Sunday, Oct 06th

flowershopGerman Chino, owner of the Scarsdale Village Flower Shop reported that eight plants were stolen from the sidewalk outside his store sometime between Saturday September 7 at 6 pm and the following Monday morning at 9 am. Missing are a Mandolina plant, five chrysanthemums and impatiens, together valued at $290.00. Police advised Chino against displaying plants outside the store.

Money Stolen from Savona:

Nine business checks from Savona were issued and cashed without the restaurant's authorization in July and August. The checks totaled $10,465.29.


Denis Roccisano of Yonkers called police at 11 pm on September 10 from Chat American Grill in Scarsdale and said that someone had just punched him in the head. When police arrived they spoke to Roccisano who appeared to be drunk. They interviewed his friend Carl who said that Denis was arguing with two female bartenders about his bill when another patron, who was trying protect the bartenders, approached Roccisano and then left the bar. Police spoke to the one of the bartenders who confirmed that someone approached Roccisano but did not punch or assault him. Other patron confirmed her story. Roccisano was not injured, refused medical attention and was driven home by his friend.

The manager of DeCiccos called police at 3 pm on September 10 to report that two employees of the store were assaulting each other. According to the men, they had a verbal argument and one slammed a door that hit the other. The man who was hit was not injured and refused medical attention. The manager then said he could handle the situation.


Also at Chat, at 5 pm on September 14 a resident of the Chateaux Circle Apartments complained about loud music coming from the restaurant. Police told the manager about the complaint and the manager said that the band would be finished at 5:30 pm.

Dog Bites:

A seven year-old girl was bitten by a dog at Crossway Field on the afternoon of September 15. Police found the dog's owner who said that the dog was on a leash at the time it bit the girl and was up to date on its shots. Police told the man to confine the dog for ten days.

A Griffen Road man reported that he was bitten by a black German shepherd when he was jogging on Palmer Avenue at 4:15 on September 15. As he was approaching the intersection of Palmer Avenue and Wynmor Road he saw an elderly couple walking a German shepherd on a leash walking south. As he crossed paths with the couple the dog approached him and bit his upper left thigh near his groin. He told the couple and they did not believe him and asked to see his wound -- which he refused to show them. The jogger told the couple to put a muzzle on the dog and they argued for about five minutes. The man came to headquarters to report the incident about an hour later. Though he did not have the dogowner's full names he said the elderly man had identified himself as Aaron. He said the elderly man was about 5'8" with dark hair and the woman was 5'2" with thin red hair. The jogger refused medical treatment.

Theft at Estate Sale:

Several items of jewelry including a coral gold ring, an aquamarine heart platinum ring and an amethyst and diamond platinum wedding ring were reported stolen after an estate sale on Fox Meadow Road on Saturday September 13. The sale was held from 9 am to 2 pm on Saturday and nine people were enlisted to help with the sale. However between 12:30 and 1:30 pm, the daughter of the homeowner found her mother's pink jewelry bag and jewelry box emptied and placed on top of a bookshelf in the office. Only books were for sale during the event. She did say that her mother suffered from dementia and used to hide her jewelry -- but the daughter searched the house and could not find the jewelry.

Missing Ring:

An Ardmore Road woman reported that her diamond ring was stolen from her home sometime on August 8 -9. She reported that she had left the ring in its customary place but when she came back the following day it was gone. She provided the police with the names of several suspects who may have been involved.

Missing Clarinet:

A Brookby Road woman stopped by police headquarters to report that her son's clarinet was missing. They last saw it in June.

Strange Man at Scarsdale High School:

Two high school girls reported that they were approached by a suspicious man in a minivan as they were walking to school at 8:15 am on September 12. They were walking to the Brewster Road entrance when a man, driving a silver or gold minivan with Florida plates, drove alongside them, extended his hand toward them and told them to "have a good day." He then drove around the parking lot several times and did a few loops without exiting. They described him as a heavy set male in his 50's, with salty hair, wearing a Hawaiian shirt. Police canvassed the area but could not find him.


Police came upon a group of about 25 students in the playground at Edgewood Elementary School at 10:10 pm on 9/14. They warned the kids that they could not trespass on school grounds after dark. The kids did not appear to have any liquor and agreed to leave the grounds. Another group of 25 youths had run from the scene when police arrived. Police searched for them and cleaned up a broken beer bottle that was found in the courtyard. They also found a backpack which was vouchered for safekeeping at headquarters.


The owner of the Scarsdale Parkway Coffee Shop found an array of personal items at the shop on September 12. Police determined the items belonged to Fernando Rodriguez of White Plains and attempted to contact him. They were unable to reach Rodriguez and the items are being held at the Police Station.

A Lawrence Road woman found a damaged Kindle when she was walking in her neighborhood on the afternoon of September 9. She turned it over to police.


A Lockwood Road man reported that he and his girlfriend were being harassed by his ex-wife who now lives in Hartsdale. During the past nine months the ex has sent "alarming, annoying and vulgar" email to him and often drives by his house. He asked her to stop sending the emails and doing the drive-bys but she has not complied. On September 3 she called the man's employer and said, "I'm not going to just sit back and take this." She then called her ex-husband and said, "I'm going to kill you." She also called her ex-husband's father who is very ill and claimed that his son had "gambled away their life savings." The man's girlfriend has an order of protection against the ex-wife. The man feared that his ex-wife's behavior was escalating and was fearful. Police filed a domestic incident report and the man was advised of his rights.


Brianna Lee Vesey of New Rochelle appeared in Scarsdale Village Court on 9/11 to respond to an arrest warrant for failing to appear in court on August 28. She was charged with unlicensed driving which is a misdemeanor. She was released and given a return court date of September 18. Brian Donnell of New York, NY also surrendered to police on September 12 in response to an active warrant dating back to May, 2011. He was released and given a court date of 9/18.


A woman who works in the cheese department at Balducci's called police on the afternoon of September 9 when a delivery truck hit her car while it was parked in the Balducci's lot. She had the name of the company who owned the truck but not the license plate number. The manager for the delivery truck company said he would call the police with the information later in the day.

Illegal Watering:

On September 10 a Berwick Road man reported that his neighbor was watering their lawn despite the watering restrictions that prohibited them from watering at that time. Police went to the neighboring home and the homeowner said that he thought the restrictions were lifted and agreed to turn off the sprinkler. On September 11, the man made the same complaint about his neighbor's sprinkler. Police went to the house and the neighbor apologized and said he would try to reprogram the system. Police warned the neighbor that if it happened again they would receive a summons.

Counterfeit Bill:

The Manager of the Avis Car Rental at the Scarsdale Service Center complained that a customer paid for a car rental with a counterfeit $100 bill on September 12. The customer, Che Grant of the Bronx returned the car and paid for the rental with five $100 bills. When the manager went to the bank to deposit the funds, the bank teller found that one of the bills was counterfeit and confiscated it.


A Potter Road man called police on the morning of September 14 to report that a manhole located in front of his house was leaking and sending out a "horrific smell." When police arrived the leakage had stopped and the sewer line had cleared itself.

scarsdalesecuritylogo.jpgThis police report is sponsored by Scarsdale Security who does more than just security. Contact them about remote video for your home or business. Call 914-722-2200 or visit their website.

scarsdalevillagehallRolling Hazards: A large truck carrying a modular home hit a mailbox on Old Lyme Road and knocked it over at 2:30 pm on September 3. The supervisor of the truck driver said they would pay for the mailbox to be fixed. That same truck also hit a tree at another home on Meadow Road.

A landscaping vehicle carrying two large trees knocked down wires at the intersection of Palmer Avenue and Ramsey Road at 10:20 am on September 4. The truck driver said he had the trees tied down but the straps had snapped.


I.C. Defigueiredo of Mount Vernon was stopped by police on Fenimore Road on September 3 when the scanner picked up a lapsed registration due to lack of insurance. Police parked the man's 2000 Toyota on Tompkins Road and the license plates were removed. Defigueiredo was given a summons' for driving without a registration or  insurance.

Asleep on Post Road:

Police found a man asleep on a bench at the bus stop on the Post Road near Murray Hill Road at 1:24 am on September 9. The man identified himself as Charles Daniels and said he was resting before he continued his trip to 125th Street. Police told him he was not permitted to sleep in public areas of Scarsdale so he set off to walk down the Post Road.

A Fuss at Village Hall:

A Richbell Road woman got into it with the Scarsdale Building Inspector Nunzio A. Pietrosanti and department personnel at Village Hall on the morning of September 3rd. She was inquiring about a survey when she became abusive to the Planning Department employees, slamming folders on the counter. She accused the staff of giving her incorrect information and of improper record keeping. Personnel at Village Hall ended up calling the Scarsdale Police for assistance but no arrests were made.


A Valley Road man reported that his car had been entered overnight while it was parked in his driveway. The glove box was emptied but nothing was taken.

On September 4 a Meadow Road woman reported that her home had been egged sometime in the past week. Though there was no damage she wanted to document the incident.

The custodian at Edgewood School called about a small fire at the school at 11:18 pm on September 4. The fire in a garbage can near the basketball court was extinguished by the Scarsdale Fire Department.


Police found a large black handbag in the road at the intersection of Garden and Oxfrod Road at 12:20 am on September 5. They identified the owner, a Valhalla woman, from the contents and contacted her to retrieve the bag. She found that nothing was missing from the bag.

An American Express Card that belonged to a Tuckahoe Man was found by police in front of 51 East Parkway in Scarsdale Village on September 6. The credit card was secured at police headquarters.


An employee of the Highway Department reported that he lost his wallet while working for the Scarsdale Bus Company on September 5. The wallet contained several credit cards, his union card, health insurance card and $280.00.

An 11 year-old girl lost a pink wallet that contained a $100 gift card and $95 in cash on Popham Road when she was walking home fro Scarsdale Village around 5 pm on September 5.

A member of the Quaker Ridge Golf Club had his wallet stolen at the club on August 23 between 4:30 and 5:30 pm. On Monday August 26 he received his wallet in a package in the mail, however some credit cards and money were missing. He contacted the post office and they may have a picture of the person who brought in the package.

Door to Door:

A solicitor from Power Homes Remodeling was given a warning after he was found to be soliciting without a permit on Ardmore and Carthage Road at 5 pm on September 5.


Classic Pest Control was called to Davis Park on the evening of September 5 to kill bees and remove a bee hive from the park.

No Dumping:

On September 6 a resident reported that Briga Landscaping had been dumping grass and clippings on village property in a wooded area on Correll Road and Thornwood Place. Police asked her to advise them when the company was dumping waste so that they could issue a violation.

Risky Business:

At 8 pm on September 6 police received a report about a Optimum repairman who was up on a ladder on Cornell Street without any safety cones or lights around the ladder. Police went by and told the repairman about the recent death of another repairman on River Road when his ladder was hit by a car. The man said he would be more careful in the future.

accidentA 17 year-old Scarsdale driver was trying to pull her car out of a space on Spencer Place in Scarsdale Village around noon on August 21 when she put the car in drive instead of reverse, drove over the curb, onto the sidewalk and then struck a parking meter. The meter head and coin can flew off the top of the pole and just missed a woman who was sitting on a bench on the sidewalk. The woman who was sitting on the bench is an SHS grad who was visiting town. She sent us the following account of the accident:

"I would like to report an accident that occurred yesterday on Spencer Place, right outside of Häagen-Dazs ice cream store. A young girl attempted to pull out a of parking spot, but accidentally put the car in drive, bolted forward, knocking over the parking meter, causing the top of the meter to go flying toward me while I was seated on the park bench drinking coffee. The witness, a male seated next to me saw how close the flying meter came from splitting my head in two. He looked for a policeman, and I did the same. I tracked down a crossing guard and an ambulance. No one was hurt. Seriously, I could have been killed. Someone picked up the top of the meter and placed it next to the part closer to the car. I ended up consoling the driver -since she was so scared. She called her mom. The authorities stood around while I explained what happened. Finally my friends picked me up (I live in the city) and I left the scene."


A Lexus, parked in a driveway of a home on Vernon Drive, disappeared overnight on August 22 – 23. When the owners awoke the following morning they discovered that the car was gone. At the time of the theft the car was locked and the keys were inside the house. Police questioned neighbors but no one had seen or heard anything unusual.

A Weber Grill, valued at $700 was stolen from a home o Church Lane sometime between August 21 and August 23.


A Nyack woman told police that her car was vandalized while she worked at Scarsdale High School on August 20. When she returned to the car after 2 pm she found that the front passenger window was broken.. A wallet containing $50 in cash, a Chase credit card and the woman's driver's license was missing.

On August 21, police discovered that a school bus and a car that belongs to the Scarsdale Board of Education were both damaged while they were parked near the Scarsdale Impound Lot on Ramsey Road. The front window of the school bus was shattered and the rear window of the station wagon was broken. A rock was found inside the station wagon and may have caused the damage which occurred sometime between July 1 and August 24.


On the afternoon of August 19, Lange's Deli received a call from someone posing as an employee of Con Edison. The caller claimed that Lange's Con Edison account was past due and said that if they did not receive $489.83 in thirty minutes the power to the store would be shut off. He asked that the funds be delivered via a Money Gram or in person to an address in Brooklyn. The owner of Lange's suspected foul play and did not transfer any money. He called back the number to verify and the man said, "it's only $400 and you should pay it."


A Penn Boulevard woman reported the receipt of disturbing phone calls between August 17 and 20. The calls were from a woman who said, "Sister, I am going to ask you nicely to stop calling or texting my husband; otherwise it's going to be between you and me." Verizon would not provide the woman with the phone numbers from which the calls were coming.

The father of a Brown Road girl came to police on August 24 to report that his daughter was receiving disturbing text messages from an unknown number. Police called the number but no one responded. However a few hours later they reached the owner of the phone. The texter said that he was a friend of the girl's and that the texts were intended to be a joke.


Police were called to a Wayside Lane home at 5 pm on August 19 to mediate a dispute between a resident and a home health aide. The ad said she did not like the manner in which the man spoke to her and the resident said he was not happy with her services. The resident's son was called and he explained that the two of disagreements from time to time and resolve them quickly.

On August 22 around noon police went to a home on Innes road where a mother and daughter were feuding about the car keys. The mother was angry and concerned about the way her daughter would drive so she took away the car keys. The daughter needed to go to work and needed the keys back. Everyone then calmed down and the daughter was given the keys and left for work.


The father of Fox Meadow Road residents was found on Garth Road on the morning of August 24. The man, who suffers from dementia, had gone for a walk, got lost and was unable to remember his son's address. Police found the man's family in Fox Meadow who said that they usually keep all the doors locked but may have left the door open that morning.

Police received a report of a man sleeping on a bench outside Sam Lehr Jewelers on Harwood Court in Scarsdale at 12:20 pm on August 19. They woke up the man who said he was from White Plains and told police he was diabetic and could not stay awake. He was treated by paramedics at the scene and refused additional help.


A household employee on Cooper Road told police that two golden retrievers had damaged a flower bed on the property on August 20th. She believed the dogs belonged to Murray Hill Road residents who live behind the Cooper Road house.

A man from Woodland Place called police at 7:30 pm on August 19. He said he had been walking his dog on Autenreith Road when a large golden retriever ran toward his dog in an aggressive manner and may have tried to bite him. Police spoke to the owner of the retriever who explained that the dog is still a puppy and was trying to be friendly. Police told the owner of the retriever to keep the dog inside or on a leash.

A dog was found on the Heathcote Bypass at 8 pm on August 20. A passerby held the dog until police arrived, took custody of the dog and contact the New Rochelle Humane Society.


Luis G. Carranza Miranda, age 35 of White Plains was stopped by Scarsdale Police at 5;20 pm on August 19 after the scanner showed that the registration was suspended on the car due to failure to pay for insurance. He was stopped at Weaver Street near Manor Lane and police also found that Carranza Miranda did not have a valid license. The license plates were removed from the car and it was towed back to the man's home in White Plains. He was given summons for operating with a suspended registration, without a license and with no insurance.

Steven Gallegos, a hairstylist, age 42 from Tuckahoe was stopped by police on 8/22 due to a charge dating back to March 24, 2013. At that time he was stopped for speeding and identified himself as his brother, Christian M. Gallegos, because the driver, Steven, had a suspended license. On August 22 he was booked and fingerprinted and given a court appearance date of August 28.


A wallet was found in front of La Dentelliere on East Parkway in Scarsdale at 2 pm on August 21. Police found the owner of the wallet inside Zachys and returned it to her.

scarsdalesecuritylogoThis police report is sponsored by Scarsdale Security who does more than just security. Contact them about remote video for your home or business. Call 914-722-2200 or visit their website.

lifeguardChairStolen Parts: Two large pieces of the boiler for St. James the Less on Church Lane were stolen on August 29. The property manager reported that two men pulled up in a white cargo van and asked an employee if they could have the parts. While the employee was looking for the manager the two men loaded the parts into their van and drove away. The manager said that the two men who took the parts frequent the church dumpster and remove items with the church's permission. However they were not authorized to remove these parts which are valued at $1,600. Police will check the video tape to identify the suspects.

Also on August 29 a bus driver for the Scarsdale School District witnessed the theft of metal pipes from the sanitation yard on Secor Road. The bus driver saw a man exit a white van and walk to the pipe storage yard. She asked him what he was doing and he told her a friend told him to come and collect scrap metal. The bus driver told him she would call the police and said the man, who identified himself as "Joe" said he would leave. She told the police what was written on the van and provided the license plate number.

Dog Bite:

A UPS man reported that he was bitten by a dog on his left buttock after he made a delivery to a home on Stratton Road on August 31. According to the deliveryman, the resident opened the door and the dog came toward him and would not leave him alone. The owner tried to secure the dog but it kept getting away. The dog bite did not break the man's skin and the owner reported that the dog had his shots.

Pool Party:

On the morning of September2 police found that several items had been thrown into the water at the Scarsdale Pool overnight. They found wooden planters, the lifeguard umbrellas, a garbage can and the lifeguard chair thrown into the four pools at the complex.

Overnight in the Park:

At 3:32 am on Sunday September 1, police found a woman and her daughter sleeping in Boniface Circle in Scarsdale Village. The woman identified herself as a Garth Road resident. She said she had taken the last train back from Manhattan and was locked out of her apartment. Her husband had the keys and he was still in NYC. He could not get on a train until 5:30 am. Given the circumstances police allowed the woman and her daughter to sleep in the park while they awaited the keys.

Lost and Found:

A red and beige LL Bean bag was found in the Christie Place Garage on the evening of August 26. Police could not find the owner and brought the bag back to headquarters and examined it. The bag belongs to John and Laura Desmarais but they were unable to contact them. Inside the bag were facial art antiques, a glass figurine and a metal and glass rod. The bag was held at police headquarters.

Missing specs: A man who works at the Scarsdale Service Center on Scarsdale Avenue said that his $800 prescription glasses were taken by a customer who had come in to rent a car on August 27. After the customer left, a woman, who is believed to be the customer's daughter came inside, picked up the glasses and left with them. The customer said he would return the glasses when he returns the car.

Stolen Bicycles:

A Montgomery Avenue man reported that a $300 road bike that was locked to the bike rack on the morning of August 27 was stolen sometime that day.

On August 29 a gray mountain bike also valued at $300 was stolen from the same rack. The owner said he had been riding the same bike to and from the station for two years. The bike was secured to the rack with a metal chain and a 4 digit lock in the morning and when the man returned at 8 pm the bike was gone.


Thomas Barr, age 45 of Portchester was brought to Scarsdale Village Court from the Westchester County Jail on August 28. He was being held in jail due to a family court order and was brought to Scarsdale to respond to a driving violation dating back to January 30, 2013. After the matter was disposed of by Judge Galloway Barr was transported back to the county jail.

At 1:23 am on August 28 police received a call about a white middle-aged woman who was wearing a Giant's jersey and walking down Clarence Road looking into cars and driveway. Police found the woman carrying two plastic bags filled with empty water bottles. She identified herself as a resident of Madison Road. Police gave her a summons and advised her to appear in court on August 28.

Gildo Gherardi, age 59 of Carmel New York was arrested on 8/29 due to a bench warrant issued on August 7. He was searched, booked and placed in the holding cell. While police were checking his record they found an active arrest warrant in Ramapo, NY which was confirmed by the Ramapo Police. Gherardi was then brought before Judge Galloway who set bail at $535 which Gherardi was unable to pay. He was then remanded to Westchester County Jail.

Car Break-ins:

The driver's side passenger window of a BMW parked at Scarsdale High School was broken while the owner was working out at the track on the afternoon of September 4. A Botkier handbag that was on the floor in the back of the car was moved but not stolen and all the contents of the bag were intact. Police surmise that the offender broke the window and then fled as there were people around at the time.

On the morning of August 30 police received calls from residents at Palmer Avenue, Claremont Road and Secor Road who said their cars were entered overnight. Coins were removed from the car on Palmer Avenue and the car on Claremont Road was tossed. About $20 in coins was missing from the car on Secor Road.

Craig's List Scam:

A Heathcote Road man told police that he may be the victim of fraudulent advertising. He responded to an ad on Craig's List for a vacation home rental in New Jersey for Labor Day weekend. He sent his deposit and then suspected something was amiss. He asked a friend to call to see if the house was available for the weekend and his friend was told that it was available and was given a different account number to send his deposit. The Scarsdale man emailed to cancel the rental but got no response and had not received a refund. As of 8/28 it was unclear whether or not the owner would hand over the keys to the house for the weekend.

Biker Down:

A Graham Road man, riding his bike across the driveway of the Scarsdale Library on Olmstead road was hit by a car turning into the driveway at 10:30 am on August 30. The driver of the car stopped to check on the cyclist but left without exchanging any information. The cyclist described the driver as a woman with gray hair in her 80's and said the car was dark green or blue. He did not record her license plate number.


Black spray paint was used to make graffiti at the Quaker Ridge School. Police found the damage on September 2. On the front brick wall of the school, the following was painted in black: ROJO NV N.OC.S ROCO SCTO. The stop sign at the school was also painted in black.


Harassed at the Salon:


A White Plains woman reported that she was harassed at the Julius Michael Salon on the morning of August 30. She was waiting for a friend to have her hair done when she was asked to step outside due to a previous incident that had angered the owner of the salon. The owner followed her outside and yelled at her. She recorded him saying, "I destroy you," and "strangle you." The argument continued for several minutes but when she showed the owner the phone he apologized to her.

Identity Thefts:

A River Road woman reported that someone used her credit card to make an unauthorized purchase of $39.95 on a pornographic website,, sometime between August 11 – 17. Since the purchase was for pornography and she had not used the card since 2010 the charge triggered an alert from the bank. Though the website asserted that the purchase was made from the woman's IP address, she disputer it as the internet was not working at her house at the time.

A Meadow Road man reported that in April 2012 someone used his personal information to open an additional phone line on Verizon Wireless and charged $372.19 to his account. Verizon removed the line once he told them about the fraud.


A 79 year-old Murray Hill Road man who suffers from Alzheimers was reported missing by his wife on the morning of September 1. He was found shortly thereafter in front of the post office in the Golden Horseshoe Shopping Center. He had been caught in the rain and was soaked. The man told police he was out for a walk but did not know exactly how to get home though he did know his address. Police advised the man's wife to contact Older Adult Advocates for assistance.


Police got two calls at 6 pm on August 28 from Greenacres residents who said that they heard gunshots near Greenacres Avenue and Greendale road. Though police found nothing unusual in Greenacres they did learn that fireworks had been set off near the Scarsdale/White Plains border.


A Brittany Close woman called police at 7:30 pm on August 28 when she found a dog at her front door. She asked police to come by and pick it up. When police arrived they found neighbors searching for their dog – and it was returned to its owners.

scarsdalesecuritylogo.jpgThis police report is sponsored by Scarsdale Security who does more than just security. Contact them about remote video for your home or business. Call 914-722-2200 or visit their website.

handcuffsArrest: A 44 year-old Walworth Avenue man was arrested for obstruction on the afternoon of August 13 when he refused to allow paramedics and EMT's to assist his mother who had fallen in the bathroom and was incoherent. Police responded to the house after they received a report from Adult Protective Services that screams were coming from the house. They found Mrs. Duignan on the floor of the bathroom. She appeared to be in pain and was not able to respond to simple questions. Police determined that she needed to be taken to the hospital for evaluation, but her son, Richard Duignan III became upset and irate and positioned himself between police, EMT's and his mom. He grabbed his mother and said that she was not going to the hospital. He refused to let go of her and became aggressive, swatting his hand at the police. His mother appeared to be losing her balance and when an officer steadied her, the son shoved him. To prevent the woman from injury police separated Duigan from his mother. Duigan continued to be aggressive and was handcuffed, taken to headquarters and processed.

Stolen Cars: Three cars were stolen from the valet service at Body Fit on Scarsdale Avenue around 9 am on August 16. The owners of the cars were all inside Body Fit exercising when their cars disappeared. Police took statements from the two valets who were employed by Classic Valet of New Rochelle. The three missing cars were a 2011 Mercedes Benz C30, a 2012 Merdedes Benz C30 and a 2008 Porsche 911. The two Mercedes were found late Friday night in parking lots in the University Heights section of the Bronx and the Porsche was found in a garage in University Heights on Monday. Police are investigating the incidents by looking at forensic evidence, reviewing surveillance videos, working with other law enforcement agencies and using investigative resources to identify the suspects.

Phony Phone Calls: An 86 year-old Normandy Lane woman complained to police that she received three phone calls on 8/12 and the caller claimed she had won $25,000. The male caller would not provide his name but said that her name had been selected from 50 names to receive the funds. On the third call she told the man that she was not interested and he gave her a number to call to claim her prize.

Damage: A Corell Road woman told police that the driver's side mirror had been knocked off their car sometime during the night of 8/11 – 8/12. It did not appear that the damage was caused by another car. That same night, an Ossining man who parked his 1998 Mercedes on Varian Lane, found that both side view mirrors were damaged sometime between 11 pm on August 11 and 1 am on August 12.

The rear driver's side window of a 2002 Chrysler Town and Country Minivan was broken by a Smirnoff bottle sometime between 1 am and 7 am on August 13. The van was parked on Taunton Road and there were no witnesses to the incident.

Theft: A Black Reilley bicycle, valued at $1,500 was stolen from the bicycle rack at the merchant lot. The owner, a 20 year-old man from Overlook Road in Scarsdale, locked the bike there on July 26. When he returned on August 12 the bike was gone.

Identity Theft: A businessman who works in an office on Chase Road in Scarsdale reported that scammers transferred $10,000 out of his Chase account on August 12. Chase called the man's wife around 5 pm on August 12 to advise her that the money had been transferred, but though she told them it was fraud it was too late to cancel the withdrawal. Thieves had used the Scarsdale couples' personal information to create an online user account and to transfer funds out of their account to a Bank of American account in Naples, Florida. Though the couple stays in Naples during the winter they were unaware how anyone could have obtained their personal information.

A Fairview Road received a package of merchandise he did not order around August 3. He assumed it was a mistake until he received a letter in the mail from "Bill Me Later" stating that he owed $721 for recent purchases. He contacted Bill Me Later and found that an account was recently opened in his name and four purchases were made on eBay. He received one package containing an Armani watch but did not receive the other packages. The people at Bill Me Later were not of much help and would not tell him how they would handle the situation.

Missing Jewels: A Morris Lane woman reported that her $35,000 engagement ring and wedding band were missing on August 13. She said they had been stolen from the safe in her bedroom where she had stored them about a month ago. The engagement ring included a pear shaped diamond and the interlocking wedding bands were white gold and inset with diamonds. The rings had been inherited from the woman's grandmother. The safe did not have any pry marks and appeared to be secure. The woman later found the rings and cancelled the report.

Accident: A 17 year-old girl, driving a 2013 BMW backed out of a parking space on Spencer Place in Scarsdale and hit a 1983 Mercedes Benz that was driven by a 96 year-old Garth Road woman around 5 pm on August 13.

Found: Two black canvas bags containing clothing and toiletries were found near the Scarsdale Train Station on the morning of August 16. The luggage tags showed that the bags belonged to Michael Lu of Manhattan. Police attempted to contact Lu but were unable to reach him.

Missing Kids: A Dobbs Terrace mom called police at 2:12 pm on August 15 to say that her 12 year-old daughter and eight year-old son were missing. Police noticed two scooters down the bock, found the two children and returned them to their mother.

Locked in: Police responded to a Madison Road home on the afternoon of August 13 when a 2 year-old girl climbed out of her crib and locked herself into the room. Police were able to unlock the door, prior to the arrival of the Fire Department.

Loose Dog: A Madison Road woman found a white dog on her property around 2 pm on August 14. Police found the dog in Davis Park and were able to catch it and return it to its owners on Sprague Road. The owners were issued a warning for "dog at large."

Discord: A distressed Canterbury Road man called police at 1:19 am on August 16 to say he was having a fight with his wife. Police thought the man was incoherent but later realized that he had a heavy foreign accent. Since the couple was feuding the man decided to stay in his office in Manhattan. However his wife did not want him to take the only car. Police discussed their options with the couple and they agreed to a plan.

Dazed Squirrel: An Olmstead Road woman called police when she spotted a sick squirrel on her front lawn on the afternoon of August 16. The policeman shot his gun and the squirrel ran to the neighbor's driveway. The neighbor asked the police to leave the squirrel on her property.

Near Miss: A Nelson Road man called police at 2:28 am on August 17 to report an incident involving a speeding car. He heard the speeding car going by and went out into the street to stop the driver. He stood in the middle of the dark road and waved for the driver to stop. However, the driver swerved and almost hit the man who he claimed he did not see standing in the middle of the street. Police spoke to the driver who said he was driving at the speed limit.

Flames: A garbage pail was set on fire at the Edgewood School at 12:42 am on August 18. The fire department put out the fire and police canvassed the area.

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