Sunday, Oct 06th

dwiDWI: Just before 5 pm on Saturday 6-7 a Scarsdale mom was arrested for driving while intoxicated after she collided with a parked car while backing her 2012 GMC truck out of a space in the parking lot at the Scarsdale Pool. Police noticed her glassy eyes and the smell of alcohol on her breath and gave her an alcosensor test that showed she had a BAC of .19 -- more than twice the legal limit. She was identified as Alison Hasson, age 39, a veterinarian and a resident of Crane Road and was arrested for DWI and "unsafe backing of a vehicle". She was later released to her father. A witness at the pool said she had children in the car at the time of the accident and that the parked car that was hit belonged to an employee at the snack bar. Hasson was reportedly bringing the kids to the pool to meet their father.

Rock: At 11:15 pm on June 5, Leatherstocking Lane residents heard a loud bang in their home and went downstairs to investigate where they found that a rock had been thrown through a rear window of the house. Police noted that the rock may have been taken from an area around a tree near the broken window. The residents had no idea why someone would want to break their window.

Car Fire: At 4 am on Monday 6/9 a car fire occurred at a home on Crane Road. The residents were alerted to the fire by their barking dogs and the Scarsdale and Hartsdale Fire Departments, as well as Con Edison responded and found a 2007 Mini Cooper in flames.  The fire was extinguished and the residents got out safely. The cause of the fire is unknown as the car was extensively damaged.

Car Towed Under New Scofflaw Provision: A car, parked at an expired meter on Harwood Court that belonged to a scofflaw was towed away after noon on June 5. According to Lt. Thomas Altizio, this was the first vehicle towed under the Village's new Parking Scofflaw law that permits the Village to tow away cars with excessive unpaid parking tickets. The 2013 Infiniti was impounded and towed to an impound lot in Mamaroneck. At 4:15 pm the owner of the car contacted police and was referred to the Scarsdale Village Justice to pay his parking tickets and arrange for the car to be retrieved.

Fight: At 9 pm on June 3 police got a 911 call about a fight occurring on the top level of Freightway Garage. Police found a group of youths on level 4B of the garage who said they were doing a prank on a friend and yelling into the phone. No fight had taken place.

Stolen Wheels: A $1,500 Raleigh bicycle was stolen from the bike rack on East Parkway in Scarsdale Village on June 5. The owner, who lives on Richbell Road, locked the bike to the race on the morning of June 5. When he returned at 5:25 pm the bike and lock were gone.

IRS Scams: On June 4 a Gaylor Road woman reported that she received a call from someone claiming to be from the IRS who said that she owed back taxes of $5,898.32 from 2009, 2010 and 2011 and would be arrested and put in jail for five years. He advised her to pay today using a CVS Green Dot Card. When she said she did not know how to do this he told her to withdraw the money from her bank and to call him back for further instructions. He also asked her for her birthdate and social security number but she did not give it to him. She realized it was a fraudulent call and contacted the police. Two Post Road residents reported that they received similar calls, one on June 7 and the other on June 9.

Deer: An injured deer was spotted on Brewster Road near Scarsdale High School on the afternoon of June 2. By the time police arrived it was gone.

Wrong Driveway: On the morning of June 4 a Wakefield Road woman reported that someone had parked a blue Volvo in their driveway and left the keys in their mailbox. The car did not belong to them. Tulio Guzman of J.C. Auto Repair arrived and took the car away.

Missing Jewels: On 6/5 a Secor Road woman reported that jewelry was missing from her room as well as her daughter's room. Though their jewelry boxes were still there, jewelry was missing from inside the boxes. They did not know who might have entered the house.

A Berkwick Road woman reported that she lost a white gold bracelet with rubies from Tiffany's on the morning of 6/5. She made the report for insurance purposes.

Graffiti: On the afternoon of June 8, Police noticed graffiti painted on a tennis court at the Scarsdale Middle School.

Fixture: A smashed outdoor light fixture at a home on Morris Lane was reported on June 5.

Rummagers: At 10 pm on 6/5 a Rochambeau Road resident called police about two men who were going through the garbage at a construction site and appeared to be looking for materials. They said the same thing had occurred the previous night. Police conducted a ride by and at 11 pm that night they found a Bronx man looking through the garbage and interviewed him.

Police received a call on the afternoon of 6/7 about a backpack that was left on one of the park benches. The caller said a young man was rummaging through the pack. Police looked inside it and found a toddler-sized yellow sweater and a pink zip up fleeces from the Maritime Aquarium.

Fumes: At 4 pm on 6/7 a Richbell Road man called to complain that workmen on his neighbor's property were releasing noxious fumes in his direction. Police went to the house and found workmen using a tamper to condense the gravel driveway. They did not observe any noxious fumes. Police told the complainant to call the building department to see if permits were required to do the work.

Uninsured Driver: Jorge Cruz, age 31 of Yonkers was stopped by police on Weaver Street at 11 am June 8 when their scanners revealed he was driving a car with a suspended registration due to a lapse in insurance. The plates were removed from the car and it was towed to Cruz's repair shop in Yonkers. Cruz was given a summons.

scarsdalesecuritylogoThis police report is sponsored by Scarsdale Security who does more than just security. Contact them about remote video for your home or business. Call 914-722-2200 or visit their website.

bikerackStolen purse: A purse was removed from a car parked at the Girl Scout House on May 27 and later found on Wayside Lane and returned to the owner. The owner of the purse was coaching girls' lacrosse at the field at the Girl Scout House and left her purse in the car which was unlocked. She called police when she discovered it was stolen and while they were there the coach got a call on her cell from someone named Tracy who said she was on Wayside Lane with the purse. Tracy came to the parking lot and said she found the purse on the side of the road near Wayside Lane. Nothing was missing.

Stolen Bicycles:

A white Granville mountain bike, valued at $800 was stolen from the bike rack on East Parkway and Spencer Place sometime between May 22 and May 25. The owner, who lives on Drake Road, left the unique European bike locked to the rack on May 16 and did not get a chance to pick it up for several days. On May 22 the bike was still there but on May 25 it was gone.

A ten-speed bike and helmet that belonged to a Sprague Road boy were stolen from the library on the afternoon of June 1. The boy left the bike and the helmet near a tree outside the library at 12:40. They were not locked. When he returned at 2:30 pm the bike and "Mongoose" helmet were gone.


A Hampton Road woman reported that her outdoor central air conditioning breaker box was vandalized. The power lines to the unit were cut and two breakers for both condensers had been removed from the box. The damage was estimated at $50 and occurred sometime between May 21-27.


Police went to Scarsdale High School at 10:15 on Wednesday night May 28 when the custodian reported a big fight at the school. However when police arrived the custodian said that kids were congregating but no fight had occurred, but that the kids refused to leave the area. When police arrived, the kids moved on.

A neighbor on Murray Hill Road called about noisy construction at another house on the street at 8:48 am on May 29. Police did not feel that the noise caused by the construction was excessive and told the caller who said he would call the building department and ask them to measure the noise decibel.

Multiple noise complaints were made about a party on Shaw Road on Saturday night May 31. Police also received a complaint about noisy kids in Drake Park at 12:30 am on June 1 and asked the kids to leave the park.

Help: At 9am on May 29, Police got a call from a home health aide who takes care of a blind, diabetic man with a heart condition on Dunwoodie Street in Scarsdale. The aide was concerned because she was unable to reach the man. Police went to the home, entered it and found the man on the floor of his bedroom. He was conscious but said his blood sugar was low and that he had bronchitis. EMS workers arrived and transported the man to Lawrence Hospital.

Locked-in: A Carthage Road mom called police at 6 pm on 5/29 when her 18 month-old daughter got locked inside the bathroom. The Fire Department came to the house and was able to unlock the door. The girl was fine.

Biker hit: While riding her bike on East Parkway on the morning of May 31, a woman was struck by a gray car that was pulling out of a parking space. The driver of the car and the bike rider exchanged words – but when the driver realized the woman on the bike was not injured he drove away. The woman told police the license plate number but they were unable to find the driver.

scarsdalesecuritylogoThis police report is sponsored by Scarsdale Security who does more than just security. Contact them about remote video for your home or business. Call 914-722-2200 or visit their website.

Walter CollinsArrest: On 5/12 Walter Collins, age 60 of Mt. Vernon was arrested for identity theft after police discovered that he had deposited altered checks from the account of Bradford Road residents in his account. The checks had been stolen from the victim's mailbox. Collins was charged with Identity Theft 2nd Degree, Criminal Possession of Stolen Property 4th and Grand Larceny 4th Degree, all Class E Felonies.


Police arrested a Brooklyn man for drunk driving in the wee hours of the morning of May 18 after they saw his 2009 Nissan Maxima pulled over to the side of the Post Road at 3:30 am and saw a female passenger vomiting out of the car. The driver was identified as Jesus Santiago, age 31, of Brooklyn. He admitted to drinking three vodka and cranberry drinks at Elements in White Plains and subsequently failed sobriety tests and was found to have a BAC of .12. He was given summons for DWI and released on $100 bail. The passenger was identified as Sara Ross, age 20 of Tarrytown. She was taken to the White Plains ER for evaluation and treatment.

Lucas Calderon, age 19 of Heathcote Road was arrested for driving while intoxicated and unlawful possession of marijuana after he was stopped by police for crossing the yellow line into oncoming traffic at 11:45 pm on Saturday May 17. Police pulled Calderon over on Heathcote Road and noticed the smell of alcohol. Calderon could not initially provide his driver's license but found it in his wallet after being asked three times. Calderon told police he was driving home a friend home whom had too much to drink. Calderon stumbled and swayed when he exited the car, failed sobriety tests and was found to have BAC of .18%. He was arrested for DWI, driving to the left of the center line and for unlawful possession of marijuana. A search of his record indicated a previous arrest for drug related charges. He was taken to the hospital for evaluation and released to his father.

Identity Thefts:

A 50 year-old Weaver Street woman reported fraudulent activity on her HSBC checking account on May 14. Between May 12-14, eight fraudulent transactions were made on her account.

On May 18, a Walworth Avenue man reported that he lost $2,200 due to identify theft. Three unauthorized transactions resulted in the wiring of the funds to an unknown recipient at TD Bank.

Two cars parked in the driveway of a home on Stonehouse Road were entered overnight on 5/11 -5/12. The cars had been left unlocked and loose change was taken.

Death: Shirley Rejan, age 92 of Palmer Avenue passed away on May 18. The death was reported by her son.


A Sycamore Road woman reported that her 2.5 carat round cut diamond ring in a platinum band was missing from her home. The ring is valued at $30,000 and she last saw it in the master bathroom on April 30th. During that time workmen had been in the house.

An iPhone 5S was taken from a locker at the Scarsdale Middle School on May 12. A 13 year-old girl left the phone in the locker around 1:40 pm on 5/12 and when she returned at 2:30 the phone was gone. The locker was not locked.

An employee of Green with Envy on Harwood Court complained that a customer borrowed two necklaces on consignment from the store on 4-23 and failed to return them after repeated phone calls. The necklaces were valued at $579. Police contacted the customer who said that she planned to return them.

Accidents: A 3-car accident occurred on the Post Road on the morning of May 15 when one car, travelling north on the Post Road in the left lane attempted to change lanes and hit another northbound car. The second car was deflected into oncoming traffic and hit a third car travelling south on the Post Road. One driver complained of pain in the wrist but refused treatment.

Due to an estate sale on Morris Lane on Friday May 16, parked cars were lining both sides of the narrow street. A driver turned right from Heathcote Road onto Morris Lane and struck one of the parked cars as they were was so little space.


A lamppost at a home on Birchall Drive was damaged overnight on 5/16- 5/17. It appeared that someone had hit the lamppost with an object. The same incident had occurred previously.

Aspen Road residents reported that a rear storm window was broken and several items were missing from their yard on May 17. A few months ago another window on the side of the house was broken. The residents have had issues with their sister-in-law in the past.

Exterior lights, valued at $900, at a home on Morris Lane were also damaged sometime between 5-14 and 5-17. It appeared that the lights were struck with an object.

Traffic Violations:

Christine Andersen, age 46 of Tuckahoe was stopped on Weaver Street on 5/17 when their scanner revealed she was driving an uninsured card. The car was towed to the woman's home and she was issued a traffic summons for driving with a suspended registration.

Jane Billet-Morgan, age 52 of White Plains was issued summons for speeding and driving with a suspended registration on the Post Road at 7 pm on May 18. Police stopped her for speeding and then found that the registration was suspended for parking violations. Billet-Morgan was issued traffic summons and the car was towed.

Dispute: On May 15, An Aspen Road man asked police to escort him to his house so that he could change the locks. He believed his ex-wife may have been at the house.

Cat: A cat was run over on Popham Road around noon on May 18th. The cat died and police called the sanitation department to handle the remains.

scarsdalesecuritylogoThis police report is sponsored by Scarsdale Security who does more than just security. Contact them about remote video for your home or business. Call 914-722-2200 or visit their website.

James PerronJames D. Perron, age 48 of Tinmouth, Vermont, was arrested for Grand Larceny for the theft of more than $50,000 from two Fox Meadow residents ages 80 and 93. Perron worked as a handyman and general contractor in Scarsdale and met the elderly couple when he did work for them. He turned himself over to police on May 21 in response to a felony arrest warrant and was brought before Judge Galloway who served an order of protection for the victims and sent Perron to the Westchester County Jail pending a court hearing on May 28.On May 28 Perron was arraigned before Scarsdale Justice John Galloway who sent the case to the Westchester County Superior Court for review before a Grand Jury. Perron has a prior record and retained his own attorney.

According to a Vermont newspaper, in 1989 Perron was convicted for rape and attempted-murder. The decision was overturned in 2001 and in 2002 he pleaded guilty to attempted murder in connection with the 14-year-old case. Perron's plea in 2002 was the second time he was convicted in the case, in which he choked and sexually assaulted a woman in a wooded area behind a bar in Hampton, Vermont in 1988. A jury found him guilty of attempted murder, rape and sodomy charges in 1989.

But the conviction was overturned in 2001 after he had served more than 13 years of a 25- to 50-year prison term. A mid-level appeals court found his lawyer inadequately represented him in 1989 because he claimed she did not tell him of a plea bargain offer.

Perron was re-indicted in April 2002 and the case was scheduled for trial on June 14, 2002. Instead of going to trial, Perron opted to plead guilty in a deal that made him eligible for parole immediately, but that also could keep him in prison another 10 years. In pleading guilty to attempted second-degree murder, Perron admitted choking the 21-year-old Rutland, Vermont woman behind a former Country Pleasure bar on Nov. 6, 1988. Police said the victim was left unconscious behind the bar after she was sexually assaulted. She managed to wake up and stumble into the bar for help. Perron had claimed the two only had consensual sex that night.

"This is the first time he's admitted he did anything wrong," said District Attorney Keven Kortright

Scam: A Tisdale Road woman has received several threats via phone by someone claiming to be Officer John Hudson from the IRS. Hudson told the woman that she must pay $3,596 or he would have her arrested by the Scarsdale Police. He asked her to send cash or to wire the money from CVS or Rite Aid. Though she assumed the calls were fraudulent, when she called back the phone number the call went to the Scarsdale PBA answering machine. When police called back the number the "agent" said he would send a fax to arrest the woman if she did not pay up. Police informed the woman that these were crank calls.

Identity Thefts:

A Gatehouse Road woman reported that someone had opened a "Bill Me Later" Paypal account in her name and made two purchases on the account on The woman reported the incident on May 20, 2014.

Three checks valued at $295 were stolen from a mailbox on Crawford Lane in Scarsdale on May 16th. The resident had placed the checks in the mailbox for pick-up by the mail carrier – but the checks were intercepted by someone else before the mail carrier arrived.

Someone used the personal information of a Woods Lane man to access his Chase Bank account online and to request a change in password and mailing address on 5/24. The bank advised the account owner that he needed to file a police report before they would release any further information.

The CFO of Zachys Wine and Liquor in Scarsdale reported that seven fraudulent checks, valued at more than $3,000, were written against their account between May 13 and May 23. The fraudulent checks appear to be connected to a scheme on Craigslist.


An 87 year-old woman who suffers from dementia and speaks only Mandarin was found wandering on Palmer Avenue on the morning of 5/23. A jogger noticed the woman who was walking in traffic. Police arrived and were unable to communicate with the woman. They found someone who spoke Mandarin and volunteered to translate but she was unable to find out where the elderly woman lived. Police brought the woman to police headquarters and began to file a missing person's report when the woman's granddaughter, who lives on Palmer Avenue called police to say that her grandmother was missing. Police brought the woman home.

An iPad mini and a zip drive, valued at $400 were stolen from Scarsdale Synagogue on May 23rd. Employees of the temple reported that a young man stopped by and asked to use the bathroom and then sat down on a sofa near the office. An employee of the synagogue was keeping his eye on the equipment but got called into the office. When he returned, both the young man and the iPad were gone. Surveillance video shows the suspect entering the building and leaving with the iPad in his hand.

A Walworth Avenue man reported that he lost his iPhone 4S while taking the train home from NYC around midnight on May 21. Though the find my phone app showed the phone was in White Plains, police went to the address shown but the people at the house said they did not have the phone.

A silver Gary Fischer bike, valued at $600 was stolen from the bicycle rack on East Parkway at Christie Place on Friday morning 5/24. The owner locked the bike to the rack at 8 am and it was gone when he returned at noon.

A housekeeper at a home on Hickory Lane reported that $300 was removed from a dresser drawer in her bedroom sometime between March 27 and April 1.


A Sign for "Honey Do Men Gutters and Roofing" was found posted on the Post Road on May 24. The sign was removed and the company was given a summons.

A lost dog was found on Brewster Road, near Farley Road at 10:30 am on May 19. The dog was turned over to police and send to the New Rochelle Humane Society. The dog had a collar but not tags.


On 5/23, Adam Umanoff, age 27 of Ossining was stopped by police for driving with a suspended registration due to parking violations. The plates were removed from his car and it was towed.


Police were called about an agitated woman having an argument on the phone at the Scarsdale Train Station on Depot Place. The woman said she had a fast heart rate and had a panic attack earlier in the day. Police spoke to her social worker who said the woman was not a danger to herself. She refused medical treatment.

scarsdalesecuritylogoThis police report is sponsored by Scarsdale Security who does more than just security. Contact them about remote video for your home or business. Call 914-722-2200 or visit their website.

hackerHacked: A 72 year-old Carman Road man was the victim of hackers this week or gained remote access to his computer, tampered with it and installed software that prevented him from using it. The man received a phone call at noon on May 6 from someone with an Indian accent who said that the Scarsdale man was using an outdated version of Windows that was not secure. He lead him through a series of steps that gave the Indian caller remote access to the Scarsdale man's computer. The caller then asked the Scarsdale man for his credit card number to "renew his computer license. At this point the Scarsdale man realized he was being hacked and refused to supply his credit card number. The caller became irate and told him to watch his computer screen. As he said that, icons began to disappear from his screen. The Scarsdale man disconnected his computer from the power source and when he went back on later on, a screen came up asking for a password to access the computer – which he did not have.

Duped: A Cooper Road couple got a called from someone posing as an IRS agent who claimed that they owed $2,500 in taxes from 2010 and said if they failed to pay the debt they would be arrested within 20 minutes. The caller instructed the Scarsdale man to go to Rite Aid on Central Avenue and load a Green Dot Card with the money. After doing so, the Scarsdale man read the caller the code on the card to transfer the funds. When he paid the first $2,500 the caller said he now had to settle his 2009 debt. The Scarsdale man refused and hung up. He then got another call from someone named Paul Lamore who said he was the Scarsdale Chief of Police and that the Scarsdale man would be arrested within 20 minutes unless he paid off the 2009 debt. The Scarsdale man refused and hung up.

Almost Robbed: Police responded to a burglar alarm at a home on Madison Road on May 9 at 9:50 pm and found that the rear patio door had been knocked off its track – and also found pry marks and damage to the door. Police entered the house and found it in good order. They contacted the homeowner who was away and checked several spots in the house and found that nothing had been taken.

Explosion at St. Andrews Condominiums: A large explosion rocked a condominium complex at St. Andrews on Jackson Avenue in Greenburgh on Wednesday morning May 14. Police and firefighters first responded to a call about a fire and an elderly woman who was possibly trapped in an elevator. The Hastings and Ardsley Fire Departments responded and found the woman on the second floor of her townhouse. As firemen were escorting the woman out of the building there was a large explosion in the unit. The woman and one of the Emergency Workers were treated for smoke inhalation and all of the neighboring units were evacuated. Con Edison shut off the gas and electric to surrounding condominiums.

Missing: A Church Lane woman reported that her yellow gold engagement ring with a princess cut center diamond, valued at $5,000 and her wedding band were missing from her bedroom dresser. She placed both there on May 5 and when she went to retrieve them on May 7 both were gone.

A Herkimer Road man reported that several items, that he had last seen in September 2013 were missing from his home. A men's Breitling watch, valued at $6,000, silver coins valued at $1,000 and 100 $2 bills were gone. The man reported that he has had workmen and housekeepers in the house.

Identity Thefts: A Woods Lane woman reported that her HSBC credit card had been compromised and several transactions were made on it on April 20th. The last time she used the card she was in a taxi in Manhattan and believes she may have dropped it in the taxi or nearby.

Chesterfield Road residents got a call from Chase on 5-9 advising them that their password and email address had been changed on their account. They learned that someone had withdrawn $2,000 via Quick Pay. Chase did not hold them liable for the funds.

A 21-year-old Bell Road man reported being harassed by someone from Mt. Vernon who was making threatening calls and sending threatening text messages on May 8. The Mt. Vernon man said, "Don't let me catch you out of your house cause if I catch you anywhere I'm ganna fuck you up and this time I'm serious." Police contacted the number of the person making the threats and spoke to a man who denied placing the calls. Police asked the person on the phone to a deliver a message to the person who was placing the threatening calls.

A company called Mosquito Joe from New Rochelle posted signs around Scarsdale on May 9. The signs were removed and the company was given a summons for posting unauthorized signs.

A River Road woman told police that a tree limb from a Village-owned tree fell on her car on the night of May 10 and damaged her card. Police found that a large branch had broken the car's windshield.

Car Break-ins: There were car break-ins at three homes in Fox Meadow overnight on 5/11 – 5/12.

Two cars parked in a driveway on Fox Meadow Road were entered overnight on 5/11 – 5/12, and a driver's license and credit card was stolen. A 2011 Jeep Grand Cherokee was left unlocked in the driveway and the glove box was entered. A spare key for the family's 2013 Audi A6 was in the glove box of the Jeep and it appeared that the suspects used the key to get into the Audi which was rummaged. Fraudulent charges were made on the stolen credit card at Pathmark in the Bronx and on Metro North. The card was then put on hold.

Also that night, three cars parked in another Fox Meadow Road driveway ere entered. A Toyota Camry, a Toyota Sienna and Subaru were entered, and $40 in change and a Garmin GPS were taken. The resident said that sometime between 1 and 2 am he heard his car being unlocked.

Tired: Police got a call from Scarsdale High School on the morning of 5/6 when a man was found lying down near the Post Road exit at the top of the stairs. Police spoke to the man who identified himself as James Lance Mcardell. Mcardell said he got tired while walking to the train and took a break on the steps. He said he did not need medical assistance.

Drunk: Police received a report of an intoxicated man on ox Meadow Road at 2:28 am on May 8. Police found the man who explained that a cab had dropped him at the wrong address and he was walking home.

Lost: Police were given a check that was dropped near Greenacres School on May 6. They contacted the PTA Treasurer who said that she had written the check. She came to police headquarters to pick it up.

Road Rage: A Walworth Avenue woman reported that the driver of a gold convertible sedan had tailgated her card and then driven slowly in front of her, not allowing to pass on May 9. The driver also followed her home. She spotted the car later on and provided police with the license plate number and police made an unsuccessful attempt to contact the owner of the car.

Pipes: A Mamaroneck Road man complained that his neighbors installed two drainage pipes in his rear yard that drain onto his property. Police advised the man to follow up with the Village Building Department.

This police report is sponsored by Scarsdale Security who does more than just security. Contact them about remote video for your home or business. Call 914-722-2200 or visit their website.
