Sunday, Oct 06th

maryjaneIllicit Video Scam: A 25 year-old Graham Road man came to police on the night of June 7 to report that he was being blackmailed. A friend in France contacted him via the internet and told him to take a video of himself taking off his clothes and to "touch himself." He made the video and sent it to the friend in France. Soon after he received an email from someone he didn't know who told him to send $250.00 via Western Union to an address in Morocco or the video would be released to all the man's friends on Facebook and YouTube. The Scarsdale man believed that the French woman's email account was hacked. Police advised him to contact the woman in France to find out if her account had indeed been hacked and to ask her to delete the video.

Busted: Police found a 2014 Jeep Cherokee in the parking lot of the Scarsdale Pool at 10:30 pm on Friday night June 7 with three youths inside. They approached the car and spoke to the driver who identified himself as a resident of Leatherstocking Lane in Scarsdale. Police noticed the smell of burning marijuana and asked the man to exit the car. The driver admitted that they had just been smoking and that there was still marijuana in the car. Police found a glass jar with pot inside. The other passengers in the car were brothers from Cayuga Road. One admitted to smoking marijuana and handed the police a small glassine bag containing marijuana. Police arrested the 20-year-old driver and passengers and took them to police headquarters. The driver was booked, processed and released to his father on $100 bail and given an appearance ticket to return to court on June 12. He was charged with unlawful possession of marijuana. The two Cayuga Road youths, who are 19 years-old brothers, were also charged with unlawful possession and released on $100 bail each to their parents. They are due to appear in court on June 12.

Elderly Driver: Theodore A. Gaskin, age 88 of Carthage Road, was driving north on Carthage Road at 5 pm on Tuesday June 4 and ran into a 2012 Mercedes Benz that was parked at 100 Carthage road. He said he was blinded by the sun and failed to see the parked car. According to the police report, both cars were heavily damaged. Gaskin refused an ambulance but said his wife would drive him to the hospital for an evaluation.

Missing Diamond Earrings: A Fenimore Road woman reported that a set of 1.4 carat diamond and white gold earrings valued at $27,500 were missing from the master bedroom of her home. She discovered the loss on May 17 and after a thorough search of the house filed the report with the police on June 7.

Pothole: A Fayette Road man ran over a large pothole on Weaver Street near Griffen Road at 10:30 pm on June 8th. The front tire was punctured and there was damage to the front wheel. At 11:15 pm that night, a driver from Darien CT ran into the same pothole and also punctured his tire and damaged his front wheel. The impact was severe enough to cause the airbags to deploy.

Car Break-ins: A Pelham Manor woman discovered that the front passenger window of her 2012 Buick was broken when the car was parked at Crossway on the afternoon of June 9 between 3:30 and 4:10 pm. A jacket and her purse that were in the back seat of the car were not taken. A second car, a 2009 Mercedes, was also vandalized when it was parked at the Scarsdale Pool Parking lot that same afternoon. The front passenger window was broken, but a purse containing cash and credit cards was left on the front seat.

Later Saturday afternoon a 2011 Mercedes Benz parked at the high school was vandalized while the owner was walking around the track. The rear driver's side window was broken but it appeared that the car had not been entered.

Paparazzi: The grandmother of Andrea Sanderlin's child called police at 5:30 pm on 6/4 to complain about news cameras outside the house and people from the press ringing the bell all day. Police came to the house at 193 Saxon Woods Road and asked Jennifer Cunningham and Norman Lono from the Daily News to respect the homeowners wishes and stay off the property.

On June 5, Black Birch Road residents called to complain that media trucks and personnel were in her driveway and "brushing against her shrubs." Police agreed to speak to the media though at the time, there were not causing a traffic hazard.

Turtles: Police got a call at 10:47 am on 6/7 about two large turtles in the road near the duck Pond on Heathcote Road. By the timeturtlepolice arrived the turtles were gone. Another large turtle was reported on Catherine Road at 4:30 on Saturday June 8. Police found the trule and helped it off the road. At 7:25 pm a third turtle was reported on Catherine Road and police moved it off the road.

An injured goose was spotted limping at library pond at 10 am on 6/5. Police called NYS Animal Rehabilitation and Lorraine Izzo picked up the injured goose.

Missing Boy: A worried Horseguard Lane mom called police at 7:50 pm on 6/5 when she could not find her five year-old son. The both was reported to be wearing a blue "Eli Manning jersey. Family and neighbors were checking the surrounding area while police searched inside the house. Soon after, at 8:15 pm, the woman's husband returned in the car and the five-year-old was found in the car.

Fight: Springdale Road residents called police around 6 pm on June 3rd. The mother said a fight with her son had gotten out of hand when he refused to pack his bags in time to catch a flight from JFK. Police spoke to the son who said that he was almost done packing but his mom kept interfering. While police were there, the taxi arrived and the boy headed off to the airport.

A Gaylor Road man called police on the morning of 6/4 when his neighbor's gardener left a bag of grass clippings on his lawn. The bag was removed.

Downed Tree: At 10 pm on June 6 a large section of a tree broke and fell from 74 Brown Road onto the property and two cars at 70 Brown Road. Power lines were also taken down. Con Edison was notified to deactivate the lines and caution tape was placed around the area.

Confused: Police got a call about an elderly woman in need of assistance on Fox Meadow Road on Sunday morning. They found the woman standing in front of her house. She identified herself and complained of pain in her right leg. She told police that she did not know where he husband was and appeared disoriented. Police checked inside the house and found her husband asleep inside. He told police that his wife suffers from dementia and said they had a doctor's appointment scheduled.

Dangerous Drivers: A Brambach Road resident called police at 10:45 on Sunday night 6/9 to say that two erratic drivers had gone through stop signs and come dangerously close to hitting them when they were out walking. Police found the two cars parked on Potter Road and issued a summons to one that was illegally parked.

Luciano Turchiano, age 20 of Yonkers, was stopped by police on Weaver Street near Griffen Road around 7 pm on June 6 when the police scanner revealed a suspended registration for the car due to five parking violations. Turchiano told police that the car was not his and he was unaware of the violations. Despite his claim, police removed the license plates from the car and had it towed to the owner's residence.

Car Running: At 7:46 am on 6/4, police were called when a BMW 5 was left running in the Christie Place garage. Police called the owner's wife who agreed to come to the garage and turn the car off.

Police got a call at 1:44 pm on 6/4 about college kids playing basketball at Greenacres School while school was in session. Police explained to the boys that they could not play during school hours and they left.

Hazard: Police received a complaint at 9 am on 6/5 about a television on Dell Road causing a hazard. Police found a TV face down in the street surrounded by broken glass and asked the sanitation department to pick it up.

scarsdalesecuritylogoThis police report is sponsored by Scarsdale Security who does more than just security. Contact them about remote video for your home or business. Call 914-722-2200 or visit their website at

megamillionsNelson Road residents reported that overnight on May 30 – May 31 someone entered their home while they were asleep upstairs and stole items from the house. The suspect got into the house through an unlocked side kitchen door and stole numerous items from the house including an Apple iPad2 and a wallet from the victim's purse containing $400 in cash, debit/credit cards, membership cards and a lottery ticket.

Incident at Balduccis: A Black Birch Lane woman called police around 5 pm on May 30 when a man on line to pay at the cashier shoved her and yelled at her. The woman said that she was on line at Balduccis and the man in front of her refused to select a line to go on and wanted to wait to see which one was open first. At that point, she went around him to wait on one of the register lines and he shoved her and yelled at her. Police called the man at his home and he said he was wrong to yell and that the situation had gotten out of hand. He said that the employees of Balduccis had instructed him to make one line.

Stolen Leaf Blower: A leaf blower was stolen off a truck owned by the Scarsdale Schools Buildings and Grounds department on the morning of May 31. The employee had the leaf blower when he left the Middle School at 8:30 am. He stopped for coffee and when he arrived at Fox Meadow School the leaf blower, valued at $800, was gone.

Car Break-in: A 2010 Lexus, parked at Scarsdale High School was vandalized on the night of June 1. The driver left the car in the lot at 7:15 pm and when he returned at 10:20 pm he found that the rear passenger window was broken and his daughter's purse had been taken from the back seat. The brown leather clutch contained a wallet with credit cards, $100 in chase and id cards.

Sick Raccoons: A sick raccoon was found at the Scarsdale pool on the morning of May 29. It was gasping for air. A patrolman received permission to "dispatch" the animal and shot it. A second sick baby raccoon was found dragging itself in circles and covered in ants at the intersection of Heathcote and Sherbrooke Roads at 3 pm on May 30. Police also "dispatched" this raccoon with a bullet.

Police received a complaint about noise coming from the Fox Meadow School field at 1:20 am on May 30th. When they arrived they found three Eastchester men who said they were at the field with friends and denied using alcohol or drugs. Police issued each a summons for being present on the field after dusk.

Fight: Tunstall Road residents called police on the afternoon of June 1 when they got into an argument over the placement of an electronic dog fence. Police advised them to call the building department to locate the property line.

Harassed: On 5/28, an Old Lyme Road man called police to complain that he was being harassed by a White Plains woman who he had helped in the past. The woman was requesting more money and when he refused to provide it, she left eight messages on his answering machine – some of which were threatening. She called between 5/20 – 5/27.He said he would press charges if she did not stop. Police attempted to contact the woman but they were unable to reach her.

A Mamaroneck Road girl reported the receipt of harassing text messages. She told police she went out with a N.J. boy on two occasions and then received a text message telling her to stay away from him. The girl surmised that the text was sent by the boy's girlfriend.

Accidents: A Scarsdale School suburban van collided with a Ford truck owned by a tree service on May 31 at 8:30 am. The bus was going west on Mamaroneck Road while the truck was travelling east on Mamaroneck Road. Both drivers claimed that the other vehicle had crossed the double line and and caused the accident. No children were on the bus at the time f the accident.

On Sunday morning police received calls about injured cyclists on the Bronxx River Parkway. The first was taken to Westchester County Medical Center. The second report concerned a woman who had fallen off the bike, had a laceration on her face and was "possibly uncounscious." She was taken to White Plains Hospital.

Identity Theft: A Fox Meadow Road woman reported $340 in fraudulent purchases made on her American Express card on 5/29. The unauthorized transactions were made on April 26.

scarsdalesecuritylogoThis police report is sponsored by Scarsdale Security who does more than just security. Contact them about remote video for your home or business. Call 914-722-2200 or visit their website at

thewestchesterBurglaries: In Edgemont Greenburgh Police report that around 9:15 pm on Friday May 17 Medford Road residents said that their home had been burglarized. Police discovered that suspects and gotten into the house via a rear window sometimes between 10 am and 8 pm on 5/17 and made off with an undisclosed amount of cash and jewelry. The suspects remain at large.

Visitors to a home on Fox Meadow Road reported that a burglary took place while they were briefly out of the house on the morning of May 14. The three visitors from Manhattan told police that they took a walk to Scarsdale Village at 11:30 am to get lunch and when they returned at 12:30 a large cache of electronic items had been taken from the house. The visitors had left one door unlocked and police found that a rear door to the house was also unlocked.

Among the missing items were:

  • MacBook Air ($1,000)
  • Apple MacBook ($900)
  • iPhone ($500)
  • Apple MacBook Pro ($1,430)
  • Cover ($50.00)
  • iPhone charger ($30)
  • Backpack ($104)
  • Apple MacBook Pro ($1,430)
  • Apple iPad Mini ($329)
  • Smart Cover ($40)

Arrested: A 26 year-old White Plains woman who worked as a housekeeper for a Greenacres Road family for five years was arrested for stealing 21 gold coins valued at $30,500 from a hallway closet in April, 2012. She admitted to selling all but seven of the coins to Michael Matthews Jewelers in the Galleria Mall in White Plains in November, 2012. Based on information provided by the resident about her former housekeeper, Araceli Acevedo, police developed a case about the suspect. They went to her home at 88 Kensico Avenue in White Plains on May 17 and left a card asking her to contact them. Later that day, Acevedo came to headquarters and agreed to speak to police. In the course of the conversation she admitted to taking the 21 gold coins, one at a time, from the closet and selling many of them to the White Plains jeweler in November. She said she still had seven of the coins in her possession. She agreed to a search of her apartment where the seven coins were found. Acevedo was charged with grand larceny.

Cynthia James-Hamlin was issued a summons for driving with a suspended registration on the afternoon of 5/15. Police were conducting traffic enforcement at Weaver Street at Manor Lane and scanning license plates. They discovered that Hamlin's registration was revoked for parking violations. They stopped the car, removed the plates and towed the car to the driver's home in the Bronx. Bianca Gaitan of Yonkers was also found to be driving with a suspended registration on May 17. A scan of her license plate showed that she had five parking violations within the past 12 months. She was stopped on Walworth Avenue, her plates were removed from her car and the car was towed to her home.

Shoplifting: A Scarsdale woman was charged with a large-scale theft on Mother's Day at a White Plains Department store. Perhaps she was trying to give herself a bigger gift than she could afford? Security officers at Neiman Marcus in the Westchester called police around 1 pm on Sunday when they saw the woman place clothes, jewelry and handbags into a bag she was carrying and then leave the store without paying for the items. Police arrested Sharon Degani, age 36, of 240 Heathcote Road, Scarsdale and charged her with third-degree grand larceny after she attempted to steal $5,657 worth of merchandise from Neiman Marcus.

Damage: For the second consecutive week, a car parked in the Freightway Garage was damaged by a blunt object. The owner of 2002 blue Ford reported that her car was vandalized when it was parked at the garage on May 14.

The driver of a 2013 Audi complained that a substance that appeared to be oil dripped on the hood of his car when it was parked in the Christie Place garage on May 17. The leak may have come from one of the overhead pipes in the garage. Several parking spots have been taped off to prevent further damage to cars from leaky pipes.

A woman from San Francisco claimed that the valet service at Massa damaged her rental car while it was parked there on the night of May 17. She said she gave them the car at 6:15 pm and when she picked it up around 8 pm she found that the rear driver's side door was damaged. The valet denied responsibility and police were not able to conclude what caused the damage.

Do you recognize this dog?  This two to three year-old dog was found wandering along Heathcote Road on Wednesday Mayfounddoga 22. She is a well-groomed and obedient young chow/shepherd mix. She does not have a collar or microchip. If you recognize her, please call Cindy Rafeld at 917-202-6039 or email her at

Identity Thefts: A Brewster Road woman told police that someone had filed a 2012 tax return using her social security number. The Scarsdale woman's return was not accepted by the IRS due to the fraud.

On 5/13 a Montrose Road resident reported that someone had set up an online account and changed his information on his social security account.

Harassed: Police were called to Wells Fargo Bank on 5/15 due to a report of harassment. The bank employees told police that they received a call from someone who said that "they will be taken hostage." No further details were supplied by the police.

On 5/14 the grandmother of a woman who works in a salon in downtown Scarsdale called police to report that her grand-daughter's ex-boyfriend was harassing her. Police went to the salon and the girl refused to provide personal information about her ex boyfriend and said she can handle the situation on her own.

Telemarketers: An 82 year-old Tory Lane woman complained that she had been sold a medical alert device by a telemarketer without her consent. She attempted to decline but got an automated call saying that the device would be shipped. She provided the phone numbers to the police and they suggested she ask her provider to block the numbers.

Missing Person: The Program Director at Search for Change, a residential living facility on the Post Road, called police on the morning of 5/16 to report that one of their residents was missing. The 37 year-old resident had been taken to the emergency room at White Plains Hospital the previous evening and left the hospital without authorization with the I.V. tubes still attached to her arm. Police searched the area and checked with the woman's friends and her mother to see if they knew her whereabouts. She was last reported to be wearing a long sleeve gray t-shirt, blue jeans, silver earring and red shoes with black bottoms. She has a scar on her face that starts at her chin and ends near her right ear and dark visible lines on her neck. Police broadcasted a missing person inquiry.

Wanderers: At 4:39 am on May 16 a Walworth Avenue man called police when he spotted a disoriented elderly man at his back door. Police went to the home and found Diego Camarda of 15 Colvin Road at the house. They drove Camarda home and left him in the care of his wife. At 11:14 am on May 17 a Murray Hill Road woman called to say that her husband, who suffers from Alzheimers, was missing. A few minutes later police found the 78 year-old man at the corner of Heathcote and Palmer and brought him home.

Missing Goods: Builder Eilon Amidor reported that copper drip edges valued at $2,000 and cable wire worth $200 were missing from a building site at 25 Cooper Road. The items had been on the second floor of the newly-built home. He noticed the items were missing on the morning of May 15.

Stolen or lost? An Overhill Road resident called police to say that their car had been stolen at 11:30 pm on May 16. Police went to the house and the resident reported that her son had taken the car out earlier in the evening and parked it on Potter Road but it was now gone. However when police spoke to the son it became apparent that he did not remember where he parked the car. Police searched the area and found it on Scarsdale Avenue.

Dead Rabbit: A Cushman Road woman reported a sick rabbit in her yard on the morning of May 15. Police checked, found that the rabbit was dead and removed it from the property.

Suspicious Van: SHS Assistant Principal Chris Griffin called police at noon on 5/16 to report that a blue cargo van that had been driving through the high school parking lot. Turned out the blue van belongs to Robert Guadagna who has been hired by the Village to control the geese population. He explained that he travels through the high school parking lot to monitor the geese.

Mix-Up: A concerned dad called police at 4:30 on May 17 when he went to pick up his son at Kids Base and the boy was not there. The man feared that the boy's mother, who is not permitted unsupervised visit, had taken him. However, the boy was at Fox Meadow in an after-school program.

Dispute: On May 17 a Tunstall Road woman asked police to intervene with neighbors who yell at her and allege that she is speeding. The woman says she is a careful driver and does not speed. Police spoke to the neighbors and explained.

Semi-Automatic: A Peekskill man turned over his semi-automatic pistol to police for safekeeping on May 15. He is in the process of getting a permit for the Walther PPK semi-automatic weapon.

scarsdalesecuritylogoThis police report is sponsored by Scarsdale Security who does more than just security. Contact them about remote video for your home or business. Call 914-722-2200 or visit their website ,

CockapooA 68-year-old New Rochelle woman drove into a school bus carrying six children around 3 pm on Tuesday May 21. The driver of the car works as a dog walker and had six dogs in the car at the time of the accident. The bus was going south on Morris Lane and crossing the intersection at Heathcote Road. The car was going east on Heathcote Road and the driver attempted to stop at a red light. However, the driver of the car said her brakes failed, she ran into the bus and then veered off the road into a fence at 20 Heathcote Road. The children's parents were called to pick them up. No one requested medical attention.

A Richbell Road man called police on the afternoon of 5/22 after his housekeeper reported that a landscaper working on a neighboring property on Burgess Road had hit the fence where his dog was standing. She said that she saw the landscaper pick up an unknown object and "violently hit the fence where the dog was standing." Police spoke to the landscaper who claimed that he saw the dog but did not go near it. Michael Bellantoni, who owns the landscaping company came to the house and charged that the dog's owner had threatened to shoot his worker. The angry man admitted to saying, "If I had a gun I would go get it and shoot you in the hands, so that you can not hit my dog again." The dog was not injured.

A Kent Road woman called police around 2:30 on May 25 to say that she had been driving down Fox Meadow Road when she heard a woman scream and felt the car hit something. A witness told her that a dog had run out into the road. The dog was taken to the Veterinarian Emergency Group on Tarrytown Road in White Plains. The dog was being cared for by Fox Meadow residents while the owner was out of town. The dog was later pronounced dead.

At 10:30 am on May 27 a dog that belongs to a Tompkins Road man rant out onto Fenimore Road and was hit by a car. The car left the scene but the dog did not appear to be injured.

A Meadow Road woman called police on the afternoon of 5/21 after her neighbor's dog chased her. Police arrived and gave the dog owner's a summons for failing to restrain their dog.

A Greenacres man found a dog without a collar running loose on Park Road at 7:30 pm on 5/21. Police located the dog's owner, a woman from Cambridge Road, and returned the dog and issued her a summons for letting the dog run "at large."

Police got a call about a limping dog that was found at 3:30 pm on 5/25 in Edgewood. Police found a neighbor who was able to identify the dog as Buddy and agreed to watch him until the owners returned.

Stuck in the Mud: At 11:11 pm on May 25, a driver on the Heathcote Bypass swerved to avoid hitting an animal in the road, hit the curb and went over a drop off into the mud. Though there was no damage the car was stuck in the med and had to be pulled out by a tow truck.

Too close to Poll? At the school budget election on 5/21, police received a complaint that someone was holding a sign within 100 feet of the polling place. However, police found that the man was behind the 100-foot marker and was not in violation of the law.

Missing Gutters: A custodian at Scarsdale High School reported that three copper gutters, valued at $1,500 were stolen from the school sometime between 5/17 and 5/20. The gutters appear to have been ripped from the walls of the school. A fourth gutter was also taken off the wall but left on the ground.

Missing Jewelry: A Myrtledale Road woman reported that a platinum necklace with a platinum pendant, valued at $5,000 was missing from her house on May 25, 2013.

Found: A Mamaroneck Road man found a black iPhone with a game boy case at the Metro North Train Station in Scarsdale on 5/23. Since the battery was drained, police were not able to identify the phone's owner. A Corell Road woman found a metal key ring with 5 keys in here driveway on May 24 and turned them over to police.

Police used scanners to snare more unlicensed drivers this week. At 10:45 pm they stopped Ismet Lalic, age 29 of New York on Garth Road. He was cited for speeding and driving without a license. His car was parked on Garth Road and a violation was issued. Marlon Gordon, age 38 of Pelham was stopped on the Heathcote Byass at 5 pm on May 24 and found to have a suspended license and registration and no insurance. The plates were removed from his car and it was towed to his home.

Locked in: An Eastchester woman accidentally locked her son in the car when it was parked at the intersection of Walworth and Greenacres Avenues at 12:20 pm on May 20. Someone from the Heathcote Gulf station came by and was able to unlock the car.

Bullying: Fox Meadow parents called police on the evening of 5/20 when they were concerned about bullying on the social media site Ask.FM. They decided to call the police department's youth officer for advice.

Disputes: A customer at the Gulf Station on Scarsdale Avenue called police at 8 pm on the night of 5/20 to complain that the attendant was billing her for gas that had overflowed from her tank. The attendant refused to give the customer a refund for the spilled gas. When police arrived the funds were refunded.

An Oak Lane woman called police on the morning of May 24 to say that her neighbors on Larch Lane were cutting down trees and putting the wood on her property. Police spoke to the Larch Lane homeowner who said that her gardener had put the wood on her neighbor's property while she as on vacation and said she would ask him to move it.

Too Much to Drink: Police responded to a complaint about noisy kids on Brewster Road at 1:05 am on May 22. They stopped two boys walking south on Brewster Road who claimed they were walking home from a friend's house in the area but were unsure of the address. They admitted to drinking earlier in the evening. Police called their parents and one agreed to pick the boys up.

Police spotted two men on Fox Meadow Road at 7 am on 5/24 and asked if they needed help getting home. They both admitted to drinking earlier in the morning. One man walked home and the other was picked up by his dad.

Sewage Back-up: Nelson Road residents called police at 12:14 am on May 25 when a sewage line backed up into their basement. Police called the Department of Public Works.

A Hamilton Road woman called about unsafe conditions at a construction site at 9 Hamilton Road. A large hole was fenced in on only three sides leaving an opening on the fourth side where someone could fall in. Police constructed an orange fabric fence to block it off.

Whoops! A Palmer Road woman accidentally dropped her cell phone into the southbound train tracks at Scarsdale station at 11 am on May 26. Police waited with her while the MTA sent someone to go onto the tracks and retrieve her phone.

Help: Fox Meadow Road residents called police around noon on 5/26 for help getting their son to the hospital. The son had a mandatory admission order from St. Vincent's Hospital. Police took the son to White Plains Hospital for evaluation and transport to St. Vincents.

Identity Theft: An Oneida Road woman reported that someone used her Bank of American credit card to buy a Jet Blue airline ticket valued at $344.90 without her authorization on 5/20 -5/21. The bank closed the account.

A 23- year-old young man from Aspen Road reported that his debit card had been stolen on Saturday May 25 while he was in downtown Manhattan. The stolen card was used at two ATM machines and $2,700 was withdrawn from his account.

scarsdalesecuritylogoThis police report is sponsored by Scarsdale Security who does more than just security. Contact them about remote video for your home or business. Call 914-722-2200 or visit their website at

chefshatKain Abrego, age 31 of New Rochelle was arrested on the evening of May 8 after he assaulted a co-worker in the kitchen of Seasons on Wilmot Road in Scarsdale. When police arrived they found Claudy Bretous lying on the kitchen floor. Bretous claimed that Abrego had come up from behind him and punched on the back of his neck, causing Bretous to fall to the floor. Both his neck and cheek were swollen and he was in pain. Bretous was taken to White Plains Hospital. The store manager, Shalom Shushan confirmed Bretous' story and completed a deposition. In addition, police learned that the incident had been videotaped and they reviewed it. Abrego, who is a chef at Seasons, was arrested for assault in the third degree, given a court date of 5/15 and released on $250 bail.

Mischief: An Overhill Road man discovered that someone had wedged screws into all the tires on his 2009 Jeep Cherokee and 2013 Mercedes overnight on 5/8-5/9. He first noticed that the tire pressure light was on in his jeep and took the car to the mechanic who found screws in each tire. When the man returned home, he discovered that more screws had been wedged into his wife's 2013 Mercedes.

Dispute: A Mamaroneck Road woman called police around noon on May 10 to complain that her neighbor was planting trees on her property that posed a danger to existing trees. The complainant said that her neighbor had instructed workers to dig deep holes next to tall existing trees that could become unstable as a result. She said that as she was taking photos of the trees her neighbor threw a rock in her direction. Police told the complainant to call Village Hall and told the neighbor that picture taking was allowed. The neighbor and the gardener denied any rock throwing.


A 17 year-old girl from Kelwynne Road was hit by a 2010 Lexus driven by a Mamaroneck woman at 4:40 pm on Wednesday May 8. The girl was jogging on Carthage Road toward Mamaroneck Road and the driver was headed west on Mamaroneck Road. When the car reached the intersection of Carthage Road it hit the runner. The condition of the girl in not known.

An Ossining man was driving north on the Post Road at 6 pm on 5/6 when he says he was sideswiped by another car driving north in the inside lane. The White Plains woman who was driving the second car said she ran into him because another car, traveling southbound, drove over the double line and she moved over to the right to avoid a head on collision.

Frederick Coleman an 89 –year-old driver from New Rochelle was backing out of a parking space on East Parkway on Tuesday afternoon 5/7 when he hit a 2012 BMW driven by a Bronxville woman.

Three cars were damaged at the exit to the DeCicco's parking lot on the afternoon of May 9 when a car going east on Christie Place collided with a car exiting the parking lot. The impact of the collision caused the car exiting the lot to run into another car parked on Christie Place.

A New Rochelle woman parked her 2006 Infiniti at the Freightway Garage on the morning of May 3. When she returned at 5:40 pm she found that the passenger door had been damaged by a blunt object. The employee from Pro Park who had parked the car was not available.

Found: On 5/6, a woman who had recently moved into a house on Rock Creek Lane found drug paraphernalia in her boiler room and asked police to examine the small, multi-colored pipe. She believed it was left there by the previous owner. The pipe was vouchered at police headquarters.

Lost: A Christie Place woman reported that she lost her 14K engagement ring with a yellow diamond. She last saw it in March and it was valued at $37,500.

A kitchen employee at Chat American Grill reported that his wallet was missing. He left it in a pile of clothes when he changed into his uniform on the night of 5/11 and when he returned to look for it, it was gone. The wallet contained $600 in cash, a Mexican driver's license and a debit card.

Police received a call at 6:48 pm on 5/6 about some kids using vulgar language while playing basketball at the Greenacres School. Police spoke to the boys who acknowledged using bad language and agreed to clean up their act.

Found: A sign for Gtec kids was found posted on a telephone pole at the corner of Palmer Avenue and Heathcote Road. As the company did not have a permit to post the sign it was removed and they were issued a Village code summons.

Swarthmore Road residents found a short, chubby brown, black and white dog at their home on the afternoon of 5/11. The dog had no tags. Police took the dog to headquarters and notified the New Rochelle Humane Society who took custody of the lost dog.

A bike was found on the lawn of a home on Pinecrest Road on the morning of May 10. Police checked their records to see if a bike of this type had been reported stolen but found no matches.

Noisy Bar Mitzvah at WRT: Police got numerous call after midnight on May 12 about a loud party going on at the temple. After the first complaint, the music was turned down but at 4 am police got another call about noise coming from workers dismantling tables and equipment.

Fishing at Library Pond? A young man from Greenacres took his fishing rod to Library Pond on the afternoon of May 8 and tried his luck at catching something. However, a caller alerted police that no fishing was allowed and that there were signs posted to the effect. Police went to the pond and warned the man that no fishing was allowed.

Also at Library Pond, police got a call about a man with suspicious equipment on the afternoon of 5/9. They went to the pond and found the man loading his equipment into his truck. Turns out he was Robert Guadagna from a geese control company who had been retained by the Village to scare the geese away from the pond.

Leak at Christie Place: a water leak in a utility closet of a third floor apartment at Christie Place on May 9 caused water to pour out of the closet, into the apartment below and down to the building's lobby. The fire department was called to handle the incident and the apartment owners were contacted.

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