Saturday, Oct 05th

Ceiling tilesFalling Tiles: Greenburgh Town Supervisor Paul Feiner was quick to report an incident that occurred while he was dining at Savona Restaurant on Chase Road in Scarsdale on the night of 1/27. Feiner saw a decorative tile fall from the ceiling and hit the ground. No one was sitting underneath it and there were no injuries.

Computer Virus: On January 22, a Rock Creek Lane man reported that he had downloaded a virus on his computer. When he turned it on, the computer was locked and there was a message from the Department of Justice telling him to send $300.00 in a MoneyPak order within 48 hours to unlock it. Police were able to help him find a way to rid his computer of the virus.

Unhappy Camper: At 7 am on 1-22, police were called to a Bradford Road home in response to a 93 year-old woman with dementia who did not like her health aide. Police waited with the woman until her daughter-in-law arrived.

Car Larceny: On Ferncliff Road, a car was entered overnight on 1/21-122 and an iPhone and a charger were stolen from the car.

Dispute: At 4 am on 1/25 Youk yun Kim of Garth Road complained that he had a disagreement with Philip Parker of Chateaux Circle. Kim said that Parker was hanging around the dumpster at the 7-11 but when Kim approached him Parker became agitated saying he felt threatended by Kim. Police advised the two to avoid a confrontation.

Walking on Ice: At noon on 1/26 police got a complaint that people were on the ice at Library Pond. When police arrived, the people on the ice explained that they did not know that they were not allowed there.

Sewage: On the evening of 1-26, Greeancres Avenue residents called police to say that the Village sewage line was backing up into their basement. The Department of Public Works said they would take care of it.

Accidents: On Monday afternoon 1-21, an 18 year-old girl, driving a 2007 Jeep was hit by a pick-up truck driven by a landscaper from Stamford, CT at the intersection of the Post Road and Murray Hill Road. The girl was turning onto the Post Road from Murray Hill Road when she was hit by the truck traveling on the Post Road.

At the Balducci's parking lot, an 85- year-old driver, backing out of a space with her 2005 Chevy hit a Volkswagon driven by an 18 year-old Rye girl around noon on Sunday 1-27.

In a similar incident on the morning of Wednesday 1-23, a driver backing out of a space on East Parkway hit a Mercedes that was also parked on East Parkway.

An 85 year-old man driving a 2004 Audi backed out of a parking space on Spencer Place and hit a rented Toyota driven by a woman from Scottsdale AZ who was driving down Spencer Place. The incident occurred on the afternoon of 1-24.

In another incident involving an elderly driver, an 86 year-old woman was pulling out of the entrance to 50 Popham Road when she was struck by a NYC man driving a 2010 Toyota. The man said that the woman entered the roadway suddenly. The incident occurred on Saturday afternoon 1-27.

On the morning of 1-24, the driver of a sanitation vehicle on Brite Avenue. was backing out of a driveway when he hit a 2011 Lincoln that was owned by Red Oak Limousine across the street.

On Saturday morning 1-26, the driver of a 2010 Volvo exiting the Hutch skidded into a 2010 Volvo driving east on Mamaroneck Road. The man said the road was slippery. The 2013 Infiniti was towed away from the scene.

scarsdalesecuritylogoThis police report is sponsored by Scarsdale Security who does more than just security. Contact them about remote video for your home or business. Call 914-722-2200 or visit their website ,

GoldenRetrieverExplosive Device? A caretaker at 14 Butler Road found an odd-looking device on the lawn on the afternoon of 1/12/13. The device was made up of a plastic tube stuffed with newspaper and was sitting on a Con Edison traffic cone. The device appeared to be charred and two small CO2 canisters were found on the ground below it as well as matches and burnt pieces of the tube. At first inspection, police were not sure what was inside the tube. Police set up a perimeter around the device and called the Scarsdale Fire Department. Since fire department personnel could not determine whether or not the device was explosive, they called the Westchester County Police Bomb Squad. The Bomb Squad confirmed that the device was no longer dangerous and "made it safe from possible ignition or explosion." Police canvassed the neighbors, took photos and collected evidence. Representatives from the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms secured the evidence and will conduct an investigation.

Thefts: Scarsdale Water Superintendent Antonio Capicotto reported a major theft from the pipe storage yard on January 14. The assistant foreman discovered that iron and cast iron fittings, elbow t's, crosses and reducers ranging from 6 to 16 inches in diameter were stolen from the Scarsdale Water Department pipe storage yard at 110 Secor Road. All together, the pipes were valued at $150,000 and some weighed as much as 385 pounds each. The missing materials were last seen a week after Hurricane Sandy. Police spoke to some of the neighboring homeowners and one reported that a tree service had removed a downed tree from his property after the storm. He also said that the fence between his property and the yard was damaged and he saw village crew remove some pipes and repair the fence.

Medical equipment and personal belonging valued at almost $9,450 were stolen from a car parked on Highland Way overnight on 1/17-1/18/13. The homeowner got into his car on the morning of 1/18 and noticed several items were missing but there was no damage to the car. The car may or may not have been locked. Missing were a camera, an opthalmascope, lenses, a surgical loupe, a coat, an attaché case and personal papers.

Identity Thefts: A Penn Road man reported that someone tried to open a "Bill Me Later" account in his name to make a purchase on Ebay. His social security number and birthday were provided but the account was not approved because the address provided was inaccurate or suspicious. The man learned of the declined account on 1/15/13.

A woman from Overlook Road was also the victim of identity theft. Someone entered a Citibank branch in Brooklyn on January 3rd or 4th and attempted to cash one of the Scarsdale woman's checks in the amount of $20,600.07. The victim did not know how someone got a hold of one of her checks.

Overturned Garbage Truck: While driving a garbage truck owned by County Waste Management on the morning of January 16 Nickolausa Guziczek age 30 lost control of the truck on Secor Road driving off the shoulder, over numerous trees and shrubs onto Fenway Golf Club. The garbage truck then overturned on the fairway of the golf course. No one was injured.

Hit and Run: On the afternoon of 1/18 a witness told police that he saw someone driving a gray Volvo hit a Subaru that was parked on Scarsdale Avenue and leave the scene without leaving a note or looking for the owner of the parked car. The witness provided the license plate number of the Volvo to the police. Police contacted the driver who was a 17 year-old Scarsdale girl who said, "I was scared and didn't know what to do." The girl came to police headquarters to file an accident report and the Subaru was towed to an auto body shop.

DOA: Rose Harrison, age 95 of Bradley Road passed away at her home sometime between 6:30 pm on 1/19 and 3:10 pm on 1/20. She was found by her daughter in her bedroom on the afternoon of January 20. Harrison's daughter reported that her mother had been in good health though she suffered from mini strokes.

Vandalism: Just after midnight on January 21, a Park Road woman called police to say that someone had damaged an outdoor light fixture, valued at $750 at her home. She also reported a loud party next door and saw several cars speeding away from the area. She believed the kids at the party damaged the fixture.

Unattended Retriever: A witness called police on the afternoon of 1/18 when he saw a golden retriever locked in the back of a car parked at Freightway for over four hours. The dog appeared to be cold and was shivering. While police were there, the owner of the car and the dog returned and claimed he had only parked for a couple of hours. Police issued the man a summons for "standard of care" and gave him a court date of 2/6.

Disputes: Police were called to the parking garage under CVS on Popham Road at 9:30 am on 1/16 to resolve a dispute. A woman from Heathcote Road returned from Soul Cycle to find a boot on her car. The parking lot manager told her that the lot was for CVS customers only and that those who attend Soul Cycle are supposed to park at Freightway. Since the woman also had a receipt from purchases made at CVS, the attendant removed the boot and voided the fine.

Problems continued between Ike Okoli of Lockwood Road and his neighbor. Okoli called police at 3:30 on 1/19 claiming that his neighbor yelled at him when he was outside. Police checked with the neighbor who said he was trying to control his dogs. Police told Okoli to consult with his mother first before calling the police.

policecruiserMissing Jewels: More than $68,000 in jewelry was reported missing from a home on Tisdale Road. The theft occurred sometime between January 1 and January 5. The homeowner reported that she went to her attic on 1/5 and noticed that a bag that was on top of her jewelry box had been moved. Missing was a $26,000 diamond bracelet, a Chanel pearl and diamond ring valued at $13,900, a diamond Chopard watch valued at $22,0000 and 1 oz gold coins worth $5,400.

Missing Silver: A Boulder Brook Road man reported that a silver dish and a silver cutlery set, together valued at $14,000- $20,000 were missing from his home. The items were taken something between April and December, 2012.

Tompkins Road residents also reported missing silver from their home. A large platter, a 20-piece set of wine cups and a tray and a set of sterling silver, together valued at $34,000 were reported missing on 1/2/13. The items were last seen on Thanksgiving Day in 2012. There were no signs of a forced entry to the home and the homeowner does not know who took the missing items.

Burglary: A housekeeper reported a burglary on Oak Lane that occurred sometime between 1/2/13 and 1/5/13 while the homeowners were away. There were pry marks on a rear door and it appeared that a crow bar was used to pry it open. Thieves entered the master bedroom which was heavily tossed. Police found several sets of footprints in the snow, and one set began at the street and went across the yard to the point of entry. It appeared that jewelry had been taken from the house.

Missing Woman: White Plains Police requested help in locating a missing person at 5 pm on 12/31. Scarsdale Police found the missing woman on East Parkway. The woman had taken a taxi from White Plains to Scarsdale to go shopping.

Identity Theft: On 1/1/13 a Brewster Road man reported that fraudulent accounts had been opened at Chase Bank in his name and funds had been transferred into and out of the account. Once the bank detected the fraudulent activity, the accounts were frozen.

Found iPhone 5: A shopping bag containing an iPhone5 was found atop a BMW parked in the Christie Place garage on the morning of January 2. From a piece of mail that was also found in the bag, police located the owner of the phone and contact them to pick it up.

An iPhone was found on Chase Road in 12/31. Police checked their records and found a report of a missing phone and contacted the owner.

Threats: A Brookby Road woman reported the receipt of threatening letters, voicemails and emails from the wife of her boss. She received a five- page letter with images depicting blood and torture with the victims name underneath each images. In the voicemails, the wife of the boss threatened, "I am going to come over to your house, I know exactly where you live." The boss called to apologize and said there was no reason for the Scarsdale woman to fear for her safety.

Dead Deer: Police received a report of an injured deer at the intersection of the Heathcote Bypass and Secor Road at 2:30 am on 1/1/2013. When they arrived they found that the deer was dead after being struck by a car. The carcass was removed.

Drunk Visitor: Tompkins Road residents reported an intoxicated man in their driveway at 2:41 am on 1/1/13. The man was belligerent and made verbal threats. By the time police arrived, he was gone.

Unhappy Tenant: At 12:38 am on January 4 an elderly man who is a tenant on Dell Road complained that his landlady had shut off his lights. When police arrived, the homeowner explained that she had removed an extensions cord that was overloaded and creating a fire hazard. Heat in the room was found to be adequate. The following day the man came to Police Headquarters and wanted to obtain an order of protection against his landlady. Police instructed him to go to Village Court.

Marital Woes: Feuding ex-spouses called police on January 4 when the wife went to the husband's home with a real estate appraiser to have the house inspected and to remove some personal items. The husband said that a man who accompanied them was not permitted at the residence. The couple decided to have their attornies arrange a subsequent visit.

Track Marks: At Fox Meadow School, a school employee reported damage to the field on the morning of 12/31. It appeared that an all terrain vehicle had driven onto the field and made tire tracks across the length of the entire field.

balduccisbagJewelry on Ice: An Oneida Lane man spotted a Balducci's shopping bag on the ice on Cayuga Pond behind his home on 1/12/13. Eager to clear the debris, he got into his his canoe, broke through the ice on the pond and rowed out to retrieve the bag. Much to his surprise, inside the bag he found two wallets with credit cards and a broken jewelry box containing assorted jewelry. Among the items were a Tag Heuer watch and a "yellow metal flower ring." Police are currently investigating to find out who owns the jewelry.

Lost iPhone: A Chateaux Circle woman left her iPhone at DeCicco's on the afternoon of January 10 around 4 pm. She left the store but quickly realized she left her phone in her shopping basket. The manager searched the store but the phone did not turn up. Later that night AT&T reported that someone used the phone to place a call.

Missing: A School Lane man reported that he lost his black Tumi wallet containing three credit cards on 12/31. On 1/5, all three credit card companies contacted him about recent charges on the cards, all of which were fraudulent. The man also reported the loss of his winter jacket and a blackberry curve cellphone. In a previous police report, the victim had been reported missing by his wife on New Year's Eve.

Identity Theft: A Varian Lane woman reported fraudulent use of her credit card. Someone used her card to make a purchase of $892.95 on January 4. The account was closed and the complaint will be investigated.

Threats: A young lady from Rock Creek Lane reported that a friend from Tennessee had posted a suicidal message on Facebook. Scarsdale police contacted the police in Tennessee who said they would try to make contact with the friend.

Followed: A woman from Horseguard Lane called police at 12:48 am on 1/10 to say that her son was followed home by someone who was walking outside. The man was described as a white male wearing a black jacket and black hat, walking with a cane. Police searched the area but did not find the suspect.

Harassed: On January 10, a Walworth Avenue woman reported that she has been receiving anonymous calls from a private number for about a year. When she picks up, no one speaks. Most of the calls occur late at night.

Missing Man: At 5 pm on 1/10, the manager of De Cicco's called when a customer could not find her husband. Shortly thereafter, police found the lost man, Diego Camarda on Woodlands Place.

Disagreement: A Coralyn Road woman called police on the night of 1/11 when she had a disagreement with her mother about the temperature inside the house. When police arrived the two had resolved the issue.

Accident: There was a three-car pile-up on Weaver Street near the entrance to the Hutch on Wednesday morning 1-9 at 9 am. Nikkia Hahan was stopped at the intersection when she was struck from behind by Michelle Kantor who was then hit by Julie Sheppe. Sheppe was unable to stop in time due to a wet roadway.

scarsdalesecuritylogoThis police report is sponsored by Scarsdale Security who does more than just security. Contact them about remote video for your home or business. Call 914-722-2200 or visit their website ,

gunScarsdale parents learned that Mamaroneck Schools had been closed due to a lockdown on Thursday afternoon when the Varsity Basketball game that was scheduled to be played there had to be moved to SHS.

According to news reports, a man with a gun tried to enter the Hommocks Middle School on Thursday afternoon but was stopped before he could get in. He first tried to get in through a locked side door and then went to the main entrance where he was stopped. When asked what he was doing at the school, and why he had a gun, the man told officials that he had come to the school to retrieve an item of clothing he left in the pool area over the weekend. He explained that he was carrying a gun because he works as a security guard.

He left the premises without an argument, but authorities decided to cancel all afternoon and evening activities as a precautionary measure. Officials said that police will be present at Mamaroneck Schools on Friday morning.