Sunday, Oct 06th

MadeleineKatzScarsdale Police have arrested yet another female suspect. Last week Scarsdale10583 reported that Cornell Street residents found that $93,350 was missing from their bank account. Chase Bank traced the transaction and found that a check for that amount had been written to Madeleine Katz and withdrawn from the account.

The couple did not know Katz or how she obtained their personal information. In addition, they determined that the check that was cashed was a counterfeit that had been printed with their account information on it.

Katz said she received the counterfeit check from "a guy in a bar in Brooklyn" who she "drinks" and plays card with." The check was payable to Katz and had the endorsement of the Scarsdale account holder on the back. Katz deposited the check in her own account at an ATM at a Chase Bank at 1180 Second Avenue in New York. She said she was doing the guy a favor because he did not have a bank account. She admitted that the plan was for her to keep a portion of the funds. She said that depositing the check was "rash" and not a "prudent decision."

On October 19, the Scarsdale Police announced the arrest of Madeleine Katz, age 22 of Brooklyn on October 16. She was charged her with Grand Larceny 2nd degree, a class C felony and possession of a forged instrument 2nd degree, a class D felony.

Katz was arraigned before Judge Galloway who set bail at $25,000 and remanded her to the Westchester County Jail. Scarsdale Police are continuing their investigation to determine how Katz obtained the Scarsdale residents' bank information.

lexusStolen Lexus: A 2013 Lexus RX450H, valued at $55,000, was stolen from the driveway of a home on Old Lyme Road between 1:30 am and 7:55 am on October 11. The owners neither heard nor saw anything unusual during the night.
Big Time Identity Theft: On 10-7 Cornell Street residents reported that someone had written a fraudulent check and withdrawn $93,350 from their Chase account. They noticed the missing funds when they went to the ATM machine. Chase traced the check and froze all further activity on the account. A real check with that same check number was in the owner's possession so they determined that the check that was cashed was a forgery. They did not know that name of the person to whom the fraudulent check was written.

A Fayette Road woman reported that someone had opened a Credit One Bank card account in her name in June, 2012 and charged $2,495 on the account. A report showed that the suspects actually made two payments on the account: on for $10 on July 8, 2012 and another for $1,040 on October 10, 2012.

Fraudulent phone charges, totaling over $2,000 were billed to the account of a Walworth Avenue woman.


Springdale Road residents reported that home health aids had been repeatedly taking funds from the wife's wallet for the past three months. Two aids admitted that they were in cohoots with another aid and had taken forty dollars a week.. The incident was reported on October 11 and the funds have been stolen weekly since mid-July.

An employee at Starbucks on East Parkway complained that he left his Samsung Charge cell phone in the bathroom at Starbucks at 6:30 am on October 5. When he returned to the bathroom an hour later to retrieve it, it was gone.


Spray Paint: Graffiti that read "Fuck Scarsdale" and included a drawing of a dog was spray painted in black on the outside wall of Tengda Restaurant on Garth Road and on an exterior wall of 7 Popham Road overnight on October 8-9.

A Hampton Road woman reported that she found a village parking sign leaning against the front entrance to her house and also noticed that a light from the front of her home had been pulled out of the ground. The vandalism occurred overnight on 10/10 – 10/11. On October 12, another Hampton Road homeowner found two "No Standing" signs on his property.

A Crane Road man reported that someone had removed a decorative stone from an exterior wall and smashed it in their driveway. He called police at 10 am on 10/14.


Downed Deer: at 6 pm on 10/10 police were alerted about a badly injured deer on Brookby Road at Mamaroneck Road. The deer had apparently been hit by a car and was lying on the sidewalk of Mamaroneck Road. Greenburgh Animal Control was called to move the deer to a safe place where police could shoot it. The Highway Department removed the body.

A Walworth Avenue woman was bitten by a dog around 3 pm on October 10 while she was walking her daughter home from the Greenacres School on Huntington Avenue. She spoke to the owner of the dog who said that the dog's vaccines were up to date and the owner provided documentation to the police.

A White Road woman complained that a neighbor lets his dog defecate on her lawn and does not remove the feces. On the afternoon of 10/7 she called police to report that the man and his dog were on her property. Police contacted the man and advised him to avoid the woman's lawn when walking his dog.


At 6:30 pm on October 7 a resident at Search for Change on the Post Road complained that she was having a dispute with another residents and felt threatened. Police stopped by and spoke to the one of the residents who appeared to be aggressive. Due to her previous history they sent her to White Plains Hospital for evaluation.

A Manhattan woman who was staying with her children at her sister's home in Scarsdale called police on October 11 about a problem with her ex-boyfriend who is the father of the children. He wanted to come to Scarsdale and take the children to the city for the weekend. She did not trust him with the children for that length of time. She said her lawyer was calling him and said she would call back if problems escalated.

A Sprague Road man called police at 12:30 am on October 10 when he could not get his daughter to go to sleep. By the time police arrived she was in bed. Since the father makes frequent calls to the police to discipline his daughter, police advised him to seek family counseling to help the family get along.

A Quentin Road man called police on the morning of October 10 to resolve a dispute about a property line and a fence. One neighbor had hired a company to remove the fence – but police told the worker that he could not remove the fence without the consent of the neighbor.


A Mamaroneck Road woman found a large red bag in the bushes at the upper pool parking lot at 4 pm on October 8.The bag said "Santa's Bag" and had a large Christmas Tree sticking out of it.

A sign for "Honey Do Men Gutters and Roofing Corp. was found in front of the Scarsdale Middle School at 7:45 am on October 9. The sign was removed and the company was issued a summons for posting the sign in violation of village code. Another sign for the same company was found on Greendale Road on the night of 10/9 and the company received a second summons.


Police receive numerous complaints about solicitors going door to door in Greenacres after dark on the evening of October 9. Police advised the solicitors who were selling candy for the New York Youth Club that their permit only authorized them to solicit during daylight hours. They agreed to stop for the day.

Flagged Down at 5 am: A driver called police at 5 am on October 11 after he was flagged down by a man walking in the middle of Post Road. The man was wearing a white shirt and black pants. Police found Carl D. Lantz of Eastchester who said he was trying to get a ride home after having a few drinks in White Plains. Police helped Lantz get home.


A woman from Cambridge Road complained that she had received several inquiries from a woman who was looking to rent a room in her house. She claimed that a woman came to her door and called her -- however when police checked her caller id that were no phone calls listed. When police contacted her son he said that his mother suffers from short-term memory loss.

scarsdalesecuritylogo.jpgThis police report is sponsored by Scarsdale Security who does more than just security. Contact them about remote video for your home or business. Call 914-722-2200 or visit their website.

Krystal JudgeScarsdale detectives tracked down and arrested two female suspects this week – relating to two separate incidents. One woman had cashed over $2,000 in fraudulent checks from Savona and another, who is a seasoned offender, was arrested for a car break-in at the high school. Here are the details:

Police located and arrested a suspect who was responsible for stealing $2,275 from Savona Restaurant by cashing fraudulent checks from the restaurant. As the result of an investigation, police identified Krystal C. Judge, age 21 (pictured at left) as a suspect and met her at the Hartsdale Train Station at 3:40 pm on September 25. When questioned she admitted to cashing three fraudulent checks at three Chase branches on August 19, for a total of $2,275.24. Police obtained videotape of her at the three branches. She was charged with Grand Larceny in the 4th degree and criminal possession of a forged instrument in the 3rd degree. Her mother came to headquarters and posted $200 bail and she was released pending a court date of 10/2. The report does not say how she obtained the blank checks. However, the restaurant's losses total over $10,000 and the Scarsdale Police Department's Detective Division is continuing to investigate the matter for other suspects who cashed additional fraudulent checks.

An investigation into a car break-in at the tennis courts on Wayside Lane in July led to another arrest this week. Using DNA Marie Nikgjonajfrom blood samples found inside the car, the Westchester County Crime Lab obtained a DNA profile and found that it matched Marie Nikgjonaj, a known offender who was listed in the NY State DNA registry and has been arrested 15 times, primarily for Burglary, Larceny and Forgery. Nikgionai is 34 years old and lives in the Bronx. She came to police headquarters and did not deny that she had broken into the cars. After further questioning she requested a lawyer. She was charged with Criminal Mischief and arraigned before Judge Galloway who set bail at $10,000 in cash or a $20,000 bond due to her long arrest record and failure to appear. She was then transported to Westchester County Jail. The Scarsdale Police Department's Detective Division is continuing to investigate the defendant and her associates for involvement in other crimes within Scarsdale.

Domestic Abuse: At 11:50 pm on September 28 an Arthur Manor woman called 911 to report that her estranged husband had broken into her home. Police responded and found that the 36 year-old mother had been assaulted and injured. The couple's three children were also in the house. The victim was transported to the hospital and police officers investigated the incident. The victim's estranged husband, a 41 year-old resident of White Plains was arrested a short time after the incident. He was charged with Burglary, Criminal Trespass, Assault 2nd Degree, Criminal Mischief and endangering the welfare of a child. The defendant was remanded to the Westchester County Jail on $50,000 bail and an Order of Protection was issued. To protect victims of domestic violence, the names of those involved are not provided to the media.

Confusion at Pick Up: The Principal of Fox Meadow School called police at 12:20 on September 27 to say that a kindergartner at the school was missing. The child had last been seen at 11:50 am. While police were obtaining information, the principal called the child's mother for the second time and she told police that her neighbor had picked up her child at school that day. The child was supposed to go to another friend's house but saw the neighbor first and left with her.

Traffic Stops:
Police stopped Joseph Alexander of Naples Florida on Depot Place in Scarsdale on the afternoon of September 23 after scanners showed the car he was driving had a suspended registration due to lack of insurance. They removed the plates from the car and had it towed to his home in Yonkers. He was given a summons for driving an uninsured car.

Identity Theft: An Oakstwain man reported that someone opened an account with iPayment using his personal information on August 12. He learned of the account when iPayment sent him a letter telling him that $720 had been debited from his iPayment account. As it was a fraudulent account, the Scarsdale man canceled it.

On 9/27 a Walworth Avenue man reported that someone had opened six credit card accounts in his name between September 19 and September 27. Four of the letters included credit cards that he had not ordered and the other two were notices that the cards had been declined. $6,100 in merchandise was charged to the cards.

A 19 year-old man from Crest Lane became the victim of a larceny when he provided his debit card and pin numbers to someone who contacted him on Facebook. The woman said she would wire money to him from her uncle's account and split it with him. Two checks totaling $1360 were deposited into his account and subsequently three withdrawals totaling $440 were made. However on September 18 the victim realized that he had a negative balance of $426 and that his account had been cleaned out. Chase applied a $24 fee for two fraudulent checks. He provided police with copies of the deposited checks, a bank statement and the Facebook dialog. He reported the incident on 9/29.

Trees: A couple from Olmstead Road complained that neighbors on Brite Avenue had damaged one of their trees. The Brite Avenue neighbors had a permit to remove three trees from the property line and replace them with three trees that were similar in size. They also asked their Olmstead neighbors for permission to trim two branches that were extending over their roof and were given the okay to trim the branches. Instead, they cut off 15-20 limbs of the tree above and below the roofline. Police said that the Village would follow-up on the complaints.

A woman from Parkfield Road complained that overnight on September 28-29 someone had driven onto her lawn and damaged her grass and a newly planted tree.

Damage: A Lincoln Road man reported that a bullet from a BB gun had lodged in the front window of his home and caused the window to crack. The damage occurred two months ago. He also reported that on September 25 he found a hole in a rear window of the house, also caused by a BB gun. The man was unsure when the damage occurred and has no ongoing disputes with his neighbors.

An Elmdorf Road man reported that someone had written on the windshield of his Mercedes Benz three times this week. The writing said, "BATT 03/27/13" and he did not know why it was written there or what it signified.

Unhappy Player: The attendant at the Scarsdale High School tennis courts called police at 7:58 pm on September 24 when a young man who wanted to play on the courts gave the attendant a hard time. The player was asked to present a pass and did not have one. He used some threatening language and then walked away.

Hornets: Police cleared the field at the Girl Scout House at 6:25 pm on September 26 while Classic Pest Control removed a hornet's nest from the field.

Loud Music: Police got a call about noise coming from Savona Restaurant at 10:30 pm on September 26. The restaurant owner said that a wedding reception was in progress but said that it would end by 11 pm.

Fights: A Sprague Road mother called police at 1:13 am on 9/27 to intervene in a dispute with her 14 year-old daughter. The mom had taken away her daughter's iPod for disciplinary reasons and they were having a verbal dispute. The mother called police again on the following night at 11:30 pm to say she was fighting with her daughter about the iPod. Since the mother did not know where the daughter got it she was not allowing her to keep it.

Matthew Hart of Lockwood Road came to headquarters on 9/28 to report about a conversation with his ex-wife from whom he has a temporary order of protection. There were no violations.

Animals: At 10 am on September 27 Dolman Road residents found a sick raccoon in their yard. Police determined that it needed to be shot and they cornered it, killed it and disposed of it.

Found: A Prince tennis racquet was found on Fenimore Road on the evening of September 24 and turned over to police for safekeeping.

scarsdalesecuritylogo.jpgThis police report is sponsored by Scarsdale Security who does more than just security. Contact them about remote video for your home or business. Call 914-722-2200 or visit their website.

dogbiteDog Bites Toddler: A 3 year-old boy who lives on Penn Boulevard was bitten by a dog on the afternoon of October 1. He was outside playing when someone walked by with the dog on a leash and gave the boy permission to pet it. While he was petting the dog it bit the boy on the stomach. The boy's mother located the dog's owner who said that his shots were up to date. The dog's owner was instructed to contact her veterinarian to get the dog's vaccination records.

Theft: Someone entered the office of the Scarsdale Gulf Station on Scarsdale Avenue through the restroom window overnight on 9/28 – 9/29 and stole $250 in cash, an iPad and electronic and regular cigarettes.

A Crest Lane woman reported that seven pieces of jewelry had disappeared from her house between May and July, 2013. The missing jewels include a pair of diamond stud earrings, gold ball earrings, two gold chains, a gold ring, cognac diamond earrings, and blue diamond stud earrings. She initially thought the items had been misplaced but now believes they were stolen.

A Greendale Road boy reported that his cell phone was stolen while he was skateboarding at the Fox Meadow School on October 3. He left it in a corner of the playground and when he returned it was gone. After the phone was taken several calls were made from it but when they called the number it went straight to voicemail.

A Griffen Road man reported that a pair of earrings and two credit cards were stolen from his car when it was entered overnight on 9/30 -10/1.

Accident: A female pedestrian was hit by a car as she was crossing Boulevard at 7:25 pm on October 2. The driver of the car said she did not see the pedestrian until it was too late. The pedestrian was taken to Westchester Medical Center by ambulance.

Vandalism: A Ferndale Road man reported that his car was damaged when it was parked at Scarsdale High School around noon on October 14. When the man returned to the car he found that someone had used a blunt object to damage the right and left fenders causing $4,500 in damage to the 2006 Chrysler.

Found: The owner of the Gulf Station turned over a wallet that was found at the gas station two weeks ago. The wallet contained $63 in cash and several credit and i.d. cards Police were unable to contact the owner who lives on West End Avenue in Manhattan.

Another wallet was found in front of CVS on Popham Road on the afternoon of September 30. The woman who found it checked the contents and spoke to the grandson of the owner of the wallet. Police were instructed to leave the wallet with the woman's grandson in Edgemont.

A black and silver wallet that was found in a taxi on October 1 was turned over to police. Police attempted to contact the owner who lives in Angola, NY, but could not reach her.

A pair of Oakley prescription glasses were found at the intersection of Montrose and Kingston Road on the evening of September 30. The glasses were turned over to the Scarsdale Police.

Trees: On 10/1 a Fox Meadow woman complained that her neighbor's landscaper was planting trees over the property line. Police asked the landscaper to relocate the trees six inches closer to the owner's home.

Injured on the Job: On the night of October 1 an HVAC worker came to police to say he had been injured while he was working at a house on Leatherstocking Lane. A worker from another company dropped a board from a ladder which hit the HVAC worker on the top of the head. As a result he had cuts on his head and neck pain. Police advised the man this was a civil, not a police matter.

Identity Thefts: A Post Road man reported that someone had hacked his personal account on and is using his profile to ask others on the site to send him money. The Scarsdale man also believes that the imposter is calling him and demanding money. The imposter calls himself Harry and claims he has the Scarsdale man's personal information and will continue to disrupt his life until he is given $2,000. Police attempted to return calls to Harry's number but did not reach anyone. The Scarsdale man contacted and attempted to have his account closed.

A Griffen Road man reported that someone applied for a credit card from Toyota Financial Services using his personal information sometime between 9/23 and 9/26.

Bottomed Out: A Spier Road woman complained that her 2002 Chrysler had "bottomed out" in a pothole in the gravel parking lot at Crossway Field on October 3. Police observed scratches on the bottom of the car and a possible oil leak.

Arrest: Police stopped James Baily Jr. of Mt. Vernon when he was driving on the Post Road at 5:20 pm on October 5 because their scanners revealed that the registration of the car was suspended due to an insurance lapse. The plates were removed from the car and it was towed to Mt. Vernon. Bailey was issued a summons for driving with a suspended registration.

Bad Credit Card: An employee at SkinTheraP in Scarsdale called police on October 5 after a patient failed to pay for her treatment. The woman had a treatment and left Skin TheraP with a credit card to charge. The card was declined and the spa was unable to reach the patient.

Harassed: On September 30 a Mohican Trail man reported receiving unwanted phone calls about an accident in which neither he nor his family were involved. He could not identify the caller --and the number from which the calls were made had been disconnected.

A mother and daughter from Coralyn Road came to police on October 6 to complain that they were being harassed by the daughter's former boyfriend. The man has been calling to say that he would like to move into their house. Police advised the women to block the man's number.

identitytheftA 24 year-old Mt. Vernon woman was arrested for identity theft, grand larceny and unlawful possession of an id for stealing a Scarsdale woman's debit card and using it to make purchases and withdraw cash on July 20th. Michelle Morgan of Mt. Vernon was caught making unauthorized purchases totaling $209.28 on videotape at a CVS Pharmacy in Mt. Vernon. She also used the bankcard to withdraw $600 from a Sovereign Bank ATM machine inside the store. Scarsdale detectives received the videotape from CVS on July 25 and the victim, a 25 year-old woman from Scarsdale, positively identified Morgan. Receipts were also subpoenaed from the bank. Morgan surrendered to Scarsdale Police on September 16 and was arraigned before Judge Galloway who set bail at $2,000. Since Morgan was not able to post the bail she was transported to Westchester County Jail to await a court date of September 25.

Maureen Hart, age 50 of Hartsdale, who is the ex-wife of Matthew Hart of Lockwood Road in Scarsdale, was arrested for aggravated harassment on September 18. She surrendered to police in response to warrant for her arrest. She was brought before Judge Galloway and released on her own recognizance. An order of protection was issued.

Thefts: A Christie Place man reported that $49 in cash and tableware valued at $170 was stolen from his apartment between September 13 and 14.

A Chateaux Circle man reported that the BMW logo had been removed from the trunk of his car while it was parked overnight in the Christie Place garage on September 21-22. A Griffen Road man also reported that his 2007 Prosche was stripped of two center hubcaps and the Porsche hood ornament with the car was parked in the same garage that night.

Identity Theft: A Butler Road man reported that three store credit cards were opened in his name on the weekend of August 31 and unauthorized purchases were made on the accounts. A $1,000 purchase was made at Victoria Secrets, $6,806.78 in merchandise was purchased at Loews and $401 was spent at Lord and Taylor. The Scarsdale man had no idea how his personal information was stolen – but suspects someone went through his garbage or gained access to his banking information or W-2 forms.

A Tompkins Road woman placed a treadmill and stationary exercise bike in her driveway on September 18 to be picked up by the Salvation Army. However, someone else beat out the charitable organization for the donation. When they arrived to pick up the equipment at 1 pm the goods were gone and all that remained was a label that read "Salvation Army."

Vandals: A 2008 Toyota RAV 4 was vandalized while it was parked on Cornell Street overnight on September 17-18. The front passenger window was smashed causing about $110 in damage.

The storm door of a home on Clarence Road was shattered sometime on September 18. The homeowner found the damaged door at 2 pm. It appeared that something had been thrown at the door but nothing was found in the area. The man said he would ask the gardener if something occurred when they were at his home.

Death: Mayer Tendler, age 98, passed away at a home on Morris Lane at 4:00 pm on September 21. The family called Dr. Hillel Hammerman at 3:50 pm to come to the house when Tendler was breathing with difficulty. When the doctor arrived Tendler had passed away and the doctor signed the death certificate.

Road Rage: An incident of road rage was reported in front of the police station at the intersection of Fenimore Road and the Post Road at 9 am on September 16. The incident began a few minutes earlier at the intersection of Fenimore Road and Walworth Avenue. A woman driving a Mercedes Benz cut off the driver of a Buick. At that point, the driver of the Buick began tailgating the Mercedes and gave the driver the finger. In response, the driver of the Mercedes blew kisses at the man driving the Buick. Both cars stopped at the light at Fenimore and Post Roads and the driver of the Buick passed the Mercedes on the left by driving into oncoming traffic. An accident occurred but there was no damage to either car.

Signs: Police found a sign for Gtec kids posted in front of the Quaker Ridge School at 1:22 am on September 17. The sign was removed and the company was given a summons for Public Posting of Notices.

Stranger: A Greenacres woman reported a suspicious man parked in front of the Greenacres School on the morning of September 17. She said that he did not appear to be associated with the school and at one point he got out of his car to throw a ball back to children playing on the playground. She first saw him a week ago and then saw him two more times. He was described as a white male, 50-60 years old who was balding.

Smoke: The County Fire Department entered an unoccupied house on Hathaway Road on the morning of September 17 when the smoke alarm was activated. They got in through an open window and found food cooking on the stove. The homeowner returned and said she had inadvertently left the stove on when she left the house. Fans were set up to ventilate the smoky house.

Truck on the Hutch: A truck travelling on the Hutchinson River Parkway struck the bridge at Weaver Street at 8 pm on September 19. After hitting the bridge the top of the truck was damaged and the vehicle was leaning to the right. County Police stopped the truck driver and confirmed that he hit the bridge and damaged his truck.

Found Wallets: A White Plains woman left her wallet on one of the vendors stands during the food festival on Sunday in Scarsdale. The vendor turned the wallet over to police and they notified the woman who came in to retrieve it. A second wallet, belonging to a Mamaroneck woman, was also found at the festival. It was turned over to police who contacted the owner. She came to pick it up and said all the contents were intact.

scarsdalesecuritylogo.jpgThis police report is sponsored by Scarsdale Security who does more than just security. Contact them about remote video for your home or business. Call 914-722-2200 or visit their website.