Sunday, Oct 06th

santadrinkingDrinking, drugs and disputes figured prominently in the police blotter in the week leading up to Christmas: Passed Out at the Wheel: At midnight on 12/20 Old Lyme Road residents called police about a suspicious car parked in front of their home with the headlights on. Police found the car running with the keys in the ignition and the driver in the front seat. They knocked on the car window to wake up the owner but couldn't rouse him so they opened the car door. They woke the driver who appeared to be drunk. He identified himself as Ronald Prunesti of Danbury, CT and admitted to being too drunk to drive. He was arrested for DWI and taken to headquarters where he admitted to drinking vodka, beer and shots of tequila at a bar in Larchmont and was found to have a BAC of .10%. At 4:45 he was released on $250 bail and taken home in a taxi. His car was impounded.

Busted and Robbed? Police received a rather bizarre report on the afternoon of 12/21 from a boy who was being robbed of a bag of marijuana at knifepoint at the Heathcote School. While police were en route to the scene they received radio descriptions of the suspects and their locations. Police found one of the suspects at the end of Fayette Road, stopped and frisked him but found no knife. He identified himself as Gus and said he was waiting for a cab to take him home. Shortly thereafter, another officer found the second suspect who also admitted that he had been the caller. He said that he and Gus were at the school with the bag of marijuana when Gus got upset, pulled a knife on him and grabbed the marijuana out of his hands. According to the second suspect, the bag belonged to Gus. Police brought Gus over to be identified by the suspect who changed his story numerous times, first stating that Gus was not the person who robbed him and then asserting that he and Gus were friends and that earlier in the afternoon Gus had taken the marijuana from the suspect's room and they had walked to a store to buy rolling papers. They then went to the Heathcote Baseball Field where they rolled two joints. Gus became agitated over the way the joints were rolled and began an argument. After they smoked two joints in the woods the suspect wanted to go home and Gus got angrier. Gus followed him onto Innes Road and the victim said Gus had a knife and threatened the victim to give him the bag of pot "or he would be on the floor." At this point the suspect gave Gus the bag and Gus took off.

Police questioned Gus who at first denied having any dealings with the victim but then showed police the bench where the two of them were smoking. Police found a dollar covered with marijuana and Gus admitted that they used the dollar to roll the joints. Police asked Gus for the marijuana and he said he did not have it. Then they said that drug dogs would come search for it and Gus led them to the stash which was buried under a rock along the fence of the field. Gus admitted to smoking marijuana with the victim in the woods, grabbing the marijuana "as a joke" and placing it under a rock.

The victim admitted to bringing the bag of marijuana to the field, and said that Gus used physical force to steal the bag of marijuana. He also admitted to lying to police as he was scared he would be found to own the pot. He is underage and was arrested for unlawful possession.

Gus' complete name is not included here because he is 19 years old. He was arrested, searched and placed in a holding cell. He was issued a temporary order of protection for the victim and arraigned before Judge Katz at 10:30 pm. She set bail at $500 which was posted by his father. He was released and given a court date of January 8.

Arrest: An Edgewood man got more than he bargained for when police pulled him over on Fox Meadow Road on Sunday afternoon 12/16/13 after he crossed the center line while driving north and got too close to a car traveling south. After they stopped him, police found that the car smelled like marijuana and the defendant turned over a glass pipe and a grinder containing marijuana. The man was removed from the car and police conducted a search and found a small plastic bag with marijuana in the man's pocket. In the trunk of the car they found a Dior handbag containing two gold necklaces.

After the arrest, the man, who was identified as Jonathan Magsambol age 24 of Johnson Road, was brought to police headquarters and two driver's licenses were found in the glove box of the car, one belonging to a New Rochelle woman. They contacted the woman who said that in April 2012 someone had entered the trunk of her car and stolen her wallet which contained her license. However, the handbag and gold chains did not belong to her.

The second license was issued in Indiana. Police checked with the Indiana State Police and determined that the license was fake. Police checked the handbag but could find no evidence of who owned it.

Magsambol admitted to the traffic violation, possession of marijuana and the forged license but denied any knowledge of the handbag or gold necklaces. He was brought before Judge Galloway at Scarsdale Village Court and bail was set at $20,000. As he was unable to post bail he was sent to Westchester County Jail.

Accident: An elderly Hartsdale couple was hit by a car when they were crossing North Center Avenue in the crosswalk at 5 pm on Saturday, December 21 at 5:00 P.M. The car was a 2013 Volkswagen driven by a 52-year-old Scarsdale woman. A 14-year-old boy was also in the car and neither he nor the driver were injured. However, the female pedestrian, age 88 and her husband, age 94, both sustained injuries and were transported by Greenburgh EMS to the Westchester County Medical Center. The woman was admitted with serious injuries and her husband was treated and released. The operator of the Volkswagen was issued a summons failing to yield right of way to a pedestrian in the crosswalk.

Graffiti: An excavator who was doing work on Dell Road reported that vandals had spray painted the excavating equipment at the building site. Gerardo Masullo of New City estimated that the damage would cost $6,000 to repair. The incident occurred sometime between the evening of 12/13 and the morning of 12/16/13.

Identity Theft: The owner of Paris Interiors on East Parkway in Scarsdale reported that someone withdrew $3,560 in funds from her business account using forged checks. On 12/16 a man deposited two checks, one for $1,200 and another for $1,500 at an ATM at a Chase Bank in L.I.C. and immediately made two withdrawals for $500 each. Later that day, two debit account purchases for $995 and $700 were made at a Walmart in L.I.C. A third check for $860 was deducted from the business owner's account. Though the woman closed the account, as of the date of the report, the bank did not reimburse her for the stolen funds.

Cars Entered Overnight: $100 in cash was stolen from the center console of a Lexus parked at a Lyons Road home overnight on 12/18 – 12/19. On the morning of the 19th, the owner found papers scattered around the car and it appeared that someone had entered it overnight and stolen two $50 bills she kept in the console. A car parked in a neighboring driveway was also entered that night. Though the car was tossed there was no damage and nothing was stolen.

Found Wallet: A woman turned over a wallet she found near the courthouse in White Plains on 12/19. The wallet contained $37 in cash and two credit cards. Police attempted to contact the wallet's owner but were unable to reach her and placed the wallet in a locker.

Stolen Fedex: An Oak Lane woman reported that a package was taken from the front of her house on the afternoon of 12/19. The babysitter saw the package at the door at 3:15 when she went out but when she returned it was gone. It contained a hairdryer and a make-up gift set together valued at $224.

Disputes: A Sprague Road woman called police at 10 pm on December 16 to say that she was having a fight with her husband and to request assistance. When police arrived the sparring couple said they were having a verbal dispute and that it was now resolved. However, it was agreed that the wife should leave the premises.

-At 5:30 pm on 12/19 a Rural Drive woman called to ask police to help resolve an issue she was having with her mother. Police spoke to all parties and helped mediate the conflict.

-Police received a call about a fight in process between a couple on Fox Meadow Road at 1:35 am on 12/21. Police found the pair at the Scarsdale Train Station and they said they had a fight that night. The woman said she no longer wished to speak to the man and he left.

-At 9:52 am on 12/21 a Hartsdale Avenue man said that as he was walking on East Parkway a Port Chester man almost ran into him with his car. The two exchanged "unpleasant words." They then apologized and left the scene.

-Ike Okoli of Lockwood Road called police at 10 pm on 12/22 to say that a neighbor had thrown a rock through the window of his garage. Police saw no signs that the garage had been hit with a rock. Two boys were in the neighboring yard playing baseball. Okoli's mother returned and said that no assistance was needed.

No Signs: At 6:13 am on 12/17 police found a sign for G-Tec kids posted on the Heathcote Bypass. The sign was removed and the company was issued a summons.

Locked In: A 2-year-old locked herself inside a bathroom at a home on Tory Lane on the afternoon of 12/17. The fire department was called and they were able to unlock the door.

Whose Car Is It? A Forest Lane man called police at 3:30 pm on 12/17 when he found a car that he did not recognize parked across his driveway. Police found the car blocking the man's garage and surmised that it had skidded into the driveway. Shortly thereafter the owner of the car arrived and said that he called a tow truck to remove the car from the driveway.

A resident from Boulevard called police at 4:30 pm on 12/17 to say that a postal truck had broken down and was blocking their driveway. Police arrived and found that the truck was not blocking the driveway and another postal vehicle arrived to jump the engine of the stuck truck.

Noise: Police received a call at 10:30 pm on 12/21 about loud music coming from a home on Park Road. They went to the house and the residents agreed to turn down the music.

Rushing Water: At 5 pm on 12/22 police received a call about water rushing out of an unoccupied house on Bradley Road. The house was scheduled to be torn down due to its condition. The Fire Department was able to get into the house and turn off the water main.

On 12/16 a Clarence Road man turned over a marine emergency flare kit to the police saying he had no need for it.

Unregistered driver: Police stopped Richardo Rivera, age 38 of Yonkers, on the afternoon of 12/18 when their scanner revealed that the car he was driving at the intersection of Church Lane and Crane Road had a suspended registration. The registration was suspended due to lack of insurance. Police removed the license plates from the car and towed the car to Rivera's home. Rivera was given summons for driving an uninspected and uninsured vehicle.

scarsdalesecuritylogo.jpgThis police report is sponsored by Scarsdale Security who does more than just security. Contact them about remote video for your home or business. Call 914-722-2200 or visit their website.

SnowDriving1Lost or Stolen Jewels? An Innes Road man called police on the afternoon of 12/13 to say that his wife's jewelry had been stolen. He said that his wife had gone out without her engagement ring and had called him to ask him to put her ring away. The man found the ring and some earrings, and put them in a Ziploc bag and put them inside another Ziploc bag which also contained jewelry in his top desk drawer. He later realized that workmen were coming to the house so he put the bag in his pocket. He does not remember what happened to the bag after that point but realized that night the jewelry was missing. He only left the house once that day when he went to Balducci's at 5 pm. He searched everywhere, in his car and his house and also called Balduccis where no jewelry had been found. Missing is a $31,000 engagement ring with platinum band and a 3.1 karat stone, gold Tiffany hoop earrings valued at $1,000 plus other assorted jewelry.

Missing Mower: Juan Fernandez Ferro of Dom's Landscaping reported that a gas powered mower, valued at $6,000, and a leaf blower, valued at $1,300 were stolen from a home on Birchall Lane on December 11. The equipment was left in front of the house at 10 am while the men went to do another job in Greenwich. When they returned at 2:30 pm the equipment was gone.

There were a slew of car accidents on Tuesday morning December 10 when heavy snow started to fall around 8 am:

  • At 7:43 am police got a call about a car that had slid off the roadway near 10 Heathcote Road.
  • At 8:03 am another car slid off the roadway at the intersection of Morris Lane and Richbell Road. The driver attempted to stop to avoid hitting a car that was stopped in front of him and skidded into a tree.
  • At 8:12 am a driver was rear ended by another car at the intersection of Church and Wayside Lanes.
  • At 8:53 am there was a two-car collision at the intersection of Palmer Avenue and Wynmor Road. The driver of a 2011 Nissan attempted to stop to avoid hitting a car that was stopped at a red traffic light on Palmer Avenue and lost control and hit the car.
  • At 9:03 am two cars collided at the intersection of Church Lane and Crane Road.
  • At 9:11 am, police received numerous calls about cars sliding down Fenimore Road toward Post Road. When they arrived, they found two cars pulled over on the side of Fenimore Road.

A three-car accident occurred at the intersection of Crane and Carstesan Roads at 6 pm on December 11. One car was driving west on Crane Road and another was stopped in traffic on the eastbound side of Crane Road. A third car tried to make a left onto Crane Road from the Village Hall driveway. It hit the car going west on Crane Road and then hit the car that was stopped in traffic on the other side of Crane Road. The driver of the car that caused the accident was Elizabeth Lopez, age 24 of Harrison. When police arrived they found that she was driving with a suspended driver's license and that the registration for the car was suspended due to non-payment for insurance. The license plates were removed from the car, and it was towed.

There were also several accidents due to the snow storm on Saturday 12/14:

  • A woman driving on Garth Road at 6:45 pm lost control of her car due to the snow and skidded into a parked car on Garth Road.
  • At 9 pm on 12/14 a Bronx man who was driving on Springdale Road slid down a hill, struck a metal sewer drain and came to rest on the lawn of 36-38 Springdale Road. The man left the scene on foot. The following morning, the owner of the house on Springdale Road called police to say that a car was blocking his driveway and had been there since the previous night.

Keyed: A Ferncliff Road woman reported that her 2014 BMW was keyed while it was parked at the high school lot during the day on December 10. The driver's side was scratched and the left rear tail lamp was damaged as well as the front fog lamps and headlamps.

Alcott Montessori: The Director of the Alcott Montessori School called police on the morning of 12/11 when their website had been taken down and their web coordinator submitted his letter of resignation. The coordinator had previously said that when he leaves the school he would take the material that belonged to him off the school's website. The man also took a computer from the school and the director was not sure who owned it. Police advised the school that this was a civil matter.

In addition, the Director in Training at the school received a second disturbing letter from an unknown person this week and turned it over to the police on December 11. Police made extra ride-bys to the school all week.

Locked Out: A Coralyn Road woman locked her car keys inside her Chevy Tahoe while the car was running on the morning of December 11. A tow service was called and they were able to open the car. On 12/12, a woman locked her keys in her car when it was parked in the DeCicco's lot. Vincent's Towing arrived and unlocked the car.

On the Lam: A concerned Butler Road man called police on December 11 when his wife, who was out shopping, had not returned home at the appointed time. Police made numerous attempts to contact the woman on her cell phone but they were unsuccessful. At 5 pm he called police to say that she had come back.

Rappers: A Cayuga Road man called police at 6:40 pm on December 11 to say that there were cars in the driveway of a vacant home nearby. Police spotted a black BMW and a white Mercedes leaving the driveway of the vacant home at 21 Cayuga Road and stopped both cars. The driver of the BMW identified himself as "Lambo Cheeze" and said he was a rapper and that he was at the house to film a music video. As police were talking to the drivers Ryan Flanzer arrived in a Nissan. He said that the house is owned by his family that the he has permission to film a music video in the house.

Phishing: Tory Lane residents called police on 12/12 after they received numerous phishing calls from someone who said they had qualified for government grants. The called asked them to send $130 in processing fees. The residents grew alarmed when the callers knew their name, age, address, date and place of birth.

Identity Theft: On 12/13 a Donellan Road woman reported that four fraudulent charges were made to her American Express Card. Three of the charges were made for "Seamless" a company that delivers food from NYC restaurants. The fourth charges was for a company called "V Files, an art gallery in NYC. The woman had the card in her possession and did not know how someone got the card number.

A Fairview Road woman called police on the morning of December 11 to complain that her neighbor was piling snow and ice from his driveway onto her driveway. Police arrived and found a small amount of snow in the woman's driveway that was not obstructing access. They also spoke with the neighbor who said that a portion of the woman's driveway is on his yard and that he does not intentionally shovel snow onto his neighbor's driveway. He said he would be more careful in the future.

A taxi driver called police at 12:51 am on December 13 when a passenger on Myrtledale Road refused to pay the fare. Police arrived and found that there was no issue with payment but that the passenger needed help getting into his house. Police spoke to the man's wife who let him in through the garage.

A Lockwood Road resident called police at 11:30 pm on December 15 after a man rang his doorbell and asked to use the restroom. When the resident refused to let him in the man became angry. Police searched the area and found the man who said that he was lost and was trying to get to Tuckahoe. They called the man's girlfriend who offered to come and pick him up.

A Springdale Road man called police on the afternoon of 12/12 when a loose dog was on his property. Police stopped by, checked the dog's tags and contacted its owner to pick it up.

A Carthage Road man called police at 5 pm on 12/12 to say that a small dog may have fallen through a sewer grate and was unable to get out. Police stopped by and found that the animal in question was a raccoon, and that it was not stuck.

Track Fire: Police responded to track fire at the Scarsdale Train Station at 9:30 am on December 9. MTA Police and the Scarsdale Fire Department were already on the scene and firefighters put it out.

scarsdalesecuritylogo.jpgThis police report is sponsored by Scarsdale Security who does more than just security. Contact them about remote video for your home or business. Call 914-722-2200 or visit their website.

rockwallStolen Rocks: On 11/29, a Lockwood Road woman told police that workers on her neighbor's property removed rocks from her rock wall and used them to build another wall on their property. She showed the police the wall --which did appear to be missing a substantial amount of rocks. Police contacted the neighbor who said that she thought the rockwall was on her property. She said that if a survey shows that the wall belongs to her neighbor she will have the wall repaired. The Scarsdale Building Department said that the parties would need to have a survey done to determine who owned the wall.

Drunk Driver: Police pulled over the driver of a 2013 Ford at 8:50 pm on November 29 when they saw the car cross the yellow line into oncoming traffic and continue to swerve as it travelled south on the Post Road. The driver was identified as Wayne Battista of Yonkers. He had bloodshot eyes, slurred speech and had trouble answering simple questions. He admitted to drinking a beer an hour and a half earlier. He was taken to headquarters and found to have a BAC of .10% and was given summons' for DWI, and driving out of his lane. The man's car was towed and he was released and given a court date of December 4.

Dispute: The purchaser of the Scarsdale Yoga Studio accused the former owner of removing funds from the business account despite an agreement that the funds would be left in the account while the ownership was transferred. The owner withdrew $38,000 from the account which remained in her name. Police said that this was a civil matter.

Locked out: A woman called police at 9 pm on 11/28 when she went to her parent's home and could not get in. Her elderly parents and her child were inside but no one responded to the door. She wanted to force open a basement door so that she could get in and asked police to stay while she got inside. Once she forced open the door her father woke up and said they all had been asleep.

A Boulevard man called police at 8 pm on November 30 when his wife locked him out of his house. Due to marital difficulties the wife had the locks changed and did not provide him with a key. Police told the woman that it was unlawful for her to restrict her husband access to the house and she gave him a key and the password to the alarm system. The man agreed to stay at a friend's house that night.

Fall: Police went to Chat American Grill at 7 pm on November 29 when a customer fell while walking to the restroom. The woman had cut both her knees and the restaurant provided her with ice. Police spoke to the woman who refused medical assistance. There was a scuffmark on the floor but no sign of a slippery substance. An employee had offered her assistance but the woman refused his help.

Signs: At 2:52 am on November 30, police found a sign for "Honey Do Men Gutters" on Greenacres Avenue. They removed the sign and issued the company a summons for public posting of notices.

Found: A wallet that belonged to a Mt. Vernon man was found on a Metro North train and turned over to Scarsdale police on the morning of November 28. The wallet contained $45 in cash and a driver's license. The owner was contacted and agreed to come to Scarsdale Police headquarters to retrieve his wallet.

An employee at DeCiccos called police on the morning of 11/27 when an irate customer left a green sedan in the middle of the parking lot on the day before Thanksgiving. By the time police arrived, the car was gone.

turkeyinroadBurglaries: A Continental Road home was entered between 4 and 8 pm on December 5. The suspect(s) entered by forcing their way through a rear sliding door and stole "an unspecified amount of very valuable silver and gold coins."

A home on Myrtledale Road was entered sometime between 6 pm and 10:15 pm on Friday night December 6 while the residents were out. A rear sliding door was smashed and suspect(s) entered the home -- which has an alarm that was not set at the time. The master bedroom was tossed.

Missing bracelet: A Hampton Road woman reported that her diamond, sapphire and gold bracelet, valued at $7,500 had been stolen. She last saw it in June 2013 after she wore it to a wedding and stored it in her bedroom. She has not worn it since that date and realized it was missing on Thanksgiving. There was no sign of forced entry to the house.

Lost necklace: A Quentin Road woman said she lost a diamond pendant necklace on the morning of December 6. She had been at numerous places during the day and called all of them to see if the necklace was found but no one had seen it.

Bah humbug: Vandals cut the power cords to three sets of Christmas lights at a Brewster Road home sometime between 12/5 andxmaslights 12/7. Clean cuts were made to the lines and the homeowner reported that the same thing happened last year.

Turkey in the road: Police got two calls about a wild turkey was blocking traffic at the intersection of Heathcote Road and Palmer Avenue at 5 pm on December 3. Police found the turkey on Wilmot Road and were able to get the turkey to go into the woods.

Graffiti: Mischief -makers spray-painted three traffic signs with graffiti. Two signs on Richelieu and one on Hamilton were painted. The damage was discovered on the morning of 12/4.

Aggravated harassment: An employee at the Alcott Montessori School on Crane Road reported the receipt of an obscene and disturbing letter and turned it over to police on December 2. On December 5, a physician at Scarsdale Pediatrics on Popham Road also received an obscene letter and reported it to the police. A woman who works on Chase Road reported that her client in Rye Brook had received a disturbing letter with her return address. Police advised the woman to tell her client to report the incident to the Rye Brook Police.

The manager of the Bank America on Christie Place found a strange note on the table at the ATM machine that read, "I HOPE THE TERRORISTS WIN." The note had been left there during the previous night.

Incident at SHS: Assistant Principal Chris Griffin and Director of Counseling Andrea O'Gorman called police on the morning of December 2 to report concerns about an emotionally disturbed person at the school.

maryjaneBusted: Marijuana may be legal in Colorado, but not in New York, where police continue to make arrests for unlawful possession. On Friday night December 6 at 10 pm, police received a call from a man who said he saw a car parked near Red Maple Swamp in Greenacres that was occupied by 3-4 males. The man said he smelled marijuana and saw one of the occupants drinking, what appeared to be a can of beer, in a brown paper bag. Police located a car matching the description at the parking lot of the Greenacres School and found two brothers and another young man, all from Scarsdale, from standing outside the car. One was drinking a can of beer in a brown paper bag. Police detected the smell of marijuana and found a plastic Tupperware container with bags of marijuana, a pipe with residue and rolling papers. All three had bloodshot eyes, slurred speech and were unsteady on their feet. One of the defendants produced a sunglass case from his pocket that contained marijuana, rolling papers and a pipe. He told police it was for his personal use and said, "it's about a gram."

All three defendants were arrested and brought to police headquarters, where they were searched, booked, released and given a court date of 12/11.


Unlicensed Driver: Police stopped a New Rochelle man when he was driving on Weaver Street on the afternoon of 12/2 when their scanner revealed that the car had a suspended registration due to a lapse in insurance. The car was registered to Roger A. Cohen and his son was driving. The man's driver's license had expired and he did not have a valid insurance card. Summons' were issued for driving without a license and driving with a suspended registration. The plates were removed from the car and it was towed to Cohen's home.

Runaway Car: A car that was parked on Greenacres Avenue at the intersection of Farley Road rolled downhill and collided with a utility pole on Farley Road at 10:17 am on December 4. The car was unoccupied and the owner said the car was in park at the time of the incident. The Scarsdale Highway Department removed the damaged streetlight from the pole and notified Con Ed.

Hit and run: Mamaroneck Police called Scarsdale Police at 5:52 am on December 8 about a car accident at the intersection of Old White Plains and Wagon Wheel Roads. Following the accident, the driver left the car in the intersection and fled. The car was registered to a home on Cushman Road. Police went to the house and spoke to the owner of the car who said that her son had been driving the previous night.

Car break-in: A 2014 Jeep Grand Cherokee that was parked at the Quaker Ridge School was vandalized on the morning of December 5. The passenger side window was smashed and the window frame and door were damaged. The owner's handbag, which had been concealed under some newspapers, was stolen along with cash, credit cards, a driver's license and checkbook. At the time, there were parent-teacher conferences in process in the school.

A license plate was stolen from a company truck when it was parked at a home at 22 Murray Hill Road overnight on 12/1 – 12/2. The truck was owned by JLC Equities who is doing work at the site.


A landscaper reported that a neighbor of his customer on Ferncliff Road was filming him as he cleaned up the leaves on the property.leaf3 Police arrived and learned that the neighbor said that the landscaper had dropped leaves on his property in the past and therefore he was documenting the work. Police told the landscaper that the man could videotape him while he worked.

A Normandy Lane woman reported that a landscaper was putting leaves in an area marked "No Dumping" at the dead end of the street. By the time police arrived the landscaper was gone.

Lost man: A woman reported finding a disoriented man in front of Seven Eleven on Garth Road at 11 pm on December 3. Police had a report that an elderly man was missing from his home on Gaylor Road and the man matched the description. They picked him up and brought him home.

Trespassing dog: A Hampton Road woman complained that her neighbor's dog continually enters her property and causes her alarm to go off. Police tried to contact the neighbor but were unsuccessful.

scarsdalesecuritylogo.jpgThis police report is sponsored by Scarsdale Security who does more than just security. Contact them about remote video for your home or business. Call 914-722-2200 or visit their website.

leaf3A 36 year-old White Plains woman was arrested on 11/22 for stealing $2,000 in cash from an apartment on Popham Road while the residents were in the hospital. The suspect was doing work inside the apartment and took a Western Union envelope containing $2,000 from the apartment and deposited the money in her checking account. After police contacted her, she admitted to the theft and her husband returned the money. She was arrested, given a court date and released.

Car Vandalized –- Swastika: Griffen Road residents reported that their 2010 Volkswagen was damaged overnight on 11/22 -11/23. The tire on the rear driver's side was punctured and a swastika was carved into the paint on the rear driver's side panel. The victims are not Jewish.

Arrest: Toni Gibson, age 20 of Brooklyn was stopped by police on the afternoon of November 18 when their scanners revealed he was Swastikadriving a car with a suspended registration due to a lapse in insurance. The plates were removed from the car and it was towed back to the owner's home in New Rochelle. Gibson was issued a summons for operating a car with a suspended registration.

Found: A pair of gray Nike Air Jordan sneakers, size 13.5, were found on the lawn of a Fenimore Road home on November 19. Pick them up at the police station if they belong to you.

Missing: A Fed Ex package that contained a Toshiba light bulb was stolen from a Lockwood Road home on November 20th.

The owner of a home on Sprague Road reported that in 2009 a rental tenant broke his lease, moved out of the house and removed some furniture that belonged to the owner. The owner is now holding the tenant's deposit and is involved in a civil case. The matter was report on November 21 and police advised the man to follow up in civil court.

A Garden Road man reported that he lost two valuable watches when he moved out of his house during some renovations. Missing were a Tag Heuer Chronograph valued at $1,500 and an Omega Speedmaster valued at $3,500. The man planned to file a claim with his insurance company.

Police helped a Garth Road woman locate her missing guitar at Scarsdale High School on November 20. She called to report that she lost it. The guitar was found in the grass next to the parking lot near the track.

Harassed: A 37 year-old River Road woman reported being harassed by her ex-husband on November 20th. She said she was receiving unwanted messages.

Stolen Bicycles: A man who works at Metro Deli on Palmer Avenue reported that his bike was stolen from a rack on East Parkway overnight on 11/20 -11/21. His cable lock had been cut. The bike was a 21-speed mountain bike valued at $200.

A Brown Road man also reported his bicycle missing from the rack on East Parkway on November 21. He locked it there at 6:56 am and when he returned at 11:45 pm his mongoose crossway bike, valued at $100, was gone.

Passing Through: A homeless man with a shopping cart was spotted at the corner of Greendale and Eton Roads on the afternoon of November18. He identified himself as James Williams of the Bronx and told police he was reorganizing his shopping cart and would head to White Plains when he was finished.

Moving Violations: At 12:30 pm on 11/20 police gave three drivers summons' for passing a school bus with flashing red lights at the corner of the Post Road and Huntington Avenue.

Debt: On November 21, the manager of Gingerbread Kidz on Chase Road in Scarsdale said that a customer had failed to pay for $602 in merchandise. The manager had given the man the items and he said he would pay at a later date. The customers called the store with his American Express Card number but the store does not accept Amex. The customer said he would call back but failed to do so. Police called the man and went to his home. The following day, the man told police he had paid the outstanding debt.

Fight: A Carman Road man called police at 4:48 am on November 23 to report that he was having a verbal disagreement with his brother. Police arrived and found that no threats had been made and there was no violent behavior. The brothers agreed there was no need for police intervention. Police advised them to seek family counseling.

Noise: Police got a call about a noisy party on Brite Avenue at 9:30 pm on November 22. They went to the house and spoke to the resident who said he planned to host a small party for 15-20 of his son's friends but that many more kids showed up. Police disbursed the crowd.

Police received a call about a barking dog at 8 pm on November 23. They went to the house and found the dog barking outside. They contacted a family member who brought the dog inside.