7. Firefighters opened the door for the resident.
Con Edison was dispatched to an outdoor gas leak on Ogden Road Dec. 9.
On Dec. 11, Weaver Street residents ventilated their house to get rid of a minor possible gas odor in the house. Con Edison was notified for follow up.
Firefighters shut power to a gas stove with a defective igniter in a Paddington Road house Dec. 11.
An electric baseboard heater in a Paddington Road house would not turn off Dec. 11. Firefighters shut power at the circuit breaker.
This week, firefighters responded to one false carbon monoxide alarm, 12 false fire alarms, caused by device malfunction, construction dust, cooking smoke, fireplace smoke, low battery and burnt toast.

This report covering police and fire department activity from Dec. 5-11 was compiled from official information.

scarsdalesecuritylogo-1-1This police report is sponsored by Scarsdale Security who does more than just security. Contact them about remote video for your home or business. Call 914-722-2200 or visit their website.

smaswreathAt approximately 9 p.m., Dec. 14, a Myrtledale Road homeowner came home from work and saw an unknown car parked in front of his house. He then noticed two people near his front bay window. One of the people quickly left the bushes, walked toward the car and fled south toward Mamaroneck Road. The other person, a man, was still on the homeowner's lawn. The man was described as a skinny, light-skinned, approximately 5'9" tall, with a small mustache and a dark jacket. The homeowner asked, "What are you doing there?" The man repeated several time that he was using the bathroom, before fleeing in the same direction as the car. A check of the house's perimeter revealed a broken storm window at the rear of the house. The home security system was not triggered, and it appeared as if the house had not been entered. Police brought in a canine unit from the Westchester County police department to aid in their investigation.

Dead on arrival
An adult child of a Palmer Avenue woman reported her mother passed away at home Dec. 12. A home health aide was present.

A woman, from Denver, Colorado, called police and asked them to check on her 77-year-old Vanderbilt Road mother Dec. 17. The daughter was concerned because she had been unable to make contact with her mother for the past 24 hours. Police went to the house, but it was locked. Then, a neighbor who had a key to the house offered to help. The neighbor said she had last seen the mother approximately two days ago, at which time the mother was "not doing well." The neighbor said the mother had been sick for a while. Police entered the house and found the mother unresponsive in bed. Scarsdale Volunteer Ambulance Corps pronounced her dead. Denver police were called to personally notify the daughter, who had originally called Scarsdale police. Bennett Funeral Home was called to make arrangements.

Check fraud
On Dec. 13, a Meadow Road woman reported a business check she had mailed to Optimum was stolen while in transit and made out to an unknown person for $900. The woman said she had mailed the check from a mailbox at Palmer Avenue and Heathcote Road. She informed the fraud department at Chase bank.

Identity theft
A Jefferson Road woman reported someone changed her address through the postal service without her knowledge or permission. She learned about it after receiving a confirmation letter from the post office Dec. 13. The new address was for a residential neighborhood in Atlanta, Georgia. She went to the post office and corrected the matter. Police advised her to monitor her financial accounts as a precaution.

Domestic matter
A Quaker Ridge woman reported her father might have violated an Order of Protection by allegedly sending her a friend request on Facebook Dec. 15. Police looked into the complaint and discovered the Order of Protection was never served on the father and the Order of Protection had also expired. The woman said she had applied for an extension to the Order of Protection, but apparently it was never served either. Further investigation was required to determine the status of the Orders of Protection and to verify if the woman's father was the person who sent the Facebook request.

Taxi dispute
A Central Taxi dispatcher called police because of a dispute with an irate customer at 7:25 p.m., Dec. 16. The customer, a white man approximately 40 years-old, allegedly got angry when the dispatcher told him to wait in line for a cab, rather than ridein a cab that was immediately available but transporting other people. The man allegedly turned and walked away following the verbal altercation.

On Dec. 12, a Heathcote Road homeowner reported he saw a heart-shaped wreath hanging from one of his trees. He had not placed it there and was concerned that someone was apparently on his property without his permission. Investigation showed the wreath was in poor condition and covered with dirt. Patrol asked the man if landscapers had recently worked on the property. The man confirmed that landscapers had recently worked at his house over the weekend, laying down new topsoil. It was thus determined that the landscapes found the wreath on the ground, assumed it belonged to the homeowner and hung it on the tree.

Where are you?
A Fox Meadow mother went to a Boulevard religious education school to pick up her 12-year-old daughter, but the daughter was not there Dec. 12. The mother reported the daughter as missing. While police were talking with the mother, the mother's neighbor called. The neighbor said the daughter was at her house. The daughter had apparently decided to walk home from religious education without informing her mother. The daughter became alarmed when no one was home and banged on the front door, which alerted the neighbor.

An elderly resident of a Saxon Woods Road care facility called 911 Dec. 16. He said he was not in pain and did not need to go to the hospital. He said he wanted police to tell staff to attend to his needs. He said he was cold and wanted the temperature to be increased. Police reviewed other problem-solving options with the man, other than calling 911.

A person with a Scarsdale P.O. telephone number was making 911 calls to a Victims Assistance Helpline Dec. 17. Police notified Yonkers police, because the address was in their jurisdiction.

A Drake Road man said he noticed water coming out of a neighbor's pipe Dec. 18. The man turned off the water, left a note for his neighbor and informed police.

Keeping watch
At 4 p.m., Dec. 18, police received a call stating that the pharmacy on Spencer Place was left unlocked. Patrol contracted a key holder and stayed on scene until the key holder arrived, due to the presence of pharmaceutical products. The key holder checked the pharmacy and determined there were no signs of criminality. The door was secure upon departure.

Child welfare
A caller reported a man "beating children in the back of his car" in Balducci's parking lot on Palmer Avenue Dec. 18. Police conducted a traffic stop and informed the man, a village resident, about the complaint. The man said they were leaving the parking lot, and he was urging his family to "hurry up" so they would not be late for a holiday party. It was determined there had been no physical contact. The man was in the car with his wife and two older, adult children.

Damaged car
On Dec. 17, a Clarence Road driver reported his 2016 Ford Explorer had been struck by an unknown object while his car was stopped in traffic at Post Road and Boulevard Dec. 5. The object that damaged his hood was the result of debris from the explosion that destroyed a Boulevard house Dec. 5. The man said his insurance company requested a police report in order to process the claim.

Leaving scene of accident
On Dec. 18, a 17-year-old Cohawney Road boy attempted to turn left from Taunton Road onto East Taunton Road shortly after midnight. The boy's 2014 Infiniti drove off the roadway and struck a tree. The boy left the scene of the accident without reporting it. Police later arrived on the scene and towed the car to the police impound lot. The boy responded to headquarters and admitted to driving the car during the accident and leaving the scene. He was issued a summons for leaving the scene of an accident.

Cars and roadways
The highway department was notified about a branch resting on a low voltage wire on Walworth Avenue Dec. 13.

A caller reported a man in a white BMW with Florida license plates was offering to repair damage on cars in a Palmer Avenue parking lot Dec. 13. Police looked for the man but did not find him.

A car knocked over a scooter parked on Depot Place, and the driver left the scene Dec. 13.

A man sitting in a car on Dell Road was a worker, from a nearby job site, having lunch in his vehicle Dec. 13.
On Dec. 14, a car carrier semi-truck was parked, obstructing traffic, on Heathcote Road. Police asked the driver to park his truck on Morris Lane while making auto pickups.

Police issued a citation to the registered owner of a car parked in violation of a three-hour restriction on Highland Way Dec. 15.

Police issued summonses to the drivers of three cars that passed a school bus discharging passengers with the bus's lights flashing on Popham Road Dec. 16.

Police set up flares around a disabled car with a broken axle on Crane Road Dec. 17.

Police notified the highway department about low hanging branches over Popham Road Dec. 17.

Heathcote Gulf changed a flat tire on a disabled car at Claremont Road and Walworth Avenue Dec. 18. Police stood by and directed traffic around the exercise.
This week, seven car accidents were reported in the village.

A Black Birch Lane man said he was walking his dog and a neighbor's dog ran off its porch, jumped at his dog and attempted to bite it Dec. 13. An examination of the dog and the man revealed that neither of them sustained injuries. Patrol spoke to the owner of the offending dog. He apologized and said his dog was inadvertently let outside by his elderly parents. Patrol advised him to be more vigilant with the dog in the future.

A loose white dog was reported at Weaver Street and Crossway at 1 a.m., Dec. 17. The owner retrieved the dog before police arrived.

Civil matter
On Dec. 12, a Wildwood Road man reported a dispute with a contractor who had been working on his driveway, a wall and some other projects. The man said the contractor had added costs to the contract and had disregarded some of the contract's terms. In the presence of police, the man sent a text to the contractor stating that the contractor was not welcome at the man's house anymore. Police advised the man to contact them if the situation worsened or became criminal in nature.

On Dec. 13, a woman reported displeasure with the landscaping company contracted by the village. She said workers were blowing leaves from one side of Fenimore Road to the other and blowing leaves onto her car. Police advised her to discuss her concerns with the Village Parks and Recreation department.

Court papers
A process server attempting to serve a civil court summons to a man knocked on a Spier Road door Dec. 14. The resident was the father-in-law of the man. He said his son-in-law did not live at his house and had never lived at his house.

Village code
An advertising sign was illegally posted at Heathcote Road and Morris Lane by a tutoring company Dec. 16. Police removed it and mailed a summons to the company that posted it.

Lost and found
On Dec. 12, a Dickel Road woman reported losing her Attorney Secure Pass in the village on or around Dec. 10. She needed a police report for replacement.

Firefighters stood by for Con Edison at the site of a carbon monoxide leak from a boiler in a Rural Drive house Dec. 12.

A pot left cooking on a stove in a Gilmore Court house activated a smoke detector Dec. 12. The resident extinguished the fire and put the pot outside before firefighters arrived. There was no extension of damage caused by flame beyond the pot.
A stove malfunctioned in a Wildwood Road house Dec. 13. Con Edison shut down the gas and firefighters unplugged the stove. Replacement was recommended.
Con Edison checked a Clarence Road houses for gas after gas readings were found nearby at an outdoor gas vent Dec. 13.
A Hampton Road child accidentally locked himself inside a bathroom Dec. 13. Police and firefighters responded. The child was released unharmed.
Smoke on Olmstead Road was the result of a paving company using a burning bucket to clean tools Dec. 13. Everything was deemed to be under control.
A light "too large and too close to the Christmas tree" charred the wood of a Christmas decoration in a Ferncliff Road house Dec. 14. Firefighters shut of the light fixture and removed the Christmas decoration from the house.
A person got stuck in an elevator inside a Christie Place building Dec. 16. Firefighters noticed an unplugged vacuum cleaner cord stuck in the elevator door, which contributed to the problem. They released the person stuck in the elevator and got the cord out as well.
A boiler overheated in a Hampton Road house, releasing steam into the basement Dec. 16. Firefighters shut off the boiler and ventilated the basement.
A car warming up in a Broadmoor Road garage released carbon monoxide into the house Dec. 17. Firefighters ventilated the house and advised the resident to warm up the car outside in the future.
Firefighters stood by for Con Edison at the site of a gas leak from a Parkfield Road curb box Dec. 17.
Firefighters stood by for Con Edison at a Boulevard house with a leaking gas meter Dec. 17.
This week, firefighters assisted at one car accident. They responded to three false carbon monoxide alarms and 10 false fire alarms caused by device malfunction, changing batteries, cooking smoke, maintenance work, construction dust and candle smoke.

This report covering police and fire department activity from Dec. 12-18 was compiled from official information.

scarsdalesecuritylogo-1-1This police report is sponsored by Scarsdale Security who does more than just security. Contact them about remote video for your home or business. Call 914-722-2200 or visit their website.

falltreeBurglary: A Walworth Avenue woman reported her house had been burglarized sometime between 4 and 10:30 p.m., Nov. 30. Upon coming home, the woman found her front door wide open and her walkway lights off. Since she did not leave her house that way, she called police. Further inspection revealed that window screens had been removed, and a screen door had been left open. The kitchen, garage, upstairs closets, master bedroom and guest rooms had been gone through by the unknown suspects. Detectives are investigating.

Student hit
An 11-year-old Foxhall Place boy was hit by a car while walking west in the intersection of Catherine and Mamaroneck roads, toward Scarsdale Middle School, at 8:09 a.m., Nov. 29. The driver who hit the boy was traveling north on Catherine Road and tried to make a right turn onto Mamaroneck Road. The driver did not stop after hitting the boy, who was walking with a friend. Instead, the driver continued driving east and left the scene. The boy was taken to the hospital for treatment.

Train station accident
At 4:57 a.m., Nov. 29, MTA police requested assistance with a pedestrian struck by a train at the Scarsdale train station. Patrol helped Scarsdale Volunteer Ambulance Corps get to the pedestrian with their medical equipment. MTA police were on scene.

Car break-in
Someone attempted to enter a parked car on Greenacres Avenue overnight Dec. 1. The owner said he woke up in the morning and found damage on the driver's side door. He also found an open window and a dead car battery. Nothing was taken from the car.

Identity theft
On Dec. 2, a Cornell Road man reported someone was attempting to cash stolen checks in his name. The man told police he needed to wait for his wife to come home to provide more detailed bank information.

On Dec. 3, a Ross Road man reported four fraudulent charges, totaling $2,847.83, on his Amazon Rewards Chase Visa card. The account was blocked and the Chase Bank fraud department is investigating.

Criminal mischief
On Nov. 28, a custodian at the Immaculate Heart of Mary Church, on Carman Road, discovered a broken basement stained glass window. An interior check of the church revealed no entry was made to the church, and nothing was stolen. The window was seen locked and in good condition on Sunday, Nov. 27, at 1 p.m.

Prescription fraud
On Nov. 29, a man presented a fraudulent prescription for Promethazine/Codeine Syrup to the CVS pharmacy on Popham Road. When a CVS employee called the doctor's office listed on the prescription for verification, the man allegedly "got nervous" and left the store. The doctor stated the prescription was fraudulent and the man was not his patient. The man was described as Hispanic, approximately 5 ft., 10 in. tall and wearing a gray sweatsuit. Police are following up on driver's license information provided by the man.

Family matters
A Quaker Ridge woman called police, reporting she was having a "hard time" with her 15-year-old son Dec. 1. Police spoke with the woman and her son and determined they were having a minor disagreement about Internet access. Patrol mediated the dispute, and the situation was resolved. All was in good order upon police departure.

A caller reported a man and woman involved in a possible domestic dispute inside a white U-haul truck heading north on Post Road Dec. 3. Patrol stopped the truck, separated the man and woman and questioned them. They said they had a verbal disagreement only. There were no signs of criminal activity.

Suspicious activity
At 8 p.m., Nov. 28, a man entered a Garth Road business and allegedly stood near a newspaper rack for about five minutes. A store cashier said the man "continually looked around and made eye contact with the cashier instead of reading the paper in his hands." The man then allegedly went outside to use his cell phone and "watched patrons enter and exit the store." The man was described as clean-shaven, black, in his 30s and wearing a black sweatshirt and jeans. The cashier thought the man's behavior was suspicious and therefore notified police. Police canvassed the area but did not find the man.

At approximately 8:20 a.m., Nov. 29, an Oak Lane woman reported seeing a man get out of her parked car on Oak Lane. She described the man as white, approximately 50-60 years old and wearing a "puffy" black jacket and dark jeans. After the man exited her car, he left the area on foot, walking north on Oak Lane toward Fenimore Road. The woman examined her car, and nothing appeared to be missing.

A man seen photographing a Sherbrooke Road house from his parked car was questioned by police Nov. 29. The man, a fencing contractor, provided ID and a fencing job proposal to patrol. All was in good order.

A man walking with a flashlight inside a Wynmor Road house under construction at 7:15 p.m., Nov. 29, was the homeowner. He said he was checking the progress of the job.

A Sherbrooke Road youth was home alone when the doorbell rang Dec. 3. The boy answered the doorbell via a telephone receiver. He said it sounded like someone was standing at the door, but there was no response. Police checked the outside of the house and did not observe any signs of criminality.

A Brite Avenue homeowner reported a man and woman knocked on her door at approximately 12 p.m., Dec. 4. The pair was approximately 30-40 years old, neatly dressed, well groomed, and they appeared "non-threatening." The woman had short, dark hair and was wearing a black beret. The man had short, light-colored hair and was wearing an off-white crew neck sweater. The homeowner did not open the door, but spoke to the pair through the peephole. The man asked her if she spoke Russian and was holding a piece of paper, possibly to show the homeowner if she opened the door. The pair left the Brite Avenue property, heading north. Patrol canvassed the area for the pair but did not find them.

A Brite Avenue woman accidentally locked herself out of the house while taking out the garbage Nov. 28. She walked to headquarters, and patrol offered her a courtesy ride back to her house. Scarsdale firefighters responded and were able to gain entry through the garage to let the woman back in her house.

A woman dropped keys through a sewer grate on Spencer Place Nov. 30. Highway workers responded and retrieved the keys.

Highway workers retrieved an i-Phone accidentally dropped into the storm drain on Chase Road Dec. 3.

A Springdale Road resident complained that landscaper was dumping leaves on her side of the street near her property Dec. 1. The landscaper said he was only trying to pile up leaves in a location that would not interfere with a catch basin. He found a suitable location to place the leaves that was neither near a catch basin nor on the resident's property.

Phone calls
On Dec. 2, a Franklin Road man reported a former friend has been calling him from various cell phone numbers, against his wishes. Police called the former friend and advised her to stop contacting the man.

Cars and roadways
A White Plains driver struck the curb on Mamaroneck Road and got a flat tire Nov. 28. Police called a tow for the disabled car.
Cars from party guests at two parries on Tisdale Road were causing traffic congestion Dec. 3. Patrol asked the hosts to have guests correct the issue, which they did.

On Dec. 3, police issued a summons to the driver of a Toyota who was operating his motor vehicle with a revoked registration. The revocation was caused by cancellation of insurance. Patrol removed the car's license plates and called a tow truck to move the car to the driver's house in the Bronx.

Ten car accidents were reported in the village this week.

Outdoor speakers were inadvertently left on at a Sycamore Road house at 1 a.m., Dec. 4. Police advised the homeowner, who apologized and immediately turned off the speakers.

Lost and found
On Nov. 28, a man reported losing his license plate somewhere in the village.
A person found a flip-style cell phone on Rodney Road and brought it to headquarters Dec. 3. Patrol charged the phone and found a contact identified as "Mom." Patrol called that contact's number, and a woman advised the phone belonged to her son, a student at Edgewood School. Later that day, the boy and his father picked up the phone from headquarters.

On Dec. 4, a Brite Avenue woman reported her $5,000 silver-colored Cartier watch was missing from her house. She last remembered seeing the watch on a bedroom chest on Nov. 2. On Nov. 3, she noticed it was not there.

A Brite Avenue housekeeper accidentally got locked out of her employer's house Nov. 25. Firefighters checked the housekeeper's ID and let her back in the house.

A carbon monoxide alarm sounded in a Paddington Road house due to elevated carbon monoxide levels Dec. 1. It alerted firefighters but not the residents. Firefighters evacuated the residents and stood by for Con Edison. Con Edison shut down the water heater and gas burner unit, pending maintenance. Firefighters used fans and opened windows to ventilate the house.

A Haverford Road resident reported water in the basement Dec. 1. Firefighters helped the resident pump out the water.

A noise was coming from a Highland Way air handler Dec. 1. Firefighters advised the resident to call for service.

Firefighters checked a Tunstall Road house for carbon monoxide after the homeowner's doctor suggested getting the house checked for CO due to the homeowner's complaints of headache and nausea Dec. 1.

Circuit breakers tripped in a Meadow Road house Dec. 2. Firefighters assisted the homeowner with the problem and recommended calling an electrician Dec. 2.

A washing machine malfunctioned and flooded a Brewster Road basement Dec. 3. Firefighters turned off the gas supply and recommended having the water heater serviced.

On Dec. 3, firefighters stood by for Con Edison because of gas readings coming from a Brewster Road sanitary sewer.

A popping noise and burning odor alerted a Cooper Road resident about a defective light ballast Dec. 3. Firefighters shut power to the ballast and advised consulting with an electrician.

This week, firefighters assisted at three car accidents in the village and on parkways. They responded to two false carbon monoxide alarms and 11 false fire alarms, caused by device malfunction, keypad error, construction dust and cooking smoke.

This report covering police and fire department activity from Nov. 28 – Dec. 4 has been compiled from official information.

scarsdalesecuritylogo-1-1This police report is sponsored by Scarsdale Security who does more than just security. Contact them about remote video for your home or business. Call 914-722-2200 or visit their website.