Saturday, Oct 05th

taxiArrest: Michael Carberry, age 23 of Stamford, CT was arrested for harassment after the driver of a NYC yellow cab reported that Carberry had hit him in the face. At 4:30 am on 12/29 the cabbie drove to Scarsdale after picking up three young men at 85th Street and Second Avenue and agreeing to take them to Scarsdale. When he arrived in Scarsdale he dropped off one young man and then went to the second address in Scarsdale where he got into an argument with Carberry because the driver refused to drive to Stamford. When police arrived, the driver's face was swollen and he had a cut on his thumb.

Police found Carberry hiding in the backyard of 17 Hamilton Road and he appeared to be drunk. They took him to headquarters where he was booked and called his father to post bail. Carberry was released on $100 cash bail and given a court date of 1/19/2013. Police also told Carberry's father than his son had made statements about suicide while in police custody.

Burglary: A home on Circle Road was entered during a snowstorm just before 2 pm on 12/29. It appeared that vandals entered the house by forcing off a storm window and breaking a window on a rear kitchen door. Following footprints in the snow, police were able to determine that the suspect had fled from Circle Road onto Overhill Road and then to Popham Road toward Scarsdale Village. A witness reported seeing someone on the backyard of the house around 1:45 pm and offered a description of the suspect. The homeowners returned and said they found one item missing from the master bedroom.

Going for the gold: Residents of Christie Place in Scarsdale reported the theft of $400 in cash, three gold bracelets valued at $6,000 and a $2,000 gold watch on December 30. The items were taken from a dresser cabinet in the master bedroom sometime between November 20 and December 30.

Vandalism: Around 4:30 pm on Christmas Eve, a 2011 Lexus, parked next to the tennis courts at Scarsdale High School was vandalized while the owner was exercising on the track. The passenger side window was smashed and a purse was stolen. She was advised to cancel her credit cards.

On 12/26 two road signs were pulled from the ground at Woodland and Oakwood Place and one of the signs was damaged.

Missing? A Troy Lane woman came to police headquarters on Christmas morning to report that a large serving platter was missing from her dining room. Police went to the house to examine what the woman thought were fingerprints on the glass of a breakfront cabinet. However, the fingerprints were just smudges from a cleaning substance. The woman is in the process of moving and admitted that she may have given the platter to her daughter.

Harassed: An Edgewood dad complained that a man was making comments to his children while they were playing in the playground on Rodney Road on Christmas afternoon. Police went to the park and found the man who said he was speaking to the children "because some parents don't know how to raise their kids." The man agreed to go home to avoid any problems.

Ike Okoli of Lockwood Road called police on the afternoon of 12/26 to report that his neighbors were yelling at him and calling him names from behind the fence. Police went to the neighbors' home and found no one at home. Police found the report to be "unfounded." Last week, Okoli was arrested for "criminal mischief," involving vandalism at his neighbor's home.

At 8:30 pm on 12/26 an elderly man who rents a room in a house on Dell Road complained of noise at the house and claimed that the landlord was harassing him. Police did not observe anything to back the man's claims.

Hungry cats: Fox Meadow residents who were out of town called police on the night of 12/27 to help their housekeeper get into their locked home to feed their cats. The Fire Department was able to get in through a rear sliding glass door without doing any damage.

Knock knock: The County Fire Patrol called police at 6:43 pm on 12/29 when a woman on Coralyn Road would not permit Con Edison to enter the house to investigate a gas leak. Police prevailed upon her to let the fire department and Con Ed inside.

Found: A gold man's wedding ring was found on Hampton Road between Ogden and Whig Roads on 12/24. The ring was turned over to the Scarsdale Police. A set of three keys was found at the intersection of Chase Road and Boniface Circle that same day and also turned over to the police.

From the Greenburgh Police: Thieves steal rims and tires in New Years spree:

tireOn 12/31, Greenburgh Police reported that tires and rims were stolen off a 2012 Mercedez Benz that was parked in a garage at 500 South Central Avenue. The car was found propped up on paint cans. The missing wheels and rims were valued at approximately $7,000. When police were writing the report about the Mercedes, they found that tires and rims were removed from a 2012 Honda parked at the same garage.

In addition, four rims and tires were also removed from a 2011 Honda Accord parked on Fieldstone Circle in Hartsdale sometime between 12/29 and 12/31. When the owner returned to his car he found it sitting on two rocks. The missing tires and rims were valued at $1,500.

schoolbusBus Accident: For the second consecutive week a school bus was involved in an accident en route to school. This week, on the morning of 12/17 a woman driving a 2005 Mercedes was stopped in front of Fox Meadow School when she was rear ended by a school bus carrying 35 children to school. The bus driver said when he tried to hit the brake to stop the bus, a soda can rolled under the brake pedal and prevented him from braking. The children were not injured but the driver of the Mercedes complained of back pain. The driver submitted to a breathalyzer test.

Arrest: Ike Okoli, at 25 of Lockwood Road was arrested for "criminal mischief" for an incident that occurred on July 16, 2012. On that day, Mr. Okoli entered a neighbor's home on Overhill Road and addressed the resident. When he was asked to leave, he pulled eight solar lights out of his neighbor's lawn and damaged them. Since that time there have been several more incidents between the neighbor and Okoli, most recently on 12/13 when Okoli smeared feces on the neighbor's property. Okoli also has a prior history of arrests. He was transported to Scarsdale Village Court and arranged before Jude Galloway. Both his mother and the neighbors were present. The judge issued a temporary order of protection and a "stay-away" provision and released Okoli pending a further proceeding on 1/09/13.

Harassed? Lawrence Solin, age 84 of Dell Road complained that he was being harassed by his landlord Lisa Cox on 12/18. According to Solin, he was threatened by Cox who said, "You must move or I will have someone hurt you" and "you should consider this a threat, I mean it." Solin said he was frightened. He said that in the past Cox threatened to throw his belongings out of the house. Solin says he has no friends or relatives in the area and that he is in the process of hiring an attorney as he believes Cox is in violation of the conditions of his lease. However, police spoke to Cox later in the day and she denied making any threats or wanting to throw him out. She said he has become difficult to live with.

On 12/17 an agent from Coldwell Banker reported being harassed by a customer between 11/11/12 and 12/17/12. The customer, a Yonkers man expressed interest in a property he saw listed on the realtor's website. The agent showed him two units in the building but the man refused to provide the personal information required by the agency and gave only his email address. The man then became upset and sent the agent inappropriate emails. Though the agency asked him to stop several times he continued to bother the agent via the company website.

A 2010 Audi parked at the Girl Scout House at 4:30 pm on 12/23 was vandalized and a purse was stolen from inside the car. The passenger side window of the car was broken and a purse containing $67, credit cards and identification, was stolen.

Nasty Dog: A Forest Lane woman reported that a dog belonging to a man from Woods Lane ran up to her on the morning of 7/20 when she was walking her dog and tried to attack her and her dog. She had to kick the dog to keep him away. The attacking dog was not on a leash and is often allowed to run around unrestrained. The woman obtained and filed a "dangerous dog complaint."

Identity Theft: A Boulevard man made a report to police on 12/19 when someone used his identity and Verizon account to disconnect his wife's phone number and purchase and activate two phones at the Apple store. He had recently visited the Verizon store to upgrade his daughter's account.

jewleryboxThis past week, Scarsdale Police reported four burglaries: The first report was from a home on Walworth Avenue near the White Plains border where the home was entered sometime between 5 am on Tuesday 12/4 and 8 am on 12/7. The residents are not sure when the theft of several items of jewelry occurred. On the morning of December 4, the man of the house left the house to go to the gym at 5 am and noticed that the back door was slightly ajar. On 12/5, his wife went to put away her jewelry and noticed that several items in her drawer had been disturbed but she didn't notice anything missing. At 8 am on 12/7, the man found a side door to the house ajar and his wife realized that it had been forced open. At that point, the wife checked her jewelry and realized that two sets of earrings and a platinum chain with a diamond pendant were missing.

The next incident occurred nearby on Greenacres Avenue between 3:00 – 5:10 pm on Friday December 7. The wife returned home with two children at 5:10 pm and found her kitchen door wide open. Mail had been dropped on the stairs and her jewelry box containing numerous items was gone. She quickly left the house with her two children and called the police. Though the home is alarmed, the alarm was not activated at the time and there was no sign of forced entry. The resident was not sure if she locked the dead bolt to the kitchen door. The woman will provide police with a list of the missing items.

Later that evening, between 7:30 and 8:54 pm, police responded to the activation of a burglar alarm on Carthage Road. Since police were already on burglary patrol in that area they arrived on the scene just 43 seconds after receiving the call. They found that a rear patio door was shattered and found a pry mark on the left corner of the door. Police established a perimeter around the house, entered it and found a closed safe dropped on the floor of the family room on the first floor. On the second floor they found open empty jewelry boxes and jewelry thrown on the floor of the master bedroom. Drawers in the master bedroom were also tossed. Police left through the front door of the house was found to be unlocked!

On the afternoon of Saturday December 8 thieves returned to Greenacres and entered a home on Brite Avenue between 11 am and 3:15 pm while the residents were at temple. When the homeowners returned they found that jewelry boxes in the master bedroom had been disturbed and about $1,000 in jewelry was missing. At the time, all doors to the house were locked with the exception to the door to a porch/den area. One of the glass panels on that door was broken and it appears that thieves entered through that door.

We asked Scarsdale Lieutenant Thomas Altizio to comment on this rash of incidents and inquired as to whether or not they were all the work of the same suspect(s). Here is what he shared with us:

I want to emphasize that the Scarsdale Police Department thoroughly investigates every burglary that occurs within the Village. Burglaries can be challenging crimes to investigate because there is usually a lack of physical evidence and witnesses. These investigations will continue for extended periods of time, and involve interaction with multiple law enforcement agencies and investigative resources. We utilize all of the resources available to us as a part of our investigations.

Our investigations into these recent burglaries indicates that this is more than likely the work of more than one individual or group. We have already identified certain patterns within these occurrences, and had already deployed our personnel in the field accordingly. This targeted patrol enabled our officers to respond to a burglar alarm activation on Carthage Road within 43 seconds of receiving the call from the alarm company. That speedy response most likely interrupted the perpetrators, and lessened the actual loss to the homeowner.

To address this recent increase of break ins, the Police Department will be deploying an enhanced patrol presence of both uniformed and undercover officers in the affected areas. We obviously do not want to provide specific details on the deployment of our officers. We will continue to utilize our computerized license plate reader (LPR) system to provide us with information about vehicles traveling through the area.

Despite this enhanced police presence, our officers cannot be in all the areas at all times. That is why we are strongly encouraging residents to lock doors and windows, and activate alarm systems if you have them. Many of the recent burglaries have been crimes of opportunity, where no force was used, and entry was gained through unlocked doors. The more difficult your home is to enter, the more noise that will be made in doing so, and the risk of triggering an alarm in the process are all factors that will make your home less likely to be targeted.

The Police Department also encourages the community to keep a watchful eye on their neighborhood. There is no better deterrent than a neighborhood full of alert residents reporting suspicious activity. We encourage people to report any suspicious activity or persons they observe immediately, so that police officers can respond and investigate the situation. Any residents that may be utilizing video surveillance systems in or around their homes are asked to review the systems for any suspicious activity on Friday December 7th and Saturday December 8th. Suspicious activity should be immediately reported the police by calling 722-1200 or 911 for emergencies.

We appreciate the cooperation of the community in combating these break ins, and are committed to providing the resources necessary to resolve the problem.

scarsdalesecuritylogoThis police report is sponsored by Scarsdale Security who does more than just security. Contact them about remote video for your home or business. Call 914-722-2200 or visit their website ,

scarspolicecarHarassed: A 29 year-old woman who lives on Rock Creek Lane reported being harassed by an ex-boyfriend between July 1 and December 11, 2012. According to the woman, the Fort Lee man used her gmail account to forward copies of her private emails to himself and her aunt. Even after she changed the passwords, the ex got into the account again. He also sent "explicit texts" to her aunt making it appear that the text's originated from the woman's cell phone and sent her hateful texts that appeared as if they are from her new boyfriend. He went further and altered her personal profile on and sent emails to someone she dated and deceptive emails to her father, which "ended her relationship" with her Dad. Police called the ex and he said he would cease all communications.

A woman who lives on Overhill Road found that feces had been smeared on the door knob of her home and on her car on December 13. She told police that "she is being terrorized by her neighbor." The incident occurred sometime between 4:30 and 6 pm.

Fight: Police were called to the parking lot at 7 Popham Road on the morning of 12/15 to settle a dispute about parking spaces. Thomas Williamson, age 83 went to the Scarsdale Yoga Studio to complain about parking spaces they were using. Williamson was highly agitated and the employees of the studio asked him to step outside and stop using foul language. Williamson got very close to the studio manager who pushed him away because he felt threatened. Willaimson then walked out and claimed he was punched in the head. Police arrived and checked Williamson's head and there was no sign of bruising and he refused medical treatment. Other employees of the studio gave witness statements and Williamson was told to stay away.

Confused: Trouble continued on Mamaroneck Road where James Williams of the Bronx returned to a house for the second time on 12/12 stating that he is purchasing the house. The homeowner verified that the house is not for sale. Williams was unable to provide documentation to support his claim that the house was for sale. Police told Williams not to come back and as they were speaking to him it became clear that he suffers from mental illness. He was transported to White Plains Hospital by SVAC for evaluation.

Unwelcome visitor: Brookfield Road residents called police around noon on 12/10 to report that a man was on their property "who was not supposed to be there." Police went to the house and found the son of the resident outside of the house. He had come to visit his sick father. However, his mother said that the son is not allowed on the property due to a civil matter. She said that her son had received a letter from her attorney advising him to stay away.

Traffic Trouble: Frank Leone, age 46 of Eastchester was stopped by police on the morning of 12/12 after he made an illegal left turn from Popham Road onto East Parkway and failed to signal. Police found that he had no license, failed to signal, failed to obey a traffic device, was not wearing a seatbelt, and was driving a car without a valid inspection sticker and broken glass. And if that wasn't enough, Leone abacked up his car and ran into the police car.

Drive in: Louis W. Bauman, age 80 of Boulder Lane in Scarsdale was pulling into a parking place on Spencer Place on the afternoon of 12/12 when he stepped on the accelerator of his 2005 Lincoln and ran into the Parkway Diner at 52 East Parkway. The accident damaged the brick façade of the building and broke a window. There were no injuries.

Accidents: A Corell Road woman backed her car out of her driveway and hit the sanitation scooter around noon on Monday 12/10. Though there was minor damage, there were no injuries.

A 41 year-old Tuckahoe woman who works at Dunkin Donuts was hit by a car while walking on the road shoulder on Weaver Street at 3:30 pm on 12/14. She was struck in her shoulder by a gray car that did not stop.

Missing rental: David Bitton from the Scarsdale Shell gas station on Scarsdale Avenue called police on 12/12 to report that a rental car had not been returned. The station also serves as an Avis Rent-a-Car location. They rented a Kia to Gina Wright of Teaneck on 10/22/12 and she was due to return it on 10/24. The car has still not been returned and representatives from Avis have not been able to reach her.

Stolen: A bag of toys valued at $1,000 and a check for $100 were stolen from a doctor's office on Harwood Court on the evening of December 4. The office was unlocked at the time to allow patients to come and go. The landlord will review surveillance video to see if they can find the culprit.

A bike valued at $450 and a helmet were stolen from the bike rack on East Parkway sometime between 8 am on 12/12 and 11 pm on 12/13. The bike was secured with a combination lock.

Identity theft: An Apple credit card account was opened in the name of a woman from Ferncliff Road without her authorization and the imposter used the account to purchase an Apple computer at the Apple store on Fifth Avenue in Manhattan on 12-6.

Parking tickets: Police continued to give out parking tickets for cars parked on Village streets overnight. From November through March cars cannot be parked on the street from 2 am – 6 am to allow for snow removal.

scarsdale-police-car200This just in from the Scarsdale Police: At 8:54 pm on Friday night December 7, police responded to a report of the activation of a burglar alarm at a home on Carthage Road at 8:54 pm. Since police were already on burglary patrol in that area they arrived on the scene just 43 seconds after receiving the call. The officers saw that the house had been "forcibly entered" and secured the perimeter. When additional police arrived they searched inside and found no one in the home. However, suspects had made an unsuccessful attempt to remove a safe, which was still inside the house. The scene was processed by the Scarsdale Police Department Detective Division and is an active investigation. Anyone who may have seen any suspicious activity in the Carthage Road area between 8:30 pm and 9:00 pm is asked to call the Scarsdale Police at 722-1200.