Sunday, Oct 06th

shepardAt 7:30 am on 5/2 a Leatherstocking Lane man was arrested for obstruction and resisting arrest after police came to the house to investigate a domestic incident involving the man's parents. Police were interviewing the man's 66-year-old father and his son, refused to leave the room, yelled profanities and interrupted the victim. While police were taking the report, the son shouted, "What the fxxx are you writing?" Police ordered the man to place his hands behind his back and he said "Suck my dick you faggot Scarsdale cop." He flailed his arms and pushed the police away while they were attempting to handcuff him. He was taken to police headquarters and then onto Scarsdale Village Court. When he failed to post $5,000 in bail he was remanded to the Westchester County Jail. The judge issued temporary orders of protection for his parents.

The previous night, at 3:12 am, the son was found walking in the middle of Mamaroneck Road. Police spoke to him and he appeared to be drunk and requested a ride home to Leatherstocking Lane.

Air Pistol Shatters Car Window: On the afternoon of April 29 two workmen were having lunch on Overhill Road when a car drove up, stopped next to their car and fired a shot through the passenger window of their car. The suspects then drove away down Overhill Road. The men believe the two suspects used an air pistol. Police searched the area but were unable to find the car.

German Shepherd Attacks Shih Tzu: A Heathcote Road man reported that he went to Metro Deli on Palmer Avenue to pick up some food at noon on April 29. When he went inside he tied his pet Shih Tzu to a pole on the sidewalk outside the restaurant. While he was inside he heard a commotion outside and saw a German Shepherd pouncing on his dog. The German Shepherd was wearing a muzzle and was on a leash that was held by a woman. When the dogs were separated the Shih Tzu appeared to be okay – however, the following day he noticed that the dog was not himself and he brought him to the vet. The vet found that the Shih Tzu had swelling on its spine and was in shock from the attack. Medical bills from the incident were estimated at $1,200 and the owner wanted to document the incident in case the owner of the German Shepherd could be found.

A woman from Oakstwain Road reported that man was sitting in a black Jetta on her street all day. Police spoke to the man who said he was a private investigator employed by the CMP group. Later that day the same man was reported for videotaping the Brewster Road doors of Scarsdale High School.

Identity Theft: On 4/30 a Wildwood Road man reported that someone had used his social security number to file a fraudulent tax return. The IRS reported that they planned to issue a refund of $347,376 for the fraudulent return. The man reported that his accountant's computer with all of his personal information had been breached and that the accountant was working with the FBI and Secret Service because several of the accountant's clients were also victims of identity theft.

A Boulder Brook Road man reported that his Best Buy credit card was used to make $1,500 in purchases from a Best Buy in Pennsylvania on February 1. He also reported that someone used his identity to purchase an AT&T account with 5 phone lines in Virginia in March. The AT&T fraud department found out and the man lost no money on the account.

Missing: A Greenacres Avenue woman reported that $30,000 in gold coins and $1,000 in jewelry were missing from her house. She last saw the items on April 1, 2013. She had removed the items from the safe deposit box to have them appraised.

A demolition saw valued at $1,600 was stolen from a Brite Avenue home where a workman was installing an electric fence on 5/2/13. The saw was stored underneath the man's work van. At the time he noticed a blue pick up truck with a trailer stopped in front of the house and heard a loud noise when the truck pulled away.

Found: A Garth Road woman found a wallet containing $353 in cash, credit cards and a driver's license on Spencer Place on May 4. Police were able to identify the owner of the wallet and contacted him. A car key on a blue metallic ring was found and turned over to police on May 1.

Feces: A Mamaroneck Road woman found feces in a planter on her back porch on May 4. She stated that a few weeks ago she had also found feces there and cleaned it out. Police believed that an animal was the culprit and advised her to fill the planter and install a motion detector light to deter animals away from her property.

Arrests : On 5/1 David Peeler of Mt. Vernon surrendered to police in response to an outstanding bench warrant dating back to 10/2/12 for driving without a license. He was released on his own recognizance and given a court appearance date of 5/8.

Rafael Rosario Rodriguez of the Bronx was arrested for driving without a license, insurance or a valid registration at 9 am on May 3 at the corner of East Parkway and Popham Road in Scarsdale. The 2003 Mercedes he was driving was towed to Heathcote Gulf and police seized the license plates.

Police got a call about solicitors on Garden Road at 4:30 pm on 4/29. Police spoke to one of the solicitors who identified himself as Byron Leach and said he was selling magazines without a permit. Police checked his name and found that he had an outstanding warrant in Carolina for fraud involving a bad check. Police issued Leach a summons for soliciting without a permit.

On May 3, the owners of Ultimate Image Salon on Garth Road reported that a former employee who had been fired had stolen the salon's appointment book from January through March, 2013.

Death: Nadia Sechko, age 106 of Secor Road passed away at her home on the afternoon of May 3. When Sechko's visiting nurse alerted Sechko's son, he called the police and Ms. Sechko was pronounced dead by a paramedic. She was taken to Ballard Durrand Funeral Home in White Plains.

Damage: On the evening of May 5 a tractortrailer entered the IHM parking lot and struck a metal pole at the entrance. The driver then did a u-turn in the parking lot and hit another metal pole as it exited the lot. An employee of the Scarsdale Fire Department saw the incident and provided information about the vehicle to the police.

Locked In: A 2 year-old girl locked herself in her bedroom on Greenacres Avenue on 4/29. The fire department was able to open the door without damaging it and the child was unharmed.

On May 1 a babysitter and a 12 month-old baby got locked inside a room in a house on Stonehouse Road. The fire department was able to unlock the door.

People: Police were called about a disheveled man talking to himself at a bus stop on Weaver Street at 8:25 am on 4/30. Police spoke to the man and he said he was okay and that he was waiting for the bus.

An elderly man came to Village Hall on April 30 to speak to police. He told them that he suspected his daughter of stealing from him. He had reported the thefts to police in November, 2012.

Unwanted Guests: at 1 pm on 5/3 a man from Old Lyme Road called police to help him get rid of two people who refused to leave. The visitors claimed that they had been invited here from Manhattan but were not permitted inside the house. Police told them to leave the property at once.

Dispute: A Rural Drive man was threatened by a glass contractor when he complained about the glass installation and refused to pay. The contractor threatened to damage the man's property if the Scarsdale man "didn't give him his money."

Errant golf ball: A White Plains man was hit in the head with a golf ball while playing at Saxon Woods Road on Sunday morning 5/5. He was found to be conscious and alert and given medical treatment.

carwindowFor the second week in a row, many cars parked in Scarsdale driveways were vandalized overnight. Windows were broken, cars were tossed and a host of personal items were reported stolen. Police urge residents to put cars into the garage when possible and to lock them. Here is the report:

The front passenger window of a 2011 Honda Pilot was broken early on the morning of 4/23 when the car was parked on Franklin Road. The car was not entered and nothing was taken. Also that night on Franklin Road a 2011 Acura MDX was entered, but nothing was taken.

The driver's side front window of a 2007 Toyota Camry was smashed when it was parked in a driveway on Heathcote Road overnight from 4/22 to 4/23. Nothing was taken from inside the car.

A North Face backpack and loose change were taken from a Volkswagen parked unlocked in an Ardmore Road driveway early in the morning on April 23. At around 5 am the dog heard someone outside and growled. After the incident the resident's found a pair of women's sunglasses in the car.

At another home on Ardmore Road two cars were entered that night. A GPS and an Android phone charger were stolen from a Honda Accord and the glove box and center console of a Chevrolet Suburban were left open but nothing appeared to be missing.

A 2010 Infiniti parked at a home on Crossway was also entered and tossed overnight on 4/22-4/23. The following morning the owner found the car trunk and driver's side door open and the contents of the glove box strewn around the car. Missing was $520 in cash and a Blackberry phone charger.

Missing Clothes: A resident who lives on Boulevard called police on the afternoon of 4/22 to report that some clothing was missing from a plastic bin in the basement. The items had disappeared sometime since June and she thought that her former housekeeper may have taken the items. The woman was having trouble walking and asked the same questions over and over. Police advised her granddaughter to call the adult advocate for assistance.

On White Road police received another report of the theft of clothing and handbags. The items vanished between January 20, 2013 and now. Missing are a pink Kate Spade coat valued at $70.00, an $800 Gucci bag, a Louis Vuitton bag worth $2,300, and an $800 Burberry coat. The woman suspected that either her housekeeper or babysitter may have taken the missing items.

Threats by Text: A Fox Meadow girl and a Heathcote boy reported the receipt of threatening text messages between 4/15 and 4/24. Neither of them recognized the phone number from which the texts were sent but from the content they believed the person knows both of them. The texts warned the girl not to travel to Colorado to visit the boy. Police tried to call the phone number but it was not accepting calls.

A Post Road woman called police on the morning of April 27 when she received a disturbing letter at her home address in response to a comment she made in the Daily News about the Holocaust. The letter was from a NYC man at P.O. Box and contained articles about mass murder, communism and genocide. She found the tone of the letter to be aggressive.

Disputes: A Heathcote woman called police at 1:27 am on 4/24 when she was having a fight with her husband. Police went to the house and spoke to husband and wife who agreed to separate for the night in order to calm down.

A mother and her son got into a dispute about gas money on Tunstall Road on the afternoon of April 25. When police arrived everyone had settled down.

Stranger at the Door: At 5 am on 4-24 a woman from Richelieu Road called police when someone attempted to open the door to her house. She asked who was there and the person replied "it's me" before walking away from the house.

Locked In: Police were called at 8:40 am on 4/25 when an elderly man got locked inside a bathroom at a home on Fenimore Road. The man was also stuck in the tub. The Fire Department arrived and they were able to open the door to the bathroom.

Homeless or Home Shopping? Police received a call about James William a homeless man who is often seen pushing a shopping cart in Scarsdale. This time he was found at a house on Mamaroneck Road at 8:30 am on April 24. He told police he was in the process of purchasing the house and he was here to start moving in. However he was unable to substantiate the claim that he had purchased the house and the current homeowner did not want him on the property.

Mysterious Moves: Traffic cones continued to be moved overnight at Shaarei Tikvah. The cones are placed at the entrance to the parking lot to slow traffic and someone has been moving them between 9 pm and 6 am.

Leaks: There was a fuel leak from a pool heater on Stonewall Lane on the afternoon of April 22. The County Department of Health was notified and took over the investigation. Madison Road residents reported a leak in the water main to their house at 7 pm on April 22.

Post No Bills: The owner of GTec Kids received a summons for posting a sign on a telephone pole at the intersection of Post road and Popham Road on April 25.

Found: On April 28 a set of keys was found on the lawn of a Continental Road home and a car key was found on Sage Terrace.

Bronx River Parkway Closures:

The northbound lanes of the Bronx River Parkway will be closed between Harney Road (Exit 10) and Crane Road (Exit 12) on Monday, April 29 and Tuesday, April 30 from 9:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. According to Westchester County the parkway closure is necessary to conduct subsurface investigations for the west abutment of the new bridge as part of the Crane Road Bridge Replacement Project on the Bronx River Parkway. A detour will be posted for traffic heading to the northbound parkway using eastbound Harney Road to northbound Scarsdale Avenue to northbound East Parkway and then back onto the northbound parkway at Crane Road.  Delays are expected and drivers are advised to seek alternate routes. The project began last summer and will take three years to complete.

scarsdalesecuritylogoThis police report is sponsored by Scarsdale Security who does more than just security. Contact them about remote video for your home or business. Call 914-722-2200 or visit their website ,

schoolbusBus Breakdown: A school bus filled with kids broke down at the intersection of Mohican Trail and Mamaroneck Road at 3 pm on April 10. Police redirected traffic while the school bus was moved off the road and a second bus was called. The children were transferred to the second bus and a mechanic fixed the problem. The bus was returned to the yard.

Phantom Intruders: At midnight on Tuesday 4/9 a resident on Hutchinson Avenue reported that her home was entered while she was out. Several items, including her medication, some fruit, dog leashes and a snow shovel had been moved. There were no signs of forced entry but she believes that someone is entering her home and moving things around. Police assured her they would monitor the area.

Locked In: A Greenacres mom called police for help when here children were inadvertently locked in the car while it was parked on Meadow Road at 1:30 pm on 4/9. Someone from the Heathcote Gulf Station came to the house and was able to open the car. The children were unharmed.

Harassed: A Dickel Road man complained that for the past three weeks he has been receiving phone calls in the middle of the night. When he answers there is no one there but he can hear voices in the background. The phone carrier is unable to block or stop calls from the number on the caller i.d. The man made the report on April 8.

Tripped: A Black Birch Lane woman called police at 6 pm on April 10 to say that she had previously tripped on Village property and wanted to show police where she had fallen so that repairs could be made. She reported that at 5:30 pm on April 9 she stepped into a small pothole on Rock Creek Lane, fell and broke her wrist and twisted her ankle. A passerby drove her home and her husband took her to the doctor.

Identity Theft: On 4/10 a Meadow Road woman called police to report that someone had gotten access to her AMEX card number and made several purchases at Sears, including TV's and Blu-ray players valued at more than $1,000. A total of eight purchases were made during the first week of April. She contacted AMEX and cancelled her card. She came to the police station on the night of 4/10 to file the report.

Speeding Cab: A Heathcote Road woman called police on the night of April 11 when she saw a cab from Central Taxi driving "approximately 60 miler per hour" on Crane Road toward the village. Police were able to identify the cab and went to Central Taxi to speak to the driver. He denied speeding. Police gave him a verbal warning.

Unleashed Dogs: An Aspen Road woman reported a loose German Shepard running on Aspen Road at 75pm on April 12. Soon thereafter the owner caught the dog and brought it home. At 5:30 pm a Clarence Road woman reported a black dog running loose near her home. Police were not able to locate the dog. At 6 pm that night police received another call about a man walking a Huskie on Lockwood Road without a leash. Police were not able to locate the man.

Solicitor: On Ferncliff Road police got a call about a man who was ringing doorbells and soliciting at 8 pm on April 12. Police found Zachary Fowler of Croydon PA who said he was soliciting for construction work. Police told him that he could not solicit without a permit and issued him a summons.

Drunk in the Park: Scarsdale Police were called by Eastchester Police at 9:40 pm on April 12 to help with a youth party at Hyatt Field. Eastchester Police were taking one young person to the hospital and asked the Scarsdale Police to check the field. They found a bottle of Bacardi.

Uninvited Guests: Birchall Drive residents called police at 2:42 am on April 13 when a car drove up their driveway at a high speed and then left. Police searched for the car and checked the plate number but were unable to identify the driver or owner of the car.

Tenant Issue: A Dell Road landlord called police at noon on 4/13 when the tenant would not let her into the house with a contractor and insurance agent regarding some repairs. The tenant said her lease called for her to receive prior notification and said she could not let the landlord in at this time. The landlord made a date to get inside in the future.

Homeless: At 3:57 am police came upon Devin Quin on Garth Road. Quin said he was homeless and asked police if there were any local shelters for temporary lodging. Police contacted the Open Arms Shelter in White Plains who agreed to have him stay there. Police transported Quin to the shelter.

Summons: Police issued a summons to the driver of a tractortrailer from North Carolina on April 12. The driver was in Scarsdale to pick up some cars at the Nissan dealership in White Plains. Police stopped the man because the license plate was partially obscured and also noted that his log book was not up to date and the tractor battery cover was missing.

Lost: At 7 am on April 10 a Montrose Road man came to police to report a lost wallet containing his driver's license and personal papers.

SageTerracePetty car thieves went on a spree in Greenacres last week and took whatever they could find from unlocked cars during the night of 4/15-4/16. Though numerous residents told police the following day that they had heard their car alarms go off – and saw the interior lights of their cars on the previous night, no one called police while thieves were in action. Lt. Thomas Altizio of the Scarsdale Police urges anyone who sees or hears a car break-in at night to call the police so that patrols can look for the suspect(s). In the interim, he also advises you to lock your car, especially at night.

Here's what happened overnight on 4/15 – 4/16:

  • On Sage Terrace a Garmin GPS was removed from an unlocked car parked in a driveway.
  • On Brewster Road a pair of Chanel Sunglasses, valued at $800 and two rolls of quarters were taken from a 2012 Acura MDX parked unlocked in a driveway. The car was heavily tossed and the center console and glove box were open.
  • On Brewster Road a resident found property on her front lawn including her own Philips portable LCD screen that had been taken from her car overnight. Also found was a Garmin GPS, a Verizon iphone charger, an audiovox XM radio, a red LED headlamp, a small black flashlight and a checkbook. The GPS did not belong to the Sage Terrace man.
  • A third Brewster Road man reported that a wine bag containing seven bottles of wine and a brown briefcase valued at $250 were removed from a 2012 Honda Accord parked in the driveway, also unlocked. The car was tossed. The briefcase contained personal documents and a Bluetooth keyboard.
  • A Sage Road man woke up to find stolen property near his driveway – that police identified and returned to yet another Brewster Road man. Found and returned were a tool bag, a Leica laser distance meter, lock tape measures, protective glasses, a side cutter, a camera remote and a USB card. The Sage Terrace man later realized that his own 2000 Toyota Camry had been entered and $10 in quarters and a flashlight radio were missing.
  • Yet another Sage Terrace family found that two of their cars were entered overnight. A 2013 Acura and a 2011 Ford Edge were both parked in the driveway and the owner claimed they were locked. Both cars were heavily tossed and loose change and dollar bills were stolen from both vehicles.

Petty Thief at the High School Track: During Lacrosse practice at Scarsdale High School on the afternoon of 4/19 the players saw a man sitting on a bench watching the track and the field and then saw him drop a Frisbee amongst the girls' bags on the side of the field. The man picked up the Frisbee and quickly walked away. Several girls noticed that their cell phones were missing and Coach Berger approached the man who appeared nervous and in a hurry to leave the area. Both of the phones were found; one under a car in the parking lot. The man denied taking the phones and fled. Though they got a picture of his back and his car, police were unable to read the license plate number.

Police were called at 7:45 pm on April 15 about a solicitor going door to door on Johnson Road. Police stopped the man who identified himself as Skyler Flintall and claimed he worked for Legendary Marketing in Tarrytown and soliciting for the Home Improvement Remodeling Group. Flintall did not have a permit to solicit and a search of his id revealed an outstanding warrant from Croton on Hudson.

Harassed: A Ridgecrest East woman called police on April 15 when she received a series of harassing text messages from a woman looking for work as a housekeeper. When the prospective housekeeper was told that she should "continue her job search" she sent out a series of incoherent and insulting texts.

On 4/16 a Roosevelt Place woman complained that she was being harassed by her ex-boyfriend and an acquaintance on Facebook and via text messages. She believed the texts were threatening. Police called the person who was sending the texts and advised him to cease contact. Police warned him that if he continued, he would be charged with aggravated harassment.

Full tank? On 4/16 a customer at the Shell Station on Scarsdale Avenue complained that she had paid to fill her tank but found it was only three-quarters full. Police advised her to speak to the manager of the station.

Nasty rider: the driver of a Bee Line bus called police at 7:30 on 4/16 when he got to the stop at Drake and Post Roads. The man complained that a Brooklyn woman was berating him and cursing because the bus was late. He claimed that she had been doing so for several weeks. Police spoke to the woman who denied cursing and said she was just "stating her displeasure." The driver agreed to let the woman back on the bus if she behaved properly.

Noise at night: A Garth Rad resident called police at 2:34 am on April 17 to complain about noise coming from one of the stores. Police found the owner of Chop Stix with other workers replacing the kitchen hood. Police explained that they were in violation of the noise ordinance and issued a warning.

Syringes: An Ogden Road resident called police on the evening of 4/19 when he found a bunch of used syringes in the street. Police surmised that they had fallen out of the garbage during pick up and disposed of them at police headquarters.

Screaming Man: A disheveled man was reported to be yelling out loud at the Five Corners on the afternoon of 4/20. Police spoke to him and the man did not want assistance and did not appear to be a danger to himself or others. On 4/21 another man was reported to be talking to himself and yelling at the five corners. The man claimed he was waiting for a taxi to NYC. Police called the man's mother who explained that he had recently been taken off his medication – but said it was ok for him to go to the city.

Coning: A Carthage Road man called police on April 20 when he found a traffic cone in his driveway. He believed that they were the victim of a prank called "coning." However, he called back about an hour later when his son told him that the cone was left there as part of an ongoing prank with his friends.

On 4/15 the security officer at Shaarei Tikvah reported that someone was moving traffic cones in their parking lot of overnight. The cones were moved between 11 pm and 6 am and created hazardous conditions. Though there is a security camera on the lot, due to the lack of light, the culprit could not be identified.

Unhappy Customer: A Heathcote Road woman called police around 7 pm on April 21 for help with a disagreement with a furniture restorer. She had hired a man to repair an antique chair and was unhappy with the work. The repairman refused to leave the property. After discussion with the police the man agreed to take the chair back and do further repairs.

Abandoned Suitcase: Police found a suitcase against a tree at Post and Fenimore Roads on the morning of April 15. The contents were found to be personal property and vouchered while police attempted to contact its owner.

Identity Theft: On 4/15 a Hanover Road man reported that someone had used his name, birthday and social security number to file a fraudulent tax return. He was advised to file a police report and submit an affidavit to the IRS.

Graffiti: On 4/18 Scarsdale Improvement Corp reported that graffiti was spray painted on the outer wall of Lange's Deli. The letters "STR" were spray painted in gold paint. The company reported that a few weeks ago the same letters had been penned onto a side window of Zachys in black. The letters were cleaned off but then appeared in the same place again.

Damage: A Crane Road woman reported that a rock had been thrown through a large front window of her home sometime between 5 pm on 4/20 and 2 pm on 4/21. She did not know whether it was caused by a deliberate or a random act.

Coyote? A woman on Brittany Close called police on the morning of April 15 when she thought she spotted a coyote outside. When police arrived they observed a black and gray dog as it ran away onto the Quaker Ridge Golf Course.

bmwblackPolice responded to an accident at 5 pm on Sunday 4/7 at the intersection of Popham Road and Post Road. A collision occurred when a 2012 BMW going eastbound on Popham Road "at a high rate of speed" ran the traffic light at the Post Road, lost control and ran into a Jeep Cherokee stopped at the light on the Post Road. When police arrived, the driver of the Jeep was upset and yelling, "He went through the light! He was driving like a maniac and drove right into me."

The driver of the speeding car was Vijay Venkataramani, age 32 of New Rochelle. Venkataramani said he left his license at home. Both cars were heavily damaged.

The driver was unsteady on his feet, had difficulty keeping his balance and smelled of alcohol. He admitted to drinking one glass of Scotch with his lunch at Chat but failed sobriety tests. He was uncooperative with police and warned repeatedly. He was arrested and taken to headquarters where he was found to have a BAC reading of .17%. In addition to being charged with a DWI, he was also charged with passing through a red light and driving at an unreasonable speed. His BMW was towed away. He was released on $200 bail and given a court date.

Oil Spill: A large fuel truck sprung a leak on the Post Road near Evon Court on April 3 between 10:30 am and 1 pm. According to the driver a seal had broken causing the oil to spill out onto the roadway. A second truck was called and 800 gallons of fuel were transferred to the second truck while absorbent material was poured onto the spilled fuel on the road to prevent it from moving. The fire department and a Hazmat team were also called in and closed the road while the spill was cleaned up.

Break-in? A caretaker for a home on Walworth Avenue said that he was checking the home while the owner was away and found a broken window panemess in a side door window on April 6. When police arrived, they found the home in complete disarray with paper and personal items strewn about. The caretaker confirmed that the home is kept this way. The caretaker did not know if anything was missing. Due to the state of the house, police called the Fire Inspector and Assistant Village Inspector to assess the safety of the house. The Fire Inspector found some issues with the home and contacted the homeowner who said she was out of the country and would return in April.

On 4/6 a Chesterfield Road residents reported that a $600 bracelet and $200 in cash were missing from her daughter's room. A handyman and a babysitter had been in the house recently.

Car Thefts: On April 1, a car owned by a Pleasantville woman was vandalized when it was parked in the lower lot at Scarsdale Middle School. The front passenger side window was broken and gym bag was taken from the front seat. Police found a pry mark near the broken window.

A Bell Road woman reported that sometime between 3/30 and 4/3 someone removed her purse from her car when it was parked unlocked in front of her house. On 4/2 she noticed that the car door had been left open and on 4/4 she realized the purse was missing with her checkbook, green card, passport and bank statements. She was not aware of any fraudulent activity on her bank account.

A Sprague Road man complained on 4/5 that on two consecutive nights someone let the air out of a tire of his car. On one night the car was parked in the driveway and on the second night it was in the street.

Identity Theft: On 4/1 a Wheelock Road man reported that two unauthorized purchases totaling $1,477.59 were made on his Citibank credit card between January 25 and April 1.

On 4/1 a Palmer Avenue man reported that AT&T advised him that a Bronx man named Kelvin Williams had attempted to purchase a new iPhone5 from Best Buy using the Scarsdale man's account and then to transfer the account to his name. Police advised him to call the credit card companies to cancel his accounts.

A Bradley Road man reported that he was unable to file his tax return because an imposter had already used his personal information to file his 2012 return. It was also discovered that two returns had been filed in his name in 2011. The IRS asked the man to file a police report before they would divulge the address of the person who had filed the false return. The man made the report on 4/3.

Family Matters: A couple in the midst of a divorce called police on the evening of April 2. The wife claimed that her husband's family would not leave the property. The husband's mother and sister had come by with food for him as he was recovering from a medical procedure. The wife claimed that her husband's family had screamed at her and called her names. Since no divorce agreement was in place, police told the mom and the sister that they could not stay and were trespassing.

Police responded to a report of a disagreement occurring at 9:30 am on 4/7 on White Road . A woman told police that she was having an argument with her husband and went outside to take a walk. Her husband and her father-in-law tried to convince her to come inside. She said that they had not hurt her and there was not violence or physical contact.

A Richbell Road woman called police on the morning of 4/2 to complain that her employee misplaced the homeowner's gloves. By the time police arrived the gloved were located.

An upset mom called police for help on the afternoon of 4/5 when she inadvertently locked herself out of the house with her 15 month old child inside. Police were able to get into the house via an interior door in the garage.

Harassed: The dispatcher for Central Taxi on East Parkway in Scarsdale reported that kids were harassing him and his employees and tying up his phone lines on April 4 between 3:50 and 4:30 pm. The kids had been doing this for the past few weeks. Police advised the man to call the Verizon unlawful call center.

On 4/4 a Walworth Avenue woman reported the receipt of threatening emails from a former employee. She was fearful for the well being of herself and her family.

The branch manager at Bank of America in the Golden Horseshoe Shopping Center called police around 1 pm on 4/5 when a customer requested help. The customer, Hilda Simons of White Plains, was approached by a man in the parking lot who offered to fix a dent in her car. She agreed, but when she returned, he asked for $380 which she refused to pay and called the police from the bank. By the time police arrived the man was gone.

Wandering: A Jefferson Road man called police on the afternoon of April 5 to say that a homeless man was sitting on a stoop of a house on the street. Police spoke to the homeless man who identified himself as John Ricks. He had all his belongings with him and said he lived in Queens but was here looking for work. He asked one of the residents if she had any odd jobs. He agreed to leave the property and walked toward the bus stop. At 6:20 that night Ricks was spotted at the intersection of Greenacres and Walworth Avenues. He told police he was looking for a bodega and did not need help.

Police found an elderly man in his pajamas wandering around the parking garage area of the Chateaux Apartments at 5:30 am on 4/6. He said he was "going for a walk." Police drove the man home and called his daughter.

Dogs: After receiving complaints about dogs running loose on Greenacres Field, police spoke to one dog owner and told her that he dog cannot run without a leash on the field at 8:30 am on 4/6. She readily complied and took the dog home.

After receiving a complaint that an unleashed dog jumped on a pedestrian and "attacked her," police gave the dog owner, a Meadow Road man, a summons on 4/1.

Refuse: A Rock Creek Lane man reported that someone had dumped asphalt and slate in front of his home at 11 am on 4/6.