Monday, Sep 30th

GalaxyGreene2Geraldine Greene's legacy was evident everywhere at the Gourmet Galaxy held at The Fountainhead in New Rochelle on June 19. Close to 300 attendees feted Geraldine upon her retirement after 35 years as Executive Director of Scarsdale & Edgemont Family Counseling Service (SFCS).

After socializing over cocktails and appetizers, guests were treated to an amazing array of dinner and desserts served in the Fountainhead's atrium room. Thirty-one local restaurants generously donated their delicious food and genial
staff .

Galaxy1Steven Goldman, Co-President of the SFCS Board of Directors, emceed the full program for the evening. After a serenade by singer TEO, Mayor Bob Steves delivered an invocation celebrating the work of SFCS that was written by Reverend Fran Grenley of The Scarsdale Congregational Church. Grenley's prayer asked all to be thankful for living in a kind and supportive place with resources like SFCS to help residents through the challenges and stumbling blocks that life presents.

Mayor Bob Steves then noted that June 19 had been declared 'Geraldine Greene Day', and that Geraldine had been granted honorary citizenship in Scarsdale. Steves noted that this latter honor merely formalized what many had realized to be true over the past 35 years of Ms. Greene's dedication to the village. Her hard work and many roles have had a multiplier effect on improving Scarsdale and Edgemont, Steves said.

The honoree then took the podium to explain the programs of Scarsdale & Edgemont Family Counseling. The agency, which has been a vital community organization for over 94 years, offers outreach programs under its Youth Services project and the Older Adult Services project as well as providing emotional support for people in every phase and stage in life through individual, family and couples therapy. Middle-schoolers benefit from the Young Women in Leadership and Young Men in Leadership programs, run by Emily Vallario and Tim Nelson and Robert Villanova, respectively. Over 750 parents participate in SFCS' Parent Support Groups. Adventure Based Counseling is a weeklong summer adventure program designed to test early teens' limits so they grow in self-esteem. Women in Leadership, run by Lauren Pomerantz, is a safe, confidential group for older girls looking to make friendships, improve confidence, and connect with peers to make positive choices. At the other spectrum of life, At Home in Scarsdale Village, run by Susan Gilbert, helps seniors age in their homes and to remain connected to others.

Next, Barry Cherwin conducted a live auction of event items. Jewelry, wine, Yankees tickets, dinners and a relaxing week in Nantucket went to the highest bidders--all for the benefit of SFCS.

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Scarsdale's Youth Police Officer, Detective Sherri Albano rose to the podium next congratulating Geraldine on her retirement and noting that her successor, Jay Genova, will have big shoes to fill. Albano observed that throughout her career she has often seen a lack of communication between law enforcement and social workers. However, Albano said that in Scarsdale, she collaborates with the social workers and staff at SFCS every day. One of the first calls the Detective received when she was promoted to her current position was from Geraldine, who introduced herself and invited her to come over to the agency and meet her staff. Subsequently, Albano was included in the search process for the agency's new director and new Youth Outreach workers. Detective Albano noted that the collaboration allows both organizations to better serve the community and is in large part due to the foundation laid by Geraldine and her leadership.

Jennifer Gruenberg, a Scarsdale native, social worker and friend and supporter of SFCS, spoke next about the "incredible open door" at SFCS that has touched so many families. Geraldine "mobilizes the community", Gruenberg said before presenting her with a mugful of Starbucks gift cards so she could treat friends to coffee.

Lynne Wilson, and several other members of the Scarsdale Rotary Club took the podium next, noting how SFCS exemplifies the Rotary's motto of "Service Above Self". She presented the agency with a generous check, noting that an annual gift will be made to SFCS from the Rotary going forward.

GalaxyposthumusMarie Posthumus, Co-President of the SFCS Board, presented the guest of honor with a lovely inscribed silver tray. Geraldine Greene said she was thankful for all she has been able to do in her role and the introduced the agency staff, one by one, and expressed her overwhelming gratitude to them. "No one does anything like this alone", Greene said to the staff, "you are the stars in our galaxy". Greene explained her mixed feelings about saying goodbye, but stated that it is easier leaving the agency knowing it will be in the capable hands of Jay Genova. She tpresented Genova with a lanyard with a golden key to the agency's doors at the Harwood Building. She wished Genova the same joy and fulfillment she has experienced as the agency's Executive Director.

Although Posthumus did not deliver her speech honoring Greene at the event in the interest of time, she did make her comments available to Scarsdale10583 after the event. Her touching words summed up the feelings from the evening very well:

"I'd like to ask everyone for a moment of silence to honor Geraldine Greene. But not right here, not right now. In the future, when you see a distinguished older couple enjoying an afternoon in Chase Park, take a moment then; and think of Geraldine and her program "At Home In Scarsdale Village". When you see a few kids in the fall happily walking toward their school, take a moment then. Think of Geraldine and her Youth Outreach programs. These are the moments that Geraldine has given to us. This is her legacy. This is the result of collaboration between a community like ours with its support, and the work of a tireless, generous spirit. Your legacy, Geraldine, reaches far into our futures."

(Photos and text contributed by Nan Berke)

GG Restaurants1

TAPPhotoOn Monday, June 16th, local consumers, businesses, and government officials gathered at the Scarsdale Library to attend the final presentation of The Acceleration Project (TAP)'s Buy Local Study. In collaboration with the Scarsdale Chamber of Commerce, TAP launched the Buy Local Study to promote the vibrancy of Scarsdale's commercial hubs and to educate community stakeholders on the importance of actively supporting local businesses. TAP, a nonprofit organization that deploys local professionals to assist local small businesses, assembled a team of 19 consultants, collectively donating over 2,400 hours to the project.

ShoptheDaleLogoTAP Co-Founders/Co-CEOs Lisa Tretler and Jane Veron provided specific business recommendations to accommodate consumers' changing needs and unveiled a new marketing campaign to encourage patronage of local businesses. Tretler and Veron shared detailed findings from a widely circulated consumer and business online survey and reviewed insights gleaned from in-person interviews, focus groups, and a national best practices analysis. TAP consultant Tracy Ullman introduced the key components of the marketing campaign including a memorable "Shop the 'Dale" logo and messaging. TAP also offered a comprehensive list of proposed marketing tactics and a Buy Local public service announcement video created by SHS student Andreas Larsen. Said Tretler, "When consumers choose to spend their time right here in Scarsdale, they actively improve the value, vibrancy, and desirability of our beautiful town."

Watch the Buy Local video, or Public Service announcement, here:

TAP recruited twelve block captains, business owners from Scarsdale's five retail hubs, to help lead the implementation of the campaign. Block captain Michelle Anderson, owner of La Dentelliere, commented, "I spoke to a few people after the presentation, and it was all positive energy. Businesses were all thrilled to have been there." TAP noted that they were also invited to share Study data with Scarsdale government officials.

Sponsors' donations helped to defray some of the costs of conducting the Study. Buy Local Study sponsors included: Christie-Spencer Corporation/Scarsdale Improvement Corporation/Wilgrin Realty Corporation, BlueMountain Capital Management, Houlihan Lawrence, Country Bank, Julia B. Fee/Sotheby's, Platinum Drive Realty, and Lange's of Scarsdale.

According to Veron, "The Buy Local study elevates the success of businesses and Scarsdale overall, preserves our sense of community, and ensures that local businesses remain vital for our convenience." The details of the final report and associated marketing collateral including the logo and messaging can be found on the Scarsdale Chamber of Commerce website at A ribbon cutting ceremony to officially kick of the Shop the'Dale campaign will take place this coming September.

TAPLogo(Pictured at top:) TAP Buy Local Team, from left to right: Amanda Hack, Tracy Ullman, Nanette Koryn, Claire Brennan, Lisa Tretler (Co-Founder and Co-CEO, TAP), Carol Fitzgerald (CEO Buzzback Market Research), Deb Pekarek (Scarsdale Village Trustee), Andreas Larsen, Jane Veron (Co-Founder and Co-CEO, TAP), Carolyn Stevens (Executive Director, Chamber of Commerce), Emily Feldstein, Julia Feldstein, Mary Blum. Not pictured: Richard Effman, Janette Gee, Joan Hendell, Michaela Hendell, Tracy Jaffe, Kim Meyers, Pam Rubin, Rhonda Schnipper

SingerKidsOn Saturday May 31 more than 100 families across Scarsdale set up old-fashioned lemonade stands to help New Yorkers living in poverty. Sponsored by Robin Hood – New York's largest poverty-fighting organization – Scarsdale children and their parents raised more than $75,000 to help their neighbors in need, one glass of lemonade at a time.

Lemonaid is a great way for parents to introduce their children to the importance of giving back at a very young age and it demonstrates how even the smallest efforts can make a huge difference in someone's life. Every penny raised from Lemonaid will go directly to food pantries, soup kitchens, job training programs, schools, and medical services that help the neediest New Yorkers get back on their feet.

Families in Greenwich, CT, also participated in Lemonaid this weekend, and the Hamptons will be hosting Lemonaid stands over the Labor Day weekend. If you would like to participate next year, e-mail Caroline Page at Robin Hood (



ludwig2Friends of the Ludwig family showed up on wheels on the Bronx River Parkway on Sunday June 8th for the 7th annual bikeathon for the Michael Ludwig Foundation. The bikeathon is held in memory of Michael Ludwig, who died from an undetected congenital heart condition at 9 years of age. Many of Michael's friends and their families came out to remember Michael and enjoy a special ride.

The Foundations' mission is to enhance awareness, detection, and treatment of congenital heart conditions especially among young athletes. Most recently it has been funding medical research involving coronary anomalies. Learn more at

ArleneKatzThe Westchester Democratic County Committee has nominated Scarsdale Acting Justice Arlene Katz to run for Westchester County Family Court Judge on the ballot in November, 2014

Judge Katz has been a practitioner in the Family Court for over 20 years and has been the part time Scarsdale Village Justice for nineteen years. Speaking for the party, Mark Lewis said, "Arlene understands the needs of children and families and does her best to ensure that they get the best representation possible. This is the type of person we want sitting on the Family Court bench. Judge Katz has complete control of her court and makes sure defendants understand their rights. If they do not, she takes the time to explain before proceeding on. She cares about the people who come before her and tries to make them feel that they will be heard and get a fair trial."

Judge Arlene Katz lives in Scarsdale, is married and has two children who have gone through the Scarsdale School system.

Croton-On-Hudson Acting Village Court Judge Anne Minihan was nominated for Westchester County, County Court Judge. She is the Principal Law Clerk to J. Emmett Murphy, Supreme Court. Ann has worked as an Assistant District Attorney in Westchester County where she prosecuted criminals to the fullest extent of the law.

Judge Minihan has presided over thousands of criminal, vehicular, civil and landlord/tenant matters. Judge Anne Minihan is married and has two children.