Sunday, Oct 06th

winkA realtor reported a sink and copper piping had been stolen from an Ogden Road house for sale Sept. 12. The house is vacant and has been for sale since April 2016. The theft created extensive damage in the kitchen and bathroom, as well as damage to first-floor drywall and flooring. The realtor said she was the last person to enter the house on August 16, for a showing, and everything was in order at the time.

Dr. Norman Bank, 90, of Fenimore Road, passed away at home Sept. 17.

Stolen grill
An Overhill Road man reported his stainless steel Weber Genesis propane grill had been stolen from his property overnight Sept. 17 into 18. The grill was purchased for $799.99 on July 5, 2015. It was in excellent condition.

Car break-in
A parked 2014 Nissan was broken into on Palmer Avenue overnight Sept. 16 into Sept. 17. The driver's side window had been smashed, and the center of the steering wheel was missing. Police advised the owner that an airbag had been stolen from the car, and that was why the steering wheel was damaged. The car was parked undamaged at 8:30 p.m., Sept. 16.

Bench warrant
On Sept. 13, police arrested Jonathan G. Regis, 27, of White Plains, on the strength of an active bench warrant related to an unanswered vehicle and traffic offense. Regis was released on $100 cash bail with an appearance ticket for Scarsdale Village Justice Court.

Identity theft
On Sept. 12, an Olmsted Road resident reported that someone created a fraudulent check and signed it with her husband's name on Sept. 9. The person attempted to cash it against the couple's bank account. The check number matched the check number on a check that the woman's husband hand delivered to the Town of Greenburgh Sept. 8. The bank alerted the couple and immediately closed the couple's bank account.

On Sept. 14, a Farragut Road woman reported her attorney received an email from someone posing as her and attempting to obtain funds from a family trust. The email alleged that the funds would be used toward a jewelry purchase of a Rolex and two pairs of black pearl earrings, with a combined total of $29,352.60. The email contained an invoice from a jewelry store in North Highland, California. The lawyers suspected the email was fraudulent and contacted the woman. Specifically, the "grammar and syntax" of the email were unlike the woman's normal grammar and syntax.

On Sept.12, an Edgewood woman said she felt a man was "stalking" her. She described how the man allegedly drives by her house in different sports cars and "revs" his engine. She said the man follows her while she walks her dog in the park. She said she also believes the man has hired someone in a white Suburban to follow her. She said the man is "at fault for various negative situations she has had to deal with." She described these situations to police, and police determined nothing was found to constitute a crime. According to police, "many situations appeared to be coincidences." The woman advised police of a real estate transaction she was involved in, and police advised her to pursue any related matter through civil means. Police determined there was no evidence of criminal activity or intent. The woman advised she would call police the next time she saw the man near her house.

On Sept. 15, a Fox Meadow woman reported a male, who lives in a neighbor's apartment, has been harassing her. He has sent her numerous unwanted messages and LinkedIn requests. He has written letters asking to speak with the woman and take her to dinner. The woman told the man she does not want to have any contact with him. but he ignored her request. Police called the man and reiterated the directive. The man said he understood and would no longer communicate with the woman.

Broken window
An interior pane of glass on a double-paned window broke in a Quentin Road house overnight, and the homeowner reported it Sept. 12. Since the glass was broken from the inside and there were no signs of force or tampering, police determined the window was possibly broken from the inside, or the glass broke independently due to a defect and was possibly exacerbated by a significant drop in temperature overnight.

A woman reported a white man in his 60s was watching her and winking at her in the area of Hampton and Ogden roads Sept. 14. His attention was not wanted. Police investigated the area but did not find the winking man.

A Park Road woman reported someone rang her doorbell and left Sept. 14. Outside the door, police found a delivery from Spencer Pharmacy, which seemed to explain the ringing doorbell. An exterior check of the house did not uncover anything suspicious.

A Paddington Road man stated someone intentionally put a nail in his tire Sept. 15. The man believed an in-law did it. The nail had been removed prior to patrol's arrival, and the nail did not cause any damage to the car. The man did not witness the alleged placement, and the car was not registered to the man. No police action was required.

No registration
On routine patrol, police stopped a car on the sidewalk of Secor Road and realized the 75-year-old Greenwich driver did not have a valid registration or insurance for the car Sept. 16. According to the police report, the driver initially failed to stop for police on Secor Road and instead drove around officers and a detour sign on Secor Road. The car then encountered construction workers and equipment in the road, past the detour sign. The driver drove over several orange traffic cones and curbstones before coming to rest on the sidewalk. The driver was unable to give an explanation for his actions. A department of motor vehicles computer check indicated the car's registration and insurance had expired. The man said he had no legal address to where the car could be towed or legally parked. The car was towed to the police impound lot for safekeeping until the owner could correct the registration and insurance issues. Police issued the man six traffic summonses.

A woman accidentally activated Zachys' burglar alarm near the store's rear entrance Sept. 17. She was observed on the store's surveillance camera. The store manager said nothing seemed out of the ordinary in the store.

An Eastchester woman said she thought someone intentionally damaged her car while it was parked on Scarsdale Avenue Sept. 17. The damage consisted of a scratch in the paint and a stain on the paint. The owner wanted to document the damage but refused to complete a supporting deposition. According to the police report, it was unclear if the damage was intentional or the result of normal wear and tear.

Welfare check
At the request of a family member, police checked the welfare of an elderly Lebanon Road man Sept. 17. The man was fine.

A caller reported a U-Haul truck making several trips to a dumpster on Mamaroneck Road to dump garbage there Sept. 17. Police stood by in case the U-Haul truck returned, but it did not come back.

Who's there?
A man observed in a Rural Drive backyard was a contractor hired to perform work Sept.17. A concerned neighbor reported the man, and police verified his identity with the homeowner.

A man and woman were arguing in a car. They said they pulled over to talk on Post Road at 1:15 a.m., Sept. 18. Police spoke with each person separately, and each one said no physical altercation had occurred.

A caller reported a paint odor near a sewer at the intersection of Potter and Lee Roads Sept. 18. Patrol investigated the storm drain and discovered a small amount of paint on the drain cover. Leaves seemed to have absorbed most of the paint, preventing it from getting inside the drain. Firefighters investigated and called the highway department to vacuum the storm drain.

A Montrose Road woman reported hearing "a noise similar to a beeping noise such as an alarm," but she was unsure and asked police to meet with her to figure it out Sept. 18. She said she did not know if the sound was an alarm or "from nature." Patrol checked the neighborhood and did not detect an alarm noises. Patrol did, however, hear the sounds of various birds.

Off road
A driver called police and stated he unintentionally ended up driving on the Quaker Ridge Golf Club golf course after leaving a monthly bridge game around 11 p.m., Sept. 16. Police went to the club and saw the driver's brake lights near the tennis courts adjacent to the golf course. Patrol walked to the car – a 2015 Mercedes Benz – on foot. Patrol guided the driver and his car safely off the golf course through the tennis court parking area adjacent to Griffen Avenue. Patrol spoke with the driver and confirmed he was able to coherently answer questions. The driver said he simply "lost his way" while exiting the Golf Club following a bridge game. Quaker Ridge Golf Club management was informed about the incident in case the driver's car caused damage.

Cars and roadways
At the request of a motorist with a flat tire on Post Road, police called Heathcote Gulf for assistance Sept. 12. Police directed traffic around the car while the tire was being changed.

A Lincoln Road resident complained that parked cars on the street were making it difficult for her to enter and exit her driveway Sept.12. Police spoke with the owners of the parked cars. They said they would move their cars as a courtesy to the resident.

Police called a tow truck to remove a car from East Parkway, due to the fact that the registered owner has accumulated $490 in unpaid parking tickets Sept. 12. Police advised the woman of the consequences of Scofflaw violations. The woman said she would go to Village Justice Court to pay the fines immediately.

A fallen branch knocked down a Verizon telephone wire on Church Lane Sept. 12.
Construction vehicles parked on Richbell and Lakin roads were hindering visibility in blind turns Sept. 13. Police advised drivers to move their trucks and reposition them for better traffic flow and safe conditions.
Police stood by while a Heathcote Gulf technician opened a locked car door on Magnolia Road Sept. 13. A 21-month-old child had been accidentally locked inside the car by a babysitter. The child was unharmed and showed no signs of distress.

Dispatch notified the water department about water bubbling up through the roadway on Johnson Road Sept. 13.

A tree and electrical wires fell across Coralyn Road at 6 a.m., Sept. 14. Police and firefighters closed the road with caution tape while waiting for Con Edison to arrive.
Con Edison was notified that their metal roadway plates had shifted on Fox Meadow Road Sept. 14.

A driver reported she though she hit an animal on Bypass at 8:45 a.m., Sept. 14. Police canvassed the length of Bypass several times but did not see an inured animal.

Con Edison was notified about plastic sheeting hanging from their wires on Brite Avenue Sept. 15.

At 2:50 a.m., Sept. 16, police saw a Mercedes Benz with front-end damage parked at the Scarsdale Train Station. Officers questioned the driver who said he possibly hit a tree in Scarsdale, in the vicinity of Ogden Road and the Bronx River Parkway. Police canvassed the area around Ogden Road but did not see any signs of damage from a car accident. A tow truck towed the driver's car back to his house on Edgemont Road.

A disabled van was towed from Post and Fenimore Roads Sept. 16.

A pothole on Fenimore Road was recently filled in with paving material, but the surface appeared to sink in Sept. 16. Police notified the highway department after a caller complained.

On Sept. 16, a woman reported an alleged incident of road rage involving the driver of a white Mercedes Benz on Walworth Avenue. The woman said she did not want police to contact the driver accused of road rage. Instead, she suggested that Walworth Avenue would benefit from more traffic enforcement during rush hour.

Police removed a block of wood from Popham Road and placed it on a sidewalk patch of grass Sept. 17.

Water from a broken service line was flowing into a brook on Post Road Sept. 17. Police notified the water department.

Police issued a parking summons to an illegally parked car on Brook Lane Sept. 18.
Police informed the highway department about a loose sewer cap on Springdale Road Sept. 18. A gap caused by the displaced cap could possibly pose a hazard to pedestrians.

Seven car accidents were reported in the village this week.

A Brie Avenue woman said two chocolate brown dogs ran at her and her little dog while she was out walking her dog on Valley Road Sept. 13. Neither she nor her dog was harmed by either of the two dogs.

Neighbors complained of excessive barking from a Sprague Road dog inside its house near a window Sept. 13. Patrol noted the excessive noise and issued the dog's owner a village code violation summons.

Police removed an injured rabbit from a Brite Avenue yard and disposed of it in a box Sept. 14.

On Sept. 16, a Walworth Avenue resident reported a small rabbit was trapped in a window well at her house. The animal control officer investigated and observed a small opening in the window well that would allow the rabbit to enter and exit the space. No further police assistance was needed.

Civil matter
A Spencer Place business owner said a deceased client's son sent a letter and made phone calls regarding an alleged debt owed to the son's late father by the business owner. The business owner denied the alleged debt. The son's actions were not illegal. Police advised the men their dispute was a civil matter.

Village code
Police issued two village code violation summonses to landscapers who improperly used gas-powered blower on Crane and Spier roads Sept. 14.

Lost and found
A passerby found an iPhone at the intersection of Secor and Foxhall roads Sept. 12. Police contacted the owner and returned the phone to her.

A Popham Road woman reported losing her driver's license somewhere in the village Sept. 16.

On Sept. 16, a Harcourt Road man advised his license plates were lost after a car accident, and a River Road caller said license plates from a leased car were thrown away after the car was returned at the end of the lease's duration.

Police investigated an unattended backpack found on Roosevelt Place and returned it to its owner Sept. 17.

Smoke seen in the area of Benedict Road might have blown over from a structure fire in White Plains Sept. 12.

After a Heathcote Road homeowner reported a gas odor in a closet where gas service enters the house, firefighters stood by for Con Edison Sept. 12.

EMS was called for a firefighter who injured his ankle on Secor Road Sept. 13.

Firefighters helped a Crossway resident change a battery in a smoke detector Sept. 13.

Firefighters helped an Ardmore Road resident turn a stuck valve on a propane tank Sept. 13.

Con Edison was called about a burning fuse on a utility pole supporting overhead power lines at Fenimore and Tompkins roads Sept. 13.

A burnt-out air conditioner fan caused a burning odor in a Lee Road house Sept. 14. Firefighters shut power to the unit and advised the homeowner to repair it.

A motorist reported smoke coming from a Spier Road house Sept. 14. Firefighters went to the house and traced the smoke to an outdoor grill in normal operation.

A faulty hot water heater was releasing carbon monoxide in a Taunton Road East house Sept. 17. Firefighters shut down the hot water heater, ventilated the house and stood by for Con Edison.

A malfunctioning air conditioning unit on the roof of a Popham Road building was causing an electrical burning odor inside the building Sept. 17. Firefighters shut power to the unit and advised building management to repair it.

An improperly vented boiler was causing elevated levels of carbon monoxide in a Popham Road house Sept. 15. Firefighters shut off the boiler, ventilated the house and stood by for Con Edison.

Firefighters disconnected a broken outdoor air conditioning compressor and advised the Farley Road homeowner to call for service Sept. 18.

A Brewster Road resident accidentally got locked out of her house Sept. 18. Firefighters helped her back inside the house.

This week, firefighters assisted at one car accident in the village. They responded to two false carbon monoxide alarms and nine false fire alarms caused by device malfunction, floor sanding, construction dust and cooking smoke.

This report covering police and fire department activity from Sept. 12-18 has been compiled from official information.

scarsdalesecuritylogo-1-1This police report is sponsored by Scarsdale Security who does more than just security. Contact them about remote video for your home or business. Call 914-722-2200 or visit their website.

raccoonjarAn assistant principal at the high school reported two students observed a man entering parked cars at the high school's rear gravel lot at approximately 11 a.m., Sept. 8. The students were in the lot and able to videotape the man and record his license plate number. The students said they first saw the man inside a student's dark-colored Mercedes Benz. The man then got out of the Mercedes and entered a white Jeep. Since the student witnesses knew the owner of the Jeep, they determined the man was most likely entering unlocked cars in an attempt to steal items from the cars. The student witnesses then started videotaping the man as they approached the Jeep and asked what he was doing. He said. "Just checking." The students told the man to not leave because they were calling the police. At that time, the man got into his car and fled. The students noted the vehicle's license plate number and words written on the side of the man's vehicle. Patrol and school personnel spoke with the owners of the cars that had been entered. The owners advised nothing had been taken, but one owner stated it looked as if her backpack and glove box had been gone through. Both cars were unlocked at the time of the incident. Police are following up.

A Barry Road man called police because his intoxicated adult son was at his house, in violation of a stay away order, at 11 a.m., Sept. 6. As a result, police arrested the son – Jon M. Ghiozzi, 37, of Scarsdale – on the charge of first-degree criminal contempt, with a prior conviction within five years. Due to Ghiozzi's disoriented condition due to substance abuse, police escorted Ghiozzi by ambulance to White Plains Hospital Center for treatment. Patrol remained with Ghiozzi during his emergency room stay until Ghiozzi was released from the hospital and able to stay awake at 5:20 p.m. At that time, Ghiozzi was taken to headquarters. He was read his Miranda Rights and verbally said he understood them, but he refused to sign the acknowledgement document. He was not compliant with other police procedures and therefore required constant supervision. He was arraigned at Scarsdale Village Justice Court and remanded to Westchester County Jail, pending a scheduled court appearance.

White Plains police notified Scarsdale police of a car involved in a hit and run accident in their jurisdiction that was followed into Scarsdale and was observed in a second accident at Post and Dickel Road at 11 p.m., Sept. 7. As a result, patrol went to the scene and discovered a 2010 Nissan drove into bushes on Dickel Road. Additionally, police learned the driver – Leda Beechum, 32, of White Plains – was wanted by New Rochelle police. She was accordingly arrested on the strength of the active bench warrant, held at headquarters and picked up by New Rochelle police.

A Bonnie Meadow Road man reported his $1,000 Trek bicycle was stolen from Depot Place Sept. 6. The lock was cut, and the red and silver bike was stolen.

A Sprague Road resident reported his $700 bicycle and helmet were stolen from the bike rack at East Parkway and Spencer Place between the hours of 8 a.m. and 10:45 p.m., Sept. 7.

A woman reported a $400 glass jewelry display case with a light was stolen from the curb outside Scarsdale library before 9 a.m., Sept. 10. The woman said she dropped off the case to donate it to the library, but a man picked it up from the curb and put it in his white sedan before anyone was able to bring the case inside the library. It happened while the woman was parking her car after dropping off the case at the curb near the library building.

Not in our restroom
Starbucks employees reported two people going into the East Parkway location's restroom together and possibly conducting illegal activity Sept. 9. The individuals returned to the coffee house on Sept. 10 and again entered the restroom together. Patrol arrived and confronted the individuals – a man and a woman known to police – and escorted them from Starbucks. The individuals were told they were no longer welcome at Starbucks. Store management told police it has been an ongoing problem with the two individuals entering the restroom together and staying in there for long periods of time.

Criminal mischief
On Sept. 11, a Tunstall Road man reported damage to his property, incurred over the last few weeks. He said someone damaged his hedges and lawn while he was on vacation with his family from July 27 through July 31. Some hedges were missing and tires had damaged the lawn. A neighbor told the man that a driver fleeing from police had caused the damage. The man wanted to file a police report for insurance purposes.

A Stratton Road homeowner of a house under construction reported that her neighbor was harassing her and her contractor Sept. 6. Since a previous incident involving police, the neighbor has stopped entering the property and making allegations of noise violations. However, the homeowner said the neighbor then started contacting village departments in an attempt to stop work at the site. Police told the homeowner they could not prevent the neighbor from contacting village departments. They advised the homeowner to report any future criminal actions to prevent the situation from deteriorating.

IRS scam
A Nelson Road woman reported someone called her alleging to be from the IRS Sept. 9. The woman gave the caller the last four digits of her Social Security number before realizing the call was most likely a scam. Police advised the woman to notify the credit reporting agencies and have her accounts flagged for possible identity theft alerts.

A Fox Meadow Road temple's security guard called police because he and the president of the temple were concerned about an unknown man who came to the temple asking to see the Rabbi at 1 p.m., Sept. 10. The man seemed "distraught based on his body language," the guard said. The president of the temple told the man to return in 30 minutes. He furthermore told police it was not the temple's policy to allow people to visit the Rabbi on Saturdays, because of religious reasons. The man left in a gold-colored Toyota Avalon. The man was described as white, of average build, approximately 30 or 40 years old, with short hair and glasses and approximately 5ft. 9 in. tall. Due to the upcoming Jewish holidays, the distraught nature of the man and the man's unknown purpose at the temple, extra police ridebys were requested.

Lost man
A Walworth Avenue resident reported a possibly intoxicated man on her front steps at 6 a.m., Sept. 11. The man seemed disoriented and told police he was lost. Patrol provided him a courtesy ride to the Hartsdale train station in order for him to return to his home in the Bronx. Patrol stood by to confirm the man successfully boarded a southbound train.

Welfare check
At a daughter's request, patrol checked the welfare of a Brown Road woman Sept. 9. The woman's car was not in her garage, and the daughter deduced her mother must have gone out.

Cars and roadways
Patrol issued a parking summons to an illegally parked car causing significant traffic congestion on Brewster Road Sept. 6.

Police advised the owner of an illegally parked car on Stonehouse Road to move his car Sept. 7.

A woman reported an incident of road rage 45 at Heathcote and Post roads minutes after the incident occurred Sept. 7. According to the woman, she was stopped at a red light, and a white male driver in his 60s approached her driver's side window. He allegedly knocked on the door, used profanity and threatened her. He was described as driving a four-door silver Toyota. Patrol advised the woman to call 911 immediately if a similar incident occurred in the future.

A Harvest Drive man reported truck driver "forced his way" onto the man's property Sept. 7. Police spoke with the man and truck driver and deduced that the driver had been dispatched to the house to pick up a car to deliver to the man's con in California. The dispatch was a duplicate dispatch and had been made in error by the person arranging the vehicle transport. The driver left, and all was in good order.

An Acura driver, from Heathcote Road, reported debris fell off a truck and hit her car while she was driving on Mamaroneck Road Sept. 8. She did not have a chance to note the truck's license plate number or company name. She tried to drive her car to Heathcote Gulf, but the car's engine shut off at the five corners intersection, across the street from Heathcote Gulf. Motor oil was leaking from the car's undercarriage. Patrol went back to the reported scene of the accident and did not find any debris in the roadway. The car was towed to an Acura service center for repair. The oil was cleaned from the roadway.

A traffic light at Post and Drake roads was not cycling properly Sept. 8. Police informed the department of transportation for repair.

A pedestrian reported a blue Toyota Camry almost hit him in the Popham and Garth Road crosswalk at 11:30 p.m., Sept. 9. The driver allegedly threatened the pedestrian from his car. The car was last seen travelling north on Garth Road.

Patrol issued summonses to illegally parked cars on Ferncliff Road Sept. 9.

Police notified Verizon about a low-hanging wire on Brite Avenue Sept. 9.

A roadside service plugged a hole in a police car's tire after the tire flattened at Mamaroneck Road and Harvest Drive Sept. 9. The car was driven to the highway department for repair.

Police removed branches from Post Road Sept. 10 and 11.
A Morris Lane resident had a village permit to close the road from 5-6:30 p.m., Sept. 10, for an event. Callers and drivers complained about the road closure. Patrol examined the permit and pointed out that it specified the road closure would only be permitted with the presence of police officers. Since no officer had been retained for the special event, police re-opened the road.

Optimum was notified about low wires on Franklin Road Sept. 10.

A caller complained about an occupied parked car with the car's lights off in a Palmer Avenue parking lot at 10 p.m., Sept. 11. Patrol spoke with the occupants of the car, a male and a female. They said they were friends and ha just finished eating dinner. They said they were looking for a place to hang out and talk. Patrol saw food containers in the car, in plain view. There was no evidence of criminal activity.
Four car accidents were reported in the village this week.

Raccoon, rabbit, fox
A Brite Avenue homeowner reported a raccoon with its head stuck in a jar on her property at 7:30 a.m., Sept. 7. She was concerned because children were walking to school in the area. Patrol arrived and saw the small raccoon with its head stuck in a peanut butter jar. Patrol was able to free the animal's head from the container, allowing the raccoon to run off into nearby bushes. It did not appear sick or injured.

A caller reported an injured rabbit on Fox Meadow Road Sept. 8. When patrol arrived, the rabbit was found dead on the scene. It apparently had been hit by a car.

A slightly mangy fox was reported in a Brookfield Lane yard Sept. 9. Patrol provided the homeowner with contact information for local trappers.

A 12-year-old girl reported an unknown animal fell into a sewer at Farragut and Lincoln roads Sept. 9. Patrol could hear an animal in the sewer but could not visually identify the animal. Patrol believed the animal was most likely a raccoon because raccoons are known to frequent sewers.

A driver found two small, white dogs on Saxon Woods Road and temporarily put them in her car while she called police Sept. 7. In the meantime, the dogs' Saxon Woods Road owner approached police and stated her dogs escaped her house. Patrol reunited the owner and the dogs.

On Sept. 10, a Springdale Road resident reported a neighbor's dog repeatedly enters her yard. Patrol spoke with the dog's owner who said his electric fence had been having issues. He said he just installed a back-up electric fence to confine the dog to his yard.

Kidsmuscular dystrophy
After receiving a noise complaint at 10:30 p.m., Sept. 6, police dispersed a large group of kids gathering on the fourth floor of Freightway Garage.

After residents complained about kids gathering on the street, police stood by while kids were being picked up from a party in the area of Greenacres Avenue and Colvin Road at 10 p.m., Sept. 10.

Village code summonses
Patrol issued village code violation summonses to landscapers using gas-powered blowers on Whig and Webster roads Sept. 8 and Heathcote Road Sept. 10.

Lost and found
Police found lost car keys on a Chase Road bench and returned them to their owner Sept. 7.

A Greenacres Avenue couple reported their Republic of India passports were missing from their house Sept. 8.

A construction worker found a debit card on a sidewalk at Weaver Street and Heathcote Road Sept. 9. He gave it to police, and police contacted the issuing bank. A representative said to destroy the card because the bank would issue a new card to the owner.

A purse was found on Chase Road Sept. 10. Police contacted the owner, and she retrieved her purse.

A bag of purple Little League uniforms was found at the baseball field at Edgewood School Sept. 11. Patrol contacted the coach, who picked up the uniforms.

On Sept. 6, firefighters opened a locked car parked at Chesterfield and Shawnee roads in order to reunite an 18-month-old child with his mother. The mother said she accidentally locked the car with the keys inside. The weather was cool and cloudy, and the child was in good health when the car doors were opened. Scarsdale Volunteer Ambulance Corps checked the child as a precaution.

Firefighters helped a Cushman Road resident with a leaking hot water heater and advised the resident to call a plumber Sept. 6.

A water pump overheated in Scarsdale High School Sept. 6. Firefighters shut off the pump and let it cool down. They advised to have the unit repaired.

A malfunctioning dehumidifier was causing a burning odor in an Eton Road basement Sept. 11. Firefighters disconnected the appliance and advised the homeowner to replace the appliance.

This week, firefighters assisted at four car accidents in the village and on parkways. They responded to three false carbon monoxide alarms and nine false fire alarms caused by device malfunction, cooking smoke, grill smoke and accidental keypad activation.

This report covering police and fire department activity from Sept. 5-11 was compiled from official information.

scarsdalesecuritylogo-1-1This police report is sponsored by Scarsdale Security who does more than just security. Contact them about remote video for your home or business. Call 914-722-2200 or visit their website.

burntcar1A downed high-tension, primary electrical wire fell on a Mercedes-Benz and a Porsche parked in a Rural Drive driveway and caused a fire that burned the cars Aug. 22. Police and firefighters blocked off the area while Con Edison workers shut power. This allowed firefighters to set up a water perimeter to protect surrounding structures and to extinguish the burning cars. Damage was extensive. A Porsche parked in the driveway, registered to a New Jersey person, suffered minor damage from the fire. Firefighters wet the melted asphalt to stop it from smoldering. During this incident, surrounding streets lost power, including the Scarsdale Pool. Pool employees evacuated patrons, and police stood by to help disperse people to their cars.

Welfare check finds woman dead
A Herkimer Road woman's daughter called police to perform a welfare check of her 88-year-old mother on August 23rd. The daughter was concerned because the mother did not show up at an event and was not answering the phone. Patrol used a key to enter the house. They found the mother unresponsive in the house. Scarsdale Volunteer Ambulance Corps pronounced her dead. Patrol investigated the scene, and found no sign of criminal activity. Patrol waited on the scene until the family's arrival and provided assistance.

An active burglar alarm brought police to a Church Lane house at 12:45 a.m., Aug. 25. An exterior examination of the house uncovered a shattered kitchen door. At that time, additional patrol responded to the house, and some officers entered the house. Inside the house, police found a brick surrounded by shattered glass lying on the kitchen floor. Three of four bedrooms on the second floor had been gone through and had drawers open. These bedrooms appeared to belong to the homeowner's children. The master bedroom's closet was ajar, but the room itself appeared undisturbed. Outside the house, police found two pieces of a torn latex glove and a set of latex gloves. These were collected as evidence. Patrol contacted the homeowners, who were away. The homeowners said they would return after 8 a.m. later that day. At that time, they would determine if anything had been stolen from the house.

Car break-in
Approximately $70 in cash was stolen from an unlocked, parked car on Stonehouse Road Aug. 24. The theft occurred sometime between midnight and 6 a.m.

Identity theft
On Aug. 22, a Lyons Road man reported someone used his personal identifying information to attempt to open a Barclays Visa credit card and a T-Mobile account. The attempts were denied. However, a fraudulent Sprint account was opened, and the perpetrator received a new phone.passport
On Aug. 26, a Cayuga Road woman reported finding fraudulent charges on her Bloomingdale's account. The charges were made at the Manhattan store on Aug. 11 and 12. Bloomingdale's fraud department told the woman the card information had been entered manually, rather than the card being swiped. Furthermore, copies of the electronic signature did not match the woman's real signature.

Domestic matters
A Fox Meadow man called police to report his brother spilled beer in his mother's room Aug. 24. Patrol spoke with his mother, who said the man actually spilled beer in her room and was not listening to her. She then screamed and patrol lost contact with her. Patrol went to the family's house. The mother was OK and said the man's younger brother recently returned home, and the two brothers were arguing over trivial things. Patrol spoke with the man and told him to respect his mother and avoid confrontations with his brother. The man was calm and said he would comply. After midnight Aug. 26, the man called police and 911 again. He was referencing the Secret Service, New York State Police and a limousine that he claimed was coming to his house. Police informed the man that a call of this nature on a police emergency line was inappropriate. Patrol contacted the man's mother via voicemail and informed her of the matter.

A Fox Meadow woman reported her brother was sending her threatening text messages Aug. 25. Patrol examined the messages and saw no threats of violence or physical language. Rather, the messages were a conversation involving the woman's living situation in her home and her hopes to change the situation in the future. Patrol called the brother and advised that disagreements would not help the overall situation. The brother and sister were advised to not contact each other for the rest of the day.

A driver called police from a stopped car, with Colorado license plates, on Crane Road Aug. 23. The driver reported his 12-year-old son ran away from home. When patrol arrived on the scene, the driver was there with his son. The driver stated he found his son in the parking lot of Trinity Lutheran Church. Patrol talked with the boy and explained the importance of not running away from home.

Dog bite
A Garth Road man was twice bitten by a neighbor's dog Aug. 28. The man reported the bites occurred outside the building while the man was exiting the building. Upon reaching the street level from the stairs, the dog began to run towards to the man. The man turned to run away from the dog, and the dog bit his left calf. The man fell to the ground, and the dog bit his right shoulder. The dog's owner pulled the dog off the man, and the man was taken to White Plains Hospital Center for treatment. Police spoke with the dog's owner. The dog is a White Maltese named "Biggie." The owner told police "Biggie" broke free from her grip and bit the man. The dog was up to date on all his vaccine but was not licensed in Scarsdale.

Welfare check
A Kingston Road woman asked police to check on her children and their nanny after the woman was unable to reach the nanny following a reported dispute with an Uber driver at 12 p.m., Aug. 26. The dispute occurred while the driver was transporting the nanny and the children to a nature center. One child -- a five year-old – was confirmed to be at the nature center. Police found the nanny and the other child at home. The nanny was cooking and did not know she had missed calls on her cell phone. She attempted to call the woman to say she was OK, but poor cellular service did not allow her to make the call. Police let her use their phone to make the call.

On Aug. 26, a Bradford Road woman told police she thought someone might have had a party on her property, without her knowledge, while she was away from home. A red disposable cup was found in the bushes of the house, and blankets on the deck were not placed where she had left them. The woman asked police to record the incident.

Who's there?
A Boulder Brook Road woman reported that two men "lurking about bushes on his property" Aug. 22. The caller's mother and police went to the house. The mother confirmed the men were contractors she had hired to do a job the next day. They were there to inspect the job site.

A water department employee told police a water main was leaking into the basement of a Vernon Road house Aug. 22.

A cat was reported to be "screaming for a long time" near the Brite Avenue tennis courts Aug. 24. The caller thought the cat might need assistance. Police canvassed the area for a possibly injured cat but did not find one.

Following up on a caller's report, police found two dead kittens on Fenimore Road, near the Bronx River Parkway roadwork site, Aug. 24. The highway department was advised.

A caller reported a loose dog on Aspen Road Aug. 25. Patrol noticed the dog on a lawn and spoke with someone in the house. She said the dog belongs to the homeowner, and she brought the dog in the house.

Patrol advised the owner of a Leatherstocking Lane dog about a noise complaint regarding the dog Aug. 28. The animal did not appear to be in distress and seemed well taken care of, according to police.

Phone call
An employee of Scarsdale Congregational Church reported a man called the church asking for the "finance director" Aug. 24. She asked the man for additional information and refused to forward the call without additional information. At that point, the caller allegedly became irate and began cursing and yelling on the phone. He allegedly mumbled that he was going to get her or harm her, and he hung up. Because the caller had originally asked for the church "finance director," police thought the call was most likely an attempted phone scam. Patrol advised the employee to advise them if she received additional similar calls.

Garage door
While walking home from the Hartsdale train station, a man passed a house with an open garage door on Greenacres Avenue at 11 p.m., Aug. 27. He thought the open door was unusual and called police. Patrol knocked on the front door. The homeowner said she was aware of the open door and everything was in good order.

Cars and roadways
Police asked drivers of parked cars to move their cars to one side of Hamilton and Rodney roads in order to not obstruct traffic flow Aug. 23.
Police noticed a car with an open door on Freightway Road Aug. 23. There were no signs of forced entry or criminal activity. The owner said she must have accidentally left the door open and asked patrol to close it.
On Aug. 23, a woman reported an incident of road rage at Post and Popham roads. She said a driver entered her lane, and she beeped her horn at him. He then allegedly began tailgating here and screaming obscenities. Patrol canvassed the area for the driver, but patrol did not find him.
On Aug. 23, police puled over two cars on Woodland Place and cautioned the drivers not to tailgate or beep horns at each other. Patrol furthermore warned the drivers about the dangers of road rage.
Police advised Verizon about a fallen phone wire at Cohawney Road and Oak Lane Aug. 24.
A car parked on Stonehouse Road, in violation of a three-hour restriction, was found to belong to a person who was hospitalized for a medical emergency Aug. 24. A family member said the car would be moved as soon as the keys were made available.
On Aug. 25, a Maserati got a flat tire driving over potholes on Mamaroneck Road. The potholes and rough roadway were in preparation of roadway resurfacing, and numerous warning signs were posted.
Police notified Con Edison about sparking wires at Post and Richbell roads Aug. 28.
Five car accidents were reported in the village this week.

Civil matter
On Aug. 27, a landscaper accidentally knocked over a lamp pole while mowing the lawn of a Fox Meadow Road temple. The landscaper and temple officials worked out an agreement to have the pole repaired.

Village code
Police issued summonses for using gas-powered blowers in violation of village code to landscapers on Crane Road Aug. 22, Fenimore Road Aug. 25, Hampton Road Aug. 26 and Heathcote Road Aug. 26.
A Popham Road resident complained about noise from a hammer Aug. 23. It was caused by Village employees fixing a sidewalk. No police action was required.
A patrol issued a food truck vendor a summons for selling food on Larch Lane without a permit Aug. 23.
A Sprague Road resident reported a neighbor who allegedly leaves a dog "out all day ... barking all day" Aug. 23. Police are following up.
Police dispersed kids from Boulevard after 1 p.m., Aug. 23. At the same time, patrol noticed three cars parked on Potter Road, left to curb and facing north. Patrol thus wrote three parking citations.

Lost and found
A jeep key on a lanyard was found at the Brite Avenue tennis courts Aug. 24. Police vouchered it at headquarters for safekeeping.
On Aug. 25, a woman reported losing her wallet in the village. She said she got gas and placed the wallet on the roof of her car. She forgot it was there and drove away. While driving away, the wallet fell from the car and was lost.
A Meadow Road woman reported losing her passport in Greenburgh Aug. 25. Police advised her she must report the loss to the Greenburgh Police..
A Circle Road woman found a set of keys in her driveway Aug. 28. Police checked with several neighbors, and none of them claimed the lost keys. The keys were vouchered at headquarters.

Firefighters shut down a malfunctioning generator in a Stratton Road house and advised calling for service Aug. 22.
A bathroom water leak travelled to a basement alarm panel in a Claremont Road house Aug. 22. Firefighters advised calling for service.
Burnt wires in a Harvest Drive dishwasher caused the dishwasher to smoke Aug. 24. Firefighters disconnected the dishwasher and advised calling for service.
A malfunctioning hot water heater in a Catherine Road house caused elevated levels of carbon monoxide. Firefighters called Con Edison. The hot water heater was disconnected and red tagged. The homeowner was advised to call for service.
Firefighters stood by for Con Edison at the site of a leaking gas curb box on Greenacres Avenue Aug. 25.
A housekeeper locked herself out of a Heathcote Road house Aug. 26. Her purse, ID and keys were inside the house. Firefighters checked her identity and verified her authorization to be in the house. They helped her get back inside.
A "burning odor" reported on White Birch Lane was determined to be coming from a neighbor's use of a meat smoker Aug. 28.
Con Edison de-energized and cut fallen electrical lines on Post Road Aug. 28.
This week, firefighters responded to four false carbon monoxide alarms and eight false fire alarms caused by device malfunction, accidental manual pull station activation, smoke from burnt food and e-cigarette smoke.

This report covering police and fire department activity from Aug. 22-28 was compiled by official information.

scarsdalesecuritylogo-1-1This police report is sponsored by Scarsdale Security who does more than just security. Contact them about remote video for your home or business. Call 914-722-2200 or visit their website.

bookthiefOn Aug. 29, a cement truck with an attached pump, arm and boom tipped over at a Wynmor Road worksite and hit a neighbor's house. The cement pump was being used to pump concrete into a building's foundation at the time of the accident. A worker stated that while the pump's arm was fully extended, he inadvertently lifted the equipment's stabilizers, which supported the vehicle. As a result, the truck tipped to the right and its arm came to rest on a neighbor's roof. Another worker on the scene used an excavator to counterbalance the weight of the truck to prevent it from tipping over further. The worker chained the front bucket of the excavator to the side of the pumper in order to stabilize it. A child was home, sleeping in a bedroom, where the pumping arm hit the house. Neither the child nor the child's grandmother, who was also in the house, were injured. Con Edison shut power to the housepuper2 and the construction site. Two heavy-duty tow trucks arrived and lifted the pumping arm from the house and brought the tipped-over cement truck to a level rest. Firefighters and village engineers checked the house for safety and determined there was no structural damage.

Missing money
A Madison Road woman reported approximately $9,380 cash was missing from her bedroom Aug. 29. According to the woman, she received two envelopes containing $5,000 and $4,000 from her mother. She had placed these envelopes on her bedside table at approximately 6 p.m., Aug. 27. Additionally, she had received cards and cash gratuities from a job, which were also stacked in a neat pile on the table. This cash amounted to $1,445. On Aug. 28, the woman woke up early and went to the gym. That evening, she discovered both envelopes missing, as well as $380 missing from the stack of cash.

Stolen checkbook
A Hutchinson Avenue woman's checkbook was stolen from her house, and a fraudulent check for $5,500 was written. The bank noticed the check was suspicious and informed the woman before cashing it. The account was closed. The incident was reported to police Sept. 2.

Disappearing books
On Sept. 1, a librarian reported that travel books have been disappearing from Scarsdale Public Library over the last few months. Two books were about Scotland. One book was about London. One book was about Munich and the Bavarian Alps. Library staff started to notice the books were being stolen in June. The travel books were then moved to a location visible from the front desk in an attempt to deter the thefts. However, thefts continued throughout July and August.

Identity theft
On Aug. 29, a Hampton Road resident reported someone fraudulently opened a Capital One debit card in her name. Capital One said the person used the woman's birth date and Social Security number to set up the account. The account was closed, and the woman was advised to notify the credit reporting agencies.

On Aug. 31, a Brewster Road resident reported someone changed the personal email address linked to his Chase Bank account and fraudulently transferred $980 out of his bank account. The transaction is being investigated by the bank.

A Boulder Brook Road woman received a package of clothing she did not order Sept. 2. She contacted Amazon and informed them the order was fraudulent, and the charge was unauthorized.

On Sept. 4, a Tunstall Road man reported someone attempted to make a purchase using the man's identity, but the attempt was unsuccessful. The man said he did not want to file a formal report. He only wanted to make a notification for future reference.

Criminal mischief
A Kent Road air conditioning compressor line was punctured by an unknown object Aug. 29. The new compressor had been installed on Aug. 19 and had been working well. On Aug. 26, the homeowner realized the system was not cooling his house. A service technician was dispatched and discovered a puncture in the side coil, which caused the refrigerant to run out. An engineer from the compressor's manufacturer examined the unit and deduced someone had punctured the coil by forcibly poking an object through the coil grate.

A Scarsdale Improvement employee reported the door to a Palmer Avenue business was damaged overnight Aug. 31. The business location is under construction and currently unoccupied. Police recommended installing better outdoor lighting and surveillance cameras to deter future incidents.

Two Cornell Street mailboxes were bashed and knocked down overnight Aug. 30 to Aug. 31. The mailboxes stood at the edge of their respective front lawns. A mailman stated other mailboxes on Griffen Avenue were also damaged during the time frame. The flags on several mailboxes on Normandy Lane were damaged as well.

A door to a Palmer Avenue business was discovered damaged at 9:30 a.m., Sept. 1.
On Sept. 4, a Murray Hill Road homeowner reported her mailbox and a Scarsdale Security yard sign were stolen overnight. The mailbox was "old and broken, with little value," the homeowner stated. Extra ridebys of the house were requested.

Unlocked door
While patrolling Chase Road businesses, police found one business with an unlocked door at 9 p.m., Sept. 4. Front door keys were found inside the business. Police contacted the owner, who gave permission for police to lock the door with the keys.

A concerned citizen reported "kids riding bikes without helmets" in the area of Crane Road Aug. 31. Police canvassed surrounding streets and did not see any evidence of unsafe bicycling.

Police checked the welfare of a Popham Road woman after she did not answer her "RUOK" call Sept. 3. She had been sleeping in her bed and did not hear the call. Police confirmed she was OK.

Lost boy
A young boy told a police officer that he "lost his friend" on East Parkway Aug. 31. With police help, the boy used Face Time to contact his friend. The friend had gone home and was safely at his house. No further assistance was needed.

Parked cars
A caller reported suspicious persons in cars parked on Wilmot Road at 9 p.m., Aug. 31. Patrol went to the area and saw two couples sitting in their cars talking. No suspicious activity was noted.

Light pole
While conducting door checks on Palmer Avenue at 2 a.m., Sept. 1, police noticed a fallen light pole on Palmer Avenue. There were no obvious signs of an accident or criminal mischief. Loose debris was cleaned up and discarded. The light pole was still safely connected to its electrical wires. Police moved it onto Palmer Avenue and marked the area with a traffic cone and caution tape. A note was made for dispatch to contact the department of public works.

Aspen Park
A caller reported a suspicious man "hiding behind trees and lying down on a park bench" in Aspen Park at 1:30 p.m., Sept. 4. Patrol spoke with the man, from Yonkers, and learned he was a taxi driver from Central Taxi. The man said he had an argument with his brother, with whom he lives, the previous night and decided not to go home. He said he came to the park looking for a quiet place to relax. He apologized for causing concern and said he would try returning home.

Cars and roadways
At 12:30 a.m., Aug. 29, police helped a motorist change a flat tire on Tompkins Road.
Patrol notified Verizon about low-hanging wires on Farley and Magnolia Roads Aug. 31.

Police stood by while a motorist changed a flat tire on Mamaroneck Road at 10:30 p.m., Aug. 31. The motorist said a pothole on Mamaroneck Road ruptured his tire.

A caller reported erratic driving from a Porsche in the area of Post and Olmsted Roads Sept. 2. Patrol canvassed the area for the car but did not find it.

A Lyons Road driver complained that roadwork and repaving on Boulevard and Bell Road might be damaging his car Sept. 2. The highway department was informed.

A Birchall Drive homeowner reported cars parking on a gravel and dirt patch in front of his house Sept. 4. Patrol attempted to contact neighbors to ascertain who owned the car, but attempts were unsuccessful. The cars were gone within a few hours. The homeowner said he would instruct his gardener to remove the dirt patch, turn over the ground and put up fencing to prevent cars from parking there.

Seven car accidents were reported in the village this week.

A citizen found a stray dog on Cayuga Road and brought it to headquarters Aug. 31. Police contacted New Rochelle Humane Society for pickup. While waiting for NRHS to arrive, the dog's owner reported the dog missing. Police reunited the owner and the dog. They issued the owner a village code violation summons.

A small, brown, mixed-breed dog was found roaming on Farley Road. It was wearing a tag showing a Scarsdale Village dog license number. However, police were unable to identify the owner because an updated license list was not available at headquarters. Patrol contracted New Rochelle Humane Society for pickup.

Village Code
Police removed a painter's advertising sign posted in violation of village code near the juncture of Mamaroneck Road and the Hutchinson River Parkway Aug. 31.
A neighbor complained about construction noise coming from a Murray Hill Road job site at 8:49 a.m., Sept. 3. Police talked to the job foreman, who said his workers were cleaning the site and removing debris. He said no one had used any power tools at the site that morning.

A Richbell Road resident complained about loud music coming from her neighbor's yard at 9:20 p.m., Sept. 4. The noise was impeding the resident's children's ability to sleep. The neighbor lowered the volume of the music while patrol was on scene.

Police issued summonses for improper use of gas-leaf blowers to landscapers on Walworth Avenue Aug. 28 and Canterbury and Popham roads Aug. 30.

Lost and found
A Gaylor Road woman reported losing her Westchester County Court ID card Aug. 29. She said she last saw the ID card in her house but has been unable to find it.

A woman, who wished to remain anonymous, found a Visa debit card in the village and brought it to headquarters Sept. 3.

Con Edison detected natural gas in the sewer system on Fenimore Road Aug. 29. Firefighters helped Con Edison workers check nearby houses for possible gas migration. Police assisted in checking a house where the homeowner was away. No signs of gas were found at any of the checked houses. Firefighters turned the scene over to Con Edison.

A burning odor inside a Taunton Road East house was caused by a light ballast behind a valance Aug. 29. Firefighters removed the fixture and capped the wires. They stood by for Con Edison because of a gas leak found in the house while attending to the ballast.

A carbon monoxide alarm alerted firefighters to elevated levels of carbon monoxide in a Barker Lane house Aug. 29. A pot of rice was cooking on the stove, and after the stove was turned off, the carbon monoxide levels decreased. Con Edison checked the stove and could not find any leaks. They thought the outdated carbon monoxide monitors might be giving false readings. They advised replacing the monitors.

An outdoor grill left in the "on" position was causing a natural gas odor on Spruce Lane Aug. 31. Firefighters checked grill connections and instructed residents on proper use of the grill.

A plumber removed a leaking acetylene tank from an Eton Road basement, and carbon monoxide levels in the basement spiked to high levels Sept. 1. Firefighters used a professional fan for ventilation, and levels returned to zero.

A gas leak at a boiler control valve caused a natural gas odor inside a Bethel Road house Sept. 1. Firefighters shut down the boiler and stood by for Con Edison.
A Windmill Lane boiler was leaking natural gas Sept. 2. Firefighters stood by for Con Edison.

On Sept. 3, a caller advised being trapped inside the Christie Place Garage elevator at 3:45 p.m. Firefighters opened the elevator doors without causing any damage, and the caller safely left the elevator. Firefighters placed the elevator out of service, pending repair.

A broken flue on a Park Road pool heater broke and allowed carbon monoxide to enter the basement Sept. 4. Firefighters shut down the heater, ventilated the space and stood by for Con Edison.

This week, firefighters assisted at one car accident in the village. They responded to nine false fire alarms caused by device malfunction, a water leak, sanding, shower steam and cooking smoke.

scarsdalesecuritylogo-1-1This police report is sponsored by Scarsdale Security who does more than just security. Contact them about remote video for your home or business. Call 914-722-2200 or visit their website.

laptopOn Aug. 16, police arrested Gregory Ketter, 52, of Yonkers, after the pastor of Trinity Lutheran Church caught the suspect attempting to steal a laptop computer from the church office around 2:30 p.m., Aug. 16. When the pastor got up from his desk to get something in a different part of the church, he noticed Ketter standing near the altar. Ketter was wearing a backpack with a laptop cord hanging out of the backpack. The pastor engaged Ketter in conversation and asked if he needed any help. The pastor also asked if the church door was open, and Ketter replied "yes." The pastor asked Ketter if there was a laptop in his backpack, and Ketter proceeded to remove the laptop and return it to the place from which he had taken it. Ketter then apologized and said he didn't want to steal anything or take anything from anybody. He told the pastor he needed help paying a phone bill. While walking Ketter to the entrance door of the church, the pastor noticed the doors were damaged. They appeared to have been forced open, and a piece of wood was out of place.Gregory KetterThe pastor asked Ketter if he damaged the doors. Ketter denied damaging the doors and helped put the broken piece of wood back in place. The pastor said he was calling police, and Ketter walked outside toward Chase Road. He followed Ketter until he lost sight of him in the village. Police found Ketter at the Scarsdale train station, where he was detained and positively identified by the pastor. A search of Ketter's backpack revealed business cards for a pawnshop in Westchester and two other churches in Scarsdale, receipts, a cell phone, slips of paper with information about Scarsdale churches written on them and a small empty cylinder. Ketter was arrested on charges of petit larceny, third-degree burglary and second-degree criminal mischief and possession of burglary tools. Investigation revealed a church video that depicted the suspect removing the laptop from the church office. Police interviewed Ketter. Following the interview, Ketter was additionally charged with third-degree burglary, third-degree criminal mischief and petit larceny related to a previous theft from the same church on July 24. Detectives consulted with the district attorney's office and were advised that Ketter should be automatically remanded to Westchester County Jail because he had three previous felony convictions. Ketter was arraigned at Scarsdale Village Justice Court and remanded to Westchester County Jail. He was scheduled to return to court on Aug. 17.

wranglerStolen car
A 2014 blue Jeep Wrangler was stolen from a Heathcote Road driveway overnight Aug. 17 into Aug. 18. The car was parked in the driveway, unlocked and with the key inside. The homeowner's daughter said she normally drove the car, and she did not give anyone permission to use it. Inside the car was a hockey stick, a container of field hockey balls and the daughter's wallet. The key to the family's 2015 Mercedes Benz S50 was stolen from the inside of the Mercedes, parked next to the Jeep. During the investigation for the missing key, police determined the Mercedes's battery was dead. That is probably why the Mercedes was not taken too. Police canvassed the neighborhood for video surveillance footage that might have captured the theft or the suspects.

Identity theft
On Aug. 15, a Sheldrake Road man reported someone attempted to fraudulently withdraw $4,575 from his Webster bank account with a forged check presented to a TD bank in Lake Worth, Florida. The bank blocked the availability of the funds due to the suspicious nature of the transaction.

On Aug. 18, a Catherine Road woman reported someone opened – and attempted to open – several fraudulent credit card accounts in his name. These included a Home Depot credit card account with accumulated charges of $4,039 and declined attempts at Victoria's Secret and Macy's.

On Aug. 20, a Brookby Road woman realized her identity had been stolen when she received an unexpected Barney's credit card in the mail. A representative from Barney's fraud department told her the card was opened on Aug. 10 in New York City. It had a credit limit of $25,000. $14,000 in charges had already been placed on the card. The loss prevention department from Barney's is following up.

Criminal mischief
An Eton Road man reported a person ran a hose into his basement and allowed water to enter the basement Aug. 15. The man said he merely wished to make patrol aware of the incident in order to "assist with regular crime prevention duties."

A tennis pro supervising a recreation department tennis camp advised of an altercation between himself and another man at the middle school tennis courts that resulted in an injury to the pro's eyelid Aug. 16. The other man was a father who came to play tennis with his daughters and soccer with his son on the tennis courts that day. The pro said he asked the man to stop playing with a soccer ball on the tennis courts during camp time. The father allegedly replied that there were no rules against it. The pro asked the father to show him a permit for using the tennis courts, and the father asked the pro to provide proof that he worked for the village and had authority to forbid playing soccer on the tennis courts. The pro allegedly stated if the father continued to kick the soccer ball on the tennis courts, the pro would confiscate the ball and return it when camp was finished. The father then allegedly continued to kick the ball, and when the pro attempted to confiscate it, the father allegedly "put his hands on" the pro and scratched his eyelid. Scarsdale Volunteer Ambulance Corps paramedics evaluated the break in the skin and thought the pro might need stitches. The pro said he has had previous interactions with the father, and he is concerned for his wellbeing. Patrol advised both men to stay away from each other. Patrol clarified that a permit is required to use village tennis courts. The father stated he did not believe the tennis pro had the proper authority to ask him to leave the tennis courts. He said he would discuss the matter further with the recreation department.

On Aug. 20, a Lebanon Road man reported receiving threatening text messages from a former tenant. The messages alluded to hurting or killing the man, "trashing" the man's wife and moving the man's children to a better place. The tenant alleged that when she is "through with them, the man's family will have nothing." Police advised about the process of filing an order of protection.

On Aug. 19, a Madison Road woman reported her email had been hacked, and her contacts were receiving "strange" emails that contained a link to an unknown website. Police recommended that the woman contact Yahoo regarding safe restoration of her email account.

A woman asked police to help her with the key to her daughter's new house on Cambridge Road Aug. 15. She thought the lock was not working properly. Police were able to successfully open the door with the key. The dead bolt had been latched, and the woman was not aware of it.

A caller reported a six-foot-tall Hispanic man, wearing light colored shorts and a light colored shirt, attempting to enter cars on Nelson Road at 5:40 a.m., Aug. 18. He was also described as carrying a shoulder bag.

A woman found cash on the pavement in front of DeCicco's Marketplace, on East Parkway, and brought it to a police aide Aug. 18.

A Penn Boulevard man told police he was having trouble with a roofing contractor Aug. 19. The man was specifically upset because a garbage container used by the contractor had not yet been removed. Patrol called the number stamped on the dumpster to inquire about its removal. A representative for the carting company said a vehicle in the company's fleet was undergoing repair, and this caused a delay in the dumpster's removal. The representative said the dumpster would be removed within a day or two.

A branch from a village tree fell on a white BMW, parked on Woodland Place Aug. 19. The tree was located in Chase Park. The owner of the car said the damaged occurred while he was eating dinner in a village center restaurant.

A caller reported two possibly suspicious boxes at Harcourt Road and Church Lane Aug. 20. Police determined the boxes were nothing but trash and moved them to the dump.

A Fox Meadow Road man called police asking for his "limo" Aug. 20. Patrol went to the man's house and spoke with him and his mother about the man's inappropriate use of the 911 emergency line.

Police received a call about youths jumping off a Post Road storage unit at 1 p.m., Aug. 21. On scene, police saw several kids. None of them were observed jumping off a storage unit. Nevertheless, police spoke with them about the hazards of jumping off storage units and advised them to refrain from such behavior.

A caller reported an elderly woman "staring into the distance" in the Golden Horseshoe parking lot on Wilmot Road Aug. 15. When police approached the woman and alerted her to the caller's concerns, the woman said, "Not again." She said she was going home, got into her car and left. It was approximately 4:20 p.m.

Employees at a Boniface Circle store called police, reporting that women who resembled previous larceny suspects were in the store Aug. 20. The employee said no one saw the women commit a crime that day. Nor was there any video footage of the alleged previous crime. Furthermore, the employee said no one had reported the previous alleged larceny to police. Based on a lack of probable cause, police refrained from talking to the two women. Patrol stood by, and the women were seen leaving the store and driving away in a black 2006 Nissan Altima.

A Park Road man fell off his Vespa scooter approximately 100 yards north of his house Aug. 17. The accident was precipitated by loose stones or gravel on the roadway. The man sustained cuts and scrapes on the side of his body, and he was complaining of rib pain. He was taken to Westchester Medical Center for evaluation. Firefighters cleaned blood from the roadway following the accident.

Cars and roadways
Patrol contacted Optimum regarding a fallen cable wire on Church Lane Aug. 15.
Patrol directed traffic at the five corners intersection, at Heathcote Road and Weaver Street, while the traffic light experienced a temporary power outage Aug. 15.
Con Edison was notified about a fallen branch on a primary power line on Sherbrooke Road Aug. 15.
Police contacted a towing service for a driver with a trailer that suffered a broken wheel on Post Road Aug. 15.
After an unsuccessful attempt at removal, police informed the highway department about a snapped branch dangling precariously over Ogden Road Aug. 15.
Construction vehicles were legally parked along one side of Richbell Road Aug. 16. Patrol asked the job foreman to have his workers assist with traffic flow by spreading the parked vehicles farther apart in the future.
Police asked two drivers to move their parked cars on Lincoln Road so a resident could more easily leave her driveway Aug. 16.
On Aug. 16, police reported fallen wires on Ogden Road to Con Edison, Verizon and Cablevision.
Police moved a fallen branch to the side of Mamaroneck Road, near the intersection of Saxon Woods Road, Aug. 16. The highway department was informed.
A construction vehicle was blocking an Overhill Road driveway Aug. 16. Patrol found the driver and asked him to move the car. Patrol issued a summons for the offense.
Police called a tow for a driver with a flat tire on Griffen Avenue Aug. 17.
A woman reported a white man in his 50s "bumped into her car" while he was walking and she was turning her car into the garage at 7 Popham Road, from Depot Place, Aug. 17. She alleged he then started "yelling and screaming at her," before he walked away and got on a train. There was no damage to her car.
Patrol notified the water department that a water pipe cap was missing from Mamaroneck Road Aug. 18. The department supervisor said his workers removed several caps in the area but would be returning to replace them.
Police moved a fallen low voltage wire to the side of Myrtledale Road where it would not be a trip hazard Aug. 18.
Patrol cleared a fallen branch from Chesterfield Road Aug. 18.
Police erected temporary stop signs at the intersection of Crane Road and Woodland Place because of a malfunctioning traffic light Aug. 18 and 19.
A red car was reported to be slowly "circling" Brite Avenue and Cohawney Road Aug. 18. Police questioned the driver who said she was picking up her daughter on Parkfield Road and driving slowly in an attempt to find her way to the house.
Police and highway department workers removed a low voltage wire from Palmer Avenue and Ramsey Road Aug. 19.
A caller complained that a parked car was straddling two spaces in a private parking lot on East Parkway Aug. 19. Police advised a summons could not be issued because the parking lot was private.
The highway department was notified to remove an overhanging branch on Ogden Road Aug. 20.
A camper hit a utility pole at Mamaroneck Road and a Hutchinson Rover Parkway ramp Aug. 20. The impact caused movement of the pole, which resulted in slack in utility wires. Con Edison and Verizon were notified.
Police marked a broken and dangling tree branch with caution tape on Harcourt Road Aug. 20. The highway department was notified to address the problem.
Eight car accidents were reported in the village this week.

A Tunstall Road resident complained about a neighbor's barking dog at 8:30 a.m., Aug. 16. Patrol noticed a dog chained n the front yard and spoke with a dog sitter. She apologized and brought the dog in the house. Patrol issued a verbal warning.

Patrol asked a sanitation worker to remove a dead raccoon from Palmer Avenue Aug. 20.

Village code
Police issued summonses to landscapers using gas-powered blowers on Ogden and Mamaroneck roads Aug. 15 and Kingston Road Aug. 17.

A Stratton Road resident reported contractors making unnecessary noise in a neighbor's new house at 9:59 p.m., Aug. 15. When patrol arrived to investigate the call, patrol discovered the only noise to be the homeowner using a vacuum inside the house. She was cleaning in preparation of moving in. The homeowner said her neighbor has repeatedly called her cell phone, knocked on her door and called police to complain about noise. The homeowner said the cell phone calls were so frequent, she had to block the neighbor's number. According to police records, a previous investigated noise complaint was also deemed unfounded – as was the complaint from Aug. 15. Patrol went to the neighbor's house, but she was not available. Therefore, patrol spoke only with the neighbor's husband. Patrol advised him that the homeowners next door did not want him or his wife to enter their property or call them. Patrol explained village code and clarified what is permissible noise versus prohibited activity. The husband said he would relay all information to his wife, and he would only report activity he believed was in violation of village code.

A Lakin Road resident reported loud music in a neighbor's backyard at 5 p.m., Aug. 18. Patrol went to the area but could not hear the music until patrol turned off the patrol car's air conditioning and radio. Patrol deemed the music to be acceptable for the time of day and determined no village code violations were committed.

A concrete delivery vehicle was idling on Birch Lane at 9:10 a.m., Aug. 20. The driver said he was aware he could not start work until 10 a.m. Patrol informed him that idling on the street in preparation of work is also a violation of village code. A verbal warning was issued, and the truck was moved from the scene.

On Aug. 15, contractors using gas-powered tools in a Carthage Road basement caused elevated levels on carbon monoxide inside the house. Firefighters ventilated the house and told the contractor to only use electric tools inside.

On Aug. 19, the insulation around a broken power line to a Harcourt Road house was burning. Firefighters shut power to a generator that was running during the house's power outage, and they stood by for Con Edison.

An indoor oil tank was leaking in a Richelieu Road basement Aug. 21. The resident's oil company said they were unable to help with the leak. Firefighters shut off the boiler and used a plug-in dike to mitigate the leak. Firefighters placed absorbent pads and Speedi-Dri beneath and around the tank to control the spilled oil. Yonkers Haz-Mat was called. They advised the tank must be emptied immediately. The resident made arrangements with a company that could remove the oil.
This week, firefighters assisted at one car accident in the village. They responded to two false carbon monoxide alarms and 20 false fire alarms caused by device malfunction, construction work, a power surge, heat accumulated in an attic and cooking smoke.

This report covering police and fire department activity from Aug. 15 – 21 was compiled from official information.