Saturday, Oct 05th

wildturkeyArrest: Raland Wheeler, age 20 of New Rochelle surrendered to Scarsdale Police on the strength of a bench warrant on the afternoon of 3/27. He was wanted for driving without a license. However when he came to Village Court he again had no i.d., and said that he lost his driver's license and did not have any documention to verify his identity. The detective was able to obtain Wheeler's photo from the DMV photo system and authenticated his identity. Wheeler was taken to Village Court where Judge Galloway set cash bail at $400 and gave him a court date.

Hate Crime? The sign at Scarsdale Community Baptist Church on Popham Road was reported damaged pm Sunday March 31. An upside down cross, measuring 18 inches high by 6 inches wide, was spray painted on the sign. The incident was reported to the Investigations Section of the D.A. Biased Crimes Unit.

Missing? Two bronze "Meiji" vases were reported missing from the mantel of a home on Olmstead Road on 3/27. The vases were valued at $500 and the homeowner last saw them in early January. A detective was sent to the house to follow-up and did a walk through of the premises. He quickly spotted a pair of vases matching the homeowner's description on a shelf in the den. Case solved!

Where's Mom? A 24 year-old Innes Road woman called police on March 25 when she was unable to find her mother. The two had a dispute during dinner and the mother left the house. When she had not returned by 9 pm the daughter grew concerned. While police were at the house the mother was located at the Crowne Plaza where she said she would stay for the night

Trespassing: A Drake Road man called police at 7:20 on 3/27 when he saw someone stealing wood from his property. Police stopped the trespasser who said that he thought the property was abandoned and was taking the wood from the downed tree to chop up. When he was confronted he apologized to the homeowner and agreed not to return to the property.

Marital Woes: A Madison Road woman called police on the morning of 3/29 when her ex-husband showed up at the house and was removing items from the garage. The wife said they were in the middle of a divorce and there was no order regarding the house. The husband said an appraiser was coming to look at the house and he came by to clean up. Police told the man not to remove anything and advised both husband and wife to call their lawyers.

Downed Tree: A Lenox Place woman called police at 9:30 am on 3/29 when she saw a tree being taken down on Mamaroneck Avenue. Police spoke to the worker who did not have a permit to cut down the tree. Police issued the man a code violation. The homeowner from Mamaroneck Road countered by calling police later that day to say that her neighbor was taking pictures of her house and the trees that were being removed.

Rock through the window: Ike Okoli called police on the afternoon of 3/25 to say that he found a rock inside his bedroom and believes that his neighbor through the rock through his window. However, the rock did not damage the window as it was open. Okoli has ongoing problems with his neighbor.

Homeless Home shopper: Police received a report about a man asleep next to a shopping cart on Supply Field at 8 am on 3/26. They went to the field and recognized the man as James Williams a homeless man who lives in a shelter in White Plains. Police told Williams that all Scarsdale parks and fields are closed during the winter and loitering is prohibited. Williams agreed to leave the area. At 10:30 am, Williams was again spotted at Wynmor Park. He told police he was on his way to White Plains. Then at 1:40 pm on 3/26 police got another call about a man with a shopping cart sitting on lawns on Park Road. When police spoke to him again, Williams said he was on his way to White Plains but "wanted to see a property that he was looking to purchase." Police explained that Williams needed a real estate agent to look at a house or else he would be arrested for trespassing. Williams said he understood and headed over to Garden Road to walk to White Plains.

Notification: At midnight on 3/29 the Pima Arizona Sheriff's Department called Scarsdale Police for assistance in notifying the family of Spencer Repp about the death of their son in an accident that occurred earlier that evening. Scarsdale Police notified the family.

Locked Out: A Johnson Road woman called police at 11 am on 3/27 when her 2 year-old daughter locked her out of the house. Police were able to get into the house without damaging it.

Gas Leak: At 4:30 pm on 3/27 police received a call about a Honda Civic that was parked in the lower level of the Christie Place Garage leaking gasoline. Police deemed the car a hazard and called R&D Towing to take it to Ted Herman 's Auto Body. Police were unable to reach the car's owner to notify him. At 10:50 pm that night, police got a 911 call from the Christie Place garage when the owner of the car returned and found that his car was missing.

Another Bobcat? A Greenacres Avenue resident called police at 11 am on 3/29 to report a bobcat in the area. Police searched the bobcatwildarea but were unable to locate it.

Police assisted an upset and possibly drunk woman on Scarsdale Avenue at 2:23 am on March 30. The woman was taken to the hospital and her mother was notified.

Lost and Found:

A Cooper Road woman reported that her iPhone 5, valued at $600 was missing after she left it briefly at Lange's on Christie Place on the morning of 3/25. When she realized it was missing she went back to Lange's but it was gone.

A Lockwood Road man lost his blue Nokia cell phone in Scarsdale Village on March 24.

An unidentified person found a wallet belonging to a Tarrytown woman on Garth Road on the morning of 3/31 and turned it over to police. Police contacted the owner via email and she came to pick up her wallet later that day.

Identity Theft: On 3/25 a Wynmor Road man reported that a credit card was opened in his name at US Bank without his authorization.

scarsdale-police-car200Car break-in: A black Hyundai, parked in the lot at SHS, was vandalized on March 19th. A student parked the car in the lot at 9 am on 3/19 and when he returned at 3 pm he found that the window on the right passenger door was broken and an Apple iPod Touch was missing from the car.

Stolen Gift Cards: Four American Express gift cards, each valued at $100 each were stolen from a desk drawer at Meritage Properties on Overhill Road sometime between March 12 and March 18. The woman notified Amex who reported that all four gift cards had been used to make purchases in White Plains on March 13 and March 20.

Lost and Found:

Missing Keys: A Yonkers woman came to police headquarters to report that the keys to her Honda Civic and home had been taken while she was teaching a class at Scarsdale High School on the afternoon of March 18. The women subsequently reported that she found the keys.

Missing iPhone: A Britanny Close woman reported that she lost her iPhone 5, valued at $500, while she was en route to the Scarsdale Train Station on March 22. AT&T reported that the phone was used shortly after she lost it. When the woman called the number reported by AT&T it went to voice mail.

Missing boy: A concerned Edgewood mom notified police on March 18 when she could not find her 8 year-old son. The boy had taken the dog for a walk at three pm and she was concerned when he failed to return by 4 pm. Police canvassed the area – and during their search they got a call that the boy had been located at a friend's house.

Found dog: A brown Yorkie with no tags was found on Crawford Lane at 6:45 pm on 3/18. While police were searching for the owners a woman they questioned said she knew the dog's owner and will keep the dog until she could find them. Just after midnight Police got a call from a woman who lives on Saxon Woods Road to say her dog was missing. Police told her where they dog was being kept and to arrange to pick it up.

Identity Theft: An Elm Road woman reported fraudulent activity on her HSBC checking account. On 3/21 she found that withdrawals, amounting to $994.90 had been made from her account in the Netherlands.

Strange: Police were called about a suspicious man walking on Walworth Avenue at 5:30 pm on March 19. The man was talking to himself and acting strangely. Police located the man who said he lives in Mt. Vernon and that he planned to walk home. Police told him it was too far to walk and took him to the bus stop so that he could ride home.

Intruders? Police got two calls about unidentified men on homeowner's property on March 21. The first turned out to be a data collector for the tax revaluation and the second was employed by a pest control company and had been hired to spray the property.

Vandalism: On Kensington Road two outside light fixtures, valued at $200, were damaged overnight on 3/22-3/23/13. A mailbox from across the street was found lying on the ground and it appeared that the mailbox had been used to damage the light fixtures.

Incident at Fox Meadow School: At 4 pm on 3/22 the school secretary at Fox Meadow called police to say that three youths were trying to enter the school to use the bathroom after the school was closed. They were denied access by school staff, but kept trying doors to get in. A teacher said they kids gestured with their hands as if they were shooting guns, which is why they called the police. The kids were spoken to by the responding officer and admonished for their actions. They were reminded of the seriousness of that type of gesture around a school.

Feud: A woman from Black Birch Lane called police on Sunday 3/24 around three pm about a dispute she was having with her neighbors. Her neighbor claims that when the woman parks on the street in front of her house, it makes it difficult for him to get out of his driveway. Also, when both families park on the street it is hard for emergency vehicles to pass by. Police advised both families to park on the same side of the street and to ask the Village to post "no parking" signs on one side of the street.

Accident: Residents of Grand Park Avenue and Broadmoor Road collided at the intersection of Griffen Avenue and Broadmoor Road at 7:30 pm on March 24. The driver of one of the cars was injured and transported to White Plains hospital.

beyonce2Found $2,000? A Greenacres man lost his wallet when he went to the school on the evening of March 7. He reported that the wallet, valued at $40, contained $2,000 in cash as well as his drivers license and credit cards.

Anyone see Beyoncé? On Heathcote Road, the search for Jay-Z and Beyoncé continues. A 15 year-old boy who lives at 15 Heathcote Road found a man and a woman on his property looking for the celebrity couple on the afternoon of March 4. When he told them that Jay Z and Beyoncé did not live there, they left.

Missing Generator: On 3/10, an Oneida Road man reported that a temporary generator, valued at $600, had been taken from his yard on the previous afternoon. When the resident returned home at 4 pm on 3/9 he found the gate to his backyard open and the generator gone. A second generator of the same make and model was left in the yard.

On March 4 a Mt. Kisco man came to Scarsdale Police to request help getting his car back from his son who has been using it for the past three years while living in Scarsdale in with his grandfather. Police contacted the grandfather. The car was located in White Plains and arrangements were made to turn it over to the complainant.

Death: Seymour Ruderman, age 86 of Quentin Road was found unresponsive on the stairway in his home at 9:54 am on March 9th. Ruderman's son had come to the house to check on his father when no one had heard from him and he was not picking up the phone. Ruderman was pronounced dead by Paramedic Stephanie Foley.

Car Thieves Interuppted:  An observant nanny on Greenacres Avenue caught a car thief in the process of entering her car.  She looked out the window of the house around 9:30 pm on Saturday night and saw a man with a flashlight trying to open the door of her car which was parked in front of the house on Greenacres Avenue.  She opened the window and heard a man say, "this one is locked." She yelled, "Hey" and saw the man and two others jump into a parked car and leave.  She said two of the men were wearing black hoodies and they were driving a black sedan, possibly a Saturn. Police canvaased the area but were unable to find the car.

Identity Thefts: A Walworth Avenue man reported that someone had made a fraudulent purchase on a Best Buy credit card in his name. He received a bill for $2,841 for three Apple iPads and a year of tech support for one of the iPads, all purchased in Westbury, N.Y. The man had opened the Best Buy account a year ago but never activated it.

A Brown Road man reported that on 3/3/13 an imposter used his personal information to create an account on and to make a $2,936.66 purchase from Hewlett Packard. He did not suffer any financial loss.

Erratic Bus Driver: On the afternoon of March 7 a man from Carman Road called police to say that a school bus driver was driving erratically on Heathcote Road near Brookby Road. The man followed the school bus to get the license plate or bus number. Police stopped the bus and spoke to the driver who denied driving erratically and said that she was contacting her supervisor about being followed by a Subaru. She said she was alarmed when she realized she was being followed.

Summons: Police issued a summons to workers on Dickel Road on Saturday morning 3/9 at 8 am when they were using power equipment to build a house before 10 am, in violation of village code.

Parents: A divorced dad called police on March 9 at 4 pm when he was supposed to drop the children off at his wife's home on Brite Avenue.. Though he called and said he was coming and waited with them in the driveway, the mother saw them playing basketball in the driveway and drove off.

An upset father from Scarsdale Avenue came to police headquarters at 1 am on 3/10 to ask police for help with his daughter who was drunk and agitated. Police calmed her down and got her to agree to go home with her folks.

A two year-old boy was locked out of a home on Madison Road at 4 pm on 3/7. The fire department came and was able to get into the house

Unwanted Visitor: A Colonial Road woman called police on the evening of March 10 when an unwanted visitor from Connecticut showed up on her street. The Scarsdale woman asked police to tell the friend that she no longer wanted to have a relationship with her and to ask her to cease all contact. The CT woman agreed to leave the area.

Damage to a garage door on Circle Road was reported on 3/5. Sometime between 2/24 and 3/1 the garage door windows were shattered and the framing was damaged. It appeared that the damage may have occurred when the doors suddenly flew open and was jarred by an automatic opener.

Hit and Runs: On Tuesday 3/5, a 2013 Volvo parked in front of 104 Brewster Road was hit by a car backing out of a driveway at 101 Brewster Road. The driver left without reporting the accident.

A Dolma Road woman reported that she parked her car on Depot Place for a few minutes on Tuesday afternoon March 5. When she returned, an unknown driver had hit her 2011 Infiniti. No note was left.

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WallaceA 19 year-old girl from St. Albans New York was arrested for grand larceny and possession of forged instruments after she cashed fraudulent checks from the Scarsdale School District for $5,613. The defendant, Nashawn A. Wallace, is accused of cashing the district's checks at four Chase Banks in Queens on or about January 29, 2013. The duplicated checks were payable to Wallace and bore the signatures of two employees of the school district who's identities have not been revealed. On February 28, Wallace surrendered herself to Scarsdale Police and admitted to the offense in the presence of her attorney, Charles Tucker, Jr. She said she travelled to the Chase branches by taxi and submitted the fraudulent checks to be cashed. Based on her admissions, Wallace was charged and brought before Justice Galloway on March 13. She was arraigned, released on her own recognizance and given a court date of March 27.

Scarsdale School's Treasurer Jeff Martin discovered the missing funds while reconciling the school's account. He realized that the funds were withdrawn on 1/29/13 via the use of duplicated checks and reported the crime to police on 2/6.
According to Scarsdale Lt. Thomas Altizio, Wallace received the fraudulent checks from an individual whose identity is still under investigation."

Accidents: A 46 year-old Graham Road woman came to police headquarters on the morning of March 11 to report that her 2012 BMW had been sideswiped by a truck when she was driving on Burgess Road and damaged her driver's side mirror. While police were writing up the accident report they checked the woman's drivers license and registration and found that the registration had been suspended because the car was not insured. Police removed the license plates from the BMW and seized them, leaving the woman without wheels to drive home.

On the morning of 3/15 a Vernon Road woman had an accident in front of the fire station on Post Road in Scarsdale. She was driving south and accelerated to avoid a fire engine that was pulling out of the station. The driver of the fire truck blew his horn and in her mind, caused her to collide with a yellow pick-up truck. She complained that the horn caused the accident but left the station without filing a report.

Identity Theft: On 3/11 a Post Road man reported that someone had used his name and personal information to open a Verizon account sometime between August 2008 and May 2009. On 3/13 a man from Overhill Road reported that someone purchased two SIM cards valued at $260 at Verizon and charged them to his account.

Stolen or Lost? A student at Scarsdale High School reported that her iPhone 4S had been stolen from her backpack at school on the afternoon of March 14. Her mother used the Find My iPhone app and located the phone in Yonkers. Scarsdale Police drove to the Yonkers address where they believed the phone was located but no one answered the door at the house. However that night a custodian at the high school heard a cell phone alarm and found it next to a computer terminal in the library. The owner retrieved the phone – and also concluded that the GPS on the device, that showed it to be in Yonkers, was not accurate.

A 17 year-old boy from Heathcote Road reported that his wallet, cell phone and other items were missing on March 16. He had driven a 2012 Acura to school for baseball tryouts. When he left tryouts he went to his car and realized he had left his baseball glove on the field. He left some items in the car and retrieved the glove. However, when he returned to the car, the items were missing and some of his other belongings were on the ground. He had not locked the car but was only gone briefly.

A Jefferson Road man reported his 2008 BMW stolen from the Freightway Lot on the afternoon of March 13. Police searched the area and found it parked in the outdoor lot opposite Freightway.

At 3 am on 3/15, a Saxon Woods Road woman reported that she lost her wallet in the village sometime on the night of March 12. The red wallet contained her license, two gift cards, blank checks and a winning voucher worth $3,089 from a casino.

On 3/15 a woman from Chesterfield Road complained that a contractor had removed the gutters from her home without her permission. She signed a contract for new gutters with the company but had not given a deposit so she did not think the contract was valid. However, the contractor thought otherwise and removed the gutters and said that once removed the gutters were cut and bent. The homeowner asked from them to be returned none-the-less and said she had changed her mind about the contract.

Harassed: On 3/15, a 17 year-old Butler Road boy complained that he received a harassing message on Facebook on February 16. The message said, "If I was you I would be scared. Cause I'm comin for you. You're going to regret you were ever born." The boy said he knew the person who sent the message from middle school and that he had been picked on by the sender at that time. The sender now lives in NYC. Police advised the Scarsdale boy to block the sender from contacting him on Facebook.

A 41 year-old woman from Fairview Court also reported the receipt of harassing text messages. She received multiple messages on 3/13 and more on 3/14. She did not know who was sending the messages but the person was using her name. A friend tried to call back the number from where the texts originated but the number was not available.

A Sheldrake Road man reported that a neighbor was harassing his housekeeper. According to the housekeeper the man drives past her when she is walking the dog and makes deliberate attempts to bother her by driving fast toward her and then slowing down farther down the road. The woman's employer called his neighbor and found out that he does not like his dogs and was angry that he used a generator during the storm. The complainant also reported that the angry neighbor drove dangerously close to his children. The offender drives a late model blue BMW.

A Nelson Road woman called the police on the afternoon of March 12 when she was being pestered by a reporter. The Scarsdale woman had served on a jury and the reported wanted to speak to her. Police asked the reporter to leave the property and she complied.

Bad Sign: At 2 am on 3/12, a patrolmen noticed a sign for "Honey Do Men Gutter and Roofing Corp" posted at the intersection of Crane Road and East Parkway. Since the sign was posted in violation of village code it was removed and a summons was issue to the company.

Off the field: On the morning of 3/13 police were alerted that an unauthorized group was using Hyatt Field. Police went to the field and told the group of 20 people about the rules and regulations of the village. They agreed to leave and to obtain a permit in the future.

handbag.jpgThefts: An Elmsford woman reported that her wallet was stolen out of her purse while she was shopping at DeCiccos on East Parkway in Scarsdale on Tuesday afternoon 2/25. She had her purse in her shopping cart and turned away to select an item from the produce aisle. When she turned back her wallet was gone. The woman had just come from work and was sure she had her wallet with her when she entered the store. Missing along with the wallet were a credit card, a checkbook and $5.00.

Also at DeCiccos, a purse was found in the store's trash compactor on 2/25. The purse had been left in a shopping cart by a Madison Road woman on 2/21 who later realized she had lost it and returned to the store to look for it.. When she returned, the contents of her purse were found in the parking lot but the bag and $40 were missing. On 2/25, the bag was found in the compactor. The store reviewed a surveillance video and saw a maintenance man pushing the cart with the pocketbook toward the recycling bin – but the video did not reveal what happened to the purse afterwards.

A Taunton Road woman reported that items had been stolen from two cars parked at her home, sometime between January 24 and January 26. Both an Acura and Mercedes were entered and a set of golf clubs, sunglasses an Apple iTouch and two iPhone chargers were stolen.

A Catherine Road woman reported that a 2.67 emerald cut diamond ring set in a platinum band, valued at $18,000 had been stolen from her home sometime between December 31, 2012 and February 10, 2013.

On Bell Road, a bumper guard and a license plate were removed from a car parked in a driveway overnight on 2/27-2/28.

Missing Flute: A ten year-old boy left his Jupiter flute, valued at $1,200 on a counter outside a Heathcote School classroom before the spring break on February 15, 2013. When he returned to school on February 25 the flute was missing. The flute was rented from Ardsley Music.

Missing Visitor: A Brewster Road woman called police at 6:38 pm on 2/26 when she was unable to locate her aunt who was visiting from Canada. The woman was supposed to pick up her niece at Scarsdale High School at 2 pm but had a car accident and ended up at Stamford Hospital.

Missing Car: At the Shell Station in Scarsdale, the manager reported that an Avis rental car had not been returned. The Volkswagon was rented on January 15 by Emuobome Amrailbure of the Bronx, and was supposed to be returned on 1/22. However, the man failed to return the car and could not be reached.

Guns Surrendered: A Secor Road woman turned three guns over to the police for safekeeping on February 28. The guns belonged to her husband who had recently passed away. She had valid permits for the firearms.

Ouch: A Lincoln Road man came to police to report that he was bitten by a neighbor's dog while he was walking to the bus stop on Crossway on the morning of March 1. He was approached by two dogs and restrained the first one but a small dog came from behind him and bit his leg. The dogs' owner came out of the house and restrained both dogs. Though the bite was not large he reported it to the police as he was concerned about contracting rabies. The dog's owner was able to provide documentation to show that the dog's vaccinations were up to date.

Arrest: Edgar Flores, age 24 of Yorktown presented himself to Scarsdale Police in response to an active warrant on the evening of March 1. He had failed to appear at Village court for driving without a license and the judge issued a warrant. He was processed, released on $100 bail and given a court date of 3/13/13.

Found: At 8 pm on 2/26 police found a small brown pug with no tags on Brewster Road. Police put the dog into the car and brought him to headquarters where they were able to find the dog's owner from the "lost dog book." They returned the dog to Roman Rivas of White Plains and gave the man a summons.

Abuse? A woman who would not identify herself went to police at 10:30 pm on 2/26 to ask for help. She had a cut on her hand but would not explain how she got it. She asked for help taking a picture of the cut with the camera on her phone and said she could not stay because she had to go to work. She said that "her family bothers her" and that her husband has a girlfriend. Police provided her with emergency phone numbers and urged her to come back another time.

Disputes: On Lee Road police helped a concerned mother who was having a fight with her daughter at 9:30 pm on 2/27. The daughter refused to attend a court ordered program but after speaking to police she agreed to go.

Also on Lee Road at 7:30 am on 2/28, police went to a home after a 13 year-old refused to go to school. Police were able to convince the girl to attend. On the morning of March 2nd, a Ferncliff Road boy dialed 911 because he did not want to attend his German class. Police spoke to the boy about dialing 911 in a non-emergency situation.

At 5:40 am on March 4, a 12 year-old from Sycamore Road called police to say that she heard breaking glass downstairs. When police arrived the girl's mother said that her daughter had watched a scary movie the previous night and was spooked.

Fire: At 5:20 pm on 3/1 police got a report of a fire set on Hyatt Field. A good Samaritan had put the fire out by the time police arrived and reported that he saw kids start the fire and chased them away.

CO2 leak: On the afternoon of 2/27 police and fire got a call about a CO2 leak at Scarsdale Art and Frame on Christie Place. The fire department called an ambulance but the store employees refused medical attention.