Saturday, Oct 05th

carkeysBurglars returned to Fairview Road in Scarsdale, almost 2 months after their last break-in on the block on January 12 when sleeping residents were at home. This time, thieves entered the home on Saturday night March 10 while the residents were out. According to the police report, the house was entered sometime between 5:50 pm and 9:20 pm when the suspect(s) pried open the window on a glass door, opened the handle and entered the family room. Silverware, valued at $10,000 was taken from the kitchen and the master bedroom closet was heavily tossed. Stolen were watches and jewelry valued at $36,500.00.

At the time, two small dogs were in the house, one in a cage and one free. Both dogs are friendly. The burglar alarm was not activated. It appears that the suspect(s) left the property via the backyard, going over a stonewall that leads into White Plains. Neighbors were canvassed but no one had seen or heard anything suspicious.

Missing Keys at Massa Valet: A New Rochelle woman parked her Audi A3 with the valet at Massa on the evening of March 6h and went inside for dinner. When she and her husband came back out the valets claimed that they could not find the keys to either her or her husband’s car. They subsequently found her husband’s car key but hers never materialized. The owner of Massa was questioned and said there was a similar incident with the key to a Porsche last week. The owner of Tri-State parking, who employs the valets, agreed to pay the cost of the replacement key.

Harassed: On March 7, a 21- year-old young man from Bradford Road reported that he was being harassed by a 19 year-old Meadow Road girl. The man had received numerous threatening text messages and overheard her say, “I’m gonna bash in his head.”

The man was fearful because he had seen the girl carry large knives in the past and his parents were out of town. Police called the girl and left a message instructing her to refrain from all contact with the man but were unable to reach her.

On the afternoon of March 10, a resident of Chateaux Circle called police when an Eastchester man followed her to Chat and made her feel uncomfortable. The restaurant manager asked the man to leave but he refused. Once police arrived he agreed to go and was told not to return Chat again.

Arrest: Police stopped the driver of a 2003 BMW on East Parkway at 10:30 pm on 3/9 because they believed the windows of the car were tinted darker than the legal limit. They found that the driver, Fitzroy S. Blackstock of White Plains, had a suspended driver’s license due to speeding violation or misdemeanors and for driving while intoxicated. He also had numerous outstanding summons’. He was taken to the police station, booked for unlicensed driving and darkly tinted windows and released on $100 bail.

Dispute: A Nelson Road woman got into a verbal dispute with her neighbor on 3/7 after he cut down some shrubs along the property line without her consent. She was not sure to whom the bushes belonged as the property line is not marked.

An EZ Pass was stolen from a 1996 Buick that belongs to a Crossway man when it was parked at the Wilgrin Lot on Palmer Avenue on Saturday night 3-10.

A Carstensen Road woman found a damaged iPad on the street on the afternoon of 3/9. Police were unable to determine who owned it so the iPad is being held at the station.

Injured raccoon: In response to a call on 3/5 about an injured raccoon in the driveway of a Catherine Road home on March 5, police moved the animal to the backyard , shot it and disposed of it.

A green Saab was left in the Hitchcock Church Parking lot for four days, from 3/3-3/7. Police recommended that the church have the car towed away.



goldArrests: Juan Carlos Ochoa, age 31 of New Rochelle was arrested for drunk driving at 3:30 am on March 4 after he was stopped for speeding on the Post Road. Police pulled Ochoa over when his 2008 Infiniti swerved between lanes and struck a curb. When the officer approached the driver, he noticed the smell of alcohol and Ochoa admitted to drinking “six or seven vodka and cranberry drinks” at the Hudson Grill in White Plains. Ochoa was asked to get of his car and preceded to fail sobriety tests administered by the police. He was handcuffed, searched and taken to police headquarters where he was found to have a BAC of .19. He was released on $250 bail and issued an appearance ticket.

A Port Chester man was arrested on the afternoon of 2/27 after he was involved in an accident on Crane Road when he rear-ended another vehicle. When police asked for the man’s license, they found that it was revoked, due to numerous speeding violations and failures to answer summonses and pay fines. Consequently, Thomas Barr of Port Chester was arrested for driving without a license. His car was towed, he was given a court appearance date and released on $100 bail to a friend.

Kelli Fleming of White Plains was turned over to Scarsdale Police by White Plains police due to an active bench warrant on the morning of 2/29. Fleming was brought to Scarsdale Village Court where she paid the fine and was released.

Thefts: On 3/1 a Clarence Road woman reported that over $11,000 in jewelry was missing from her home. She last remembered seeing the policeshieldjewelry on 2/11 and noticed it was gone when she returned from vacation on 2/23. No one had access to the house and there were no signs of forced entry.

In addition, a White Road man reported that an $8,000 Rolex watch disappeared from his bedroom sometime on 2/23. No one was home at the time the watch vanished.

A car was vandalized while it was parked on Brewster Road near Scarsdale High School on 2/27. The student returned to the car at 2:10 in the afternoon and found that the driver’s side window was broken and an iPhone that had been left in the car was gone.

The wallet of a Scarsdale student was stolen from his pants pocket when he left the pants in a gym locker at Scarsdale High School on the morning of 2/28. Taken were $60 in cash and two credit cards.

On 3/1, a Mamaroneck Road man reported the theft of his carry-on bag in Paris. The bag contained wallets, credit cards, identification cards, personals papers, check books, a passport, car and house keys and cash in dollars and Euros. Though he reported the theft in France, he also needed to file a report in the U.S. to file for an insurance claim.

Suspicious call: A Greenacres resident reported a suspicious phone call on the afternoon of 2/27. The caller claimed that he worked for Con Edison and threatened to turn off the power if a past due bill was not paid within an hour. The caller instructed the resident to go to CVS and buy a “moneypack” in the amount of $450.95 – and to wait for instructions. The resident called Con Edison who said that there was no outstanding bill. Police tried to contact the caller but the number was not in service.

Identity theft: A Church Lane woman reported that she was the victim of fraud involving the NYS Department of Taxation. In early January she received a letter adjusting her 2011 refund though she had not yet filed. The NYS Tax Department had also received a refund claim using her identity. They instructed her to file a police report so that they could investigate.

Found: A Motorola cell phone was found at the intersection of Paddington and Ogden Roads on the afternoon of March 3rd. The police are holding the phone.

On 2/28, a Wayside Lane man and his lawyer were permitted to enter the home of his wife to retrieve nine boxes of personal financial documents. Though the boxes could not be found the man did take some additional documents.

Locked in: On the night of 3/3, police received a call from a Drake Road home, about a woman who had locked herself in the bathroom. Police went to the house and were able to open the door.

scarsdalesecuritylogoThis police report is sponsored by Scarsdale Security who does more than just security. Contact them about remote video for your home or business. Call 914-722-2200 or visit their website,



gaylormapBreak-in: A Gaylor Road home was entered on the night of February 15 when the residents were out. It appeared that thieves entered via a dining room window and left through a door in the basement. Though the family has not compiled a complete list of missing items, they did report that a diamond ring, a camera, an iPad, a computer and coins were missing.

Pedestrian Struck: A 5 year-old girl, crossing Popham Road at the intersection of Chase Road was hit by a car driven by an Irvington woman just before 5 pm on February 17. The girl was crossing the street in front of the bridge – heading south, when the driver made a right turn from Chase onto Popham and struck her. The girl’s condition was not reported.

Identity Theft: An Oak Way woman was billed for $2,448.12 from Hewlett Packard for goods she neither ordered nor received. She received a Fedex slip on 2/2 instructing her to sign for a package and did so. Though she never received the Fedex package she was told that two 13-pound boxes were delivered to her home on 2/6 and left on the porch. The billing was done through “Bill Me Later.”

A Walworth Avenue woman who is the treasurer for a non-profit organization reported that two fraudulent checks, each for $2,500 were cashed at a Chase Bank in Illinois. The two checks bore her signature and may have been fraudulent replicas of previous checks.

Theft at IHM: A basketball referee who was working at IHM had $200 in cash, his iPhone and radio stolen from a room at the school during a game on February 11

Car Break-in: An Acura, that belongs to a Connecticut woman was vandalized while it was parked at Hoff Barthelson on the evening of 2/16. When the owner returned to the car at 6:30 pm, she found that the driver’s side window was smashed and her iPhone and checks were stolen.

Arrest: Lamon Terrell Thigpen, age 26 of White Plains was arrested on the night of 2/17 due to an outstanding bench warrant. He was arrested in the Bronx on 2/16 and police found that there was an outstanding warrant for him in Scarsdale dating back to 4/6/11. He was arraigned by Judge Galloway and released on $500 bail.

Locked Out: A grandmother locked herself out of a Wayside Lane home on the morning of 2/15, leaving her 1 year-old granddaughter alone inside. Police broke a window to get into the house and found that the child was fine.

Found: A set of BMW keys were found at the intersection of Mamaroneck and Garden Roads on the afternoon of 2/18. The set included a BMW keyless remote and two keys. The set has been turned over to the Scarsdale police.

firetruck2Fire at the Library? We received a call on Tuesday afternoon about fire trucks on Brewster Road spraying a geyser of water toward theScarsdale Library.  Was the building on fire? Fearing the worst, we rushed to the pond, camera in hand and found a line-up of Scarsdale trucks and a huge spray of water on the pond. But at first glance, everything at the library looked fine. Turns out the firemen were conducting a training drill with a new recruit to the force, and learning  how to use the equipment.  Check out these photos of the waterfall!









scarsdalesecuritylogoThis police report is sponsored by Scarsdale Security who does more than just security. Contact them about remote video for your home or business. Call 914-722-2200 or visit their website,

scarsdale-police-car200Harassed: On 2/21 an Edgewood woman complained that she was receiving unwanted phone calls from the ex-wife of a boyfriend. She agreed not to file charges if both the wife and the boyfriend would leave her alone.

Missing Rental Car: A representative from Budget Car Rental advised police on 2/22 that a Ford Focus, rented by Sonya Brinkley on 1/11/2012 had not been returned to the Scarsdale Shell Station on Scarsdale Avenue – and they were unable to reach Ms. Brinkley. Budget had tried to reach the woman by letter and by phone and driven by her home but they could not find her or the car.

Inside Job: On 2/23, DeCicco’s reported that they suspected an employee of stealing from the store between from 12/24/11 and 2/23/12. The matter is being investigated.

Missing Boxes: On 2/23, a former resident of Wayside Lane in Scarsdale complained that 9 FEDEX boxes, weighing 185 pounds, had been delivered to the home on 2/15 but were now missing. The boxes contained financial documents pertinent to the man’s divorce. Neither his ex-wife, who lives at the home, or the nanny said they had seen the delivery.

Missing Bills: On 2/24 police responded to the Bank of America on Christie Place about two missing $100 bills. An employee of the salon next door had come in for change. The teller gave her the change and the salon employee left the bank. At that point the teller realized she did not have the two $100 bills. The teller walked to the salon to ask if the bills were there, but she was told they were not there.

However, the salon subsequently searched the cash drawer, found the two one hundred dollar bills at the bottom of the pile and returned them to the bank.

Car Mischief: A car cover, valued at $130 was taken off a car parked in the Christie Place garage, sometime between 2/18 and 2/25. In addition, the driver’s side mirror valued at $410 was removed from another car parked in the Christie Place garage on 2/23.

Identity Theft: On 2/25, a Huntington Road man reported that someone had used his personal information to open a credit card account and billed $11,000 to the card between 7/1/11 and 2/25/12.

Nasty: At 10 pm on 2/21 a Hamilton Road woman called police when someone rang her bell and left a paper bag on her front step. Police arrived and looked inside the bag which appeared to contain animal “waste.” The woman did not know who rang the bell.

Home alone: A 4 year-old Edgewood girl called police at 3:30 on 2/22 to report that her babysitter had left her and her one year old brother alone. Police went to the house and found that the babysitter had been in the bathroom when the four year old could not find her.

From the Greenburgh Police:

Richard A. Goods
Greenburgh Police Chief Joseph DeCarlo announced the arrest of a young men from White Plains in connection with the shooting of a 35 year-old Elmsford man on the night of 2/20. At 9:16 pm on 2/20, police found a 35 year-old man lying in a driveway on Sears Avenue in Elmsford, suffering from multiple gunshot wounds. He was taken to Westchester Medical Center. On Friday 2/24 at 4:20 pm, Richard A. Goods, age 18 of 26 Manhattan Avenue White Plains, was charged with aiding, abetting and acting in concert with Andrew Grant, age 21 of 33 Oak Street in White Plains. At his arraignment that night, Goods was charged with attempted murder, assault, conspiracy and criminal possession of a weapon. He was remanded to the Westchester County Jail.


Andrew Grant
Police have issued an arrest warrant for Andrew Grant who was identified as the shooter. The weapon has not been recovered. The Greenburgh Police ask anyone with information about Grant’s whereabouts to contact them at 914-682-5331 or to call 911.

(Update 2-28)
On Tuesday February 28, 2012, at 12:00 Noon, Andrew Grant, age 21 of 33 Oak Street White Plains NY, surrendered to Greenburgh Detectives at Greenburgh Police Headquarters with his attorney. He was charged with Attempted Murder 2nd Degree, Assault 1st Degree, Criminal Possession of a Weapon 2nd Degree and Conspiracy 2nd Degree. He was booked and held for arraignment in the Greenburgh Town Court.

scarsdalesecuritylogoThis police report is sponsored by Scarsdale Security who does more than just security. Contact them about remote video for your home or business. Call 914-722-2200 or visit their website,

diamondLost and Found: A City Island man left his $12,600 racing bike unlocked at the bike rack on Spencer Place in Scarsdale for just twenty-five minutes on the afternoon of February 7th when he went into Starbucks to use the restroom. When he returned, the bike was gone. The racing bike was a Time UXRS Ulteam racer.

A Tompkins Road woman reported that she had lost two rings on February 2nd. When she was getting her nails done, she took off her diamond engagement ring, valued at $60,000 a diamond wedding band worth $12,000 and a gold and diamond ring valued at $6-$7,000. She placed them in her pocket, but when she checked her pocket later in the day the rings were gone.

A wallet was found at Wilson Jewelers on 2/8. Police contacted the owner and returned it to her.

Arrest: Mikkel Miller of White Plains appeared at Scarsdale Village Court on 2/8 to pay a fine for traffic summonses when the court officer noticed that there was an active bench warrant for Miller for other unpaid fines. He was arrested, and brought to Police Headquarters and then returned to court where he paid the remaining fines and was released.

Harassed: A Taunton Road woman came to police after she was harassed by some men in a black SUV that was parked on her street on the afternoon of 2/8. Police later learned that the men in the car were harassing her about a business deal that the woman’s husband had where a considerable amount of money was lost. A lawsuit is pending.

A 95 year-old Stonehouse Road man got a crank phone call on 2-9 from someone who claimed that the Scarsdale man’s grandson was arrested on drug charges in Cuzco, Peru. The caller instructed the Scarsdale man to go to Pathmark on Central Avenue in Yonkers and wire $2,000 to release his grandson from jail. The Scarsdale man’s housekeeper recorded the call. The Scarsdale man called his grandson, who was at work in NYC. Police called the crank caller and told him to stop calling, but the caller did not believe he was speaking to the police.

Owners of a heating and cooling company on Colonial Road reported a conflict with a former client on 2/9. The client had made threatening phone calls to the company. Police contacted the client who said he made full payment for air conditioning at his home in Tarrytown last year, but the unit had never been installed. Police advised the man to hire a lawyer or go to small claims court.

Broken Window: On 2/9 a Rock Creek Lane woman reported that something had flown through her laundry room brokenwindowwindow, broken the window and dented the furnace. Police could not find the “unknown projectile” in the house.

Identity Theft: On 2/11, a Christie Place woman reported a fraudulent charge on her Amex card. She received a package from Amazon containing headphones that she did not order and that were charged to her credit card.

A Saxon Woods Road man reported that someone assumed his identity and filed for a state and federal tax refund in his name for 2010 on 2-11. When the man filed his own taxes the IRS told him that taxes were already filed in his name using his social security number.

On 2/12, a resident of Search for Change on Post Road called police to report that one of her friends had misused her Social Security fund while she was hospitalized. The woman had given her friend access to her account to pay some bills.

Death: Norma Zorn, age 82 of White Birch Lane was found dead in her home at noon on February 12th. Police went to the home to check on her welfare and found that she had passed away.

Animals: A Greenacres Avenue woman called about a squirrel that was trapped in her laundry room. When police arrived they found a small chipmunk in the house and were able to chase it out to the front yard.

Suspicious Behavior: Police got a call about a man who was sitting at the Greenacres Playground and removing his clothing on the afternoon of 2/8. When they arrived they found a woman who stays at the Salvation Army home on Sterling Avenue in White Plains. She was changing her socks. Police drove her back to the home.

A Rock Creek Lane man asked police to escort him to his house that his ex-wife was turning over to him on 2/10. The walk through was completed without incident.

scarsdalesecuritylogoThis police report is sponsored by Scarsdale Security who does more than just security. Contact them about remote video for your home or business. Call 914-722-2200 or visit their website,