Sunday, Sep 29th

city-vs-suburbsBoth the New York Times and WNYC's Brian Lehrer recently discussed new statistics that show a decline in the number of 25-44 year olds in the suburbs of New York City. According to experts more parents with school-age children are choosing to stay in the city and send their children to city schools than they have in the past. For instance, from 2000 -2011 Rye had a 63 percent decrease in the number of 25 to 34 year olds and a 16 percent decrease in 35 to 44 year olds.

There are several theories about what's behind this trend:

Some surmise that the exodus involves the lack of affordable housing. According to Juliette Michaelson of the Regional Plan Association, "Young people are not returning to the suburbs because they can't find the kind of housing options that they are looking for." There are not many rentals and the down payment on a house in a reasonable school district is too high. Those who do want to move to the suburbs are moving further from the city to places like Putnam County where they have a longer commute but can afford a house.

For others, the decision to stay in the city revolves around lifestyle as well as finances. Some young parents prefer living in the city where they have an easy commute, lots of activities and entertainment and can walk or take public transportation.

Ed McCormack, Communications Director for Westchester County Executive Rob Astorino, studied the issue as well and he contends that the number of children in school in Westchester has actually grown, not declined. He thinks the decline in young people is due to the fact that people are marrying later and moving to the suburbs later.

Whatever the reason, this trend could affect home sales in Scarsdale and Edgemont. What do you think?

JuiaWhiteRThough most aspiring performers could only dream of being invited to sing at Carnegie Hall in New York City, on Monday, April 28th, Julia White of Scarsdale and Emma Kops of Eastchester will be living this dream as featured singers with Camp Broadway at the New York Pops 31st Birthday Gala celebration and performance. At only 11 years of age, these talented and composed girls will be singing a song from the movie South Park: Bigger, Longer, and Uncut called Blame Canada (written by Trey Parker and Marc Shaiman) on the famed Carnegie stage with Emmy and Tony award-winning star Andrea Martin.

Conducted and directed by Steven Reineke, the evening will star Megan Hilty, Patti emmaLuPone, Will Chase, Christian Borle, Jane Krakowski, Katharine McPhee, and Martin Short, among others. The event will honor lyricists Marc Shaiman and Scott Wittman. Proceeds from the event will be used to fund the New York Pops and its free PopsEd music opportunity programs in New York City schools.

I had the opportunity to ask Julia and Emma some questions about their upcoming experience, and they were excited to share their thoughts.

What is Camp Broadway and how did you get chosen to participate?

Julia: Camp Broadway is a performing arts organization in New York City. I got involved by going to an open call, which is an audition that anyone can attend. They selected 60 kids from all across the country. As for the training, we haven't started yet! We will be rehearsing for three solid days in the city to prepare for the concert on Monday night.
What are you looking forward to most about your performance at Carnegie Hall?

Emma: The chance to experience performing on the same stage as some of the most talented people alive. I am so excited to sing and dance alongside such an amazing list of theater legends and hope to meet them all!

Julia: Having the experience of performing at such a legendary theater, and it seems so so so amazing that I can perform there too. So many talented people have performed there and it will be such an honor to do the same.

All 11-year-olds have a dream! What's yours?

Emma: My dream has always been to be a star on Broadway! I love to perform and was singing practically before I could walk, so to succeed doing something I love would be amazing. Someday I hope to return to the Carnegie Hall stage, only then as one of the featured Broadway stars!

Julia: My dream is to be on Broadway, definitely. It has always been my goal to work with amazing people and have amazing experiences in the world of theater, doing what I love to do.

A very limited number of tickets are still available, so get yours while you can:

Break a leg, Julia and Emma!

CKCCThe Edgemont-based club Caring Kids Creating Cures, or CKCC, hosted its inaugural Parents vs. Teachers basketball game on Friday, April 4th at the Edgemont High School Gym. The event was nothing short of a success. The turnout was remarkable with not a single empty seat in the stands. The Edgemont Teachers came out on top, defeating the Edgemont Parents 54-46. The game was rich with highlights, both on the offensive and defensive side, keeping the Edgemont fans on the edge of their seats. Jack Keeny coached the victorious Edgemont Teachers and Mason Brooks coached the Edgemont Parents. The refs for the game were Edgemont 11thgrader D.J. Chao and Edgemont 12th grader Shayna Davner.

There wasn't a minute in which fans were not involved. At halftime, the gym was divided into two age groups, 12-and-under and 13-and-up, as they both participated in halftime festivities including a half-court shootout as well as a three-point competition. Members of the CKCC staffed the activities.
"It was great. There was a lot of support from the whole Edgemont community and both the parents and teachers played so well and we want to thank them for giving up their Friday night," said Club Head of Activities Savannah Brooks.

The fans were fortunate to be entertained by 10th grade student Antonio Ruido, otherwise known as Pedro Cañas, who is a certified DJ and producer. His performance made the game that much more exciting.

The club raised $3,115. All proceeds from this event were donated to programs, research and agencies related to pediatric cancer. CKCC is an Edgemont Junior/ Senior High School club that has hosted bake sales, car washes, bingo, and skating nights in order the better the lives of cancer patients. It was formed by 6th grade students at Seely Place and Greenville Elementary School in 2009 and the event could not have taken place without their support.

CKCC's primary goal is to help spread the awareness of pediatric cancer through fundraising activities, donate proceeds to organization who provide either research or support in the area of pediatric cancer.

shsgrad12pOne-year grants from the Scarsdale High School PTA Scholarship Fund are available and applications must be submitted by May 2.

Here is what you need to know:

-The SHS PTA Scholarship Fund for College provides one-year grants to college-bound seniors for their freshman year. The Scholarship Fund is celebrating its 62nd year of helping Scarsdale seniors attend college.

-Graduating seniors of Scarsdale High School who are pursuing higher education are eligible to apply.

-Grants are made to seniors in good standing, who will receive a SHS diploma, based on demonstrated financial need.

-Grant amounts generally range from $1,000 to $7,500.

-There is no fixed number of recipients. Awards are based on need, the number of qualified applicants, and available funds.

-The Scholarship Fund Grant Committee makes allocations and administers the fund. All applications are held in the strictest confidence; applications are reviewed by number and not by name.

-The money available each year for scholarship grants comes from contributions by individuals, foundations, local businesses and community groups who respond to an annual appeal.

-Applications may be obtained from any Dean at Scarsdale High School. Completed applications should be submitted to the Scholarship Committee at a date to be determined but in past years was no later than early May 3rd.

For additional information regarding the Scholarship Fund and to download an application, visit the PTA website or contact Monica Rieckhoff: at

LincolnCenter2On Wednesday, March 26th, Edgewood students enjoyed "Tu Maraca," a musical work of art from the Lincoln Center Education repertory. Maracatu originated in Brazil a little more than 400 years ago when African slaves migrated to South America. Maracatu music primarily features rhythmic elements and percussion instrumentation, singing is also an important component.

Scarsdale, as a district, has participated in the Lincoln Center education program for many years. Participating teachers are trained in a series of courses conducted by Lincoln Center teaching artists. Trained teachers have the privileges of exposing their students to the available works of art, as well as opportunities to invite Lincoln Center Eduacation teaching artists into the classroom to work with students when possible.
