Saturday, Oct 05th

Biden2It’s been some week for Scarsdale. It began with a coke-crazed burglar on a spree through Greenacres, followed by two sightings of a bobcat in a local backyard – and ended with a visit from Vice President Joe Biden.

Scarsdale10583 got several alerts on Thursday afternoon from residents who were snarled in traffic. The southbound Hutch was closed as well as parts of Saxon Woods Road and Mamaroneck Road. Some wondered if all the police activity was due to another crime spree. But no!

It turns out that Vice President Joe Biden had flown in on Air Force 2 and landed at Westchester Airport around 5:30 pm on Thursday, headed for a fundraiser at a Park Road home in Scarsdale. His motorcade travelled down to Scarsdale and headed west on Mamaroneck Road, which was closed to local traffic.

Some residents who live on Mamaroneck Road were outside when Biden’s entourage passed by – and were impressed with the display of motorcycles, Biden1limos , Westchester County Police, secret service and even an ambulance. They spotted Biden reading in the backseat of his car and waved.

Park Road was blocked off and there was heavy security around the house. The event was held to raise money for the Obama campaign and the price tag was rumored to be $1,000 per person. According to an attendee at the Park Road event Biden spoke with confidence about why Obama would be re-elected and also told the group about the personal friendship that has developed between himself and the President. Biden said he’s become like Obama’s “older brother.”



zepeda(Updated 10:55 am Monday) A White Plains man dressed in a black hat and a white chef’s jacket robbed and menaced several Greenacres residents in an Easter afternoon crime spree. The bizarre series of events began around 3 pm when the suspect, later identified as Edwardo Mendoza Zepeda, menaced and assaulted a 25 year-old woman Greenburgh woman who had been jogging on Greenacres Avenue at the intersection of Walworth. He was carrying a yellow gas container and asked her "where can I find a gas station?" After she gave him directions he said, "I need to get there quickly," and threatened her with a screwdriver and pushed her into her car. She was able to push him away and he ran off.

Just minutes later, police received a second phone call from a Brite Avenue man to say that a man had entered his home by force after an encounter outside. The resident answered his door and found Zepeda who asked to use the phone to call a taxi as his car had run out of gas. The resident brought his cell phone outside and dialed Scarsdale Taxi. But when Zepeda returned the phone, he pushed the resident inside the house and pulled out a screwdriver. The phone fell to the ground and Zepeda brandished the screwdriver and said "I will kill you." The victim yelled to his wife to call the police and Zepeda said, "only kidding." He went outside, picked up the cell phone and fled on foot up Brite Avenue towards Fenimore Road.

While officers searched the area, a third call was received, this time from a man on Post Road who was also robbed. Zepeda forced his way into the house and stole money and attacked a female resident by "grasping her around the neck while choking her."

He then ran out the back of 1160 Post Road. By then, police units and dogs from Scarsdale, Westchester County, New Rochelle and Eastchester were scouring the area for him. He was next spotted in the driveway of 44 Mamaroneck Road and was apprehended between 44 and 50 Mamaroneck Road. He was ordered to the ground but flailed, struggled and kicked in an attempt to get away.

When he was searched by police, Zepeda said, "I'm sorry, I'm on drugs, I take crack" and also said "I was running because I was scared, I did it because of the drugs."  He also stated, "I have a crack pipe and cell phones in my pocket, and I had three hundred dollar in my shoe, but my shoe came off as I was running. That's why I came back for the money."

When he was searched, police found two cell phone and a glass pipe containing crack residue. He was taken to police headquarters50MamaroneckRd where the victims came in to identify him, he was read his Miranda rights and placed in the holding cell.

Zepeda, age 48, lives at 86 East Post Road in White Plains. He has been charged with multiple counts of burglary 1st degree, robbery 2nd degree, attempted assault, menacing, criminal possession of a controlled substance and resisting arrest.

Here’s a first person account of the pursuit of Zepeda from a homeowner on Mamaroneck Avenue:

The guy walked down the driveway of the flag lot behind us (54 Mamaroneck) and circled their house. The owner asked him if he needed something and he claimed to be from a lawn service company – and gave a name. The owner told him that they do not use the service and asked him to leave. My back door was open and my dog started barking frantically. Since he only barks at people, I should have paid attention, but to be honest, we were jet lagged from a trip to Spain. My husband and son were outside shooting hoops and my husband said that the guy cut through from our neighbors’ driveway and walked (not running at this point) across our front yard and into the neighbors on our other side (44 Mamaroneck). Within seconds of this, about 10 police cars showed up (some marked some not) and out of them came about 20 officers running down our property and our neighbors. There was at least one dog and some pretty scary looking guns. My husband grabbed my son and put him inside and told the police which way the guy went. At this point, the robber started running back toward our property as most of the police were in front of 44 Mamaroneck. He was captured trying to climb the fence between the two properties. I know that the police found money and I think pepper spray but don’t know what was on him and what they found walking around – they were very thorough and spent about an hour walking our and our neighbors’ yards and interviewing the witnesses.”

Though Greenacres has experienced a recent rash of burglaries, this is the first that involved robbery and assault. Police have not revealed if Zepeda can be linked to any of the prior incidents but did say that he has a record of 14 prior arrests dating back to 1981.




mailman-dogBurglary on Dickel Road: Another burglary took place in Greenacres this past weekend when a Dickel Road home was entered on the afternoon of March 24 between 3:00 pm and 7:46 pm. The victims returned and were eating dinner before they noticed that the house had been entered. The homeowners found that three boxes of jewelry were taken from a drawer in the master bedroom on the second floor, however the other bedrooms appeared to be untouched. An Apple computer was also missing from the kitchen. Though the house does have a burglar alarm, it was not activated at the time of the incident. Dickel Road borders White Plains and Scarsdale Police believe thieves are coming into Scarsdale via backyards in White Plains. Dickel Road runs into Fairview Road where there were already two burglaries this year, one on January 12 and the other on March 10.

Ouch! Keith Alexander, a mail carrier for the USPS, was bitten by a dog at 119 Brewster Road on March 23rd. The dog’s owner provided a medical history of the dog showing that its rabies shots were up to date. Police completed a report for the Department of Health.

Gone: Another bike was stolen from downtown Scarsdale last week. This one was a blue and red Schwinn valued at $150. The owner, a Stoneleigh Road man locked it to the rack on Depot Place at 6:30 am on 3/19 and when he returned at 6:15 pm the bike and the lock were gone.

Two aluminum patio chairs were taken from the front patio of a Rodney Road home sometime between March 18 and March 22.

A Fedex package containing clothing was taken from the front door of a Richelieu Road home on the morning of 3/22. The nanny noticed that the package was delivered but when she went to get it, it was gone.

Mischief: An arbor in the yard of a Lockwood Road home was damaged. The homeowner made the report on 3/23.

Death: At 10:25 am on 3/24 Pauline Rosenbloom of Cambridge Road called to tell police that she believed her 92 year-old husband Robert Rosenbloom had passed away earlier in the morning. Paramedics were sent to the home and pronounced Rosenbloom dead at 10:30 am. He was last seen alive at 7:30 am. Rosenbloom was suffering from pneumonia and coronary myopathia and died of natural causes.

Animals: A Brewster Road woman called police on the afternoon of 3/20 when a bird got into the house. Police went to the home and were able to get the bird to fly out. Later that afternoon, residents of Rural Drive called to say that a raccoon was stuck near their deck. Police went to the home and helped the animal find its way into the woods.

Walk the line: Police were called at 12:11 am on 3/25 about someone walking on the yellow line in the middle of the Post Road near Richbell Road. They found Marcus Sander of Mount Vernon in the middle of the Post Road. Sanders claimed he was walking home from work at Kmart on Tarrytown Road and said a friend was on his way to pick him up. He explained that he was walking in the middle of the street so that his friend could see him. While police were talking to Sander, his friend arrived to take him home.

Fight! At 5:50 pm on 3/25, a Stratton Road couple called police about an argument they were having about who could store clothes in a closet. Police arrived and helped mediate how much of each of their clothes could be stored in the closet. The incident was resolved and the police left.




Early morning crash: Walworth Avenue residents called police at 3:10 am on April 2 when a car crashed into a tree on front of their home. When police arrive they found a 2010 Nissan Altima on the sidewalk of 110 Walworth. The car had gone off the road, struck a tree and was badly damaged.

The driver was later identified as Denise Denis of the Bronx who works as a waitress at the Cheesecake Factory in White Plains. When police arrived she was still in the driver’s seat. When she exited the car she was unsteady and had trouble keeping her balance and speaking to police. She admitted to drinking three shots of tequila and first said she had been drinking at The Brazen Fox but then said she was at Ron Blacks. She was inconsistent in her report of what she had drunk. She failed sobriety tests and was taken to police headquarters where she was uncooperative. She eventually agreed to have her alcohol level tested and was found to have BAC of .18%. She was arrested for DWI, her car was impounded and she was given a court appearance date.

Pedestrian down: While crossing Palmer Avenue on foot on Tuesday March 27 at 8:30 am, a Wildwood Road man was hit by a White Plains man driving a 2002 Kia. The pedestrian was carry a large piece of plywood, measuring 8 foot by 4 feet on his right shoulder and the wood blocked his view of traffic. He entered the road by walking between two parked vans and the driver of the car did not see him before it was too late. The pedestrian was taken to the Westchester Medical Center for treatment.

Up on the Roof: An Autenreith Road mom called police for help at 7:30 pm on 3/28 when her ten year-old son climbed on top of the car and refused to come down. By the time police arrived the boy had come down.

Evicted: A woman who has been renting a home on Heathcote Road since September 2010 came to police headquarters to say that she was being evicted from the home. She has a two-year least on the home and has paid the rent each month. However she received a notice of eviction from the Westchester Sheriff’s Civil Unit on 3/21/12 saying that she had to vacate the property by 3/28/12. She was able to speak to the court appointed receiver and have the eviction delayed until the end of June. The landlord has been ordered to sell the house by the court and he cannot be reached. She believes the house was rented it to her illegally as he may no longer own the house.

Arrest: On February 22, Sonya Brinkley age 43 of Greenwich, CT was arrested by Greenwich Police for the theft of a rented car from Budget Car Rental on Scarsdale Avenue. In addition to being charged with larceny of a vehicle, Brinkley was charged with numerous vehicular violations, and two possible counts of narcotics possession. The stolen car was recovered in good condition on Fieldpoint Road in Greenwich and subsequently towed to Stamford, CT.

Missing Children: A worried Stratton Road mom called police at 7:56 am on Monday 4/2 when she feared her children had been placed on the wrong school bus. The two girls, ages 7 and 9, attend Solomon Schechter in White Plains and use the Scarsdale School buses to travel there. Their babysitter had put them on the bus that morning. However, since there was no Scarsdale bus service this week due to school vacation, the mother feared they had been put on the wrong bus. She called Solomon Schecter and they helped to locate the girls.

Bike Theft: A black Trek bike, valued at $560 was stolen from the bike rack on East Parkway in Scarsdale on March 19th. The owner, a Thornbury Road, man locked the bike to the rack with a Kryptonite cable lock at the rack around 5:30 am and when he returned at 3:30 pm the bike and lock were gone

Identity Theft: A Wildwood Road woman came to police headquarters on 3/27 to report that someone had opened three credit cards in her name at Kohl’s, Lane Bryant and Victoria’s Secret at the Green Acres Mall in Valley Stream. The majority of the purchases on the credit cards were for gift cards.

On 3/29 a Fox Meadow Road woman reported fraudulent charges on her 15 year-old daughter’s debt card totaling $1,118. The daughter lost track of the card and 18 purchases were made on it before it could be cancelled.

A Lyons Road woman received a letter from T Mobile stating that her application for service was denied – however she had never applied for an account. She also had unauthorized charges on her credit card a few months ago.

Tripped: A 66 year-old woman from Rutger Place Scarsdale reported that she tripped and fell on the bluestone when crossing the traffic island on East Parkway near Christie Place at 8 am on 3/26. She bruised her face, chin, hip and elbow. She reported on the incident on the afternoon of 3/29 saying that she was too dazed to report it at the time it occurred.

Attempted break-in? A Post Road woman called police on 3/31 when she feared that someone had entered her home. She had been out of town from 3/17 – 3/31 and when she returned home she found her front door closed, but unlocked. She also noticed that a pane on her rear kitchen door was broken. However the house was undisturbed and nothing was amiss.

Trash Talk: A Rural Drive woman called police at 7:44 am on 3/30 to complain that her neighbor had placed garbage for pick-up on her property. When police arrived they found the garbage on the curb near the property line and both homeowners believed the disputed property was theirs. While they were in discussion, the sanitation department came by to pick up the refuse.

Smoke: Fire trucks were dispatched to Massa Restaurant on Weaver Street at 7:57 am on 3/30 due to smoke. A lit cigarette had been tossed into a flowerbed but no damage was done to the building.

Found: On the afternoon of March 28th, a check made out to $350 in cash was found at the intersection of Chase and Popham Roads. The check was turned over to a patrolman in the area.

A hearing aid was found at the Chase Bank on East Parkway and Spencer Place at 5:30 pm on 3/29.

scarsdalesecuritylogoThis police report is sponsored by Scarsdale Security who does more than just security. Contact them about remote video for your home or business. Call 914-722-2200 or visit their website,



stoneurnMischief: Two large stone planters that sit in front of a Lockwood Road home were knocked over and damaged on the night of March 16th. The urns had been at the house from the time the current resident moved in and she did not know their value or why anyone would damage them.

Shortly after midnight on 3/17 a Park Road man reported that someone had damaged two lights at the entrance to his driveway.

Green paint was splashed on the front entrance of the Scarsdale Community Baptist Church, damaging the wood doors, stone wall, granite molding, brass kickplate and slate walkway overnight on March 17-March 18. The custodian found a half empty can of Rustoleum oil paint sitting on the walkway. The damage was estimated at $3,000 and there are no suspects.

A woman from Sheldrake Road called police on 3/12 to report that someone left a pile of rocks and bricks on her property. She suspected the debris may have been left there by a neighbor in retaliation for a previous incident.

On Ridgedale Road, a man awoke on the morning of 3/17 to find beer bottles and Chinese food containers on his front lawn. He had also heard carsgreenpaint honking horns in front of his house during the night. This was the latest in a string of similar incidents at his home.

Followed: Police received a report that a man in a white van was bothering a woman at the Edgewood playground on the afternoon of 3-17. The man asked the woman her name and when she replied, “Why,” he said, “Because I would like to know you better.” When the woman got concerned and started to run home, the man followed her in his van. She supplied police with a description of the man and the van but did not have the license plate number

Stolen: A forest green LL Bean bike was stolen from a bike stand on East Parkway on March 12. The owner left the bike at the rack at 5:45 in the morning and because his lock was not working properly he called his wife and asked her to come by and lock it up. She stopped by at 7 am and secured it with a red chain. However, sometime between 7 am and 8:45 pm that night the bike was stolen. The chain was missing too. Police will check video shot in front of Chase Bank to see if they can spot the culprit.

Arrested: Craig Schuman, age 55 of Yonkers turned himself into police on March 15 due to an outstanding warrant for driving an uninspected car with no insurance without a driver’s license.

Identity Theft: An Edgewood woman came to police to report that on 3/17 she got a call from a collection agency stating that she owed E-Bay $51.42 in listing and selling fees. The woman did not have an E-Bay account and was instructed to file a report with the police.

Public Urination: On the evening of 3/12 a Taunton Road man called police to say that youths were peeing near the pond. Police were unable to find the offenders.

Found: A Tompkins Road woman turned in a brown Falchi handbag she found in the bushes in front of her property on 3-15.

A wallet, belonging to a Bronx woman was found on Wynmoor Raod on the night of 3/13 and turned over to police. Police were able to contact the owner who came in to retrieve it.

Fight: Police were called at 4:50 on 3/15 about a fistfight at Scarsdale High School. When police arrived they spoke with teacher Adam Singer who is in charge of the Comprehensive Support Program for kids with autism. He said that one student was agitated because he lost his jacket but there was no fight and he did not need assistance from the police.

pitbullAnother Pitbull was spotted at 3 am at the intersection of Secor and Corell Road on 3/17. The New Rochelle Humane Society was called and they were able to remove the emaciated dog from the area.

A Stonehouse Road woman came to police on 3/12 for assistance going into her former home to collect some of her possessions.