Sunday, Oct 06th

forgedcheckPolice arrested Tiffany C. Mason, 20, of New York City, for attempting to deposit a forged check at the Bank of America branch on Christie Place Aug. 12, after an astute manager became suspicious about the transaction. Specifically, the manager noticed the $990 check was not printed on check paper, and it appeared to have been photocopied or printed. The reverse side of the check was blank, except for a signature. The bank manager called the person whose account number appeared on the check to further inquire about the check's validity. The person stated she did not know Mason, and she had not written the check. She said she had written a legitimate check bearing the same check number to her insurance company. The legitimate check was written for $191.50. Police arrested Mason and charged her with second-degree possession of a forged instrument, petit larceny and fourth-degree criminal possession of a weapon. The weapons charge was issued because, during a search, Mason was found to be in possession of an iPhone-styled stun-gun. Following recommendations from the district attorney's office, Mason was issued bail of $5,000 at her arraignment in Scarsdale Village Justice Court. Unable to post bail, Mason was transported to Westchester County Jail, pending her next court date.

A Heathcote Road house was burglarized while the homeowner and her son were out for several hours between 3 p.m. and 10:45 p.m., Aug. 12. Upon returning home, they found a rear door forced open, with numerous pry marks around the door and a damaged knob and lock. The rear door was determined to be the point of entry and exit for the perpetrators. Rooms were tossed and in disarray. Patrol walked the house with the homeowner to begin to determine which possessions had been stolen.

Car break-ins
Cars on Bradley Road were broken into and items were stolen overnight Aug. 12 into Aug. 13. One resident reported his unlocked 2001 Toyota was entered while it was parked in his driveway. Two packs of cigarettes, a bottle of Jack Daniels whiskey and loose change were stolen. A neighbor reported his unlocked 2014 Dodge was entered and two Leatherman folding utility tools were stolen from the center console. The Dodge was parked on the street. Additionally, another resident of Bradley Road reported two of his family's unlocked cars were entered. Three pairs of Ray Ban sunglasses and headphones were missing from a Toyota Sienna minivan, and a purse containing $50 cash, a debit card and various non-descript items were missing from a BMW X5 SUV. The minivan was parked in the driveway, and the BMW was parked on the street in front of the family's house.

Identity theft
On Aug. 13, a Heathcote Road man reported someone fraudulently filed taxes in his name, using his Social Security number. The man discovered the fraudulent filing when his accountant attempted to file the man's taxes, on extension, around July 15. The man presumed a refund was issued for the fraudulent return, but the amount of the refund was not known. The man told police a similar incident happened to him last year.

Criminal mischief
The head custodian at Scarsdale High School reported three parking signs were removed from their posts overnight and discovered lying in the parking lot Aug. 9. The signs indicated dedicated parking spaces for the principal, the assistant principal and the school nurse. Custodial staff advised they would re-install the signs in their proper locations.

A Ferncliff Road resident reported a truck drove across his lawn and caused fifteen feet of deep tires marks Aug. 13. The marks were made about three feet from the curb. The marks were one and a half feet deep and between one and three feet wide. Police determined the direction of the truck's travel was west, toward Post Road.

On Aug. 12, a construction company owner reported the foreman of a Stratton Road job site was being harassed by a neighbor who allegedly "keeps coming onto the property." The owner said the neighbor has been told to stay of the property, but she allegedly has not been complying with the foreman's directive. Police called the neighbor and asked her to stay off the property.

Domestic matters
A woman reported a verbal dispute with her Quaker Ridge boyfriend Aug. 9. She asked police to stand by while she retrieved personal belongings from the boyfriend's house.

On Aug. 10, a Fox Meadow woman reported she is going through a "tumultuous divorce" and concerned that her husband may be sending people to her house to harass her. She said an unknown black car reversed into her driveway at 10:30 a.m. and an unknown man, wearing gloves, got out and rang her doorbell. He left when she did not answer the door. Patrol advised the woman about the options available to her through family court. She was advised to call police immediately if another incident occurs.

During a paramedic call, a Quaker Ridge homeowner and her adult daughter were having a dispute. Police and paramedics evaluated the situation and determined neither the homeowner nor her daughter needed any medical or police assistance at the time.

On Aug. 11, police stood by while a Cooper Road man removed personal belongings from his house.

Missing child
An eight-year-old boy was reported missing in the Town of Mamaroneck, and the boy's bicycle was found at Weaver Street and Bradford Road Aug. 12. Police were asked to help canvas the village for signs of the missing boy. Approximately twenty minutes later, Town of Mamaroneck police located the boy in their jurisdiction.

What's that smell?
A Brite Avenue homeowner reported an unusual odor outside his house Aug. 8. Police noticed the burning smell was strongest near the intersection of Brite Avenue and Whig Road. Police did not see anyone using fire pits, chimneys or other fire sources. The homeowner said he has noticed the odor at night for the past few months, and he believes it is being caused by one of his neighbors. Police said they would monitor the area in an attempt to identify the source of the odor.

A Nelson Road resident reported the main sewer line outside his house was backing up into his washing machine Aug. 10. The water department was notified.

Lost diamonddiamond
On Aug. 9, a Kensington Road woman reported the diamond stone from her ring was missing from its setting. She said the stone went missing after she did housework and gardening work July 23. Police created a report about the loss for insurance purposes.

Safety checks
A woman flagged down police on Fox Meadow Road to report her daughter's Parkfield Road garage door was closed only half way while the house was vacant Aug. 10. The woman was concerned, so police checked the house and found no sign of criminality.

On Aug. 10, police checked a Cushman Road house after the homeowner reported feeling "uneasy" at home and requested that an officer stop by to make sure everything was OK. Patrol determined everything was in good order.

Police checked on a Ridgedale Road woman who did not answer her morning RUOK call Aug. 11. Police contacted a key holder and learned the woman was at an early morning doctor's appointment. She apologized for the confusion.

At the request of a concerned daughter, police checked the welfare of a Greenacres Avenue man during a power outage Aug. 14. The man was OK.

Police checked the welfare of a Fox Meadow man who was upset that his Sprint cell phone had been disconnected for non-payment of bills Aug. 13. Patrol advised the man to speak with his mother and the cell phone company to resolve the issue. The man was instructed to refrain from calling police about cell phone matters in the future.

Tennis anyone?tennis
Police were called to mediate a verbal dispute between a tennis player and a tennis instructor at Post Road tennis courts. The dispute was related to reserving tennis courts. Both parties gave different accounts of the dispute. Police advised them to stay away from each other in the future.

Fallen trees
One tree fell and another tree was uprooted and leaning on another tree on Fox Meadow Road Aug. 11. Patrol spoke with the property owner and advised him that he was responsible for rectifying the situation.

On Aug. 12, Connecticut State police called Scarsdale police about an incident from 1999. According to CT police, a CT resident was in legal possession of a gun that was indicated in a database as being stolen out of Scarsdale in 1999. The incident report from 1999 stated that the reporting party was unsure if he had returned the gun to the dealer who sold it to him or if the gun was "lost." The dealer in question is no longer in business. A receipt from 1978 furthermore indicated the gun was "transferred" in 1978. Thus, police determined "it appears more than likely the gun was returned to the dealer." CT police said they would make sure the "stolen" status of the gun was corrected in the database.

Cars and roadways
Police helped the driver of a disabled red Mercury Mountaineer roll his car into a parking space on East Parkway while awaiting a tow Aug. 8.

A Con Edison metal plate shifted on Weaver Street, near the Heathcote Road intersection, Aug. 8. Con Edison was notified.

A manhole cover became recessed on Tompkins Road. Police notified the department of public works for repair Aug. 8.

Police were notified about an On-Star emergency activation inside a 2016 GMC Yukon Aug. 8. Police went to the location of the activation – Lyons and Carman roads – and spoke with the owner of the car. She said there was no emergency and her daughter had accidentally pressed the On-Star button.

A car ran out of gas at Bypass and Weaver Street Aug. 9. Patrol assisted the driver in getting enough gas into the car in order for it to drive to a gas station and stop blocking the roadway.

Patrol notified Verizon about a low hanging wire over Drake and Madison Roads Aug. 11.

A fallen tree branch was cleared from Drake Road and Woods Lane Aug. 11.

All traffic lights at the five corners intersection in Heathcote were not working Aug. 11. Police placed temporary stops signs to control traffic entering the intersection. Con Edison and the department of transportation were notified to restore power to the traffic lights.

Police issued parking summonses to the registered owner of a parked car blocking a Richbell Road fire hydrant Aug. 11.

Patrol conducted parking enforcement on Stonehouse Road Aug. 12.

Patrol stopped the driver of a BMW on Post Road after a caller reported "erratic driving" of the car Aug. 13. The driver stated he was not driving erratically. He said he only opened and closed his door to let ashes drop off his cigarette. He did not show any sign of impaired or erratic driving, according to police. The driver was issued a warning for failure to produce a valid driver's license.

Overhanging branches were obstructing the view of a traffic light on Post Road Aug. 13. Police informed the highway department for trimming, and the highway department rectified the matter immediately.

The water department was called to address immediate water issues on Greenacres Avenue Aug. 13.

The highway department was called to take care of fallen trees on Brewster and Ogden roads and Rectory Lane Aug. 13.

On Aug. 14, police removed a fallen cable wire from Hampton Road to make passage safe for cars and pedestrians.

Six car accidents were reported in the village this week.

On Aug. 9, a caller reported a large turtle near Post and Kingston roads. Police canvassed the roadways for the turtle but did not find it.

Lost plates
On Aug. 12, a Huntington Avenue man reported losing license plates in the village sometime this week.

Firefighters were asked to monitor the progress of Con Edison work on a high-pressure gas main on Fox Meadow Road this week.

A child accidentally got inside a Cayuga Road bathroom Aug. 8. Firefighters opened the door and the child was released unharmed.

Firefighters and Con Edison investigated an inside gas odor in the Alcott Montessori school on Crane Road Aug. 9. No gas readings were detected, and the source of the odor could not be identified.

A Tompkins Road resident reported a burning odor coming from a microwave Aug. 9. The resident removed the microwave from the house and placed it on the driveway. Firefighters ventilated the area with fans and advised the resident to throw out the microwave.

Firefighters assisted Con Edison workers to check Springdale Road houses for possible gas migration following a leak Aug. 10.

A Secor Road resident's double wall oven was showing a trouble code Aug. 11. Firefighters shut power to the oven unit, and the trouble code vanished when the oven was turned on again. Firefighters suggested a power outage in the neighborhood might have precipitated the trouble code.

A circuit breaker tripped in an Edgewood Road house Aug. 12. Firefighters recommended calling an electrician.

A burning odor in an Edgewood Road house was traced to an overloaded power strip Aug. 12.

Firefighters assisted Con Edison workers check Oakstwain Road houses for possible gas migration following a leak Aug. 13.

A fallen tree branch struck a primary wire and shorted it out Aug. 13. Con Edison was called for repair.

An electrical wire fell on Walworth Avenue Aug. 13. Firefighter blocked off the area and stood by for Con Edison.

An improperly sited natural gas generator was causing carbon monoxide to accumulate under a deck and migrate into a Hickory Road house Aug. 14.

Firefighters shut power to the generator and opened windows in the house to ventilate. Firefighters advised the homeowner to move the generator before using it again.

An odor was coming from a Walworth Avenue air conditioning unit Aug. 14. Firefighters shut down the unit and advised to call for service.

This week, firefighters assisted at two car accidents on the Hutchinson River Parkway and in the village. They responded to one false carbon monoxide alarm and 32 false fire alarms caused by device malfunction, cooking smoke, dishwasher steam, low battery, power failure, alarm system work and construction dust.

This report, covering police and fire department activity from Aug. 8-14, was compiled from official information.

scarsdalesecuritylogo-1-1This police report is sponsored by Scarsdale Security who does more than just security. Contact them about remote video for your home or business. Call 914-722-2200 or visit their website.

stopsignAt 7 p.m., Aug. 3, a Rural Drive resident reported a possibly intoxicated woman attempted to enter her house, then left and began walking down Stratton Road. Dispatch sent patrol units and Scarsdale Volunteer Ambulance Corps to the scene. Police found the woman sitting on the ground with her legs around a stop sign. She said she was playing Pokemon Go and claimed her friends abandoned her. Her car, a 2014 Mazda was parked, with the engine running, on Rural Drive. Police thought the woman appeared to be intoxicated, but out of concern for any other possible medical condition, SVAC paramedics evaluated her. She was unsteady on her feet and had to be helped while standing up. She was identified as Victoria Hamann, 27, of New Rochelle. Through medical evaluation, field sobriety tests, SVAC and police determined Hamann was intoxicated. Patrol also believed Hamann had driven drunk from New Rochelle, been involved in an unknown accident and stopped her car on Rural Drive. At that point, she attempted to enter a stranger's house for an unknown reason. Hamann claimed she was coming from a car dealership where some repairs had been done on her car. During conversation with police and paramedics, she was "incoherent and slurred in speech and interactions." Police canvassed the area and consulted with New Rochelle police for possible affected vehicles involved in the suspected hit-and-run accident. No affected vehicles were found at the time. An alco-sensor test measured Hamann's blood alcohol level at .21. She was unable to stand on her own, and needed to be supported by police. Police accompanied Hamann to White Plains Hospital Center, where she was taken for intoxication treatment. She was arrested at the hospital on charges of driving while intoxicated (first offense). She was read her Miranda Rights, and she signed a consent form for a chemical test. A nurse drew blood for the chemical test, and the blood vial was secured for testing and evidence. The district attorney's office was consulted and recommended bail of $250, as well as confiscation of Hamman's three cell phones as evidence. Her car was impounded. A Bronx friend posted bail for Hamman, and she was released to him with an appearance ticket for Scarsdale Village Justice Court, returnable on Aug. 10.

Stolen bicycle
On Aug. 1, a Barry Road man reported his $500 metallic blue, Giant brand bicycle was stolen from the bike rack at East Parkway and Spencer Place on July 29. The man advised that another bicycle's security chain had been threaded through his brake line on July 25 or 26. He attempted to remove the chain but was unsuccessful. The man decided to wait a few days to see if the other bike's owner removed the chain linking the two bicycles. When the man returned to the bike rack on July 29, there were not any bikes attached to the rack, which the man indicated was "unusual." Only the white bicycle, which had previously been attached to his bicycle, was lying on the ground behind the rack. The man stated his missing blue bicycle had a "MSKCC" sticker attached to its frame.

Employment test scam
On Aug. 3, a 21-year-old Gatehouse Road man reported money was fraudulently taken out of his bank account. The man said his had posted his resume on a job site and was contacted by an individual alleging to be from a manufacturing company. The individual said he was interested in possibly hiring the man for an accounts receivable position, responsible for managing payments between vendors and buyers. The individual asked the man to complete a test assignment in order to be considered for the job. The assignment was to receive a check from a "buyer" organization, deposit it into his bank account, keep a 10% commission and transfer the balance to someone designated as the "supplier/vendor." The man researched the alleged company, found its website and saw the job posting. The man thus believed the assignment to be legitimate. The man received the check on July 31. He deposited it into his account and wired $877 to a person in South Africa on Aug. 2. On Aug. 3, the check bounced, and the man felt something was not right. He attempted to stop the wire transfer, but it was too late.

Domestic matters
A Heathcote woman called police about a verbal argument with her husband Aug. 3. The couple is in the process of divorcing but still living with each other in the house. The woman said no threats were made, but she nevertheless feels uncomfortable residing in the house with her husband. Patrol advised her about the civil process required to request an order of protection if necessary.

Due to a prior domestic incident, a Quaker Ridge woman asked police to stand by while she gathered some personal belongings from her house Aug. 7. Her husband was not there at the time.

Bench warrant
On Aug. 2, while checking drivers' information following a car accident at Oxford and Garden roads, police discovered an active bench warrant, issued by Harrison police, for driver Terrence McGowan, 55, of White Plains. Police arrested McGowan on the strength of the warrant. Harrison police were notified and picked up McGowan. McGowan's work van was released to the van's registered owner.

Missing persons
On Aug. 1, a supervisor at the Search for Change group home on Post Road reported a female resident left the house and had not been seen for 24 hours. The resident was not mandated to stay at the house, but as per the group home's policy, absence of more than 24 hours must be reported to police. The resident contacted her father during her absence, stating she was out watching movies and was OK. The father checked the resident's debit account balance. Following a recent withdrawal of $20, the balance was less than $5. However, the father indicated the resident had access to a different payment method, in case her account runs out of money. The house supervisor told police the resident is not a threat to others or a danger to herself. The supervisor said the resident has left before and usually returns to the house after a short stay at a hotel.

On Aug. 6, a Brambach Road woman reported her elderly mother left the house for a walk several hours ago and had not returned. The mother was reported to not speak English. While police were canvassing the area for the missing mother, Westchester County police notified Scarsdale police headquarters that a woman matching the mother's description had been found on the Bronx River Parkway. Police brought the woman to Brambach Road, where she was reunited with her family.

Welfare check
On Aug. 1, a Massachusetts woman called 911 because her 21-year-old male friend had allegedly threatened to hurt himself, and she was concerned about his wellbeing. She provided police with her friend's address, which was a section of Scarsdale P.O. covered by New Rochelle police. Patrol advised New Rochelle police for follow-up.

Man on street
A Fox Meadow Road resident reported a "young man standing on front of her house, holding his back," at 5 p.m., Aug. 1. The resident was "concerned" and asked police to check out the man. Patrol interviewed the man, who was in his forties and seen using a cell phone. The man said he lives nearby, in the vicinity of Butler Road where cell phone service is poor. He said he often walks to Fox Meadow Road when he needs to use a cell phone.

Nighttime bike ride
Police questioned two people riding bikes on Palmer Avenue after 2 a.m., Aug. 2. One person was wearing a black backpack. According to police records, neither individual could provide a valid reason for being out at that hour, and neither individual could provide a destination address. Patrol checked the bicycle riders' ID cards and noted they "lived locally."

Broken window
A Donellan Road woman reported coming out of her house and finding the rear passenger window of her 2016 Audi broken. Nothing was taken from the car. The woman said her landscaper had been working at her house an hour before she discovered the damage. Police came to the following conclusion about the cause of the damage: "Due to the location of the vehicle in relation to where the landscaper was working, the fact that nothing was taken from the vehicle, and that there have been no other reports larceny from vehicles or criminal mischief to vehicles in the area, it is patrol's belief that the damage was caused by one of the landscaper's tools sending a hard object into the window at a high rate of speed, breaking the window."

Baby carriage
On Aug. 3, a concerned caller reported a baby carriage was left on Crossway Field, with a baby possibly inside. Patrol checked the carriage and confirmed it was unoccupied. Patrol found the owner of the carriage – a grandmother – playing with her grandson on the swings. Everything was in good order.

Gasoline dispute
A customer at a gas station on Scarsdale Avenue called police to help mediate a dispute she was having with the station manager about gas service Aug. 4. When police arrived, the customer and manager came to an agreement, and no police assistance was needed.

Unwanted calls
A Popham Road man reported he "was having problems with the husband of a former employee and friend." The former employee's husband had allegedly contacted the man by phone and email. The man said the husband answered the phone when the man attempted to contact his former employee. The husband then allegedly "began yelling at him." Patrol advised the man to block communication and cease all contact with his former employee and her husband.

Taxi ride
Police called a taxi for a homeless man who requested to go to a White Plains hotel, from Fox Meadow Road, at 7:30 p.m., Aug. 5. The man said he was out taking a walk and had consumed alcoholic beverages earlier in the day. Scarsdale Volunteer Ambulance Corps responded to the scene and determined the man did not need medical assistance.

Cars and roadways
On Aug. 1, a Hazleton Drive man reported that his son, from Maryland, inadvertently destroyed two license plates when the son took over the man's car. A registration cancellation form, for the department of motor vehicles, was issued.

A red light reported to be "flashing" inside a parked car on Cohawney Road was determined to be an alarm indicator reflecting off a mirror Aug. 1. The car was legally parked and safe.

A caller reported a Jeep's driver "driving erratically" on the Hutchinson River Parkway, "striking traffic cones" and "throwing garbage from the car" on Weaver Street at 11:58 p.m., Aug. 1. Patrol canvassed the area but did not locate the car or driver. Patrol notified Westchester County police.

On Aug. 2, Fenway Golf Club management reported approximately 135 feet of hedges had been damaged by a car that apparently left Secor Road and drove into the golf club's landscaping. The car also hit a "No Standing" sign and left the scene without reporting the damage. Police recovered a non-identifiable truck part at the scene and wrote an accident report.

On Aug. 3, police moved a fallen tree branch from Post Road.

Police advised the water department about excessive water flow on Birchall Drive Aug. 5.
Police notified Verizon about fallen telephone wires on Fox Meadow Road Aug. 5.

Police checked out the situation regarding several cars parked on Brite Avenue at 2 a.m., Aug. 6, and determined the drivers were changing a flat tire on one of the cars.

Verizon was working at Tomkins and Fenimore roads to fix a fallen telephone wire Aug. 6.

Eleven car accidents were reported in the village this week.

A Nelson Road woman requested help with an injured squirrel in her yard Aug. 2. Patrol placed the animal in a cardboard box provided by the woman and notified the department of public works for sanitation removal.

A Copper Beech Lane woman reported a medium-sized dog was running loose in a neighbor's yard Aug. 3. During discussion with police, the woman stated the dog belongs to her neighbor and never leaves the neighbor's yard, although it is not on a leash. The woman said she is scared of animals and wants her neighbor to put up a fence to restrain the dog. Patrol advised the woman to communicate with her neighbor about her fears. Patrol advised that police could not take any action unless violations were committed.

A small black and white dog was running loose on Drake Road Aug. 6. Police caught the dog and, using dog tag information, returned it to its Hamilton Road owner.

A Reimer Road man complained about a raccoon in his backyard Aug. 6. Patrol provided him with the number for a wildlife trapper.

Highway workers moved a fallen tree branch from Saxon Woods Road Aug. 7.

Village code
A caller reported a "loud party" at a Brambach Road house after midnight Aug. 2. Patrol investigated and found four people sitting at a table in the backyard talking and "not making any unreasonable noise." One of the people was the homeowner's daughter who said she and a few friends were "just hanging out." Her parents were home and inside the house. No police intervention was necessary.

On Aug. 6, police verbally warned contractors replacing a window in a Crossway house that making construction noise prior to 10 a.m. that day was prohibited by village code.

Lost and found
On Aug. 1, a woman brought a Jeep car key to headquarters. She said she found the key in Davis Park on July 4. She had already emailed Arthur Manor members in an attempt to identify the owner of the key. However, after not receiving a response in about a month, the woman decided to give the key to police.

A person found a Bank of America card and a Dunkin Donuts Perks card in the bank's parking lot and gave them to headquarters Aug. 1. Police attempted to notify the owner, whose registered address is in Yonkers.

A parking enforcement officer found motorcycle keys sticking out of the cargo box of a motorcycle parked on Depot Place Aug. 3. The officer brought the keys to headquarters for safekeeping and left a not on the motorcycle, informing the owner.

A burning odor in a Morris Lane house was traced to a warm motor in an attic-mounted air handler Aug. 1. Firefighters checked for damaged control circuits and did not find any apparent problems. The condensation drain was clogged, and water was accumulating in the overflow tray. Firefighters shut down the unit and recommended having it serviced before using it again. The house was ventilated and the odor did not return.

Firefighters helped Bronxville firefighters overhaul and salvage a fire scene, with numerous hot spots, at an Elm Rock Road house in Bronxville Aug. 2.

A Heathcote Road resident accidentally got locked out of her house Aug. 2. Firefighters helped her get in the house.

Con Edison was called to evaluate construction damage to an unidentified underground utility line on Wynmor Road Aug. 3. The line was determined to be a "dead line."

A Tompkins Road resident accidentally got locked out of her house Aug. 3. Firefighters helped her get in the house.

An improperly installed pool heater was venting into a crawl space in an Innes Road house, causing high levels of carbon monoxide in the basement Aug. 6. Firefighters ventilated the structure, disconnected the pool heater and turned over the scene to Con Edison.

A Nelson Road resident reported a small gas can appeared "swollen" for no apparent reason Aug. 7. Firefighters determined the gasoline expanded in the heat. They loosened the can's cap to release pressure and advised the resident to place the gasoline in a car's gas tank instead of storing it in a can.

This week, firefighters assisted at one car accident in the village. They responded to one false carbon monoxide alarm and six false fire alarms in the village, caused by device malfunction, construction dust and cooking smoke.

This report covering police and fire department activity from Aug. 1-7 was compiled from official information.

scarsdalesecuritylogo-1-1This police report is sponsored by Scarsdale Security who does more than just security. Contact them about remote video for your home or business. Call 914-722-2200 or visit their website.

nytimesA Penn Boulevard house was reported burglarized July 19 following the homeowner's return from vacation. The house was last seen intact by the homeowner's daughter July 13. All doors and windows were reported locked during the homeowner's absence, but the home security system had not been activated. At least three newspapers were found piled up outside the house, indicating that no one was home. Investigation uncovered a rear kitchen window screen lying on the ground and the interior window latch lying on a couch near the window. Dirt was also found on the couch, possibly left by the perpetrator's shoes. Police suspected the damaged window was the perpetrator's point of entry. A glass bottle of Pilsner Urquell and a beer cap were found on the kitchen countertop, possibly left by the perpetrator. Several rooms in the house were ransacked, and a pillowcase was missing from the daughter's bedroom. The homeowner said she found both a rear patio door and the front door unlocked, although these doors were left locked before the homeowner and her daughter left for vacation. Police investigated the house for evidence and fingerprints. The homeowner said she would compile a list of stolen items and provide it to police.

On July 20, a housekeeper came to work and found an Aspen Road house burglarized. A back door was found unlocked, and the lock was broken and lying on the floor. The master bedroom, the children's bedrooms and a guest bedroom were all ransacked. A golf club was found in the master bedroom. It was not known if the glove had been used during the burglary. The housekeeper said she had last been in the house on July 8. The homeowner was not due back until July 23. The homeowner said he would provide a list of stolen items to police. The house did not have an alarm system, nor did it have security cameras.

On July 22, a Walworth Avenue homeowner returned home, found a broken basement window at the rear of her house and discovered her house had been burglarized. According to the homeowner, her husband drove her to the train station at approximately 7:22 a.m. and returned home at 8:20 a.m. Her son was sleeping in a second-floor bedroom during that time. At 9:30 a.m., an undisclosed person in the house noticed a second-floor bathroom had been rummaged through, a basement window was broken, and basement lights were on. At 4:30 p.m., the homeowner came home from work and noticed her master bathroom and an end table next to her bed were tossed. Medication, assorted jewelry, and a camera television monitor were stolen. The family was in the process of moving, so it was difficult for the homeowner to determine if anything else was missing. Police believe the suspect entered the house through the basement window and left the house through the front door.

On July 24, an employee of a Crane Road church reported the church sanctuary had been broken into, and a Lenovo laptop computer had been stolen. The laptop was last seen in the sanctuary on July 21. Police noticed pry marks on a rear door, and fresh paint chips were on the floor. The employee said the office has a security system, but it was not on during the time of the burglary. Another laptop computer, near the stolen laptop, was undisturbed.

Missing purse
On July 21, a Bell Road woman reported her handbag was possibly stolen from her house. She said the medium-size leopard handbag was last seen on the floor of a front coat closet. It allegedly contained several envelopes containing $100 cash and $500 cash, a checkbook and miscellaneous personal items. The owner was not sure about when she had last seen the handbag. She said no one had been in the house that day, and she was unclear if she had left the house that day. Patrol observed two empty handbags filling the description of the missing handbag, but the woman said they were different bags. Patrol noted the woman's wallet, containing her driver's license and cash, were still in her possession.

On July 21, a School Lane woman reported sending $500 to a fraudulent account through Moneygram. This followed a scam call alleging that the woman's son was involved in an accident with the caller's "criminal cousin." It was further alleged that the woman's son was being held at gunpoint. The woman was instructed to wire $500 to a recipient in Puerto Rico, without getting police involved. She sent $450 through Moneygram while the caller remained on the phone. After the call was disconnected, the woman reached her son and realized he had not been involved in an accident and was okay.

Identity theft
A Chateaux Circle resident reported an unknown individual attempted to open a fraudulent Citibank credit card account in his name July 23.

On July 23, a man told police that someone attempted to change the security question on his Chase Bank accounts. Patrol confirmed that bank employees caught the attempt and did not allow any changes to be made.

Criminal mischief
On July 21, a Bell Road resident reported someone had stripped the plastic dip spray from one of his car's tire rims. When police arrived on scene, the allegedly damaged tire rim did not look different from the other tire rims on the car. The resident told police it did not look different because he had already repaired it. Furthermore, he said similar damage has happened in the past, but he did not report it. Patrol advised the resident to not repair any alleged damage until patrol has an opportunity to view and investigate the damage. Patrol advised the resident that extra ridebys of his house would be conducted.

Car break-in suspect
At 3:15 a.m., July 22, New Rochelle police reported a white male suspect fled from police, after the suspect was seen going through a car on Arbor Drive, a cul-de-sac off Weaver Street.

Damaged door
A Wynmor Road homeowner returned home and found her front screen door "completely shattered" July 20. Police detected no sign of criminal activity, and the homeowner did not notice any items missing from her house. The homeowner was advised to contact her landscaper for further possible information.

Ride home
A Hispanic man was seen leaning against a tree near the intersection of Fenimore Road and Ridgecrest West at 3:26 a.m., July 22. Patrol questioned the man, who was lost and intoxicated. He requested help in calling a taxi to drive him home to White Plains. Patrol called a late-night taxi service from New Rochelle.

SIM card
A man approached patrol at Spencer Place and East Parkway, alleging that two men stole his phone's SIM card July 22. According to the man, he lost his cell phone in village center earlier that day. He used another phone to locate his missing phone and discovered two deliverymen holding his phone near the intersection of East Parkway and Christie Place. The man approached the deliverymen and told them the phone belonged to him. The deliverymen returned the phone, but the man soon realized the SIM card was missing and notified police. Police spoke with the deliverymen, who said they found the broken phone on the sidewalk while unloading a truck. They said they had pulled the SIM card out of the phone before the man approached them. They alleged they attempted to return the SIM card, but the man did not want to talk with them. They said they threw the SIM card away. Patrol asked them to retrieve the SIM card and return it to the man. The SIM card was broken, but the man said he was happy to get his phone and SIM card back.

Suspicious activity
On July 19, a Crawford Lane woman reported hearing shaking noises at her back door. She said it sounded like someone possibly attempting to break into her house. Patrol checked the house and its perimeter and found no sign of criminal activity.

A caller reported a white man with dark hair "watching people enter and exit Potter Road park" while sitting in a parked Toyota Camry July 19. Patrol questioned the man, who said he was there for "some peace and quiet." He said he was an off-duty Central Taxi driver. Patrol verified there were no warrants for the man, and he left the area on his own accord.

A man sitting in a parked car Penn Boulevard identified himself as an Uber driver July 19. He said he had just dropped off a fare and had pulled over to make a phone call. He left the area.

A Montrose Road resident saw, via security cameras, a group of people drive into his driveway while he was away at 12:05 a.m., July 20. He asked patrol to check his house. Patrol verified there were no people on the resident's property, and there were no signs of criminal activity.

A Meadow Road resident called 911, asking for the phone number for Angie's List July 19. The resident was advised to dial 411, to reach directory assistance, for that information.

On July 21, a Mamaroneck Road woman repeatedly called 911, asking what time it was. Patrol went to the house to check the welfare of the woman. When she did not answer the door, patrol went inside the house through a rear door. The woman was physically okay and apologized for calling 911 to ask for the time. Patrol contacted her daughter, who said a caretaker should be with the woman because the woman suffers from dementia. While police were on scene, the caretaker returned from a brief trip to the bank. He said he should not have left the woman alone. The daughter said she would follow up with the caretaker. The SPD older adult advocate is following up.

A Springdale Road resident reported seeing an alarm strobe light at a neighbor's house at 2:30 a.m., July 21. Investigating officers discovered the flashing light to be coming from a malfunctioning motion sensor light.

Damaged lawn
A Carthage Road homeowner reported a large truck damaged his front lawn July 21. The homeowner said he thought the truck was leaving a construction site on Ardmore Road. Police determined the tire damage was on village property.

Possible intoxication
Metropolitan Transit Authority police notified Scarsdale police that a possibly intoxicated man got out of the train and got into the driver's seat of a black SUV at 12:40 a.m., July 22. The driver proceeded from northbound Garth Road to eastbound Popham Road. Police attempted to make contact with the vehicle but was unable to do so. Patrol monitored the area for safety.

On July 23, a Boulder Brook man called police at 2 a.m., reporting an unknown individual inside his house, who allegedly left through the unlocked front door. When police arrived, the man's wife said her husband was disoriented following back surgery. She said there was no one suspicious inside her house, as her husband had mistakenly thought.

Cars and roadways
On July 18, patrol directed traffic around a disabled car at Post and Edgewood roads while the driver waited or roadside assistance.
The highway department was called to remove fallen branches and trees from Post, Richbell, Lee and Brookline roads July 18.

Police officers controlled traffic at Post and Crane roads after traffic lights failed due to a thunderstorm July 18.

Patrol notified utility companies about fallen wires on Barry Road July 18.

Patrol contacted the highway department to address "a large number of potholes" on the Heathcote Bypass July 19.

A possible hit-and-run traffic accident knocked down crosswalk and bus stop signs at Post and Edgewood roads July 20. A Con Edison pole was also damaged at that location.

On July 21, police notified Cablevision about a fallen wire on Madison Road.

A caller reported accidentally locking her keys and dog inside her white Buick Lacrosse on Ardmore Road July 21. The car, woman and dog were gone when police arrived to help. There was no information about how the woman got back into her car or if the dog was able to assist.

Police directed traffic around a disabled car at Popham Road and East Parkway while the driver waited for roadside assistance July 21.

Police helped a driver move her disabled car to the side of Crossway while waiting for help from AAA July 23.

Con Edison was notified about fallen branches leaning on wires on Stonehouse Road July 24.

Ten car accidents were reported in the village this week.

A Ferncliff Road resident reported his neighbor was damaging his fence July 19. Police saw several fence slats lying on the resident's property and questioned the neighbor about them. The neighbor said the fence is in poor condition and slats frequently fall off and land in his yard. When this happens, the neighbor said he throws the slats back onto the resident's property. The resident and the neighbor were advised to stay away from each other.

A Carthage Road woman reported a possibly sick fox lying beneath a swing set in her backyard July 17. Patrol provided her with trappers' telephone numbers.

A caller reported a possibly sick or injured squirrel on Fox Meadow playground July 19. Patrol cleared the playground and safely released a squirrel trapped inside a garbage can. The squirrel ran off toward a field and appeared to be healthy.

A deer was reportedly struck by a car on Post Road near Scarsdale High School July 19. Patrol went to the scene, but the deer was already gone.coyote

A Heathcote Road resident reported a coyote on her property at 6 p.m., July 20. The animal was gone by the time police arrived. An hour later, police received another report of a coyote headed east near the intersection of Bethel and Richbell roads. It was also gone when patrol arrived.

A passerby found a "lost" dog on Murray Hill Road July 21. The dog actually belonged to the household where the dog was found in the yard. The homeowner came outside and took the dog into the house.

A man found a small, white dog near the intersection of Mamaroneck and Murray Hill roads July 23. Police contacted New Rochelle Humane Society.

Village code
Police issued a summons to the driver of a truck unloading a delivery on Palmer Avenue at 6:20 a.m., July 19.

Patrol issued summonses to landscapers using gas-powered blowers on Post and Brewster roads July 19 and Crossway July 20.

On July 23, a caller reported loud and offensive music coming from a Lakin Road house. Patrol informed the homeowner, and she graciously lowered the volume of music. Patrol noted in the report that "the music was not too loud."

Lost and found
On July 21, a man came to headquarters and reported losing his iPhone 5. It was described as being housed in a yellow case. The man said he last saw his cell phone on Harwood Court while unlocking his bicycle.

A drawstring bag was found in Chase Road park July 23. It contained a baby hat, a bag of wipes and first aid ointment. Police vouchered the bag for safekeeping.

Firefighters stood by for Con Edison at the site of a leaking pressure regulator on Fox Meadow Road July 18.

A Brookline Road tree was struck by lightning July 18. The tree split, and flying debris broke a window. Firefighters stood by for a tree removal company.

On July 20, a Cushman Road resident reported she could not get to her six-month-old child due to a jammed bedroom door in her house. Firefighters forced open the door by removing the lock assembly, and the resident was reunited with her child. The child was fine and did not need medical attention.

A Greenacres Avenue resident was accidentally locked out of her house July 20. Firefighters helped her back inside the house.

A homeowner heard an audible alarm inside a Post Road house July 21. Firefighters traced the sound to a discarded, battery-operated smoke alarm sounding in a trash bag.

The driver of a red Toyota Camry approached firefighters and said she accidentally sideswiped a fire engine on Post Road July 21. An accident report was produced, and photos were taken of the damage.

This week, firefighters assisted with two car accidents in the village. They responded to one false carbon monoxide alarms and 22 false fire alarms caused by device malfunction, and insecticide fog, cooking smoke, construction dust, excessive heat in an attic and shower steam.

This report covering police and fire department activity from July 18-24 was compiled from official information.

scarsdalesecuritylogo-1-1This police report is sponsored by Scarsdale Security who does more than just security. Contact them about remote video for your home or business. Call 914-722-2200 or visit their website.

Hyatt-Field(Updated August 4th) The Honda Civic involved in the police pursuit on 07/28 was located by Scarsdale Detectives the morning of the incident in the Bronx, as it was being reported stolen to the New York Police Department by its owner. The car was impounded by Scarsdale Police and towed back to Scarsdale where it was secured in the Police Impound. Scarsdale Detectives applied for and received a search warrant for the vehicle and recovered stolen property and forensic DNA evidence.

The investigation is ongoing, and Scarsdale detectives are working with several other police departments within Westchester County that also experienced criminal activity involving the same white Honda Civic involved in the Scarsdale pursuit.

(Original Report) Police observed an occupied 2000 white Honda Civic parked on Tunstall Road at 3:15 a.m., July 28. The driver was reclined all the way back in the driver's seat and was slumped down, as if to avoid being seen. Police passed the car, stopped and reversed in order to question the driver. The driver then sped away when patrol approached and repeatedly refused to yield to police instruction. A chase ensued, involving the Civic and several patrol cars. In an apparent effort to evade police, the driver of the Civic turned onto Madison Road, Carman Road and Nelson Road. The pursuit continued along several other streets in Edgewood and into Eastchester. Police noted the driver of the Civic drove across several lawns and through bushes on Tunstall Road. He also drove down the dead end street of Potter Road and proceeded to drive onto Hyatt Field, damaging playground equipment and grass. The Civic then plowed through wooden fencing onto Boulevard. It snapped chains and pulled fence stakes out of the ground. The Civic's headlights were off during the entire incident. Police noted the driver looked Hispanic, was possibly in his mid-20s, had short dark hair and was not wearing a shirt. He appeared to be the lone occupant of the car. Due to the driver's intention to flee patrol, police suspect the driver was involved in criminal activity. Area jurisdictions were notified for support. The pursuit was eventually called off when police lost the Civic in Eastchester. At 4 a.m., officers were investigating the area for other suspects or possible crimes related to the suspect and the pursuit. During the investigation, officers saw the Civic return to Tunstall Road with its lights off. An officer activated his patrol car's emergency lights and attempted to stop the Civic. Patrol followed the Civic down the dead end of Tunstall Road and saw the Civic parked on a Tunstall Road front lawn. Following police department procedure in a situation of "grave [officer] risk in confronting a fleeing, dangerous suspect likely engaged in criminal behavior," the officer got out of his patrol car, drew his service weapon and ordered the suspect to exit his vehicle. The suspect instead began to accelerate across front lawns. The officer got back inside his patrol car and followed the suspect until all police units lost sight of the Civic and the driver. The pursuit was called off. Police suspected the driver possibly returned to the area to pick up another suspect who might have been on foot. MTA police checked nearby train stations for a possible suspect, but no one was found. The Civic was later seen and pursued by Westchester County Police on the southbound Bronx River Parkway. WCPD terminated pursuit of the car in the Bronx. The last noted sighting of the fleeing Civic was on Webster Avenue in the Bronx. In addition to unlawfully fleeing a police officer, the driver could be charged with speeding, driving with equipment violations, driving recklessly, driving head-on at patrol cars, and criminal mischief related to property damage to Hyatt Field and Tunstall Road lawns and bushes. The Civic's license plate information indicated the car was registered to a person in the Bronx. Police are following up.

DWI Arrest
At 5 a.m., July 30, patrol arrested Derek Rodriguez, 35, of the Bronx, on charges of driving while intoxicated (first offense), aggravated driving while intoxicated with a blood alcohol level of .18 or greater, speeding, and moving from a lane unsafely. The arrest was precipitated by a call from Westchester County police asking for help in locating Rodriquez's white BMW that had been seen driving erratically on the Hutchinson River Parkway. While canvassing Weaver Street, patrol saw the car speeding on Weaver Street, crossing the double yellow line and traveling into oncoming traffic in order to pass two cars. Police turned around to follow the car as it drove onto Hutchinson Avenue. Shortly thereafter, the car was observed on Herkimer Road. It was parked in front of a house, with Rodriquez slumped over the steering wheel. Rodriguez told patrol he had consumed several gin and tonic drinks in the Bronx at 8 p.m., the previous night. Rodriguez smelled of alcohol and had bloodshot, watery eyes. He failed field sobriety tests and was unable to correctly follow instructions about the tests. A pre-screening alco-sensor test revealed a blood alcohol reading of .214. A follow-up Datamaster test at Eastchester police department measured Rodriquez's blood alcohol level at .19. Rodriquez was arrested and released on an appearance ticket. He was ordered to appear in Scarsdale Village Justice Court August 3.

An Ardmore Road resident called police at 1 a.m., August 1, advising he just returned home from vacation and found the back door unlocked, his bedroom ransacked and his house burglarized. According to detectives, it appeared that the suspect entered the house through a kitchen window that had been pried open and left through either the front or back door. Both doors were found unlocked, but the resident said he had left them locked when he went away for the weekend at 7:30 p.m., July 29. The resident said his home security system was not working properly, and that was why he did not set the alarm before leaving. The resident said some of his wife's jewelry had been stolen. He was in the process of compiling a list and said he would provide it to police after consulting with his wife.

Car Break-Ins
On July 27, a Walworth Avenue man reported his wallet and headphones had been stolen from his car overnight. The wallet contained $150 cash, credit cards, a driver's license, a court identification card and various reward cards. All credit and debit cards have been cancelled.

Three Barry Road cars, owned by different residents, were entered sometime during the night of July 27 and the morning of July 28. Each of the residents said nothing was damaged, and nothing of value had been taken. A fourth Barry Road resident reported her unlocked car was entered overnight and two ties were stolen. The ties were new, with tags on them. They were in a box to be given as a gift. One tie was a Vineyard Vines tie with lobsters on it. The other tie was blue. Both ties, valued at $75 each, had been purchased from Nordstrom.

Additionally, a Mercer Court woman said her car was also entered overnight July 27. She confirmed nothing was damaged, and nothing of value had been taken.

Stolen Bike
A Carman Road resident's $1,000 blue and white Trek bicycle with a saddlebag was stolen from a bike rack on East Parkway and Christie Place July 29. The resident said he locked the bike to the rack at 8:40 a.m., took the train to work and returned to the Scarsdale train station at 7 p.m. At that time, the bike was already gone.

Identity Theft
On July 28, a Vanderbilt Road man said he received a call from a credit monitoring service alerting him to a recent credit card application that he did not make. On July 28, the man received a UPS package at his door. It contained an American Express credit card. The man inquired about the card and learned a person had used his personal information to fraudulently apply for the card. Later, an unknown man, alleging to be an employee of "Package Express," came to the Vanderbilt Road man's door, inquiring about a possible package that had been delivered in error. He was carrying a clipboard without any paper attached to it. Two other men were waiting in a parked white Infinity outside on the street while the alleged employee came to the door. The Vanderbilt Road man noted the car's license plate number and gave it to police for follow-up.

On July 29, a Tisdale Road woman reported someone opened a fraudulent American Express account in her husband's name. She discovered it after she received a package containing an American Express credit card while her husband was traveling on business. The woman attempted to notify American Express but was told her husband would have to make the report.

On July 27, a village employee reported being harassed by a Scarsdale driver following a minor accident that occurred earlier that day. According to the accident report, the 2002 Chevrolet utility vehicle owned by the village was backing up and accidentally hit the Scarsdale driver's parked 2014 Jeep. The Jeep was parked on Scarsdale Avenue in front of a driveway. It was occupied by a 15-year-old passenger. Following the accident, the driver returned to the car and left the scene. Later the village employee reported harassment. The nature of the alleged harassment was not disclosed.

On July 28, a Dunkin Donuts store manager and district manager reported a male customer has been acting in a harassing manner by coming into the store, yelling at the manager and making derogatory comments about Dunkin Donuts employees in front of other patrons. During this interaction, the customer dialed 911 from his cell phone. The district manager witnessed the incident, offered the customer free food, and the customer left the store and boarded a train. The manager said the customer is a regular patron of the store. He allegedly enters the store approximately three times a week between 8-9 a.m. The customer said he was a doctor. According to the manager, the customer's behavior became disruptive at the beginning of 2016.

911 Calls
Police received several phone calls from a cognitively impaired man July 25. The man told police he received several emails while playing on his Playstation. The man claimed the emails stated the man was the President of the United States. Patrol contacted the man's mother, who said she was on her way home to address the issue. The same man called police at 1:15 p.m., July 31, reporting an alleged argument with his brother. Patrol went to the man's house and did not see any evidence of the brother. Patrol knocked on the door of the brother's room, but the brother was not there. Patrol contacted the man's mother who was at church. She said the man's brother had not been home since the previous night. She said she would address the issue with her son.

A caller reported an audible alarm coming from a Murray Hill Road construction site July 25. The noise was sourced to a discarded smoke detector in a pile of construction debris. Patrol disarmed the alarm.

Blood Pressure
Patrol received an SPD Care Alert from a Popham Road woman at 9 a.m., July 25. The woman inquired about getting her blood pressure checked; however, she did not want police or ambulance paramedics to respond to her address. She said she had an event to attend and would get her pressure checked once she arrived.

A caller reported a young Asian woman "going door to door, trying to find her friend's house" in the area of Corell Road and Thornwood Place after midnight July 28. The caller thought the woman might be lost and in need of assistance. Patrol found the woman and spoke with her. She said she returned from work in New York City and was locked out of her house. She said she was unable to call back Central Taxi because her cell phone had died. Patrol assisted her in contacting Central Taxi for a ride to a White Plains hotel for the night.

Patrol checked the welfare of a Lebanon Road resident and confirmed everything was in good order July 30.

At 1 a.m., Aug. 1, police helped a woman get to the Scarsdale train station. She said she had been hanging out with friends in White Plains and needed to get to Fordham, where her husband was waiting for her. She walked into headquarters, asking for help, without any personal property on her. She said she did not know where her property was. Before taking her to the train station, police called White Plains police to ascertain if anyone might be looking for the woman. White Plains police advised they did not have any information regarding the woman.

A caller reported she nearly fell in Christie Place garage because of a "hazardous spill" between two parking spaces July 28. Police found some oil on the ground, making the area slippery. Firefighters responded and placed Speedi-Dri on the oil to absorb it.

Civil Matters
On July 29, a Dickel Road resident called police advising he might have had a burglary or larceny at his house, on or around July 15. When police arrived at the house, the man said he wanted to dispute work that was performed at his house. No burglary or larceny was reported. The man said he asked a contractor to come out and estimate a roofing job. The man said, after the initial meeting, the contractor performed other work that was not authorized by the homeowner and then demanded payment. Patrol advised the man that this issue was a civil matter.

A Brambach Road homeowner reported a fired housekeeper was refusing to leave his house July 29. According to the homeowner, he fired the housekeeper because he was not satisfied with her services. She was paid in full for her last week of employment, but she was demanding another week's pay "because the homeowner had not given her advance notice." Patrol determined there was no written or verbal agreement regarding the conditions of the housekeeper's employment or her demand. Patrol advised the housekeeper she must leave the house and could follow up in civil court if necessary.

Pedestrian Hit
An 84-year-old Garth Road resident was struck by a car in a Popham Road crosswalk at 10 a.m., July 25. The car was driven by an 89-year-old Garth Road man who said he did not see the pedestrian in the crosswalk while making a right turn from Garth Road onto Popham Road. The driver said he could not remember if the traffic light was red or green, but he was making a legal right turn. The pedestrian was taken to the hospital for evaluation and treatment following the accident.

Cars and Roadways
On July 25, patrol issued a summons to the registered owner of a car parked on Shawnee Road – facing the wrong direction and three feet from the curb.

On July 25, police found a car with its rear driver's side door ajar, parked on Freightway Road. Patrol did not observe any signs of criminality and closed the door.

A Post Road resident said a gray SUV was parked in her driveway, and she wanted the car moved July 26. Patrol discovered the car belonged to a neighbor's babysitter who mistakenly parked the car in the wrong driveway. The car was promptly moved when police addressed the matter.

A truck driver requested police assistance after knocking down wires on Roosevelt Place July 26. Patrol determined the wires were telephone wires and contacted Verizon.

Police notified Con Edison about a branch hanging in electrical wires on Rural Drive July 26.

In order to improve traffic flow, cars parked on both sides of Cornell Street were relocated to one side of the street after police intervention July 26.

Con Edison was informed about a low-hanging wire on Madison Road July 28.

On July 28, a Montgomery Road man reported someone hit his parked car and left the scene. The accident damaged the car's front left quarter panel and headlamp. The man said he hoped the person who caused the accident would come forward and admit to the damage.

The highway department was called to cut a branch precariously hanging off a tree over Brite Avenue July 28. Police blocked off the area with caution tape in the meantime.

An unknown van allegedly parked in a Cooper Road driveway was using the driveway to turn around while searching for a house at which the driver was contracted for a power-washing job July 28.

Patrol directed traffic around a fallen tree limb on Post Road while waiting for the highway department to clear it July 29.

Police moved a fallen branch to the side of Post Road July 30.

A fallen branch damaged fencing at Hyatt Field on Boulevard July 31. The highway department was notified, and caution tape was used to secure the area.

A parked car was creating a hazard at Fox Meadow and Crane roads July 31. The driver moved the car at patrol's request.

A caller reported kids were moving construction barricades into the roadway of Crane Road, blocking both lanes, at 12:40 a.m., July 30. The kids were gone when patrol arrived. Patrol placed the barricades out of the way.

A Birchall Drive resident reported her housekeeper saw a possibly injured coyote across the street at least two or three times on July 25. The coyote was no longer in the area when patrol investigated. Patrol made a note to continue monitoring the area.

Village code
Patrol issued summonses to landscapers using gas-powered blowers on Stonehouse Road July 26, Wheelock Road July 27 and Tisdale Road July 30.

Police dispersed people from Brite Avenue tennis courts at 10 p.m., July 31.

Lost and Found
A passerby found prescription eyeglasses on Rock Creek Lane and brought them to headquarters July 27.

A woman lost her wallet on Harwood Court July 27. She was looking for it in the village when a passerby found it and gave it to a parking enforcement officer. The officer positively identified the woman as the owner of the wallet and returned it to her.

A Bell Road woman could not find her handbag inside her house July 28. With the help of her daughter, the handbag was later located.

Car Fire
While investigating the pursuit of a fleeing suspect in Edgewood around 5 a.m., July 28, patrol noticed smoke coming from beneath a 2010 Dodge Caliber parked on Madison Road. A view into the interior of the car revealed its interior filled with smoke. Firefighters responded and determined a can of linseed oil caused combustion of flammable cloth and bags of clothes near the oil can. Part of the backseat was charred. Firefighters did not suspect arson, nor did they feel the fire was in any way related to the criminal incident being investigated by police. Salvageable property was removed from the car, and a towing service took the car to an auto repair shop. The owner took pictures of the damage for insurance purposes. No criminal conduct was suspected.

On July 26, smoke outside a Church Lane house was traced to legal use of a fire pit.
On July 27, an Innes Road homeowner lit a grill for the first time, and it created excessive smoke. A call reported a possible working fire upon seeing the heavy smoke. Police and firefighters determined the smoke was from normal grill operation, and everything was deemed to be in good order.

Firefighters shut power to a smoking washing machine in a Fenimore Road house July 27. They advised the homeowner to replace it.

Firefighters stood by for Con Edison at the site of a leaking curb box on Mohican Trail July 28.

Lightning reportedly struck Heathcote Road house July 30. On scene, firefighters discovered an electrical service line running from the main building to an auxiliary building had arced and caught fire. It self-extinguished before firefighters arrived. Firefighters cut power to the compromised line and stood by for Con Edison.

This week, firefighters assisted at one car accident in the village. They responded to one false carbon monoxide alarm and six false fire alarms caused by device malfunction, cooking smoke, heat and smoke from a toaster oven, construction dust, and an accidental manual activation.

This report covering police and fire department activity from July 25 through the early morning hours of Aug. 1 has been compiled from official information.

scarsdalesecuritylogo-1-1This police report is sponsored by Scarsdale Security who does more than just security. Contact them about remote video for your home or business. Call 914-722-2200 or visit their website.

mastiffWakefield Road Burglary: A Wakefield Road house was burglarized in the early morning hours of July 13. When the homeowner woke up, she noticed her front door open and the storm door held open by the doorstopper. Further investigation indicated that the woman's handbag was stolen from the dining room, two rooms away from the alleged burglar's point of entry. The handbag contained two wallets, credit cards, a Green Card, $700 cash, a driver's license and personal papers. Additional personal papers were scattered on the floor around a chair where the handbag had been. The homeowner was not positive if she had locked the door the previous night. The burglary was discovered at 6:30 a.m., July 13. However, it was not reported to police until 6:30 p.m. that day. While canvassing the neighborhood as part of the investigation, patrol noticed one bent window screen frame and one removed window screen at a Crossway house. The Crossway homeowner advised that the removed screen might have fallen off during recent power washing, and the bent screen frame was old and should not cause any concern. Police are following up with the Wakefield Road burglary.

Bell Road house fire
A fire at a Bell Road house summoned firefighters to the scene at 2:30 a.m., July 11. Upon arrival, all residents were outside the house. Firefighters arrived to find smoke coming from the eaves of the third floor in a wood frame house. They began an aggressive initial attack of he working fire, using a stretched handline. The fire was knocked down in approximately 15 minutes. Firefighters and volunteers overhauled the structure and checked for extension. Heavy smoke and water damage occurred on the third floor. Some water damage affected the first and second floors. No fire damage was observed in structural elements of the house. Greenville and Hartsdale engines responded to scene for assistance. Volunteers provided additional support. A cause and origin team traced the cause of the fire to a portable air conditioning unit.

Identity theft
On July 13, a Johnson Road woman reported fraudulent use of her First National Bank credit card. Fraudulent charges for a cellphone, cab service in New York City and a restaurant in the Bronx appeared on her statement in March. At that time, she contacted the credit card company, and the account number was changed. Although the charges were supposed to have been removed from the account, the woman did not think they were actually removed. A further check with the company indicated that the charges had not yet been removed because the employee working on the matter had left the company. The woman also learned that the address on her account had been changed in an unknown address in Youngstown, Ohio. A duplicate credit card was sent to that address. Her online account information was also changed. A review of the last statement showed at least $3,000 in fraudulent charges and $500 in current fraudulent charges. The woman cancelled the account and did not ask for a new card, pending resolution of the matter.

On July 13, an Eastwoods Lane man reported his Chase debit card had been fraudulently duplicated by an unknown person who walked into a Long Island bank with a fake driver's license July 1. As a result of the card, at least $7,000 was fraudulently withdrawn from his account, and approximately $4,000 in fraudulent transactions were made. The account was closed, and the credit reporting agencies were informed.

Domestic matter
An Eastchester man called police after his brother and his brother's girlfriend engaged in a verbal dispute inside the man's house. He said his brother was out of control as the couple left his house, and the girlfriend was crying hysterically. Concerned for the well being of both parties, patrol called the girlfriend's cell phone, and the man's brother answered. He was uncooperative and he refused to place his girlfriend on Gabby the phone. A sergeant contacted the girlfriend and she provided police with the address of her whereabouts, in Dobbs Ferry. Patrol contacted Dobbs Ferry police for a welfare check. Dobbs Ferry police called back and advised that the couple was at the address. They were fine, and no police assistance was needed.

On July 16, a caller reported a disagreement with his wife. She allegedly threatened to take their kids and hit the caller with her car at "the high school parking lot." Multiple patrol units responded to Scarsdale High School and began canvassing. Dispatch cancelled the call after ascertaining that the incident occurred at Greenburgh High School. Greenburgh police were reportedly on scene.

On July 16, an Edgewood man reported a problem with an ex-employee. He showed police two rambling emails from the former employee. In one email, the ex-employee accused the man of stalking, forgery, harassment and cyber bullying due to the ex-employee's Ukranian background. In the second email, the ex-employee requested that the man never contact him again. Although there were no specific threats, the man believes the ex-employee is unstable and "does not know what he is capable of." Additional ride-bys of the house were requested.

Missing person?
On July 13, patrol stopped a motorcycle for expired tags, and a computer check revealed the operator to be a missing person from Martin County, Florida. The operator stated he has been in contact with family and is unsure of why he has been reported missing. The reporting jurisdiction was advised about police contact with the "missing party." Martin County's Sheriff's Office first refused to give any information about the missing persons case unless a teletype message was sent. Patrol then sent a teletype hit confirmation request and received a response with absolutely no information on it, other than the party was reported missing. After approximately 30 minutes of detaining the motorcycle operator and no cooperation from the Martin County Sheriff's, patrol authorized the person's release. He was deemed to be in good mental and physical condition.

Pay day?
A Dunham Road woman said a tall white man rang her bell, claimed he belonged to an engineering company and alleged she owed him $2,000 for curb work. The man refused to give the woman a business card or contact information. He left in a white or light blue van. Patrol canvassed the area but could not find him.

Open door
On July 15, an Old Orchard Road homeowner returned home to find his door lock cylinder on the floor. The homeowner advised he left his house at 3 p.m. and returned five hours later. The other knobs on the door remained locked and secure. The inside of the house was in good order. Patrol inspected the door and the cylinder. The cylinder appeared to be new, and no sign of force was noticed. Patrol noticed the cylinder does not seem to be appropriately sized for the door. Patrol advised the homeowner to contact a locksmith.

On July 11, patrol checked the welfare of a Crane Road woman. She was OK.

Patrol helped Metro North police obtain a passenger's pedigree information July 11. The passenger was complaining of chest pain and medical assistance was provided.

A Horseguard Lane woman reported two men standing outside her driveway smoking July 11. She felt uncomfortable and did not want to enter her house. Patrol conducted a field interview, and the men dispersed.

The remnants of spent fireworks were found on Corell Road at approximately 1 a.m., July 12. There was no evidence of fire, as had been reported by a caller.

Pedestrian struck
On July 11, a caller reported a worker directing traffic was struck by at Freightway and Garth roads. The driver – a 47-year-old Scarsdale man – allegedly drove his 1997 Nissan around two cars stopped for a garbage truck and entered the oncoming lane. His driving was described in the accident report as "failing to use caution." The driver stuck the 27-year-old worker, and the worker was taken to White Plains Hospital Center. The following summonses were issued to the driver: driving left of pavement markings, reckless driving, causing physical injury by failure to use due care and failure to use the designated lane.

Cars and roadways
Patrol received a report of a person possibly passed out in a Smart car parked on Swarthmore Road July 11. Officers spoke to the car's driver, who was lucid and in good health. She said she had driven a long distance and pulled over to stop and rest.

A car with a flat tire was blocking a Palmer Avenue driveway July 11. While the driver was waiting for AAA, the car was moved to Marjory Lane, so the resident could exit her driveway.

Overlook Road was closed because a tree fell onto power lines July 11.

Verizon was notified about a low-hanging communication wire at Tompkins and Fenimore roads July 12.

A caller reported an expired inspection sticker on a black Jeep parked on Tisdale Road July 12. Patrol issued a summons.

A car stalled at Post and Mamaroneck roads July 13. The driver's father arrived and re-started the car while police stood by.

Police contacted an electrical repair service for a malfunctioning traffic light at Crane and Woodland roads July 13.

A resident reported a parked car near Red Maple Swamp on Gorham Road at 9:30 a.m., July 13. Patrol spoke with the driver, a cleaning woman who was waiting to go to her next job site in the village. There was no sign of any illegal or suspicious activity.

A tow truck company advised towing an illegally parked 2015 Audi from DeCicco's Marketplace parking lot at 5:30 p.m., July 15.

A Park Road tag sale was creating traffic congestion July 16. Patrol asked guests at the tag sale to move their cars to one side of the street so emergency vehicles could freely pass if necessary.

During a traffic stop July 16, police confiscated a car's license plates and gave the New Rochelle driver a summons for a suspended registration due to five unresolved parking tickets in 12 months.

An Acura ran out of gas on Colonial Road July 17. The driver was awaiting roadside assistance when police checked on her.

A sign fell down at the northbound entrance ramp of the Hutchinson River Parkway on Mamaroneck Road July 17. Police placed the sign in a safe location and made sure the entrance ramp was nevertheless clearly indicated. The highway department was notified for replacement.

Five car accidents were reported in the village this week.

Police picked up a small brown dog from Highland Way July 11. It appeared to be a pit bull and mastiff mix. It was taken to an animal hospital to determine if it had a microchip, which it did not. New Rochelle Humane Society picked up the dog.

On July 16, a Post Road woman reported two coyotes might be living under her deck. Patrol did not see any coyotes while on scene. Patrol advised the woman to contact a wildlife service company, as the police department is not equipped to catch and relocate wild animals.

Two loose dogs were travelling together at Heathcote Road and Palmer Avenue July 17. A nearby resident caught one of the dogs and provided police with the owner's phone number, as listed on the dog's collar. She was not able to catch the second dog. The owner picked up the dog and confirmed he had a second dog. He said he would look for the second dog on his own.

Village code
Patrol dispersed four kids from Hyatt Field after dark July 12.

Police issued landscapers summonses for illegal use of gas-powered leaf blowers on Lebanon and Secor roads July 14, Franklin Road July 15.

A caller reported illegal use of a leaf blower on Autenreith Road July 14; however, the "blower" was actually a spraying device used to apply insecticide. No village code violations were observed.

On July 14, patrol advised an event planner overseeing a 50th birthday party on Ogden Road that the music was too loud. The event planner instructed the DJ to lower the volume of the music. Approximately 90 minutes later, another noise complaint was reported. Patrol asked the homeowner to turn off the music, and the homeowner complied.

Patrol advised a food truck vendor that he needed a permit to sell food in the village July 15. The vendor said he started the process to obtain a permit, but the process was not yet finished.

After neighbors complained about noise, patrol advised a Wynmor Road resident to lower the volume of party music at 8 p.m., July 15. The resident complied.

Two people in a Honda Civic were "hanging out" at the end of Harvest Drive at 7:45 p.m., July 16. Patrol dispersed them from the area.

Loud music coming from a social gathering on Saxon Woods Road was lowered after patrol advised hosts of the neighbors' complaints at 10 p.m., July 16.

Kids were in a park on Drake Road after dark July 16. Patrol asked them to clean up litter in their immediate area and exit to park. The kids complied and left.
Brambach Road party hosts lowered the volume of music after patrol advised them of neighbors' complaints July 16.

Numerous people attending a softball game on Supply Field illegally parked their cars in the Scarsdale Medical Group lot on Heathcote Road, leaving no spots for doctors July 17. Patrol asked people to move their cars and to refrain from parking in the private lot in the future.

Lost and found
A Huntington Avenue man reported losing a license plate from his moped July 14.
Someone found a credit card and a $10 bill in the village July 17. Patrol tracked down the owner and called him. He responded to headquarters to pick up his property.

On July 11, slightly elevated carbon monoxide levels in a Gorham Road house were caused by prolonged stove use. Con Edison was called, and firefighters ventilated the house.

Firefighters helped a Crossway resident change a battery in a chirping smoke alarm July 11.

An outdoor odor of propane at the tennis court on Wayside Lane was traced to an open valve on a small mushroom-style propane heater July 11. Firefighters shut the valve, and the odor disappeared.

A tree limbs on Overlook Road wires was causing a potential hazard July 12. Firefighters shut the roadway, taped off the affected sidewalk and stood by for Con Edison. The highway department was also requested to cut the tree limbs once conditions were deemed safe.

A report of a brush fire in Corell Park was received July 12. Instead, firefighters found a discharged firework. They watered down the area and checked for extension.

Verizon was notified about a low-hanging wire on Fenimore Road July 12. A sawhorse was placed beneath the wire to prevent vehicles from striking it in the meantime.

Grease at the bottom of a Cushman Road house started smoking July 12. Firefighters shut off the oven and ventilated the house.

A passerby reported a gas leak at a construction site on Continental Road July 13. There, firefighters found workers using hand tools in a construction pit revealing an exposed gas line. There was no damage to the line. Con Edison released firefighters from the scene.

Con Edison was called about a potential gas leak on Garth Road July 14.

Firefighters stood by for Con Edison at the site of an arcing wire against a Church Lane tree July 14.

Firefighters stood by for Con Edison at the site of reported propane odor in a Mamaroneck Road house July 14. While there, firefighters determined the resident's hot water heater had been recalled by the manufacturer and was determined to be unsafe. The unit was red-tagged for follow-up by Con Edison.

Con Edison was called about fallen electrical wires on Post Road July 17. Firefighters established a safe area by closing the roadway lanes in the meantime.

This week, firefighters assisted at two car accidents in the village and on the Hutchinson River Parkway. They responded to four false carbon-monoxide alarms and nine false fire alarms caused by device malfunction, cooking smoke and construction dust.

This report covering police and fire department activity from July 11-17 has been compiled from official information.

Public Notice: Property owners are reminded of Village Code Chapter 205 restricting the use of gasoline powered leaf blowers from June 1 through September 30. Please refrain from using the blowers during this period and remind your gardeners as well.

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