Saturday, Oct 05th

hoodieQuick work by a volunteer NYC fireman lead to the arrest of three young robbers on Thursday morning August 23rd. Early that day, the fireman saw three young men run across Kitttrel Park in White Plains and jump into a Mitsubishi already occupied by two men. He also saw a man who had been mugged on Westmoreland Avenue. He called the police and pursued the car. At 7:46 am Scarsdale Police responded to a call for assistance from the White Plains Police Department and stopped the car at the corner of Walworth and Claremont in Greenacres. Two of the men had fled, but three were caught inside. Police later learned that three of the occupants of the car had beaten and robbed a taxi driver in White Plains.

Police immediately began a search for the two fleeing suspects - one who was wearing a black hoodie and the other a white t-shirt and pajama pants. The White Plains Police brought in a K-9 team and the black hoodie sweatshirt was found in the front yard of a home on Claremont Road. Police spoke to the residents as well as homeowners along Claremont Road and Greenacres Avenue. No one had seen or heard anything unusual.

The three young men in the car were identified as Salvatore Defonce, age 18, Kevin Doyle, age 18 and Domenick Ricotta, age 19, all from Harrison. They were arrested for first and second degree robbery and fourth degree conspiracy. The cab driver suffered a broken nose and injuries to his eyes. Police are still looking for the other two suspects.

Arrest: Brian Sanchez age 21, a greeter at the Ritz Carleton in White Plains, was arrested on the strength of a bench warrant on August 21. He was arraigned at Scarsdale Village Court and released on $250 cash bail.

Mini Cooper in Flames: At 4 am on August 21 a Stratton Road man heard a popping sound from the front of the house, looked out the window and saw that his wife’s 2004 Mini Cooper was in flames. No one was in or around the car and the gas cap was intact. Police could not determine the source of the fire.

Loaner on the Lam: Lexus of Greenwich called police on August 21 to say that man from Wayside Lane in Scarsdale had dropped off his car for service two weeks ago and taken a loaner car. The man had not returned with the dealer’s car and they were unable to reach him. Police also failed to contact the driver.

Death: The wife of Nicholas Chantiles age 87 called police on the morning of 8/21 to report that her husband had passed away. Mr. Chantiles had been suffering from prostate cancer. His doctor was called to sign the death certificate.

Harassed: A Secor Road woman complained of harassment. She was attempting to arrange a bachelorette party for a friend and asked if she could use her fiancées apartment. In response she received a threatening message on Facebook and feared for her safety.

A Nelson Road woman reported the receipt of strange text messages from an international number since July 7th. The texter threatened to “track her down” if she didn’t tell him what he wanted to know so she reported the incidents to the police on 8/20 and also said she would contact Verizon to block the number.

Missing: A Drake Road man complained that 20 pieces of split red oak had been stolen from a wood pile at the end of his driveway on 8/21/12.

A Rock Creek Lane man reported that someone had removed four blank checks from his desk drawer in his office in the city and forged them. One check for $2,700 and another for $1,000 were written and the bank was notified.

A 19 year-old Eastchester girl complained that her iPhone was stolen from her purse while it was in the dressing room at LF on Boniface Circle in Scarsdale Village on August 24th. The locating device showed that the phone was in Yonkers.

A Cambridge Road reported that a sterling silver set with service for 18 as well as nine serving pieces and a wooden chest had disappeared from his home sometime between July 9 and July 31. He contacted his ex-wife and her lawyer who said that she did not have the missing silver. He also noted that his home was on the market and many people had been in and out of the house recently.

Found: A bag of tools in a Craftsman bag atop a black dolly was found on the sidewalk in front of the Chase Bank on East Parkway at 5:20 pm on August 19th. Police found identification for the electricians who owned the bag inside and contacted them. The bag was taken to police headquarters for safekeeping.

Abuse: The Program Director at the ARC Residential Home on Foxhall Road reported that on 8/16 one of the staff members was too rough with one of the patients and “dragged her into the house when she had a hard time walking.” The patient was not injured. Westchester ARC began an investigation but put it on hold while the Scarsdale Police Department looked into it.

Police received a complaint about flyers for “” posted on Griffen Road on August 20. Police asked the Department of Public Works to remove the flyers and also contacted the corporate office of I Drive Your Car and served them with a summons for posting the flyers.

Musical mornings: At 8 am on 8/22 police received a complaint from a Wayside Road man about loud music coming from a construction site on Rectory Lane. Police found that the noise was coming from the high school where the field hockey coach was playing music during practice.

Who’s there? At 3 pm on 8/23 an Oneida Road woman called police to report that she returned home and heard someone in her basement. Police came to investigate and discovered the woman’s son downstairs. They brought him upstairs and the woman confirmed that the young man was hers!

Strange: At 4 pm on 8/23 police got a report that a man was sitting in a black car and watching kids play soccer through a pair of binoculars. Police spoke to the man who said he was watching the game. Police scanned the man’s license and as he had no record they permitted him to stay.

diamondnecklaceInappropriate Behavior: Police were called to the Scarsdale Library on the evening of August 14th when a patron complained that a man sitting at her table appeared to be fondling himself under the table. She was not able to see what he was doing because a book was covering his lap. Police interviewed the man who said that “he was only pressing on his right side because of his hernia.” Police asked the man, who lives in White Plains, to leave the library and he did so and promised to never return.

Jewelry Gone: An Innes Road woman reported the theft of over $50,000 in jewelry from dresser drawers in her master bedroom during the course of two weeks between July 24 and August 14. Missing were diamond stud earrings, gold and diamond earrings, a heavy gold chain, a diamond and gold necklace, and emerald and diamond necklace, pearl and diamond earrings and a hanging gold watch.

Woman Gone: On August 17, Search for Change on the Post Road reported that one of their residents was missing. The 36-year-old woman was under house restriction due to the fact that she had been drinking earlier in the day. The woman who is in treatment for multiple conditions was last seen at 7:45 pm on 8/17 wearing light green pants, a green shirt with yellow stripes and black shoes. Her mother was contacted but she had not heard from her either.

Specs Gone: A woman from Richbell Road reported that two pair of glasses, together valued at $1,000 had been stolen from her sometime between the morning of August 6 and the afternoon of August 7.

Attempted Burglary: A Dickel Road man found that a screen hanging on a back window of his home had been cut overnight on 8/16-8/17 and it appeared that someone may have been trying to break into the house. Police also noticed that an awning below the window was damaged. Police canvassed the area but no one had seen or heard anything unusual.

Death: Julia Graham, age 96 of Circle Road in Scarsdale passed away overnight on 8/13. Her son called police on the morning of August 13 when he found her to be unresponsive. EMT’s arrived and pronounced her dead of natural causes.

Identity Theft: A Ridgedale Road man reported that someone used his deceased father’s personal information to attempt to purchase a men’s diamond ring from the Bradford Exchange online on July 6. The Scarsdale man received an invoice in the mail and found out that the ring was scheduled to be shipped to Washington State. He was able to stop the fraudulent purchase but unable to find out who made the attempt.

Cars Entered: A Carthage Road man reported that someone had entered his 2007 Honda Accord overnight on 8/15-8/16 and removed about $10 worth of loose change. The remote control and EZ-Pass were left inside the car. However, his neighbor was not so lucky. That same night, a 2010 Honda Civic, also parked on Carthage Road was entered and two Garmin GPS devices as well as $5 – to $15 in quarters were stolen.

Harassment: On 8/17 a 20-year-old Meadow Road woman reported the receipt of harassing text messages. After she let the sender know she had contacted the police, the unwanted texts stopped.

A Greenacres’ dad called police on the evening of 8/18 when his daughter received a strange voice mail and text on her phone from someone she didn’t know. The text said, “Do you want me to die?” Police called back the phone number of the unknown texter who said he had obtained the girl’s number from a friend’s cell phone and was playing a joke.

Bike trouble: On the afternoon of August 13th a cyclist reported that a driver was being reckless and yelled at him from her car while he was riding in Scarsdale Village. The cyclist confronted the driver who said that he (the cyclist) was blocking the road and she yelled to get him to move over. She apologized and departed.

Fireworks: At 1:32 am on August 14 police got a call about fireworks going off at Heathcote Field. When they arrived, they spotted a Jeep leaving the scene. Police stopped the car and the young occupants denied setting off fireworks but admitted to be at the field “meeting friends.”

Tree issue: A White Birch Lane woman complained that her neighbor’s contractor had cut a large limb off her apple tree when he installed a 7 foot fence on the property line on August 17. Police saw the freshly cut limb but were unable to determine if the fence was properly placed.

Help! An Aspen Road woman called police on Sunday afternoon when she fell in her home and was unable to get up. Police got into the house by using a key stored by a neighbor, went to the woman’s bedroom and helped her to stand up.



dogbiteOuch! In Greenacres, a grandmother was bitten by a dog who belongs to a Sage Terrace family. Jill Nadborny of Hartsdale was taking a walk with her grandchild on the morning of August 3rd when she encountered a woman walking a dog on Huntington Avenue. Nadborny asked the dog walker if the dog was friendly and if it was okay to give the dog a treat. The dogwalker, who was the family housekeeper, responded yes and Nadborny gave the dog the treat. But instead of eating it, the dog dropped the treat and lunged at Nadborny, biting her thigh and breaking the skin.

Police took Nadborny to the hospital and went to the dog’s home to see the dog’s license and view it’s immunization records. The rabies vaccine had just expired on 7/23/12 but the veterinarian said that there was a very low risk that it had transmitted rabies.

Baby born on the Hutchinson River Parkway: The Scarsdale and New Rochelle Fire Departments, Westchester County Police Department as well as the Scarsdale Volunteer Ambulance Corps assisted with the birth of a baby in a car on the Hutchinson River Parkway at 5:55 am on August 4th. The mother was in active labor in a Toyota at the Weaver Street exit of the Hutch when the Scarsdale Fire Department received the call. Traffic was blocked on the exit ramp to allow emergency workers to deliver the baby. After the baby girl was born, she and her mother were transported to White Plains Hospital where they were reported to be doing well.

Drunk driver severs utility pole: At 3:21 am on August 4th police came upon an unoccupied Ford Expedition on Woodland Place that appeared to have backed into a utility pole. The utility pole was broken in two and the light fixture and power lines were broken. Shortly thereafter, Stacey Hamner, age 24 of Pheasant Run in Scarsdale, returned to the scene and said that she was the driver and admitted to drinking vodka at the Hudson Terrace Club in NYC. She was not wearing shoes. She was taken to headquarters where she was found to have a BAC of .12 and was arrested for driving while intoxicated.

Sleeping if off at the police station: At 4:07 am on August 5, Graciela Signes, age 32 of Stamford was stopped by a Scarsdale police officer for driving in the wrong direction on Fenimore Road as she entered the parking lot at the Scarsdale Police station. Signes was found to be drunk and had a BAC of .16%, She said that she had been drinking at the Brazen Fox in White Plains and wanted to park in the police parking lot to sleep it off. She was arrested for driving in the wrong direction and for driving while intoxicated. Since police could not reach the registered owners of the car, it was impounded.

Identity Thefts: On July 30th a Hampton Road woman reported that someone had ordered a credit card in her husband’s name without his authorization. The imposter used her husband’s social security number, date of birth and mother’s maiden name to open the account. Though the credit card was mailed out, the account was cancelled before anyone could use it.

On 8/3 a Montrose Road woman reported that she received a letter from the Tax Board of the State of California, saying that she owed $1,914 - however she never held a job or lived in California.

Phone  scam: An 86-year-old Mamaroneck Road woman reported that she was the victim of a scam on 7/31. She got a phone call from someone posing as her grandson who said that he was in Niagara Falls and had been stopped at the border. He claimed that police found marijuana in the car and everyone was arrested. He asked the woman for $2,000 in bail money. He told her to go to CVS and purchase a MoneyPak card. She did so and called back the man to give him the serial numbers on the MoneyPak cards. After she realized it was a scam, police tried to retrieve the funds from MoneyPak, but since the funds had already been withdrawn, it was too late.

On August 1 an employees of Chase Bank on Palmer Avenue reported that he received an email with “hateful” language from someone he encountered at a restaurant the previous night. The recipient was concerned about his own safety.

Matthew Guide of Ridgefield Park New Jersey attempted in vain to do some political soliciting in the Village of Scarsdale. On the morning of July 30th he set up a table outside the Scarsdale Post Office but was told that he needed a permit for the table from Village Hall. At 3;30 pm on 7/30 he posted numerous signs on Chase Road and blocked access to a crosswalk and a sidewalk. Police asked him to remove the signs as he was not allowed to block the sidewalks.

Drunk customer: At 6:20 pm on 7/31, police got a call from Metro Deli on Palmer Avenue reporting that a drunk customer refused to leave the restaurant. When police arrived the man was already gone but police found him on Weaver Street. He said he had a few beers and was now on his way home.

Shattered glass: On 8/1 a Bradford Road man reported that his gardener had found his front glass door shattered. Police went to the home and everything else was in order. They suspected that a rock hit by a weedwacker may have broken the door.

Egged: A home on Dobbs Terrace was egged sometime between 7/26 and 7/30. The resident returned home to find egg hells on his property and egg on his front door.

Police were called shortly after midnight on 8/2 to intervene in a dispute between a limo driver and a Heathcote Road resident. The driver had dropped off the man at his Heathcote Road home – however, the customer had vomited in the limo and refused to pay an additional $150 fee to detail the car. Police told the two that this was a civil matter.

Confused: On the night of 8/2, Colvin Road residents called police to say that a man was banging on the door and screaming at a neighbor’s home. Police drove by and found a man who suffers from Alzheimers knocking on a neighbor’s door. His wife had accidentally left the door to their home unlocked.

Arrests: Fred Pfeiffer, age 73 of Yonkers surrendered himself to Scarsdale police on July 31 in response to a bench warrant issued in May, 2011 for his failure to appear in court when he was charged with driving without a license. He was released and given a court appearance date. Diane Wallace, age 42 of New Rochelle also surrendered to police in response to a bench warrant on July 31. She was released and given a court appearance date. Barbara Sharpe, age 52 of White Plains turned herself in for a bench warrant on August 1 and was released and given an 8/15 court appearance date.

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golfclubsStolen Clubs; A Haverford Road man reported that his golf clubs and equipment and a portable compressor were stolen from the trunk of his 2011 Mercedes Benz when it was parked in his driveway overnight on 8/10-8/11. An iPod that was in the glove compartment was also missing. The car was not damaged.

Mischief: A man from the construction crew at 21 Morris Lane reported that several window panes on two nine-foot windows were broken overnight from 8/7 – 8/8 when rocks were thrown through the windows. A portable toilet on the work site had been tipped over as well.

Mishap: On the morning of August 6 a ladder truck from the Scarsdale Fire Department ran into a police cruiser that was parked at the Public Safety Building. The left rear of the truck hit the front right side of the car. There were no injuries but both vehicles were damaged.

Hit and Run: A White Road woman saw a car exit a driveway on her street and collide with her car on the afternoon of June 9. The driver of the car left the scene. Police contacted the driver of the car and he said that he was not aware that he had hit the woman’s car.

The driver of a 2010 Lexus owned by Bel-Aqua Pool Supply reported that a car had hit his car and left the scene at the Balduccis Parking lot on Sunday morning of August 12. Police tracked the license plate number and found that the driver was a 91 year-old man who lived on Plymouth Drive. Damage to his car matched the damage to the Lexus. The man was given a summons.

Unregistered: Police scanned the license plates of a car on the Heathcote Bypass on the evening of August 9 and determined that the car had a lapsed registration because the car was uninsured. They issued the driver a summons for driving an uninsured car and removed the plates from the car. The car was parked until it could be towed.

I Spy: A caller reported that a blue Honda was sitting in front of 26 Fox Meadow Road at 8:30 am on 8/6. Police spoke to the driver of the Honda who identified himself as a private investigator.

Suspicious Character: On the afternoon of August 6 a representative from the Rec Camp called to report that a homeless man was lingering at the tennis courts. Police spoke to the man who identified himself as James Williams of the Bronx. He gathered his belongings and left he property. At 7 pm on August 6, Williams was found lying on the grass at the corner of Mamaroneck and Murray Hill Road. This time he said he was resting because his legs were sore. He said he was en route to a shelter in White Plains.

Delinquent tenants: On the night of 8/9, the owner of a home on Overhill Road reported that the tenants inside the house owed him $10,000 in back rent and he wanted them evicted. Police advised the man that this was a civil matter.

Flooding: On the morning of August 10 a Heathcote Road resident reported that his neighbor’s sprinkler was broken and flooding yards in the area. Police found that the system was draining into neighboring yards and flooding homes on Carthage Road. The homeowner was aware that the sprinkler was broken and shut off the water main until the repairman could arrive.


stopsignPublic Urination: On the afternoon of July 29, a Copper Beach Lane man reported that the driver of a blue Toyota Corolla stopped in front of his house and got out and peed on the lawn. The resident’s daughter saw the man peeing from the window so the homeowner went outside to confront the man, who was fully exposed. When he asked him why he was peeing on his lawn, the driver said he had a medical problem and continued to urinate. The resident took a picture of the man’s license plate and police were able to track down the name and phone number of the person who owned the car. They left a message at his home. The resident described the man as a white male in his twenties who was wearing plaid shorts, a polo shirt and a baseball cap.

Fight: A fight broke out at a wedding at the Scarsdale Woman’s Club on Drake Road around 10 pm on Saturday night July 28th. By the time police arrived the two people who had started the fight had already left. No one was injured and there was no damage to the Woman’s Club but the party was shut down early. Attendees were unwilling to provide police with any information about what happened.

Fire: A Walworth Avenue man called police at 11:15 pm on 7/25 when he found smoke coming out of his basement. Police arrived and the resident explained that an electric panel in the basement had been in flames. The Scarsdale Fire Department ventilated the house.

Accident: A Fox Meadow woman driving a 2012 Honda struck two pedestrians in the crosswalk in front of the Scarsdale Pool on the morning of July 25th. One of the pedestrians was a 3-year-old girl who was knocked to the ground. The 51-year-old woman who was also hit kept her balance by holding onto the car. The condition of the pedestrians was not provided.

Check Forgeries: On July 24 a woman from Black Hawk Road in Scarsdale reported that someone had created fraudulent reimbursement checks for medical procedures and forged her husband’s signature on the checks. The forged check amounts totaled $2,855 and they were cashed between June 28 and July 24, 2012.

A Greenacres Avenue woman reported that a woman came to her door during the rainstorm on Thursday morning 7/26 seeking shelter. The resident let her stay but following the storm asked her to leave. The visitor got very upset, and “used bad language,” but left the property.

Arrests: Charles Watkins, age 31 of the Bronx, was arrested for driving without a license and surrendered to Scarsdale Police in response to a bench warrant on the night of July 25th. He was released on $100 bail and given a court date of August 1.

Police arrested a Tuckahoe man after he continued to sound his horn while driving in Scarsdale Village on the afternoon of July 26th. Police initially warned him to stop and when he failed to do so he was given a summons. The man was identified as C.E. Rentoulis of Tuckahoe.

Damage: A New Rochelle woman reported that the passenger side window of her car was broken while the car was parked on Quentin Road on the morning of 7/26. Police arrived and spoke to a gardener who had been working in the area. He explained that the window was broken when they were working on a lawn near the car. The car owner and gardener agreed to work it out.

The window of a van parked at the Girl Scout House was broken on the night of July 27th. The van belongs to Scarsdale Edgemont Family Counseling Service.

A Nelson Road man reported that two cars parked in his driveway were egged overnight on July 27-28.

Stop signs were removed from the intersections of Carman and Nelson Roads and Edgewood and Nelson Roads overnight on 7/27-7/28. The signs were found on the ground nearby. On the morning of 7/29, a Catherine Road woman found a stop sign on top of her mother’s Toyota that was parked in the driveway. About $100 in damage was done to the car. On Barry Road, another resident found a stop sign placed at their front door on the morning of July 30th. The sign was removed from the corner of Nelson and Edgewood Road. That was the same sign that had been moved on the night of 7/27-7/28.

On Penn Boulevard, someone used a curbstone to damage an exterior light fixture overnight on July 30th. Damage was estimated at $1,000 and the light cannot be repaired.

A Chevy Suburban hit a surveillance camera at the Freightway Garage with a luggage rack on the roof on the morning of 7/24. The camera was intact but the base was loose.