Sunday, Sep 29th

camptrunkWhat do you do when your child comes to you in February and says "I want to go to sleepaway camp THIS year?" What do you do when you first decide that you want to send your son or daughter away to camp in February? Can it still be done this year? Yes! Many excellent camps still have space for summer '14 and you can find the right one for your child now.

Contrary to popular belief, it is possible to choose a fabulous sleepaway camp for your child without visiting camps the summer before. In fact, over the course of the year, many people who never visited camps decide to send their children to overnight camp and make excellent choices. How does a parent decide?

Start by thinking about your child's personality and interests as well as any requirements that you may have (i.e. price range, location, length of stay, particular activities, single sex v. coed v. brother-sister, future siblings, etc.). Next, think about the camps. Inasmuch as there are thousands of camps listed on the internet, a great way to find the right one is to consult with a camp advisor who has expertise in this area. Most camp advisors or referral agents (as they are called by the camps) do not charge parents for their services. Call a camp advisor who has personal knowledge of the camps, knows the directors and has actually observed the camps in session herself. She will know about the administration, facilities, philosophies and cultures of the camps. She will know, or find out, which camps that are appropriate for your child still have space. When you speak to your camp advisor, be honest and share information about special needs, if any, or difficulties that your child has had in the past. In order for a camp advisor to help you find a camp that is a great fit and where your child will succeed, it is important that you tell the advisor everything they need to know about your child. Do not hold back with the camp advisors or camp directors who all want your child to thrive at camp.

Your camp advisor will suggest several camps to you and get you information from them. Look at the DVDs and packets they send. Once your advisor gives you a few suggestions, look at those websites as well. After you have reviewed the information, call any of the suggested camps that interest you and speak to the directors yourself. Directors often tend to have much more time to talk to prospective parents at this point in the year than they do when families tour camps over the summer. Ask the directors about staff and camper return rates. It is also helpful to ask directors for references from other parents.

As tempting as it may be, try to avoid canvassing all of your friends to find out what they have heard about camps you may be looking at. Their information is not always based on personal knowledge. Of course, if a friend sends their own child/ren to a camp you are considering, their feedback might be very useful to you. However, don't pick a camp just because a friend or neighbor sends a child there. You should also think hard about sending your child to camp with a friend from home. There are many good reasons not to.

After you narrowed down your camp choices, start to include your child in the process. Your child will become less nervous and more excited about going if they are involved. Show your child a few DVDs of camps you like. Your camp advisor will help you select one or a (very) few camps to have home or Skype visits. It is not necessary to visit an empty camp in the off-season. While it is very helpful to visit camps in session, you will not observe friendships, relationships or supervision or feel the culture of the camps by seeing them over the winter. When you visit a camp without campers, you do not have the opportunity to observe how the staff interacts and engages the kids. In the off-season, meet or speak to camp directors before making a decision to enroll.

The directors set the tone at the camp and you want to feel comfortable with them and their philosophy. Your child should absolutely be present at any home visit. Let the director get to know him and let your child ask questions. Your camp advisor will help you come up with questions to ask the director yourself. Ask the director about anything that is important to you. After all, you will be entrusting that camp with your most important possession- your child. Often, your camp choice will be obvious after you meet with one or a (very) few directors. If you need help deciding, go back to your camp advisor. At the end of the day, listen to your gut feel and choose the camp where you can most envision your child returning for many wonderful summers to come.

ellenwylieThis article was contributed by Ellen Wylie of Spectacular Summers. Let Ellen help you find the right camp or summer experience for your child or teen. Visit her website at or call her at: (914)722-2644 or (888)774-2267.

nonsibiThe Scarsdale School Board Nominating Committee (SBNC) is seeking candidates for nomination to the Scarsdale Board of Education. In the coming months, the SBNC will nominate two candidates to the board. Jonathan Lewis has recently announced that he will step down from the School Board this year and will not seek re-election to a second term. An additional seat is available to fill the position currently held by Sunil Subbakrishna, who is completing his first term and is eligible for re-nomination. The SBNC invites all residents to propose candidates for the Board of Education. A candidate must be at least 18 years old, a U.S. citizen, a qualified voter, and a resident of the Scarsdale school district for at least one year prior to the May 20, 2014 school board election date. Candidates should complete a biographical information form and submit it via email to the SBNC Chair, John Clapp, at as soon as possible, but no later than 5:00 PM on February 25, 2014. Forms are available at For more information on the SBNC, including the governing Resolution, information on the non-partisan system and a list of the current SBNC members, please visit the SBNC website or contact the SBNC Chair.

Scarsdale10583 received the following letter from the Scarsdale School Board Nominating Committee:

To the Editor,

On behalf of the Administrative Committee of the Scarsdale School Board Nominating Committee, we would like to congratulate the newly elected members of the School Board Nominating Committee (SBNC). We thank all candidates who ran as well as everyone in the community who voted in the recent election, whether by mail-in ballot or in person. Your participation ensures a strong, contested election resulting in the election of the best representatives to evaluate prospective members of our School Board. 

We also thank the members of our committee and many others in the community who helped recruit candidates and publicize and run the election. The Administrative Committee organizes and administers the SBNC election at significant expense. The cost of producing and mailing the brochure to every Scarsdale resident is not included in the School budget, the Village budget or any other source of public funds. These expenses are covered exclusively by contributions from citizens like you.

We really do need the individual financial support of members of the community. Please consider a contribution to the election fund of the Administrative Committee. Donations can be made by Paypal ( or by check payable to "SBNC Administrative Committee" and sent to our post office box, PO Box 172H, Scarsdale 10583.

Donations are used solely for running the SBNC election and do not benefit any individual candidate. It is through your support that we can continue to sustain this non-partisan system of robust and contested elections and elect members for the Scarsdale School Board Nominating Committee. 

Thank you for your participation and support.

Janet Korins and Jyoti Ruta,
Co-chairs SBNC Admin. Committee


snow1-21In our neck of the dale it looks like we got about seven inches of light powder from the winter storm that hit the East Coast on January 21. The snow began at 9:30 am Tuesday morning and tapered off sometime during the night bringing a blanket of white as well as frigid temperatures and gusty winds.

This morning Scarsdale is digging out with the thermometer measuring just two degrees. Brrrrr. Schools will be on a two-hour delay and students who are eligible for district transportation will be picked up two hours later than their usual time.

According to Benny Salanitro, Scarsdale Superintendent of Public Works, "Crews have plowed and salted all roads in the Village. Commuter sidewalks and those adjacent to school buildings have been plowed as well. Due to the cold weather, which makes de-icers less effective, many roads are slippery and may have some snow pack. Residents are advised to use caution and allow for extra time in their travels today." Scarsdale Village Hall is open.

The Community Budget forum scheduled for Wednesday will be held next Wednesday, January 29 at 10am at the Girl Scout House on Wayside Lane.

Send your snow photos to and we will post them today.

(Photo at top courtesy of Mariela Melamed)

edgemonthighAt the public session of the January 22rd Edgemont School Board Nominating Committee (SBNC) meeting, the SBNC accepted letters of recommendation for three Edgemont residents to fill the two upcoming vacancies on the School Board: Anish Nanavaty, Jon Faust and Genevieve Jaffe. Anish Nanavaty of Evandale Road was recommended for a second term on the Board, and both Jon Faust of Ferndale Road and Genevieve Jaffe of Highland Road were recommended for first terms.

The SBNC accepted the letters with great appreciation of the willingness of all three candidates to serve Edgemont's schools and community. The SBNC seeks comment from Edgemont residents concerning the candidates. All comments should be submitted by March 15th in writing to Monica Sganga, SBNC Chair, 350 Evandale Road, Scarsdale, NY 10583, Comments must be attributable (anonymous comments will not be accepted) and will be kept confidential within the SBNC.

snowdayDue to the forecast for snow all day at Scarsdale10583 schools are closing early and the Community School Budget Forum schedule for tonight, Tuesday, has been rescheduled for Thursday, January 23 at 7:30 pm in rooms 170-172 at Scarsdale High School. The Community Budget Forum that was scheduled for Wednesday morning (1/22) has also been cancelled and will be held next Wednesday, January 29, at 10 am at the Girl Scout House on Wayside Lane.

Today, the Scarsdale Middle School dismissed students at 11:20 am and Scarsdale High School and all elementary schools will have a noon dismissal. Students who are eligible for transportation will be picked up by District buses at those times. If your child is not eligible for District transportation, please make arrangements to pick them up. Students in private and parochial schools will be picked up in accordance with each school's announced schedule for today.

The Scarsdale Public Library will close at 1 pm Tuesday and all afternoon and evening programs are cancelled. Though the library will open on Wednesday morning, the Muscial Playdate schedule for 1/22 is cancelled.

If you need to let others know about snow cancellations, post them in the comments section below.