Sunday, Sep 29th

scratchoffAn East Parkway grocery store owner reported that one of his employees has been stealing lottery tickets from his store, in excess of over $6,000, on Dec. 12. As a result of investigatory evidence, police arrested the employee – David Shqutaj, 29, of the Bronx – on charges of grand larceny and altering/erasing/deleting/destroying business entries. Shqutaj was released on his own recognizance with an appearance ticket for Dec. 14. Police are following up with investigation.

Stolen package
On Dec. 15, a Stratton Road resident reported a stolen package delivered from Amazon. It contained a blender valued at approximately $33.Doorbell camera footage showed a blue sedan pulling up in front of the house and a man in a blue hoodie stealing the package from the resident’s porch.

Domestic matters
On Dec. 11, a Quaker Ridge mother and teenage son were having a dispute over pick-up and drop-off arrangements. Police mediated the dispute and reminded the boy to be mindful of respecting parents and to be aware of the jobs that parents have to do on a daily basis.

Civil matters
Neighbors on Obry Drive were arguing over a fence Dec. 15.

Drake Road neighbors were arguing over trees on their property line Dec. 15.

A man was loitering in a private parking lot on Scarsdale Avenue Dec. 12. Police advised him to leave.

Police provided telephone assistance to connect local New Jersey authorities with a possibly suicidal man in New Jersey Dec. 12.

A Brite Avenue woman reported feeling threatened by comments in an online group chat and by noticing allegedly suspicious vehicles parked outside her house Dec. 15. She was unable top provide evidence of the messages. Police advised her to leave the group chats.

Cars and roadways
On Dec. 11, police removed fallen branches from Post Road.

A small bridge over a Lorraine Place bridge collapsed on private property Dec. 13.

A driver ran out of gas on Heathcote Road Dec. 13. Police helped the driver refuel.

Police issued a summons to a driver found to be driving with a suspended license on Post Road Jan. 14.

A car accident involving a school bus on Weaver Street occurred Dec. 15. No injuries were reported.

An unsecured box of nails fell from a utility truck and struck a Mercedes-Benz on Palmer Avenue Dec. 16.

On Dec. 17, a caller reported a small electronic device blinking "bright light" on the side of the road near Drake and Ferncliff roads., worrying that this device was suspicious and may be part of "something bigger." Police canvassed the area and did not find any such devices.

Fallen trees, broken branches, blown down wires, and flooded roadways affected travel in the Village during the overnight period of Dec. 17 into 18. One fallen tree on Weaver Street smashed two parked cars.

Two car accidents were officially reported in the Village this week.

On Dec. 12, a Wheelock Road woman reported her dog while on its leash by another unleashed dog, allegedly named “Leo.” The woman reported the bite to “Leo’s” owner. Police intervened in a dispute between the parties and advised them of options to settle in civil court.

A lost dog was reunited with its owner on Carthage Road Dec. 14.

Village code
On Dec. 11, police advised solicitors that they needed a permit to solicit in the Village.

Lost and found
A Johnson Road man reported losing his car’s license plate Dec. 15.

A set of keys was found in the Village and given to police for safekeeping Dec. 16.

On Dec.13, firefighters shut power to an electrical breaker following a water leak in a Rectory Lane house. Firefighters found a water line supplying an under-sink filtration system was broken and leaking water. They were able to control the leak at the source. Water had also traveled from the kitchen to the basement below and infiltrated an electrical subpanel that supplied power to most of the basement circuits, including the boiler. Firefighters shut power to the subpanel and advised the resident not to restore power to the subpanel and to contact a licensed electrician to assess the condition of the electrical system. The resident was informed that the heating system was turned off and should remain off until an electrician was consulted.

On Dec. 14, firefighters responded to an inside odor of gas investigation in a River Road house. The oven was emitting CO when in use. Firefighters advised the resident to have the oven serviced prior to using it.

On Dec. 14, firefighters responded to an odor of burning in a three-story, mixed-use, residential over commercial structure on Garth Road. Firefighters diagnosed the problem to be a malfunction of the heating unit. Firefighters shut down power to the heating unit and evacuated the structure. They gained access to residential apartments on the second floor and to the commercial businesses located on the first floor. They ventilated the entire structure until CO levels were safe. Con Edison Gas was dispatched to the scene. Residents were able to reoccupy the structure, and building maintenance was contacted and advised of the building issue.

Firefighters assisted at a car accident on Crane Road Dec. 16.

Firefighters stood by for Con Edison at the site of a gas leak on Harvest Drive Dec. 17.

This report covering police and fire department activity from Dec. 11-17 has been compiled from official information.

scarsdalesecuritylogo 1 1This police report is sponsored by Scarsdale Security who does more than just security. Contact them about remote video for your home or business. Call 914-722-2200 or visit their website.

PublicSafety2The Drake Edgewood and Arthur Manor neighborhood associations co-sponsored a community public safety forum on Monday December 11 at Village Hall. Police, Fire and and Scarsdale Volunteer Ambulance Corps officials discussed their operations and service trends, and answered questions from the audience. Pictured left to right are Police Lt. Craig Carroll, head of the support services section; Police Lt. Steven DelBene, head of the patrol section; Police Chief Andrew Matturro; Fire Chief Christopher Mytych; and SVAC President David Raizen.Arrested: On Dec. 9, police arrested a 24 year-old Scarsdale man on misdemeanor charges of aggravated harassment via phone without legitimate communication and failure to obey a mandate. Bail was set at $2,500, and Constantin was remanded to Westchester County Jail.

Identity theft
On Dec. 9, a Hampton Road resident reported that someone fraudulently opened a credit card in her name while she was travelling in China.

On Dec. 8, a Chateaux Circle resident reported her car’s bumper was damaged in the parking lot.

Domestic matter
An Edgewood couple was arguing over a telephone call that had been made, and the husband called police to say his wife was yelling at him Dec. 6. Police arrived and advised the couple to stay away from each other that evening.

A caller reported an alleged homeless man loitering in a Popham Road stairwell Dec. 6. He was not there when police arrived.

Police checked a Park Road pool house after the resident noticed a light was on Dec. 8. No one was there, and the resident turned off the light.

Unruly patron
Police advised an unruly patron that he was not longer welcome at the Scarsdale Library until March 2024, due to his inappropriate and disruptive behavior Dec. 6.

Welfare check
A son was concerned because he could not reach is elderly Brewster Road parents for five days and asked police to perform a welfare check Dec. 7. Police went to the house but no one answered the door. Police informed the son.

On Dec. 7, a caller asked police to check on his girlfriend and provided a Claremont Road address. Police went to the house and determined no one by that name lived at the house. The resident advised there might be a similar address in another jurisdiction. Police attempted to reach the caller by phone but did not get through.

Cars and roadways
On Dec. 4, the parking enforcement officer found two cars with scofflaw status due to unpaid parking tickets parked on Depot Place. Both cars were towed to the police impound lot.

Police picked up a tarp found on Post Road and disposed of it Dec. 4.

A car was running in the high school parking lot for more than 15 minutes on the evening of Dec. 4. Police contacted the owner who said the running card was an accident, and perhaps the ignition had not been turned off after the car was parked.

On Dec. 5, the parking enforcement officer found one car with scofflaw status due to unpaid parking tickets on Scarsdale Avenue.

Police relocated a roadwork sign on Dickel Road to assist traffic flow Dec. 6.

Police removed a fallen rake from Post Road Dec. 6.

Police called duty tow to help change a flat tire on Post Road at 3:30 a.m., Dec. 7.

Police put cones around a Heathcote Road pothole Dec. 10.

Three car accidents were reported in the Village this week.

Civil matter
On Dec. 4, a contractor reported a dispute with a Cooper Road client over a bounced check of $1,522 which the client had given the contractor for heating repairs. The contractor said he went to the house again to receive payment and the client advised that “money was in the bank” and to attempt to cash the check again.

A former barbershop employee called police from a Garth Road restaurant to report that he did not get his tools back after leaving his work at an Eastchester barberstoolsbarber shop, following a dispute, Dec. 10. Police notified Eastchester police.

Village code
Police advised a Post Road resident to remove illegally posted signs from his property Dec. 8.

Lost and found
An Ardmore Road resident report her car was turned in at the end of a lease agreement, but the license plates were inadvertently still attached, causing the plates to be lost. Police provided appropriate paperwork to file with the DMV.

A woman thought her car had been stolen from a Post Road parking lot Dec. 4. Police found the car parked in another area of the lot. The woman alleged someone must have broken into her car and moved it. Police removed security footage and confirmed the car had not been moved.

A caller reported finding a bag of “white powder” near a Chase Road ATM Dec. 4. Police investigated and determined the bag contained white waxy debris and short pieces of string – such as would come from crushed candles. Police Then discarded the bag of crushed candles.

A resident walked into headquarters and reported losing a passport Dec. 5.

A bag containing sports equipment was found outside Greenacres School Dec. 6. Police placed it a custodian storage area.

On Dec. 9, a passerby found a pre-paid commuter card near St. James the Less church in the Village.

On Dec. 4, the owner of a Rural Drive house entered her house to find a carbon monoxide alarm sounding. It was caused by a faulty furnace burner. Firefighters and Con Edison shut down the unit and ventilated the house.

On Dec. 6, firefighters assisted Westchester County Police with a disabled car on the Hutchinson River Parkway.

A Chateaux Circle resident had questions about smoke detectors and carbon monoxide alarms Dec. 6. Firefighters assisted in providing information.
Firefighters assisted Greenville firefighters remove a bird’s nest from a dryer vent in their jurisdiction Dec. 7.

Firefighters assisted with a car accident on Heathcote Road Dec. 7.

A Norma Place resident reported a possible animal in the attic Dec. 7. Police checked the attic but did not find any animals.

On Dec. 7, firefighters assisted with overhaul from a structure fire in another jurisdiction.
Firefighters assisted with a car accident on Mamaroneck Road Dec. 9.

This report covering police and fire department activity from Dec. 4 – 10 has been compiled from official information.

scarsdalesecuritylogo 1 1This police report is sponsored by Scarsdale Security who does more than just security. Contact them about remote video for your home or business. Call 914-722-2200 or visit their website.

jewelryinevenlopeStolen packages: On Nov. 22, a Taunton Road woman reported a necklace, that had been ordered from eBay, was stolen from inside an envelope delivered to her porch on Nov. 13.

A Dunham Road house was reported to have been burglarized Nov. 21.The homeowner reported over $26,000 in possessions were stolen.

On Nov. 21, a Franklin Road man reported a fraudulent fraud alert appeared his computer and directed him to call a number. The person on the other end of the phone directed the man to allow access to his computer and instructed the man to transfer funds into an account to restore funds that were allegedly missing. At this point, the man realized the fraud alert and corresponding call were scams. The man then changed his passwords and spoke with bank employees to secure his accounts.

Identity theft
On Nov. 22, an Old Orchard Lane resident reported to be the victim of identity theft. She said she wrote a check that was altered and cashed, resulting in a loss of funds.

On Nov. 22, a Heathcote Road man reported receiving unwanted calls. Police advised the man to block the calls through his carrier.

A Hutchinson Ave. woman reported a man on Hern property identified himself as a Amazon delivery person Nov. 22. Later she saw the same man near her property and thought it was suspicious. Police checked her house and found no signs of criminality.

On Nov. 23, a Brite Avenue man reported finding broken glass and a bloodied handprint on his front stoop and doorway. Police determined the glass did not originate from the man’s property and was from the top of a serving bowl.

Around 2 a.m., Nov. 26, a person attempted to deliver McDonald’s food to a Brewster Road residence, claiming it was for the homeowner’s son who was not at home. The homeowner found it suspicious and called police.

The manager of an East Parkway establishment asked police to inform an unruly customer that he was not welcome in the establishment Nov. 21.

Cars and roadways

On Nov. 20, two drivers got into a dispute over a car accident on Wilmot Road. Police stop day until New Rochelle police arrived to handle the dispute.
On Nov. 21, police advised drivers about parking restrictions on Church Lane.
Police tied up fallen wires on Palmer Avenue and notified Verizon Nov. 22.
Police detected a parked car on Scarsdale Avenue with scofflaw status due to over $700 in unpaid parking tickets Nov. 23. The owner promised to immediately resolve the matter at Village Court.
Three car accidents were reported in the Village this week.

Village code
Police issued landscapers summonses for using gas-powered leaf blowers on Autenreith Road, Lawrence Road and Colonial Road Nov. 24.

On Nov. 25, police advised a party venue manager that neighbors complained of noise from loud music. The manger lowered the volume of the music.

Lost and found

On Nov. 22, a resident brought a wallet found on Post Road to headquarters for safekeeping.

On Nov. 25, a resident brought a wallet found on Fenimore Road to headquarters for safekeeping.

A toilet overflow caused water to leak into a light fixture in a Brewster Road house Nov. 20. Firefighters isolated the leak and advised the resident to call an electrician.

Firefighters assisted at a rollover car accident on the Hutchinson River Parkway Nov. 21. The driver was taken to the hospital by ambulance for injuries.

Firefighters assisted at a car accident on the Hutchinson River Parkway Nov. 23.

Elevated levels of carbon monoxide were detected in a Valley Road house Nov. 23. Firefighters stood by for Con Edison.

An Elm Road resident extinguished a cooking fire with a fire extinguisher Nov. 23. The resident reported it to firefighters 30 minutes later and asked if the fire department could give her a new extinguisher because she used up her existing one on the fire. Firefighters went to the house and confirmed the fire was out.

Firefighters helped ventilate a Greenacres Ave. house after smoke from a fireplace escaped into the rooms Nov. 23.

A break in a hot water line created steam in a Middle School utility room Nov. 23. The leak was isolated, and water was cleaned up by custodians.

On Nov. 25, firefighters assisted at a car accident at Post and Popham roads.

Firefighters were asked to look for a phone that allegedly fell into a storm sewer on Christie Place Nov. 25. Due to the large amount of debris and water in the sewer, they were unable to locate the phone.

Firefighters helped a Cushman Road resident use the vent fan to dissipate gas from a stove Nov. 25.

On Nov. 26, smoke was coming from a Hallandale Close oven during a self cleaning function. Firefighters pulled the oven from its wall location to allow better air circulation and advised the resident to have the appliance serviced.

On Nov. 26, a Forest Lane house was reported to be on fire. The residents said they were using the fireplace and noticed “bubbling” on the walls surrounding the fireplace, suggesting burning inside the walls. Firefighters broke through the sheetrock and confirmed the wood framing was burning. They extinguished the fire and overhauled the area.

This report covering police and fire department activity from Nov. 20-26 has been compiled from official information.

scarsdalesecuritylogo 1 1This police report is sponsored by Scarsdale Security who does more than just security. Contact them about remote video for your home or business. Call 914-722-2200 or visit their website.

MemorialGardenScams: A Barry Road man’s son reported the man was being scammed, and police arrived on scene and spoke with the man before he gave away any money Nov. 28.

On Nov. 30, a Post Road resident reported a scam attempt. The resident advised that a leak in the roof had caused interior damage but had since been fixed and cleaned.
The resident then stated she received a phone call from an unknown party earlier in the day, claiming to be from Village Hall and demanding a $90,000 security deposit for a cleaning service that needed to get done, otherwise the house would be condemned. Patrol confirmed with Village Hall that no one had had any contact with the resident about such a matter.

On Dec. 1, a Myrtledale Road woman reported a scam in which an unknown party called her on Nov. 29 to say she was a lottery winner of $4.2 million. The unknown party advised that they would be coming to the woman’s house to deliver a check and sign paperwork. The woman said she knew the exchange with the unknown party was a scam, “but played into it.” The unknown party requested personal information to complete the processing of the alleged winnings. The woman advised that the unknown party continued to call on Nov. 30 and Dec. 1, but the woman did not answer the phone. Police advised the woman to refrain from any further communication with the unknown party especially knowing the exchange is a scam. The woman confirmed that she did not release any credit, banking or personal identity markers relative to this incident.

On Nov. 29, a Park Road housekeeper discovered the house had been broken into, and items were stolen. Police are following up.

Identity theft
On Nov. 29, a Horseguard Lane woman reported someone attempted to open a fraudulent account in her name.

On Dec. 2, a Birchall Drive woman reported being the victim of identity theft and losing $5,000 as a result.

On Dec. 2, a Woodland Place resident reported someone used his personal information to purchase $1,497 worth of furniture on credit.

On Nov. 29, a caller reported a young man taking pictures of trains on Scarsdale Avenue. Patrol arrived on scene and observed the young man in the Scarsdale Avenue Pay Station metered parking lot adjacent to the Metro North Train line. The male teenager identified himself and advised that he is an online YouTuber who posts train-related material on his channel. He used his cell phone to demonstrate the train-related material on his YouTube account. He advised he was waiting for his mother to pick him up for school. His mother then responded to the location and confirmed her son's interests regarding trains. Both parties were advised that the parking lot is not a safe spot for his interest as the parking lot is small with only one passing lane, and vehicles are passing through at a high volume during commuting hours.

On Nov. 28, an Edgewood Road resident that someone rang her doorbell and ran away at 1:15 a.m.

A man loitering near Roosevelt Place claimed he used to live in the area and was visiting Dec. 2. He asked for help getting to a restaurant. Police called a taxi for him.

Civil matter
On Nov. 27, a Boulevard resident reported that after completing an addition to her residence in August, she read a property survey and realized her neighbor had planted bushes on her property by mistake. She stated the neighbor wished for the bushes to remain and said she was concerned about future interactions between herself, her contractors, and the neighbor due to past incidents. Patrol advised her to immediately notify police if any verbal arguments occur and to otherwise avoid the neighbor.

Cars and roadways
On Nov. 27, police asked the driver of a parked car on Bethel Road to relocate it to facilitate traffic flow.

While police were hooking up a car to a tow truck on Freightway Road, in order to be impounded due to scofflaw status for unpaid parking tickets Nov. 29, the car’s owner arrived on scene. The owner promised to resolve the matter immediately at Village Hall.

An Amazon driver got the vehicle stuck in gravel while trying to turn around in a Cambridge Road driveway. Police called a tow for assistance.

A man sleeping in a parked car on Carthage Road said he was tired and pulled over to nap Nov. 29. He declined medical assistance and left.

On Nov. 30, a driver accidentally knocked over a road sign on East Parkway.

Police helped push a disabled car into a Weaver Street driveway Dec. 1.

A driver claimed a pothole on Bypass and Secor Road caused his car to sustain a flat tire Dec. 2. Police put up cones to alert motorists to avoid the pothole, pending its repair.
Police called a tow for a van stuck in mud on Richbell Close Dec. 2.

A fallen tree on Garden Road took down utility lines. Police notified the proper agencies for removal and repair.

Four car accidents were reported in the Village this week.

A bobcat was reported on Tompkins Road Dec. 2. It appeared healthy and retreated at the sight of humans.bobcat

Village code
Police issued summonses to landscapers for using gas-powered leaf blowers on Oak Lane and Boulevard Dec. 2.

Lost and found
Property found at Scarsdale Middle School was turned over to policed Nov. 28.
On Nov. 28, a Kensington Road resident reported losing her wallet and ID in Stamford. Police advised the resident to report the matter to Stamford police.
On Nov. 29, a woman reported finding four boxes of gift cards near the horse stables on Mamaroneck Road.
A crossing guard found an iPhone on Nelson Road Nov. 30. Police delivered the phoned to its owner using information found in the phone.
On Dec. 1, a person found a credit card on Foxhall Road, and police delivered it to its owner.

On Nov. 27, firefighters assisted with a car accident on the Hutchinson River Parkway.

On Nov. 27, firefighters helped a chronically impaired person get down stairs and into a car in Edgewood.

On Nov. 27, firefighters assisted with a car accident on Post Road and Boulevard.

On Nov. 27, an odor of burning in a Franklin Road basement was reported. Firefighters encountered an odor of electrical burning and a slight haze originating from the boiler room. Firefighters found shorted and burned electrical wires and a burned fuse inside a control module for the gas-powered boiler. The unit was isolated at the main electrical panel and firefighters advised the resident to contact a repair technician. The heat to the structure was turned off and would not work until a repair could be made.

On Nov. 29, an odor of gas was detected in a White Road basement. Firefighters found a minor natural gas leak at fittings to new gas dryer installation. Firefighters shut down the valve that fed the dryer but were unable to isolate the leak. Con Edison was requested to attempt a repair to fittings.

Firefighters were called to rescue a wild bird caught in a microwave/stove vent pipe in a Park Road house Nov. 30. Screws holding the microwave were removed exposing the vent pipe and the blower motor on the top of the microwave. A small bird was seen to be stuck in the blower motor. The microwave was removed from the cabinet, and bird was extricated. It flew out of the kitchen through a rear sliding glass door. The bird appeared to be in good health. The microwave was reinstalled and powered up, and blower motor was confirmed to be functioning normally. Firefighters advised the homeowner to have a screen installed on the outside of the vent to prevent birds from nesting in the vent.

On Nov. 30, firefighters assisted with a car accident on the Hutchinson River Parkway.

On Dec. 1, firefighters assisted a Brewster Road resident with an electrical service issue.

On Dec. 1, a Catherine Road resident reported an inside odor of gas upon the startup of her gas-powered clothes dryer. Con Edison was requested to check the appliance for proper operation, and the technician found no natural gas leaks or carbon monoxide in the area. The resident stated that she recently had the dryer vent replaced, so firefighters then checked the exhaust vent for proper operation of the swing door covering the exhaust port. It was stuck closed and would not naturally open while the dryer was operating. Firefighters were able to free the door to allow for airflow, and they advised the resident to contact a contractor for repair.
On Dec. 3, an odor of natural gas was detected in an East parkway basement. Con Edison detected a faulty gas shut-off valve and capped the service to stop the leak.

A fallen treed took down wires on Garden Road Dec. 3. Firefighters assisted Con Edison.

Firefighters advised a Rodney Road resident to call a plumber to address a water leak that caused part of a ceiling panel to collapse inside the house. Dec. 3.
On Dec. 3, carbon monoxide collected in a Madison Road house. Firefighters traced the source to a gas-fired steam boiler. They shut down the unit and started positive pressure ventilation. They requested Con Edison. The gas supply to the unit was capped, and Con Edison tagged the boiler.

This report covering police and fire department activity from Nov. 27 – Dec. 3 has been compiled from official information.

(Photo Credit: Jon Mark)

scarsdalesecuritylogo 1 1This police report is sponsored by Scarsdale Security who does more than just security. Contact them about remote video for your home or business. Call 914-722-2200 or visit their website.

snowmenCatalytic converter theft: On Nov. 16, a thief removed a catalytic converter from a car parked in a Drake Road driveway.

A woman reported her iPhone was stolen from her bag while in a Chase Road restaurant Nov. 19.

On Nov. 19, a Saxon Woods Road resident reported a hose was stolen from his property sometime in the past.

Graffiti was found at Greenacres School on a storage shed on Huntington Avenue Nov. 14. According to police, “there appeared to be no meaning or significance to the graffiti, as it appeared to be a tag of some kind.”

Identity theft
On Nov. 16, a Secor Road resident reported that someone used his personal information to open a line of credit for a car loan.

On Nov. 18, a Clarence Road resident reported someone fraudulently opened an AT&T account in his name and used it to buy a telephone.

Missing packages
On Nov. 18, a Cooper Road resident reported that a FedEx delivery containing furnace filters was stolen from his porch. After careful review of a delivery photo, patrol observed that the stone slate pattern in the photo did not match the caller's front porch and background details. The caller reviewed the picture and confirmed that the packages were not delivered to his front porch. Patrol and the caller responded to his neighbor's house and observed the three missing packages on the front porch. It was apparent that the FedEx driver delivered the packages to the wrong address. Patrol assisted the resident with transporting the packages back to his house.

On Nov. 17, police responded to Brite Avenue and Butler Road and met with an Uber Eats delivery driver. He said he was driving east on Butler Road when an unknown vehicle stopped him and began questioning him, making him feel fearful. He advised that the party stated, "Were you just at the park? Were you following my daughter?" Patrol spoke with the other party on scene, who advised that his daughter and her friend were playing in a nearby park and observed a vehicle pull into the park. They therefore thought they were being followed. The party then mistakenly believed it was the same vehicle seen the park and stopped the driver to question him. Both parties advised their dispute was a verbal altercation only and based on a misunderstanding.

Domestic matters
Police stood by at a Village residence while a daughter gathered her belongings before leaving the house Nov. 14.

On Nov. 14, police contacted the sanitation department to remove debris placed on a Carthage Road resident’s driveway.

A Grand Park Avenue resident reported that someone rang her doorbell Nov. 15. She opened the door and saw two men in a car. They rolled down the window and motioned for her to come to their car. Instead, she went back in the house and called police.

While investigating the previous Grand Park Avenue incident Nov. 15, police observed a white man turn his body towards a wall and place his hands in front of him towards the vicinity of his groin. Police believed the man was attempting to urinate near an area with posted signage. Police approached the individual who left the scene with duct tape and a small hammer in his left hand, with paper fliers under his left arm. Police asked him what he was doing and he quickly began to walk away refusing to answer any questions. Due to the suspicious nature of his behavior, police requested assistance from a nearby unit. Police attempted to speak with the man, described as wearing a blue puffer jacket, dark jeans and gray shirt. He was approximately 6'2" and looked to be about 65 years old. He quickly became irate and began to record the interaction. Police advised him that his behavior was peculiar at that time of day and asked if he was the owner of the illegally posted sign. He refused to answer and would not give any information. Due to the size and description of what police could observe were the signs under the man’s arm, policed deduced that the posted sign was not similar. Thus, the man was advised to get home safely, and no further action was taken.

On Nov. 16, a Broadmoor Road resident reported that an Amazon delivery driver came to her back door, placed a package on the porch, then took the package back and left the area.

On Nov. 19, a concerned caller reported that an East Parkway store left many items on the sidewalk, and the caller believed the items would get stolen if left out overnight. Patrol responded, checked the perimeter of the listed business and observed two shelves of seasonal plants displayed for sale. Based upon the nature of the items and the manner of their display, it appeared to be an intentional choice of management to leave the items outside.

Police helped an elderly person who went to an East Parkway bank and claimed her financial documents were stolen Nov. 13. She lived in another jurisdiction, and police provided a courtesy ride to that jurisdiction, so the person could make the report there.

A Palmer Avenue resident was worried someone had entered her garage and tampered wither car because it would not start Nov. 15. Police checked the car. It was not charged, and therefore it would not start. Police did not find any signs of criminality.DobbsandBishopDobbs and Bishop Cheese Shop celebrated their official opening on Spencer Place on November 16.

Holiday decorations
On Nov. 17, a parking enforcement officer advised that someone had tampered with Christmas decorations in front of a gas station on Scarsdale Ave. Patrol arrived on scene and found the Christmas decorations on the ground. Patrol determined that the decorations had fallen due their own weight and faulty straps. No tampering or damage was found. The highway department was notified and retrieved the decorations for safekeeping.

Cars and roadways
On Nov. 14, police notified Con Edison about a dangling power line on Overhill Road.
Police removed empty boxes from Mamaroneck Road Nov. 15.

A driver mistakenly drove into the wrong Heathcote Road driveway Nov. 15.

On Nov. 15, police observed a grey BMW 325 coupe bearing Massachusetts plates traveling north on Post Road. The vehicle made a right turn onto Heathcote Road without signaling. A traffic stop was conducted and due to patrol's findings five citations were issued. The vehicle was then towed to the operator's place of business in Eastchester.

Police issued parking citations to cars parked, without authorization, in handicapped spots at the Scarsdale track Nov. 16.

On Nov. 17, a parking meter was found to be opened and damaged on Scarsdale Avenue.

The highway department removed a fallen branch from Carthage Road Nov. 17.

Police removed a branch from Bypass Nov. 18.

The water department repaired a leaking hydrant on Wayside Lane Nov. 18.

Four car accidents were officially reported in the Village this week.

Village code
Police removed and discarded illegally placed signs on Griffen Avenue, Penn Boulevard and Mamaroneck Road Nov. 14.

Neighbors complained of barking dogs on Brookby Road Nov. 15. Police advised the homeowner to keep the dogs inside.

Discarded furniture was observed on Shawnee Road Nov. 17. Police advised the homeowner to put the items back in the house until the scheduled sanitation pickup day.

Police removed and discarded illegally placed signs, advertising holiday light installations, from Kelwynne Road Nov. 18.

Police dispersed kids from the dining tent on Spencer Place Nov. 18.

Police advised a Brambach Road resident that neighbors complained of music coming from an open window. The resident closed the window.

Firefighters assisted with a car accident on Kingston Road Nov. 13.

Firefighters assisted Con Edison with a carbon monoxide leak in a Catherine Road house Nov. 15.

Firefighters assisted Con Edison with gas leaks on Palmer Avenue, Fox Meadow Road and Spencer Place Nov. 15, and on Whig Road Nov. 16.

On Nov. 16, firefighters responded to an inside odor of gas in a Haverford Avenue the garage and basement. Firefighters traced the odor to a car battery that was being charged and boiling over. They shut down the battery charger and advised the resident to replace the car battery, which was non operational after being charged for too long. Negative natural gas readings were noted.

On Nov. 16, firefighters responded to a reported dumpster fire at Scarsdale High School. On arrival, firefighters found a pile of canvas and metal fencing on fire. Firefighters extinguished the fire and overhauled the area.

Firefighters helped move a patient down stairs and into a vehicle in an Edgewood house Nov. 16.

Firefighters assisted with car accidents on the Bronx River Parkway Nov. 16 and 17 and on Post Road Nov. 18.

On Nov. 16, firefighters responded to an electrical outlet problem discoloration and charring on an outlet in a Horseguard Lane house. Firefighters shut down the breaker to the outlets located in the kitchen.
Sewage was backing up in a Walworth Avenue house Nov. 18. Firefighters advised the resident to call a plumber because no sewage backup was detected at the street.

This report covering police and fire department activity from Nov. 13-19 has been compiled from official information.

scarsdalesecuritylogo 1 1This police report is sponsored by Scarsdale Security who does more than just security. Contact them about remote video for your home or business. Call 914-722-2200 or visit their website.