Sunday, Oct 06th

satenbergScarsdale Police have arrested a 69-year old carpenter for stealing $30,000 in jewelry from a home on Mamaroneck Road in Scarsdale where he was hired to do some work.

Scarsdale Detectives tracked the man down after they recovered some of the stolen jewelry from Toby's Jewelers on Central Avenue in Greenburgh and traced the sale of the items back to the suspect. Police report that the jewelers, who police referred to as pawn brokers, were "highly uncooperative" and did not have written ledgers, receipts or documentation for jewelry that they bought and sold.

The jeweler did identify a photo of Satenberg and said that he had come to the store to sell some of his wife's jewelry earlier in the month and was a "frequent customer." She also recognized the stolen jewelry from photos supplied by the detectives and said she would make them available to the police.

Following a three-week investigation, on November 14, Robert Satenberg of Alexander Avenue in White Plains was arrested and charged with Grand Larceny third degree which is a Class D felony.

Satenberg was arraigned before Judge Galloway at Scarsdale Justice court and then remanded to Westchester County Jail on $5,000 bail. He is due back in court on November 20th.

leaf3Scammed: An 87 year-old man fell victim to a phone scam and lost $1,800. On the morning of November 7 he got a phone call from a man who said he was his grandson. The grandson said he had been involved in a car accident and was arrested by the NYPD for driving while intoxicated. He said he needed his grandfather to send his lawyer $1,800 by Moneygram immediately. The grandfather went to CVS and sent the $1,800 and was charged another $156 in fees. When he returned to his home the scammers called back and asked for the confirmation number which he provided to them.

A Weaver Street woman reported that she received a text message on her phone from someone trying to gain access to her Chase account. The text said that her Chase debit card was suspended and instructed her to call a number for further information. When she called the number she was instructed to enter her card number but hung up without doing so. When she called Chase she learned that the message was a fraud.

Ammo: On November 7, the manager of the Gulf Station reported that one of the cars he rented was returned with ammunition in the trunk. Police retrieved the ammunition, called the man who had rented the car and asked him to come by to retrieve his property.

Party: Police found a small group of youths in the parking lot at Wayside Lane at 7:15 pm on November 9. The told the kids to leave the area. After they were gone, police found a bottle of Smirnoff watermelon flavored Vodka on the grass. It appeared be unopened.

Theft: A Fox Meadow Road woman reported that someone had stolen items from a UPS delivery to her home on the evening of 11/6. The woman found a package at her door and found that $140 in beauty products was missing from one package and that another package that contained a $30 sweater was gone altogether.

A Ferncliff Road woman said that a lawn chair had been removed from her property overnight on November 9 -10. At around 2:45 am she thought she heard a noise outside and some people talking. In the morning she found that shutters on two of her garage windows had been opened.

Accidents: Two young me driving a 2013 Mercedes north on Fox Meadow Road at 2 pm on November 5 attempted to turn left on Kent Road and ran into a U.S. Post Office Mailbox and pushed it 3 feet away from its footings. A witness said that the car had been speeding, and that after it hit the mailbox the two men got out, looked at the damage and then left the scene. Police tracked down the two young men.

A New Rochelle woman driving a 2012 Cadillac SUV was making a left turn from Morris Lane onto Heathcote Road at 7:50 am on November 6, when she struck a 23 year-old pedestrian who was crossing the intersection. The pedestrian refused transport to the hospital.

A 17 year-old girl, driving a 2011 Jeep at 9:30 pm on 11/10 lost control of her car and collided with a utility pole. Several homes nearby lost power when she hit the pole. She said she turned around to shut off the overhead light in the car and lost control of the wheel.

Traffic Violations: Police stopped Yuri Quintro-Hernandez of White Plains on Weaver Street at 5 pm on November 4 when the scanner indicated that the car had a suspended registration due to an insurance lapse. The registration that was presented was for a 2006 Mazda and the man was driving a 2008 Acura, The plates were removed from the car and it was towed to the impound lot. The driver was issued a summons for driving with a suspended registration and without a license.

Harrassed: A Tunstall Road woman reported that a former acquaintance who she knew from high school had sent her suspicious letters. She asked police to contact the man to ask him to stop contacting her. Police were unable to reach him but a left a message for him to call back.

Identity Theft: A Palmer Man reported that during the month of October $600 was charged to his company credit card by someone making illegal purchases. Four or five purchases were made at the USPS to mail packages. In addition, the Scarsdale man received several envelopes containing fraudulent checks. Police told the man to contact the bank and cancel his accounts.

Vandalism: A Flushing man said that someone had punctured three of the tires on his 2004 Ford van while it was parked in the Christie Place Garage on November 7. He parked in the garage at 7 am and when he returned at noon the tires were flat.

A Brown Road man called police at 11 pm on November 8 when he found that his car had been egged while parked in front of his house. Police were not able to find the offenders and the car was not damaged.

An Olmsted Road woman reported that two cars parked in their driveway overnight were entered and tossed on the night of 11/7 -11/8. She was not sure if anything was missing from inside the cars.

Strangers at the Door: White Birch Lane residents reported that two suspicious men came to their door at 7 pm on November 4. Their son answered the door and the two men asked, "Are you the Goldwaters?" He shook his head no and the men walked away but then came back and rang the bell again. Shortly afterwards they saw the men leave the area in a dark SUV. In addition, the residents said that $20 that had been left in their mailbox for cab fare was missing.

At 10 pm that same night, Montrose Road residents said that two men also rang their doorbell, and then ran off. Police searched for them but could not find them.

A Palmer Avenue woman said that a couple came to her door and tried to come in on the morning of November 8. They then left and walked up the street. Police could not conclude if the people had criminal intent.

On the afternoon of November 10, a heavy set white men was reported to be going door to door on Post Road asking for money. The man said he needed money to buy his mother's medication at CVS. He showed two hundred dollars in his wallet and said he needed more.

Noise: At 6:06 am on 11/6 a resident of Christie Place apartments reported that Heineken truck was making a delivery to De Ciccos and making excessive noise. Police found the trunk in the loading zone and did not hear any loud or disturbing noise. However, the delivery may have been made prior to the arrival of the police.

Stuck: Neighbors of a Lyons Road woman called police at 10:30 pm on November 8 when they found the elderly woman stuck on a handicap life outside her home. Police arrived and found that the power to the lift was not working. The Fire Department used a hand crank to life the ramp and free the woman. Firemen changed the blown fuse and fixed the ramp.

Leaves: A Brewster Rad man called police on the afternoon of November 11 to say that large leaf piles on Greenacres Avenue were impeding traffic. Police left warning notices for the homeowners with the large leaf piles in front of their homes.

scarsdalesecuritylogo.jpgThis police report is sponsored by Scarsdale Security who does more than just security. Contact them about remote video for your home or business. Call 914-722-2200 or visit their website.

burglarBurglars entered a Cushman Road home on Friday night October 25 while the residents were out in the city and stole jewelry from the master bedroom. The suspects broke French doors in back of the house, went inside and opened drawers in every room. However it appeared that the only thing taken was an unspecified quantity of jewelry. The house alarm was not on at the time. Residents discovered the burglary when they returned home at 11:50 pm on October 25.

Arrests: Police have made another arrest in connection with an incident involving fraudulent checks drawn from Savona Restaurant's account. Traquan P. Johnson, age 21 of the Bronx was arrest for cashing four fraudulent checks from Savona's account at Chase branches in Manhattan on August 19. Police apprehended Johnson after examining the fraudulent checks, reviewing Savona's bank statement and reviewing surveillance from Chase. The suspect also engaged in similar activities in the city on September 11, 2013. Johnson is represented by an attorney from Legal Aid. He was brought before Judge Galloway who set bail at $5,000 cash or $10,000 bond. Since Johnson could not post the bail he was remanded to Westchester County Jail.

Ogedi Ohajekwe, age 55 of Mount Kisco presented himself at Scarsdale Police Headquarters on 10/21 in response to a bench warrant issued on August 1, 2013 for his failure to appear in court regarding a traffic violation. He was given a new court date and released on his own recognizance.

Identity Thefts:

On October 24 Taunton Road woman reported that someone hacked her email account and stole $30,760 from her. No further details were provided.

A Stratton Road man reported that someone had changed the password and billing address on his Verizon account. The suspect also had the Scarsdale man's social security number.

A Mamaroneck Road man complained that an electrician that he was referred to via Home Depot, presented him with forged invoices and he paid the man for work that was not done. The report was made on October 25.


A Mamaroneck woman was in the basement of the Harwood Building on the afternoon of October 21 where she had accessed her storage unit. She left her purse outside the storage rom on a pushcart and went to the storage room to reset the alarm. When she got back to her cart, less than a minute later, she found that someone had gone into her purse and stolen $110 in cash and two credit cards. She said she heard male voices in the basement.


Police were called to Crossway Field on the afternoon of 10/26 when the coach of New Rochelle Little League team got into an argument with the umpire after the umpire ejected the coach and a player from the game. By the time police arrived, the coach was waiting in the parking lot for the next game to begin.
Found: A Maxpedition patrol bag that contained police equipment was found by the stream near 5 Cayuga Road on October 22. Inside the bag were handcuffs, a taser, zip ties, black tape and batteries.

A silver ring with a clear oval stone was found in Scarsdale Village on October 27 and turned over to the police.

Abandoned Bikes:

Two bikes were left on Scarsdale Avenue locked to a parking meter for a month. One is a black Trek bike model 820 with a gray baby seat attached to the back. The other is a white Next model PX 6.0. Police left a note on the bikes a month ago warning the owners that bikes cannot be locked to village-owned property but the bikes remain there today.

Cars Entered Overnight:

A car that was parked in the Christie Place parking lot was entered on October 21. A roll of quarters, woman's clothing and an iTouch were taken from the unlocked car.

An unlocked 2010 Honda Pilot that was parked in the driveway of Jefferson Road home was entered overnight on 10/25 -10/26. The glove box and center console were tossed and $37.00 was stolen from the car.

On Nelson Road an unlocked 2013 Mercedes Benz was entered that same night and $12.00 in quarters and pair of Rayban sunglasses were stolen. In addition, another car on Nelson Road was entered on 10/25 – 10/26 but nothings was removed.

A 2009 Jeep Wrangler and a 2008 Acura, parked in front of another house on Jefferson Road were also entered overnight on October 26. Approximately $20 in change was taken from the two cars. The man reported that he heard a car alarm sound at 2 am that night.

Hit and Run at DeCiccos:

A 2013 minivan that belongs to a Fox Meadow woman was badly damaged when it was parked at the DeCicco's lot around 6 pm on Saturday. The woman did her shopping and returned to the car to find that the back had been smashed. There was no note on the car but a witness told her that he watched a woman driving a black SUV back into her car and leave the scene. He noted down the license plate number and also called the police.  Police were able to track down the driver, a New Rochelle woman who was driving a 2003 Acura.


A North Carolina man backed a zip car out of a spot on Tisdale Road, hit a village streetlight and cause it to fall on the property of a home on Tisdale Road at 8:40 pm on October 23.

scarsdalesecuritylogo.jpgThis police report is sponsored by Scarsdale Security who does more than just security. Contact them about remote video for your home or business. Call 914-722-2200 or visit their website.

helicopterBreak-in on Saxon Woods Road: A Saxon Woods Road home was entered between 8:30 am and 3:05 pm on November 1. The front door was kicked open and the door, the frame and the lock were damaged. The home was rummaged through.

Missing Jewels: On October 28 a Mamaroneck Road woman told police that jewelry that had been stored in a cabinet in her bedroom was missing. An 18K chain with a pendant and Hello Kitty diamonds, together valued at $6,500 were missing from her home.

Identity Theft: On October 28 a Mamaroneck Road woman reported that someone had used her Social Security number to file a fraudulent tax return using her personal information. The woman did not know how the person obtained her SS# but said that contractors had worked in the house during the past two years and may have seen a copy of a prior tax return that was stored in the basement.

A Chateaux Circle woman reported that someone had opened an account in her name and changed $539.38 in merchandise from a company called Seventh Avenue between October 18 and November 1. The woman neither ordered nor received any merchandise from the company.

Car Relocated: A blue Ford Explorer that belongs to a Woods Lane man was found in the middle of Forest Lane at 7 am on October 29. The car was in drive and the keys were in the ignition. The car had been parked in the driveway of the Woods Lane man the previous night – but when he woke up in the morning it was gone. When he called police they said his car had been found on Forest Lane.

Missing Tesla: A Lockwood Road woman called police at 7:50 am on October 31 to say that her 2013 Tesla had been taken from her driveway. She had last seen it the previous night. Police broadcast the vehicle information to the force. Before police could complete the report, the car was found parked on East Parkway in front of Zachys. The woman said she had forgotten that she parked the car there the prior day.

Tossed: Two vehicles that belong to a Madison Road man were entered overnight on 10/28 and 10/29. Shortly after midnight on 10/29 the man heard his dog bark but assumed it was a raccoon. The following morning the man found that items were missing from two of the four cars parked in his driveway. A watch valued at $3,000 was taken from a 2013 Ford Explorer and hand and power tools valued at $1,200 were missing from a Dodge Dakota.

A 2004 Toyota Rav 4 that was parked on Woods Lane on the night of 10/29 was entered overnight. No items were reported missing.

Accident: A Bronx man lost control of his car when he was driving on Drake Road at 3 am on October 31. Cristian O Batista said he felt fatigue when he drove off the road, struck a utility pole and damaged both the pole and his car. The heavily damaged 2002 Dodge was towed away.

Fences: A split rail fence at Hyatt Park was damaged during the night of October 30. 15 individual wood rails of the fence were broken. The total cost of the damage was $500.

On Friday night 11/1 a Saxon Woods Road reported that the fence in his front yard was damaged by a car that left the scene. Police arrived and found a fog lamp bracket, grill parts and a white gas cap that belonged to a white BMW on the property. Police discovered that the car had been towed to a service station in White Plains. They contacted the car's owner who said that she did hit the fence but that her insurance company said that she did not have to file a report with the police. The woman said she did not tell the homeowners about their fence because she did not know where the accident occurred.

Arrest: At 3 am on 11/2, Brianallen Crow of Newburgh New York was stopped by the police in New Rochelle for a motor vehicle incident. A check of his NYS driver's license showed that there was an active warrant for him in Scarsdale due to a incident that occurred in 12/7/12. He was turned over to Scarsdale Police and released on $100 cash bail.

Harrassed: An Autenreith Road woman reported that she received unwanted emails from one of her husband's clients on October 30th. Police called the man who sent the email and told him not to contact the woman, who is a divorce attorney, again.

A Crossway woman reported that receipt of two threatening phone messages on the night of November 2. The woman's sister threatened to "take a bat or metal rod and beat the victim's fxxxxxing face. In a second message on the victim's cell phone the sister said she would "ruin" the victim's face and ""take out her eyes." The victim was surprised because she said her sister "she has never been diagnosed with any mental illness but has exhibited psychotic episodes in the past. " She attributed her actions to stress.

Peeing in the Road: Police received a call about a man wearing orange sweat pants and a white scarf on his head who was urinating at the bus stop near the Scarsdale library at 10 pm on October 28. Police found a man who matched this description. Though he denied urinating he was given a warning.

Helicopter: Police got several calls about a helicopter flying low above the Scarsdale Middle School at 1:30 pm on October 28. Police notified Westchester County Police who said that the helicopter had clearance to fly over Scarsdale to take photos.

Wanderer: The manager of CVS on Popham Road called police at 2:30 pm on October 30 to say that an elderly man had been wandering around the store for six hours. Police spoke to the man who wrote on a note pad and indicated that he could not speak. He identified himself as Chaim Leier and wrote that he was homeless and disabled. He also wrote that he would take a train to the city where he had a place to stay.

Scammed: An Edgewood Road man called police around noon on October 31 to say that he had receive a phone call asking him to wire money to the American Embassy in the Dominican Republic where his grandson was in trouble. Police called the embassy and spoke to a representative who said there is a worldwide scam going on, using the phone number from which the man was called.

Kids: A Bradley Road woman called police at 8:40 pm on Halloween night when kids threw eggs at her front door and then ran into Davis Park. Police searched for the kids but were unable to find them.

A Fox Meadow Road woman called police at 9:50 pm n November 2 when she was supervising a small party for her daughter at her house when a large group of uninvited kids showed up. Police dispersed the unwanted guests and send them on their way.

A Sprague Road man who often argues with his teenage daughter, called police just after midnight on October 31. His 14 year-old daughter and his wife were arguing because the wife would not sign a permission slip for a school trip. The mother refused to sign the slip because the girl had disobeyed the parent's rules that afternoon.

Who let the dogs out? Police got a call from Richbell Road at 5:40 pm on October 31 advising them that two black labs were running in the road. Police arrived and met the owner of the dogs who was holding onto one of them. She explained that her gardener left the gate open and the dogs got out. Police then spotted the second dog and secured it in the owner's car.

Found: A brown wallet containing cash, credit cards and a driver's license was found at the corner of Garth Road and Popham Road at 9 pm on November 2. It was turned over to Scarsdale Police who made several unsuccessful attempts to contact the owner of the wallet.

burglarBurglary on Drake Road: Police responded to a burglar alarm at 10 pm on Saturday night October 19 and found that a home on Drake Road had been robbed. A glass patio door on the back of the house was broken and the master bedroom was tossed. When the homeowner returned he found that a pearl necklace with diamonds valued at $8,000 was gone as well as earrings, an amber heart, blue sapphire earrings and a ring, together valued at $3,000. A safe in the closet had not been opened. It appeared that the suspects entered and exited the house via a door in the family room.

Identity Theft:

Several incidents were reported involving large amounts of cash stolen from resident's bank accounts at Chase.

Arrest: Police arrested Madeleine Katz, age 22 of Brooklyn for stealing $93,500 from the account of a Scarsdale couple, using a counterfeit check. Read the entire story here.

In addition, the following incidents of identity theft were reported this week:

A Franklin Road man said that two fraudulent checks were written in his name and attempts were made to deposit them into accounts at Chase Banks in Brooklyn and Jersey City. Both checks were intercepted. The victim does not know who could be responsible.

An Olmsted road woman said that three fraudulent checks, valued at $10,000 were written against her recently closed back account at Chase. She was notified on October 15 of the incident.

A Lee Road man reported that four unauthorized withdrawals, together valued at $14,000, were made from his checking account on October 16. Chase is currently investigating. The victim did not know who could be responsible and said that no one except himself and his wife had access to his accounts, that they both had their debit cards in their possession and all checks were accounted for.

An unknown person incurred $2,400 in charges on the Verizon wireless account of a Secor Road man between 10/5 and 10/19/13.

Road Rage:policecruiser

An Elmhurst man reported that he was involved in an incident of road rage on the afternoon of 10/16. According to the man he made a right turn from Crossway onto Mamaroneck Road and the car behind him tailgated him and the driver gestured for him to pull over. He made a right turn onto Harvest Drive and the other car followed him and stopped in front of his car. The operator of the other car got out and yelled at him and demanded that the Elmhurst man get out of his car. Then the tailgater returned to his car, pulled out a golf club and said "I've got something for you." He then got back into his car to leave and bumped into the man's arm with his car. The complainant took a photo of the man's license plate which police were able to trace to a resident of Sycamore Road. Police went to the man's house – and as he was not home they asked his wife to tell him to stop by headquarters. The man came in and gave a different account of the incident. He said the Elmhurst man cut him off and gave him the finger. He admits that he motioned for the man to pull over and did pull up in front of him on Harvest Drive where they exchanged words. He said that at no time did he pull out a golf club. Police told him that the man did not wish to file a complaint but said there would be consequences if he acted this way again.

Car Thefts:

A Fox Meadow road woman complained that a bag of clothing valued at $120 and a DVD Player valued at $195 were removed from her car when it was parked unlocked in her driveway overnight on 10/16 -10/17.

Another Fox Meadow Road resident called police on 10/19 to say that someone had entered his 2012 Chevy Traverse sometime between Wednesday 10/16 and Friday 10/18 and stolen $8.00 in cash and a company-issued gas credit card. The truck may have been left unlocked.


An iPhone that belonged to a 12 year-old Greenacres boy was stolen from his book bag while he was playing basketball at the school on the afternoon of October 18. He attempted to use the Find My Phone app to locate it but the phone was turned off.

Construction tools, valued at $1,800 were stolen from the garage of a home under construction on Nelson Road overnight on 10/18 – 10/19. A saw, hammer drill and a set of transit legs that had been left in the unlocked garage were missing when the site excavator returned to the home on the morning of 10/19.


On Crane Road a resident reported that someone removed a stone from a rock wall in front of a home and broke it in the driveway at 9 am on October 14. The homeowner was sitting in the backyard when she heard a noise in front and found the rock in the driveway and the hole in the wall.

A Boulder Brook Road woman found that someone had thrown a cup of coffee on her front door and window overnight on October 15-16.


Missing Dog: Heathcote Road residents called police on the morning of October 18 when they thought that someone had entered the house and stolen their Yorkie (dog). Police arrived, searched the house and found the dog inside.

A pigeon flew into Great Stuff on Spencer Place at 12:20 pm on October 20. Police arrived and attempted to pick it up to remove it but it walked out of the front door without help.

Teen Trouble:

Parents of a teen on Sprague Road called police again this week at 7:30 pm on October 17 when their daughter refused to turn down music that was playing on her cell phone. The mother and daughter were arguing and the mother started to throw her daughter's belonging around in an effort to locate the phone. The phone was located and returned to the daughter and police asked the mother to seek counseling. The father called police again at 9 pm on October 20 to say that his daughter has not been following their rules. She is not allowed to play music on her computer while doing homework and as a result the parents took away her computer. Police again told the couple that parenting issues are best handled through family counseling.

Car Trouble:

Gordon Locke of New Rochelle was stopped by police at 7 pm on October 19 when scanners showed he was driving with a suspended registration due to a lapse in his car insurance. The plates were removed from the car and it was towed back to Locke's home. He was given a traffic summons for driving with a suspended registration and suspended driver's license.

Bank Robbery in Elmsford:Delaurentis

Greenburgh Police report that they caught a man who robbed the Chase Bank at 324 Saw Mill River Road in Elmsford at noon on Monday October 21. According to the report, a man entered the bank and handed a teller a note that said "Give me money," written on a bank payment ticket. The teller complied and handed over some cash to the man who walked out of the bank. At 12:20 pm an undercover officer noticed a man in the parking lot at Sportime and detained him. He was later identified by a witness as the person who had allegedly robbed the bank.

The man, who was identified as David C. DeLaurentis, age 25, with a last known address of 117 East 118th Street, New York, New York was arrested and charged with Robbery in the third degree, a class D Felony. Around $4,000 in cash from the robbery was recovered from the suspect by the officers on scene. Mr.DeLaurentis has 72 prior arrests, with 17 felonies, 46 misdemeanors, and 9 otherwise classified arrests, with a total of 27 convictions.

scarsdalesecuritylogo.jpgThis police report is sponsored by Scarsdale Security who does more than just security. Contact them about remote video for your home or business. Call 914-722-2200 or visit their website.