Saturday, Oct 05th

policeshieldProwler: A Colonial Road was awakened by a loud bang outside his house at 5:30 am on September 7th. He looked outside and saw a man running from the back of the house and then saw the man get into his car and drive fast toward Mamaroneck Road. The resident was not able to provide a description of the suspect of the car.

Up on the Roof of Edgewood School: Police got a report at 6 pm on 9/5 that kids were atop the Edgewood School, but when police arrived, the kids were gone.

Identity Theft: A Heathcote Road woman reported the $3,854 in fraudulent withdrawals were made from her checking account between May 23-September 6, 2011. There were 19 withdrawals in all.

More flooding: At 8 pm on September 6, Weaver Street between Crossway and Stratton Road was closed due to flooding. That same night, the Brewster Road entrance to Scarsdale High School was also closed with the stream overflowed and Greendale Road was taped off that night due to excess water. At 8 am on 9/10, there was a broken water main at 10 Walworth Avenue.

Fights: Police were called on the morning of 9/11 to mediate a dispute between a home health care aide and the man she cares for on Mamaroneck Road in Scarsdale. Social Services said that the man was required to have 24-hour care, though there was no court order mandating it. The 86 year-old man at the house wanted the home health care worker to leave the premises. Police called the man’s nephew and asked him to find a new health care aide and police stayed at the house while the aid removed her personal belongings from the house and returned the key.

An Oak Lane woman called police when a black Infiniti was parked in her driveway at 6:55 pm on 9/8. She said she had approached the driver who became irate and told her to call the police. When police arrived the man had pulled the car out of the driveway and was parked at the side of the road with the hazard lights on. Police spoke to the driver who was initially argumentative and denied parking in the woman’s driveway. However, the driver said he was fine and was having a phone conversation.

Police were called to Starbucks in Scarsdale Village at 8:30 pm on 9/8 when a man was taking photos of two Starbucks employees with his cell phone and became belligerent when the employees said the store was closing. The man had left the store before police arrived.

Locked In: At 10:35 am on Sunday 9/11, a woman got stuck inside the ATM room at the Chase Bank on Palmer Avenue. By the time police arrived, she had gotten out. On Walworth Avenue, two children and an adult got locked in a bedroom on the morning of 9/9. Police were able to open the door.

Threatening Text: An 18 year-old Bell Road boy reported that a former friend sent him a threatening text message on September 7. The text message said, “I’m telling you now you can tell the cops your getting an ass beaten when I get home idc anymore.” He received the message after he met a mutual friend outside the texter’s girlfriend’s house. Police called the man who sent the text and told his stepfather to instruct him stop texting or calling the Scarsdale boy.

Missing Manhole: On the morning of 9/8 a Fenimore Road man damaged the rear right tire of his car when he drove over a manhole that was missing its cover at the intersection of Brite Avenue and Chesterfield Road. The manhole had been dislodged by heavy water runoff.

Deep Water: At 6:18 am on 9/8, a caller reported that his gray Audi was stuck at the intersection of Popham Road and Scarsdale Avenue and filling up with water. He was able to move the car out of the water and called a tow truck.

Lawn Damage: While backing out of the driveway at 156 Rock Creek Lane at 7 pm on 9/8, a Bronx woman reversed onto the lawn of 259 Rock Creek Lane, then drove forward across the lawn of 156 Rock Creek Lane and then traversed the lawn of 159 Rock Creek Lane.

Parties! At 11:35 pm on 9/5 police investigated a noisy pool party on Hickory Lane. Kids agreed that it was time to call it a night. On Saturday night September 10th, police broke up a small party on Harvest Drive and responded to a noise complaint on White Road. At 11 pm, police went to Normandy Lane and asked the homeowner to turn down the music. The DJ turned it off and the party ended.

Missing: A bicycle was reported stolen from a storage unit at the Chateaux Apartments on September 7th.

Animals: A coyote was reported on Rock Creek Lane at 3:08 pm on September 8th.


diamondnecklaceThefts: On 8/29 a Circle Road woman reported that two diamond necklaces and an unopened bottle of Vodka were missing from her master bedroom. She had last seen the jewelry, valued at $32,000 about a month ago. Other jewelry that was stored in her bedroom was still there. There were no signs that anyone had broken into the house.

A Tompkins Road man reported that a bike had been stolen out of his garage on August 30th.

Vandals: Montrose Road residents reported that a window located on the left side of their front door was broken on 8/31. It appeared that a small object was thrown at the window.

Greenacres Avenue residents found that someone had thrown “smelly liquid” on their front door on September 1st.

On the afternoon of 8/29 police were called about a man who was acting strangely and speaking to himself around the Scarsdale High School tennis courts. Though the man had driven away, the caller had noted his license plate number. Police traced the license plate number and found they belonged to a New Rochelle man. However, they did not find him in the area.

Underage Drinkers: Police encountered a two drunk 19 year-olds on Nelson Road in Scarsdale at 2:43 am on 9/1. Since they were underage, police notified one of the youths’ parents and told them to monitor their son for the rest of the night. No alcoholic beverages were found.

Arrest: Salvatore Carpanzano, age 52 of Atlantic Highlands, NJ, turned himself in to Scarsdale Police on August 30th in response to an outstanding bench warrant. He was given a court date for the following day and released on $500 bail.

Lost Dog: A Brewster Road woman found a dog on her street on 8/29 and brought it to the police station. Police were able to identify the owners who came in to claim the dog and were also given a summons.

Missing Person: Luis Valencia of New Rochelle reported his 21 year-old wife Yolanda Valerio missing at 2:36 am on September 4. She was last heard from at midnight on 9/4 when she was at the corner of Palmer Avenue and Secor Road. Police contacted several area hospitals but were unable to find her. At 3:05 am police advised Mr. Valencia to file a missing persons report with the New Rochelle Police Department.

A Heathcote man turned in a Berretta handgun to the police for safekeeping on August 29th.

A Stratton Road man asked police to stand by while he retrieved some personal items from his home on August 31.

Greenburgh Police Report:

Break-in: A Fort Hill Road home was entered on the morning of 9/2 while the resident was at work. Her 16 year-old son noticed that the door was open and found a ripped screen on the ground and an open window. $100 in jewelry was taken, and a friend of the son noticed a red/purple mini vanpulling into the driveway.

Private eye: Police got a call about a suspicious man in a white Mercedes parked at Warnke and Andrea Lanes in Edgemont on the afternoon of Monday 8/29. When they questioned the suspect they found out he was a private investigator who was doing surveillance on an adult in the park.

Hit and run: Someone driving a red van hit a car driven by a Yonkers woman in the Midway Parking lot on Central Avenue on the afternoon of August 30th. The driver of the van fled the scene.

A Central Avenue woman reported that a shopping car hit and damaged her car while it was parked in the lot at 668 South Central Avenue on the afternoon of 8/31.

A Bronx woman, who was shopping at Amazing Savings on Central Avenue on the afternoon of August 30th had her purse stolen from the shopping cart.

Muddy water: A construction crew at 656 Ardsley Road was reported for pumping muddy water onto the street and into the Sprain Brook on the morning of September 1. When police arrived, the Project Manager said that he was waiting for Con Edison and Verizon to arrive to move equipment so that he could connect to a catch basin. Since Con Edison and Verizon were behind schedule he was forced to empty the water into the street.

Messy taxi: At 4:22 am on Sunday September 4th, police were called to resolve a dispute between a taxi driver and a passenger. The driver and passenger had agreed on the fare for a trip from White Plains to Yonkers, but during the ride the passenger vomited in the car. The driver then told him he would have to pay more to have the taxi cleaned. A fight ensued and both parties claimed that the other person got physical, though no one was injured. However the handle on the door was damaged during the fight. The two came to an agreement when police intervened.



hurricaneThis just in at 10 pm on Saturday night from Mayor Miriam Flisser: The National Weather Service, the Village of Scarsdale and Westchester County are closely following the track of the Hurricane Irene. The latest weather information predicts that the most intense storm activity occurring in Scarsdale during the early morning and afternoon hours tomorrow. As tropical storm winds and flood conditions from excessive rain are predicted, Mayor Flisser has declared a State of Emergency in the Village. The declaration requires that all motorists cease from driving or parking their vehicles on Village streets.

Village Fire, Police and Public Works Departments are fully staffed at this time and prepared to handle all Village-wide storm related issues. An Emergency Operations Center (EOC) has been established to centrally coordinate all storm related operations. Residents can contact Village personnel at the EOC to report all storm related issues by calling the official “Storm Hotline” number at 722-1150. The hotline will be activated 24/7 to take calls for non-emergency, storm-related issues. During severe weather, this number should be used to report the following conditions:

  • Flooding – streets, homes
  • Downed trees
  • Debris blocking Village streets
  • Power outages (should also be reported to Con Edison at 1-800-75-CONED (1-800-752-6633)

Emergency Shelter

The Quaker Ridge Elementary School gymnasium located at 125 Weaver Street has been established as the Village’s Emergency Temporary Shelter. The shelter is currently open to serve residents displaced from their residence due to the storm. The shelter is equipped with cots, blankets, pillows and water. Residents may bring their own dry food supplies and any other items they wish.



brp8-11dScarsdale appears to have escaped  major damage from Hurricane Irene though on Sunday morning Mayor Flisser reported that 150 homes in town are without power, several roads are blocked due to fallen trees and there is sanitary sewer discharges from the storm water inflow. The Post Road (Route 22) is clear and passable.  Driving restrictions which were imposed on Saturday night in Scarsdale were lifted at 1:15 pm on Sunday.

The Con Edison outage map shows that 179 customers out of 6,025 served in Scarsdale are out. Con Edison reports outages along Drake Road, in Edgewood and Crane Berkeley – however power is expected to be restored by 11 am this morning.

The Bronx River is at dramatic levels and Bruce Wells of Scarsdale and others sent in the photos below. The Metro North Train tracks are also underwater, train service is suspended and from the depth of the water it does not appear that trains will be coming through anytime soon. Ducks were swimming the parking lot of the Hartsdale Station, with water at least two feet deep. With Metro North shut down, and the Bronx River and Hutchinson River Parkways closed at Scarsdale due to flooding, it is doubtful that commuters will be able to get to work in Manhattan on Monday.

Residents report flooding in Heathcote on Cayuga Road and the Mehta family sent in this photo of a downed tree in the pond at 10 Leatherstocking.

Train Tracks at Hartsdale Station are Under Water
George Field, Eton Road and Fairview Road flooded as well and photos below were provided by Alan Lowenfels.

In Greenburgh, Paul Feiner has sent out status emails on Sunday morning. Included on the list of road closures due to flooding is the intersection of West Hartsdale Avenue and South Central Avenue and Ardsley Road at Fort Hill Road. The email sent out Sunday morning shows that 1,500 Greenburgh customers are without power.

You can view the Con Edison map here and also find out when power will be restored at your location:

If you’re reading this update, let us how you are doing in the comments section below. Please be sure to include your location. If you have photos that you want to share, please email them to

Bronx River Parkway is Closed at Fenimore Road


Bronx River Looks Like The Mighty Mississippi











See the storm photo gallery below:

start stop bwd fwd



metronorthIf you’ve ever cautioned your teens not to take the last train home from Grand Central at night, have them read this story. A group of Scarsdale boys, ages 19 through 21 were at Grand Central Station in the early hours of August 19th planning to board the last train to Scarsdale at 1:56 am. While waiting for the train, they encountered another group of boys who seemed to be angling for a fight. One of the Scarsdale boys bumped a gang member and that started a verbal argument between the two groups.

They all got onto the train where the verbal sparring continued. When the train pulled into Scarsdale at 2:37 am, two of the Scarsdale boys exited the train there. They proceeded up the stairs and were crossing East Parkway near Chase Bank when they heard screams and found that two of the gang members were running toward them. The gang members beat up one of the boys and his friend intervened and was hit several times himself. According to one of the victims, it appeared that the gang might have called additional friends to meet them at the Scarsdale station.

Police were called at 2:43 am and some other Scarsdale young men saw the fight and got involved. When police arrived they found that four Scarsdale youths had been injured, primarily bruised in the face from being punched.

Three witnesses who were also on the train said that someone named “Eddie” had orchestrated the fight by making phone calls while he was still on the baseball_battrain. The four to seven additional gang members who appeared on East Parkway carried bats, a broomstick and a tire iron, which they used to attack the victims. All the gang members were described as being in their late teens or early twenties. Though the victim who spoke to Scarsdale10583 said he did not know the attackers, the police report indicates that the suspects were familiar to the victims.

The injured boys refused medical attention. Police found two bats, a broomstick-like object and a tire iron. One of the bats, found under the stair on the Depot Place side of the station had a name written on it and was stained with blood. It is believed that the suspects dropped these items as they fled.

Though police were not able to find the suspects that night, they will be reviewing MTA videotapes to look for the suspects.

Note: The information for the report above was compiled from an interview with one of the victims, a discussion with a representative from the Scarsdale Police Department and the official report filed by the Scarsdale Police.  If you were there and have a conflicting report on what occured, or would like to share your interpretation of the events, please do so in the comments section below or email

Arrests: Police were called to Hampton Road on the afternoon of 8/19 about three men who were handing out materials and taking pictures of houses. The men did not have a permit and police asked them each for their driver’s license. When they scanned the licenses, they found that there was an outstanding warrant in Port Jervis for one of the men. Ben McCline of the Bronx was wanted by the Port Jervis Police for criminal mischief. He was taken into custody and picked up by the Port Jervis police.

At 7:42 am on 8/18, police stopped Henry Aguilar of Yonkers on Garth Road because the commercial truck he was driving did not have a rear license plate. A DMV check of the car’s VIN number and the driver’s license revealed that the plate was suspended and the driver’s license was suspended as well. The vehicle was towed and the driver was issued multiple summonses.

Runaway Car: A Claremont Road woman parked her car in her driveway on the afternoon of August 19th. However she left the car in neutral and failed to engage the parking brake. After she got out of the car, it rolled in reverse down her driveway, across the street and into the neighbor’s shrubs and house. It came to a stop next to the neighbor’s home, damaging the house and the shrubs.

Car break-in at Scarsdale Pool: A car belonging to a swim instructor at the Scarsdale Pool was vandalized while she was giving swimming lessons on the afternoon of August 16th. The passenger side window was broken and a black handbag was stolen.

On the afternoon of the 17th, two men posed as Scarsdale Police Officers to get access to the pool. They approached the attendant, flashed what appeared to be police badges and said they wanted to use the pool. The attendant looked at their driver’s licenses and let them go in. When the pool manager returned she confronted the two men and recognized one of them. They quickly left the pool and were gone before police arrived.

An iPod Touch and $25 in coins were taken out of an unlocked car parked on Paddington Road overnight on 8/17 – 8/18.

Dispute: Police were called to a Coralyn Road home on 8/19 to resolve a dispute between a divorced couple. The husband had arrived to take his daughter on a 2-week vacation but the couple was arguing about when the vacation should begin. When police arrived, the mother allowed the girl to leave with her father.

Birchall Road residents called police on 8/16 when they found an unknown car parked in their driveway. Turns out the car belonged to a building inspector for the Village of Scarsdale who was there to do an inspection.

Graffiti: On August 18, a patrolman noticed that a Village speed limit sign on Cushman Road had been defaced with black spray paint. Instead of saying, “Village Speed Limit 30, someone had used spray paint to fill in the number “3” so the sign read “Village Speed Limit 80.”

Bradford Road residents reported that someone had damaged their mailbox on the night of 8/17. The mailbox was dented and knocked over.

On 8/19 a contractor who is working at the house at 1 Duck Pond Road came to police to report that he received a threatening text message from one of his sub-contractors. The subcontractor warned the man that he better be at the site on Saturday to allow his equipment to be picked up. He threatened that if he wasn’t paid “it will cost you millions.”

Missing Girl: Greenburgh Police requested help from the Scarsdale Police in finding a missing 19 year-old girl at 2:18 am on 8/19. The girl was believed to be with a 25 year-old Scarsdale resident and police went to his house and asked the man’s family to locate him. They were unable to find him. Police were called to respond to the gang fight downtown at the same time so they gave up the hunt for the missing girl.

Missing Bike: On 8/21, a Chateaux Circle man reported that his bicycle, valued at $250, had been stolen from his basement storage unit.