Monday, Sep 30th

Forum4The Scarsdale Forum hosted its sixth annual membership party this Saturday, February 1 at the Scarsdale Woman's Club. Celebrating its 110th anniversary, over 100 members and guests tasted ten varieties of beer including the 110th Anniversary lager brewed for the occasion by Bruce Wells. Pianist Neil Klein tickled the ivories as guests enjoyed a buffet prepared by Jensina Olson. Carrie Fishman offered unique gifts for purchase at her boutique, Vintage Via Carrie. Delicious home baked desserts and goodies from local bakeries topped off the evening. To view the list of donors and sponsors of the event, visit the Forum's home page:

Photos by Lisa Van Gundy

volunteerfiredepartmentLong time firefighters Joe Mongarella of fire company #3, left, and Jim Buck of fire company #2, right, were presented with the White Hat Award at company #3's annual dinner last Friday in recognition of their many years of service and leadership to the Scarsdale Volunteer Fire Department.

Rvierdale1The 1920's and 1930's came to life for the third graders of the Greenacres School on Friday, January 10 as they visited residents of the Hebrew Home at Riverdale and RiverWalk apartments, located on the Hebrew Home's campus.

The day began with trivia, courtesy of Daniel Reingold, President and CEO of the Hebrew Home at Riverdale, who is also a Scarsdale resident and Greenacres alum.

Students then interviewed residents at the Hebrew Home and at RiverWalk about their childhood, education, family life, and current interests and hobbies. Residents shared stories about television and automobiles being introduced to consumers for the first time, remembering their days filled with stick ball and hopscotch, in an era well before electronics. After completing their questions, each student drew a picture of the resident whom they interviewed.

"We believe these two distinct generations can learn a lot from one another, and also share commonalities," said Connee Kaufman, Director of Volunteers and Cultural Enrichment at the Hebrew Home at Riverdale.riverdale2riverdale3riverdale4

chinese1Roughly 60 Scarsdale seniors celebrated the Chinese New Year with a potluck luncheon at the Girl Scouts House on Jan 12. The 30 Chinese seniors were joined by another 30 non-Asian seniors making it a record-breaking event for the newly-formed Scarsdale Chinese Senior Club.

"We wanted to celebrate the upcoming lunar New Year, which is the most important holiday for Chinese people. We thought it would definitely be fun to invite people from other ethnic backgrounds to share this joyful occasion. And we want to say Happy Year of Horse to all the Scarsdale seniors", said Professor ZhongJun Hao, president of the Scarsdale Chinese senior group.

Chinese seniors and volunteers decorated the Girl Scout House with traditional Chinese lanterns, spring scrolls, Chinese knots and flowers. Mr. Hao started the lunch with a quick introduction about how Chinese people typically celebrate lunar New Year (also called Spring Festival in China).

Many members brought homemade dishes of different styles of Chinese cuisine. These dishes are traditional to certain ethnic groups and are not found in Chinese restaurant around the area. One dish that attracted the interest of many non-Chinese seniors is called "Tang Yuan", which is glutinous rice with sweet sesame paste inside. In Chinese culture, this dish has a special meaning of happiness. "The variety of dishes was remarkable, representing the diversity of Chinese cuisine. The food was delicious and must have taken many hours of cutting, folding and cooking." said Mrs. Bridie Wetmur, a Scarsdale senior resident, who was impressed with the gathering.

Even though only a handful of Chinese seniors speak English, many people enjoyed the conversations. Andrey Wax, a Chinese2playwriter/lyricist/composer from Scarsdale said "it was challenging, though exciting and stimulating (and rewarding when we were understood!) trying to learn and communicate in a language very different from English." She suggested that in the future, "it would be very helpful to have a large map of China so people can show us where they come from and we can gradually learn about the different areas. My husband and I haven't been there yet, and getting to know a place through its people is the best way, we think".

Kathy Hurwitz, director of the village senior program, said she could not believe how smoothly everything went with the lunch, "Today's lunch was a miracle. People will be talking about it for quite a while. I never saw a group of people work so efficiently and well. I think this was a wonderful way of sharing cultures and getting to know one another".  Scarsdale Library Director Elizabeth Berman and Kathy Gray, President of the Friends of the Scarsdale Library have supported the program and were also on hand to enjoy the luncheon.

Chinese3Yulan Zhou, a Chinese senior resident of Heathcote, said "the senior club has been a very important part of the Chinese seniors' life here. Thanks to the Scarsdale village senior program and the library for their support. We would also like to do something to make our community a warm home for everyone."

Scarsdale Chinese Senior Club was founded in September 2013, and meets twice a week in the Girl Scout House and the library. The club is open to all Scarsdale seniors.

letterThe School Board Nominating Committee (the "SBNC") will hold an open meeting on Wednesday, January 22, 2014 (snow date - January 23) at 8:00 pm in the Greenville School library to receive nominations for candidates to the Board of Education. Two vacancies will be filled at the general election on Tuesday, May 20, 2014, created by the expiration of the second term of office for board president Michaeline Curtis and first term of office for Anish Nanavaty. Anish Nanavaty will run for a second term. Michaeline Curtis will not seek a third term.

The SBNC invites all Edgemont residents to actively participate in the nominating process by urging qualified residents of our community to seek nomination to the Board of Education, submit nomination letters for candidates, and attend the open meeting.

Nominations must be made in a letter addressed as set forth below and must be received before 8:00 pm on January 22, 2014. Nominating letters may also be presented in person at the open meeting held that evening. The letter may be written by any qualified voter of the Edgemont School District other than a member (or spouse of a member) of the SBNC. In addition to the name and address of the candidate, the letter must contain a brief biographical sketch of the candidate, including the candidate's educational background, occupation, participation in civic affairs and the length of residence in the Edgemont School District, and the grade level of any children attending any Edgemont schools and/or the year of graduation of any children who have previously attended Edgemont schools. The letter must also contain a statement indicating that the candidate has consented to serve if nominated and elected. Please address nominating letters to Monica Sganga, SBNC Chair, 350 Evandale Road, Scarsdale, NY 10583.