Monday, Sep 30th

metasequoiatreeThe Friends of the Scarsdale Parks (FOSP) reviewed the work they do in the Village in a Park at their annual meeting with the Scarsdale Board of Trustees on Tuesday night February 25. The group helps the Village to maintain and improve 26 named parks in Scarsdale as well as additional green properties owned by the Village. Co-President Madelaine Eppenstein reviewed the work of the Friends and here's an outline of some of their projects, all carried out on a volunteer basis:

  • Plant and beautify the Village Hall beds in spring and fall.
  • Purchase and plant daffodil bulbs that are among the first flowers to bloom in the Village every spring.
  • Plant new native trees, replacement trees, shrubs and groundcover plants, finish a new rock garden and to develop an irrigation solution at Chase Park.
  • Collaborate with Village Staff to plant additional native shrubs and perennials and the Scarsdale Library.
  • Develop a program to mulch and replenish mulch in tree groves throughout the Village where compaction and erosion should be remediated and moisture conserved in conjunction with Village staff.
  • Imagine a long-range program to eradicate and keep after invasive plants in the woodlands.
  • Advocate for better solutions for snow removal and storage, and for a sensible leaf mulching policy.
  • Help Village Staff to develop a plan for planting, cleanup and eradication of invasive plants on the Weinberg Nature Center campus.
  • Formulate a long-range plan for the High School/Library campus, including restoration of the woodlands.
  • Collaborate with the Bronx River-Sound Shore Audubon chapter to install Eastern Bluebird houses and additional plants and trees at George Field Park wetland.
  • Survey and inventory all 26 named parks and other Village owned properties so that maintenance/improvements are prioritized with them each year.
  • Advocate for a long range plan to protect and maintain plant and wildlife habitats throughout the Village.

Advocate for creation of a street tree inventory to optimize tree management.

The Friends of the Scarsdale Parks will hold their annual spring celebration on June 8 when they will dedicate a metasequoia tree in a grove of redwoods at the pond at Scarsdale Library. Deanna Curtis from the New York Botanical Garden will be the guest speaker.

Trustee David Lee asked the group what they would do if they had more resources and they responded by saying that there are areas in Harwood Park and Butler Woods that need care. Todd Wolleman of the FOSP said, "We have a tremendous stewardship role to maintain what our predecessors carved out for us. We could connect green spaces for walking. There is a lack of walking paths and a need to maintain our trails. We have a gem here that we need to maintain."

geeseNYS State Senator George Latimer has introduced legislation to protect the geese. According to Latimer, the proposed legislation will ensure community involvement before a decision is made to kill geese. The legislation will require a local public hearing and discussion of non-lethal methods to remove geese before opting to kill them. The legislation would also prohibit the use of geese meat for human consumption. Commenting on the legislation Latimer said, "Scarsdale is certainly not alone in dealing with this problem; the hope is we will be thoughtful and humane in our actions."

Kiley Blackman, founder of the Animal Defenders of Westchester is pleased with the proposal and latimersaid, "This profoundly important bill is being submitted at a time when the general public is becoming aware of the severe abuses by USDA/Wildlife Services and their licensing agent, the DEC, using taxpayer monies to kill and butcher our wildlife with any overreach and plundering they can perpetrate. Their newest outrage was a plan to totally wipe out the mute swan population entirely. We began meeting with Senator Latimer when several venues in Westchester announced plans to kill geese here last spring; we are proud that he has shown consideration and decency to those who have no voice - yet have a right to exist on this earth without the constant threats by the USDA to kill them all, which we will not just sit back and allow to happen. This bill also prevents the USDA from putting a PR band-aide on their war on wildlife by donating the bodies to food banks, a gesture denounced by the Coalition for the Homeless - and causing concerns that the homeless would 'chip their teeth' on buckshot.''

The bill includes the following provisions:

1. Prior to filing a request with the NYS Department of Environmental Conservation for a permit for lethal disposition of turkeys or geese, the local government shall hold a public hearing thereon in a place determined by that government in the locality affected. At least ten (10) days before the hearing, notice thereof shall be advertised in a newspaper published in the community affected. The notice shall state the subject of the hearing and the proposed disposition of the turkeys or geese.

2. Prior to filing said request for permit to the NYS DEC, the local government shall provide proof that they have fully evaluated all humane alternatives to execution of the turkeys or geese, subsequent to the public hearing, and have reviewed that evaluation at a public meeting of the governing board of that government, no more than sixty (60) days after the public hearing, such meeting held under full compliance with the applicable open meetings laws .

3. The local government shall not donate turkeys or geese to be used for human consumption.

chemphotoSHS Senior Daniel Harris has won a Chemistry in Pictures contest from Chem13 Magazine for his photo of combustion. A student of chemistry teacher Elise Hilf Levine and art teacher Dina Hofstetter Daniel took his prize-winning photo of the igniting of butane gas with a high-speed camera.

Here's the background on the story from Daniel: "I have always loved science and a few years ago I began to start photography as a hobby. When my chemistry teacher Ms. Levine approached me and asked if I wanted to enter photos for a contest for Chem 13 Magazine, I was very excited to shoot some interesting scientific subjects. We agreed that I should try to get some pictures of danielharriswater, fire and smoke, and I eventually had the idea to use a macro lens to capture a picture of a lighter just before the spark ignites the gas. It took me a couple of tries before I finally got the result that I was looking for. I think the reason this picture is so surreal is because it is something we never get to see because it usually happens in the blink of an eye. With the help of Ms. Levine and Ms. Hoffstetter, my photography teacher, I submitted several photographs to Chem 13 that focused on the combination of chemistry and photography."

Congratulations to Daniel and his teachers.

Eagle ScoutsEagle Scouts Honored

The Boy Scouts of America Troop 2 located at the Immaculate Heart of Mary Church in Scarsdale conferred the rank of Eagle Scout to three of its members February 2nd at a special Eagle Court of Honor ceremony held in the church basement.

The special event also coincided with Scout Sunday, a national day of honor for the organization, which is meant to recognize the contributions of young people and adults to scouting.

The newly conferred Eagle scouts, Keith and Kevin Hernandez of Eastchester along with Michael Siciliano, a Scarsdale native, received their Eagle badges and neckerchiefs, as is customary when a scout receives the highest of merit badges.

Eagle scouts must fulfill specific requirements before gaining the prestigious badge. That includes earning a total of 21 merit badges, completing an approved service project, taking on a number of leadership roles within their troop along with other requirements.

Both Hernandez brothers, freshmen at Westchester Community College, completed an outdoor cleanup project at the Greenburgh Nature Center in Scarsdale, and Siciliano, a student at the University of New Haven, participated in a similar project at the Weinberg Nature Center in Scarsdale.

(Pictured Above) Newly conferred Eagle scouts, from left: Keith Hernandez, Michael Siciliano and Kevin Hernandez.


Cantor Jack MendelsonCantor Mendelson and David and Judy Gilberg will be honored at Temple Israel Center of White Plains at 8pm on Saturday, March 8, 2014, at 280 Old Mamaroneck Road. There will be cocktails, hors d'oeuvres, dancing and a silent auction.

For 28 years, Jacob Ben-Zion Mendelson has been the Cantor at Temple Israel Center, enriching the spiritual, religious and musical lives of the congregation with his beautiful Hazzanut. He created the Jewish Music in Westchester Legacy Series, with its world-renowned artists from the worlds
of opera to jazz.

Cantor Mendelson is the subject of the documentary film, A Cantor's Tale, directed by Erik Greenberg Anjou, which has played in film festivals throughout the world. A sequel to A Cantor's Tale is currently in production, celebrating his 50 years in the cantorate. Cantor Mendelson is also featured in the documentary films, 100 Voices, and Journey of Spirit, the film on the life of Debbie Friedman.

Growing up in Brooklyn, New York, Cantor Mendelson witnessed the dwindling days of the Golden Age of Hazzanut, so for over 25 years, has taught this style to a new generation at Hebrew Union College School of Sacred Music, and H.L. Miller Cantorial School at the Jewish Theological Seminary. Cantor Mendelson received honorary doctorates from both schools.

Cantor Mendelson is a graduate of the Hebrew Union College School of Sacred Music and the American Opera Center at the Juilliard School. He is the composer of Weekday Mincha and Maariv and Improvisations on Shabbat Shacharit published by the Cantors Assembly, the organization in which he served as president in 2003 and 2004.

David and Judy Gilberg, together with their children Anne (28) and Danny (25), have beenJudy and David Gilberg members of Temple Israel Center since 1991. David and Judy each served on the Board of Trustees and on numerous other committees including a variety of special projects. Judy served on the Religious School Board and the Hebrew High School Board, of which she was Co-Chair. She has chaired the Dinner Dance and the Dinner Dance Journal and was a Co-Coordinator of TIC's program to provide and serve food to the Sharing Community, a local soup kitchen. David is a past President and 12 -year member of the Executive Committee. Prior, he served on Youth, Ritual and Search Committees, among others.

In addition to their Temple Israel Center roles, David and Judy have been active in a variety of organizations, both within the Jewish community and the broader local community. Professionally, Judy is a social worker, involved for many years with the Parent Child Home Program of Westchester Jewish Community Services. David is a partner in the law firm of Sullivan and Cromwell LLP in New York City, focusing on financial institutions and regulation of financial services.

Sponsors and supporters will be featured by category in the Gala's program provided that evening to all guests, and Virtual Journal pages will be streamed throughout the evening. The Virtual Journal will also be available for viewing on the TIC website ( for up to one year after the event. Business sponsors will be featured, along with direct hyperlinks to their websites.

Please provide responses and virtual journal ads by Friday, February 21st, 2014, either online at , by mail , or in person at the TIC office at 280 Old Mamaroneck Road, White Plains, NY, 10605. Contact Caroline Geller at (914) 948-2800 ext. 129.

LindaPlattusWJCS' 2014 Gala Honoring Penny Goldsmith and Linda Plattus:
Westchester Jewish Community Services is delighted to honor Penny Goldsmith and Linda Plattus at their annual gala to be held at the Willow Ridge Country Club in Harrison on April 1, 2014 at 6:30 PM.  These two outstanding leaders have helped shape WJCS and have brought energy, enthusiasm and support to programs that enable WJCS to serve 20,000 people in Westchester each year. For more information, please contact Susan Lewen, Director of Development, at or 914-761-0600 x 219 or visit