Sunday, Sep 29th

philippinesThe Afya Foundationis asking for your help to aid victims of the typhoon in the Philippines. Afya is partnering with The ABS-CBN Foundation and the Philippine Red Cross to collect and ship medical and humanitarian relief supplies to help the thousands of victims.

Please help by donating supplies, donating funds or helping Afya sort through and package goods collected for shipment to the Philippines.

Here is a list of the most immediate needs:

  • Food (preferably ready-to-eat) canned goods (canned meat, corned beef, sardines, instant noodles, shelf stable milk, rice, spam)
  • Water purifier tablets
  • Water containers
  • Tents and other temporary shelters
  • Freshly laundered and clean blankets, pillows, sheets towels, etc.
  • Hygiene kits with personal care items-soap, toothbrushes, toothpaste, shampoo, sanitary napkins
  • Baby diapers and wipes, bottles and baby formula
  • Cooking apparatus-pots and utensils
  • Power generators
  • General medical supplies and over the counter medications at least one year from expiration
  • Mosquito repellant
  • Flashlights and batteries

Drop off donations, supplies and/or help sort at:

140 Saw Mill River Road
Yonkers, NY 10701

Call 914-920-5081, or email Afya at

shsberke1This notice was sent to Scarsdale10583 by Janet Korins and Jyoti Ruta, Committee Chairs of the SBNC: What are you doing Sunday afternoons during the cold, dark winter (end of January through early March)? How about meeting some people and serving our community to boot? Join the SBNC!

HELP! SERVE! HAVE FUN! Please help to maintain our excellent Scarsdale schools and serve our community by volunteering to run for the SBNC. It's rewarding and interesting to participate, with a focused time commitment. (Plus you get to sneak in a couple of munchkins and chocolate chip cookies that your spouse can't see!)

HUH? The School Board Nominating Committee (SBNC) is an elected group of 30 members who identify, propose and nominate qualified candidates to run for the Scarsdale Board of Education. The 30 voting members represent each of the five elementary school neighborhoods. Each year, ten new members (two from each elementary school neighborhood) are elected to serve a three-year term. The SBNC meets for Sunday afternoons from end of January to the beginning of March. (You get to spend time with adults! Make new friends! Need we say more?)

EASY! It's easy to become a candidate – just complete two forms by November 19, 2013 and submit them to either of the e-mails listed below or via mail to the addresses on the forms. The first is a biographical form and the second is a candidate petition, with signatures from ten residents in your elementary school district. These forms can be downloaded from, where further information on the process can also be found. The forms are also available at the Scarsdale Library and Village Hall. (You get to talk about yourself! How does it get better than that?)

MORE QUESTIONS? If you are interested in becoming a candidate or have questions, please visit the SBNC's website at Also, feel free to contact the SBNC Administrative Committee Co-chairs: Janet Korins at or Jyoti Ruta at

NO TIME TO VOLUNTEER? If you are too busy on Sunday afternoons with work, or driving your kids to sports, or watching football on the couch, you can still help. Please consider a contribution to the Administrative Committee's election fund! The Committee organizes and administers the SBNC election at significant expense. The cost of producing and mailing the brochure to every Scarsdale resident is not included in the School budget, the Village budget or any other source of public funds. Donations can be made by Paypal ( or by check payable to "SBNC Administrative Committee" and sent to our post office box (PO Box 172H, Scarsdale NY 10583). Donations are used solely for running the SBNC election and do not benefit any individual candidate. We rely on the community's financial support to sustain our non-partisan system of robust and contested elections for the Scarsdale School Board Nominating Committee.

SO, NOW WHAT? Run for the SBNC. Have fun. Donate to the SBNC. Do good. Run for the SBNC and donate to the SBNC. Have fun and do good!

squashScarsdale High School sophomores Dustin Cohen (third from right) and Josh Klein (far right) have successfully launched the first-ever Scarsdale Squash Club to introduce the sport to all interested SHS students. Cohen and Klein have teamed up with Gamal Amir, former top 10 player in the world and owner of Pyramid Squash in Tuckahoe, NY, where they have trained for the past several years.

The Club celebrated it's first squash event last Saturday with (above, left to right): Evan Josephs, Ben Jacob, Sam Fried, Amir, Cohen, Jake Forman, and Klein.

fiddlerWhat could be better than ending your week with a musical concert? That is what you can experience at reform synagogue, Congregation Kol Ami, which is offering a selection of free concerts during the year. Directed by Kol Ami's Cantor Mo Glazman, these programs present a variety of perspectives on Jewish music and include an interactive segment as well. Musicians not only perform but also take questions from the audience. The offerings include duets, instrumentalists; from middle eastern sounds to Jewish jazz fusion.

"Congregation Kol Ami's music program strives to draw on a kaleidoscope of different musical genres to bring people closer to our community and their own spirituality." Said Cantor Glazman. "Our musical offerings have a global influence of styles, instrumentation and interpretation."

Cantor Glazman has developed a musical program enriched by brilliant musicians. Each Friday evening Shabbat services are accompanied by a group of leading professionals including an award-winning composer and pianist, Cantor Jonathan Comisar; Yousif Sheronick, who has performed globally as a percussionist and Alan Kerner, a professional woodwind musician.

The first of the musical concerts will take place on Friday, November 8th from 5 – 6 PM and is free and open to the public. It will feature guest Cantor Shira Adler who will present "Broadway Through a Jewish Lens". Cantor Shira Adler's soulful soprano voice exudes a warmth that engages the listener in any genre she sings. She is equally comfortable in operatic music in addition to pop, cantorial and Broadway styles. In this concert she will be sharing musical selections that speak most to who she is as an artist, performer and spiritual leader. She will sing duets with Cantor Glazman and will be accompanied by Cantor Jonathan Comisar."

"We are very excited about this year's outstanding musical concerts." Said Cantor Glazman, "They create a variety of experiences for our congregants and visitors; from traditional to modern. We sing, we learn and we grow together."

Congregation Kol Ami is located at 252 Soundview Avenue, White Plains, NY. Please refer to the Kol Ami website for future concert dates and times at or call 914.949.4717 for more information.

Give Hope Shop Supports Pediatric Cancer Foundation

On Tuesday, October 29, 2013, Pediatric Cancer Foundation hosted its annual Give Hope Shop boutique at Willow Ridge Country Club. The fundraiser featured nearly 40 vendors selling fine jewelry, home accessories, stationery, custom clothing, children's gifts and much more.

Cheryl Rosen, President of Pediatric Cancer Foundation, applauds Boutique Chairs: Judith Elkins, Susan Barragan, Robin Gensburg, Karen Klein, and Debra Zeplin for producing this successful event "Although this boutique takes place on one day it takes an entire year to coordinate every last detail. Thank you boutique chairs as well as Boutique guests and vendors for helping us to...hold the hand of a child."

*Founded in 1970 as a non-profit organization, Pediatric Cancer Foundation's mission is to fund research, state of the art equipment/instruments and patient/parent care at leading world renowned hospitals and their satellite offices. These hospitals include: NewYork-Presbyterian Morgan Stanley Children's Hospital, Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center, Stephen D. Hassenfeld Children's Center for Cancer and Blood Disorders at NYU Langone Medical Center, Cohen Children's Medical Center of NY and Maria Fareri Children's Hospital at Westchester Medical Center.

boutiquePicturePCFLeft to right: PCF Boutique Chair, Susan Barragan, (Mamaroneck, NY), PCF Boutique Chair, Robin Gensburg (Larchmont, NY), PCF Boutique Chair and PCF Board Member, Karen Klein (Scarsdale, NY), PCF President, Cheryl Rosen (Scarsdale, NY), Debra Zeplin, PCF Boutique Chair and PCF Board Member, (Purchase, NY), Judith A. Elkins, PCF Boutique Chair, PCF Medical Liaison, (Scarsdale, NY)

shavingcreamThe Scarsdale PBA is asking the community to forgo the purchase of shaving cream and silly string on Halloween and use the funds to purchase toiletries for the women of My Sister's Place. My Sister's Place, a non-profit agency in Westchester County advocates and provides shelter for victims of domestic violence. The PBA is asking parents to encourage their children to pass on eggs, shaving cream, "silly string", books of matches, cigarette lighters, toothpaste, hair spray and toilet paper that are often used to cause mischief on Halloween -- and to instead put the money towards the purchase of any of the following items that My Sister's Place will gratefully accept:

  • New or slightly used large and extra large duffel bags
  • Towels in all sizes
  • New twin sheet sets
  • Blankets and comforters (in bright, cheerful colors) for the upcoming cold weather
  • New and unopened full size toiletries
  • Packages of diapers in all sizes
  • Baby wipes

Donated goods can be dropped off in the lobby Scarsdale Police Headquarters, located at Tompkins and Fenimore Roads, at any time of day or night from October 18, 2013 through November 15, 2013. The PBA will assure that the items are delivered to the shelter and will also contribute to the cause. Clients of the shelter have been extremely grateful for support from the Scarsdale Community in the past and we are looking forward to another successful drive this year.