Saturday, Oct 05th

golfballAround 4 pm on September 26 a Secor Road man made a disturbing discovery. He heard a woman screaming and he walked outside of his home and called 911. As he was calling he looked into a wooded area of the Sanitation Department property and saw the woman who was screaming on the ground with two men on top of her. She screamed, “Why are you doing this to me?” and “ “Mom”, “Mommy”. The caller had a limited view of the men. He turned away to call the police again and then saw a car leaving the area. Police searched the area for the car and the people but were unable to find either. A hotline broadcast was made to surrounding agencies.

Theft: Two men entered the 7-11 on Garth Road around noon on September 20 and began to request items that were behind the counter. One of the men distracted the store employee while the other grabbed the donation box for Muscular Dystrophy that was on the counter. The two then left the store. Police were able to capture the suspects’ faces on video. The amount of money in the stolen box is unknown.

Damage: The windows of a Village-owned shed at the transfer station at Crossway and Mamaroneck Road were found broken on 9/27. The windows are valued at $800.

Identity Theft: A Popham Road man reported that someone had made three fraudulent purchases on his credit card on 9/16 at an AT&T Store in Hoboken, N.J. totaling $4,000. He also stated that another fraudulent purchase of $1,200 had been made on his card at the same location about three months ago. At that time, the credit card company issued the man a new card, but the account number on the new card was very similar to his old account number.

Locked in: A Yonkers’ woman accidently locked her 5-month-old great grandson in a Jeep when she was in the process of having the valet park the car for her at the CVS on Popham Road. On the morning of 9/25, she left the keys on the drivers seat, closed the door and then realized the boy was locked inside. Al Porpora of Heathcote Exxon arrived and was able to unlock the car and remove the baby, who was in good condition.

Golf balls: A Sherbrooke Road woman called police on the morning of 9/27 to report that she found five golf balls on her property that were hit from her neighbor’s putting green on Heathcote Road. Police agreed to speak to the neighbor about the errant balls but the neighbor said they were away the previous weekend and no one was hitting golf balls. She also said that they have installed a net to catch the balls.

Plumbing supplies anyone? Residents of Lyons Road called police on the evening of September 27 when UPS delivered two large boxes from a plumbing and heating supply company to them. The packages were addressed to an unfamiliar name at their address. Police told them to call UPS and ask for them to take the boxes back.

Strange: A Carthage Road woman told police about two suspicious visits she received on 9-27 and 9-28. On 9-27 around 5 pm, two disheveled men appeared at her door and asked about the building materials that were used to build her house, claiming they wanted to replicate it. The next day, around the same time, an unkempt woman came to her door and asked about a tree that is located on the property line. The police said they would make extra ride-bys of the house.

Gunshot: On Hutchinson Avenue, three young men were planning with a BB gun at 1 am on 9/29 when the gun went off by accident and hit an 18-year-old boy on the side of the head. The shot caused a bump and the man refused medical attention. All three boys agreed it was an accident.

Recycling the recycling: On 9/29 a Sage Terrace man complained that boxes for recycling that di not belong to him had been left outside his house. There was no scheduled pick-up the following day. Police issued a summons to a neighbor whose name appeared on the boxes.

Noise from the dumpster: A Popham Road resident complained about noise from Savona Restaurant at 11 pm on September 30th. The woman said an employee of the restaurant was throwing glass bottles into a dumpster causing “excessive noise.” When she yelled down to him to stop, the employee threatened her. Police spoke to the restaurant’s chef who agreed to throw out bottles before 10 pm and said the employee would no longer be working there.

Note: last week we received several comments about the wording of the police report.  All terms in the report are taken directly from the police blotter and repeated here to add descriptive details to the incidents.

scarsdalesecuritylogoThis police report is sponsored by Scarsdale Security who does more than just security. Contact them about remote video for your home or business. Call 914-722-2200 or visit their website,


stormSeptember2012Arrested: Around 5 pm on September 23, police stopped a driver at the intersection of Popham Road and Depot Place because the man was speaking on his cell phone while driving. When police asked to see the man’s license he said that he did not have it with him and gave the police his passport, saying that his license may have a few suspensions for unpaid tickets. Police did a D.M.V. check and found that the man’s license had been suspended 7 times for failing to pay fines. The driver was identified as Ryan Duffield, age 32 of Edgewood Road in Scarsdale. Police took Duffield and his dog to headquarters and called his mother who came to pick up the dog. Though he had an outstanding warrant from another precinct, he was released on $200 bail and given a court date of 10/3.

Thomas Barr, age 44 of Port Chester surrendered to police in response to a bench warrant dating back to May 20, 2012. He was booked and brought before Justice Galloway who released him and gave him a court date of September 26.

Unruly Customer: The VP of Wells Fargo Ban on Chase Road called police on the morning of 9/22 when a customer acted in a threatening manner. The man and his Asian wife entered the bank and the man demanded that the bank notarize some paperwork. The bank officer attempted to read the paperwork to the wife who appeared to speak very little English. But the man grabbed the papers before the bank officer could read what it said, and picked up the officer’s name plate and came at her while yelling at her. He then left the bank with his wife. Police spoke to the man who claimed that he attempted to have the document notarized earlier in the week but it was incomplete. He said that when he returned to the bank, they would not notarize the document because his wife did not appear to understand what she was signing. The man was advised not to return to the bank and he agreed.

Disputes: A landscaper working on Leatherstocking at 8:30 am on 9/20 got into a dispute with his boss and called the police. The worker did not like the way the boss was treating him and wanted to quit. They got into a dispute about wages that were owed and the worker claimed that his boss hit him in the face while he was calling the police. When police arrived the boss admitted to trying to grab the phone out of the man’s hand. The two agreed to work the issue out themselves.

On 9/22 a Sage Terrace man complained to police that landscapers at a neighboring home on Ridgecrest North had cut down one of his own trees. Police said this was a civil matter and advised the man to contact his neighbor.

Marital Matters: A husband and wife from Murray Hill Road had a fight when they were driving home from a family event about the use of the navigation system. By the time police arrived the disagreement had ended and they required no assistance.

A Putnam Road woman complained that her ex-husband entered her home while she was away this summer and removed paintings, a lamp and a coffee table without her permission. On 9/21 an Eastchester woman came to the Scarsdale Police to report that she was concerned that her ex-husband would prevent her from picking up her daughter at nursery school. Police went to the school and spoke to the Director who gave the woman permission to pick up her daughter.

Inappropriate Behavior: On 9/21 a Heathcote man reported that a construction worker had made several passes at his wife earlier in the month while he was working in their home. The construction company terminated the man’s employment and the homeowner wanted to bar the man from returning to the house.

Missing Kids: A Greenacres man reported that his 14 year-old son and his nephew were missing on the night of September 22 at 9 pm. They had been gone since 7 pm. A few hours later, the boys were found and brought home to their parents.

Accidents: A Scarsdale woman driving a Subaru struck a pedestrian who was crossing Popham Road on the afternoon of Tuesday September 18. The condition of the pedestrian was not released.

A collision occurred between two cars at the intersection of Heathcote Road and Crossway on Saturday September 23 at 4 pm. A 32 year-old driver in a Lexus was turning onto Crossway from Heathcote Road. An 81 year-old driver from Yonkers driving a Toyota south on Crossway ran into the Lexus, hitting the passenger side of the car. The 81 year-old woman said she had chest pain and was taken to White Plains Hospital.

Damage: An exterior lamppost at a Tisdale Road home was damaged overnight on 9/16-9/17. The glass was broken and the top was knocked off the post. This is the third incident this year following damage to the lamp posts in April and May.

A branch from a village-owned tree on Brayton Road fell on a Honda Civic on the afternoon of September 18 and damaged the taillight.

The owner of a 2006 Nissan Sentra reported that a window of the car was broken while it was parked on Brite Avenue on the evening of September 18.. It was not apparent what caused the window to break.

Storm Damage: The storm on September 18 was the cause of many phone calls to the police about downed trees, wires and branches – see the list of locations below.

  • A tree fell at 14 Circle Road at 8:56 am and took down the wires
  • A branch feel at the intersection of Mamaroneck and Carthage Roads at 2 pm
  • A branch fell on Brayton Road and damaged a car at 2:30 pm
  • A tree fell and brought down power lines on Rodney Road at 3 pm
  • Wire covers fell in the yard of a Kingston Road home at 3 pm
  • A falling branch hit wires on Corell Road at 3 pm
  • A large tree fell on power lines at Fenimore Road at Brite Avenue at 5 pm
  • A large tree fell at Hyatt Field at 6 pm

In addition, at 8 pm, police report that they had responded to reports of falling trees and branches at:

  • Greenacres and Walworth Avenues
  • Sherbrooke and Duck Pond Roads
  • 7 Paddington Road
  • Secor Road
  • 26 Autenreith
  • 45 Popham Road
  • Kingston Road and Greenacres Avenue
  • Post and Lorraine Road
  • 4 Burgess Road
  • Tompkins and Chesterfield Roads
  • Palmer and Wynmor Roads
  • 6 Lincoln Road
  • 227 Madison Road

At 3:39 am on September 19 police got several calls about a possible transformer explosion at 26 Fenimore Road and found sparking wires but no fire. However, at 5:46 am a wire had fallen and was burning on the ground close to the sidewalk. Fenimore Road was closed between Oakstwain and Donellan and Con Edison was notified. A detour was set up and a portion of Fenimore Road was closed for the majority of the date while Con Edison made repairs. Later that day police received a complaint that drivers were going around the barricades.

Due to the repair on Fenimore Road, the traffic light at Walworth and Fenimore was not working and police were assigned to direct traffic there. In addition, the stop light was out at the intersection of Greenacres Avenue and Walworth and police delivered temporary stop signs to leave at the intersection. That light was not fixed until the following day.


lanternArrests: Stephen Lynch, age 48 of Gaylor Road, was arrested for drunk driving and refusing to take a breath test around 5 pm on September 7. Police found Lynch in his car with a flat tire blocking traffic on East Parkway. Police approached the car to help and Lynch tried to drive away. He seemed nervous, had bloodshot eyes, slurred speech and smelled of alcohol so the officer told him to turn off the car and turn over the keys. Lynch admitted to drinking four glasses of vodka but refused to complete a sobriety test. He was arrested and his car was impounded. Since he was so drunk he was sent to White Plains Hospital for treatment.

Shortly after midnight on September 10, police stopped Thomas R. Grimaldi, age 24 of Madison Road, when he was driving through a checkpoint on Garth Road at Popham Road. Police detected the smell of marijuana and asked Grimaldi to exit the car. They found a vial of a controlled substance called ketamine in the car’s center console and another vial of the substance on Grimaldi. Several “marijuana related items” were also found in the car. Grimaldi was charged with driving under the influence and possession of ketamine and marijuana. His Dodge was impounded, he submitted to drug testing and was brought before Judge Galloway who gave him a court date and released him.

Raul Caldron-Castillo, age 46 of Brooklyn, surrendered to Scarsdale Police in response to an active bench warrant on September 4th. He was arrested for driving without a license, going through a red light, and driving in the wrong direction on a one-way street. He was booked, given a court appearance date of September 5 and released on $100 bail.

Accidents: A Claremont Road mom accidentally ran over her seven-year-old son’s leg while she was pulling into the garage on the evening of September 4th. The boy got out of the car while she was still driving and she ran over his leg. He was taken to White Plains Hospital.

A 16-year-old Scarsdale girl rear-ended another car in the parking lot of Scarsdale High School on the afternoon of September 4. She said a bee flew into her face and distracted her, causing her to hit a parked car in the lot.

Missing Cow: Between August 30 and September 9, a small metal statue of a cow was taken from the lawn of a home at the corner of Popham and Lockwood Roads. The statue is valued at about $400.00.

Missing Girl: A concerned Greenacres mother came to police headquarters at 2:40 am on 9/9 to say that her daughter was out two hours beyond her curfew. While she was there her daughter was found.

Missing iPad: A 71-year-old woman from Willow Lane left her iPad in the Parkway Diner at 12:20 pm on September 4, and when she returned 25 minutes later the iPad was gone. Police agreed to check the diner to see if they had a video camera. At 3 pm that same day the woman returned to the diner and the staff found her iPad.

Missing iPhone: An employee at Savona Restaurant on Chase Road reported that his iPhone had been taken from the storage room while he was working there on the night of September 5. He was able to track the phone to Mt. Vernon where he said one of the restaurant’s dishwashers lived.

Dispute: A Quentin Road man called police to stand by to mediate as he removed kitchen equipment from his former home on the morning of 9/5. Police watched as the man selected pots, pans and flatware but after he was done, the wife said he was not allowed to take certain items. Since there was not an itemized list of what could be removed, police advised the couple to call their lawyers to agree on what should go and what should stay.

Mischief: A Church Lane woman reported damage to the decorative lights on her front walkway overnight on 9/4 – 9/5. The glass was broken on all four lights, two were ripped out of the ground and left on a neighbor’s lawn across the street and another one had been left in the middle of the road. The lights were valued at $4,000.00.

That same night a light valued at $200 was stolen from the yard of a home on Madison Road. The resident reported that on August 30th another light had also been taken.

Identity Thefts: On 9/4 a woman from Chateaux Circle reported that someone had opened a QVC credit card in her name and charged merchandise on the account.

A woman from Brambach Road reported that someone had used her personal information to change the password on her Citibank account and charged $14,000 at the Apple Store in White Plains to her account. She notified police on September 5, 2012.

A Nelson Road man was also the victim of fraud when he attempted to rent a condo in Toronto using Craig’s list. He found a condo that he liked on the site and wired a deposit of $1,105. However the owner said he never received the funds. The Scarsdale man traced the funds and found that they had been transferred and asked the recipient to confirm the condo booking - but never heard back from the man who claimed to be renting him the unit. He made the report on 9/7.

Falling branch: A tree branch fell in the driveway of a Mamaroneck Road home on the morning of 9/9 and damaged the trunk of car owned by a caretaker who was there at the time. The highway department was called to remove the branch.

Sick Raccoon: A Lincoln Road man called to report a sick raccoon in the road near the Heathcote School at 7:20 am on 9/5. Police shot and disposed of the animal.


scarsdale-police-car200Pedestrian Hit: On Sunday morning September 16 a Brewster Road man driving an Acura Jeep ran into a 16-year-old girl who was walking at the intersection of Fenimore Road and Walworth Avenue. The driver said that the girl walked into the car while the girl said she was struck while crossing the street. The injured pedestrian was taken to White Plains Hospital where she was treated for a broken ankle.

Dog hit: A New Rochelle woman ran over a 4-month-old St. Bernard puppy who belonged to a Cambridge Road resident on the afternoon of 9/14. The dog ran into the car as the woman was backing out of the driveway. The Scarsdale Fire Department lifted the car off the dog and the dog was taken to Central Animal Hospital.

Found: On the afternoon of September 12 a contractor working in a yard on Black Hawk Drive called police when he found a crying young child in the yard. By the time police arrived, the girl had been reunited with her mother. Police spoke to the mom who said her daughter was upset about breaking something and left the house without telling her mother.

A wallet, including credit cards and personal papers, was found in a bag of garbage at the Scarsdale dump on Secor Road on the morning of September 10th. The wallet belonged to a New Rochelle man and was returned to him.

Pile-up: A 17-year-old girl driving on Brewster Road on the morning of September 11 failed to stop quickly enough and rear-ended a second car that then ran into yet a third car. There were no injuries. All three drivers were 17-years-old.

Spill: A garbage truck leaked fluid from the power steering for 300 feet along Heathcote Road on the morning of September 17. The truck was towed and the Scarsdale Highway Department cleaned up the fluid.

Identity Theft: On 9/11, a Lee Road woman reported that she was the victim of identity theft when $3,000 in unauthorized charges were made to her credit card. She received an email from a company that she thought was Paypal asking her to update her account. After she provided all of the requested information including her social security number, credit card number, security code, and expiration date, unauthorized charges were made to her Visa account. It turns out that the email she received was a scam and was not from Paypal.

On 9/13 a woman who lives on Crossway reported unauthorized charges on her credit card made from a correctional facility. The two charges totaled $800 and she does not know anyone at the jail.

Arrests: Talicia Reynolds, age 25 of Brooklyn, was arrested on the strength of a bench warrant on September 12, arraigned before Judge Arlene Katz and released on $180 cash bail. Amardeep Shegill, age 31 of Scarsdale, was also arrested on the strength of a bench warrant on September 13, and given a court appearance date for September 19.

Strange: A woman from Fox Meadow School called police on the morning of September 12 to say that a man wearing a gray hoodie was sitting on Chesterfied Road reading comic books. Police checked the area but the man had already gone.

Locked in: A thirteen-year-old boy locked himself into a bathroom at his home on Ross Road and could not get out around 11 pm on September 13. The Fire Department came to the house and was able to open the door.

Fight: Police were called to mediate in a fight between a Lockwood Road man and his neighbor on Overhill Road on the afternoon of September 14. The Lockwood Road man claimed that his neighbor was “making noise and yelling at him.” Police have gone to this address numerous times about disputes between these two residents.

Raccoon in the road: On the morning of 9/15 police got a call about a raccoon lying on Mamaroneck Road in front of the Middle School. The raccoon appeared to be sick – so when it left the road, police shot it and the highway department took it away.



facebooklogoArrested: Jeremy Shvetz, age 33, of White Plains was arrested for aggravated harassment on August 28 after he posted a threatening message in the inbox of a Facebook account of a Scarsdale resident. Writen on or about August 3, the message said, “Bitches should go and die FXXXX You…”Hell no GTFO, Go Forth and Multiply…Do Not Pass this On… and if you do I will catch you in a dark alley and beat you bloody with a 2X4.” He also admitted to having a “reputation in Scarsdale for being a violent person.” The recipient feared for her safety and reported the incident to the police. Shvetz admitted to sending the messages and was arrested and arraigned before Judge Galloway. He was released on $1,000 bail and given a court date of 8/29.

On the morning of August 28 police stopped the driver of a Mack truck on the Post Road and found that the truck’s registration was suspended. Police removed the license plates from the truck and had it towed to a business address in Yonkers. Jason Mascolo of Yonkers was given a summons for driving the truck with a suspended registration.

At 11 am on 8/28, police stopped the driver of a 2005 Toyota on Walworth Avenue when he failed to come to a complete stop at the stop sign at Brayton Road. Police checked the man’s license and found that he had six suspensions. Police identified the driver as Jason Pareja, age 44 of New York City. He was handcuffed and taken to headquarters where he was released on $100 bail. His car was parked on Walworth Avenue.

Fights! After an altercation with an irate customer at the Scarsdale Post Office on Chase Road at 4 pm on 8/28, police were called. Police interviewed two postal workers and a witness about the incident -- and though the postal workers did not wish to file charges against the angry Yonkers man, they did ask police to tell him that he was no longer allowed to visit the Scarsdale Post Office.

A workman for Absolute Environmental complained about harassment from a resident on Ridgecrest East when he was working there on August 28. The neighbor asked what the worker was doing and demanded identification. When the worker refused to provide it, the neighbor reached into the workman’s car to grab his clipboard. Words were exchanged between the two and the worker reported the incident to the police who tried to reach the man but he had already left for work.

Damaged: On Kent Road, solar light fixtures bordering the front walkway of a home were damaged sometime between 8/21 and 8/27.The top solar panels from ten fixtures were removed. The fixtures were valued at $200.

On Madison Road, the glass in the side view mirrors from two cars were removed overnight on 8/30-8/31 when the cars were parked in the driveway. Mirrors were removed from a 2011 Honda Pilot and a 2003 Toyota Camry.

On Overhill Road, tires on Mercedes Benz and a Jeep were punctured. Four tires in all were damaged sometime between 7 am and 1 pm on September 3rd.

A New Rochelle man reported that on the night of 8/27 a tree branch fell on his car while it was parked at Depot Place where he was waiting to pick up his wife from the train. The branch caused $1,000.00 in damage to the car. He reported the incident on the following day when he realized the extent of the damage.

Unwanted Visitor: At 10 am on August 29, a Chase Road woman called police when a man, smelling of cigars and wheeling a briefcase refused to leave her property. She left her home through the back door, and by the time police arrived, the man was gone.

At 5:21 am on 8/28 police got a call about a man walking in the roadway who was possibly drunk. They picked up the resident who was walking in the rain and looking for a ride home to Weaver Street.

Animals: Police go a call from a jogger on the afternoon of August 31 after she saw a malnourished fox. She wanted the police to rescue it but they explained that they do not rescue wild animals. However police were able to help a Carthage Road man who had a sick raccoon under his car on September 1. When police arrived, the raccoon moved to a grassy area and the officer shot it, bagged it and took it away.


This police report is sponsored by Scarsdale Security who does more than just security. Contact them about remote video for your home or business. Call 914-722-2200 or visit their website,