Sunday, Jul 07th

burglarBurglars continued to prey on Scarsdale this week: Another home in the Grange was burglarized after midnight on November 12th. The residents were away, and their adult daughter reported the incident the following day. Suspects broke a glass panel of a rear door with a brick or a foot and entered the Park Road home. They went upstairs to the master bedroom, rifled the drawers and forced open a locked master bedroom closet door, either by kicking it or using a shoulder to dislodge it. The door and the doorframe were broken.

Inside the closet they went through drawers and jewelry boxes and stole the majority of the contents. The exited the house through the same door they had entered, leaving the door ajar. The residents will compile a list of the missing items for the report.

Car break-ins: During the night of 11/8-11/9 car thieves went on a spree, breaking car windows and stealing whatever they could find.

The following incidents were reported:

  • On Cushman Road, the passenger side window of a 2007 Toyota was vandalized. Though nothing was stolen, a canvas bag with papers inside was found near the edge of the property. At another Cushman Road home, the passenger side window of a 2010 Volkswagen was broken and $20 and an iPod were taken.
  • On Fairview Road the passenger side window of a 2002 Ford Explorer was broken and a Louis Vuitton handbag containing a wallet, eyeglasses, contact lenses, credit cards and identification cards were stolen.
  • On Mamaroneck Road, the passenger side window of a 2001 Lexus was broken and a navigation system and sunglasses were taken.
  • On Sheldrake Road, two cars were hit at one address– a Jeep Wrangler and a 2004 Toyota 4-Runner. Though the Jeep was not damaged the owner believes property was taken from it. The 4-runner had a broken driver’s side window, and a Garmin nav and $60 in cash were missing. At another Sheldrake Road home a small window of a 1995 Toyota Landcruiser was broken, though nothing was taken.

Residents are advised to keep their cars in the garage and to remove all belongings from cars left outside overnight.

Thefts: A Fox Meadow Road man reported that an envelope containing $12,500 was stolen from his safe deposit box at the Chase Bank on East Parkway in Scarsdale. He discovered the missing funds on November 4th and nothing else was missing from the box. He inspected the signature card on file at the bank and found that no unauthorized people had accessed the box.

On 11/10, a Wayside Lane woman left her sunglasses in the bathroom at Fenway Golf Club. When she went back to get them, they were gone. Also at Fenway Golf Club, police were called when a drunk disorderly man was disruptive at 10 pm on Saturday night 11/13.

Accidents: Boy Hit By Car: On Saturday afternoon November 13, a 17 year-old New Rochelle boy was crossing Weaver Street when he was hit by a car driven by a Weaver Street resident. The driver had a green light and was turning left off Stratton Road onto Weaver Street when he struck the boy who was crossing Weaver Street to Stratton Road. SVAC was called, but the extent of the boy’s injuries was not reported.

A Rectory Lane man was parked in the Shell Gas Station on Scarsdale Avenue with his two children in the car on Monday afternoon 11/8 when his car was hit by another car entering the gas station. The second car was driven by an 86 year-old Scarsdale woman who says that her brakes failed to work. The woman complained of chest pain but refused to be taken to the hospital. The man and two children in the other car were taken to White Plains hospital for treatment.

A Mahopac man called police at 4:46 pm on 11/8 when his front and rear driver’s side tires were damaged when the car hit a median near Dunkin Donuts on Weaver Street. He reported that a white Honda passed him on the right and forced his car into the median, causing two flat tires. However when police spoke to several construction workers who had witnessed the incident, the witnesses said they had seen the man hit the median but no other cars were nearby. They pointed out that the road was too narrow to accommodate two cars and the driver’s account of the story was not possible.

Fight: A Bell Road man reported that he was shoved and slapped by a friend who was visiting him on the night of November 13th. He did not wish the police to pursue the matter but wanted to file a report.

Smoke: Police and Firemen responded to a smoke alarm activated at Scarsdale Hardware Store at 9 pm on 11/12. Faulty electrical equipment was causing the smoke and the storeowners were notified.

Animals: A Greenacres resident found a lost brown and white spaniel on Post Road on the afternoon of 11/8. Police took the dog to headquarters and the New Rochelle Humane Society picked it up.

Another lost dog found on Cushman Road on 11/14 was returned to its owner.

Coyotes: Two coyotes were reported to be fighting on the lawn of a home on Boulevard at 11:45 pm on 11/8. They were gone by the time police arrived.

Another coyote was reported at Westchester Reform Temple on the morning of 11/10.

Flying Onions and a Baseball Bat: From the Greenburgh Police

Shtjefn Saljanin of Tuckahoe was driving his 2010 Toyota on Fort Hill Road around noon on 11/9, when his car was stopped by a Bronx man who blocked both sides of Fort Hill Road with his car, preventing Saljanin from proceeding. To get away, Saljanin reversed into an open street and Fabian Rigan, age 28 of the Bronx got out of his car with a baseball bat and struck Saljanin’s car, damaging the driver side front and rear doors. Rigan claimed he hit Saljanin’s car because Saljanin had cut him off earlier.

Harrassed: A woman who lives in an apartment on Sentry Place in Edgemont came to the police on 11/10 to complain that she of harassment from her neighbor. She found her neighbor standing with his ear pressed to her front door in the middle of the night and when she asked him what he was doing he said, he “hears everything she does, and she is the reason he is unable to sell his apartment.” At another time he banged on her door to complain he could hear her daughter speaking on the phone. Recently, the neighbor rented his apartment to a friend who has been stalking and harassing her by constantly opening his door as she walks down the steps. The woman feels unsafe in her home.

Shoplifter: Karen Andria Henry, age 36 of White Plains was caught stealing a wallet and a handbag at Marshalls by the Marshalls security officer on the afternoon of 11/11. When police arrived they also found stolen items from CVS in her bag. The merchandise was returned to CVS and Henry was taken to headquarters for booking.

Neither store security or the police could stop a man who walked into Best Buy at 10 pm on 11/9 and left with two Canon cameras concealed under his jacket. He fled in a silver Ford Taurus and police were unable to locate the car.

Break-in: There was an attempted entry of a home on Shaw Place in Hartsdale on the afternoon of 11/12. The mailman found the front door of the house open and saw two men sitting in an old car with tinted windows in front of the house. When police arrived they found that basement windows and the dryer vent had been removed. When the resident arrived she confirmed that the windows were removed but everything else was in place.

Missing: A Central Avenue woman reported that her wedding band, two rings and a gold watch, valued at $3,450 were missing from her apartment, on 11/13. She believes that the jewelry was stolen when she left the apartment briefly to walk her dog.

Flying Onions: During the night of 11/14, an unknown item was thrown through the front window of a home on Inwood Road in Scarsdale. The item created a 3 inch hole and broke a lamp. An onion skin was found on the far side of the living room. A neighbor reported hearing a loud bang at 5:30 am.





maskedmanThis just in from the Scarsdale Police: at 2:10 in the afternoon on Thursday November 11, a masked gunman entered a home at 315 Heathcote Road in Scarsdale. Since there were no signs of a forced entry, police believe the perpetrator or perpetrators came in through an unlocked door.

On the second floor of the house, the gunman encountered a 41 year-old housekeeper, forced her to the ground and bound her hands behind her back with duct tape. They taped her ankles together, partially covered her mouth with tape and pushed her into a second floor bathroom. After the intruder left the house, the woman was able to loosen the tape and free herself. She reached for her cell phone and called the homeowners who called the police. Though the victim was not hurt she was extremely distraught. 

The second and third floors of the home were heavily tossed but nothing has been reported missing. From the report, Scarsdale detectives believe that the house was targeted, as most burglars prefer not to encounter people and flee if residents are home. This does not appear to be a standard home burglary nor is it believed to be connected with the other home burglaries that have recently occurrred in town.315Heathcote

Todd Wolleman, a neighbor said, “It’s very disturbing that this type of incident would happen in Scarsdale. This is highly unusual – we’re not used to this type of thing happening in broad daylight. It’s too early to jump to any conclusions about what happened so I will reserve judgment until I learn more.”

Police are asking neighbors to report any suspicious activity in the area and hope that anyone who saw anyone near the house on Thursday afternoon will call 722-1200. The Westchester County Police came to the scene to assist in locating the physical evidence and Scarsdale Police distributed flyers in the vicinity of the home asking for information.


Cohen2It looks like we may not know the winner of the race for the 37th District State Senate seat until after Thanksgiving. As of this morning, 80,328 votes have been counted and incumbent Senator Suzi Oppenheimer leads challenger Bob Cohen by just 466 votes.

However, two districts remain uncounted as well as a reported 7,000 absentee, military, emergency and affidavit ballots.

According to an email from the Cohen campaign, a judge has “set the schedule” for the counting of the remaining ballots. The count for the emergency ballots will start on November 12, with the count of the absentee and military ballots set to begin on November 19. Still later, the affidavit ballots will be counted, at a yet to be determined date.

Why the delay? As soon as we know, we’ll pass the information on to you.



koiKoi Caper: Vernon Road residents reported that 20 Koi fish, valued at $3,000.00 were stolen from an artificial pond at their home. The resident’s found a fish net next to the pond that was apparently used to remove the fish from the pond. There are no suspects or witnesses.

Broken Glass: In the third burglary in as many weeks, there was a break-in at a Birchall Road home on Friday night November 5. The caretaker who lives at the home noticed that the phone line was illuminated and searched the house to find a phone that had been knocked off the receiver. He came upon a broken glass pane in a living room door as well as the dislodged the phone. At the time the man thought the glass had simply broken and he covered the hole with some artwork.

However, the next morning the caretaker found pry marks on the outside of the door and a hole large enough for someone to climb through to enter the house. Police suspect that it was a burglary attempt but it is unknown if entry was made or anything was stolen.

Identity Theft: An Aspen Road man came to police on 11/2 to report that three credit cards that had been delivered to his home were stolen. A total of $9,458.70 in purchases was made on the cards. The man had opened three new credit card accounts for himself, his wife and his daughter. When the cards failed to arrive, he contacted the bank and found out that the cards had been delivered by UPS on 10/25 and had subsequently been used to make numerous purchases.

Thefts: A leaf blower was stolen from a Scarsdale Village highway truck when it was parked in Scarsdale Village on 11/2. The leaf blower is valued at $500.

On November 1, a snowplow, valued at $4,800 was stolen from the parking lot of the Scarsdale Congregational Church at 1 Heathcote Road.

A Heathcote woman claimed that someone stole her $890 prescription glasses from her purse when she was shopping in Scarsdale Village on November 4th.

Fight: On the afternoon of November 1 a Greenacres man reported that someone was pushing and shoving another person at the bus stop at Post and Fenimore Roads. Police went out to investigate and found two disabled teens who were out for some exercise and play.

Sideswiped: A Chateaux Circle woman came to police headquarters on the morning of 11/2 to report that her car was sideswiped by a Bee Line Bus on Post Road in front of the high school.

Dispute: Greg Jahner from Wildlife Services in Brewster came to police to report that he was not paid for work he did for a Claremont Road family. The family called him to remove a bird from their family room signed a contract for the work and then gave Jahner a check for $322.00 for his services. However, the residents later cancelled the check, as they were not happy with the amount. Police advised Jahner that this is a civil matter.

Gas Leak: Scarsdale firefighters had to force their way into a Stonehouse Road home on 11/3 to stop a gas leak under the front lawn. The police and Con Edison were called as well.

Parking Advisory: Scarsdale Village Police want to advise residents about parking restrictions that are in force from November 1 to March 31. All overnight parking between 2 am and 6 am is prohibited and cars found on any Scarsdale streets between those hours will be ticketed.


votingmachineNew results posted on the Westchester County Board of Elections website continue to show a very close race for the 37th District State Senate seat currently held by Suzi Oppenheimer. Oppenheimer, the Democratic incumbent now shows 40,397 votes with Republican Bob Cohen at 39,931. The gap between the two candidates has now widened to 466 votes over the 180 vote difference reported on November 3rd.

However, according to the Journal News , two election districts have not been counted along with thousands of absentee ballots. The ballot tabulation is anticipated to take several weeks.




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